The most candid photos of the ex-wife of Andrei Yeshchenko, who undressed for Maxim magazine. Following a colleague: humorist Svyatoslav Yeshchenko divorced his wife Transfer to Anji

Andrei Yeshchenko's wife survived the betrayal of her husband two years ago. The environment of the couple was amazed, because the 32-year-old Dynamo Moscow defender and his wife Maria doted on each other. The lovers dated for several years before getting married in 2006.

In October 2013, their daughter, Alice, was born. And a year later, the athlete unexpectedly cheated on his chosen one. A photo of a football player and a girl he became interested in appeared on social networks and made a lot of noise. According to sources on the Internet, Yeshchenko is still happily married. StarHit found out how the scandalous story actually ended.

“Our relationship ended a month and a half after he left for Krasnodar to play for Kuban. He left us with Alisa in Moscow, explaining that it would be difficult for an eight-month-old child to endure the hot southern sun. And besides, supposedly the contract could have ended at the end of autumn, ”Maria Yeshchenko tells StarHit. - Andrei flew away in July, and in August I first noticed a disturbing change in his behavior during our telephone conversations. When he once again came home, I could not stand it and got into his phone. Probably to make sure that all this seemed to me, and to calm down.

But the woman's fears were confirmed. Soon Maria managed to find out the truth, but this story took an unexpected turn. Yeshchenko contacted the woman who took her lover away and tried to find out what really connected them.

“I couldn’t resist, I called her. She did not hide anything, told everything as it is. After hanging up, I realized that I did not know how to proceed with this information, how to live with it. After all, I loved Andrei very much, he was my own person, and I never even thought that we could part. After all, shortly before this, we planned a second child, and here such a betrayal, ”recalls Maria. Andrew was furious. “You yourself are to blame for everything, there was nothing to rummage around and look for, and now I need to think whether I want to be with you or not, since you already know everything,” he told me when I confessed everything. The next day he left. But I stayed. Wait".

Maria clutched at hope like a drowning man at a straw. For a long time she waited for the situation to change - her beloved would come to her senses and return to the family. But day by day it got harder. Most of all, according to the confessions of the former chosen one of the famous football player, she was afraid for her daughter. The woman realized that one day the baby would want to know why she and dad were not together.

“It was insanely painful. Before, I could not even imagine that such pain exists. And the worst thing is that I had no idea when it would end and how I would cope with it. It was hell. The sun that shone seemed black, - the ex-wife of the athlete admits. - Sometimes we called each other. He said that he no longer communicates with that woman. Offered to go on vacation in December, along with our friends, so that we could mend our relationship. I believed. Many said: “Forget it! Take care of the child! Where is your pride! Yes, that's probably what you should have done. But I treasured our family. I could not imagine that my Alice would grow up without a dad. I myself grew up in an incomplete family, so I know what it is. I thought: “What will I tell her when she asks about her father?” These thoughts were killing me."

The woman spent more than a month waiting for her husband to come to his senses and return to the family.

“Everything changed on October 31, Halloween. On that day, I accidentally stumbled upon a photo of Andrey in the Instagram feed. With her. With painted faces for the holiday. The second blow was stronger than the first, and I did not survive it, - says Maria. “He has been lying to me all this time! There is no more hope! ”, - spinning in my head. And I decided to take a desperate step - I wrote about that woman in my microblog. Now I regret it, because I had no right to touch my personal life anymore. But then I was literally in a state of passion from resentment and anger. After all, I was ready to forgive him for betrayal, I was waiting for him, and he ... I wanted people to simply take pity on me, advise me what to do next. I didn't know how to deal with it myself. Yes, now I’m ashamed, but I didn’t see another way. ”

Soon Maria managed to pull herself together and soberly assess the situation. In relationship with ex-husband final point has been made. Now Maria is happy in a new relationship.

