How to creatively celebrate a girl's 30th birthday. Places to have fun celebrating your birthday. Brewery tour

For many, thirty years is the border between youth and adulthood. As a rule, the thirtieth birthday is celebrated on a larger scale than the twentieth or fortieth. If you want to arrange an unforgettable, bright holiday, then you have three options. The first option is to spend a lot of money on the organization, the second option is to find an unusual place and throw a party there, the third option is to come up with your own original idea.

How to celebrate 30 years anniversary? As a theme for the celebration, you can choose one of the favorite themes of the birthday boy, his family and friends. For example, you can throw a gangster party, a Mexican fiesta, a Hawaiian-themed party, a retro-themed party, or a carnival. It is also possible to organize a birthday related to the hobby or profession of the hero of the occasion.

Party on the theme “We are 20 again.” In this case, the party will be dedicated to a short but fun and carefree time period when the birthday boy and his friends were 20 years old.

The birthday boy and guests should dress according to the theme of the evening, it will be necessary to choose clothes in the style that they wore in their twenties. To remember the fashion of those years, look through your photo album or search for information on the Internet.

Next idea on the topic “ How to celebrate 30 years anniversary" - party "Thirty". In this case, all the details and elements of the holiday revolve around the number 30. You can cut out thirty as a room decoration, or use garlands or balls to depict this number. The more ideas you come up with using the number 30, the more interesting your holiday will be. Come up with various riddles and competitions related to the number 30.

For his thirtieth birthday, the hero of the day can choose the retro era, that is, the time when he was born. You should come up with a retro decor, guests need to dress according to the time, the music should correspond to the retro era. Competitions can be created based on the professions of that time or the place of birth of the hero of the day.

If you want to organize a carnival, then you can choose a film from the period when the hero of the day was born. Guests should choose one character and dress up in his costume. A Carnival themed party will be fun and interesting, especially if you invite singers and dancers, hold a competition for juggling and the ability to repeat tongue twisters with a mouth full of nuts.

Where to celebrate a birthday? To hold a celebration, you can rent a cafe or restaurant, or celebrate it at home. The most important thing for a holiday is its structure, because a well-organized anniversary will be remembered for a long time by you and your invited guests.

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The phrase “scenario for a woman’s anniversary” evokes in almost everyone the association of a holiday for a lady who has already reached certain heights in life, i.e. from 45 years of age and older, which is perhaps why compiling programs for younger culprits causes difficulties, because almost all game moments and congratulations on any, albeit conditional, summing up are not suitable for them.

To help the organizers of such parties, we offer script for the 30th anniversary of a girl (young woman) “For the sake of the hero of the day”, Using his example, we tried to show how you can present and play out anniversary entertainment from game program“Everything for you” when the birthday girl is 30 years old and above.

Note: Full description numbers with musical accompaniment see)

Solemn meeting of the hero of the day.

The guests are lined up in a living corridor, and the hero of the day enters.


Attention, our star is appearing!

Her name is………….., ladies and gentlemen!

Fanfare sounds

She looks like she's from a magazine cover

There's a red carpet in her honor! (the hero of the day steps forward)

Sounds 1. Fanfare

(agree in advance with the guests that after the line about compliments, that at the moment the hero of the day approaches him, everyone shouts their own: “beauty,” “perfection itself, etc.”)

Compliments flow from everyone's lips! (guests shout compliments)

And there is thunderous applause in the hall! (guests clap)

Sounds 1. Fanfare

Today is the charming......birthday,

Flowers, gifts and congratulations only for her!!!

Sounds 2. excerpt Allegrova Happy birthday

(guests surround the hero of the day, give flowers and congratulate)


And now, gentlemen, everyone is invited to the table.

To have fun and give praise to the hostess!

Sounds excerpt 3 Hello guests

(guests are seated)

The first part of the girl’s anniversary script program “For the sake of the hero of the day”


So, in honor of the hero of the day, a toast is raised in this hall,

Guests, fill your glasses quickly!

(says a toast while guests fill their glasses)


She illuminated everything with her radiance,

Sheer perfection and charm!

U…. life flourishing!

Time for success and bright victories!

Time of love and admiration,

Ups, hopes and insights,

So let Fortune…….smile,

And may the happiness never end!

