Backrest in a stroller for a child with cerebral palsy. How to properly seat a child with cerebral palsy in a stroller. Features of children's wheelchairs for cerebral palsy


Cerebral palsy is a group of chronic brain diseases. A kid who has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis does not move well, his speech function and perception of the world around him are impaired.

Raising a child with cerebral palsy is not easy. Education will require enormous mental and physical strength, wisdom and love from parents. On the one hand, the baby, like no one else, needs care and help, and on the other hand, relatives should teach him to be moderately independent, create conditions for growth, development, and help reveal his talents. In no case should a sick baby be hidden within four walls - he needs walks, acquaintance with nature and communication with peers no less than healthy children.

To make walking outside and moving around the apartment as few problems as possible for parents and the child, the family will need to purchase a special wheelchair. Manufacturers produce many models that take into account most of the needs of young patients with cerebral palsy. Such designs provide the body with a correct and comfortable position and securely hold the owner, protecting him from falling out.


There are several ways to classify strollers for children with cerebral palsy. Depending on the intended place of use, they are divided into:

  • combined.

Models for the home are small in size and highly maneuverable - after all, they must freely pass through narrow doorways, move and turn around even in a limited space. Some of them look like compact strollers, while others resemble highchairs for feeding - equipped with small wheels, lateral support, height and angle adjustable backrest, footrest and armrests.

Walking chairs for children with cerebral palsy also look different. Models for teenagers resemble wheelchairs, while devices for toddlers are ordinary street strollers that hardly attract the curious glances of casual passers-by. For comfortable movement on any road, pneumatic tires are provided in the products, and many adjustments help to take a comfortable position for sleeping or waking: backrest, footrest, headrest and seat depth. Such strollers are equipped with reliable seat belts, many models have a hood to protect from rain or sun, the handles for the attendant change in height, and the design itself is folded like a “book” or “cane”.

Combined strollers are universal models that a small owner can use both at home and on the street. They combine lightness and functionality, there are many additional equipment, and the frame often has a folding design.

For children with mild forms of cerebral palsy, parents can purchase an active stroller. It is equipped not only with push handles, but also with large rear wheels that the owner can set in motion with the help of hands. Such models belong to the orthopedic class, having many adjustments and supports, and at the same time contribute to the rehabilitation of the child, helping him learn to move independently.


Regardless of the model, wheelchairs for patients with cerebral palsy have certain design features. These include:

  • rigid back - it helps to properly distribute the load on the spine and reduces the risk of developing kyphosis;
  • fixators of the torso, head, arms, thighs or legs - their need depends on the severity of the disease;
  • brakes and anti-tippers - they reduce the risk of a child falling;
  • wide choose adjustment of the backrest, footrests, headrest, helping to take a physiologically correct and comfortable position.

In addition to the main ones, devices may have additional options. How much they are necessary in each case, it is up to the parents of the baby to decide. Examples of such options include cane holders, a removable table for games or meals, electric wheel accelerators, a dropper stand or a backrest that folds out to a fully horizontal position.

The optimal stroller for a baby with a difficult diagnosis of cerebral palsy must satisfy two conditions at once: provide reliable and correct fixation of the child and at the same time not interfere with his motor activity.

The depth, width and height of the wheelchair are selected depending on the weight and height of the patient. The optimal size of the seat should be about 4-5 cm larger than the baby's hips at their widest part, and the depth should be 6 cm less than the distance from the hip to the bent knee. To extend the life of the stroller, many manufacturers have provided the ability to adjust these parameters - they allow the structure to “grow” with its owner and save parents money.

Other options are selected depending on the nuances of the disease:

  • children with crossed legs require an abductor;
  • babies who cannot balance while sitting will need groin straps and side supports;
  • if the child falls forward, a chest strap is needed;
  • for children prone to allergies, upholstery material is important, etc.

Popular models and manufacturers

The stroller of a reliable and well-known brand in the rehabilitation equipment market is a guarantee of the comfort and safety of the child. Are you afraid that the "eminent" manufacturer will be too expensive for you? In vain. The range of companies is designed not only for the specific features of the disease, but also for different financial capabilities of buyers.

