December 31 is a red day of the calendar or not. The new year will begin in the old. Church holiday - Modestov's day

Many people start celebrating the New Year on the morning of December 31st. And it is quite clear the desire of many to move away on this day from everyday work and various production issues. After all, there is so much to do, given that there are long new year holidays, which you need to devote to the holidays and a good rest from worries. After all, many people have earned it through hard work. In addition, there is always a desire to conduct with dignity old year.

So, despite the fact that the New Year holidays are ahead of the majority of the population of our country every year, many fellow citizens are concerned about the question of whether lawmakers will make December 31 a day off. Indeed, in a matter of hours before the new year, a lot needs to be done, for example:

Buy food and cook festive table;
stock up on gifts for your loved ones;
tidy up your appearance;
congratulate all your relatives and friends;
Finally, put up and beautifully decorate the Christmas tree.

Therefore, many would like to rest on December 31 instead of January 8, since in fact this day is already beyond the scope of the holiday.

What do we have today

In fact, the problem with the holiday on December 31 is solved automatically in 2016 and 2017, since in these 2 years the pre-holiday day falls on Saturday and Sunday. However, if December 31 in other years falls on weekdays, then labor legislation makes it possible to reduce the working day by one hour. These are the realities of today, and there is no getting away from them yet. It is quite possible that parliamentarians will finally decide to make adjustments, but more on that below.

At the same time, there are also people in the administration of many companies who are happy to let their employees go home early. In addition, there are enough firms that allow people not to go to work at all on this day.

Regional authorities have the right to declare December 31 a day off today. So, for example, they did it on the eve of 2016 in Sevastopol. In many ways, this was due not only to concern for people, but also to objective reasons caused by the energy blockade by Ukraine.

Should we expect changes in the future?

From time to time, deputies come up with an initiative to make December 31 a day off instead of January 8. The first legislative proposals appeared in 2014. Pushed on them human logic, which suggests that it is unlikely that on this day most people will work in full force. And if so, then declaring a day off is quite reasonable. But the voice of the deputies has not yet been heard by their colleagues.

Moreover, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation opposes declaring December 31 a day off. This is due to the fact that it is at the very end of the year that the lion's share of all budget calculations falls. Therefore, if December 31 becomes a holiday, then employees of budgetary institutions will receive a certain increase in wages, which will entail an additional burden on the state treasury.

Be that as it may, the issue of giving December 31 the status of an official day off will be repeatedly raised in all the corridors of power. And there is hope that sooner or later people will still have a rest on the last day of the outgoing year.

December 31, 2018 falls on a Monday and is the last working day of the year. However, according to the decision of the Government, this day has been moved to Saturday, December 29, which will become the 6th working day with a 5/2 work schedule. For those citizens who work a six-day week, this will be a normal working day, not related to transfers.

However, it will be shortened by 1 hour, according to the general rules for shortening before public holidays. So, the Government made its decision: December 31, 2018 is not a working day, but a day off for all citizens of Russia.

New Year's holidays start differently

Due to the transfer of the working day on December 31, 2018, Monday, to the previous day off - Saturday, December 29, the last working week was extended by 1 day. But her tension is smoothed out by the fact that the 29th is a working day shortened by 1 hour, which is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

yandex_ad_1 On the other hand, the long weekend will start on Sunday, December 30th, and will give the housewives the opportunity to perfectly prepare for the festive feast. But this is for those who work on a 5/2 schedule.


With a six-day working week in Russia, there are 5 days off in December: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. Transfers are not provided for a six-day work week. On December 31, citizens with such a work schedule go to their jobs and work according to the rules of the pre-holiday day, with a decrease in its duration by 1 hour. December 31, 2018 is a normal working day for them, or it will be brightened up with corporate gatherings. Celebrations for them will begin in the evening, when people will gather around lavishly laid tables.

Interesting! How to meet New Year 2019 to be successful

However, these citizens will have enough time to spend the old year, to celebrate the arrival of the New Year to the sound of chimes.

