Carbon peeling of the face - features of the procedure. Carbon peeling: photos of real results What is carbon peeling

Carbon peeling procedure: contraindications, benefits and procedures.

The time has passed when women visited beauty salons for manual facial cleansing and suffered pain from the procedures performed. Currently, many specialists use modern technology - a laser and chemical reagents in order to better cleanse the skin of the face.

One of these methods is laser carbon peeling during which special gels and masks are used. This procedure is the most gentle among other methods of this kind. Let's take a closer look at this method, its essence and features.

What is carbon peeling and carbon facial cleansing, carbon rejuvenation?

Carbon peeling is a procedure due to which complete cleaning of the skin of the face from keratinized cells. After it, the process of regeneration and active skin renewal starts. Laser carbon peeling is used using a laser and a special gel mask, which includes carbon dioxide.

The effect of this method is based on the following process: the gel penetrates the layers of the skin, heals it, attracts and promotes the removal of sebaceous particles and dust. At the same time, the laser destroys dead cells and stimulates the performance of elastin with collagen.

In addition, such a complex action can realize an antibacterial effect and narrow the enlarged skin pores. The effect occurs as follows: after a laser flash (the pulse of the laser itself is very short), an impact is made on the carbon gel, as a result of which an “explosion” of the gel occurs, which penetrates the surface of the skin and internal glands.

The description of this technique may seem dangerous to you, but despite this, peeling is considered a delicate method. It is very gentle on the skin of the face, gently removing every dead cell.

The huge advantage of this method is that laser carbon peeling in the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin has a cosmetic effect, and also affects the problem itself from the inside of the skin, while eliminating the cause of the problem. Impact on the skin activates regeneration at deep levels.

Carbon gel, carbon face mask: properties

In the modern cosmetology industry, there are products such as carbon mask and carbon gel. Thanks to these preparations, you can rejuvenate the skin of the face, even out its shade and structure. Carbon cosmetic has a positive effect on the skin, namely:

  • Removes dead layers of cells from the surface of the skin and eliminates peeling.
  • Provides a bacterial effect that helps prevent the occurrence of an infectious disease, acne, and acne.
  • Restores the efficiency of the skin.
  • Activates metabolic processes in the skin.
  • Neutralizes microorganisms that live in the pores of the epidermis and cause various diseases.
  • The tool is able to restore the natural acid-base and water balance in the skin layers.
  • After several applications of this cosmetic product, the skin becomes much more beautiful. Returns to her healthy shine and beauty, therefore, she becomes younger.

This cosmetic product contains carbon dioxide. This substance penetrates deep into the skin, draws out various impurities from it, actively cleanses the pores, thereby eliminating black dots.

The effect that you get from the drug, you can enhance if you use the action laser. This will allow you to eliminate every dead cell, activate the formation of components such as elastin and collagen. In addition to all of the above, you can normalize the performance of the skin. The result of the procedure is amazing - your skin is healthy, and you look much younger!

How to buy carbon gel and carbon face mask on Aliexpress?

It is sometimes very difficult for beginners to deal with those categories of goods that are presented on the Aliexpress website. However, in reality, there is nothing complicated here. Many users use the search bar to search for a particular product. So much faster and easier to find the desired category of goods. But there are other ways.

If you want to buy a carbon gel or a carbon mask on Aliexpress, you must remember that all cosmetics are concentrated in one single category. You can find this category if you follow our instructions:

  • Study carefully the main page of Aliexpress. On the left side you will notice all the categories into which the product of the site is divided. However, this is not the whole list of goods that can be found on Aliexpress, but only the most popular among them.
  • There is another directory on the site. It includes a huge number of subcategories. To find this directory, do the following: next to the category, click on the "view all" column. A window similar to a catalog will open in front of you.
  • In this catalog, find the category with cosmetics. To do this, select the category called "other categories".
  • Several additional categories will open before you. Select "beauty and health - skin care". In this column you will definitely be able to find carbon gel and carbon mask.

Laser carbon peeling of the face: indications

Carbon peeling is usually used in order to eliminate any problems associated with the skin of the face. After several procedures, you will forget about the foundation, about the unevenness of the skin of the face, as they will disappear for a long time.

After such a result, the price does not matter at all. Before using this method, try to consult with your beautician.

  • If there are facial wrinkles and other age-related changes on the skin.
  • If noticeable dark spots on the skin.
  • If there are traces on the skin that remain after the elimination of acne.
  • Due to not proper care behind the skin.
  • If there are traces of scars on the epidermis, scars that remain after the injury.
  • If the complexion has become gray or dull.
  • If the skin of the face has become flabby, has lost its own elasticity, and so on.

Conclusion: Carbon peeling can be used for a variety of purposes. But after the procedure, the skin needs proper care. The price of the procedure is not very high, besides, the result will remain with you for a long period of time.

