World tourism day celebration ideas. World Tourism Day is a holiday for travelers. History of World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day is an international holiday. World Tourism Day is usually celebrated on the twenty-seventh of September, but this date is not marked in red on the calendar. She doesn't get a day off. The purpose of this celebration is to promote tourism, highlight issues of its importance in the field of the economy of each state and in the field of strengthening ties between different countries.

history of the holiday

World Tourism Day, celebrated in many countries on the twenty-seventh of September, was proposed to be celebrated by the General Assembly, which belongs to a tourism organization of international importance. This happened in 1979 in the city of Torremolinos, located in Spain. The holiday did not come to Russia immediately. In the Russian Federation, it began to be celebrated only in 1983.

The purpose of the holiday is to promote tourism, highlight its contribution to the economy of the world community, develop ties between peoples different countries. It aims to draw the attention of the international community to the importance of tourism and its social, cultural and economic significance.

Every year a new motto is chosen to celebrate this date. In 2003, Russia was appointed as the presiding state. Regardless of the chosen slogan and year, the celebration is timed to coincide with the beginning of the tourist season in the Southern Hemisphere and its completion in the Northern Hemisphere. A wide range of events aimed at highlighting issues and problems in the field of tourism is held in most countries of the world.

Traveling is a way of knowing and accepting the world around us, it is a constant development, discovering many new and interesting things, getting out of your comfort zone. True tourists and travelers are active, inquisitive and positive people. This wonderful day is dedicated to them.


This holiday was first celebrated in 1979 in Spain. After the meeting of the General Assembly of the International Tourism Organization in the city of Torremolinos in 1979, it was decided to give the status of Tourist Day world holiday. At the meeting, they also determined on what date this day will fall - on September 27 of each year. And this date was not chosen by chance: on the same date in 1970, the Charter of the World Tourism Organization was adopted.

A few years later, other countries joined Spain, and this wonderful holiday began to be celebrated everywhere. In Russia, this day has been officially celebrated since 1983. It turns out that in 2017 the Day of Tourism in Russia will be held for the 35th time.

Chronology of the emergence and development of the international holiday:

The main traditions and features of the holiday

Every year this holiday is dedicated to some specific topic significant for the development of the tourism sector. Over the past 35 years, many important topics and here are some of them:

  1. "The role of tourism in the preservation of global peace and the cultural heritage of society."
  2. "Ecotourism".
  3. "Tourism for all".
  4. "Tourism and quality of life".
  5. "Travel and Transport".

2017 will not be an exception. This year the holiday will be held under an equally significant slogan. In addition to various conferences and discussions of the chosen theme of the year, traditional thematic activities are organized in each country:

  1. Tourist trips.
  2. Field trips.
  3. Seminars.
  4. Gatherings of tourists.
  5. Festivals and others festive events.

Travelers from all over the world gather at these events, share their experiences, impressions of visited places, interesting routes, show photos and videos taken in a new place.

Also on this day, various thematic programs are shown on television, telling about all kinds of tourist destinations.

About tourism

Tourism is a lifestyle, a type of recreation and leisure, as well as a direction in business.

Types of tourism:

  1. Natural - visiting various picturesque places and admiring the beauties of nature.
  2. Religious - visiting places associated with religion: temples, churches, cathedrals, etc.
  3. Historical - the study of places associated with important historical events and / or the life and way of life of ancestors.
  4. Art criticism - trips to theaters, museums, galleries and other places related to culture and art.
  5. Manufacturing - study of the production process in factories in the visited country.
  6. Architectural and urban planning - visiting monuments and sights.

However, not all travelers adhere to any particular type of tourism. Many are interested in several species at once, or have no preferences at all, believing that it is best to just enjoy the trip and not make far-reaching plans.


Perhaps the most successful congratulations on this day will be a gift, in any way connected with the trip:

  1. Travel voucher.
  2. Paid airfare to an as yet unexplored country.
  3. A set of tourist equipment.
  4. An exciting excursion.
  5. A colorful guide to any country.

We also note that on this day it is customary to congratulate not only the tourists themselves, but also all workers related to this area.

World Tourism Day is celebrated annually on September 27th. In Russia in 2018 it is held for the 36th time. The celebrations are attended by travel enthusiasts, travel agency employees, equipment stores, employees of organizations for the development of the tourism industry. The purpose of the holiday is to promote tourism and develop international relations.

Travel is a way of communicating with nature and learning about the world around us. Tourists get new emotions and impressions by contemplating natural landscapes that are invisible in everyday city life. An international holiday is dedicated to people who are engaged in tourism.

Traditions of the day

Every year the festival is held under a new motto. On this day, events are held to promote public tourism, disseminate ideas active rest and visiting different parts of the world.

settle down hiking trips, rallies, field trips. Participants share their impressions of the beauties of the Earth they have seen, discuss routes, tell about the features of life in different states, show videos and photographs.

On the eve of the holiday, the authorities hold conferences, seminars, hearings on the development of resort towns, their popularization among the inhabitants of the country and abroad. Thematic programs are broadcast on television and radio stations. The main characters talk about distant countries, exotic places on the planet.

How did this holiday come about?

The holiday dates back to 1979. In the city of Torremolinos (Spain), a meeting of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization was held. As a result, it was decided to establish the World Tourism Day. In a short time, he gained wide popularity in many countries of the world. In the Soviet Union, the event began to be celebrated in 1983.

Beautiful congratulations on Tourism Day

Anyone who loves backpacking and hiking
And meet sunrises in tents,
I have good weather today
And I want to wish you good luck.
To everyone who can't sit still
Who is accustomed to know this world, -
Impressive meetings, travels,
So that later there is something to remember.
Happy Tourism Day, friends, everyone involved!
More strength, more air in the chest!
And let it be insanely beautiful
Light, bright is your chosen path.

Tourism Day is very romantic, positive, Holy holiday, as well as tourists who want to smile. Dear tourists, on this day with great pleasure I would like to wish you new horizons, bright adventures, bright moments, unforgettable trips and hikes! Let the whole world be open before you, as in the palm of your hand! Let your life be rich, unique, unsurpassed! I wish that every new place where you go will meet you with warmth and cordiality, may your hearts be full of love and enthusiasm! Happy World Tourism Day to you, from the bottom of my heart!

To all tourists and tourists
I wish you bright days
Flights are calmer
And more fun overnight!

After all, tourism is not only mountains,
Forest and songs by the fire,
And Paris, Istanbul, Minvody,
Prague, Rome and Hurghada.

Don't let your visa expire
And the insurance won't expire
Only a tablecloth road
In a tourist paradise you lies!

What could be more mysterious and exciting than traveling? Go hiking or to the beach, relax in the mountains or by the ocean and learn from the guide the history and traditions of ancient cities. All this is reminiscent of immersion in another world, another reality. accept my my sincere congratulations Happy World Tourism Day, dear travelers, eternal guests, fickle wildlife explorers and hotel room patrons. I wish you never go astray, have a fun and carefree holiday and give positive to everyone around you. Love, happiness, peace, warmth!

The world is so big and so beautiful
Lots of interesting places
And such a wonderful holiday -
Tourism Day - there is in the world!
Happy holiday to you all today,
Who is interested in tourism.
Happiness, joy, health
And success to you in everything!

Congratulations on Tourism Day
Everyone involved in this life
To rest, travel tickets,
Weekend parties!
All tour operators
Peaceful and glorious
you hot life
We wish together!
Let the business grow
Tickets are flying out!
Let it be in your power
And love and happiness!

I tell you with optimism:
“Congratulations on the Day of Tourism!”
Kettle, backpack, tent,
Matches, salt, potatoes from the garden -
I put everything together and went into the forest ...
Found shelter by the fire.
Happy holiday, tourists!
Will you take us on a hike?

Tourism - today for many best view recreation. Seeing new places, getting out into nature, gaining new experiences... A tourist is, of course, not a profession. This is bigger. It's a way of life. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that travelers have their own holiday - World Tourism Day.

history of the holiday

International Tourism Day was established by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in 1979 in the city of Torremolinos in southern Spain, famous for its resorts. It is no coincidence that the holiday is celebrated at the end of September. The date is very symbolic: it is at this time that the tourist season ends in the Northern Hemisphere and opens in the Southern.

What was the purpose of the UN when establishing this holiday? It aims to promote tourism and highlight its contribution to the economies of all countries in the world. In addition, World Tourism Day highlights the importance of developing links between different nations and nationalities.

When did tourism start?

The world's first travel agency was opened in the mid-nineteenth century by Thomas Cook. On July 5, 1841, he organized the first tourist train ride for almost 600 people. The route was very picturesque and ran through the English county of Leicestershire.

The popularity of such trips quickly gained momentum, and railways began to give Thomas Cook big discounts. Thus, such walks became possible even for people with a small income. The number of clients grew every day. Travel became regular. And soon the company "Thomas Cook and Son" was organized.

Already at the beginning of the 1850s, Cook laid new routes not only in England, but also in Europe. People have the opportunity to see many previously inaccessible cities. 1865 was marked by the opening of a tourist route from England to America. People with great pleasure set off on a journey around the New World. And many Americans were able to see their historical homeland. Among the first clients of the firm was the famous writer Mark Twain.