(The presenter comes out and says a toast)


And we continue the anniversary program,

And we will not regret warm words for………:

May there be wealth, health, success,

And today there are compliments and laughter!

(drink, short banquet break)

Presenter: There are already many kind and beautiful words sounded today, I propose to determine who our most eloquent guest is, in the opinion of the hero of the occasion

The presenter holds a competition for best compliment or a wish, as an alternative - or “For the sake of your wonderful eyes” (the “Everything for you” program). The birthday girl chooses the winner and presents either a comic medal or a small prize from herself.

(Congratulations and presentation of gifts from friends. Demonstration of a slide or clip made for the hero of the day)

Comic musical forecast "And after the 15th glass I..."

(program "Everything for you")

Presenter: Dear guests, we’ve sorted out a little about compliments and gifts, and what else is associated with a beautiful lady’s anniversary for each of us? (guests answer, one of the answers is flowers) That's right, flowers, how well do you understand them? Let's check it out with a song game.

Musical game "Let's color the world with songs and flowers"

you can watch this game

You can also use any version of the “Song Guessing Game”, for example “Flower Guessing Game”

(a game is played, the winner is awarded a comic medal “The Most Musical Guest” or a small prize)

Presenter: Today is an amazing day because it is dedicated to an amazing girl (lady) named... Today all flowers, compliments and congratulations are only for our birthday girl (name). As a child, we expected a wizard for our birthday ( full version eyeliners are in the “Everything for You” program)

Musical congratulations on the anniversary of the "Mask Show"

(program "Everything for you")

(based on the results of the congratulations, the hero of the day can award one of the speakers or all a comic medal"For the best congratulations")

(dance break)

The third part of the anniversary program “For the sake of the hero of the day”


Dear guests, look how it sparkles

From your attention and love, birthday girl,

Today, for the sake one regrets the efforts,

Don't be sorry for smiles and best wishes!

Table role-playing tale "Only best wishes"

(program "Everything for you")

(a game is played, in the final you can award the medal “The Most Artistic Guest”)

Anniversary lotto with kisses

(program "Everything for you")

(a game is being played in which a medal can be awarded to “the most erotic guest” or “For the hottest kiss”)

For every man, the 30th anniversary is a significant event, showing what he has managed to achieve in his life, which is still just beginning. Despite his youth, at this age a man already understands quite well what he wants from his existence. Since there is still a whole life ahead, the 30th anniversary is a celebration of hope for a prosperous existence.

The best solution would be to spend this holiday not at home, but somewhere outside the home - you can rent a restaurant or cafe, or go out into the countryside.

At this age, many will enjoy celebrating their anniversary in a sauna or bathhouse. There you can take advantage of many interesting offers (karaoke, billiards, etc.), as well as relax in an informal atmosphere with close friends.

An interesting option would be to celebrate the holiday on the water (river, sea, lake). Then the man close to you will remember your 30th birthday for a long time. In this case, your faithful travel companion will be a boat or yacht. On a bright sunny day, you can use the deck for a celebration, but if the weather turns bad, go down to the cabin.

Use nature - beaches, forests, cozy gazebos in recreation areas will be an excellent place to celebrate an anniversary. In this case, it is necessary to calculate in advance the method of delivering invited guests to the holiday location. All necessary equipment must also be prepared in advance (raw materials for the fire, meat for kebabs, barbecue, dishes, napkins, as well as insect repellent and warm clothes, if the weather promises to deteriorate in the evening). All invitees must be aware of the nature trip to prevent any troubles.

Gifts can begin to be given immediately upon arrival at the celebration site. To diversify the holiday, you can hide some of the most significant and important gifts (for example, sprinkle them with dry leaves), thereby intriguing the hero of the day. If you decide to do this, then during the holiday you can hold a competition, during which the hero of the day, under the prompts of the guests, will look for the “treasure” hidden from him.

Feast with cool competitions

Of course, at the 30th birthday, as at many other holidays, it would not be amiss to hold several competitions and games between periods of feasting. It is better to take a cheerful friend of the hero of the day to play the role of presenter. He will have to make sure that the glasses are full and the guests don’t get bored, tell interesting stories, joke and offer interesting toasts. We must not forget that we need to give the floor to each of the guests so that they can also congratulate the birthday boy.
Such a holiday must be filled with humor and laughter.