Which day will officially become the last working day this year, it turns out differently for some categories of employees. For some it will be the 29th, for others it will be December 31st. Also, the New Year holidays for some employees will begin on December 30, 2018, while for others - only on January 1, 2019, and the rest will last not 10, but only 8 days.

yandex_ad_2 This is important for families who have planned trips to the resort in advance, even on such a long weekend, literally every day is important. It is necessary to plan the purchase of tickets, accommodation in a hotel, timely return home by the end of the holidays. All citizens go to work the same way - on January 9, on Wednesday, regardless of the length of the working week.

The government made a standard transfer

Government Decree approved transfers in the last days of the outgoing 2018. In order not to interrupt the long vacation, on Saturday, on the 29th, citizens working on a five-day work day will return to their places instead of December 31st.

Thus, Monday, the 31st day, which ends the working year, becomes an additional day off.

According to experts, this day will be inefficient in work - everyone will be tuned in to the beginning of the holidays, and the reduction of the day by 1 hour will knock the workers out of their usual rhythm. The fact that it will be a long work week of 6 days instead of the usual 5 will also play its role. Nevertheless, the decision has been made, and the holidays are being extended.

In our country, this is truly a long-awaited holiday. It portends an active long vacation, excellent cuisine, the opportunity to go on a trip for ten days, forgetting about everyday problems. During this period, the whole country lives an almost unreal, even fabulous life. And the Russians, by tradition, are in the sweet expectation of miracles. Weekends usually start on January 1st and continue through Christmas. But what about December 31, should it be considered holiday or work?

Pre-holiday fuss

Preparations for the celebrations usually begin long before the New Year. Many people have been thinking about the various nuances of the holiday since the end of September. In agonizing expectation big day prepare gifts for relatives and colleagues, trying to impress them with something unusual. Russians buy tickets for Christmas trees for children, plan competitions and quizzes, order Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens so that kids continue to believe in miracles, and adults do not forget that they still happen in life, although most often they have to be created with their own hands.

In the last weeks of the outgoing year, everyone is especially interested in the festive table. Hostesses learn new recipes and remember traditional dishes to please family members and guests. Most Russians prefer to stock up on groceries in advance. The final stage of preparation takes place on the eve or on the working day of December 31, which, unfortunately, is not a holiday in Russia. But there is always a reason to congratulate colleagues and colleagues, rejoicing with them on the New Year. However, everyone’s mood is already non-working, so I really want to stay at home and devote myself to pleasant preparation and chores!

There are happy coincidences

But exceptions, fortunately, happen, and on the last day of the outgoing year, sometimes there is a chance to relax. It all depends on whether December 31 will be a holiday, that is, whether it falls on the calendar in this particular year on Saturday or Sunday. The outgoing 2017 is a clear confirmation of this. It gives the opportunity to prepare for the holiday without fuss and daily hassle for those who work on a schedule five or six days a week. The last day of 2017 is Sunday, so there's no point in wondering "Is December 31 officially a public holiday or a work day?". The last month of the old year gave the workers ten days off. Exactly the same number of Russians will have to rest in a row in And only January 9 will be the first working day, eagerly awaited in 2018.

When will it happen again?

Whether December 31 is a holiday or a workday, the calendar can tell. The next time Sunday this day will be only in 2023, and in the previous year 2022 the last day will be Saturday, which may also be for most pleasant surprise. Further, on Sunday, the eve of the New Year will become only in 2028. The indicated year will turn out to be a leap year, for this reason there will be a shift, because the previous 2027 will end on Friday. On Saturday, this day after 2022 will not fall soon. Such a coincidence will happen only in 2033, and in the next 2034 the last day will again be Sunday.

Who works on the night of miracles?