How often is laser carbon peeling done, how many procedures do you need to do?

Carbon peeling, of course, you can do in any professional beauty salon. Therefore, to begin with, select the master and the place where you will order this service.

During the consultation, the beautician will definitely test whether your skin tolerates carboxylic acid or not. He will apply a couple of strokes of the finished gel to the back of his hand. After 10 minutes, he will check the result. If there are no redness, burning, swelling and other signs of allergy, then this remedy can be applied to your skin.

The technique itself is carried out in two stages:

  • The first stage is the application of a gel mask.
  • The second stage is the use of a laser.

But before starting the procedure, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and other impurities. You will be treated with an antiseptic that can eliminate microorganisms and prevent the appearance of an inflammatory process. Only after cleansing will a thin layer of the mask be applied to your skin.

The procedure generally takes approximately 30 minutes. During it you will feel a light, pleasant warmth. Typically, to get good result 3 to 7 procedures are carried out. The interval between the procedures themselves should be 5 days, no less. The duration of the entire course will depend on the initial condition of your skin and the result you want to achieve.

Laser carbon face peeling for acne, pimples - effect: before and after photos

Carbon peeling has a bactericidal and therapeutic effect. Therefore, this technique is recommended for those people who have inflammatory diseases and acne on the skin of the face. Laser pulses destroy microorganisms and remove the cause of inflammation, plus its consequence.

Carbon peeling deeply affects the skin. Due to this, the effect of the procedure itself occurs immediately and can be cumulative. During carbon peeling you will not feel burning, pain and discomfort, only warmth.

We offer you a photo before the procedure, and after it:

Laser carbon peeling of the face for rejuvenation - effect: before and after photos

This peeling will allow you to achieve perfect skin. It will make it smoother and fresher. Such changes you can notice after the first day of the technique. In the future, the resulting effect will be much stronger. But, if you regularly apply this method of rejuvenation, the result can be fixed for a long time.

From the procedure you can expect the following effect:

  • Dead cells and keratinization will disappear on your skin. It is they who do not allow the skin to breathe normally and do not let useful substances deep into the skin.
  • In the cells, metabolic processes will accelerate.
  • The tissues will begin to quickly renew themselves, as a result of which collagen and elastin fibers will be more actively produced.
  • The relief of the skin will even out, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.
  • The skin of your face will become more elastic and softer, and will also be more elastic.
  • After the procedure, the rate of appearance of new wrinkles will slow down.

Laser carbon peeling of the face from pigmentation - effect: before and after photos

An ideal example of the fact that the technique really helped is the photos taken before and after the procedure. In the pictures that we have presented to you, it is clear that the skin after the procedure has acquired a natural shade, small wrinkles have become barely noticeable, the number of freckles and age spots has decreased. The face looks fresh and the woman looks younger.

Is it possible to do carbon peeling of the face in the summer?

A lot of people are concerned about this issue. Cosmetologists say that the ideal period of the year when you can carry out carbon peeling of the face is autumn and winter. Because at this time of the year the intensity of ultraviolet rays is considered the smallest.

If you decide to use the technique in the summer, then you need to remember important rules:

  • Strictly observe the dosing of this procedure.
  • During the process, use only gentle products.
  • Carbon peeling should be carried out only on the stratum corneum so as not to damage the dermis.
  • Apply protective cream after the procedure.

Can teenagers do carbon facial peeling?

As a rule, the first need for carbon peeling occurs at the age 18 years. At this time, the desire to constantly look attractive becomes much stronger.

Is it possible to do this procedure in adolescence? Oh sure. Dermatologists advise peeling if there are pimples, blackheads, acne and other inflammatory processes on the skin.

How to care for your face after laser carbon peeling?

The huge advantage of this technique is the following: it can be used throughout the year (but it is still better in winter or autumn). After all, rehabilitation does not take a lot of free time, and it also does not need special restrictions.

After the end of the procedures, you need to moisturize the skin of the face, nourish it. Especially if your skin itself is hypersensitive and dry.

After carbon peeling, some changes may occur on the skin: it may turn red and begin to peel off a little. You can eliminate these symptoms with the help of a cosmetic product for the care of sensitive skin.

Try to avoid the strong rays of the sun. If you will be sunbathing for a long time, then use for protection special cream which has an ultraviolet barrier. To prevent pigment spots from appearing on your skin, it is advisable not to sunbathe or use a solarium for 14 days after the last treatment.

Carbon peeling is not as traumatic as other similar methods, therefore, it is very popular with many women. The only drawback of peeling that prevents widespread use is its price. She is quite tall. The devices that are used for laser peeling are characterized by high prices, so the procedure itself is not available to everyone.