A large number of positive feedback rightfully deserved the Kimba Neo model, released by the German company Otto Bock. Parents praise her for her excellent cross-country ability and good suspension, which allows her to walk in the forest or countryside without causing discomfort to the child. Among other advantages, high maneuverability is noted (two pairs of wheels in the stroller are swivel) and the presence of a reliable leg support. The manufacturer offers a wide range of additional accessories for this stroller: very warm winter bags, a separate wheelbase for the room, a table, all kinds of clamps. The cost of the model exceeds 200 thousand rubles - not the most affordable option, but not overly expensive, given that due to the large number of adjustments, the child will be able to use the stroller for 5-10 years.

The products of the American brand Convaid are popular with parents who have children with cerebral palsy. For example, if you plan to travel frequently by car, consider the Metro ME model. It belongs to the category of universal strollers, suitable for both the street and the house, and when folded with a "cane" it takes up very little space. This unit has a unique Self-Tensio system that allows the back and seat to always stay level as if they had a rigid base. The backrest is upholstered almost entirely in breathable mesh fabric, making the Metro ME the perfect vehicle for those hot summer days.

Those who are looking for a budget and reliable device for walking should pay attention to the products of the Armed company. In the price range from 10 to 35 thousand rubles, buyers will find several interesting models equipped with everything you need: removable swivel footrests, a tilting backrest, seat belts, and a comfortable headrest. The seats of the chairs are adjustable in depth and width, there are models with a hood and capacious shopping baskets.

Among the room models can be noted relatively inexpensive option Belgian company Vermeiren. Even with armrests, the Edu chair-chair does not exceed 50 cm in width, freely passing through the narrowest interior openings. The angle of inclination of the backrest and footrest of the device are adjustable, additional options include an abductor, headrest, side supports and steel-based wheels.

If you are ready to spend about 130 thousand rubles on an indoor stroller, consider Mitico High-Low, released by the Italian brand Fumagalli. The company is considered one of the leaders in the production of products for children with cerebral palsy and takes into account the slightest needs of young patients. Mitico High-Low is not just a home chair, but a whole complex system that includes a therapy chair, several options for frames, footrests, headrests and side supports. Using the High Low frame, parents can fix the device at different heights, lowering the child down for easy communication with other children or lifting it to the dining table.

Compensation for the purchase of a wheelchair

If you have Russian citizenship, the cost of a stroller for a child with cerebral palsy will be fully or partially reimbursed by the Social Security authorities or the FSS. The amount of compensation depends on the region where the family lives, and it is advisable to make a purchase only in specialized domestic stores - there you will not have any difficulties in obtaining the necessary documents.

To purchase a stroller at the expense of the budget, you first need to issue an IPR (Individual Rehabilitation Program) - for this you need to bypass the doctors in the clinic and certify the certificates received from them at the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. Please note: the name of the rehabilitation means prescribed in the IPR must exactly match what will be indicated in the certificate and passport of the wheelchair, otherwise you will be denied a refund!

After receiving the IPR, you will need to submit it for registration with the FSS or Social Security (where exactly to go, the attending physician will tell you). After about 2-3 weeks, you will receive a notification of registration - now you can safely go shopping.

In the store, it is better to immediately warn managers that you need documents for the FSS. These include:

  • cash and sales receipts - they must have a date strictly after the moment of registration of the IPR;
  • passport and certificate of the product, certified by the seal of the seller;
  • certificate of company registration with the tax office.

These documents will need to be accompanied by:

  • parent's passport and child's birth certificate;
  • insurance pension certificate;
  • certificate of disability;
  • passbook.

In addition, the FSS will still have to fill out an application “On reimbursement of expenses for the acquisition of a Technical Rehabilitation Means (TSR)”. If the cost of the stroller is less than the amount prescribed by law, the purchase will be fully paid for by the state. In case of excess, you will be compensated for expenses only within the framework of the regional tariff (you can find out the exact numbers on the official website of the FSS or directly at your branch).

The money should arrive in your account approximately 25-30 days after the submission of the documents. Of course, this procedure is quite troublesome, but nevertheless, it is quite possible to receive compensation - and given the cost of wheelchairs, these funds will be far from superfluous in the family budget.

A child diagnosed with cerebral palsy (ICP) should not feel disadvantaged in some things. He also wants to communicate, explore and explore the world. Due to the fact that he is limited in movement for obvious reasons, parents should first of all take care of acquiring a vehicle for the baby. IN modern world strollers for children with cerebral palsy are not a luxury, but a forced necessity, and its absence is already regarded as something out of the ordinary.

About what they are, how to choose the right one and what to look for when buying, we will tell in this article.

A child with cerebral palsy may need several types of strollers, including:

  1. Wheelchair.
  2. Wheel chair.

Wheelchair - designed for patients who cannot move independently or can move with assistance.

There are three types of wheelchairs:

  • room;
  • walking;
  • With electric drive.

If we compare strollers for walking and home strollers, then the former should definitely be lighter and more maneuverable, otherwise their characteristics may coincide.

A wheelchair is designed for patients who have completely lost the ability to move independently. As a rule, they are used for moving around the house, medical institution and walks. Without fail, such a stroller is controlled by an adult in manual mode, since it is not designed for autonomous control.

Selection rules

There are several factors to consider when choosing a stroller for cerebral palsy, including:

  • the weight of the patient and his age (it is necessary to understand how it will be operated with constant height and weight, or the patient will continue to grow);
  • parameters of the apartment (in order to calculate the dimensions and size of the stroller, indoor strollers can be more massive than strollers);
  • child's activity.

With regard to the requirements that apply to the product, the required minimum is as follows: The adjustable backrest must be rigid

  • adjustable seat back must be rigid;
  • without fail, the stroller must be equipped with a head support;
  • seat belts must be present as standard;
  • the presence of an adjustable footrest;
  • seat depth;
  • the presence of belts to fix the correct position of the patient's body (not to be confused with seat belts);
  • The armrests should be at such a height that your hands are comfortable on them.

In the case of a stroller, or active life, must be provided so that it can be folded (this simplifies its transportation)

If the vehicle is purchased for a fairly adult person or child adolescence it is necessary to provide for the presence of a drive of independent movement

When you go to the store, it is not at all necessary to take a centimeter with you, in order to measure the dimensions, the employees of the outlet will provide it to you at your request.

Types of wheelchairs:

Stroller Racer

  • has a lightweight frame;
  • lined with durable waterproof fabric;
  • equipped with a vest, side airbags, a safety barrier, a special hip wedge and an abductor (inter-knee roller);
  • the back is adjustable;
  • the presence of a headrest.

Stroller Umbrella

This stroller is similar to the previous model in all respects, the main difference is the presence of an individual rehabilitation program (IPR), which is supplied in the kit.

The second difference is the price. Umbrella is cheaper than Racer.

In addition to these strollers, there are the following manufacturers on the market today, offering their products at different prices:
  • Cartridge;
  • Titanium;
  • Junior;
  • Kimba;
  • McLaren;
  • Geminya;
  • Cruiser.

First of all, it is necessary to choose not a model, but a functional one, this is more important!

As a more economical option, a walking stick can be used to walk with children suffering from cerebral palsy. The cane has a lower price, but because of this, it is inferior to more expensive wheelchairs in terms of functionality and practicality (for example, in the fabric it is often water-permeable, armrests and some devices necessary for patients with limited mobility may also be missing).

When the child cannot sit

If we are talking about a disabled child who cannot sit, there are special criteria in the selection of a wheelchair, in particular:

  • the presence of a reclining backrest, with the ability to fix the position;
  • height-adjustable back and seat;
  • adjustable footrest, armrests and headrest.

It is important to take into account the features that distinguish the baby in order to create, first of all, comfortable conditions for him.

  1. Wheelchair OSD-JBS 367A is designed to move indoors and outdoors. Equipped with removable armrests, hand cushions and adjustable footrest. This wheelchair is used not only to move a disabled person, but also to take a shower and toilet. The price is about 15 thousand rubles.
  2. The OSD Wave wheelchair is designed to move the patient in the room, take a shower and use the toilet. It has the same parameters as the previous one, plus it is equipped with a place for installing a duck. The price is about 30 thousand rubles.
  3. Wheelchair OSD-MOD-7 is designed for moving indoors, has a non-adjustable footrest and a folding frame with reclining armrests. Price - 24 thousand rubles.

All listed wheelchairs do not have an electric drive, as they are designed to transport non-mobile patients.

So, when choosing a stroller for a child suffering from cerebral palsy, it is necessary to rely not on your own preferences, but first of all on the comfort and convenience of the child. Still, most of the time he will be in it. Create the most comfortable conditions for your baby!

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How to choose a children's wheelchair for children with cerebral palsy

Children's wheelchairs for children with cerebral palsy: how to choose?

The inability to fully move is extremely painfully perceived at any age. This applies in particular to children. They are acutely aware of the lack of physical activity.

That is why must maintain the most comfortable conditions. After all, all babies are very active and inquisitive. In order not to extinguish their energy, craving for movement, knowledge of the world and own abilities, you should choose the right attributes.

Selection principles

The first and most important is the anatomical features of the child. They must be taken into account. The main defining parameters are:

  • seat depth;
  • seat width;
  • baby growth;
  • leg length;
  • location and type of armrests;
  • back height.

A child's wheelchair must meet the owner's specifications to the maximum extent possible. This will reduce the load on the body and give freedom of movement. In addition, it should consist of a material that is not prone to provoking allergies or exacerbating concomitant ailments.

The second most important factor is the age of the patient. In any case, the child grows, the complexion of his body changes. Therefore, the wheelchair must also be replaced. In order not to buy a new attribute every year, specialist doctors advise opting for options with an adjustment function.

This will make it easier to adjust to the needs of the baby. For example, if he has difficulty holding his head due to problems with the vertebrae, he is given a children's wheelchair for children with cerebral palsy, where there is a special pillow-stand. In any case, it should be extremely comfortable and suitable in shape.

Child seat options

In addition, the stroller can have many additional attributes and functions. This will help the child to adapt better, move easier, easier to control the body. Depending on the model of the device are supplemented:

  • protective disks for wheels;
  • adjustment of the degree of inclination of the back;
  • folding back;
  • foot strap;
  • table;
  • safety mechanism against capsizing;
  • transit wheels, etc.

Optional additions depend on the degree of the child's impairment, his physical abilities and the need for restriction. The latter is extremely important at the risk of injuring the baby in the event of his own clumsy actions.

The need for development is also taken into account. That is, the free performance of certain physical actions (simple exercises). Under such circumstances, chairs with more optional equipment will be needed.

Varieties of strollers

Children's wheelchairs are divided into several categories:

  • active;
  • passive;
  • combined.

Active ones are also called wheelchairs for use at home. For indoor use only. They have many additional elements, equipment and functions. In them, children can move independently.

Passive ones are actually walking options. They are lighter, more compact, simpler. They fold up quickly and don't take up much space. Of the equipment, they must have straps-clamps and a convenient handle on the back for a walk accompanied by adults.

If a child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, this does not mean that from now on life has stopped. On the contrary, such a child needs comfort even more, caring attitude more than others healthy babies. In addition to providing living conditions in accordance with his diagnosis, conditions for successful rehabilitation, you need to think about the development of the baby. Desire to know the world a baby with cerebral palsy is no less than a healthy peer. Even if he cannot fully move in space, he does not sit well, moves and develops more slowly. Comfortable stroller for such a child - necessary thing. This is his means social adaptation helping to adapt to the surrounding life and feel needed.

There are two main types of strollers for children with cerebral palsy:

  1. Walking (for going outside); including those equipped with an electric drive (for independent movement over long distances).
  2. Home (for moving only around the house), including wheelchairs in the form of a wheelchair.

Features of strollers for sick children

A modern stroller for a child with cerebral palsy often looks beautiful and even stylish. Many models have been developed, in appearance of which you cannot say that the passenger of this type of mini-transport is a disabled person. At the same time, all the options of such strollers are maximally adapted and adapted specifically for children with disabilities. For example, a wheelchair is designed for babies who cannot even sit up on their own. This is one of the types of home wheelchairs. An electric wheelchair is suitable for an adult or teenager with cerebral palsy. The main condition is the ability to control the movement independently.

Strollers should be lighter than home strollers. Perfect option if such a stroller folds easily. This will greatly simplify its transportation when traveling to the country, out of town, to the lake. After all, a change of scenery is an important factor in the development of the child and his psychological state.

A stroller for a child with cerebral palsy should have a rigid adjustable backrest. However, if the patient cannot sit or it is too tiring for him, you need to choose a stroller with a reclining back. In it, the child can be in a lying position.

It is important to choose a seating depth at which the young passenger will be comfortable and safe. For a child with cerebral palsy, wheelchairs are provided with armrests, a special head support, and a footrest with height adjustment. All this should be located in such a way that the child does not experience discomfort when landing. Seat belts are required, as in a car. Wheelchairs for disabled children also have belts to fix the correct position of the body.

It is worth considering how long you are going to use the stroller in the future. Will the child continue to grow, will she withstand his height and weight in the future? Are there enough options for adjusting the footrests, the length of the straps, etc.?

Who will help with the choice?

Recommendations for choosing a stroller for a child with cerebral palsy will be given by your attending physician. Helps to compare different types and an employee of a specialized store will tell about their possible functions and features. You can review and try all the options offered and make your own choice. First of all, it is necessary to be guided by considerations of the convenience of the child. After all, he will spend a lot of time in a wheelchair, and perhaps even most of it.

Often the price also plays a role. Your task is to find an acceptable combination of price and quality. The most expensive is not always the best for the child. Don't buy a stroller with features that you probably won't need because you know your baby best.

Selection by functions and parameters

Wheelchair options are designed specifically for children with movement disorders. No matter how cute appearance, when choosing, it is desirable to be guided, first of all, by its functional features and take into account the skills and capabilities of the child. The main condition in this case is the comfort of the baby.

Let's take a closer look at some of the details.

Fasteners and fixing straps for a comfortable and correct position of the child

Children with some types of cerebral palsy may adopt non-human postures, especially with regard to the position of the limbs. Sometimes a child is so incapable of coordinating movements that he is able to cause himself a dislocation of the joint. Special devices that fix the position of various parts of the body in the correct position were invented to prevent such cases.

The advantage of fixing belts is also additional insurance against the child falling out of the stroller. In addition, there is a psychological moment. In a beautiful, seemingly ordinary stroller, a child with developmental disabilities in the correct position does not cause compassionate glances. He looks just like all children. Our society is just beginning to get used to the fact that people with disabilities are the same people as everyone else, only with special health conditions.

Back height adjustment

A sick child is also growing, and if the stroller is comfortable and will last for him for a long time, then increasing the height of the backrest in it will come in handy. It all depends on the age of the little passenger.

Remember that, in addition to the height of the backrest, in some strollers you can adjust the depth of the seat and even its width.

Folding footrest

Many wheelchair manufacturers provide a height-adjustable footrest. Some strollers have a folding stand. It is convenient when getting in and out of the child. The adjustable height of the stand is good because as the baby grows, you can adjust the support for his legs so that he feels comfortable while walking.

Hypoallergenic materials

There are more and more allergic children in the world. Therefore, for the manufacture of children's things, toys and special equipment, materials that do not cause an allergic reaction are increasingly used. If your baby is prone to allergies, you should pay attention to what the future vehicle is made of. It is important that if the child is inactive and will spend a lot of time in the stroller, the materials are natural and cannot provoke the appearance of diaper rash.

Foldable (will it fit in a car)

There are different types of folding strollers for children with cerebral palsy. The most budgetary and practical option is a stroller-cane. It is easy to fold, does not take up much space, easy to use, light in weight. However, in terms of configuration and strength, it is inferior to other types.

Book-folding strollers are more massive. They take up more space, but are better equipped with additional devices. In addition, "books" are more stable.

If you often need to carry a stroller with you in the car, then the overall dimensions matter: height, frame thickness, number of parts, and also whether they are removable or not.

Additional options

Most modern stroller models provide protection from the rain. Strollers for children with cerebral palsy are no exception. It can have a folding or folding roof. A cover, a removable hood, a raincoat, a cape for the top, an envelope can be attached to it. As a rule, all these products are made of waterproof, water-repellent fabrics.