It is clear that many professions are so important and irreplaceable that their representatives simply cannot suspend their activities, so the holiday or working day of December 31 is not important for them. They are always at their post. These heroes of labor include, first of all, doctors, policemen, security guards and rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They will have to ensure peace and protect the health of people on the eve of the holiday and new year's eve. The same applies to drivers of vehicles and catering workers, as well as employees of enterprises and institutions who do not have the opportunity to suspend their activities. And, of course, store sellers will work, whose revenue on December 31 on a holiday or working day, as you know, is consistently fantastically high.

Labor code on holidays

Weekend work is prohibited and should only take place in exceptional cases. This provision is enshrined in the Labor Code. In addition, coming to work on weekends and holidays is possible only with the consent of the employee or in situations where the further work of the company really depends on it, that is, in force majeure and emergency circumstances.

In this regard, whether, according to the law, December 31 is a holiday or a working day, it is considered a matter of principle, because an employee deprived of rest on this day has every right to count on compensation. It can be provided in the form of an additional day off. But in this situation, the employee loses the chance for additional pay. Otherwise, the employee is entitled to monetary compensation. Thus, whether December 31 turns out to be a holiday or a work day, this fact is of decisive importance for calculating wages, since work on a day off must be paid at a double rate.

From the history of the holiday

Until 1700, the New Year in Russia was not celebrated in January at all. The celebration took place in March. And only with the onset of spring and the arrival of heat, the countdown of the first day in the coming year was started.

This situation changed only with the accession to the throne of Peter I. And ours began to be celebrated, as now, on January 1. True, the celebrations were held according to the Julian calendar, or, as it is now customary to express it, according to the old style. Therefore, in 1700, the holiday came 10 days later than in Europe, because the Russian calendar was so late in those days compared to the Gregorian one. This chronology was introduced in our country only after the revolution (in 1918) by decree of the new government. Modern Russians owe this event to their other widely celebrated and traditional holiday called "Old New Year", which comes 13 days later, but is no longer considered a day off.

New Year's celebrations over the last 100 years

From 1929 to 1935 In Russia, it was not customary to celebrate New Year's dates at all. Moreover, the holiday was among the banned ones, as many associated it with Orthodox Christmas. But soon the prohibitions were over, and brightly dressed Christmas tree again became a favorite pastime of the children. Was December 31 a holiday or work day? In those days, not only the eve of the holiday, but also January 1 were considered the most ordinary days, which only in 1947 were officially declared days off. But January 2 was considered a working day. This situation changed only in 1992.

Since then, the number of holidays (winter holidays, as they are now called) has increased significantly. Since 2005, the New Year festivities have been extended until January 5, and taking into account the Christmas celebrations, they were 10 days long. True, in 2013 the holidays slightly decreased and now they usually continue until January 8th.

The question that the last day of the year should be made a day off was submitted for consideration by the deputies of the Liberal Democratic Party. Now officially December 31 is a working day, although it can be called such with a huge stretch. Many organizations in last days December "let go" of their employees to prepare for the holiday, some take a couple of days at their own expense to go on a trip and celebrate the New Year not on the road, in a place of rest. And those few who still spend December 31 at the workplace, as a rule, think not so much about work as about the upcoming holiday. This is what the deputies of the Liberal Democratic Party “rested” on.

The authors of the bill proposed to “shift” the New Year holidays by one day, moving the day off from January 8 to December 31. In their opinion, this would create a “positive emotional background” in the country and facilitate preparations for the holiday.

However, the State Duma Labor Committee did not support the idea of ​​making December 31 a day off and recommended rejecting the bill in the first reading.

Why is December 31st a working day?

Mikhail Tarasenko, First Deputy of the Labor Committee, believes that the authors of the bill took a superficial look at the situation. He believes that December 31 should remain a working day, because by the first day of the New Year, all financial calculations for the old one should already be carried out. And, if you make this day a holiday, then according to the law, all those people who have to go to work on this day will have to pay wages doubled.

In addition, Mikhail Tarasenko recalled that December 31 is officially considered a pre-holiday day, when the working day is reduced by one hour. In his opinion, this is quite enough for pre-holiday preparations.