Beautician advice:

  • Choose a day for the procedure before the weekend, as many redness cannot be quickly removed.
  • In some cases, peeling appears on the skin, but it quickly passes. Do you want to speed up the recovery of the skin of the face? Use a moisturizer.
  • The use of cosmetic preparations, of course, is not prohibited.
  • The only thing you need to avoid is sunlight and prolonged exposure to the sun.

Laser carbon peeling of the face: contraindications

Despite the fact that this peeling is considered a little-known technique that does not cause facial skin injuries, it can't be done in the following cases:

  • It is not recommended to do carbon peeling for pregnant girls and during breastfeeding.
  • Such cleaning is prohibited if there are scars and wounds on the skin.
  • You can not purge those people who have epilepsy and other neuralgic diseases.
  • Peeling is also contraindicated in the presence of a dermatological disease.
  • It is necessary to be especially careful with this technique if pink acne is present on the skin.
  • This type of peeling should not be performed if there is intolerance to the carbon gel.

The procedure has contraindications

Be very careful with this procedure. Do not neglect the recommendations of cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Carbon laser peeling for pigmentation, acne, acne: reviews of doctors, cosmetologists

Marina, cosmetologist:

“Carbon peeling is a great procedure. I advise her to every girl and woman, since the technique is considered universal. It is also suitable for those representatives who have young, oily skin and fine wrinkles.

Karina, cosmetologist:

Svetlana, cosmetologist:

“The carbon procedure is very gentle. It suits almost everyone. I recommend it to those women who live in large settlements, because their skin is constantly stressed, as a result of which it becomes lethargic and pale.

Carbon laser peeling for pigmentation, acne, pimples: customer reviews

Elena, 38 years old:

“I think that this technique is the most ideal among those that I have previously used. Past procedures, of course, helped me, but they were unpleasant - they brought a burning sensation, the skin became red. This way of cleansing the skin pleased me and left the best impressions.

Christina, 32 years old:

“I love taking care of my own beauty and constantly apply new methods. A friend recommended me to try this procedure to eliminate fine wrinkles in the forehead area. I gave a lot of money to the beauty salon, but despite this, I am very pleased with the result.”

Video: About carbon face peeling

Carbon peeling is a modern technique for skin rejuvenation and cleansing. Many women have already appreciated all the advantages of this technique and rightfully give it preference over others.

Carbon peeling is different from. This is a unique combination of hardware exposure and complex facial skin rejuvenation. The procedure has practically no contraindications and side effects, for which she earned recognition among the fair sex.

What is carbon peeling?

Carbon (carbon) peeling is a revolutionary laser procedure that is absolutely painless and with minimal time. Abroad it is called "China Doll Peel”, which means Peeling a Chinese Porcelain Doll.

This therapy is useful for people with oily skin, enlarged pores, dull skin, and acne on the face or body. It is a great way to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin, providing an instant refreshing effect. appearance and leaving the skin softer, smoother and firmer.

The main feature of this technique is that it includes two processes at once - laser exposure and. It is carried out using a special apparatus and a gel mask.

A layer of liquid carbon is applied to the skin and it penetrates deep into the pores. Laser light is strongly attracted to carbon particles. As the laser passes over the surface, it breaks down the carbon, removing dead skin cells, oil and impurities from it.

Carbon peeling is called so because the composition of the mask, which is applied to the face, includes carbon dioxide nanoparticles (carbon - carbon).

It is carried out in two main stages:

  1. Applying nanogel to the skin, heating with a laser. During this process, dead cells begin to be shed, and the surface layer is cleansed.
  2. Laser photothermolysis - deep tissue heating. The process accelerates regeneration, collagen and elastin are actively produced.

Before the session, the skin must be cleansed, all cosmetics are removed, and an antiseptic gel is applied. At the end of the session, the remains of the gel and mask are removed with a special tool, a soothing cream is applied that matches the skin type.

If you can’t decide in any way whether carbon peeling is needed, what it is, the reviews of numerous patients will help you take a decisive step, because most of them are positive.

Who can get the procedure?

Carbon peeling is very popular, before and after photos, reviews prove its versatility and effectiveness on the skin. The technique has its own advantages and wide possibilities.

It can be assigned to the following problems.


  • mimic and age wrinkles;
  • , active activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • age-related aging of the skin;
  • severe dehydration of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • scars after acne;
  • and freckles.

Reviews of carbon peeling prove that the procedure is really effective. After the procedure, results and a rejuvenating effect are immediately noticeable. Also, the procedure has other advantages over other cosmetic techniques.

You should not expect super-amazing results from the procedure like after plastic surgery. Yes, the skin will become younger, softer and more beautiful, but if there are serious problems and strong age-related changes, then such a peeling will improve the situation insignificantly.

Cleansing the face with a carboxylic mixture will help with aging skin, mimic wrinkles, fat content and dryness, but you will not wait for the plastic effect.

