Scenarios and titles for October 1st. International Day of Older Persons. Script for elementary grades. Dance in the circle "Give it to your neighbor"

Scenario of the holiday program "My dear old people", dedicated to the Day of the elderly

Target: Strengthening the bond between generations.
1. Form a kind, respectful attitude towards the older generation.
2. Develop artistry, expressiveness in the performance of poems.
3. Create a positive, festive mood among the audience.
Class layout: posters, balloons, drawings, photo exhibition.
Equipment: computer, tea appliances, tablecloths, tables.

The course of the holiday

Lead 1.
What holiday starts here?
Looks like the guests of honor are coming!
Or maybe the generals have already arrived?
Or maybe the admirals came?
Or maybe a hero who has circled the whole world?
Lead 2.
Quit guessing!
Look! Here are our guests!
Honorary, most important
Our grandparents are wonderful!
Lead 1. In the life of every person there have always been, are and will be grandparents. And, probably, out of love and gratitude to grandparents, one a wise man declared October 1 as International Day of the Elderly
Lead 2. I look at our grandparents and do not agree with that person! This day should have been called the international day of loved ones and loving grandmothers and grandfathers! Happy holiday, dear guests!
Lead 2
Warm autumn day
Gilded by the sun
joyful work
The wind is concerned.
On this October day
At the behest of the century
Honors nature
An elderly person!
Presenter 1
Grandma - the sun, grandfather - verse,
A lot of health for you two,
We wish you happiness for another two centuries,
Happy young soul day!

Lead 2
Hope will smile at you more than once,
The dawn will caress you more than once,
Happy holiday, bright and fresh,
How happy to become October!
Lead 2
On December 14, 1990, the General Assembly decided that October 1 international day old people.
And we consider today the holiday of our beloved grandfathers and grandmothers. Look at them - they are still very young, although they have already raised their children, and now they are also raising their beloved grandchildren. You are young at heart, you have such soulful, beautiful faces.
Lead 1.
And who is old man?
Who, say, is an old man?
Is this the one who is living his life?
Or the one who knows how to appreciate life,
Who knows how to forgive and love?
Well, maybe it's a storehouse of the mind-
After all, life itself was a teacher!
Presenter 1: In the explanatory dictionary it is written: “Elderly - beginning to grow old”, just a beginner. Therefore, live under the motto: "You will grow up to a hundred years without old age." And today, on this beautiful day, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! You, hardened, hardworking, devoted to family, children, grandchildren, devoted native land. Health to you, well-being and attention. We bow low to you, live long, we need you. After all, you are our history, our joys and victories!

The word for congratulations is given to Akim of the Zaayat rural district Mukhambetov Valikhan Imangalievich

The word for congratulations is given to the Director of the Zaayat secondary school Zhumataev Ermek Baltabaevich

Accept from us musical gift.
Song "My Grandmother"

1 student:
You are not afraid of the year
Even if your hair is gray
Kohl kept forever
You feel young.
There is no recipe for longevity
Although we all dream about it.
Health, happiness, long life
With all our hearts we wish you.

2 student:
Years go by year after year
They run tirelessly
Years always rush in spite
But let them pass
Fight zealously with them
Live longer, don't age
And against all enemies
Take medicines as little as possible
3 student:
Long over half a century
Whiskey has long been covered with silver
At the very native person
To whom we beat low with our foreheads today.
For giving away for free
Care and love
For being near
And I want you all to return with a vengeance
All the warmth that warms us on the way.
It's worth living on earth
So God bless you for more of it.


1 student:
Today we celebrate gray hair
Tired wrinkled hands
But it happened in the old days
These hands of boredom did not know
Your whole life is filled with work
Warmed by the warmth of the soul and joy
Yes, look around you
The planet has never seen nicer faces.
And let autumn walk in the yard
And the world has turned the page of the century,
How good is what is in the calendars
Day of the elderly.
2 student:
You have reached the age
What a welcome word is asking for
Health, happiness and kindness
And let the bad mood
You will never have
Look at the world with pleasure
And sadness will recede and trouble
Success, luck and fortune
May you always be with you.
3 student:
How many years have passed?
We won't count
We really want
Wish on this day
Don't get old, don't get sick, never get bored
And many more years to celebrate this holiday
4 student: For us, the mystery is your years
You are always wonderful
We wish you all the hardships in life
Sweep with the effort of the soul
Your slogan is to live, to despise fatigue
Probably gives you strength
And so that the mystery remains, -
You are getting younger every year.

Accept from us a musical gift performed by the 5th grade.