“Now I understand that she is not to blame. Only the man is to blame for cheating. And women - they just fight for their happiness by any means. And does not matter, married man or not, - says Maria, - Subsequently, Andrei also published his message on the Web, said that he could not forgive me for betrayal, so he had long wanted to part with me. Yes, there was a change! At the very beginning of our relationship. I left him after two years life together. There were reasons for that. Probably, at that moment, it was my pride that jumped up, which I lacked the last time. But four months later I returned. I realized that I just can't live without it. Love was stronger than pride. “If you love a person, then you can put up with some shortcomings,” I reasoned. He accepted me. We lived together for six years, then decided to have a baby. And now… Eight months after that, he suddenly remembered that he had long dreamed of parting with me. Where is the logic? Probably, his feelings passed, but I just did not notice. In addition, during pregnancy, I, like any woman, was more fixated on myself, on the baby. So maybe I'm partly to blame."

Despite the betrayal of her beloved man, Maria was able to maintain friendly relations with her daughter's father. First of all, for the sake of the child.

“He still comes, spends a lot of time with her, which is very important to me. Thanks to his support, we do not need anything. Not every man after a divorce behaves as dignified as he does, ”said Maria.

And Elena Stepanenko has not lived together for a long time. The couple filed for divorce and now share a multi-million dollar fortune. Following Petrosyan, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko also announced a divorce from his wife. It turned out that the comedian has been living separately from his family for two years. According to the comedian, the love boat, which he and his wife kept afloat for 20 years, corny "crashed" on everyday life. Today, the artist became a guest of the Live broadcast to talk in detail about the reasons for the breakup of his own family.

Yeshchenko noted that he and his wife had long thought about a divorce, but decided to wait until their son Narad grew up.

“So it happened. He (Narad) does not hold us back, although the divorce has not yet taken place. And who knows if it will. We have been living separately for two years now. We miss each other even more because of this, but at some point the work outweighed everything, ”said the humorist.

Wanting to stir up the interest of the audience, Andrey Malakhov said that one day his wife found Svyatoslav with five girls at once when she came to him in another city on tour. This information shocked the guests in the studio. However, the artist hastened to justify himself.

“There was no such case. Unless you mean five nuns with whom I had nothing,” the talk show hero joked.

The interview of Yeshchenko's wife was also shown on the air. Irina voiced her point of view on what is happening.

“Yes, I caught on tour with five girls. One was washing dishes, the other was doing something else. They felt like hosts. There were other girls who infiltrated our space without us knowing it. I hope that he will be all right, ”the woman shared.

She suggests that Yeshchenko needs to find a younger lover who will accept him for who he is.

Malakhov, in turn, asked the comedian if he had a marriage contract. “Yes, they did it five years ago,” Svyatoslav admitted. According to him, his wife was often jealous of his fans, so they decided to sign a prenuptial agreement.

After that, Yeshchenko's wife appeared in the studio.

“This is not a PR move. I say this frankly. This decision is unambiguous. Nobody left me, we were just tired of sorting things out. They decided to conclude a marriage contract after they saw a program about Mikhail Evdokimov. His heirs just fell down, and I realized that I don’t want the same fate, ”the woman explained. She also spoke about her husband's infidelities. “I’m bad, I got into the phone, and he writes on this phone and at the same time he doesn’t feel guilty. When we moved to a new apartment, he openly offered me to have a lover, but at the same time give him freedom, ”said Irina.

Especially for the transfer, Irina gave a tour of the apartment, which her husband left for her and her son. The luxury apartments are not yet completely renovated, but the kitchen and living room are already furnished. Yeshchenko, in turn, showed a mansion in Voronezh, which he himself built. The star family also has an elite house in Sochi and a second apartment in the center of Moscow. All property will be divided according to the marriage contract.

At the end of the broadcast, Malakhov thanked the heroes for showing the whole country how to divorce intelligently. Recall that Irina has a daughter from a previous relationship Maria. The girl has been living independently for a long time, she married a foreigner and settled in the UK.

Andrey Yeshchenko is a football player (wife, photo of the athlete and his biography will be presented below), playing for the Moscow club Lokomotiv and the Russian national team. He worked a lot abroad. Tattoo lover.