Undeniable advantages

The effect of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Cleansing. Carbon has the ability to absorb oil and impurities deep within the pore. As the laser passes over a surface, it targets and destroys the carbon particles, taking the absorbed material with it.
  2. Exfoliation. As the carbon is targeted by the laser, it blasts dead skin cells, blackheads, and exfoliates the skin effectively. The result is softer, more radiant skin with reduced pore size and a more even skin tone.
  3. Anti-aging. Carbon peels also target the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production, which in turn reduces wrinkles, makes the skin firmer and firmer, and the complexion more radiant and even.
  4. Acne treatment and sebum removal. The heat generated by carbon peels has 2 additional benefits. It reduces the P.Acnes bacteria responsible for the development of acne, and also shrinks the sebaceous glands, which leads to a decrease in sebum, hence reducing congestion in the pores. Treatment can be performed on any part including the back and chest.

As with all skin treatments, carbon peels should be complemented by a good skin care routine and the daily use of a high factor sunscreen.

Carbon peeling has a lot of additional benefits, which is confirmed by reviews, before and after photos. Among the frequently noted are the following:

  • efficiency - the results are noticeable immediately, even after a single session;
  • painlessness - for many, the word "peeling" is associated with a burning sensation and discomfort, but during such a session the patient will not feel any pain and discomfort;
  • no rehabilitation period - after the session, the patient goes home almost immediately, no complicated rules and recommendations are required, the skin does not become inflamed;
  • natural regeneration begins.

Noticeable results can be seen after a single session, but for maximum long-term results, we recommend regular treatments, preferably 5-7 sessions spaced one week apart.

Thus, it is possible to ensure that all regeneration processes will proceed naturally and independently. The doctor decides on an individual basis how many sessions are required in each specific case.

Are there any contraindications?

If there are indications, then there will be contraindications - unfortunately, this rule applies to absolutely all medical procedures. Laser cleansing sessions have their own contraindications, although there are very few of them.


  1. pregnancy, lactation;
  2. severe inflammatory processes in the treated areas;
  3. keloid scars;
  4. herpes;
  5. disturbances in melanin metabolism;
  6. pacemaker, heart attacks and strokes, serious illness of cardio-vascular system;
  7. allergy to carbon dioxide;
  8. individual intolerance.

Patients must be screened and tested prior to treatment. This will help to minimize all the risks that may be associated with contraindications to conduct.

After collecting anamnesis and examination, the doctor can make a final verdict - whether or not a particular patient can undergo peeling with a carbon mixture. It is also advisable to do an allergy test. To do this, apply a little carbon mixture to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

This procedure is minimally invasive, so complications are practically excluded. In rare cases, small inflammatory processes in the upper parts of the epidermis may begin. This is due to too sharp cleaning of the pores.

What is the equipment?

Peeling sessions cannot be carried out at home (as, for example,) in the absence of special equipment. The device for carbon peeling is a device with high-frequency laser waves.

A carbon solution is applied to the client's skin, with which the device interacts. As a result of this interaction, so-called microexplosions of microdispersed carbon particles occur in the skin pores, which cleanse the skin, tone it up and rejuvenate it.

It is important to perform an allergy test. If after applying the mixture to a closed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin there is no redness and rashes, then you can proceed to the sessions.
For several days, it is recommended not to steam the skin, not to clean it with chemical or other means.

If several sessions are performed, then there must be a gap of 7-10 days between them, since in any case this is a serious stress for the skin.

After the procedure, there is no need to undergo rehabilitation - this is one of the advantages of such peeling. If you are afraid of possible redness, plan manipulations for the weekend or before them.

In a few days, all possible side effects will completely disappear. To speed up rehabilitation, you can use conventional cosmetics - creams and lotions, antiseptic gels that exactly match your skin type.

For the first few days after cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to refrain from using decorative cosmetics.

Do not use products that contain alcohol. Do not use scrubs for several weeks - this can damage delicate skin. Avoid sudden temperature changes!

If you do peeling in the summer, then for 2-3 weeks you should carefully protect the skin from direct ultraviolet rays and use sunscreen with SPF 60.

You can find out about the price for a carbon peeling session directly on the websites of selected clinics. The cost will depend on many parameters, but we can say with confidence that this is an affordable service. The price for it is approximately from 2 to 3 thousand rubles.

There are also superficial, medium and deep peels. Superficial is applied at the age of 35 years. It is the most gentle, does not irritate the skin and acts only on the surface of the epidermis. Median peeling is used from 35-50 years old, since it is necessary to act on deeper skin structures.

What is a carbon facial peel?

Carbon peeling is a procedure that belongs to a variety of laser peeling (hardware). It is carried out by nanogel (carbon carrier) with further processing laser device. Due to this, the skin is leveled, the keratinized layer of the epithelium is removed and pigmentation is eliminated. It is often recommended if pimples, scars, acne, acne are present.