Scenario “30 years - everything is just beginning”

Since the hero of the day is still very young, it is worth decorating everything in a youth style (balloons, firecrackers). However, if the birthday person has great success in his career, this also cannot be ignored: the place of celebration should be decorated with things that are important to the person, indicating his merits and status (awards, certificates). All together this will create an atmosphere of transition from youth life to adulthood.

Good evening, everyone who has gathered here today: the birthday boy, guests, as well as all those whom no one invited! I am glad to announce that the celebration dedicated to the celebration of our esteemed ... (name) is canceled today, which means you can fearlessly put aside all the gifts and just start drinking. Seriously, there's no reason to be funny. Our hero of the day has become smarter and wiser this year, and the mind, as they say, brings nothing but grief. But we don’t need grief. So let's drink to our too-young hero of the day!

(guests drink)
So, since we still have the hero of the occasion, let’s congratulate him all together! The first word is given to the wife of our hero of the day!

(Congratulations to the wife)

I also want to congratulate our hero of the occasion, I even wrote a speech! But here’s the thing: I’ve always had trouble with adjectives, so I’m asking for your help! Name any adjectives, and I will finish my speech!

Entertainment for guests “Lost Congratulations”

It is necessary to prepare the text for this scene in advance. Here is an example of such text:
We all, as an organized _________ crowd, congratulate ... (name of the hero of the day) on this wonderful day. Each of those present is sure that this is a man of __________ intellect, __________ heart, and also, without a doubt, he is in __________ form. Only a few at his __________ age achieved such __________ heights and did a huge number of __________ things. We sincerely wish our hero of the day __________ health, __________ relationships, __________ actions, __________ miracles on his life’s path and, of course, further self-improvement.

May my words come true
Let's drink together on the count of three!
Fill to the brim
Let the blood boil!
One two Three,
Red nose, burn!

Competition "Super Draw"

Leading: And now I invite everyone to take part in an incredible draw!

For the drawing you need several things related to or belonging to the hero of the day. An example of such things could be his pacifier, his first bottle, his favorite mug from childhood, military boots, a school diary, and so on. If such things are not found, you can use things that he cannot do without in modern life: car keys, a notepad, a business suit.
Everyone present begins to take turns complimenting the birthday boy. You can think for no more than 3 seconds. It is advisable that as many people as possible participate. As soon as a participant fails to give a compliment, he is eliminated. The one who spoke last wins pleasant words to the birthday boy. He then receives that very prize.

So many kind words, however,
Not everyone can wish!
You deserve victory
It’s not in vain that we awarded you!
And now I ask you all
Drink to such success!

(guests drink)

Competition "Rope"

Leading: And now, an attraction of unheard-of generosity! Now we will check what you are capable of for the sake of our hero of the day!

On a specially issued piece of paper, each participant writes what he can give to the birthday boy. All leaves are tied with strings to a thicker rope, which is tied at chest level between two trees. Next, the hero of the occasion with his eyes closed approaches this rope and tries to cut off one of the “prizes”. He is given 3 attempts. The authors of the leaves that he cut off must give him what was written on them either now or on his next birthday. You can’t skimp on this competition, because it’s much more fun this way!

Yeah, it's not bad to live in the world,
100 gifts in mind!
Let's drink so that there is life,
Full of surprises!

(guests drink)

(the floor is given to the friend of the hero of the day...)

Competition "Search for a postcard"

Leading: Many of us have already congratulated our respected ... (name), but he does not know that this is not the main congratulation of this day! But, like everything good in this life, it won’t be given to you so easily! You, our dear hero of the day, will have to find him!

It is necessary to write in advance beautiful congratulations for the birthday boy, cut it into several pieces (if the celebration takes place outdoors, it is better not to make many parts) and hide it in different places of the holiday venue. You can also attach some parts to the clothes of guests or even the hero of the day himself. The hero of the day must find these pieces throughout the holiday and put together a congratulation from them. You can use a children's puzzle for this competition by writing kind words on the back of it.

Yes, it won't be easy for you
Search before the sun goes down!
So that the search is successful,
definitely need a drink!

(guests drink)

(the floor is given to the friend of the hero of the day...)

Competition “Ode to the hero of the day”.

Leading: This holiday brought together the greatest poets of our time! Don't believe me? So I’ll prove it to you now!