Childhood and family

Andrey Yeshchenko was born in Irkutsk in 1984. At the age of nine, the boy was left an orphan. His parents died in a fire. The apartment of the Yeshchenko family was completely burned down.

Andrei was brought up by his grandmother's sister, who worked as a secretary at the factory. She took custody of the boy. To prevent the hero of this article from loitering on the street, the woman assigned him to a boarding school. He spent five days there, and on weekends he came to his grandmother's house. According to the memoirs of Yeshchenko, it was not easy in the boarding school. Of course, they didn’t touch the kids there, but the teenagers got pretty bad. You had to be able to take care of yourself.

At first, Andrei was fond of basketball. The boy has been involved in this sport since the age of seven. Then a friend advised him to enroll in the football section. At the age of ten, Yeshchenko came to the sports school of the local Zenith. Andrey's first coach was Evgeny Lensky. When Yeshchenko grew up, he was invited to the Zvezda team. For this team, the athlete played for more than a year.

Carier start

In Zvezda, Andrey Yeshchenko showed himself to be a purposeful and hardy football player. The Khimki coach drew attention to him and invited him to his team. The young man quickly entered new team and went on the field in almost every match.

Soon Khimki were able to break into the Russian Cup. In the game against CSKA, the coach gave Andrey the command to neutralize forward Vagner Love. Yeshchenko coped with the task by 100%. The formidable Brazilian was never able to approach the gates of Khimki, although in the end the army team, who had more experience, won.

Transfer to Dynamo

The talented athlete played for Khimki for about a year. As it turned out, the scouts of Dynamo Kyiv had already taken note of him for a long time. Dnipro, Arsenal, Dynamo Moscow - these are the teams from which Andrey Yeshchenko also received an offer.

The football player chose Kyiv in the end, although no one guaranteed him getting into the main squad. Unfortunately, that is what happened. Andrei was not included in the main team. For Dynamo, the athlete played eleven matches and scored only one goal. After that, he was leased to Dnipro, and then to Arsenal.

Return to Russia

When Andrei Yeshchenko became a free agent, he returned to his homeland. The young man immediately signed a contract with the Nizhny Novgorod Volga. For this team, the football player played twelve matches.

In 2012, Yeshchenko bought the Moscow Lokomotiv. In the new team, Andrey showed himself from the best side. Soon the athlete was invited to the national team. In September 2012, he made his debut match. Russian football players went against the Israeli team.

Transfer to Anji

Back in the spring of 2012, it became known that Andrey Yeshchenko would soon play for a new team. The footballer was sold to Anji Makhachkala. This event was accompanied by a loud scandal. The fact is that by the time of the transition to the new team, Yeshchenko was the leading player of Lokomotiv, but the club received only one million euros for him. It was this amount that was announced by the President of the Football Club Olga Smorodskaya. For such a "deal" is extremely small money. Andrew signed a contract for three years.

Yeshchenko almost immediately joined the Anji star team, becoming a right midfielder. In parallel, the athlete participated in all the qualifying matches of the Russian team.

In March 2013, Andrei received a very serious injury and was out of the game for a long time. After a cruciate ligament rupture, the football player was treated and recovered for almost six months. Returning, Yeshchenko immediately got to the game with Tottenham. This happened in October 2013. The athlete appeared on the field at the beginning of the second half, replacing Serder Serderov.

Andrey Yeshchenko, whose biography was presented above, did not take part in the qualifying games of the national team due to injury. When the athlete recovered, he was again sent an invitation. At the end of 2013, the hero of this article came on as a substitute in the second half of a friendly match against the Serbian national team.


Tattoos - that's what Andrey Yeshchenko likes to do for himself. The football player is a frequent guest of the respective salons. The athlete's tattoos are associated with the teams for which he had to play. So, there are now eight stars on Andrei's right bicep. The latter appeared when the player moved to Anji. Yeshchenko has long been thinking about making another big star symbolizing the Russian team.

Andrey loves games, wrestling and attacks. But vacations and training camps are boring and uninteresting for an athlete. At this time, the football player practically does not lie on the couch, but tries to occupy himself with something.