In addition to all this, protein and fat metabolism is activated in the dermis. In turn, protein metabolism favors skin rejuvenation through the performance of the structural proteins of the skin (collagen and elastin), while returning the flexibility and elasticity of the skin itself.

Effects of carbon peeling

  • Restore skin pH.
  • Disappearance of inflammation and age spots.
  • Reduction of oily skin and narrowing of pores.
  • The skin becomes red.
  • Wrinkle smoothing.
  • Restoration of carbohydrate and fat energy metabolism in the deep layers of the skin.

2 stages of carbon peeling

  1. To begin with, it is worth preparing the skin before laser exposure, for this a small layer of carbon nanogel is applied, which helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. With the help of a laser, the skin is heated at a significantly deeper level. This favors the release of structural proteins that are responsible for skin turgor, and hence for youth.

Important! The procedure is universal for all age groups, does not depend on seasonality, one session takes an average of half an hour.

Who can and who cannot do carbon peeling?

Indications for carbon peeling:

  • small wrinkles;
  • oily skin type;
  • acne;
  • acne
  • decrease in turgor and skin elasticity;
  • the disappearance of the blush and the appearance of dullness of the cover;
  • the presence of scars;
  • dark spots.

Contraindications for carbon peeling:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • epilepsy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • skin neoplasms;
  • acute and protracted diseases of the organs;
  • the presence of colloidal scars.

Before doing this procedure, you should consult your doctor. If there are contraindications, for example, an inflammatory process on the skin, then the procedure must be postponed. In addition, you need to find out if there is an allergic reaction to carboxylic acid, otherwise it may turn into anaphylactic shock.

Laser-carbon peeling of the face

Laser-carbon peeling is one of the leading methods used for facial skin rejuvenation, despite the fact that this special technology has been used relatively recently. The therapeutic effect is achieved using a laser and carbon nanogel.

This procedure is based on the principle of the combined action of the laser beam and the result of photorejuvenation. A mask containing carbon dioxide nanoparticles is applied to the skin. It is able to seep into the deeper layers of the skin and thereby eliminate dead cells, and also attracts the remnants of sebum and dirt. As for the laser, it activates the production of collagen and elastin, smoothes skin wrinkles and improves its color.

4 stages of laser carbon peeling

  1. In the beginning, it is worth consulting with a cosmetologist. If there are contraindications (inflammatory process) at the moment, the doctor first prescribes treatment;
  2. The second stage, the most important, is an allergic test for carboxylic acid tolerance. If no allergy has been identified and there are no contraindications, you can proceed to the next step;
  3. This stage begins with preparing the skin for peeling. When everything is ready, a mask is applied, which consists of mineral acids and finely dispersed coal. After drying, the skin is cleansed with a laser, which destroys the gel nanoparticles.
  4. The final step is laser photothermolysis, necessary for the recovery and production of proteins, as well as hyaluronic acid in the dermis.

Effects of laser carbon peeling

  • improvement of complexion;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • normalization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of the skin;
  • cleansing of enlarged pores;
  • dark spots;
  • the presence of comedones;
  • acne treatment and prevention.

Important! Contraindications for laser carbon peeling are exactly the same as for carbon peeling.

This type of peeling is called "Hollywood cleansing", because the procedure has a powerful effect even after the first application, and with each subsequent session, the effect continues to grow. As for side effects, one of the most significant is erythema, which will go away on its own in up to two days.

Advantages of laser carbon peeling

The advantages of this procedure include:

  • after peeling, you can use decorative cosmetics, the technique is safe and does not cause discomfort,
  • versatility of the procedure, which means that it can be used for several problems at once (for example, for oily, spongy skin with age spots),
  • treatment can be carried out in any season of the year, there is no rehabilitation period.

Rules of conduct and care after laser carbon facial peeling

Laser carbon peeling will be most effective if you follow a few rules after it:

  • Do not wash your face with water until the next morning;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics on the day of the procedure;
  • Wipe your face with chlorhexidine;
  • Do not use alcohol-based make-up removers;
  • Do not sunbathe for several weeks, and use sunscreen when you go outside.

Doctor's answers to frequently asked questions about carbon peeling

How often can carbon peeling be done?

The number of procedures is determined by the cosmetologist. Usually 5 procedures are performed, but this is purely individual, someone may need up to 10 procedures.

Is it possible to do carbon peeling in summer?

In the summer, it is better to avoid this procedure and postpone it until autumn-winter, since the intensity of ultraviolet rays is maximum, and this can lead to the appearance of age spots. But, if you still need to carry out the procedure in the summer and there is nowhere to put it off, then you must adhere to the rules:

  • Consult with a cosmetologist and set the number of procedures.
  • Peeling should be carried out only superficially, on the stratum corneum of the skin;
  • Subsequently, apply sunscreen and avoid direct sun exposure whenever possible.

