How to make stockings, leggings, stockings from nylon tights? How to stop, remove, arrow, puff, spools, how to sew up a hole on nylon tights imperceptibly? How to sew up nylon tights How to get rid of catches on tights

Arrows, stretch marks, puffs, hooks and holes on nylon stockings and tights - how well it is familiar to women and girls. And how annoying it is when they appear on new tights at the most inopportune time for this ... Probably, each of the beautiful ladies takes a spare pair with her for the most significant moments in life and all kinds of celebrations, if possible, but not always it is possible and appropriate.

Thin tights and relatively dense in some cases it is easier to buy new ones than to bother with old ones. Sometimes it is simply impossible to save the situation and restore products to their original presentable appearance. But sometimes useful people's councils below can help solve the problem for a while or even completely get rid of it. The information may well be useful.

How to remove tightness in pantyhose

How to get rid of puffs on pantyhose if they are very small? The answer is simple: align the threads of the hold (they are both vertical and horizontal). We simply align the elongated nylon threads with handles (after all, knitwear is interconnected loops in structure). Simple minor puffs (in cases where the thread has just stretched out slightly and has not yet broken) can be removed by slightly gently stretching the tights in the place of the puff (around) in different directions. So you can try if there is not even the smallest hole.

Sew a hole or arrow. This option is only suitable when the hole is in an inconspicuous place or a decision has been made to wear tights under trousers in the cold season. You need to take the smallest needle with a small eye and the thinnest threads in the color of the tights (you can use the thread from loose old tights of the same type, if you can, of course, get the thread out of them). With small neat stitches, starting from the edge of the arrow (so that it does not go further), you need to sew up the torn place. A torn heel can be stitched several times if necessary - this repair site will definitely be hidden from prying eyes by shoes.

Crocheting a thread. On thicker tights, you can try pulling the puff inside out with a special hook for lifting loops (similar to a needle, but with a folding eye), and then tie an elongated loop so that it does not tear and the arrow does not go. You can try to do this with a regular crochet hook (the thinnest and smallest you have at home).

How to remove the arrow on pantyhose

How to sew up an arrow on tights: first you need to grab the lowest loop and bring out of it a new one from the lowered one (if you knit with knitting needles or crochet, it will immediately become clear to you how to raise the lowered loops), without pulling the elongated loops much so that they are almost the same size as the rest . Thus, all dropped loops should be knitted, and the last one should be fastened with a neat knot on the wrong side. After all, tights are also a knitted product, which means that the fabric is machine-knitted similarly to hand-knitted.

Decorating a hole in tights. An arrow or a hole can be hidden by sewing it up (so as not to go further) and sew on top of any decor in the form of embroidery, patches, beads or rhinestones. You can fantasize here as much as you want, making the wardrobe item individual, perhaps even outrageous and, of course, ultra fashionable.

Fix the arrow or hole on the pantyhose for a while, so that it does not increase in size and does not go further, you can use simple solid toilet soap (after slightly wetting it beforehand) or nail polish (preferably in the color of tights or transparent). Fix it like this folk ways the arrow is quite simple: you just need to process the problematic edges with the means described above. After applying the product, you need to wait a couple of minutes for it to dry, preferably without moving, so that the knitted fabric does not deform during this process.

How to put on pantyhose without puffs

You should first remove all jewelry (rings, rings, bracelets) and even watches. By the way, even toenails can leave clues. Gather tights neatly from below in the sock area. Put them on the foot and carefully put them on higher, releasing them from the hands a little and spreading them along the leg. If necessary, pull them gently with fingertips (not nails) from below and pointing upwards.

Prevention of arrows on pantyhose

  • You need to buy products by size. Too small or too tight will cause excessive tension on the fabric (especially in the toe area) and it will quickly tear (the threads will not withstand just strong tension). The risk is especially high if worn with high heels.
  • Some housewives recommend gently ironing new products with an iron to make them stronger (just do it as carefully as possible, choosing the right temperature of the iron so that they do not melt).
  • Others after the purchase recommend, on the contrary, to freeze them for strength, putting them in the freezer of the refrigerator for a day.
  • Some treat new products with hairspray, spraying it over the entire surface.
  • When putting on and taking off tights, you should first remove all jewelry (rings, rings, bracelets) from yourself so as not to accidentally leave a clue.
  • Small puffs should be straightened as soon as they were noticed.
  • It is recommended to wash such products by hand with soap or shampoo.
  • If you wear trace socks, then the tights will tear less in the foot area.
  • Such products must be worn carefully and remember that danger and sharp objects are everywhere (bag accessories, keys, rings and bracelets, sharp knots on chairs and stools, decorative elements on clothes, etc.).

Let your favorite jerseys (stockings and tights) never know what flickers and puffs are!

All the girls faced the idea of ​​how to remove the puff on pantyhose. Leads always appear at the wrong time and always unexpectedly. It is especially offensive if the tights are spoiled from the very morning, and there is still a full working day ahead, and it is doubly insulting if the thing is completely new. The holds look messy, moreover, they quickly scatter into arrows, or even turn into holes.