Personal life

Yeshchenko is married. The athlete's wife's name is Maria. Before the wedding, young people met for a rather long period of time, and the celebration itself took place in 2006. In 2013, the couple had a daughter, Alice.

Today on the stage you can see a huge number of artists, but only a few of them cause sympathy. This article provides information about one of the artists - Svyatoslav Yeshchenko, whose monologues remain in the memory of the audience for a long time.

Artist biography

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko was born on April 1, 1971 in Voronezh in the family of director and musician Igor Petrovich Yeshchenko. The biography of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko contains many interesting points. As a child, he tried to parody the people around him - household members, classmates, teachers. Svyatoslav always took a special notebook with him to classes, where he wrote down the phrases and reservations of his classmates and teachers. Then, with the help of this notebook, he created parody numbers, which were very popular among friends. Perhaps this influenced the choice of his profession in the future. In addition, as a child, Svyatoslav was fond of tricks.

The artist's entire childhood was spent in Voronezh. In the same place, Svyatoslav entered the acting department in 1988. While studying there, Yeshchenko often performed with his songs, poems, humorous numbers, and took part with fellow students in his own productions.

Svyatoslav's acting career began early. Already in his second year, he received an offer from the leadership of the Voronezh Academic Drama Theater and played a role in one of the performances. Then he played for some time in this theater. In addition, at that time he could be seen on the theater stage with his humorous numbers. Svyatoslav also wrote his scripts and humorous poems. So the popular artist Yeshchenko Svyatoslav was gradually born, whose biography may be of interest to anyone who has chosen the same creative path for himself.


A serious breakthrough in the creative life of Svyatoslav occurred after he met Yevgeny Petrosyan. This happened after moving to Moscow, where his father received a new position. And the playwright Matvey Yakovlevich Green introduced Yeshchenko to Petrosyan. Petrosyan appreciated Yeschenko's talent and invited him to his "Laughing Panorama", where the talented artist achieved amazing success - he became popular and recognizable, he had his own audience. Well-deserved awards came very quickly - Svyatoslav became a laureate international competition satire and humor "Sea of ​​laughter - 96" them. Arkady Raikin, and three years later - the laureate All-Russian competition entertainers "Cup of humor - 99".

In 1997, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko played in the variety play "When finances sing romances" along with Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko.

Mikhail Zadornov drew attention to a talented artist in 1999 and invited him to his new humorous program "Fun Company" along with Maxim Galkin and a number of young talented performers. The artist has been holding solo humorous evenings since 1998. In 2000, the audience saw the professional solo program of the artist "Russian Broadway", and on March 20, 2002 Svyatoslav presented his variety performance "Let's laugh!" to the audience.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko: biography, family, wife

A photo of the family of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko clearly shows how friendly they were. The artist was happily married to his wonderful wife Irina. As Svyatoslav himself recalled, they had an office romance with Irina, she was a concert director at that time, he was an aspiring humorist. Over time, Irina gave the artist a son. They named him Narad, after the name of a musician from Vedic mythology. Narad studied the violin for 7 years, but never became a professional musician.

Svyatoslav and Irina had joint creativity, and, according to the artist himself, either creativity interfered family life, or vice versa, but the spouses have parted and do not currently live together.

Narada is now 17 years old, he lives with Irina. Svyatoslav is friends with Irina and Narada, they meet periodically.

Yeshchenko and religion

Svyatoslav early became interested in religion. In this regard, he was strongly influenced by his grandmother, who taught him prayers. Already in the 7th grade, Svyatoslav read the Bible, which his father found for him with difficulty at the insistent requests of his son. Svyatoslav even sang at one time in a church choir in Voronezh.

Special mention deserves Yeshchenko's family icon, specially painted for the noble family through the grandmother's line. This icon is passed from father to son and protects the men of the family from injury and death in the war.

