Is it possible to manage. What dates of birth are not celebrated? Fatal birthday for women

Many have probably heard that it is better not to celebrate the 40th anniversary. The one who dares to celebrate this date will allegedly be haunted by misfortunes. decided to figure out what could be the basis of this prejudice.

Where could the belief that you can not celebrate the 40th birthday come from?

The number 40 is associated with many important events for Christians:

  • The Flood lasted 40 days;
  • For 40 years the Jewish people were forced to wander in the desert before they found their happiness in the Promised Land;
  • 40 days after his death, Jesus ascended to heaven;
  • For 40 days Jesus was in the wilderness after his baptism, subjected to temptations and various temptations of the devil.

In this regard, it could be postponed in the popular mind that the number 40 is associated with death and suffering. And therefore, it is better not to celebrate this particular date in a series of your own birthdays.

Some especially superstitious people point out that the point is also in the very word "forty". They break it into two parts: "sorry" and "rock", which, in their opinion, can be interpreted as "dirty fate". If we develop this idea, it turns out that those who celebrate their 40th anniversary are rejoicing in their unhappy future.

How does the Church deal with superstition?

The Russian Orthodox Church considers this and other superstitions to be sinful.

Is the 40th birthday celebrated abroad?

Only the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun are suspicious of the 40th anniversary. The fact is that in Japanese the four is consonant with the word "death". Therefore, some citizens of the state prefer not to celebrate those birthdays that have this figure. Also, superstitious Japanese do not like to live on the fourth floor, be fourth on the list and watch the fourth channel on TV.

How can you celebrate the fortieth birthday of a superstitious person?

There are several options for celebrating 40 years for superstitious people:

  • note the departure of 39 years;
  • celebrate 40 years and 1 day;
  • change the reason for gathering guests. For example, arrange a house in new year style. And let all wishes be addressed to the birthday man, but without mentioning his age.

Almost every man approaching the age of forty will surely begin to learn from others with surprise that this anniversary cannot be celebrated. Bad omen. And, what is most interesting, no one can really explain the essence of this sign. No wonder it is one of the most popular queries in the search engines of the worldwide web.

In order not to bring misfortune ...

Having wandered through the links, you can find many stories from life about how people gave up on the sign, merrily noted - and as a result brought misfortune upon themselves. Forum visitors willingly tell stories from their lives - about how a lady called guests, received a bunch of gifts, and one gift turned out to be “with a surprise” - with severe damage, which the lady could not get rid of for a long time. Or about how a certain married couple celebrated their wife's anniversary in a restaurant, and from there she was taken away in an ambulance - problems with pressure. Or about how a man was going on a long business trip on the eve of the anniversary, the whole family tearfully asked him not to celebrate, but his colleagues insisted, and the man celebrated, after which ... the finger seemed to dislocate.

However, not less stories and about how someone did not notice, but he still felt sad.

“My aunt just didn't want to celebrate her 40th birthday,” says one forum visitor. - I celebrated thirty-nine years on a grand scale, arguing that there will be no holiday next year. And what do you think - four days later I had an accident! There is also a very sad case - the man did not live up to the planned anniversary exactly one day. It seems that they did not celebrate, but still some kind of sediment remained ...

In contrast to these gloomy stories, there are a lot of stories about grandfathers, great-grandfathers and grandmothers-great-grandmothers, whom the anniversary feast did not prevent them from living happily up to eighty and ninety.

Historical background

As usual, how many people - so many opinions. Whom to listen to? And why not celebrate 40 years?

We repeat that the ban on the celebration of the fortieth anniversary is one of the most mysterious and unreasonable. This superstition is most likely connected with the fact that the number forty is sacred in many cultures. It had a special meaning among the ancient Jews, for example. Let's open the Bible - it is found there all the time: for forty years Moses led the Jews through the desert, for forty days the Great Flood continued, for forty days Jesus spent in the desert after baptism ... Our Slavic ancestors also treated the forty with respect - there is an opinion that on it was based on the number system. Let's remember forty forty churches in Moscow, for example: not thirty thirty... Many ceremonies connected with birth and death were tied to the number 40. For example, a child could not be shown to strangers for forty days after his birth. On the fortieth day after death, the deceased was commemorated for the last time: it was believed that his soul on this day finally said goodbye to the earthly world. Until the forties they say, mentioning the deceased: "Let the earth rest in peace to him", after: "The kingdom of heaven to him."

And in Kievan Rus, at the dawn of Christianity, there was an interesting custom of checking the body of the deceased precisely on the fortieth day. If the deceased led a righteous life and showed signs of incorruptibility, the question of his canonization could arise. Perhaps it is the association with forty posthumous days that is the main reason why forty years cannot be celebrated. Although, according to this logic, it is not recommended for a child to celebrate nine years, but this is not heard anywhere.