Does carbon peeling help with hyperpigmentation?

Facial peeling will reduce excessive pigmentation in some areas by removing the superficial keratinized layer, which will even out the complexion. It does not completely eliminate freckles and age spots. But the result will still be noticeable on the face.

What peeling is better to do at home?

Before deciding to peel at home, you need to find out the type of skin. Depending on the type of skin, the components of the mixture will change when chemical peeling. If it is dry skin, then it is best to use alpha hydroxy acids. Glycolic acid is best for oily skin. With chemical peeling, a burning sensation is possible, the main thing is that irritation and redness do not appear, then it is better to cancel the peeling. After the procedure, a special solution is applied that restores the pH level.

Attention! Acids for home peeling must be low concentration, otherwise you can get a chemical burn!

Most often, mechanical peeling is used at home, it is mostly convenient and simple. The procedure must be done 3 times a week, not more often, as irritation and inflammation may appear.

How to prepare the skin for peeling?

First you need to warm up the skin, this will help the steam bath. You need to take a large container and pour boiled water into it. For greater effect, sage or chamomile (for oily skin) or mint and linden (for dry skin) can be brewed in water. Before the procedure, you need to lubricate the eyelids fat cream so as not to burn them with steam. Next, tilt your face over the container and cover your head with a bath towel, so as to create the effect of a sauna. The procedure should take about 10 minutes. After its completion, wipe the face with napkins and apply the peeling composition.


From all this, we can conclude that carbon peeling, although a rather “young” procedure, has already managed to take a leading place in cosmetology. As practice has shown, the procedure is painless, effective and universal for all age groups. This is an amazing tool for cleansing not only the skin of the face, but also for other parts of the body, but for home use it is not suitable because a laser is needed to perform carbon peeling. In addition, before the procedure, the cosmetologist can clean the face, and after peeling, he will help you choose home care behind the skin.

Laser carbon peeling: real reviews

To evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure, I will attach my photos before and after peeling:

The peeling coped with the stated tasks by 100%, plus the complexion instantly improved and the changes are visible immediately after the first procedure. As for sensations, this procedure is absolutely painless. I will say one thing, I will return to this procedure again and again.

Peeling for the face - a procedure by which the skin of the face acquires a fresh and radiant color. This method allows a woman to achieve beautiful, smooth skin and a youthful face. Today we will analyze how this procedure goes, what are the contraindications and when it is better to do facial cleansing.

The main thing in the article

Indications for carbon peeling

Laser carbon peeling is a procedure for cleaning the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis, not only on the face, but also on other areas of the skin. The session is carried out using a carbon gel and the removal of old cells with a laser.

The modern beauty industry is always improving so that the fair sex enjoy their beauty. This procedure is recommended for owners:

  • problem skin;
  • freckles;
  • early manifestations;
  • rosacea;
  • uneven structure of the skin;
  • acne;
  • open pores.

Laser carbon peeling: procedure technology

Laser carbon peeling is carried out in three stages:

  1. Preparing and cleaning the face from pollution;
  2. Applying a special carbon-based gel to the face;
  3. The use of a laser to remove keratinized tissue.

Carbon gel is necessary so that the laser does not damage the epidermis, but removes old cells. With the help of short but powerful pulses of the laser apparatus, the old dermis is removed. The procedure consists in the evaporation of the dermis, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Contraindications for carbon peeling

No matter how a woman strives for beauty, there are procedures that cannot be used. Carbon facial cleansing with a laser, as well as other cosmetic therapies, has contraindications.

  • Pregnancy period and;
  • Colloidal scars;
  • Chronic skin diseases;
  • inflammatory processes.

Carbon peeling with a laser: a step-by-step procedure

A facial cleansing beauty session is carried out in order to change the structure of the dermis of the face in positive side. Therefore, this operation includes several stages.

  • The cosmetologist examines the client for contraindications, if there are none, he prepares for the procedure.
  • Then he cleans his face from cosmetics with water or special makeup removers.
  • Next, the beautician applies a special nanogel to the surface of the skin and waits for the gel to dry.

  • After drying, the specialist puts protective glasses on the client and takes the laser device. And then it treats the skin according to the principle of evaporation using powerful pulses.

This method of cleansing helps to stimulate microprocesses in the human body, which in turn provides the skin with the production of connective tissue proteins.

  • After the procedure is completed, the beautician removes the remains of the gel from the face.

Efficiency and results of laser carbon peeling

This type acts on the dermis very delicately. This prevents any pain during the procedure. In addition, during the session in the body, metabolic processes are restored, which affects in favor of skin rejuvenation.

  • The effectiveness of the procedure is visible after the first session, enlarged pores are noticeably narrowed, which makes them less noticeable. The skin of the face is smoothed, it becomes more elastic and smooth. Skin color appears fresher and more even.
  • If the patient had freckles or age spots, then after the first procedure they will be less noticeable or disappear altogether.
  • The number of acne and post-acne will decrease. And in general, the face or other part of the body on which the operation was performed will look rested and healthy.

