Scientific definition of extrasensory perception. Definition of psychic abilities. Types of psychic abilities

We open Wikipedia and read the interpretation of the concept of "extrasensory perception" - an oversensitive perception of the surrounding reality. You won't object. The meaning of the word is clear - Extra - "over", "out"; sensus - "feeling".

Further, the reader is in a hurry to notify that the National Science Foundation of the United States of America evaluates extrasensory perception as one of the most widespread pseudoscientific trends. Many well-known scientists, observers, journalists and simply "sane" people echo this statement in various printed and virtual publications. Unless, quantum physicists are significantly silent, making it clear that they have something to object to. But this is a separate issue.

So, extrasensory abilities are the ability of a person to somehow differently, more subtly and comprehensively, more voluminously and capaciously, deeply and multidimensionally feel the world and interact with it. These are opportunities to use not only sight, hearing, touch, but also internal, hidden and inexplicable reserves of mechanisms for receiving and processing information. If you ever had to anticipate this or that event, see prophetic dreams, intuitively do right choice etc., it means that a psychic is also dormant in you.

Manifestations psychic abilities:

Radiesthesia is the ability to perceive and distinguish between the radiation of living and non-living objects. This ability is used for diagnostics in bioenergetic medicine.

Healing is the ability to heal people without the use of conventional medicine.

Metacontact is the ability of a person in a certain state to connect to a common energy-information field and receive information of any nature.

Retroscoping - reading information about past events.

Telepathy is the ability to transmit thoughts, intentions, images to another person or receive information from him.

Telekinesis - the ability of a psychic to mentally influence objects, change their shape or location.

Suggestion is a dangerous ability to mentally suggest commands to an interlocutor or a group of people. Some self-development systems teach similar techniques, for example, DEIR.

Annihilation is a rare ability that allows the healer to decompose certain formations into atoms. In bioenergetic medicine, this is the removal of blood clots, tumor formations, salt deposits, etc.

Here is such an impressive list of possibilities of extrasensory perception. Moreover, not hypothetical possibilities. We all remember the phenomenon of Nikola Tesla, who, literally, while walking, drew his inventions on the sand, and never made drawings or made calculations. The abilities of Wolfgang Messing still excite the minds of contemporaries. In the same America, a whole institute is studying the predictions of the "sleeping" prophet Edgar Cayce. Politicians of the whole world (and not only politicians) listened to the words of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga. The United Nations is channeling Kryon. Bronnikov teaches alternative vision and alternative hearing to people who are blind and deaf from birth.

This list can be continued indefinitely. Moreover, in each country there are institutes and laboratories for the study of human abilities and capabilities. And is this pseudoscience? It seems that there are forces on Earth that would really like to hide their great potential from people. Indeed, why, for example, would a huge infrastructure be needed to provide medical institutions if the inhabitants of the planet switch to self-healing? And what is the production of means of communication and communications for, if people begin to communicate telepathically? It's cheaper to pay for "pseudo-science" and calmly nurture consumers. Matrix.

Is it possible to develop psychic abilities?

Almost anyone can develop extrasensory perception. For man was created in the image and likeness. Moreover, now there is not just a lot of information on this topic, it is an overabundance. The main thing that is required is a high degree of awareness and responsibility. There is a wonderful story about this.

“A certain dervish, engaged in spiritual development, reached out to the Creator and asked him for a unique opportunity: “May any of my thoughts tend to come true.”

Are you sure you want this? - asked the Creator.

Of course, - answered the dervish, - this is my only desire.

- Let it be so!

And here comes the dervish through a deserted and hot area. Tired, wanted to rest and decided at the same time to test the abilities granted to him. He imagined a table with food and wine in the shade of a spreading tree, a cool spring, a soft carpet. Just thought, everything materialized. The dervish was delighted, ate, drank, slept. And waking up, he suddenly thought: “A deserted, dangerous place, however. Suddenly there are tigers here? At the same moment, a huge tiger appeared from behind a tree. The dervish was frightened and thought in fear: “He will eat me!” And so it happened.”

The meaning of the parable, I think, is clear. Was the dervish ready to materialize his thoughts? Of course not. Imagine - in our society, overflowing with aggression, intolerance, greed, envy and other unsightly phenomena, suddenly everyone, like a dervish, became psychics ... (It's good that not all of my fantasies come true).

Therefore, the Creator came up with everything very wisely. The ability to extrasensory perception is given to us by everyone at birth. But as we grow older, we get lost in the hustle and bustle of life, preferring reasoning to intuitive knowledge, self-affirmation to unification, competition to cooperation, comfort to self-development, algebra to harmony, safely losing the gifts of God.

Reveal lost abilities natural way, without loss of vision, falling into tornadoes, clinical death and other stresses, is possible only through hard and conscious work with your fears and complexes, unbelief and insensitivity, for which, in fact, we come to Earth.

You will say: “Are psychics, of whom there are a lot today, very often harmonious people?” Of course not. Many of them are not psychics at all. But we do not know what price people who know how to heal, predict, read past events, etc., pay for their abilities and their imperfections. - This is the time. And secondly, people with psychic abilities appear, from time to time among us, so that the rest of the mass see their potential, to show humanity that Wikipedia is not the only source of information to think about choosing a path.

The human brain and body hide a huge potential that defies any explanation from the point of view of science. It will take hundreds of years to fully study it. Psychic abilities still belong to the unknown side of the coin.

They are possessed not only by those who received a special gift by inheritance through generations from hereditary magicians or acquired it after serious life upheavals. Many are not even aware of their paranormal tendencies. As a rule, initially they are in a depressed state and manifest themselves in each person in completely different ways. Key signs of psychic abilities will help to detect them.

People with superpowers often receive information about the future. Falling into a dream, they see vivid pictures and observe a certain chain of incidents, which after some time are sure to be repeated in life. This is one of the signs indicating the presence of psychic abilities.

To track it, it is advisable to write down unusual facts seen in a dream immediately after waking up. Comparing the recordings made with real events, one can easily check whether they are projected in reality. In addition to dreams, visions of the future can appear through tactile contact with an object, through a magic mirror ball, when divining on simple cards or using the major tarot arcana.

"Important! Having discovered psychic abilities in yourself, you must definitely practice them regularly, expanding the range of feelings. As an option - to be trained by experienced psychics who have achieved success in such a craft "

Significant symptoms: vivid perception of emotions and developed intuition

The predisposition to empathy speaks of hidden superpowers. It is a rather rare talent found in psychotherapists and healers. Empaths are very sensitive and deeply aware of the feelings of strangers. This gift is not always pleasant, because emotions are not always positive.

In any case, when there is the slightest inclination to it, a person is related to extrasensory perception.

Clairvoyants often manage to find a way out of the most confusing situation, catch luck “by the tail” in difficult moments, anticipate trouble in advance, make the most correct decision in a particular case, and determine the name of a stranger without words. These signs are not just a coincidence, but a strong confirmation of strong intuition, which is another psychic ability.

"Important! You can find such signs of extrasensory abilities in a child. Recognition at an early age will provide an opportunity to better develop the hidden gift and direct it in time in the right direction.

Fateful sign - special lines on the hands

Signs of extrasensory abilities on the hand belong to the category of fairly common phenomena. All of them indicate a penchant for a particular talent:

  • at least three lines on the "hill of Mercury" just below the base of the little finger - healing;
  • a cross on the tip of the index finger - a prediction of the future;
  • a small island on the "belt of Venus" under the middle and ring fingers- clairvoyance;
  • the ring of "Jupiter" wrapped around the index finger - telepathy, the power of the word;
  • a triangle closer to the center of the phalanx of the middle finger - susceptibility to different energies.

In textbooks on palmistry, individual signs and lines in the palm of your hand are deciphered as direct signs of extrasensory abilities on a person’s hand. They influence fate and signal phenomenal opportunities.

Non-standard sensations: fear of open doors and materialization of thoughts

Usually, the fear of open doorways is attributed to agoraphobia, not regarding it as signs of extrasensory abilities in a person. This is not entirely correct: the desire to be in a closed space may not be associated with a mental disorder, but with an unconscious desire to protect one's own energy. Windows and doors, almost on a par with mirrors, have long been considered passages between parallel worlds. It is not for nothing that eminent magicians conduct most of the mysterious rituals in a closed, semi-dark room, preventing unwanted energy losses.

Thoughts and wishes of some people are material and often come true. These types of psychic abilities manifest themselves in different ways: both in a positive and in a negative sense. Those who attract events have the strongest energy. Such people should watch what they think, while being especially careful. Even if materialization is observed sometimes, it still indicates the presence of a gift that can be further developed using special techniques.

Additional ways to identify superpowers

If you do not find any of the above signs in yourself, it makes sense to go through or perform exercises that will finally refute or confirm the beginnings of extrasensory abilities. First of all, it is worth using the main receiver of information - own hands. They are able to receive signals from various sources, passing them through themselves and transmitting wave radiation.

Below is an algorithm of the most effective methods:

  1. Find an old family album and use your hands to feel the energy emanating from everyone who is depicted in the pictures. Analyze whether the sensations are different when touching the dead and the living. Feelings can be expressed in a change in temperature and emerging images. In case of successful results, you can try to work with photographs of unknown people.
  2. Prepare a new deck of cards and shuffle them carefully. Place the stack in your right hand, covering it with your left hand. Try to predict the number, suit (or at least the color) of the card you will draw, clearly pronouncing the information out loud or mentally. Then evaluate the result, making sure you are right or wrong. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Conduct an experiment on the subject of seeing the individual energy field extending beyond the human body. Place your hands palms down so that the distance between the fingers does not exceed half a centimeter. Slowly move your hands until you notice a translucent glow at your fingertips.
  4. Complicate the exercise with the aura. Find a partner and ask him to stand in front of a uniform dark background. Focus on the area around the head and shoulders. The energy field should appear in the form of discharged rays or fog emanating from the contour of the body. At first, only a colorless haze can be seen. Developing the skill further, one can learn to distinguish the entire aura in color. Visible shades will tell about the character, thoughts, health of a person.

Not everyone can become, but everyone can push the boundaries of their usual perception. For example, to see the future, to hear something far away or to know the unknown. It is this hypersensitivity that extrasensory perception means.

The concept of the term "psychic"

Now let's consider more specifically what extrasensory perception is, how it manifests itself. Very in simple words we can say that this phenomenon can be characterized as hypersensitivity. Those. a special ability of a person to feel and recognize some details and events in a way impossible for the layman. For example, to see the future, to feel events, to know some facts that are not known to a wide range of people (or not known to anyone at all). Also here can be attributed visions of spirits, auras, mysterious shadows.

There is an opinion that small children up to a certain age can see the other side of the world, i.e. to some extent they have psychic abilities. But what happens during growing up, why this channel of perception closes, one can only guess. Perhaps this is influenced by a heap of artificial conventions, the realization of the impossibility of magic, and, as a result, the presence of superpowers, as well as many other factors.

What can be attributed to extrasensory perception?

Now let's take a closer look at what can be attributed to psychic abilities. For example, this is telepathy, the ability of a person to transmit his thoughts, images and feelings to another person at a distance. Here you can draw a small analogy with the transmitter and receiver, because schematically this is how telepathy works. Signals from one brain are transmitted to another, which receives them.

It also includes clairvoyance. With the help of this ability, a person can receive any information (from the past, future and present). Clairvoyance can be divided into several conditional varieties, such as clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance. Such divisions are necessary for the fact that usually a person is tuned to one reception wave, i.e. can either see images and pictures in his head, or know something for sure, or hear messages in the form of voices. It is very rare to find a combination of all these abilities.

Also, such a concept as dowsing or dowsing can be attributed to extrasensory abilities. It's quite ancient magical ability, which lies in the fact that people find hidden objects (for example, sources of water and magic, some minerals, etc.). Usually this is what is hidden underground. As a tool, a vine, a pendulum, a frame are used. It is he who leads the psychic to the desired.

Psychic abilities are also endowed with mediums. These are people who can come into contact with spirits. It happens completely different ways, for example, with the help of a ouija board through questions, or the medium himself falls into a trance and is a conductor, conveying the words of the spirit with his voice.

Forms of perception or human abilities. The existence of such forms of perception and abilities has no scientific evidence, the National Science Foundation (USA) classifies extrasensory perception as one of the most common pseudoscientific delusions among Americans.

In some cases, the phenomena of perception caused by pathologies or synesthetic states of the subjects are interpreted by them as "psychic abilities" (for example, like seeing a person's aura with synesthesia).


The manifestations of extrasensory perception in the parasciences include telepathy, clairvoyance And proscopia, dowsing or "biointroscopy"(incorrectly called dowsing), however, often such manifestations also include methods of some non-material extra-physical impact on objects, organisms or physical phenomena - telekinesis or psychokinesis, psychic healing and so on.

So, Ryan and Soule understood telepathy as the transmission of information from brain to brain without the mediation of sensory channels. Under cryptesthesia - the receipt by the brain of information about material objects hidden in any way and located at a distance, also without the mediation of the senses. They called psychokinesis the spatial manipulation of material objects with the help of a purely mental effort, again without a material effector. By clairvoyance, they understood the ability to foresee the future states of material phenomena without inferences based on known facts.

The study of extrasensory perception

Some scientists have tried to study people who claimed to have psychic abilities. In particular, many experiments were carried out by scientists Ryan and Soule. However, their study is subjected to detailed criticism in the book by J. Spencer-Brown (English)"Probability and Scientific Inference" Probability and Scientific Inference).

It should be noted that periodically there are organizations that devote their activities to exposing psychics. For example, famous illusionist James Randi founded the Enlightenment Foundation in his name, offering a million US dollars to anyone who demonstrates extrasensory abilities under the conditions of a rigorous experiment. Despite many years of conscription and dozens of monthly attempts, no one has yet received a million. In Russia, for a similar test of psychic abilities, the Harry Houdini Prize was created.

see also


  1. B. R. Bugelsky. Extrasensory perception (extrasensory perception) // Psychological Encyclopedia
  2. National Science Board. Chapter 7: Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Understanding (indefinite) . Science and Engineering Indicators 2006. National Science Foundation (2006). Date of treatment September 3, 2010. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.

    “…[A]bout three-fourths of Americans hold at least one pseudoscientific belief; i.e., they believed in at least 1 of the 10 survey items…”

    « Those 10 items were extrasensory perception (ESP), that houses can be haunted, ghosts/that spirits of dead people can come back in certain places/situations, telepathy/communication between minds without using traditional senses, clairvoyance/the power of the mind to know the past and predict the future, astrology /that the position of the stars and planets can affect people's lives, that people can communicate mentally with someone who has died, witches, reincarnation/the rebirth of the soul in a new body after death, and channeling/allowing a „spirit-being “to temporarily assume control of a body.”
  3. Milan, E. G.; O. Iborra, M. Hochel, M.A. Rodriguez Artacho, L.C. Delgado-Pastor, E. Salazar, A. González-Hernández (2012).
Modern science still cannot give a clear explanation for such a phenomenon as extrasensory abilities, and all the numerous experiments conducted to study the varieties of this phenomenon have not yet given an unambiguous result that allows us to draw final conclusions and give precise definition and characteristics, what is actually the extrasensory abilities of a person.

It is only obvious that extrasensory perception is a special type of perception in which other sense organs are involved than the well-known organs of hearing, sight, touch, smell and the organs of the vestibular apparatus. Another name for this type of perception is called hypersensitivity (translated from Latin extra - over, sensus - feeling).

Usually, the demonstration of psychic ability is carried out using such features of perception as telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, anomalous intuition, healing abilities, the ability to "see" events from the past or predict the future, and other paranormal abilities of gifted people - psychics.

The ability to extrasensory perception is associated with the existence of a powerful biofield, superior in its characteristics to the biofield of ordinary, average people.
Any information received by people with hypersensitivity accumulates in their head in the form of pictures, memories, hallucinations, sounds, images, smells, etc. Their ability to interpret this information and give it some definition or explanation depends on imagination, education, logical thinking, intuition, sacred knowledge, experience, etc.

At the same time, an important difference between extrasensory perception and indefatigable imagination, psychedelic hallucinations or ordinary charlatanism is that the facts given out by a psychic can (and should!) be verified and confirmed their authenticity.

Types of psychic abilities

Extrasensory abilities and abilities of people with hypersensitivity vary. Varieties of extrasensory abilities are a kind of specialization or career guidance for psychics. Depending on experience and abilities, psychics can practice both a highly specialized type of extrasensory perception, and use several different techniques.

The most common types of psychic abilities include:

1. Clairvoyant abilities - abilities for extrasensory perception, which are expressed in the ability of a person to "see" events from the past, future, as well as events from the present, using changes in the state of consciousness.

2. Ability to predict events - paranormal ability to foresee only future events and give them some interpretation.

3. The ability to communicate with otherworldly forces, spirits, entities, etc. Psychics who have the ability to communicate with spirits are called mediums.

4. Healing abilities - the ability to suppress and eliminate the causes of physical pain using bioenergy channels.

At the same time, psychic abilities do not include the ability to heal people with the help of medicinal plants, predict events or provide any information using mineral stones, cards, magical amulets, talismans, rituals and other magical paraphernalia.

People who have anomalous hypersensitivity and use various “magical” paraphernalia in their psychic practice call themselves not just psychics, but magicians, sorcerers, witches, “followers”, etc.

Where do psychics come from?

1. Psychics become as a result of heredity and continuity of generations. This happens when there are people in the family who have paranormal abilities that are passed down from generation to generation.

2. Paranormal abilities or hypersensitivity is revealed as a result of any extraordinary events in a person's life. For example, the strongest psycho-emotional shock, clinical death, brain injury, exposure to natural or physical phenomena, such as an electric shock or after a lightning strike a person, after which the person survived.

3. There is an opinion that all people have one or another ability to supersensitivity. Based on this, anyone can develop paranormal abilities. For this, only training according to certain methods is necessary. The duration and intensity of training may depend on a person's natural susceptibility and psychological readiness to perceive other forms of attitude.

How not to become a victim of psychics-charlatans

IN last years, thanks to the efforts of the media, psychic practice has become so widespread that it has led to the emergence of a whole avalanche of scammers who want to earn extra money on human gullibility and, often, the hopelessness of many people who turn to psychics for help.

In order not to become a victim of "extracharlatans", you just need to use some tips.

1. During a session with a psychic, one should not give answers to leading questions. A professional psychic is able to give out the expected information based on the input received without further clarification.

2. You should not trust people who promise that for the necessary payment they will help you find a person or thing, solve any problem or cure diseases. Most likely, this is not true.

3. You should not 100% trust the words of psychics, even if they have only positive recommendations. Psychics are the same people who are not immune from mistakes and wrong decisions.