“Soon, soon the New Year” project (middle group) on the topic. A story about the New Year holiday for children A short story New Year is coming soon

Drawing up a story based on the painting "New Year is coming soon"

(preparatory group for school)

Task: develop coherent monologue speech.


- enrichment of the dictionary on the topic "Winter";

Talk about what holiday will soon be, what it means;

Tell what toys decorate the New Year tree;

Practical use of plural nouns in the instrumental case;

Selection of related words to the word "snow".

Preliminary work:compiling a story on the topic: "How to make a snowman"

Lesson progress

1 Organizing moment

2. Conversation about the holiday

What season is it now?

Why so decided?

(It's cold outside, it's snowing)

What if there is no snow? (still winter, only warm)

What holiday are we getting ready for?

What holiday is it? (this year passes into another, changes)

The old year ends, leaves, and the new one………….begins, comes.

In the new year, you will also grow up, you will become a year older!

Why are you looking forward to the New Year?

(we will receive gifts from Santa Claus, it will be fun)

How do you prepare for the New Year at home? (we put the Christmas tree, decorate)

Why do people put up a Christmas tree? (for Santa Claus to come and put gifts under the tree)

3. Examining the painting

We will consider a picture that shows how people are preparing for the New Year.

What season is drawn? (winter, snow is everywhere)

Who is drawn? (dad and daughter)

What are they doing? (carry a tree)

Where did they get her? (bought in store)

(Draw the attention of the children to the house, past which the father and daughter are walking, and to the Christmas tree in the window.)

What is this house? (this is a shop)

What is for sale? (trees, new Year decoration, present))

What tree did you buy? (small, lively, beautiful, fluffy, green)

Why did you buy? (bring home, fix, decorate)

How? (balls, garlands, stars, beads)

Who else do you see?

What is he doing the boy who is closer to us? (carries skis)

Where is he going? (up the hill to go skiing)

What is he doing to the other boy? (makes a snowman)

How did he blind him?

First he rolled up a large ball of snow, then a medium one, and then a small one. He put them on top of each other. Instead of eyes, he stuck two coals, instead of a nose, a carrot, and put an old bucket on his head.

What is the snowman like? (big and beautiful)

If the boy made a snowman, what kind of snow is on the street? (wet, sticky)

Look who's sitting on the roof of the house? (bullfinch)

He flew in from the north to be fed.

(Draw children's attention to feeders)

Did you like this picture? How?

4. Telling a story with the help of leading questions of a speech therapist

First you have to say what season is it?

(Winter came)

Why so decided?

Tell us about your father and daughter. (Dad and daughter went to the store on the day off and bought a small, fluffy Christmas tree)

Where did they take it?

(They carried her home)

What will they do?

Now tell me who else you see.

How do we end the story?

We are also preparing for the holidays. We will also decorate the Christmas tree.

5. Independent storytelling by children

6. Selection of related words to the word "snow":snowball, snowflake, snowy, snowman, snowfall, bullfinch, Snow Maiden.


Sample story:

Winter came. White fluffy snow fell. Snow lies on the ground, on the roofs of houses, on bushes and trees. The weather is calm and windless.

Dad and daughter went to the store and bought a living, beautiful, fluffy, small Christmas tree. They carried her home. At home, the Christmas tree will be decorated with balls, beads, garlands, lanterns and an asterisk at the top.

The boy bought skis in the store and went up the hill to ride. And the other boy made a snowman. First he rolled up a large ball of snow, then a medium one, and then a small one. He put them on top of each other. Instead of eyes, he stuck two coals, instead of a nose, a carrot, and put an old bucket on his head.

The snowman turned out big and beautiful. A bullfinch sat on the roof of the house. He flew to us from the north, he will eat rowan berries.

I want a new year too!

Natalia Alexandrovna Nikolaeva

the most fun, fabulous holiday is approaching - New Year! And we, adults, and children are looking forward to it. To decorate our group, everyone spent great job for the manufacture of various crafts. In the construction class, the children made lanterns that we hung on the children's lockers. In free activity, the children made multi-colored beads with great desire. The children decided to decorate the curtain in the doll's corner with them. In the handicraft class, the children made funny, funny chickens. We have a very active, creative parental committee. They carved a rooster out of boxes, and the children circled their hands and cut them out. The children worked very hard, it was interesting to look at them. Our rooster turned out to be surprisingly beautiful. And what a beautiful Christmas tree Sofronova Yulia sewed. We decided to decorate it with painted eggs. Olga Nikolaevna handed out balloons cut out of cardboard to her parents and offered to decorate them with the children. We hung them in the locker room. It turned out nice and colorful. Each ball is a work of art. They arranged elegant Christmas trees, which were also made by children with their parents. We also put a Christmas tree in the group, hung over it spruce branch with boots, where we put the cockerels - a reward for work. And we put a fireplace, it burns with us. Children look at him and rejoice. To make the group even more elegant, we also decorated our chairs with hats with bumps. Here's what we got! All with the upcoming Happy New Year to you!