After the procedure, redness is also observed, which is associated with skin sensitivity. The redness goes away within a few hours.

Carbon peeling: how many procedures are needed?

  • Although the result is visible even after the first session, this type of cleaning of the dermis takes on average from 3 to 5 procedures. Their number can also increase in difficult cases, when the skin is in a neglected state.
  • Carbon peeling is a minimally invasive procedure, so if you have increased the number of sessions, you should not worry about this. Since it does not injure your skin and will not harm the body as a whole.

How often can carbon peeling be done on the face?

The frequency of visiting the carbon procedure depends on the condition and type of skin, as well as on the recommendations of the specialist. On average, rest between procedures should be done in 10 days.

Is it possible to do carbon peeling in summer?

  • There are no restrictions on the procedure as a whole, it can be done at any time of the year and under any weather conditions. But cosmetologists strongly recommend carrying out faces in the autumn-spring periods.
  • This is due to the fact that in autumn and spring the sun's rays are the least active. This means that the skin, which is more vulnerable after the session, will receive less harm from ultraviolet radiation.
  • In addition, this type of peeling contains photosensitizing substances, which aggravates the aggressive action of ultraviolet rays.

Carbon face peeling: before and after photos

"Hollywood Purge" - this is the second name of peeling, because this type of cleaning allows you to get a healthy look of the skin in a short period of time. And to verify this, take a look at the photos of the patients before and after the operation.

Cost of carbon peeling procedure

The price range in general depends on:

  • region,
  • the status of a specialized center for the provision of carbon services,
  • dollar exchange rate.

Therefore, we will give the average variant of prices for this procedure. But be prepared for prices to change.

Among the numerous skin care procedures, there is one that combines the advantages of hardware techniques and cosmetic effects. This is laser carbon peeling. Manipulation simultaneously rejuvenates, deeply cleanses and heals the skin.

Read in this article

Who should do

The procedure has a wide range of effects. Therefore, it is indicated for the following skin problems:

  • mesh of wrinkles, separate superficial folds;
  • too active functioning of the sebaceous glands, provoking fat content;
  • dehydration, loss of elasticity and wilting;
  • lifeless complexion;
  • traces of acne;
  • dark spots.

Benefits of the procedure

Carbon peeling of the face differs from other equally effective procedures in several advantages:

  • passes painlessly;
  • gives effect after the first session;
  • practically does not cause side effects that interfere with the conduct usual image life;
  • does not require rehabilitation;
  • has multiple beneficial effects on the skin (from bactericidal to rejuvenating).

Carbon peeling: pros and cons

The advantages of carbon peeling are that it is safe, no long-term recovery is required, of the minuses - it cannot cope with deeper skin defects.

The advantages include:

  • absence of pain;
  • can be spent in spring and summer, but it is still necessary to protect the skin from the sun;
  • smoothes porosity;
  • eliminates oily sheen;
  • removes impurities and the surface layer of dead epithelium, removes peeling;
  • improves skin color;
  • no need to wear a bandage and immediately after the procedure it is possible to go outside, freely contact with others;
  • there is a visible result after the first session.

Carbon peeling

The disadvantages are:

  • the appearance of redness and rashes on the chin and around the nose;
  • black blotches from the applied nanogel may remain;
  • will not affect scars and wrinkles;
  • the skin is dried out and needs deep, frequent moisturizing;
  • you can not use decorative cosmetics for 3-4 days;
  • high cost and the need for repeated sessions.

Method of carbon peeling

Carbon peeling before and after does not require special measures. But still, before carrying it out, you need to consult a dermatologist and check if there is an allergy to the nanogel used during the procedure. It is applied to the patient's hand, following the reaction.

The impact itself is carried out in stages:

  • Makeup and impurities are removed from the face. Then it is necessary to apply an antiseptic gel. Microorganisms must not be allowed to act.
  • After removing the antiseptic, a carbon composition is applied and the laser device is set up. The parameters must be clearly calibrated so that the epidermis does not burn, but warms up. The more pronounced age-related changes, the higher the temperature and the deeper the penetration of radiation.

Stages of laser carbon peeling
  • The patient wears goggles. Next, the actual carbon peeling with a laser is carried out. The specialist guides the maniple of the device along the surface of the skin without touching it. The process lasts 20 - 30 minutes.
  • Upon completion of the entire surface treatment, the nanogel is removed with a cleaning agent. A soothing cream appropriate for the type is applied to the skin.