Some esotericists cite numerology and Tarot cards as an argument. Indeed, in Eastern magic, 40 is the number of death. Rather, not 40, but 4, but according to numerological laws, this is practically the same thing: 4 + 0 = 4. In the Tarot, the main Arcana "Death" has the letter designation "M", and the letter "Mem" of the Hebrew alphabet just corresponds to the number 40. All this, of course, is interesting, but it is unlikely that our grandmothers, who supported the tradition with the arguments “If you celebrate forty, you won’t live to be fifty!” know about tarot cards...

Only for men?..

Perhaps this superstition has a very practical basis. Recall that the life expectancy of our ancestors was not so great compared to ours: after forty years, a person was considered to have already decently lived, having reached almost old age (the general standard of living was lower, and medicine was not up to par). It turns out that anything could happen to him, and the general weakening of his health contributed to this. The body began to age - hair and teeth fell out, diseases came that the forty-year-old body no longer coped so well with ... Celebrating forty years meant saying hello to impending old age and, possibly, death, which could well look into the light. It was better not to remind such a guest of her age. According to one of the superstitions, a guardian angel generally retreated from a person at the age of forty, leaving him without higher protection.

What is interesting - it was, as a rule, about men. IN last years women also stopped celebrating their fortieth birthday, but initially this ban did not concern them at all. Perhaps this is an echo of early Christian beliefs, which generally denied a woman a soul.

The modern Orthodox Church considers this custom to be complete nonsense. The priests say that one can somehow understand and support a person’s reluctance to celebrate 33 years (the age of Christ), but one should not think that if you still arrange a holiday, then you can incur some troubles and suffering: such things are not can offend higher powers. As for the number 40, in the same Bible there are quite a lot of joyful or neutral events associated with it: King David, for example, ruled for forty years - is that good or bad? .. The width of the temple built by Solomon was forty cubits - is this due to death? .. After his resurrection, Christ spent forty days on earth, trampling death by death and giving people new hope. So the position of the Orthodox Church on this issue is unequivocal: any superstition is evil, sin and temptation.

Protective Measures

For a long time, people have developed many ways to somehow protect themselves and get around any sacred prohibition. There is a lot of “good advice”: to celebrate not forty years, but forty years and one day, to celebrate the passing of the thirty-ninth year, to celebrate within the walls of your home (which, as you know, help), to celebrate in the circle of relatives and friends who cannot wish nothing wrong with the hero of the day ... If your fortieth birthday is of great importance to you, you can use one of these loopholes with peace of mind. But we should not forget that superstition "works" only with those who seriously believe in it. Weak people tend to look for someone to blame for all their troubles - they got up on the wrong foot, combed their hair in the wrong direction, and so on. The black cat and empty buckets are to blame, the anniversary celebrated at the wrong time and not from pure heart donated service. But still, if you really and seriously have been puzzling over the question “why you can’t celebrate 40 years” for more than a day, then it’s better not to really celebrate this ambiguous date and not spoil yourself and your loved ones with doubts and torments.

Perhaps the most famous version of folk signs associated with the celebration of a birthday is an advance celebration. The outcome of such an event can be unexpected and sometimes not very pleasant events. And all because the souls of deceased relatives, acting as guardian angels, could not get to the holiday.

Another sign says that by announcing his birth in advance, a person is doomed to trouble during next year. Well, it's just that only higher powers are endowed with the right to choose who and on what day to be born. To go against their will means inviting the wrath of the Gods upon oneself.

What dates are not celebrated in youth?

Few people know, but not every birthday should be celebrated at a young age. One of these fatal dates is considered to be the ninth anniversary of the child, since it is very reminiscent of nine days (9 days after death).

It is also undesirable to celebrate the 13th anniversary, when the child is going through the most difficult stage in his life - the transitional age. Getting one step closer to adulthood, much changes in his mind and understanding. Therefore, the celebration of such an intermediate date can negatively affect the future fate of a teenager.

fortieth anniversary

Most often, one has to hear from close people a bad reputation about the celebration of one's fortieth birthday. And even if it’s difficult to call you a suspicious or superstitious person, this sign makes many of us think. Only the most desperate go against the will of the people, arranging a grandiose celebration of the next round date.

So why is it not customary to celebrate the fortieth birthday? Again, because of the analogy with the church magpie. It is generally accepted among the people that the celebration of such a date will lead to fatal events in life. To give up signs in favor of your anniversary means to attract the attention of the messengers of death.