A piece of paper is passed around in a circle. Each guest, in turn, writes a line with a wish on it, and then folds it in such a way that this line is not visible. This continues until everyone has contributed to the piece. When the guests have finished the masterpiece, the presenter beautifully and loudly reads the resulting ode in honor of the hero of the day to the loud applause of all those present.

Yeah, such curls
Even Pushkin wouldn’t have come up with it!
For such great talent,
You need to drink with all your heart!

(guests drink)

(the floor is given to the friend of the hero of the day...)

Striptease competition

Leading: Few people know, but our hero of the occasion has an outstanding body and is not shy about showing it off! Let's all take a look at this spectacle!

It is necessary to prepare props for this competition in advance. A full-length cardboard figure of a pumped-up man is printed and cut out, and the face of the hero of the day is glued in place of the head. Further different ways add to this figure as much as possible more clothes(T-shirts and sweaters, underwear, even earrings are worn). Clothes can also be cut out of cardboard or other materials and simply pinned to the figure with pins. Next, those present are asked questions that relate to the birthday boy (from his wedding day to his favorite brand of alcohol, you need to come up with questions in advance). If the question is answered correctly, the mannequin loses one of its “accessories”.
If the hero of the day is a shy person, you can stick to a T-shirt and shorts. But if he doesn’t have a complex, then a fun solution would be to “undress” the mannequin completely, covering intimate parts oak leaves. The guest who answers the most questions takes the piece for himself.

Oh, what an Apollo!
Grace and strength in him!
To be the most beautiful of all,
It’s definitely not a sin for us to drink!

(guests drink)

(the floor is given to the friend of the hero of the day...)

Portrait of the birthday boy

Leading: During the evening, we became convinced that the people gathered here were creative and extraordinary! Let's make sure of this once again!

For the competition to take place, you need the following props: two secured thick sheets of paper, felt-tip pens or bright pencils, several thick, light-proof bandages (you can use a scarf). Those present are divided into 2 teams and line up next to their “workplace”. The hero of the day sits down opposite the artists with a glass of vodka in one hand and a snack (cucumber) in the other.
Participants must draw a portrait of the hero of the day in an intricate way: the first couple is blindfolded with a scarf, given a felt-tip pen or pencil, their task is to draw one of the elements of the picture: a glass of vodka, a snack, part of a face, and so on. Then they return to their teams and pass the felt-tip pen to a friend. The game continues until the portraits are completely completed.
The hero of the day evaluates the masterpieces of both teams, and then receives a portion of congratulations from them.

I see, dear friends,
We called you for a reason!
The birthday boy is just happy
This will be our toast!

(guests drink)

(the results of the “Search for a Postcard” competition are summed up. A commemorative postcard is solemnly presented to the hero of the day)

Comic fortune telling “Magic bag”

Leading: We skillfully congratulated our hero of the day! What birthday awaits you next year? I suggest you find out!

This fortune telling is carried out at the end of the celebration so that guests find out what their own birthday will be like. For the birthday boy, this can become a fortune-telling next year. The sacrament is carried out in this way: several objects are placed in a bag. All guests, without peeking, take one item from the bag. Next, each item is played out by the presenter. What the participants pulled out goes to them.

Approximate item values:
A small bottle - the holiday will turn into a real epoch-making celebration.
Chocolate - the celebration will be full of indescribable sweet treats.
Chewing gum - the holiday will last for several days.
Firecracker - the celebration will be loud and cheerful.
Matches in a box - a sparkling birthday, full of bright impressions.

Leading: The official part of the holiday is over. Let's sing, dance and have fun! Finally, we once again wish the hero of the day more such joyful and lively evenings in the circle of his closest and most faithful friends!

Youth is left behind, a truly adult, mature, conscious life lies ahead. The 30th anniversary should be celebrated in such a way that the holiday will be remembered for a long time, preferably forever. The anniversary scenario for a 30-year-old woman must be original enough to please the discerning birthday girl and her friends.

Turn on your imagination

Creative, creative and once again creative - these are the words that should become the motto of everyone who undertakes to create a scenario for the anniversary of a 30-year-old woman among friends. The birthday girl is still very young, and her friends, most likely, are too, so none of them wants to listen to monotonous congratulations and participate in boring competitions. Games and competitions for such an audience should be “edgy”, but without vulgarity, music should be modern, humor should be subtle, entertainment should be relevant.