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The most family, warm and joyful holiday is the New Year. Every person is waiting New Year's magic. Many believe that New Year's Eve fulfills all desires. Children are especially looking forward to this holiday, because it is to them that Santa Claus brings a lot interesting gifts. People send New Year cards to their relatives and friends, and also surprise each other.

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>Essays on topics

New Years is soon

New Year is the best holiday of the year in my opinion. It's the beginning of December, and the New Year is coming soon. I love this time before the holidays. Everything around is transformed, it acquires a festive elegant look, the smell of the approaching holiday hovers everywhere. There are a lot of garlands, lanterns and tinsel in every store and supermarket. Everything flashes, flickers and shimmers different colors. In the city, on the central square, the main attribute of the holiday is set - a tall Christmas tree. It is decorated with a crane with a variety of toys and garlands. At night, the city is transformed, thousands of lights are burning everywhere, as if the sky and the earth have changed places. Christmas markets open. True, now most people prefer to buy artificial Christmas trees, but I like the real ones because they have a special smell - one of the smells of the holiday.

Holidays are everywhere. Our school has a tradition: each class decorates its office, and then a competition is held for the most beautifully decorated office. The jury, represented by the school administration, renders its verdict, and the winner class receives a diploma. In addition, we have New Year's events, the students of each class come up with something on New Year theme like a dance, song or skit and present their performance, we usually prepare something very fun to please the audience. Interesting and funny contests are also held, the winners receive small but nice gifts. At our event there is always Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, which are played by students of our school. And for kids, senior classes hold matinees. Santa Claus gives them gifts, they dance in elegant costumes and sing New Year's children's songs. We have already begun preparations for the holiday, we have come up with an interesting program with songs, dances and funny parodies.

For me and my family, the New Year is a decorated Christmas tree, tangerines, Russian salad and a magnificent feast with friends and family. I love decorating the Christmas tree at home. I have my own tradition, every year I buy two new Christmas decorations and one garland. Over the years, I've amassed quite a stock. Christmas decorations, so my Christmas tree is always very elegant and beautiful. This year, dad promised to buy both a Christmas tree and a pine, I hope I have enough toys to decorate them both. Last week we bought a box of tangerines, so the smell of the holiday has already seeped into our house. Preparations for the long-awaited holiday will begin very soon.

Time new year holidays- this is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes to every home at the end of each year with the onset of winter cold. How much do you know about the history of this holiday and the traditions of the New Year? We also remember how we prepared exactly a year ago for the outgoing year of the Tiger

The New Year always gives us hope for the best, gives us many gifts and pleasant emotions. During this period, we can easily feel like the heroes of a fairy tale. We all remember childhood, perceiving what is happening around us through the eyes of a child. Everyone so wants to believe in Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who will certainly come to visit us and that somewhere far away, in cold climes, lives a beautiful The Snow Queen. Some will disagree with me, but in my heart it happens to everyone. And the New Year is to blame for everything - the time for the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. The main thing is to tune in only to the good, the good, and all wishes will come true

The meeting of the New Year carries the brightest feelings and is associated with hope, love and support. This holiday, like most others, is rooted in antiquity. On this day everyone is going big cheerful company and meet the year so that the charm of New Year's Eve will be remembered for a very long time

The history of the New Year has about 25 centuries. The celebration of the New Year among the ancient peoples usually coincided with the beginning of the revival of nature, and was mainly timed to coincide with the month of March. The decision to count the New Year from the month of "Aviv" (i.e. ears of corn), which corresponded to our March and April, is found in the law of Moses. Since March, the Romans also considered the new year, until the transformation of the calendar in 45 BC by Julius Caesar. The Romans on this day made sacrifices to Janus and started major events with him, considering him an auspicious day.

Only since 1700, the Russian Tsar Peter I issued a decree to celebrate the New Year according to European custom - January 1. Peter invited all Muscovites to decorate their homes with pine and spruce flowers. Everyone had to congratulate relatives and friends on the holiday. At 12 o'clock at night, Peter I went to Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky. Fireworks began in honor of the New Year holiday. About three hundred years ago, people believed that by decorating the New Year tree, they make evil forces kinder. The evil forces have long been forgotten, but the Christmas tree is still a symbol of the New Year holiday.

And now a little about the traditions of celebrating this wonderful winter holiday.

New Year's winter holidays had a lot of rituals: people played games, sang songs and danced round dances. The Magi predicted the future, and the girls guessed at the betrothed. But, most importantly, everyone went to visit each other. So, having entered the house during the holiday, on the table of our ancestors one could see pies in oil, dumplings, porridge with honey, goose stuffed with milk mushrooms and jelly. And after the meal, the guests were treated to the sweet drink suritsa.

But the basic rules that the ancient Slavs adhered to:

  • Wear something new to wear new clothes all year;
  • Throw away old things in order to cleanse the house and soul of all rubbish;
  • Have fun on the first day of the new year so that the whole year is joyful;
  • Prepare as many treats and delicacies as possible for the festive table in order to live in abundance all year;
  • Do not lend money for the new year, distribute all debts so that you no longer be in debt.