Fatal birthday for women

If the fortieth anniversary is more dangerous for men, then the 53-year-old birthday is not the best date for the female half of society. The reason for the refusal in this case is a turning point in their lives, the restructuring of biorhythms, a reassessment of values. In addition, the remaining couple of years before retirement, pressing on the mind "from afar." And who, if not women, are obsessed with their age ?!

Another fatal date, both for the defenders of the motherland and for the keepers of the hearth, is the 33rd anniversary of the birth. Since it was at this age that Jesus accepted his death, taking full responsibility for the sinful human world, the refusal to celebrate such a tragic date was perceived as a tribute to the son of God, and, therefore, in the future one can expect retribution for such a noble deed.

Well, how are you going to celebrate your daughter's birthday on Friday? I was extremely surprised when I heard a colleague's question. After all, my girl's two-year anniversary fell just on. The colleague was not the only one among the numerous Orthodox acquaintances who, having learned about the postponement of the family holiday, strictly scolded that we were depriving the child of childhood, that he still did not understand anything in “church affairs”.

In general, it turned out that the theme "Family holidays in Holy Week" has a place to be. It is about her - a conversation with, the rector of the temple of the martyr. George the Victorious of the Patriarchal Metochion in Georgia.

Archpriest Theodore Krechetov

— What if some important family holidays fall on Holy Week?

- If the spouses are believers in the family, there is agreement and understanding between them, such a question simply does not arise. I myself have been accustomed since childhood to the fact that any family celebrations that fall on Lent are postponed to the next Sunday or to or even for a time after Easter. It was natural and it simply could not have occurred to anyone that, say, a birthday could be celebrated on one of the Passion Days. And no one felt slighted if his personal triumph was postponed ...

The issue becomes relevant in those families where one of the spouses is an unbeliever or simply has a “liberal” view of the issues of church life. Then it can be difficult to reach agreement, and sometimes you just need to make a reasonable compromise: at least not touch the second half of the week: Thursday, Friday, Saturday ... Because these are special days, and if possible, it is still desirable for an Orthodox Christian to spend them in the temple .

- I have heard such objections: why deprive a small child of a holiday if he is not yet able to understand what kind of Events we remember on ...

- In fact, the child absorbs, remembers the general mood of his loved ones. But as for the celebration of the birthday of a small child, it just makes no sense to insist on a specific date: when adults arrange a holiday for him, then he will be happy. And in the future, when he becomes older, it would never even occur to him to expect fun for himself in tense and mournful days for every Christian. Unless, of course, before him will be an example of elders.

I remember that I postponed the celebration of my Angel Day, because it fell on the First Week of Great Lent. This is an example to all of us that for the sake of general church events, you can move your own, even such significant ones as Angel Day.

- And in your opinion, why do people today have the idea that family celebrations and Holy Week are quite compatible?

- It's just that now people are increasingly obsessed with their own "I", on its significance. And yet - this is the result of a lack of a sense of proportion, falling into some extremes. One extreme usually happens at the beginning of turning to God, the so-called neophyte spirit, when people still do not know how to calculate their strength and usually try to act according to the letter, for example, to fast very strictly, although there are neither forces nor conditions for this.

The other extreme usually happens later, when people have already gained experience and, realizing that the spiritual life is not built according to the letter, they decide that they will not “blindly obey the letter”, because the main thing is the spirit. And they begin too easily and imprudently to deny the rules, traditions, often in the end - the church life itself, arbitrarily adjusting it to their personal desires and requirements.

If it seems to us easier and easier, why not do it? After all, the main thing is that "in the soul everything was for real." How “real in the soul” is, with the priorities set in this way, it’s not worth saying.

If I consider myself a church person, then I must always subordinate my personal life to church life. There should be no arbitrariness of people's own will.

- But in this case, there is no risk of going just into the formal implementation of certain rules and regulations?

- A person should always seek his measure, based on the realization of what he is ready to sacrifice for the sake of God. And this feeling makes it clear what is acceptable and what is not. And just today we often observe a loss of a sense of proportion ... It occurs most often when a person outwardly - accepted Orthodoxy, he is captured by the novelty of sensations, he tries to live a church life, but it does not become deeply close to him, remaining something formal.

And church life should not be formal. Often it was like this, say, in pre-revolutionary times, when many people perceived everything related to faith as a custom. The loss of reverence, and eventually the very meaning, led to the fact that later all customs were easily lost. Or they have transformed, sometimes so senselessly that people don't know why they do certain things.

Earlier, after Easter, on Radonitsa, people, having prayed in the temple, went to cemeteries, to their departed loved ones and laid Easter cakes, eggs on the graves, so that later the beggars would go, pick up this offering as alms and commemorate the deceased, whose name is indicated on the cross . And now it has turned into some kind of mandatory burden: why, why - they themselves do not know. But it is necessary - it is necessary: ​​everyone does it. There was just a loss of meaning.