Host 2: Yes, our life is running, the days are flying by. It becomes sad at heart from the thought: “How long have you been young?” But let's just smile in moments of sadness. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul. And now let's all smile together and remember the joyful moments of the past.

1leader: We know what you love
Songs, jokes, dances
But there is nothing more interesting
Than our Russian fairy tales

2 host: The holiday goes on
The fairy tale begins
The story of grandpa and grandma
About granddaughter and hen Ryaba

1 leader: The tale that money is the main thing, but still
Peace in the family is the most precious

Characters; Author, Grandfather and Baba, Granddaughter and Hen Ryaba.

And everything would be fine
yes little hen
She took and laid an egg.
The testicle is not simple,
Golden egg.

Now for our prices.
And in general it is priceless.
For family advice
Gathered Granddaughter with Grandma Grandfather.

Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.
What to do with the egg?
Maybe eat? Or to sell?
Or change to dollars?
Maybe for the walls to fall
Will we buy a modern music center?
grandma . What are you, Grandpa?! Fear God!
Music doesn't cost much!
Better buy a TV
Vacuum cleaner or transistor
Or take a cart of soap,
To keep the house clean.
Granddaughter. Can we buy me some perfume?
Grooms are smitten!
Or French lipstick?
I'll be happy for her too!
Author. Started here cheese and boron
And worldly noisy dispute.
That's not it, that's not right.
Grandfather. You are a badass!
Grandmother. You are an idiot!
Author. A scandal has begun
The world did not see this!
Only the Hen is silent,
It is near the table.
Hen. Well I didn't expect
Be the cause of a scandal.
To stop it
I need to crack an egg.
Author. She approached quietly
And, gently waving the wing,
Dropped an egg on the floor
Smashed him to bits!
Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying ...
granddaughter and grandmother .
What have you done, Ryaba?
Author. Grandfather did not cry, oddly enough,
Turned out pockets with holes.
I don't have money, so what?
Peace in the family is the most precious thing!

1 student:
Elderly people,
Young at heart.
How much have you seen
You are roads.
warmly loved,
And raised children
And lived in hope
Less worries!
2 student:
elderly people,
You are like this:
Give your soul
Experience and love
dear home,
To the young world
And everything that the heart
Remembers again.
3 student:
Elderly people
Let the past years
Will be your support
Children will understand everything:
And low bow to you
From relatives and friends
And from the whole Fatherland
For invaluable work.

Presenter 1: And so our meeting came to an end. And we were once again convinced that in order to live a full, rich life, neither age nor problems can be an obstacle. So I want to tell you more kind words: fighting, fervent, wise, experienced, cheerful, thank you very much!
1 student: The law of nature is so harsh
Years run in the stream of the century
How many beautiful words there are
To congratulate a person
But we're not looking for these words
And just from the bottom of our hearts we wish:
Health, happiness and flowers
And live all 100 without losing heart.

2 student: Can't find such a word
To fully wish
Good health to you
And never lose heart
We wish you happiness and good
Less grief and sadness
To have more bright days
And gloomy, did not visit
3 student:
We wish you not to get sick, not to lose heart.
Get more rest, sleep better
Quietly to argue things
And so that fate always keeps you
Please accept thank you very much
For your severity and kindness
May peace and happiness be in your life
One road side by side go

1 leader:
Our holiday is over
What else can you say
Allow me to say goodbye
Wish you good health
2 host:
Don't get sick, don't get old
never get angry
So young
stay forever
1 leader:
Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter
For a smile, understanding
This is our big success.
2 host:
Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We say "Goodbye!
Until happy, new meetings.

First you need to decide on the venue of the event. In the scenario, the House of Culture is indicated, but with reasonable planning and weather conditions, a stadium can also be preferred. So, as always, everything should start with the design. You can hang posters, balloons, paper flowers, ribbons, preferably all in the same color scheme. At the entrance, you can build a photo zone, or a stand with wishes. The script spelled out the moment of the beauty contest among grandmothers. It can be crossed out, but if you are going to hold it, then you will need to select future participants in advance and take care of the nominations. There are five nominations in this scenario: "Beauty Queen", "Miss Skillful Hands", "Miss Charming Smile", "Miss Vociferous", "Miss Charismatic". If this competition takes place, it is important to take care of the prizes for the winners. You can also install several stands on which photos, profiles of participants, their fakes and so on will be placed.

Leading, jury, dance groups, performers, the elderly.

gifts for contests, gifts for a beauty contest, three blindfolds, three easels with sheets, three markers, cards - hints, a list of songs, a diploma.

