Almond peeling for the face - what is it, results, before and after photos. Reviews. Almond peeling: expectations and reality Gigi almond peeling

Almond peeling for the face is a type of chemical exfoliation. The procedure gently and effectively cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminates slight pigmentation and post-acne traces, and reduces the first signs of aging. The minimal trauma of the method and quick recovery make exfoliation an ideal choice for delicate and sensitive skin of the face and body.

What is almond peeling

About almond peeling in aesthetic cosmetology has long been known. However, despite decades of practice and the emergence of new, more advanced techniques, gentle and delicate exfoliation is still one of the most sought-after and necessary procedures.

Almond is a superficial, non-aggressive peeling performed with phenoxyglycolic acid. It is obtained from the kernels of bitter almonds by multi-stage extraction. Amygdala molecules are different large sizes, which slows down their penetration into the tissues and eliminates the redness and peeling characteristic of acid exposure.

Almond peeling is good for minor skin imperfections, when you need to refresh and brighten your face a little, as well as for women who are just starting to use acid exfoliants.

Cleansing and renewal of the dermis proceeds without pronounced complications and adverse reactions, has a minimum of contraindications and is ideal option for the care of hands, neck and décolleté.

The action of mandelic acid

How does mandelic acid work on the skin? Phenoxyglycol enzyme, being a good keratolytic, copes well with age spots, freckles and post-acne. In addition, the substance activates the production of collagen and elastin, accelerates cellular regeneration, and facilitates the course of acne. The powerful antimicrobial effect of amygdalic is similar to that of macrolide antibiotics.

What else does mandelic acid do:

  • cleanses pores and prevents their clogging;
  • tones the skin, reduces sensitivity and reactivity;
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • prevents the development of acne and pustules;
  • smoothes the first mimic wrinkles;
  • dissolves stagnant spots;
  • moisturizes, evens out complexion.

Phenoxyglycolic acid is well tolerated by women with sensitive and thin skin. Suitable for all types of dermis, recommended for rosacea, hyperkeratosis, high allergenicity.

Indications for use

What does almond peeling give and when is it needed? Indications for exfoliation are very diverse. The procedure helps to cope with the shortcomings of both young skin and age-related skin that needs moisturizing and regeneration.

Often, phenoxyglycol exfoliation is performed as an alternative to hardware or manual facial exfoliation.

Exfoliation with mandelic acid solves the following problems:

  • acne disease of the first and second degree;
  • post-acne, stagnant spots;
  • pigmentation, freckles;
  • oily, impure skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • folliculitis;
  • rosacea;
  • uneven tone of the face;
  • keratosis;
  • the first signs of aging.

In addition, exfoliation with almonds is often prescribed in preparation for serious cosmetic procedures such as deep and medium peels, laser resurfacing. Manipulation allows you to even out the thickness of the epidermis, reduce possible complications and improve the end result.

Six benefits of almond peeling

Despite the mild and gentle effect, almond cleaning is quite effective and has many advantages over others.

Benefits of exfoliation:

  1. Suitable for women with dark and swarthy skin.
  2. Has a short recovery period.
  3. It is prescribed for a pronounced vascular network on the face.
  4. Performed in spring and summer when other exfoliation is prohibited.
  5. Well tolerated by patients with dry, tender and sensitive skin.
  6. Recommended for girls over 16 years old.

When choosing almond exfoliation for the spring-summer season, pay attention to products with a low percentage of acid. And remember, the absence of redness and flaking doesn't mean the exfoliant isn't working.

Getting ready for the session

Each cosmetic procedure requires some preparation. Almond peeling was no exception. There are several rules for performing skin pretreatment.

If you intend to do a mild acid exfoliation with a solution concentration of up to 20%, it is enough to conduct an allergy test by first applying a drop of the product to your wrist. If you choose a more concentrated formula (30-40%), use 15% phenoxyglycolic acid or fruit enzyme gel for predrank. The same means can be used during the recovery period to consolidate the effect.

Pre-peel preparation should begin 14-20 days before the procedure, applying the selected creams 2 times a day.

Refuse before exfoliation from tanning in a solarium and a trip to the sea. If fresh rashes constantly appear on the face, be treated with Metrogyl to destroy the infection and drink a course of Acyclovir for herpes.


The procedure for performing an almond exfoliation in the salon includes several steps typical of chemical exfoliation.

Session step by step:

  1. The patient's skin is cleansed of impurities and cosmetics with a special agent based on 10% phenoxyglycolic acid, then degreased and dried with napkins.
  2. The desired drug is applied to the face in the following order: forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, neck, décolleté. Processing in several layers is possible.
  3. After redness, the epidermis is covered with a neutralizer (if prescribed by the protocol), washed and dried.
  4. An anti-inflammatory or regenerating mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.

The exposure time of each layer is selected individually and averages 7-10 minutes. If you are doing the procedure for the first time, you should not keep the composition for a long time. Reduce exposure time to 3-5 minutes.

To obtain a stable and long-lasting effect, it is recommended to do 6-8 sessions with an interval of 10 days.

Skin care during the recovery period

Almond exfoliation, like any acid exposure, requires post-peel care. In the first week after the procedure, refuse to visit the bath, solarium, pool and sauna. Be sure to apply to skin before leaving the room. sun protection with an SPF of at least 40. In winter, protect your face from wind and frost.

During the recovery period, it is recommended to carefully care for the skin, apply a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory cream twice a day, wash with cool, acidified water. Such measures will increase the effectiveness of the procedure and reduce the risk of complications.

If you experience profuse rashes, exacerbation of herpes, prolonged swelling and redness, consult a doctor.

Almond peeling at home

Almond exfoliation is a simple and safe process that does not require specialist supervision, so it can be done at home. You can buy an exfoliating compound at a pharmacy or make your own. Most often, for an independent procedure, the products of the Belarusian company Belita, the Israeli brands GIGI (Gee Gee) and Christina (Christina) are used. The prices of these funds are very democratic.

Peeling with almonds at home is performed according to the same scheme as in the salon. Be sure to follow the procedure protocol. How to apply, how long to keep, which neutralizer to use - all this is indicated in the instructions for the drug, so read the description carefully.

If it is not possible to purchase a store-bought product, prepare an almond peeling.

The recipe is this:

  • crushed almond kernel - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oatmeal powder - 1 tsp;
  • white clay - 1 tsp;
  • water.

Mix the ingredients, add liquid and rub thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the skin, avoiding the area under the eyes, and lie down, otherwise the mask will not stick. After 20 minutes, do a light massage and rinse with cool water. Apply moisturizer.

Almond peeling from popular brands of cosmetics

Those who decide to do an almond cleansing at home or in a salon will probably be interested to know what peels are popular today and what effect you can count on.

In order not to get confused in drugs and brands, we will make a table:

Name of the exfoliantCharacteristicsPriceMulti-acid peeling Alpika, RussiaThe tool is produced in two forms: 5 and 15%. The expected result is brightening and rejuvenation of the skin, elimination of acne and stagnant spots, narrowing of pores, moisturizing. Requires neutralization. The course is 10 sessions.Bottle 30 ml - 1500 rubles.Almond-salicylic exfoliant Arcadia, Russia + FranceComplex drug. Consists of phenoxyglycolic (38%) and salicylic (2%) acids. Gives a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, eliminates acne in a mild degree, normalizes oily skin, tightens pores, brightens and evens out tone. Suitable for delicate, problematic dermis with rosaceaBottle 30ml - 1470 rubles.Multifruit peeling Gigi (Gi Gee) 15%, IsraelCombined remedy. Brightens the skin, evens out the relief, rejuvenates and saturates tissues with nutrients. It has a soft and delicate effect, suitable for sensitive skin of the face, hands, neck and décolleté. Requires a neutralizer.Bottle 100 ml - 6998 rubles.Exfoliant Martinex Mandelicpeel 40%It differs from other drugs in the content of isopropyl alcohol. It is considered a good keratolic, moisturizes and cleanses the skin, fights acne. Requires neutralization.Bottle 30 ml - 3060 rubles.Acid peeling Cosmoteros 30%, FranceThe exfoliant does an excellent job with age spots and post-acne, acne. Peeling after the procedure is quite noticeable, but disappears after 2-3 days. Suitable for all skin types. The course consists of 4-6 procedures.Bottle 30 ml - 2567 rubles.Exfoliant Mediderma, Spainproblematic skin do not work well enough, can provoke new rashes. They brighten and even out the tone of the face, fight the first signs of aging, cleanse and tighten pores." data-order="A well-known line of phenoxyglycol preparations. They come in various forms and concentrations. On problem skin, they do not work well enough, they can provoke new rashes. They brighten and even out the tone of the face, fight the first signs of aging, cleanse and tighten pores. with the first signs of aging, cleanse and tighten pores.Bottle 60ml - 7674 rubles.Peeling gel Ondevie (Ondevi) 35%, FranceThe gel does not require neutralization and is used only in the salon. Expected result: brightening and smoothing of skin tone, smoothing, reduction of wrinkles, lifting effect, general improvement of the epidermis. Exfoliant perfectly copes with acne, reduces greasiness and prevents scarringBottle 30 ml - 1 771 rub.Exfoliant MedicControlPeel (Medickontrolpit) 40%, RussiaPeeling from MCP perfectly copes with severe forms of acne, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and comedonogenic effect. One of the best exfoliants, the use of which is comparable to antibiotic treatment. For salon use only.Bottle 30 ml - 3400 rubles.Peeling MANDELAC (Mandelac) 40% from SESDERMA (Sesderma), Spainthin skin with couperose. It brightens, reduces pigmentation and post-acne, eliminates acne of 1-2 degrees, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes the dermis." data-order="The product has a mild cleansing effect, suitable for thin skin with rosacea. Brightens, reduces pigmentation and post-acne, eliminates acne of 1-2 degrees, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes the dermis."> The product has a mild cleansing effect, suitable for thin skin with rosacea. 2 degrees, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes the dermis.Bottle 60 ml - 7200 rubles.Almond + DMAE Mesopharm Professional Peeleng MandelicoA complex preparation based on phenoxyglycolic acid (50%) and DMAE (2%). The exfoliant is intended for sensitive skin with weakened turgor, signs of photoaging, first wrinkles. For salons only.Bottle 60 ml - 6200 rubles.Acid peeling ENERPEEL MA (Enerpil) 40%, Italydark spots prevents the development of acne. 4 sessions are recommended for the course. For professional use only." data-order="The exfoliant was created specifically for cleansing sensitive and allergenic skin. It has a pronounced antibacterial activity, eliminates acne, post-acne, age spots, prevents the development of acne. 4 sessions are recommended for the course. Only for professional use."> The exfoliant was created specifically for cleansing sensitive and allergenic skin. It has a pronounced antibacterial activity, eliminates acne, post-acne, age spots, prevents the development of acne. 4 sessions are recommended per course. Only for professional use.Bottle 2 ml - 2100 rubles.Line Natinuel (Natinuel), ItalyThe Natinuel line includes two types of almond peels. The first is aimed at rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin with signs of chronoaging, and the second is aimed at reducing pigmentation. Applies to salons only.Bottle 200 ml - 10650 rubles.Mandelic Acid Peel Exfoliant by ULTRACEUTICALSmimic wrinkles and secretion of the sebaceous glands. The exfoliant is completely safe for pregnant women and young mothers during lactation. The product is only for salon use, so you can’t buy it in the store, and the peeling will be expensive." data-order="One of the latest developments in aesthetic cosmetology. The drug is designed to combat aging, hyperpigmentation and acne. Suitable for delicate skin around the eyes, reduces the severity of mimic wrinkles and the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The exfoliant is completely safe for pregnant women and young mothers during lactation. The product is only for salon use, so you can’t buy it in the store, and peeling will be expensive."> One of the latest developments in aesthetic cosmetology. The drug is designed to combat aging, hyperpigmentation and acne. Suitable for delicate skin around the eyes, reduces the severity of mimic wrinkles and secretion of sebaceous glands.The exfoliant is completely safe for pregnant women and young mothers during lactation.The product is only for salon use, so you can’t buy it in the store, and peeling will be expensive.Bottle 60 ml - 8500 rubles.

From the table it is clear that there are a lot of almond exfoliants. Some of them can be used at home, others are intended only for professionals. Only a specialist can give competent recommendations and choose the necessary drug.

Possible Complications

The delicate effect of peeling and specially created formulas do not guarantee the absence of adverse effects.

The most common complications are:

  • swelling of treated tissues;
  • allergic rash caused by intolerance to the components of the exfoliant;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • dryness, burning and tightness;
  • redness.

The effects discussed are very rare and, as a rule, are the result of illiterate preparation for exfoliation or non-compliance with the exfoliation protocol.

Peeling almond 15%.

Almond peeling 15% Mandelic Peel 15% Gigi brand intensively cleanses the skin of impurities, dead skin cells, exfoliates and evens out the color. At the same time, the peeling components do not damage the skin, but contribute to its restoration, improve cell regeneration. It effectively brightens the skin, fights pigmentation. Peeling can be combined with any procedure, including deep cleaning. In addition, it prepares the skin for the absorption of active healing ingredients, exfoliates dead skin cells and impurities, while providing the skin with vitamins and nutrients. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Indications for use:

  • photoaging;
  • hyperpigmentation and dyschromia;
  • chronoaging;
  • acne, including age;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • decrease in turgor and skin elasticity.