The same is with family holidays to Strastnaya. A person says to himself: “The main thing is that I – internally – believe. Why should I follow the rules then? And I don't need the memories the Church speaks about. I remember everything anyway." A person insists on some kind of personal faith. The balance between personal faith and church consciousness turns out to be not only disturbed, but completely lost.

What is the cost of loss?

“As a result, the living feeling, the living presence of Christ in life is lost. Passion Week is the time when a person visibly and vividly feels the convergence of time, world history at one point. And he feels a part of it. Through prayers, through the whole mood of the services of Holy Week, we are transported, out of time and space, into what happened more than 2000 years ago and at the same time is happening now, we empathize and participate in those Events, because every day of Holy Week corresponds to the day of the Savior's earthly life. Through this we come into contact with Eternity.

And if this is not close to a person, he does not want to be transferred anywhere, services for him turn simply into being inside the temple, where they stand for a long time and read something. Of course, this is painful and the person reassures himself: “God does not need this tedious standing. God needs me to love Him. And why then postpone the birthday of a person dear to me in order to spend several hours on my feet in a stuffy temple? There is a loss of feeling, but at the same time the person continues to call himself Orthodox.

There is a separation of consciousness. normal person it would not occur to him to arrange a holiday, to have fun, when one of his relatives had just died. But because of the loss of sensitivity, a living sense of presence, the Gospel Events begin to be perceived as something abstract. Which leads to questions like the one we just discussed.

There is an opinion that the fortieth anniversary should not be celebrated because of the possible negative consequences. The opinions of psychics and folk signs will help answer this question.

Some events in our life are entangled in many legends, secrets and mysteries. For example, the people have a strong opinion that 40 years is not a reason for joy and noisy fun in the company of close friends and relatives. There are many reasons for this. For Orthodox Christians, the figure is associated with negative events:

  • it was this number of days that the Flood lasted;
  • for forty years the Jews walked through the desert in the hope of happiness, and only many years later they found the Promised Land;
  • this is the number of days Jesus spent in the wilderness, struggling with temptations and devilish temptations;
  • forty days passed before Jesus ascended to heaven after the execution;
  • for forty days the soul stays in our world before going to the Kingdom of Heaven.

However, the Orthodox Church itself believes that such analogies are nothing more than superstition. Bioenergy experts believe that many signs that have come down to our times are associated with the way of life of people. After all, before the threshold of life was not so great, and 40-year-old people were considered to have lived a long life.

Folk omens

Among the people, the number forty is divided into two syllables, which form words that carry negative energy: rubbish and rock. Rubbish in the life of our ancestors meant not only ordinary garbage, but also all the accumulated negativity that interfered with happiness and prosperity. And fate is a fate that can punish everyone for wrong steps and deeds.

Superstitions apply mainly to men. In folk omens, a forty-year-old man is considered to be old enough, and birthday celebrations were considered a challenge to old age or even Death itself. The people believed that revelry for forty years provokes a series of troubles that can lead to disastrous consequences.

Opinion of psychics

Many psychics and esotericists are wary of the number forty. On Tarot cards, the four symbolizes death and is associated with burial and other rituals, one way or another connected with negative events. Therefore, psychics do not recommend arranging a celebration "on the bones" so as not to provoke the introduction of the afterlife into people's lives.

Also, the four is a reflection of the crisis. Astrologers are inclined to believe that forty-year-old people are most susceptible to the influence of Uranus. This planet carries the energy of destruction and change, and not everyone can withstand such a strong impact. Negative influence can affect the financial situation, reassess one's own life not for the better, initiate events that provoke troubles and failures in the lives of forty-year-old people who decide to celebrate their anniversary.

How to protect yourself

The date of celebration can be moved a day later and celebrated not forty years, but 40 years and one day. So superstitious people get rid of the negative that this number carries.

You can also celebrate the previous date on a grand scale, without focusing on the upcoming anniversary. However, superstitious people should not celebrate forty years in advance - it is believed that it is bad luck to celebrate a day that has not come ahead of time.

Forty years can be celebrated to the same day, but not to associate the party with a specific anniversary. You can call your friends on a different occasion and celebrate, for example, some memorable date in your life, arrange a masquerade ball or just a party with all kinds of contests.

To believe in the danger of the 40th anniversary or not is a personal matter for everyone. The Orthodox Church categorically opposes signs and superstitions, because in Scripture there are many charitable deeds and events associated with this number. We wish you happiness, joy and positive, and do not forget to press the buttons and

10.10.2017 04:18

Among the huge number of superstitions, a special number of female signs stand out. Folk wisdom, proven by generations, can make ...