Now the New Year holiday is also full of various beliefs and traditions. In Italy, for example, they get rid of old things, and in Bulgaria, when people gather at the festive table, the lights are turned off in all houses for three minutes. These minutes are called "minutes of New Year's kisses", the secret of which is kept by darkness. An integral part of the New Year is Christmas tree(in some countries this is an attribute of the celebration of Christmas) and Santa Claus is a fairy-tale character who, in new year's eve puts gifts under the tree for obedient children. Modern traditions of the New Year also appeared - the use of pyrotechnic products: sparklers, firecrackers, rockets, salutes, as well as the President's New Year's address to the people on television, New Year's concerts and films.

The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree dates back to pre-Christian times. There is a deep ritual meaning in this ritual: the festive spruce is a symbol of the World Tree, the so-called Axis of the World, connecting heaven and earth (it is believed that the spirits of ancestors live on its branches). Therefore, decorating the fir tree with sweets, we present gifts to them. But all this applies only to living barely growing in the ground. It was strictly forbidden to cut down a tree, it was only possible to cut branches. What prevents us from making garlands of dried fruits, baking cookies in the form of birds, animals, houses and hanging them on a living Christmas tree in the forest, in the country house or in the park next to the house? And when the holiday is over, birds and even small animals (if you dressed up a Christmas tree in the forest) will enjoy treats with pleasure. So the tree can be saved from death and our smaller brothers can be fed.

What did our ancestors do to decorate their home during the New Year holidays?

They used everything that they used in everyday life. In addition, the decorations invented by them carried the function of natural amulets. To do this, they used embroidered towels, male and women's clothing, hats and scarves, tablecloths, curtains and bed linen. They painted the facades and gates of houses, doors, stoves, pottery and furniture. Collected brooms, wooden spoons, horseshoes, wreaths, braids of dried flowers, dried fruits, corn cobs, garlic and viburnum. It has long been known that those who were made relatives for each other had the greatest protective power.

Traditionally, New Year's Eve is considered a family holiday. Some people try to spend it in an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth, while others, on the contrary, plan a celebration of a more cheerful and incendiary nature, among friends, with a sea of ​​energy, dancing and boundless fun. Some extreme lovers are in a hurry to spend old year and meet the new one as brightly and dynamically as possible. In our time, celebrating the new year on a mountain top or in a cave has become a common thing for thrill-seekers and hardcore lovers. History remembers people who celebrated this holiday in scuba gear on seabed, in flight with a parachute. Everyone wants something unusual and memorable, they strive to surprise themselves and others. This is what makes the holiday of the change of year beautiful.

We live at the time of the birth of new traditions. Communication with the carriers of the old ones has long been lost. Create your own family traditions, which strengthens the connection of family members with nature and each other!

It will be true to say that the place of celebration of the New Year is not so important as the company of people who will surround everyone during the celebration is important. Although, it is worth noting that the competent combination of the venue, the selection of the company and the planning of the event will make each meeting of the Year a bright and colorful event. This is what will bring a little goodness, happiness and joy into the life of every person, and also charge him with positive for the next year.

And now the year 2009 has almost passed… The new year, 2010, is inevitably and exciting. And once again we are waiting for magical dreams and indescribable feelings of expectation of extraordinary miracles and fabulous events. 2010 by Eastern calendar- year of the metal tiger. An old Burmese legend says that once the Buffalo defeated the Tiger in a fight and laughed at him. Since then, the Tiger cannot stand Bulls (and Cows), therefore, seeing off 2009, one cannot praise him. But the New Year 2010 should be met with respect and hope - this is the Tiger's liking. The tiger always goes forward, despises conventions, hierarchy and conservatism of the mind. The tiger is a sign of extraordinary action, unexpected situations and exceptional fate. In any case, the year of the yellow metal Tiger is the year of outstanding personalities and the battle of the strongest human ambitions, the year of achievements and testing the strength of all life.

As astrologers note, New Year 2010 should be celebrated under the auspices of hope and dignity. The tiger, similar in liking to the royal lion, loves this: worship and exaltation, emphasizing its significance. He himself carries strength and action, power and ambition, while despising conservative rules and hierarchies built over decades. If you are an extraordinary person who is not afraid of strength tests, this is your year. It portends struggle and ups, grandiose battles and unattainable heights.

How to decorate a house? The decoration of the rooms and the table should include things made of metal: silver dishes, metal trays, ceramic-metal decorations. On the Christmas tree, it is better to make toys with your own hands and make hidden wishes. And, although, of course, the main decoration of the apartment is an elegant Christmas tree, you can complement the festive atmosphere with green branches, making winter bouquets out of them or New Year's compositions. The colors of decorative accessories should be dominated by white, black and yellow colors- "tiger color".

Festive table

Let's start with its decoration. This year one of the main attributes New Year's decor become candles. They should be of two colors, the preferred range is stripe, gold, purple or pure white. Cover the table with a tablecloth and serve it with your best service, while not forgetting the symbolism of the coming year. Place one large Tiger figure in the center or place several small ones between the dishes. You can buy napkins with the image of this beast - it will also turn out original.