Weather protection is very convenient. During a walk, the weather can change, and even in the cold season it does not always make sense to sit at home for weeks waiting clear day. Fresh air the child always needs. You can dress the baby warmer, additionally covering it for the duration of the walk from rain and wind.

Some models are also equipped with retractable tables for games and feeding, removable headrests to adjust the position of the baby's head. A convenient option is also a handbag for things that you can take with you from home or buy along the way.

Stroller for children with cerebral palsy Umbrella

This popular stroller features a waterproof fabric cover and a special rain cover. It also has a headrest, adjustable backrest, side cushions, a vest, and a special barrier that protects the child from falling. Some models have a detachable hood to keep out the rain.

By weight, it is light, because. its frame is made of lightweight materials. The Umbrella kit usually contains a set of devices that rehabilitate the limbs.

It looks like an Umbrella stroller brand Racer. It costs a little more. The Racer model is also equipped with devices that regulate the correct position of the legs: an abductor (a roller located between the knees), a thigh wedge.

Stroller for children with cerebral palsy Mewa my Wam

This stroller-chair is designed for children from 3 to 10 years old who cannot walk independently and do not sit well. There is a body position adjustment system with additional safety net.

This model is equipped with large wheels, inflatable or rubber, which soften shocks when driving on uneven surfaces. The stroller is also equipped with a table that can be used for feeding the baby, placing toys, drawing.

Approach the choice of a stroller for a baby with cerebral palsy responsibly, because they are not cheap, but they should last more than one year. Your choice depends on how comfortable the child will be.

To provide the child with the most accessible freedom of movement and activity, it is worth taking care of special wheelchairs for children with cerebral palsy. have their distinctive features in terms of safety and convenience, making them suitable for children with disabilities. According to the intensity and scope of use, baby strollers for cerebral palsy can be divided into basic and active types. The first, in turn, is divided into models for use at home and outdoors.

In our catalog you can choose the right model for any age category. The most important characteristics of such rehabilitation equipment include:

Back height adjustment

In wheelchairs for cerebral palsy, it should be possible to adjust the height of the backrest, the width and depth of the seat. Some models feature a new 180-degree swivel seat feature (such as the Stingray stroller).

Made from durable materials

Products for children with disabilities are made of durable materials with a very stable base for stable stability. But at the same time, most models are light in weight and can be conveniently folded for transportation in a car (for example, "Ortonica" Kitty)

Folding footrest

Strollers for children with cerebral palsy are equipped with a folding footrest, a comfortable headrest, and a seat to ensure maximum comfort for the child while driving. In some models, materials have increased resistance to deformation and the effect of remembering the shape of a child (for example, Vermeiren Gemini)

Travel safety

The issue of safety of movement remains especially important for a children's wheelchair, so the products are equipped with a foot and hand brake, safety belts, an abductor that protects the child from involuntary twisting of the legs, as well as wheel locks.

Hypoallergenic materials

For the manufacture of hypoallergenic materials are used, which are easy to care for.

Most baby strollers do not differ in appearance from a traditional means of transportation, this is especially important in order not to attract unnecessary attention to the child and avoid uncomfortable questions.

For selection right size wheelchairs for children with cerebral palsy, we advise you to get the help of our specialist. We also offer free pickup from our stores, courier delivery in Moscow and the region, or delivery within Russia using a reliable transport service.

For details call:
+7 495 799-97-42

Features of children's wheelchairs for cerebral palsy

A high level of wear resistance and the use of practical materials and designs are combined with a striking design.

Bright wheelchair for children with cerebral palsy RACER "Raiser"

Criterias of choice

If you need help choosing and buying a children's wheelchair for cerebral palsy, you can always consult with our specialist. When choosing the right option, you should decide on the goals and areas of use (for home, for the street, for long and distant movements, and so on). Study in detail the technical characteristics of rehabilitation equipment:

  1. The load capacity of the stroller, the material of the frame, the possibility of folding (whether it will fit in the car).
  2. Seat width, backrest angle, removable armrests and swiveling footrest.
  3. Fasteners and fixing belts for a comfortable and correct position of the child.
  4. Additional options in the form of a rain cover, a table, removable headrests, an additional bag for things and so on.