First of all, you need to choose a theme for the anniversary. You need to decide whether this will be a traditional celebration or a themed party? You need to choose a theme depending on the character and wishes of the hero of the day. Some people like frivolous entertainment with cocktails, striptease and dancing until the morning, others like high-society glamorous balls, and still others like themed performances in Greek, oriental, and pirate styles. If creative people will be present at the anniversary, then you can arrange something like a skit party with guest performances. You just need to coordinate everything properly and be sure to conduct rehearsals in order to arrange the numbers in the right order and not put the guests in an awkward position.

We decorate the room based on the chosen theme. If there is a traditional celebration ahead, then flowers, balloons, etc. are hung on the walls. You can make a wall newspaper with photographs of the birthday girl (from early childhood to 30 years). For a celebration in the style of a club party, you will have to work on the lighting and surroundings: attach neon lights and a mirror ball, and provide a place for a dance floor. If a skit party is planned, then a stage must be installed in the right place.

Entertainment for the young and cheerful

Competitions: entertaining guests

  1. Call several guests “on stage” and give each one a newspaper or magazine. Then give them scissors (according to the number of guests) and ask them to cut out a gift for the birthday girl. This could be the word: “wealth”, “health”, “car”, or an image. The winner will be the one whose gift the hero of the day recognizes as the most valuable.
  2. Blindfold one of the participants. Give the rest cards with the names of body parts (hand, ear, nose, elbow). Guests approach one person blindfolded and read the cards. The main character feels the indicated body parts of the guests and guesses who is in front of him. To avoid excesses, it is recommended to choose representatives of the same sex (only men or only women) to participate in the competition.
  3. Divide guests into teams. Give each team a card with the definition: “flower”, “animal”, “car”, “food”. Assignment: come up with the greatest number of congratulations with the specified definition. For example, “bloom like a rose” or “roll in butter like cheese.” Whoever comes up with the most congratulations wins.
  4. Competition for mothers. Divide the female guests into two teams. Assign each team a “child” - real or adult, and give them a set of “children’s” clothes. Let each participant hold one hand behind her back. The task is to dress your “child” before the representatives of the other team do.

Anniversary in nature

If weather conditions permit, feel free to go outdoors. On fresh air people relax, become more frivolous, have more fun and make contact. Since we are talking about very young people (after all, the birthday girl is only 30 years old!), the scenario for a 30-year-old woman’s anniversary in nature should be cheerful and spontaneous. The event can take place in different ways, it all depends on the wishes of the birthday girl and the budget. For the wealthy - catering, a swimming pool and guest stars, for the middle class - salads in bowls, a river, kebabs and karaoke.

In order for the outdoor anniversary to be successful, you should stock up on equipment for the forest and barbecue, props for competitions, prizes, gifts and equipment for musical accompaniment.

You need to congratulate the birthday girl at the beginning of the trip, so that she feels that everyone has gathered for her. In order for the hero of the occasion not to experience inconvenience, the gathering should be organized at her home, gifts should be given there, and then you should go into nature.

Take one of the gifts (the most durable one) with you and organize a “treasure search”. Immediately after arrival, ask one of the guests to distract the birthday girl and bury the gift in the ground, and attach pieces of the lawn map prepared in advance to the branches of the bushes surrounding the clearing. Pieces of the map can be attached to guests’ clothes, an ax handle, or a car. Some time after arriving at the clearing, invite the hero of the day and the guests to look for the treasure. The more difficult it is to find a gift, the more exciting the search process will be.

Home holiday

You don’t always want to celebrate your birthday in a restaurant or outdoors. It is quite possible to celebrate the 30th anniversary in own home. But a home holiday does not have to follow the same scenario (congratulations, toasts, food, TV). You can develop a scenario for the anniversary of a 30-year-old woman at home that will be the envy of professionals. Involve all participants in the future celebration in the process: the hero of the day’s husband, parents, children, friends, or use the services of specialists. You can invite actors, hosts, toastmasters, mimes, magicians, clowns and even stars to your home.

Board and computer games, virtual reality and a rich program of events - the new anti-cafe Bizone offers two levels of pleasure for your secluded relaxation or joyful meetings with family, friends, and colleagues.

Leningradskoe highway, 8/2, bldg. 1

New generation VR arena VR-RING 12+

A site equipped with cutting-edge virtual reality immersion technologies that do not limit the player’s freedom of movement in space.

Khodynsky Boulevard, 4, Aviapark shopping center, 3rd floor

Entertainment and gaming center STATION 2025 6+

STATION 2025 is an unusual entertainment and gaming center where you can arrange a laser tag battle in the scenery that realistically recreates an abandoned space station, go through a laser tag quest with the participation of actors, explore the worlds of virtual reality, find yourself in the center of a whirlwind on the Vortex Tunnel attraction, or play with a friendly team at Nerf is a sports game with special blasters.

Mikhailovsky Prospect, 1, building 1.

Gamer Stadium esports stadium 12+

Gamer Stadium is an esports stadium in the Aviapark shopping center. All-Russian and international tournaments in cybersports disciplines, weekly night parties for fans of VR, board games and online games, and other cyber events are held here. And you can spend your holiday here!

Blvd. Khodynsky, 4, Aviapark shopping center, floor 3.

Laser tag club "Bear" 6+

A large-scale indoor venue is suitable for events of any level. Here you will find experienced instructors, always ready to help, and exciting quests with many game scenarios.

1st st. Izmailovsky Menagerie, 8, 2nd Khoroshevsky pr-d, 7, bldg. 14

Private cinema "Secret" 0+

Do you like to watch movies on the big screen in a cozy atmosphere, without being distracted by the crunch of popcorn around you? Come to the private cinema "Secret", where you can not only enjoy your favorite movie with a friendly company, but also have a snack, sing karaoke and play video games. Here you can arrange unusual date, a themed party or a chic bachelorette party.

st. Volochaevskaya, 25

Loft "BANK" 18+

If you are looking appropriate place for a party, corporate event, friendly meeting or master class, everything you need is waiting for you in the BANK loft. There is also a stylish bar where you can celebrate any event.

st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36, building 12, entrance 4, floor 3

White Rabbit Restaurant 18+

Huge panorama of Moscow! 16th floor, viewing angle – 360 degrees. You will see the walls of the Moscow Kremlin, the domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Foreign Ministry building, the Ukraine Hotel, City skyscrapers and the embankments of the Moscow River. The restaurant's chef, the famous Vladimir Mukhin, has won dozens of the most prestigious awards in the field of culinary excellence. He prepares delicious dishes, skillfully combining culinary trends and traditions of Russian cuisine.

pl. Smolenskaya, 3

Kalina Bar 18+

The establishment is located on the 21st floor, the view from the window makes your head spin and your heart skip a beat. Rising in the elevator, at high speed you soar, like a bird, up above the city, watching through the glass as the Garden Ring and New Arbat recede into the distance. The sensations of this spectacle can compete with the attractions - a dose of adrenaline is guaranteed.

Novinsky Blvd., 8

Restaurant "Prisoner of the Caucasus" 18+

Restaurant guests will be offered a choice of one of four halls. Each of them, to one degree or another, recreates pictures from the film of the same name. In the Music Hall you will see a huge plane tree, around which there are wooden tables. As expected, Gaidai’s films are often shown here. As entertainment in the evenings, guests are invited to enjoy Soviet melodies performed live by contemporary artists.

ave. Mira, 36, building 1

Restaurant "Turandot" 18+

The restaurant is located on the site of an old mansion from the late 18th century. Over the course of six years, the building was restored and the interior was decorated. The result turned out to be so magnificent and rich that it would not have been possible to achieve it two centuries ago. The restaurant has many rooms, each of which has its own name. The first to greet guests is the “Florentine Courtyard”. The “central” hall occupies two floors with a lounge area and a classic restaurant.

Blvd. Tverskoy, 26, building 3

Restaurant-yacht "Chaika" 0+

The interior of “The Seagull” is dominated by “the modest charm of the bourgeoisie”: white leather sofas, Murano glass chandeliers, wall panels made of precious wood. There is no vulgar, eye-catching luxury here, but a quick two-minute inspection is enough to understand that this place is very, very expensive.

emb. Krasnopresnenskaya, 12, lit. A

Restaurant "Roof Bar" 18+

People come to this restaurant to relax and unwind, because it offers a view of Moscow, and here you can sunbathe in the sun. Yes, just sunbathe, because the “Roof” is divided into two zones - restaurant and beach. You can lie down on a real lawn, and when you get tired of the scorching rays of the sun, go to another area - here you will find sofas under awnings that will protect you from the heat.

Altufevskoe highway, 8

Action game "Hide and Seek in the Dark" 12+

The dark labyrinths of the underground city are teeming with ghosts and traps, and only attentiveness and extreme caution will help you remain undetected in this strange place.

st. Lyusinovskaya, 53, bldg. 2

Restaurant-bar OBLAKA 18+

Restaurant-Bar "Oblaka" offers you to try already familiar and favorite dishes in a new and original version; you also have the opportunity to order amazing and interesting inventions from experimental gourmets. There is an excellent children's menu, and the restaurant holds special events for the youngest visitors.

ave. Kutuzovsky, 48

Restaurant Sky Lounge 18+

The Sky Lounge restaurant is suitable for any meeting, be it a business lunch, romantic dinner, a magnificent anniversary or family celebration. The main feature of the restaurant is that it is located on the 22nd floor in the city center. Here you can spend at least the whole day looking at the panorama opening from the windows.

ave. Leninsky, 32a, Building of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN), 22nd floor

Sports and entertainment arena PointUp (“Point Up”) 0+

The Stankolit business park houses a huge, unique, modern sports center, open to the public. Professional athletes and beginners, adults and small children - everyone will find something to their liking at PointUp.

Skladochnaya street, building 1, building 1, Stankolit business park

Restaurant Sixty 18+

Chef Carlo Grecu has made local cuisine interesting even for the most demanding gourmets. It serves Italian, French and Russian cuisine. DJ performances and high-class parties provided the restaurant with an influx of guests who value quality club entertainment.

Presnenskaya embankment, 12, Moscow City International Business Center, Federation Tower, 62nd floor

Restaurant “In the Dark?!”

The restaurant was founded by ophthalmologist Igor Medvedev with the goal of helping blind people find their place in life and find employment. The restaurant's profits go to a fund to help blind and visually impaired people. Here the blind and the sighted change places. People come here for the dark hall, where there is not a single source of lighting. But you don’t get there right away. First, you are asked to choose any of five sets for dinner: red (meat), blue (fish), green (vegetarian), yellow (Japanese) or white (assorted). The meal takes place in complete darkness - this can be a very interesting experiment!

st. Oktyabrskaya, 2

Karaoke club Jimmy Poy 18+

The atmosphere here is conducive to communication and vocal improvisation, and the interior is made in white and gold tones using various materials and textures in the art deco style. The interior space of the establishment consists of three zones. This is a bar area, a main hall with a mini-stage and a DJ stand, and a hall for VIPs. Every week Jimmy Poy karaoke hosts themed parties and concerts of popular performers.

Lubyansky Ave., 15/2

Indoor recreational karting Forza Karting

On the territory of the karting center there is a sports cafe with a view of the track through panoramic glass. Good review allows fans to follow the race participants directly from the cafe. The bar broadcasts leading sporting events from around the world.

Sharikopodshipnikovskaya st., 13, building 3

Le Mans Karting Club 6+

Today, the Le Mans karting club is the largest and safest Moscow karting track. The area of ​​its track is about 3500 meters, and the total length of all tracks is about 550 meters. And since the designers of the track were real racing drivers, its configuration resembles a smaller version of a professional race track. Safety is ensured by experienced instructors and modern asphalt surfaces, which are also used on racing roads - riders are guaranteed maximum grip of the car on the track.

st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 54, building 5, st. 2nd Magistralnaya, 9A

Water park "Kva-Kva park" 0+

Kva-kva Park has everything for lovers of water activities. More than a dozen different attractions will give children and adults a lot of joy and pleasure. After all, a water park is the best place for a fun family holiday, an unusual birthday celebration or an eventful party in a friendly company. Ride the waves or go down wild turns, spin in the “Cyclone” or go down the “Wild River”.

Mytishchi, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 1

Waterpark "Caribbean" 0+

What could be better than a day full of pleasant impressions? A day for yourself while enjoying quality time with family and friends? A day that starts with a warm pool and fast water slides, continues with a spa or steam room, a massage or gym session, a gourmet lunch, a visit to the bar, billiards or bowling? And at the end, you will enjoy a night movie screening on the free beach, located on the roof, right under the stars! This is exactly what a day will be like at the Caribbean water park - an entertainment and recreation center where everyone can find something to their liking.