Krishnaite Yeshchenko

However, Svyatoslav's strongest passion was Judaism. The artist became very interested in the teachings of Krishna and at one time even planned to move to India to find his own. spiritual path. Svyatoslav called the famous mentor Mukunda Goswami his spiritual mentor. At this time, Svyatoslav became a member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, but later left it, explaining his act by the fact that his name was used to raise funds without his consent. Another reason was the issue of misuse of donations in the organization.

Then, unexpectedly for many, Svyatoslav said that a free person should be free from the church and religions.

Important dates in the artist's life

The most important and significant date in the artist's life was the date of his birth. Most likely, she determined his professional path, because Svyatoslav was born on April 1 - April Fool's Day. And whoever he wanted to be during his growing up (he wanted to become a shepherd, a sea captain, a military man), in the end he became a humorist. Of course, my father had a great influence on the choice of profession - artistic director Voronezh Philharmonic.

The next important date is, of course, the day of admission to the Voronezh State Institute of Arts. It was already a direct road to the stage, where the student Yeshchenko got very quickly and received the first skills in communicating with the audience.

The next major milestone in the creative path of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is his meeting with Evgeny Petrosyan. Svyatoslav managed to reveal his talent to the master, to please Yevgeny Vaganovich. The invitation to "Smehopanorama" was a serious step towards the popularity and popular recognition of the artist Yeshchenko Svyatoslav, whose biography from that moment began to be filled with creative success.

There were also unpleasant dates in the life of the artist. For example, on July 21, 2007, he was in a serious car accident. The artist was driving a private car to a concert that was to be held in the village of Lazarevskoye (Crimea). On a difficult section of the track, the car suddenly lost control, knocked down a fence and crashed into a tree. If not for this tree, the car would inevitably collapse into the abyss. Svyatoslav then received serious injuries, but the doctors managed to put him on his feet.

Another important date in the artist's creative life is the release in 2000 of the variety program "Russian Broadway", the author is Svyatoslav Yeshchenko himself. The biography and personal life of the artist are full of important and memorable dates.

Humor in the life of an artist

It is hard to imagine a comedian who would be sullen and withdrawn off stage. Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is also surrounded by humor in life. The first draw in his life was the birthday of Svyatoslav. When his father was informed about the birth of his son, he decided that he was being played, and did not immediately believe in it.

As Svyatoslav himself recalled, even when he was studying at the Institute of Arts, one of his classmates decided to play a trick on him. It was the time of perestroika, and many goods were then issued on coupons. The joker told Svyatoslav that the store gives butter without coupons. Rushing to the grocery store and not finding a queue, Yeshchenko found out from the saleswoman that he complained that he had been played like that on his birthday. The saleswoman said that for the first time she sees a person whose birthday is April 1, and congratulated the artist by giving him a piece of butter. Svyatoslav returned to the institute, thanked his cheerful classmate and told him in great confidence that they also give vodka and soap without coupons. Comrade grabbed the bag and rushed to the store.

Such stories happen to Svyatoslav all the time, but he himself says that he does not like practical jokes.

National artist

Despite the fact that Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is not spoiled by titles and awards, he is truly a people's artist. It is enough to see once how he communicates with the audience to understand this. who will never cancel his concert, regardless of the number of tickets sold for it, because for him the main thing is the audience and humor. Svyatoslav Yeshchenko deserves the kindest words.

Andrei Yeshchenko's wife survived the betrayal of her husband two years ago. The environment of the couple was amazed, because the 32-year-old Dynamo Moscow defender and his wife Maria doted on each other. The lovers dated for several years before getting married in 2006.

In October 2013, their daughter Alice was born. And a year later, the athlete unexpectedly cheated on his chosen one. A photo of a football player and a girl he became interested in appeared on social networks and made a lot of noise. According to sources on the Internet, Yeshchenko is still happily married. StarHit found out how the scandalous story actually ended.

“Our relationship ended a month and a half after he left for Krasnodar to play for Kuban. He left us with Alisa in Moscow, explaining that it would be difficult for an eight-month-old child to endure the hot southern sun. And besides, supposedly the contract could have ended at the end of autumn, - Maria Yeshchenko tells StarHit. - Andrey flew away in July, and in August I first noticed a disturbing change in his behavior during our telephone conversations. When he once again came home, I could not stand it and got into his phone. Probably to make sure that all this seemed to me, and to calm down.

But the woman's fears were confirmed. Soon Maria managed to find out the truth, but this story took an unexpected turn. Yeshchenko contacted the woman who took her lover away and tried to find out what really connected them.

“I couldn’t resist, I called her. She did not hide anything, told everything as it is. After hanging up, I realized that I did not know how to proceed with this information, how to live with it. After all, I loved Andrei very much, he was my own person, and I never even thought that we could part. After all, shortly before this, we planned a second child, and here such a betrayal, ”recalls Maria. Andrew was furious. “You yourself are to blame for everything, there was nothing to rummage around and look for, and now I need to think about whether I want to be with you or not, since you already know everything,” he told me when I confessed everything. The next day he left. But I stayed. Wait".

Maria clutched at hope like a drowning man at a straw. For a long time she waited for the situation to change - her beloved would come to her senses and return to the family. But day by day it got harder. Most of all, according to the confessions of the former chosen one of the famous football player, she was afraid for her daughter. The woman realized that one day the baby would want to know why she and dad were not together.

“It was insanely painful. Before, I could not even imagine that such pain exists. And the worst thing is that I had no idea when it would end and how I would cope with it. It was hell. The sun that shone seemed black, - the ex-wife of the athlete admits. - Sometimes we called each other. He said that he no longer communicates with that woman. Offered to go on vacation in December, along with our friends, so that we could mend our relationship. I believed. Many said: “Forget it! Take care of the child! Where is your pride! Yes, that's probably what you should have done. But I treasured our family. I could not imagine that my Alice would grow up without a dad. I myself grew up in an incomplete family, so I know what it is. I thought: “What will I tell her when she asks about her father?” These thoughts were killing me."

The woman spent more than a month waiting for her husband to come to his senses and return to the family.

“Everything changed on October 31, Halloween. On that day, I accidentally stumbled upon a photo of Andrey in the Instagram feed. With her. With painted faces for the holiday. The second blow was stronger than the first, and I did not survive it, - says Maria. “He has been lying to me all this time! There is no more hope! ”, - spinning in my head. And I decided to take a desperate step - I wrote about that woman in my microblog. Now I regret it, because I had no right to touch my personal life anymore. But then I was literally in a state of passion from resentment and anger. After all, I was ready to forgive him for betrayal, I was waiting for him, and he ... I wanted people to simply take pity on me, advise me what to do next. I didn't know how to deal with it myself. Yes, now I’m ashamed, but I didn’t see another way. ”

Soon Maria managed to pull herself together and soberly assess the situation. In a relationship with an ex-husband, the final point was put.

“Now I understand that she is not to blame. Only the man is to blame for cheating. And women - they just fight for their happiness by any means. And it doesn’t matter whether a man is married or not, - says Maria, - Subsequently, Andrei also published his message on the Web, said that he could not forgive me for betrayal, so he had long wanted to part with me. Yes, there was a change! At the very beginning of our relationship. I left him after two years of marriage. There were reasons for that. Probably, at that moment, it was my pride that jumped up, which I lacked the last time. But four months later I returned. I realized that I just can't live without it. Love was stronger than pride. “If you love a person, then you can put up with some shortcomings,” I reasoned. He accepted me. We lived together for six years, then decided to have a baby. And now… Eight months after that, he suddenly remembered that he had long dreamed of parting with me. Where is the logic? Probably, his feelings passed, but I just did not notice. In addition, during pregnancy, I, like any woman, was more fixated on myself, on the baby. So maybe I'm partly to blame."

Despite the betrayal of her beloved man, Maria was able to maintain friendly relations with her daughter's father.

“He still comes, spends a lot of time with her, which is very important to me. Thanks to his support, we do not need anything. Not every man after a divorce behaves as dignified as he does, ”said Maria.