For information on how laser carbon peeling is carried out, its advantages and features, see this video:

The effect of the procedure

Nanogel for carbon peeling consists of the smallest particles of carbon, which penetrates deep into the skin, draws out the contents from the pores, and also binds dead cells from the surface. Laser radiation destroys the pathogenic microflora, stimulates the development of young and healthy cells of the collagen layer, whitens. Due to the twofold influence, the effect also arises:

  • the skin is deeply cleansed;
  • inflammation and opportunities for its development are eliminated;
  • the surface of the epidermis is leveled;
  • defects, enlarged pores, oily sheen disappear;
  • age spots disappear;
  • skin color improves;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • elasticity increases, the skin becomes hydrated;
  • the increased greasiness is eliminated.

Favorable changes laser carbon facial peeling gives from the first session. In total, 5-7 are needed, weekly pauses are made between procedures. They are needed in order for the development processes in the skin to go on independently.

You should not expect an effect from the procedure, like from plastic surgery. But it can be done for teenagers with oily skin, and middle-aged women who are immediately concerned about wilting and increased greasiness.

Before and after a course of carbon peeling procedures


The procedure is non-invasive, that is, the tissues are not mechanically damaged. Nanogel is also not capable of causing harm. Nevertheless, carbon peeling has contraindications, like any external effect. Some diseases and conditions create

danger to the health of the skin and the body as a whole during its implementation:

  • inflammation and any damage to the epidermis;
  • keloid scars;
  • oncology;
  • vitiligo;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects of carbon peeling on the face

The carbon peeling procedure usually does not cause a negative reaction. The maximum that worries is reddening of the skin for a short time. But yet for some it may end:

These signs may occur as an individual reaction. The causes of problems sometimes become a poor-quality apparatus for carbon peeling, the inability of a cosmetologist to work with it, and the wrong choice of laser radiation parameters.

Skin care after

The tissues are not injured during the procedure. But this does not negate some precautions and special care after the procedure for several days. The skin undergoes changes so that it is vulnerable to bacteria, ultraviolet rays and any other attack. In addition, there is no protective film on it. And in order not to interfere with the restoration, not to spoil the visible effect that gives laser peeling with carbon nanogel, it is necessary:

  • use the first day for cleansing only;
  • intensely moisturize the skin with hypoallergenic products;
  • 2-3 weeks do not sunbathe and do not go to the solarium;
  • refuse to visit the pool for the same period;
  • the entire rehabilitation period be protected from wind and cold;
  • do not do procedures that irritate the skin (cleansing with scrubs, other peels, applying aggressive products);
  • do not use decorative cosmetics for at least a week ( foundation, powder, etc.).

If you fulfill these simple conditions, carbon peeling will have only favorable consequences. Otherwise, infection, a new round of acne or pyoderma may occur, increased dryness of the skin or hyperpigmentation may develop.

Why did acne appear after carbon peeling?

The appearance of acne after carbon peeling is caused by several reasons:

  • the procedure is stressful for the skin, the reaction to it is an exacerbation of inflammation;
  • the upper layer (epidermis) is removed, which makes the rash clearly visible;
  • lack of proper care after the procedure: touching the skin with fingers, neglecting the ban on cosmetics, insufficient cleansing.
  • treat the skin with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, alcohol solutions are contraindicated;
  • lubricate the inflamed elements (pointwise) with ointment Traumeel C, Levomekol, Zinc, Panthenol.

If acne does not disappear in 3-5 days, then a dermatologist's consultation is definitely needed.

How many carbon peeling procedures do you need to do

For small changes, 2-3 are enough, and for severe problems, at least 7 carbon peeling procedures are recommended. The intervals between them are from 7 to 15 days. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin.

How much does carbon peeling cost

Facial cleansing with carbon peeling will cost about 2000 rubles, 600 hryvnias for 1 session. With additional processing of the neck and décolleté, the price will increase.

How long does a carbon peeling procedure take?

The average duration of the entire procedure is 45 minutes.

Patient questions about carbon peeling

How often can carbon peeling be done on the face?

Is carbon peeling allowed for dry skin?

Dry skin is not a contraindication. After the procedure, the top layer is removed, which will help the penetration of moisturizing and nutrients. It is important to regularly use the recommended care products, to refuse rubbing with alcohol solutions, so as not to overdry the skin.

Carbon peeling from what age?

From the age of 16, laser skin cleansing procedures can be performed, but with widespread acne, preliminary treatment is necessary. If this recommendation is neglected, then the rash may intensify.

Is it possible to carry out carbon peeling at home?

Since the main component of this procedure is laser beams, it is impossible to carry it out at home. Alternative option acid peels can become, but it is better to contact a beautician.

Despite the high efficiency of the procedure and safety, its price is low in comparison with other similar manipulations. A session costs 2000 - 5000 rubles, depending on the area of ​​​​impact. Taking into account the fact that they will not need more than 5 - 7, the course is inexpensive.

Useful video

Watch this video about how carbon peeling works and what are the indications for it: