How to disinfect the epilator after use. Learning to use the epilator without pain: practical tips. What are the types of epilators for use at home

To such a device as an epilator, many women are distrustful. In fact, their fears are unfounded and absolutely meaningless. If you know how to use the epilator correctly, you can make the procedure itself almost painless, and the result is stunning.

Overview of the modern epilator market

Of course, each manufacturer advertises his offspring as something special and unique. However, epilators of all brands work on the same principle, differing only in some nuances. Devices can support two or more speeds, as well as be equipped with various additional functions to facilitate the process of hair removal. Any product is equipped with a standard nozzle with a certain number of tweezers (it all depends on the manufacturer's idea).

More modern models are improved by devices for relieving discomfort during the procedure. For example, Braun devices from the Silk-epil series work on the basis of roller nozzles that perform a light skin massage. This allows you to significantly reduce pain, even if you do not know how to properly use the epilator. Philips offers models with removable coolers that desensitize skin receptors. And Rowenta has released a series of epilators equipped with high-speed turbines. In this case, the analgesic effect is achieved due to a strong flow of cold air.

Benefits of epilators

Despite the fact that now it has become very fashionable to remove hairs by shugaring, many ladies remain faithful to epilators. This can be easily explained by listing the main advantages of procedures of this kind:

  • No recurring expenses.
  • Maintaining skin smoothness for at least 3 weeks.
  • Hair grows back soft and does not turn into stubble.
  • The procedure does not require long preparatory steps.

If you figure out how to use the epilator correctly, you can understand that this method is ideal for home use. It is very simple and economical: you just need to turn on the device and start the session.

Are there any disadvantages?

Any, even the most innovative method of hair removal has its negative sides. After all, against the background of all the advantages, certain disadvantages often hide. In the case of using an epilator, there are several of them, namely:

  • Soreness of the procedure, especially at first.
  • The appearance of irritation in the form of red dots.
  • Ingrown hairs.

Any of these shortcomings can be easily dealt with, so they are not critical. For example, if the pain during epilation is unbearable, then products containing anesthetics will help relieve it. And you can soothe irritated skin by wiping with lotion or balm.

Before hair removal

There is one important rule for those who want to know how to use the epilator correctly. In the bikini area, legs and armpits, a set of preparatory operations should be performed before proceeding with the procedure.

  1. Pay attention to the length of the hairs. If it is more than 5 mm, then you need to use scissors. You can shave the hairs off with a razor and then wait a few days for them to grow back a bit.
  2. To make the procedure quick and painless, exfoliate the skin with a non-rigid scrub. This will help remove dead skin cells from the surface of the dermis.
  3. Take a bath or hot shower immediately before epilating. Steamed skin is less sensitive to mechanical stress.

First procedure

When starting a session, you should remember a few rules. Many beginners are interested in how to use the epilator correctly: according to hair growth or against. Actually, the quality of the result depends on this. Treat a certain area of ​​the body should be strictly against the growth of hairs. If you violate this rule, the procedure may be delayed. Firstly, it will be much more painful, and secondly, the epilator will begin not to pull out, but to cut off the hairs.

Getting used to painful sensations should be gradual, so do not immediately turn on the device at the highest speed. The faster the tweezers work, the more hairs they remove per second. Start at the lowest speed to gradually get used to the procedure.

To reduce discomfort, slightly stretch the skin on the treated area. If you have not yet mastered how to use the epilator properly, and the procedure brings you severe pain, then use the massage nozzle. In this case, the head of the device should be slightly tilted in the direction of its movement - this will enhance the relaxing effect.

How to make waxing less painful

If you don’t want to endure pain during the procedure at all, then you can find the easiest way out and use a local anesthetic. However, this will only help for a while, and by the next epilation you will be forced to buy a special cream again. Moreover, it is worth noting that the price of such funds is far from low.

Well, for those who decided to take a desperate step and refused painkillers, there are a couple of tips that will help facilitate the procedure:

  • Start epilating in less sensitive areas where there are not too many hairs, gradually moving to more delicate areas.
  • Use cooling and massaging attachments, especially if you don't know how to properly use an epilator. The underarms and bikini area is the most sensitive area, so it is best to treat it this way.
  • Try to perform the procedure in several visits. Having processed one area, rest a bit and only then move on to another.

Rules for skin care after the procedure

Proper hair removal with an epilator implies not only the correct implementation of the procedure technique itself. Of great importance is the subsequent care of the treated skin. It is necessary to disinfect it and try to relieve irritation to the maximum. For this, lotions, balms and creams, which include natural anti-inflammatory ingredients, are suitable. Perfectly relieve irritation with extracts of chamomile, green tea and vegetable oils.

Fight against ingrown hair

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a full answer to the question of how to use the epilator correctly so that there are no ingrown hairs. During the procedure, the surface of the skin is injured, as well as the follicles. This is due to the fact that tweezers pull out hairs against their growth. Therefore, the occurrence of folliculitis after using the epilator is by no means uncommon. Of course, it all depends on the characteristics of your skin, but still, no one is immune from this problem.

As preventive measures experts recommend using special scrubs and creams. The former help to remove the upper, dead layer of the epidermis, preventing new hairs from growing under it. With regular peeling (about 1 time per week), it is possible to provide high-quality prevention of folliculitis. As for creams and ointments, they are recommended for both prevention and treatment of ingrown hairs. By knowing how to properly use an epilator and using these products periodically, you will get smooth skin without irritation.

Using an epilator during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, the female body undergoes drastic changes, which primarily affect the hormonal background. This is reflected both emotionally and physically. future mother. The sensitivity of the body to external stimuli is significantly increased, which makes many daily procedures quite difficult. In this regard, the use of an epilator for women who are expecting a baby is categorically contraindicated. Severe pain can disrupt the course of pregnancy and even cause premature birth.

To easily remove hairs at home, you just need to know how to use the epilator correctly. For legs, armpits and even the bikini area, this method is just perfect. So, maybe it's time to stop fiddling with wax and move on to a new, more comfortable level of epilation?

There are many ways to get rid of excess body hair, and our today's story is just about one of the greatest inventions of mankind, which gives us the opportunity for several weeks not even to remember that we have extra hairs somewhere - about the epilator! How to use an epilator to achieve perfectly smooth skin?

Since ancient times, long, thick and shiny hair has been the pride of women and girls. What can not be said about other vegetation on the female body - it has never been attractive, and the whole beautiful half of humanity tried its best to get rid of it. How much easier it was for ladies in the Middle Ages - long skirts, wide cloaks and capes could mask unwanted hairs on the legs. But in this age of mini-skirts and revealing bikinis, extra hair is completely unacceptable!

Advantages and disadvantages of using an epilator

Without a doubt, the epilator is rightfully considered one of the most effective devices designed for hair removal. Its only drawback can be called, perhaps, only the presence of painful sensations during epilation. But they can also be dealt with. How? We will talk about this a little later.

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Epilator Priorities

  • If you have previously used a conventional razor to remove hair, then you probably know that a razor is not able to remove the entire hair, it only cuts off the part that protrudes above the skin. The part remaining in the bulb quickly grows, the very next day it is noticeable to the naked eye. The epilator removes hair completely! “Coming to her senses”, the hair follicle is able to give a new process not earlier than in three or even four weeks. Just think - for a whole month you can not think about hair removal, isn't it, great!
  • Without visiting expensive salon procedures, in a calm, relaxing home environment, you can slowly perform hair removal on your own. Moreover, this does not require any special training or special knowledge. After reviewing our recommendations, you can easily cope with this task.
  • Any other type of hair removal requires additional tools and manipulations: for example, shaving requires a special cream, both before and after using a razor, and you can’t do without taking a shower. For waxing you also need a lot of devices - a special jar for heating wax and wax strips. And the epilator does not require any more tools, it alone is able to complete the entire hair removal procedure from start to finish.
  • Difficulty to use? Confused instructions for use? There is none of that when it comes to performing a hair removal procedure with an epilator. Easy to operate, also easy to care for, store and transport - it's all about him. If you try to remove hair with an epilator, you will certainly appreciate the advantages of this method.
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If you decide to use an epilator for hair removal for the first time, try to follow the following simple, but very important rules.

The fast rotating mechanism of the epilator is designed to firmly grab and remove unwanted hairs. Therefore, before epilation, wait until the hairs previously removed and growing again have reached a length of several millimeters. What should be their exact length can be determined empirically during the procedure itself - if the hair is too short, the epilator simply will not capture it.

The rotation speed of the epilator mechanism can be adjusted; for those who are going to use it for the first time, we recommend setting the minimum speed. Too high speed can lead to the fact that fine hairs are not removed, but break off at the base, then the very next day you will be provided with a “bristle”.

Before removing hairs, it is advisable to take a hot bath, or at least a hot shower (15-20 minutes will be enough). Why do it? The pores of the skin surface will steam out, become wider, and the epilation procedure will be much easier and less painful. Attention: to use the epilator of conventional models, the skin must be properly dried.

This advice does not apply to new developments, the most modern models can even be used under water! For example, the manufacturer Braun has proven itself excellently, which has released the Braun Silk-épil 7 7681 Legs, Body & Face Wet&Dry model, which works in water, in its line of epilators.

Now it's time to talk about pain. When the seller in the store convincingly tells you that the epilator is “well, it doesn’t hurt at all, honestly!”, Do not believe it. Pleasant sensations during hair removal - this is definitely not about the epilator. However, everything is in our hands, and we can reduce all pain to a minimum:

  • when epilating, with one hand you need to stretch the skin, and with the other - guide the epilator over the surface. You will feel the effect immediately - the stretched skin weakens the "capture" of the hair follicle, and the hair itself is easier to remove;
  • start epilation from the area where the hairs are smaller, and they themselves are thinner. So you can get used to possible pain in other areas of the skin with a lot of hair;
  • manufacturers supply many models of epilators with special attachments to reduce skin sensitivity and, accordingly, reduce pain. For example, the Philips HP6521 epilator has a nozzle that is located in front of the removal mechanism and during epilation performs a slight vibration - thereby relaxing the skin and making hair removal easier. And the Philips HP6517/00 epilator is equipped with a special cooling cap - before the procedure, it must be put in the freezer, and during epilation, the cold will help to significantly reduce the pain of hair removal. There are also nozzles for "special" skin areas with increased sensitivity - we are talking about the armpit and bikini area. With these attachments, the gripping “tweezers” are arranged in a thinned order and at the same time can not remove as many hairs as a conventional mechanism, thereby making the procedure more gentle, such a nozzle is equipped, for example, with the Rowenta EP 8550 epilator;
  • a bunch of various ways the reduction of pain from epilation offered by manufacturers suggests that such sensations still exist, and you should be prepared for this. If your skin is very sensitive, do not epilate the entire surface at once. Take breaks, let your skin rest, and let yourself catch your breath.

After epilation, be sure to use special cream, relieving possible irritation - it will soothe the skin and soften it.

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Do we recommend removing hairs with an epilator? Of course we recommend! In addition to the amazing effect of smooth, silky skin, you will get the opportunity to forget about the need to remove excess vegetation on the body for a long time. As for pain ... remember how the secretary Verochka from the movie "Office Romance" advised plucking her eyebrows? In response to the words that it hurts and can only be done under anesthesia, she said, in our opinion, a brilliant phrase: “Well, you are a woman, be patient!” What are a few minutes of your patience worth compared to the pleasure of being beautiful and well-groomed?!

Hello lovely ladies! Marina Demyanenko is with you. Smooth skin of the legs, beautiful well-groomed hands, the perfect bikini area - without this it is difficult to imagine a modern girl. And knowing how to use an epilator, you can look your best without the help of beauty salons. The epilator is a portable device, an excellent replacement salon procedures allowing you to get rid of unwanted body hair. Simple and compact, it can help you get smooth skin for 3-4 weeks. Skillfully use the device, and this will avoid such unpleasant consequences as ingrown hairs, irritation, abscesses. Exists, but home hair removal is becoming more popular.

The hair removal method is simple. This is the pulling out of hairs from the root with the help of rotating discs or tweezers simulating the work. With each new procedure there is more and more damage to the bulbs, the hairs become thinner, their growth slows down. How often will you have to endure it? The process of pulling out hair occurs less and less each time. If the first month the procedure is required every 2-5 days, then after a few months - once a month. If you constantly use the gadget, the hair will almost stop growing. It is interesting that it is rather conditional.

Most models have a mode (speed) regulator. Slow is suitable for removing short, coarse hairs. If you choose more power, they will break, and the roots will remain intact. At high speed it does not hurt so much, but for the first time choose a slower mode, because you need to remove a large number of still coarse hairs.

Is the device easy to use

Epilation with this device fully replaces the salon version of hair removal and shaving. Of course, when you lie down, and your hairy parts of the body are processed by the skillful hands of a specialist, it is much faster and more pleasant. But knowing how to use the device correctly, you can put your legs and other parts of the body in order at a convenient time for yourself. Do not combine free time and work schedule of your favorite master. After all, you can always be in shape, but it will cost much less. You can even do it yourself.

And with shaving, epilation cannot even be compared - there are no sharp, rough ends of the bristles in a day. Also, you do not need to shave in the shower almost every day, and the effect lasts much longer, and the hairs are getting thinner and more inconspicuous. But to the question about the epilator “Is it possible during pregnancy?” most doctors will recommend using a razor, as the pain of pulling hair out can trigger uterine contractions.

Types of devices

Electric epilators are divided according to the following criteria:

  • Removal mechanism. Disc pull out hairs immediately, hard and sharply. Tweezers work more delicately. Laser and photoepilators act on the bulb with light waves of a certain length.
  • Additional functions - cooling nozzles, tweezers of different sizes and shapes, nozzles for stretching the skin. It is convenient to use an epilator that works in water.
  • Power, type of power supply. There are models that run on mains or batteries.

Disc epilators are preferred by those who love fast results. The mechanism pulls out a large amount of hair at the same time, each time weakening the root. Although such a device is not suitable for the first time, it allows you to quickly reach the depletion of the hair follicles, which means that the effect will last longer. Sometimes, after using such equipment, inflammation occurs. Because the strands do not break out completely, and the hair grows crooked. Manufacturers Remington IPL, Saturn have such models.

Tweezer varieties act on the skin more gently, pulling out several hairs at a time. One zone will have to be processed several times in a row, therefore pain will be longer. Such epilators are produced by Brown, Rowenta, Philips, Panasonic. In order for epilation to take place without pain, manufacturers build in additional devices - cooling blocks. They slightly anesthetize the area before pulling out the hairs. help you make a choice.

Advantages and disadvantages

Epilators for home use have the following advantages:

  1. Simplicity. To use the device, you do not need experience or special skills.
  2. Availability. Dozens of models with different functionality, prices from $10.
  3. Water resistance. Some varieties can be used in the shower, their body is sealed, and the mechanism is water resistant.
  4. Efficiency. Regular use of the epilator allows you to thin most hair follicles so much that the frequency of skin treatment will reach 1 time per month.
  5. Mobility. Battery operated, water resistant and small size. Therefore, there is no need for additional devices - take the gadget with you on the road.

Cons of portable epilators:

  1. Soreness. Regardless of individual susceptibility to pain, the first few sessions will be terribly unpleasant (up to the first 10 times). Further, each time the process will be less painful. But the treatment of the bikini area, pubis, underarm area will always be uncomfortable. Therefore, follow the rules on how to painlessly carry out hair removal.
  2. Insufficient control accuracy. If you choose the wrong angle, direction and mode, then there will be more ingrown hairs. They will not break out, but break off, that is, the effect is weakened (the process is closer to a haircut than to tearing out).
  3. Harm to the body. During epilation, small blood vessels can be damaged, up to a violation of blood flow. Can an epilator be used for varicose veins? Not worth it! It is not recommended to carry out such procedures in the presence of problems with the vessels and the circulatory system (thrombosis, varicose veins, vascular fragility).

We carry out hair removal for the first time - rules and tricks

The hardest part of using any of these gadgets is the first use. Uncertainty, lack of skill, and most importantly - severe pain, lead to the fact that you want to quit and never repeat it again. It is better to prepare theoretically, get to know the epilator better, so that the practice is more comfortable.

Secrets of painless hair removal (preparation, conduct, care):

  1. Hair length. In order for the hairs to be well captured, easily pulled out and grow more slowly, wait until their length is about 5 mm.
  2. Warm up. Heating the treatment area reduces soreness and allows you to better pull out the hairs - the pores expand, the root does not hold so tightly and is pulled out more easily. Water treatments are suitable for warming up. Take a hot bath, shower, massage your feet, or simply spray the area with a hot dryer.
  3. Increasing grip. In order for the hairs to better adhere to the head of the epilator, use baby powder, talcum powder. Powdered hairs become thicker, pull out faster and more efficiently.
  4. Anesthesia. Use special creams ("Emla") with lidocaine. This will allow you to reduce soreness to a minimum.
  5. Cooling - when there is no longer the strength to endure, and only a part is cleared. It is better to take a break and rinse the treated leg with a cold shower or wipe it with a piece of ice with herbs. This will slightly anesthetize the epilated area. Wipe off the water well before proceeding with the execution.
  6. Epilation technique. Epilate against hair growth. Then they will break out with particles of roots. Start treatment from the most sensitive areas, you will get used to such sensations, there will be practically no pain in other places. Lead the head smoothly, without pressing, without applying force. Stretch the skin, then all the bristles will be pulled out.
  7. By appointment - for bikini and underarm zones, use special nozzles (cooling, plus for cutting hair). And for the face, use a photo or laser epilator, which does not capture so many hairs at once. But it has a more delicate effect, plus it will not cause irritation on the face.
  8. Care after epilation. Scrub the epilation area every couple of days. Use homemade coffee or sugar. This will help prevent young hairs from growing into the skin, causing terrible itching, redness and ulcers. After cleansing, wash your body well and moisturize generously with a gel, moisturizer or anti-inflammatory pharmacy remedy.

How to use the epilator in the bikini area

Since this is one of the most sensitive areas for hair removal, in order for everything to go without pain, follow a simple algorithm to remove hairs in the bikini area.

  1. Take a hot shower or bath, massage the treatment areas.
  2. If possible, apply an anesthetic cream or wipe the skin with lidocaine if there is no allergy. You can use a cooling mitt (you can buy it in cosmetics stores or it comes with some models of epilators). Wipe everything dry.
  3. Turn on the device. Stretching the skin, touch the head closely, at an angle of about 45-90 degrees, to the treatment site (against hair growth).
  4. Run the electric epilator slowly, smoothly, over and over again until no hairs remain.
  5. After completing the procedure, wipe the treated bikini area with a bandage moistened with a decoction of chamomile or an anti-inflammatory solution. This will soothe the skin a little and remove irritation.

Take care of your skin intimate places after the procedure and enjoy the beauty from epilation up to 3-4 weeks. We recommend using the Bikini Zone medicinal cream, which has been tested by many women, which will help get rid of irregularities and irritation in the bikini area.


To make your skin velvety and get rid of excess hairs at any time, you need to know how to use an electric epilator. Simple Rules, secrets, understanding the principle of operation of the device will make the procedure painless. Each time, the process will be faster, easier to tolerate, and after a couple of months, epilation will be pain-free.

See you!

An epilator is an indispensable device for hair removal, which is in the arsenal of every second girl. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to use the epilator correctly. It would seem that he purchased the device, plugged it into an outlet and drove it along the hairy surface of the skin - the hairs would be mercilessly removed and that would be the end of it. Theoretically, this is true, but epilation is a very painful process, especially at first. To facilitate the procedure and minimize discomfort, we offer you to arm yourself with a few tips, and your first experience with the epilator will be easy and productive.

Top 5 rules for high-quality hair removal at home

To begin with, remember - the ability to do hair removal correctly does not come the first time. The instructions for the epilator are often far from the best assistant in the difficult task of hair removal. Well, if you can watch a training video on how to painlessly do hair removal.

You will learn how to use the epilator professionally by at least 10 procedures, having studied your most painful places and selecting the desired speed of the device.

1. Hair length - 0.5 cm

If before buying an epilator you used a machine and got used to shaving your legs clean, then before using the appliance for the first time, you will have to leave the hairline growth completely at rest for 1-2 days. For optimal grip, the epilator needs to grip the entire hair, which is difficult to do if the shaft is too short.

2. Minimum speed

Start using the epilator the first time you use it at low speed. High speed reduces time, but high speed tweezers can only grab and pull out fine hairs. And at first, especially if you shaved your legs before the epilator, the hair has a thick shaft that can be pulled out only at low speed. To avoid pain, use a massage nozzle on top of the head of the device.

3. Hot tub

Make it a rule to epilate after taking a hot bath, or, in extreme cases, a shower. If you are used to shaving your legs under hot water, then now the removal of excess will be waiting for you after the bath.

When steaming the skin, the pores expand, and it will be much easier to use the epilator than “dry” - the hair can be easily and painlessly removed from the hair follicle with the tweezers of the device.

4. Anti hair growth

Hair removal must be done strictly against hair growth. Otherwise, you run the risk of driving the device over the same place several times, trying to pull out the hairs, which can not be called pleasant. Even if you are used to shaving your legs, wielding the machine in any direction, teach yourself to use the epilator correctly from the first days.

5. Don't make an effort

It is not necessary to literally “press” the device into the legs and skin during epilation. He will not work better from this, but irritation from scratching the epidermis with tweezers will earn you 100%. Move the epilator over the skin as smoothly as you are used to shaving with a machine, without pressure. It should be held at a slight angle to properly capture each hair.

Epilation on different parts of the body - an individual approach

You have probably heard the phrase about the existing pain threshold, which is different for each person. In fact, this is a true expression, only the sensitivity of body parts is determined almost the same for everyone. Do epilation on the legs or in the bikini area - feel the difference? Not everyone will decide to remove hair in the second case, but shaving their legs is also not an option. Preparation of the skin in different parts of the body is not the same. So, let's look at how to properly use the epilator on normal, sensitive and especially sensitive skin.

Leg epilation

On the legs, the most sensitive areas of the skin are on the ankles and under the knees. The rest of the surface quickly "gets used" to pain - after 3-5 minutes, epilation is not as painful as in the first minutes of the procedure. Due to the flat surface, it is easy to remove excess on the legs. But don't expect to finish using your epilator in less than half an hour.

You can prepare your legs for the upcoming hair removal with a body scrub and a hard washcloth. An hour before the procedure, steam the epidermis of the legs, scrub, rinse. Rub your feet with a washcloth, disperse the blood. The keratinized layer of the skin will be washed off, the hair will become much easier to pull out, and it will be less painful.

Armpit epilation

Underarm skin is more delicate and sensitive, which means it requires a special approach. In order not to be painful to remove hair, swiping the device over the skin, you need to pull it slightly. So the hair will be grabbed faster and more efficiently by the tweezers of the device.

Too much long hair armpits can cause pain and discomfort when pulled out. Before using the device, you need to carefully cut your hair. Shaving the armpits before the destruction of the hair follicles should be no earlier than a day or two before the procedure. After removing armpit hair, treat with an ice cube and a thin layer baby oil to relieve irritation.

Bikini epilation

One of the most sensitive skin areas is the bikini line. It is desirable to epilate on it using a cooling glove or a spray with a freezing effect. Some girls even drink painkillers before such hair removal, but we consider this measure unnecessary.

Before turning on the epilator, remove a couple of hairs from the bikini line with tweezers. This will let your skin know that the hair-pulling procedure is coming up. Since the skin on this part of the body is very delicate, after epilation it should be treated with alcohol and smeared with a moisturizing baby cream with chamomile so that the damaged skin recovers as soon as possible.

Smooth, well-groomed skin without excess vegetation is an important detail of the image. modern woman. To achieve this goal, the beauty industry offers different kinds epilators for home use.

In order for the result of hair removal to please as long as possible, you need to know the basic rules for this procedure.

The following types of epilators are on the market today:


They provide a gentle and complete depilation, ideal for the first use. The only caveat, in order to completely remove everything, you have to process the site several times;


Such epilators are not entirely suitable for the first depilation, because if you use a disc epilator for the first time, the discs do not allow you to completely remove the vegetation, break the rod, leaving a root with a disturbed growth trajectory deep in the epidermis.

The result will be short-lived, ingrown hairs and local inflammation may appear.

Advantages of an epilator over other home remedies for hair removal

The epilator boasts the following advantages:

  • Ease of use: the device will perfectly cope with excess hair at home, its use does not require special skills.

There are models that can be used in the shower or in field conditions;

  • Small size, easy to store and maintain. You can take this necessary accessory with you on a trip, it is lightweight and does not take up much space;
  • Availability: there are many models on the market of any price category;
  • Saving time and money compared to visiting a beautician;
  • Efficiency: smooth, velvety, well-groomed skin. The result of depilation lasts 2-3 weeks, depending on the structure, color and intensity of hair growth, the chosen model.

Over time, the interval between sessions increases (up to 1 month or more), as weakened hair grows more slowly and less frequently.


  • damage to the skin (wounds, cuts), eczema, inflammation of the hair follicles;
  • varicose veins;
  • spherical, convex moles;
  • diabetes mellitus (if the disease has led to reduced immunity).

Be careful and as careful as possible when removing hair in delicate areas during pregnancy (especially in the bikini area).

Proper preparation for hair removal at home

Before depilation, daily (at least 3-4 days) use a moisturizing body cream, 1-2 days before the session, it is necessary to apply a scrub to remove the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis.

When using the epilator for the first time, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin: taking a hot shower or bath will perfectly open the pores, and the depilation will be less painful, the roots will hold on weaker.

When wondering how to use an epilator for the first time, prep your skin by taking a warm bath or shower to open up your pores.

In addition, dry and rigid rods can break off. It is important to remember that before using the epilator for the first time, you should read the instructions for its use. Many models are designed to remove excess vegetation from a completely dry surface.

When using the epilator for the first time, it is necessary to set the minimum speed, because if you have previously shaved too much, the hair has a thick, dense structure, it is possible to remove them only at low speeds.

Before epilating the bikini area or underarms, it is recommended to coat sensitive areas with talcum powder or baby powder. This will degrease the affected area, compact the rod, as a result, the adhesion of the device head and hairs will be reliable, which will allow you to quickly and efficiently carry out the procedure.

The armpits and bikini area are very delicate areas of the body that are susceptible to pain, so you should gently stretch the skin, which will greatly facilitate and speed up the process.

When processing intimate zone, you can apply a freezing spray or ointment containing lidocaine. Emla cream is perfect (even pregnant women can use it). You can use a cooling glove.

Some people take painkillers 30 minutes before epilation, but this is only justified for women with a very low pain threshold.

Before depilation, you should do a small foot massage: light patting movements will relax the epidermis and the process will be less painful. The most sensitive areas on the legs are at the ankles and under the knees, so it’s better to start from other areas so that the skin is a little “used” to the sensations.

Due to the smooth surface, depilation of the legs will not take much time (however, when using the epilator for the first time, it will take at least 30-40 minutes).

According to doctors, a few days before menstruation pain threshold increases in women. Therefore, if possible, it is better to perform the first procedure during this period.

Basic rules for hair removal

When removing excess vegetation with an epilator, take note of the following recommendations:

  1. The optimal length of hairs for depilation at home with an epilator should be about 5 mm, since the tweezers will not be able to grab a very short rod, and pulling out longer hair is very painful, wounds may appear.
  2. The direction of movement must be against hair growth, otherwise the device will break the rod, and not uproot.
  3. During the procedure, you can not press the head of the device to the body, otherwise you can get scratched and irritated.
  4. It is necessary to hold the device at a slight angle so that the tweezers completely capture each hair.
  5. It is better to conduct a session in the evening, before going to bed, since redness and irritation remain on the treated areas for some time, and in the evening the sensitivity is lower.

Skin care after epilation

Experts advise after epilation to take care of the skin properly:

  1. The skin should be lightly massaged with an ice cube, treated with a disinfectant solution containing alcohol, then lubricated with baby cream (or any cream with chamomile, calendula, aloe vera, tea tree extract).
  2. The first 1-2 days (until the redness disappears) it is not recommended to visit the pool, sauna, and sunbathing.
  3. The effect lasts longer if you use products that slow down hair growth.
  4. Once every 2-3 days, you should apply a scrub, taking a shower or bath, use massage sponges - this will prevent hairs from growing into the skin.
  5. Use body moisturizer regularly.

The most popular models of home epilators

Philips HP6420/00 Satinelle

Simple, very easy to use, functional device. The device head can be easily removed and washed under running water.

Low price: 1,400 - 1,500 rubles. Differs in high reliability and durability.

Philips BRE610/00

The housing is ergonomic S-shaped silhouette, thanks to the extended handle allows you to easily reach the most remote parts of the body. The handle of the device is covered with a non-slip coating, so epilation can be carried out in the shower.

The head of the device, made of ceramic material, removes the weakest and finest hairs in one stroke, reducing treatment time and ensuring long-lasting, flawless results.

Bright illumination will not allow any hair to go unnoticed, and a massage nozzle reduces pain.

Hold the device at a right angle to the treated area. The head is removable and washable.

The model is indispensable when traveling, as the built-in battery allows you to epilate absolutely anywhere, without being tied to a power source.

Price from 3 700 rubles.

Braun Silk epil 3 3170

A great model that has stood the test of time. Ergonomic body that is comfortable to hold, massage rollers stimulate and relax the epidermis, which helps to reduce pain. 20 tweezers, bright SmartLight illumination make it possible to completely remove vegetation even in hard-to-reach places.

The finger system lifts stuck hairs and guides them towards the tweezers, the result is perfectly smooth, silky skin.

It is very convenient that the torn hair does not accumulate either on the brush or on the tweezers, and is not collected under the mechanism of the spinning head.

The device can be purchased for an average of 3,000 rubles.

Braun Silk epil SE 3270

The model is supplemented with 3 nozzles: shaver, trimmer and massager. This equipment allows you to perform the most comfortable removal of excess from the bikini area.

Price: 3 150 rubles.

Rowenta EP5660 Silence Soft

Features an effective noise reduction system. The double hermetic case allows the device to work very silently. Thanks to a special technology, the tweezers extract hair that is less than 0.5 mm long.

Massage balls reduce pain during the session, bright illumination allows you to remove all unnecessary. A feature of the model is a long cord. The package includes nozzles: for delicate areas, trimmer, for peeling, for shaving.

The optimum ratio of price and quality - the price is about 3,000 rubles.

Before using the epilator for the first time, it is recommended to wipe the treated area with special wet wipes (for example, Braun), this will cool and anesthetize the epidermis.

Hair growth retardants




Spray Skin Doctors Hair No More

exotic plant enzymes

It has a local effect, slowing down hair growth, softening and soothing the skin. Apply 5 times a week after epilation;

Lotion "ARAVIA Professional"

Arnica extract

Effectively slows down hair growth due to the effect on the follicles. The product has a moisturizing and antiseptic effect. Regular use makes hair thin and light.

Lotion Sugaring Pro Lotion 2 V 1

Extracts of licorice, larrei. Urea

Prevents the occurrence of an ingrown rod, inflammation and irritation of the epidermis. Hair grows slower and becomes thinner.

Great product afterusing the epilator for the first time.

How to apply: the next day after the session, apply a little lotion to the treated areas, let it soak in. Apply daily for 2 weeks.

Hair removal with an epilator allows you to achieve flawlessly smooth, silky and well-groomed skin for a long time. Pain decrease significantly over time, the procedure becomes familiar and comfortable.