Presenters appear on the stage to the music "My years, my wealth."

Today is an unusual day
Age praise and honor,
And for the elderly we are together,
The concert is ready!

You accept my congratulations,
I speak from the heart
Get comfortable,
We will have fun!

You have seen a lot in your life. Luggage of experience, wisdom, knowledge, memories. We admire you! Low bow to you and long life.

Good health and optimism. You are the pride of generations, the backbone of the country, thank you!

We will start our holiday with congratulations. Or rather, from the youngest generation, which has already been waiting for its turn to congratulate the grandparents gathered here.

(Several children come on stage and read)

I want to remind you friends
An unusual competition is taking place,
Let beauty rule the world
Today is just a great day!

I want to remind everyone present that today we will choose the “Beauty Queen” among the grandmothers who applied for participation.

We will also choose "Miss skillful hands", "Miss charming smile", "Miss vociferous", "Miss charisma".

The venerable jury will help us with this, which will appreciate the talents of the contestants.

In the meantime, the contenders for the crown are preparing, I suggest our grandfathers show their talents.

It sometimes happens that grandfathers have to do some work for their grandchildren, in particular to draw. In this skill we will compete with you.

Draw for me contest.
Three grandfathers are invited to the stage. Three easels with sheets are set up, markers are given to grandfathers and they are blindfolded. The facilitator names the objects that the grandfathers should depict blindfolded. Whoever does it better wins.
You will need: three blindfolds, three easels with sheets, three markers.

And while we were drawing, our contestants managed to prepare.

The host invites the participants to the stage for the performance and asks questions:
1. What year of birth?
2. Who is by profession?
3. How many times have you been lucky enough to become a grandmother?
4. What is your main skill?
5. Your reason for pride?
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Questions may be different, depending on the desire and imagination.

And now, while our contestants have left to prepare for the next competition, a dance group is invited to the stage (Name).

(After the dance)

I suggest, I will unwind a little to the guests,
And sing a little song
I invite those who wish to the stage,
To a familiar motive, sing a song!

Who's the loud one here?
Nuka, raise your hand
Show your great talent
Show your voice to the world!

Contest "Guess the song"

The host selects several participants from the audience 5-7. This competition requires some preparation. Namely, you need to make hint cards for songs in advance. A word is written on the card and a picture is drawn. For example, for the song “N. Kadyshev's stream flows”, you can write the word flows and draw a stream.

Card options:
1. Noisy reeds (word noise, picture reeds);
2. Oh viburnum (word oh, picture viburnum);
3. My years (word year, treasure picture);
4. Why are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash (the word is thin, the picture is rowan);
5. Black Raven (word black, picture crow);
6. Maple curly (word curly, picture maple);
7. Red viburnum (word red, picture viburnum);
8. Oh, roads (word eh, drawing of the road);
9. Shaggy bumblebee (the word is furry, the drawing is a bumblebee);
10. Dark mounds sleep (the word is dark, the figure is barrows).

The choice of songs may be different. You can also make up words instead of drawings. Do not forget that the competition is for the elderly, so the tables should be expressive and the words should be large. Alternatively, you can just turn on the music. The one who guesses the most songs will win the prize.
You will need: cards - hints, a list of songs.

Participants are ready to perform
I would like to invite you to the stage
They will amaze with their talent
And conquer the hall with a smile.

(This stage of the competition is discussed in advance. The contestants must prepare a small number of amateur performances, lasting 2-3 minutes and present to the audience and the jury)

They say that with age comes the long-awaited wisdom, which is sometimes so lacking. Is it so? Let's ask the audience!

Contest "Advice".
3-4 participants (preferably women) are selected from the audience and called to the stage. The facilitator sets the situation and receives advice. Whoever gives more valuable and interesting advice will receive a symbolic prize - a diploma "The best adviser of the city."

Preliminary list of questions:
1. What is best for a headache?
2. If dampness appeared in the house?
3. Does the child suck his thumb?
4. The wife bites her nails. What to do?
5. I pulled my lower back, what do you recommend?
6. Does cabbage grow in the garden?
7. Spilled wine on your favorite shirt, wife can't wash?
8. Are there occasional centipedes in the room?
9. Cooked romantic dinner, but burned his wife's favorite pan, what should I do?
10. Forgot to pick up your child from kindergarten?

Questions may be different.
Required: Diploma. The winner of the competition can be announced by the jury.

Our contestants have rested and are ready for the next task.

So what are we waiting for then? I ask the contestants to the stage.