Thus, in the question of whether December 31 is a day off or a working day, another bullet point was put. The last day of the year remains a working day, and according to the law, Russians can only count on being able to leave work an hour earlier.

    December 31, 2016 will be a public holiday for those who work according to the schedule of the five-day work week. In the case of a rolling schedule, December 31 can be either a working day or a holiday, if the working week is 6 days, December 31 is a shortened working day.

    In general, some deputies believe that we have too many holidays, so a bill has been submitted to the State Duma to cancel the transfer of the day off to the next Monday in the case when a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday.

    This amendment has been in force since 1992, when there were only 9 public holidays. Today there are 14 holidays, and taking into account the transfer, their number increases every year by a few more days. Because of this, the level of labor productivity decreases, the activities of enterprises destabilize, for example, only in January holidays industry loses up to 10% of its revenue.

    December 31 in 2016 falls on a Saturday, which is a public holiday, so it will be a non-working day for those who have a five-day work week. The dream of many is that December 31 is always a non-working day and it would be possible to properly prepare for the celebration of the New Year without a park. Such a proposal was submitted to the State Duma, and perhaps our deputies will soon consider it and officially make December 31 a non-working day. We can only wait.

    Now the State Duma of the Russian Federation is discussing a bill on amending the legislation, after which December 31 can permanently become a day off, regardless of whether it is a working day or a day off.

    But this does not apply to December 31, 2016, since according to the calendar it falls on Saturday. Therefore, if no additional amendments are made, then it will be a day off.

    The State Duma has already raised the issue of setting December 31 as a holiday non-working day, however, the bill is still far away, however, in spite of everything, December 31, 2016 already falls on a day off and falls on Saturday, which means that all five-day workers will be able to properly prepare for the new year.

    As far as I know, December 31, 2016 will definitely be a day off for all Russian five-day workers, since it falls on Saturday. In addition, if in 2015 the State Duma Russian Federation finally makes December 31 a holiday, then the day off from Saturday, December 31, 2016, will be moved to one of the working days of 2017, and Friday, December 30, 2016, in this case will be a short working day.

    Saturdays are days off. December 31, 2016 will be a national holiday. The State Duma is going to make the last day of the outgoing year a day off. On Friday, employees finish work at the workplace and go on vacation.

    December 31, 2016 is a Saturday. Accordingly, those who have a five-day work week will legally rest on this day. Those who have a week of six working days will have a 1 hour shorter working day.

    December 31, 2016 falls on a Saturday, so this pre-holiday day will be a day off for many Russians who work five days a week. New Year's holiday weekend officially begins on December 31, 2016 and will last until January 10, 2017. In total, the weekend will last 10 days according to production calendar approved by the government of the Russian Federation.

    For many people, December 31, 2016 will not be working, since Saturday and Sunday will be considered non-working for people who work five days a week. Although the State Duma is still deciding what to do with December 31, there may still be changes.

    December 31, 2016 will be a holiday, as this time December 31 falls on a Saturday. So, but they say that the State Duma wants to make December 31 an official day off, so it is possible that soon we will always have a rest on the 31st.

    December 31, 2016 will be more than 2 years later, and what will happen there and how is still unknown. At the moment, a bill has been submitted to the Duma to make December 31 a holiday non-working day.

    Or maybe it's the end of the world.)

    According to the calendar, December 31, 2016 is Saturday, respectively, for those who work on a five-day work week, this is a day off, and for those who work on a six-day work week and for those whose work schedule is calculated from the 6-day work week calendar, this is a working day .

    December 31, 2016 - Saturday. Consequently, all enterprises, private organizations, industries with a five-day working week will rest. Friday, December 30 can be made a shortened day by 1 hour. At the moment, the State Duma is considering making December 31 an official holiday, this law can be adopted as early as 2015, I think that this is relevant and will please many citizens, because preparations for the holiday require an additional day off ...