True, it happens that the puffs remain in place and do not creep anywhere. After one such hook, another one appears, somewhere not far away - a third one ... Someone throws out such tights, and some continue to wear them (well, they didn’t tear!), Therefore, they don’t worry about it at all. It is unlikely that such a "worn out" thing speaks of frugality.

At least, those around who saw such a picture, most likely, will have the idea that in front of them is a sloppy, untidy person. Although some such natures may dismiss: "Leaky stockings are now in vogue, and you are hopelessly behind her!" By the way, models in torn tights really began to appear on the catwalks.

But, excuse me, this is a game, this is a stage where the actresses are models, and the images are the embodiment of the scenario of fashion designers, with notes of aggression, with a daring challenge. But it is unlikely that such a challenge will ever find a place in everyday life, and it is unlikely that your boss will like the new dress code.


How to remove tightness on pantyhose? Here you need to know what kind of product you are dealing with. There are several types of tights:

  • Thermal tights. They are made from several types of fibers (a mixture of synthetics, wool, elastin, cashmere, etc.).
  • Therapeutic (a special type of tights with antiseptic impregnation, intended for women with varicose veins).
  • Openwork, decorative (with a pattern, mesh).
  • Knitted (similar to knitted, made from woolen, semi-woolen, cotton threads).
  • Elastic (kapron).

It is not possible to remove the puff from all types of tights. The easiest way to do this is on knitted, warm, health-improving, decorative, openwork models. The most difficult thing is to cope with elastic transparent tights. The lower the density, the more difficult the task.

If your tights are from 5 to 40 den, you will have to leave the idea, or resort to drastic measures (read below), since, alas, it will not work to restore the canvas completely. But the 50 den models still have a chance to "live" for a while.

You can also "conjure" over tights with weaves (with mesh, openwork knitting). This is the so-called fantasy version. If you try a little, then it is quite possible to restore it. Consider the available methods.

Special hook

In the people it can be called a tambour needle, tambour hook, hook-needle, Luneville hook. In fact, they are slightly different, but the basics are the same: a wooden (sometimes plastic) handle and a thin rod with a tiny thin hook at the end, with a folding eye (or hooks of the same plan, but without a folding part).

Now such gizmos are not as common as before (but they are still on sale), but in the recent past, all self-respecting hostesses had them without fail.

These hooks will help remove the puff and even raise the arrow if it appears. How does such a device work? If you need to remove the loop, then the hook starts from the inside. The puff is captured and gently pulled inward.

If there is a puff, and a path has already begun to appear (they also say “the arrow has gone”), grab this loop with a hook and push the hook forward so that it is at the next, upper, thread (in fact, this is a lowered loop). Grab it and pull it out a little - a new loop will form.

Now grab it and do the same step again. So gradually you raise all the "runaway" loops. When the last loop is on the hook, pull it inside out as if it were a puff. To prevent the "path" from reappearing, fasten the loop with a knot of thin thread.

Important: when you lift the loop, keep the canvas in a slightly taut form so that after work it does not shrink.

It is most convenient to work with such a hook with warm and high-density tights. Almost imperceptible will be "maneuvers" with openwork products (of course, the result depends on the pattern, the type of weaving and the dexterity of the hands of the craftswoman herself).


The principle of operation is the same as with a hook. The needle will fit only the one in which the eye is wide, otherwise the efforts will not be successful. Insert the needle from the outside exactly in the same place where the puff appeared. Insert the eyelet into the eyelet and carefully pull it back.

The needle will pull the puff to the wrong side. Gently tug the canvas in different directions so that the front side aligns.

If you have a needle with only a thin (regular) eye, you can try another option, but this will also require a thin thread. Thread it into the needle. Now pierce with an ear from the inside exactly at the tightening point. Then pull the thread to free one end of it.

Thread this tip into the loop (puff) and thread it through the eye again (this is easier to do with a wet thread). The loop will lock. Pull the needle back and the puff will go inside with it. Now you can carefully pull out the thread and remove the needle. It remains to straighten the canvas, gently pulling it to the sides.

Stretching. This method is only suitable if the puff turned out to be transverse. It is very desirable to remove tights for such a maneuver, otherwise it will be difficult for you to control the degree of tension.

Attach the pantyhose to a flat surface (table, glass) and gently pull in the place where the loop is formed, first along, then across. If the thread is not damaged, you are lucky: the loop that spoils the view will click and immediately disappear.

If it is torn, this trick, unfortunately, will not work and an arrow will crawl in place of the loop.

On a note

There are situations when there is no opportunity to do "repair" immediately after the appearance of a clue. Find an opportunity to carefully examine the loop that has appeared. If it is small and the probability that the “surprise” will not spread until the evening is high, then leave the solution to the problem until you return home (now you know how to remove the puff on pantyhose and cope with the task without difficulty).

If, in place of the elongated loop, a traitorous arrow has already begun to crawl, use the correct proven option: fix it with colorless varnish. This option, of course, is not the best, but it will save you from a terrible path along the entire leg or even insure against the appearance of a hole.

Let's just say that it's much easier to buy new ones. But if you urgently need to run somewhere or there is no suitable store nearby, you will have to pick up a needle. And how to sew up nylon tights so that the seam is minimally noticeable, we will tell you.