Active ingredients:

  • mandelic acid- made from almond extract. It allows you to adjust both the intensity of chemical peeling of the skin and its depth. It combines a delicate effect and a pronounced exfoliating effect. It has antibacterial, antiviral and brightening effects. Eliminates defects oily skin, fights against photoaging and pigmentation. Mandelic acid reduces hyperpigmentation caused by UV radiation, brightens and evens out skin tone.
  • Ascorbic acid- this is an excellent prevention of wrinkles, while it is one of the most effective means for whitening and repairing the skin, stimulates the production of collagen, creates a natural protection from the sun's rays.
  • Pumpkin Seed Extract- contains nutrients fatty oil, phytosterols, protein, moisturizers, salicylic acid, calcium, iron, vitamins C, D1, B2, B6. Effectively nourishes, moisturizes and relieves skin irritation. Pumpkin proteases hydrolyze proteins, exfoliate dead skin cells and impurities, while providing the skin with vitamins and nutrients. Pumpkin enzyme brightens the skin, cleanses and makes it silky.

Mode of application:

Step 1. Cleansing.

Tasks to be solved: pre-cleanse the skin.

Step 5. Stimulation

Tasks to be solved: apply a stimulant to enhance the effect.

Apply the stimulating serum to the entire face, neck and décolleté with light driving movements, inject into the skin until completely absorbed.

Step 6. The final stage.

Tasks to be solved: consolidation of the result.

Apply 5-6 ml. massage cream on the face and neck area and start rubbing it with light, massage movements, depending on the desired effect. At the end of the procedure, remove the remaining cream with a warm wet compress (if desired, you can leave the cream on).

Then apply the Revitalizing Hydrating Mask in a thick layer to the skin. Leave to act for 10 minutes and remove with a damp sponge.

During the peeling course, for day care, it is recommended to use sunscreen with SPF 15-50, depending on the type of skin.


As a result of the course almond peeling 15% Mandelic Peel 15% brand Gigi significantly improves the structure of the skin. The production of own collagen, elastin, glycosaminoglycans and other substances of the intercellular matrix is ​​stimulated, local immunity increases and a pronounced lifting effect is observed, which is necessary for the correction of age-related changes.

Mandelic acid chemical peel has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, stimulates angiogenesis and helps improve skin tone. The main features of mandelic acid are its size and molecular weight. Its molecule is significantly larger than the usual glycolic acid molecule (8 times), and therefore enters the skin much more slowly. That is why this peeling is one of the softest in terms of impact.

Mandelic acid has a pronounced keratolytic effect and renews the cells of the epidermis well, removing dead skin particles.

Almond peeling is considered one of the most effective in the treatment of acne, since mandelic acid is a strong keratolytic, affects the pathogenesis of acne, has a comedolytic and bactericidal effect.

As a result of the peeling course with mandelic acid, the structure of the skin improves significantly, the production of its own collagen, elastin, glycosaminoglycans and other substances of the intercellular matrix is ​​stimulated, local immunity increases and a pronounced lifting effect is observed, which is necessary when correcting age-related changes.

Peeling is also effective for rejuvenating the skin of the hands, décolleté, perfectly evens out the color and texture of the skin. Brightens the skin, cleanses and makes it silky. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Active Ingredients: mandelic acid, ascorbic acid, pumpkin seed extract.

Recommendations: After cleansing the face and applying the rice peel, apply chemical peeling evenly with the help of an applicator on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Leave to act for 5-10 minutes and rinse with water after applying the neutralizer. Next, it is recommended to apply a soothing mask. Peeling should be carried out in a course of 10-15 procedures - once every 8-12 days.

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Almond peeling is gaining more and more popularity every year, pushing aside even its salicylic counterpart. It's all about the unique properties of mandelic acid, which, when used in peels, can achieve a much greater effect than other types of active ingredients.

A course of almond peeling can transform your skin

  1. Superficial almond peeling is ideal for people with sensitive skin, since in this case the acid acts slowly but evenly, minimizing the risk of irritation and excessive discomfort.
  2. Mandelic acid is known for its antimicrobial properties. That is why this type of peeling perfectly copes with various forms of acne, pronounced hyperpigmentation, inflammatory reactions and other viral and bacterial complications.
  3. Mandelic acid is able to gently reduce the pH level of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. What does it give? First of all, increasing the barrier functions of the skin, enhancing its ability to regenerate, reducing sensitivity to external irritations (weather conditions, heavy cosmetics).
  4. Mandelic acid retains water molecules around itself, so the level of skin hydration after peeling invariably increases.
  5. Mandelic acid does not increase skin photosensitivity, so this type of peel can be used all year round.
  6. Almond peeling is one of the few that can be used for rosacea.