(Contestants in tracksuits come out. The “Everybody Dance” contest is announced. A young girl stands in front of the participants and shows modern dance moves. Their task is to repeat)

And I invite you to the stage
I am fine craftsmen
Who will show us the theater
And say congratulations.

Leader continues:
The older generation is interesting in its own way, funny in its own way, wise in its own way. And it happens that one of the spouses has come to terms with his age, while the other stubbornly protests. So, the case in the family.

(Two high school students (a girl and a boy) enter the stage and show a humorous scene “Old age crept up on us unnoticed”)

The girl is standing, preening. The boy approaches her.
- Hey, old, it's you, where are you going to carry your bones, looking at the night?
- You may be an old grandfather, but Petrovna and I are going to the club.
- Oh how! What about some kind of concert? Probably, "Pesnyary" will come ...
- What you? We are going to the youth club, we will dance, we will give a master class to the younger generation!
- Matveevna, face control will not let you through.
- Face, whom?
- Control. Don't match your age!
- What are you talking about, I can't hear you! (puts hand to ear).
- I say that you are old, that you will not pass!
- You're old! We are still wow! In the prime of life, at the very juice! I'm out, I even bought "Louboutins" for myself, it's fashionable now.
- Who did you buy there?
- "Louboutins", shoes like that. Oh, Petrovna will die of envy! (Shows a shoe box with a price).
- Petrovna may be from envy, but I from a heart attack! Old man, have you seen how much they cost?
- Why didn't you see it? Of course, I saw them, I got them a loan. Took 5 years.
- (grabbing heart) Yes, it would be better if you took a shower stall to the dacha, a cart, and there would still be enough for new tires for my swallow! Can you even walk on them? (looks at high heels).
- I can't walk yet, but it's very comfortable to sit in them. Well, I'll learn! Oh, everything! (Looks at watch) . It's time for me! Disperse. The host announces that an hour has passed.
A high school student appears on stage. Shoes in hand, holding on to the lower back, limping:
- Sanych, Sanych, I'm dying, water!

(A high school student appears, excitedly runs up to her)

Did you dance? Well, wait, wait, I'll bring your slippers.

(Sits down on a chair)

I've looked at this! And Petrovna ran away after 20 minutes!
- Didn't like it at all?
- Yes, what is there! The music is roaring, which is already pawned in the ears. Boys look like girls and girls look like boys. All songs are in a foreign language. And one thing everyone is jerking, jerking! And how many people! Moms!
- Okay, shoes, but what about the lower back?
- And I tried to dance with the youth ...
- And How?
- I was able to bend, but not very straightened!
- And why do you need my grief, can't you sit at home?
- Well, how can you sit here? So many temptations!
- All right, I'll make you some tea. Now, what to do with your Louboutins?
- Sanych, everything is simple here! I will sell them online!
- Where where?
- Petrovna told me that they buy everything there, so I'll sell it, and we'll change the shoes of your swallow! All you have to do is buy online!

(Boy grabs his head)

(At the end of the scene, the guys say. A girl is for grandfathers, and a boy is for grandmothers)

And now I will ask our contestants to submit their homework!

(This moment is pre-discussed with the contestants. You can ask them to cook some kind of fake on certain topic You can be puzzled to compose a song, or bake a cake. If you still decide to stop at baking, then everyone should cook the same dish, which is then given for tasting to the judges, and to everyone from the audience)

While our participants are preparing for the next stage, I suggest you play a little, otherwise, I see, somehow you get bored!

(5-8 participants are invited to the stage. The principle of the game is “The sea worries once.” The presenter speaks in the ear of the participants the figure that they must portray, and the audience must guess what the participants are showing. Time 3 minutes. If desired, you can choose another cheerful and, most importantly, do not forget about age features participants and musical accompaniment)

Get ready you friends
It's time to defile
They will surprise us all
The contestants are here to step!

Announced competition "Defile".
The contestants show off their beautiful outfits.
It is important that after each competitive stage, the jury evaluates. These small breaks can be filled with performances by dance groups, or simply musical breaks.

Thank you all friends
It's time to end the evening
We chose the Queen
The votes have been counted!

(The participants are being awarded. There may be more or less categories of nominations, depending on the number of participants. The above indicated nominations are presented as an example)

After the concert, you can announce a dance evening, but this is optional.

Start 17.00

Address: st. Fabricius, d.56, building 1

Sounds music from the movie "My sweet and gentle beast"

Leader output:

Hello our dear friends! Today - special holiday, a day of respect and reverence for the elderly. To open our event, I invite the Director of the MBU CCR "TIME" Konshina Elena Anatolyevna.

(director's word)


How nice to see your faces

And smiles that fly from the lips!

You only dream of peace at night,

Work tirelessly!

"Elderly" - does not apply to you,

The word is only for passports,

You are young at heart,

Let love burn in your hearts!

May your grandchildren grow to joy,

You do not yield to them in anything,

Have fun, so that not an hour of boredom,

So that everything in your life is nothing!

On December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons, and in Russian Federation This holiday has been celebrated since 1992. Since then, every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation.

Years fly by, you can't keep up with them -

Hurrying hours, changing day after day. ..

But I know I won't stop wondering

In the meantime, we are calling in the fall.

The age of mature, wise people is often referred to as the autumn of life. .. Just as every season is beautiful in its own way, the age “seasons” of our life are also unique. No matter what troubles overshadow her, all the bad things are forgotten. And we again enjoy life, dream of happiness, of love. .. After all, life is beautiful!

Dear guests, it is good that it has become a good tradition to celebrate the Day of the Elderly. This day is a day of thanksgiving for the warmth of your hearts, for the strength given to work, for the experience that you share with the younger generation, with your children and grandchildren - that is, with us. Today in our hall there are many who wish to congratulate you on this significant day. And I invite to the stage the children who have prepared their performance for you.

1) This number will be danced by small children (first time on stage): junior group The choreographic ensemble "Polyanka" will perform miniatures "Bunny", "Pussy", "Pinocchio" (everything in a row, without pauses)

2) Zimnikova Marina will perform “Pribaski”

The presenter conducts a quiz Cinephile: What movie is the phrase from?

1.Closed, horn harvesting temporarily stopped (Golden Calf)

2. Live well, but live well even better (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

3. Let's drink, have a bite, about our affairs ... (Meeting place ...)

4. And what about the father, are there brides in your city? (12 chairs)

5. And they put our family screen on! (The Irony of Fate)

6. The sky is not visible (Kin-zaza)

7. Light movement (Diamond hand)

8. Oh, is it? (Moscow to tears)

9. Unsubstantiated, Watson ... (Sherlock Homes)

The presenter conducts a quiz Complete the phrase. I call the phrase - you are a movie.

1. So that you live on one ... salary (Beware of the car)

2. I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid (Striped flight)

3. The East is a delicate matter Petruha (White Sun of the Desert)

4. Black caviar, red caviar, and this is overseas caviar - eggplant (Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession).

5, But who will plant him ... he is also a monument (Gentlemen of Fortune).

6. The dead with scythes stand ... and silence (Elusive avengers)

7. Well, damn you ... give (Peculiarities of the national hunt)

8. You will be imprisoned ... but you do not steal (Beware of the car).

9. The meal is served ... sit down to eat, please (Gentlemen of Fortune)

10. Third st. Builders ... d. 25 sq. 12 (Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath).


Life is a series of meetings and partings, events of which it, life, actually consists. But it is very important to preserve the fire of the soul, which was once given to us from above.

Years flew by, and there were adversities,

And as if you did not notice them,

And if bad weather comes again

You will remember the songs of the young winds!

And now we will have a wonderful music quiz!

Sound melodies from films of different years.


4) Choreographic Ensemble “Polyanka” middle group dance "Matryoshka"

5) folklore ensemble "Skomoroshina" song "Kostroma"

6) folklore ensemble “Skomoroshina” song “Ai, chu-chu”


Dear guests of our holiday. I suggest you remember the most popular songs of the past years and sing them all together!

Sounds like a medley of songs. (4 minutes)

And now let's prove to everyone around that our grandchildren and granddaughters, who today dance and sing so wonderfully for you, as they say, "went to grandparents."

I invite everyone to recharge!

It sounds "Charging", we all do exercises together.


8) folklore ensemble "Skomoroshina" song "In the grove of viburnum"


We are grateful to you for the past years,

For the fact that you are bad weather to spite everyone,

Overcoming all storms and hardships,

Laugh so fervently and lightly.

Thank you for the sparks of fun

They will delight anyone

And the autumn of life in an instant

Blooming spring wrapped.

Thank you for your concern.

You are our vanguard and reliable rear.

Your character, friends, is of such a nature,

That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.

We love you, optimistic, cheerful,

For not wanting to sag.

Thank you for the wisdom of good songs,

It's more fun to walk through life with them!

With respect, we bow our heads before you.

We could compose poems for you.

For the fact that you live next to us,

From the bottom of our hearts we say “Thank you!”

day of the elderly

Leading: Nature changes color, weather changes,

And the golden sun, it rains after,

And for warmth - bad weather, for grief there will be happiness,

And youth into old age, a person changes.

So life goes in a circle, the years rush to each other,

But the year and century are filled with joy and hope.

And on a bright autumn day, accept the concert as a gift,

Our elderly good, our kind man!

(Channel 1 splash screen)

Leading : Hello, dear guests! Today is a special holiday, a day of respect and reverence for the elderly. Channel 1 team and we are employees, pupils kindergarten No. 16 from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on this day!

Leading: Years fly by, you can't keep up with them -

Hurrying hours, changing day after day.

But I know I won't stop wondering

In the meantime, we are calling in the fall.

Leading: The age of mature, wise people is often referred to as the autumn of life. Just as every season is beautiful in its own way, the age “seasons” of our lives are also unique. No matter what troubles overshadow her, all the bad things are forgotten. And we again enjoy life, dream of happiness, of love. After all, life is beautiful! Naughty, funny, obedient and not very children work live. Let's give them a round of applause!

(The music “My dear, old people” sounds) children come out.

Leading: And we started our festive broadcast of the choir of the children of our kindergarten with the song "Kindergarten"

Song: Kindergarten

1 Lead: We want children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren to please you ... and, of course, I give them the floor:

1 reb . Grandma - the sun, grandfather - verse,

A lot of health for you two,

We wish you happiness for another two centuries,

Happy Elderly Day!

2reb . May the autumn of your life

It will be a long, long time.

Happy holiday, our relatives,

All: We love you very much!

3 reb . grandparents,

Dear, dear,

After all, once you too,

Were young!

4 reb . And they were wearing shorts

And braided pigtails

And you taught poems

Like bunnies, foxes.

5reb . Now you are our grandmothers -

Here is your craft

Now you are our grandfathers,

We are very lucky!

6 children Mom and dad are busy

Always at work

You tell us a story

And sing a song!

7 children . Pies and pancakes

Grannies are cooking

And they play patty

With granddaddy's grandchildren.

8 children We love you very much,

And we wish not to get sick,

After a holiday at the cottage,

Fly to the Canaries!

9 children On the lips of a smile,

At the temples of gray hair,

Adults and children -

We are always united!

Leading: Today is a holiday, an autumn day,

How many joyful speeches!

Accept congratulations

You are from our kids!

Song "Grandma and Grandpa" children sit down

Screensaver "Fashion sentence"

Leading: The show “Fashion Sentence” is now very popular on the first channel. So, we dedicated today’s broadcast only to you and our stylists will work on you today. I represent them .... (represent children). And who would like to go for a new look, my dear ?

Children with adults go to another room.

Leading: In the meantime, our stylists are working, our autumn congratulations

Child 10: Autumn scatters leaves

Congratulations to you grandchildren

Wishing you happiness and health

An autumn song is being performed for you.

Children sing the song "Autumn, autumn has come to visit us again"

Child 11: My grandmother is with me

And that means that the main thing in the house is me

I can open cupboards.

Water the flowers with kefir.

Play pillow football

And clean the floor with a towel.

Can I eat cake with my hands

Slam the door on purpose!

And it won't work with mom.

I already checked.

Song "Grandma's Hands"

Child 12: A song is pouring into our window

Flowing with a light breeze!

We are now with everyone in the place

Let's sing this song!

Song: "Rain"

Screensaver "Fashion sentence"

Leading: And so, our models are ready to show. meet with applause ...... (the presenter calls the full name of the model, commenting on each model.)

Leading: Well, our first show has come to an end, I propose to move on to the next one. And it will be intellectual game"What? Where? When?"

Screensaver of the program “What? Where? When?"

Presenter: But since you are invited to kindergarten, our questions will be a bit childish. 2 participants are invited. Task - tell the name of the fairy-tale hero. (gong sounds):

Ali (Baba)

Small (Muk, Prince)

Uncle (Fyodor, Styopa)

Elena (Beautiful, Wise)

Grandfather (Moroz, Mazay)

Postman Pechkin)

Tom Thumb)

Tin Woodman)

Puss (in boots, Matroskin, Leopold)

Old man (Hottabych)

Old woman (Shapoklyak) (gong sounds)

Presenter: Our distinguished guests showed good knowledge, but they need to rest after the first round, and I announce a musical pause.