What do we need

Everything you need to repair tights is in every home, so you don’t have to run anywhere:

  • Needle (as thin as possible)
  • Thread (suitable for color and thickness)
  • Magnifying glass (glasses or loupe)

If everything is clear with the needle, then there may be a problem with the threads. It is easily solved, take old tights or nylon socks / stockings, suitable color and release them. Pull out a thread of suitable length and proceed.

  1. At the very base of the hole or arrow, carefully pull off the opposite ends, the main thing is not to tighten too much.
  2. Further, if you have poor eyesight, then you will need either glasses or a magnifying glass, since the key to success is an eyelet to an eyelet. That is, you need to connect all the loops from different sides, the keyword is everything. If you miss at least one, it will "crawl" further.
  3. To be sure, in case you suddenly missed at least one loop, treat the seam with a colorless varnish. This life hack is also suitable for small holes or arrows, if there is nothing at hand at all - no thread, no needle.

But it’s better, of course, to have spare tights just in case, or buy a dozen pairs at once. By the way, you can get discount coupons for hosiery and a host of other products at It is profitable, convenient and practical.

But, returning to our problem, even the most carefully sewn hole will give a visible seam. That is, if the seam fell on the visible part of the tights, it is better to forget about your favorite skirt or Short dress. A woman should be neat, and this accuracy should be seen in everything. It is better to do without pantyhose than to appear in this form.

This does not mean that mended tights should be thrown out immediately. They can be worn under jeans, trousers or a long skirt.

As a rule, women always face an unexpected problem - how to sew up tights.

Nylon tights are very thin and therefore tear easily, even if you have just put them on for the first time.
If the arrow appears in the open area, then the tights can be thrown away, since even the most accurate seam will be noticeable. If the tights are torn at the top or on the toe, then they can be sewn up.

This will require a thread that is suitable for the thickness and tone of the nylon and a very thin needle. By the way, the thread can be pulled out of old unnecessary tights of a suitable color, after unraveling them.

To make it more convenient to make a seam, gently stretch the place of the "accident" on the palm of your hand, just do not pull the nylon too much so as not to enlarge the hole. We advise you to immediately fix the beginning and end of the arrow by dropping on these places colorless varnish for nails or glue. Then, making the required number of stitches, a hole is sewn up from all sides. The hole must be fully tightened. In this case, do not pull the thread too hard - an accordion may form and the seam will be rough.
When darning a hole on a toe, more stitches need to be made. In this place, the hole can form again if it is not carefully sewn up.

It is very important when sewing tights not to miss a single loop. Since the missed loop can be the beginning of a new arrow. Therefore, to see all the loops, you can use glasses or a magnifying glass. For reliability, one loop suddenly went unnoticed, a colorless varnish should be applied to the seam. You need to try to sew so that the seam is neat and invisible.

How to save tights if there is no way to sew them up?

If the spread of the arrow is not immediately prevented, then by the end of the evening it can turn from an inconspicuous strip into a large hole. How to sew tights in this situation? Of course, this is impossible, but in this case, you can use transparent or suitable color nail polish, as well as any glue, and seal the hole. This will stop the further progress of the arrow.

What to do if there is no varnish or glue at hand? Soap is a more unexpected means for urgent repair of nylon tights. It is necessary to rub the arrow with a slightly moistened bar of soap. The soap will dry up and the arrow will not crawl further. Liquid soap can also be used for the same purposes; it can almost always be found in special women's rooms. Soap on nylon tights will be completely invisible, because after drying it has no color.

These tips will help you sew up nylon tights so that the seam is the least noticeable, as well as stop the spread of the arrow.

Holes on knitwear tend to appear as if from nowhere! How to sew up a hole in a T-shirt quickly and as discreetly as possible - life hack + video.

Small holes especially "like" to appear on rather thin cotton jersey. Most often we find them on our favorite T-shirts or T-shirts after washing. It would seem a trifle, but the look of the thing is not the same - especially if the hole appeared in a conspicuous place.


If the hole is not stitched up, it is likely to grow larger soon. If you sew up a hole with ordinary threads, the repair site can be quite noticeable, plus the fabric can shrink ...

However, the craftsmen found a way out. To your attention - a life hack: how to repair a hole in knitwear as discreetly as possible with your own hands.

You will need:

  • very thin needle - such, for example, are used for beading;
  • unnecessary nylon stocking or tights of a color that is as close as possible in color to your T-shirt;
  • needle threader;
  • iron.

Work sequence:

1. We pull a thin thread from the stocking.

2. Thread the needle with a needle threader. We do not tie a knot!

3. We begin to collect the edges of the hole on the knitwear with a needle, catching the loops. We catch holes in the loop from below and from above - and tighten the stitch. We work with front side knitwear. We try not to tighten the fabric too much.

4. After completing the work, we bring the needle to the wrong side. We check if there are any unpicked loops of knitwear left. If necessary, we collect them.

5. We fix the thread with a few stitches and cut the thread.

6. We straighten the knitwear and iron the place of repair from the inside. The kapron thread will change its shape due to temperature and fix the knitwear in a straightened form, without tightening.