Stages of peeling

Stages of almond peeling

The almond peel protocol may vary depending on the brand, but in essence, these will only be nuances. In most cases, the procedure is carried out according to the following scheme.

  1. Makeup removal and deep cleansing skin. A cleansing lotion with 10% mandelic acid may be used.
  2. Pre-peel preparation. The course of this stage depends on whether a preliminary one was carried out. If not, then this step is essential in order to even out the structure of the epidermis in order to ensure more effective penetration of the acid, as well as to know in general the individual skin reaction to the action of mandelic acid. For this purpose, on the treated area cotton pad apply a pre-peel solution with 5% AHA acids.
  3. Peeling directly. Without washing off the pre-peeling, mandelic acid is applied in the required concentration (most often - 30%). A gentle massage is performed with the fingertips. The exposure time of mandelic acid on the skin is 10-25 minutes, after which the solution is washed off with cool water.
  4. Soothing mask for 20-30 minutes. As a rule, the mask is available in the cosmetic line on which the peeling is carried out, and therefore is ideal for completing the procedure.
  5. Final post-peeling stage. It is optional, but desirable. The beautician can apply special cream which will moisturize the skin as much as possible and make the rehabilitation as comfortable as possible.

Pitfalls of almond peeling

Rehabilitation? She is!

Everything is flawless in the advertising booklets: potential results beckon with a long bulleted list, and at the same time there is no hint of complex rehabilitation. Let's face it. Low-percentage almond peeling in most cases is generally considered preparatory for more serious medium peels (, retinoic, phytic). A one-time procedure may not give any result at all. The course is another matter, but it will take a lot of time and money. Yes, almonds are good for minor skin problems, when you need to “refresh” your face a little, and also for those who are just starting to get acquainted with acids. If the beautician uses products with a higher concentration of acid, rehabilitation - although quite harmless - is almost inevitable.

After almond peeling, sometimes you have to hide your face

In fact, for 5-7 days you will have to drop out of the usual rhythm of life, or, without hesitation, demonstrate to others the crusts, peeling and redness traditionally inherent in the rehabilitation period.

Feelings during the procedure

Are you promised that the almond peeling procedure is completely painless and will not cause negative sensations? Let's make adjustments to this idyllic picture. During a session of almond peeling, it can burn, burn, pinch, sometimes all of this at once. Yes, often these phenomena go unnoticed, it all depends on your individual characteristics. However, the above sensations can take place and are considered the norm, and it will not be possible to do without a fan stocked up by a beautician.

almond peel brands

Ondevie (France)

Almond peeling Ondevie

In this product, mandelic acid is presented in an optimal concentration of 35%.
Ondevie chemical peels have a gel consistency for the most effective yet controlled penetration. According to the manufacturer, the drug has an excellent effect on fine wrinkles, stimulates collagen production, acts on all types of hyperpigmentation, evens out skin tone. According to patients, this particular peeling perfectly copes with various forms of acne by reducing the synthesis of skin sebum and preventing scarring.

It is recommended to use the following course: with dry, normal skin– 4 – 6 procedures with a break of 1-2 weeks, for oily and combination skin– 6 – 8 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. You can repeat the course in six months.

Repeated course after 6 months.

Kosmoteros (France)

Almond peeling Kosmoteros

Peeling of this brand with a content of mandelic acid of 30% allows you to carry out the procedure with minimal negative sensations. The session is not accompanied by a strong burning sensation, and discomfort is minimal. Almond peeling Kosmoteros perfectly copes with post-acne, rosacea, chronic rashes. Peeling during the course is quite delicate, but disappears in just a few days. As with weak superficial peels, in the case of Kosmoteros, the maximum effect is achieved when following the course of procedures recommended for your skin.

GIGI (Israel)

Almond peeling GIGI

The most delicate of professional peels: mandelic acid in this solution is presented at a concentration of 15% (among other ingredients - ascorbic acid, pumpkin seed extract). Great for rejuvenating treatments on the hands and décolleté. Peeling is perfectly combined with complex skin care programs - cleansing, dermabrasion, etc. Visibly brightens skin and evens out skin tone. Almond peeling from GIGI due to its gentle composition behaves wonderfully on sensitive skin.

MedicControlPeel (MCP)

Almond peeling MedicControlPeel

This brand has one of the most effective almond peels (acid concentration - 40%), while it is still one of the superficial ones. MSR almond peel is the best way to treat the most severe forms of acne: the effect of the procedure is comparable to antibiotic treatment. A course of peelings allows you to overcome acne, as it has a pronounced bactericidal effect and prevents comedonogenesis.