Thus, by chance, Thomas Cook became the inventor of the tourism business. His agency brought him considerable income and worldwide fame. And most importantly, more than three million people were able to see the beauty of our world!

Holiday of travelers and tourism workers

World Tourism Day is a celebration of those who have traveled at least once. And of course, this is a holiday for those who help us to do this - workers in the tourism sector. These are not only employees of travel companies, but also tour guides, employees of the hotel business, because they accompany us on our travels, make our vacation comfortable and safe.

For many years this holiday has been celebrated in almost all countries of the world. Tourist rallies are held, and various holiday events are held at many resorts. In Russia, World Tourism Day has been celebrated since 1983.

Tourists and "wild" recreation

But not everyone likes an organized vacation with hotel accommodation. There is such a layer of travelers who prefer camping. It is they who go for new experiences in wild forests, impassable jungles and mountains.

And they have a wonderful tradition: on the Day of Tourism in many countries of the world, you can watch the tent camps of tourists who have come together to celebrate this wonderful holiday. They arrange for themselves entertainment program share their impressions from previous trips.

For many, tourism is becoming not just a form of recreation, but a lifestyle. IN last years Thanks to the development of the tourism sector, the craving for travel is gaining momentum. And this is not surprising, because there are so many beautiful and interesting places must-see with your own eyes!

world tourism day(World Tourism Day) was established by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (The World Tourism Organization, UNWTO) in 1979 in the Spanish city of Torremolino (Torremolinos) and is celebrated annually. This date was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1970 the Charter of the World Tourism Organization was adopted.

The purpose of the holiday is to promote tourism, highlight its contribution to the economy of the world community, and develop ties between the peoples of different countries. It aims to draw the attention of the international community to the importance of tourism and its social, cultural and economic significance.

This is a holiday for everyone who at least once felt like a traveler, getting out of the everyday bustle of everyday life on the banks of the river, in the forest, in the field or in other places that our land is so rich in! And, of course, this is a holiday for those who are directly involved in the tourism business: employees of travel companies, museum workers, managers and staff of hotel complexes - all those who professionally provide a comfortable and safe vacation.

Over the past half century, tourism has become one of the fastest growing and most important economic sectors in the world. And for some countries, tourism is even the main source of income for the state budget. The tourism sector accounts for 10% of global GDP and has shown resilience and even growth in recent years, despite challenges such as the global economic crisis, natural disasters and epidemics. In addition, the advent of new tourism-related technologies and lower transport costs have led to an increase in international travel.

Like any activity, tourism has a strong impact on the economy, society and environment in developing countries and especially in host countries. In addition to the socio-economic impacts of tourism, the sector, if managed sustainably, can be a contributor to environmental conservation, cultural recognition and understanding among peoples.

Therefore, recognizing the importance of international tourism in promoting better understanding between peoples, which leads to increased awareness of the rich heritage of various civilizations and to a better understanding of the values ​​of different cultures, thereby contributing to the strengthening of peace on the planet, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 2017 international year sustainable tourism for development.

The holiday has been celebrated in most countries of the world for over 30 years, including Russia. Each year it is devoted to a certain theme, which is proclaimed by the World Tourism Organization. Among the slogans of the Day were: "The contribution of tourism to the preservation of cultural heritage, to global peace and mutual understanding", "Tourism and quality of life", "The best of travel: good guests and good hosts", "Tourism is the lifeblood for world peace" , “The free movement of tourists creates new world”, “Communication, information and education: determining directions for tourism development”, “Tourism development and environmental protection: towards lasting harmony”, “Tourism - a factor of tolerance and peace”, “Technology and nature: two difficult tasks for tourism at dawn twenty first century”, “Ecotourism is the key to sustainable development"," Travel and Transport: From the Imagination of Jules Verne to the Reality of the 21st Century", "Tourism and Water Resources: Protecting Our Common Future", "One Billion Tourists - One Billion Opportunities", "Tourism for All - Promoting Universal Access to Tourism ”, “Sustainable tourism - a tool for development” and others.

Traditionally on this day there are gatherings of tourists, festive events and festivals dedicated to tourism and tourism business.

Anyone who loves backpacking and hiking
And meet sunrises in tents,
We have good weather today
And we wish you good luck.

To everyone who can't sit still
Who is accustomed to know this world, -
Impressive meetings, travels,
So that all my life there was something to remember.

Happy tourism day, friends, everyone involved.
More strength, more air in the chest!
And let it be insanely beautiful
Light, bright is your chosen path.

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