The song "Let's go to the garden for raspberries"

Leading: We start the second round. It will be a blitz tournament. I ask questions, you think and answer within 10 seconds. (asks one by one)

Elevator for evil spirits(pipe)

Character bursting with laughter (Bubble)

The personification of the family, which Pinocchio poked his nose (hearth)

Winnie the Pooh's friend who left with a tail (Eeyore)

Commander of the 33 Bogatyrs (Chernomor)

Cave lock-spell (Sim-sim, open up)

Detail women's dress, in which lakes and swans are placed (sleeve)

Artiodactyl labyrinth for Little-Havroshechka (cow)

The reward for the feat, which is given in addition by the kings (half the kingdom)

Reliable means of orientation in fabulous situations (tangle)

The most friendly communal apartment (Teremok)

Seven wishes on one leg (Semitsvetik)

Ungrateful listener of songs (Fox)

Traditional dish Enikov-Benikov (dumplings)

The most round fairy-tale hero (Kolobok)

Furry boot owner (Cat)

Leading: In my opinion, after this most difficult competition, it is worth relaxing a little.

Dance "Sponges with a bow»

Leading: Our airtime is limited, and I suggest you switch to the show "Two Stars". (call signs “Two Stars” sound) Today in the release of our show ... of course, children's songs.

The facilitator calls the child and guest who perform famous songs such as,

“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, “Antoshka”, “I am lying in the sun”

Leading: Well, we sing wonderfully. But what about dancing? And we will check this on the show "Dancing with the Stars"! Our children today will be in the role of professionals, and you, dear guest friends, are stars today! (call signs "Dancing with the Stars" sound)

So, I invite children to the parquet (calls the names of children and adults, 3 people each)

Dance "Heel-Toe"

Leading: This month marks the start of the tenth anniversary season of the beloved Big Race game. Teams of adults and children led by captains will defend the glory of our kindergarten.

Relay races "Carry the ball in a spoon" are held

"Eye of the Needle"

There are 3 hoops on the ground along the relay line. Starting, the first one must run to the first hoop, pick it up and pass it through itself. Then with the next hoops also. And so on the way back.

The call signs of "Guess the melody" sound

Leading: And now, at the conclusion of our today's festive broadcast, we will play the game "Guess the melody".

Famous melodies guess All.

Leading : Dear grandparents! It does not matter that the years go on, you always remain young in soul. And we believe that our future is in our children, in these mischievous, cheerful, sometimes capricious, but always beloved fidgets.

Children give handmade gifts to all guests.


NASTYA 1st presenter . Hello dear guests!

ADELYA 2nd host . We are glad to see you in our hall on these beautiful autumn days.

1st presenter. In our country, along with many holidays and memorable dates, there is an exciting and pleasant holiday - the Day of the Elderly, which is usually celebrated on October 1.

2nd host. You have given your whole life to work, to raising children. And now your children have taken over from you and continue the work you started. We are grateful to you for everything you have done.

1st leader.

And as a sign of love and respect

We give you our performance! So, congratulations from 9th grade students.

Today we celebrate gray hair

Tired wrinkled hands

But it happened in the old days

These hands of boredom did not knowDenmark

Your whole life is filled with work

Warmed by the warmth of the soul and joy

Yes, look around you

The planet has never seen nicer faces.

And let autumn walk in the yard

And the world has turned the page of the century,

How good is what is in the calendars

Day of the elderly.

You have reached the age

What a welcome word is asking for

Please accept our congratulations

Health, happiness and kindness

And let the bad mood Mfreakbibi

You will never have

Look at the world with pleasure

And sadness will recede and trouble

Success, luck and fortune

May you always be with you.

How many years have passed?

We really wantDima

Wish on this day

Don't get old, don't get sick, never get bored

And many more years to celebrate this holiday

Years go by year after year

They run tirelessly

Years always rush in spite

But let them passDamir

Fight zealously with them

Live longer, don't age

And against all enemies

Take medicines as little as possible

The law of nature is so harsh

Years run in the stream of the century

How many beautiful words there are

To congratulate a personRamadan

But we're not looking for these words

And just from the bottom of our hearts we wish:

Health, happiness and flowers

And live all 100 without losing heart!

(grandmother and grandfather sit on a bench, grandmother knits)

Old man: The years flew by quickly -

Days, weeks, months...Hojeniso

You and I are getting old...

Well, not life, but two hours.

Old woman: What did you say? I can't hear well

Are you talking about watches?

And the clock is in our timeHerod

We need to take care of you.

Old man: What to protect them? Eco business!

We must spend them wisely!

To be at least under old age

Remember what we have in the evening.

Old woman: I don’t understand you, old one,

I'm talking about this, you're talking about that...

I'm talking about the sun and about the summer,

You are talking about winter and a coat.

Old man: Well, grandmother! Really deaf!

I'm talking about life, she's about death.

Isn't hunting

Should she look at life?

Old woman: So we toil for half a century

In the evening under the samovar,

Two good man

Young in the morning, old at night.

Old Man: Look at you.

How to work, so blame!

And you yourself meet the morning,

To the store to run

There are old women - talkers

Gathered in a big crowd

Conversations, containers-bars,

Don't drive you home.

Old woman: Well, okay, he made a noise,

Take a look at yourself

Hands smell like tobacco...

Imagine what's inside!

Old man (wearily): Where are our grandchildren today?

We are bored out of boredom...

Old woman: Aren't they coming to us?

Now let's sing a song!

Presenter 1: The song "Grandmothers - old women" performed by students in grades 5-7.

Old man: We are old people, old people...

Have fun with us

Well, what about the youth?

Old woman: And what will you take from her?

They would walk until the morning ...

That's what I saw yesterday

How many of them near the club.

They love these parties.

The youth lives on

And here she comes on her own.

Old man: And for us, for old people,

Let him sing something.

Presenter 2: Chastushki performed by students in grades 2.4.

Old woman: Something broke my back,

So it will be cold.

Old man: Yes, your signs, grandmother,

Oh, never true.

Old woman: I would understand what's in the signs!

Here, for example, look

If it bales me in whiskey,

So, a blizzard is ahead.

Old man: Well, what if it hurts your legs?

So hell on the road?

If the bones all hurt

So the birds will fly away?

If it itches under the arm,

So there will be a lid by the night?

If your forehead sweats in the night,

So "guard" shout?

Old woman: Here is the unbelieving Thomas!

No money, no mind!

And in folk omens

He never believed.

Old man: Here's another sign

If sounds are heard somewhere,

It's not really a secret,

So the song will be sung.

Presenter 1: The song "Grandmother next to grandfather" performed by students in grades 5-7.

Old man: (holding his back)

Oh, health, where are you?

You don't get up, you don't sit down.

You get up in the morning - do not get up,

Don't warm up before lunch...

While stretching his back,

Here the evening has already come.

Old man: Oh, turn on the TV at least,

It's more fun for me to get sick.

Old woman: Wouldn't you like to

See the artists?

Old Man: Why not? Let them sing!

Create an atmosphere!

Or let them show a scene ...

Presenter 2: The scene "Ryaba Hen", performed by students in grades 1 and 3.


They lived, did not grieve.

Rusk was washed down with tea,

They chewed sausage once a month.

And everything would be fine

yes little hen

She took and laid an egg.

The testicle is not simple,

Golden egg.

Now for our prices.

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Gathered Granddaughter with Grandma Grandfather.

Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.

What to do with the egg?

Maybe eat? Or to sell?

Or change to dollars?

Maybe for the walls to fall

Will we buy a modern music center?

Grandmother. What are you, Grandpa?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

Better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter. Can we buy me some perfume?

Grooms are smitten!

Or French lipstick?

I'll be happy for her too!

And worldly noisy dispute.

That's not it, that's not right.

Grandfather. You are a badass!

Grandmother. You are an idiot!

The world did not see this!

Only the Hen is silent,

It is near the table.

Hen. Well I didn't expect

Be the cause of a scandal.

To stop it

I need to crack an egg.

And, gently waving the wing,

Dropped an egg on the floor

Smashed him to bits!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying ...

granddaughter and grandmother . What have you done, Ryaba?

Turned out pockets with holes.

Grandfather. I don't have money, so what?

Peace in the family is the most precious

Presenter 1: The poem "Elderly people" is read by a 9th grade student Amirov Bobojon.

elderly people,

Young at heart.

How much have you seen

You are roads. Bobojon

warmly loved,

And raised children

And lived in hope

Less worries!

elderly people,

Mother Russia

Didn't spoil you

Easy fate.

God give you peace

To over the river

The sun was shining

The dome is blue.

elderly people,

You are like this:

Give your soul

Experience and love

dear home,

To the young world

And everything that the heart

Remembers again.

Elderly people

Let the past years

Will be your support

Children will understand everything:

And low bow to you

From relatives and friends

And from the whole Fatherland

For invaluable work.

Host 2:

Our holiday is already over.

What else can you say

Allow me to say goodbye

Wish you good health.

Don't get sick, don't get old

Never get angry

So young

Stay forever.

Presenter 1:

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say "Goodbye!

Until happy, new meetings "

I. Sarukhanov's song "My dear old people" sounds.