Is it possible to heat the bathhouse on Easter Sunday. Why can't you heat the bathhouse on Sunday? twelfth lunar day

Many churched people consider any work on Sunday or on church holidays almost a sin. It seems to have gone from the time when on Sunday or a holiday the peasants went to work with their whole family in the morning, and preferred to rest the rest of the day, because there were so few days when you could not work for the master.

Perhaps the superstitious tradition that forbids working on God's days has a different origin, but now it has been distorted to such an extent that in some families even a flower pot overturned by a cat on Easter Sunday or another twelfth holiday lies untouched until a weekday. For for touching a broom and a scoop on this day, "God will punish." Let's figure out what can and cannot be done on church holidays.

What is the meaning of the ban on washing

Sometimes, listening to people of the older generation, we learn such signs and such prescriptions that we did not even know about. For example, the regulation of behavior on holidays church days severe enough: you can’t work, needlework, slander, you can’t wash. Everything is clear about the first three positions, but the last one surprises many: what sinful washing can contain? Is it so bad that it is forbidden by the church?

Moreover, folk wisdom commands: if you bathe on a church holiday, you will drink water in the next world (I wonder if they don’t drink water at all in the next world?). In general, we agree that work in big holidays it’s not worth it, just as it’s not worth needlework. Although one can argue about the latter, because this needlework was previously perceived as one of the varieties of hard work, and now it is mostly a hobby. And one cannot but agree that it is impossible to use foul language, and not only on holidays.

Religious holidays- these are the days that a person should devote to God and his fellowship with the church. Such a view of these days is characteristic of all world religions. It is best to start this day with prayer, visit the temple, confess or take communion, perform any other religious rituals related to a particular day. This is the most correct thing to do during a church holiday.

After you have attended the service, you can wash, and clean the house, and do your other chores. The meaning of the prohibition is not to not wash at all or not to clean anything at home on a holiday, but not to replace communication with God these days with anything else. First of all, religious matters, and already in the second - personal, worldly.

However, festive and Sundays- special, because it is not in vain that it is believed that you need to work for six days, and give the seventh to God. Therefore, it is better to devote them entirely to mercy, care for others.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse on church holidays

Deeply religious people are very zealous in observing all the canons and throughout the year, unlike most of us, they strictly adhere to them. For them, all services are equally important, but still special importance is attached to church holidays. Many of us consider ourselves Orthodox people, but, to be honest, they don’t go to church very often. In the depths of our souls, we understand that this is not right and that we should go to church services more often, but every time far-fetched reasons and real problems prevent us from doing this. And in order to somehow make up for this, we try not to miss the celebrations that are especially important for the church and take part in them.

For many of us, visiting a bath is an opportunity to relax well, relax with friends, have a great time and, in the end, improve your health. But at the same time, some people think not only about their own relaxation and enjoyment, but also about how the church relates to the issue of visiting a bath. This applies, first of all, to deeply religious people, to some extent the attitude of the church to visiting a bath is also important for those who do not want to violate the canons and commit sins, despite the fact that they do not consider themselves too deeply a believer.

The attitude of the church to visiting the bath

Since ancient times, the bathhouse has been a place for receiving hygiene procedures - akin to a modern shower, therefore the possibility of visiting it is not rejected by the church as such, because a person must take care of himself and be tidy, however, it was the bathhouse that has always been the only one of the village buildings that was not illuminated.

Visiting Bannik

Since ancient times, the bath in Rus' has been surrounded by an aura of special mystery. Yes, this is not surprising. The bath was considered both the cleanest and the most unclean place. Clean because here, in the bath, the body and soul were cleansed, everything new was born - it was not without reason that before the start of any important business or event, whether it was a long journey, a christening, a wedding, a big holiday, it was customary to take a good steam in the bathhouse.

Unclean - because the bath was a transitional, boundary place, the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Icons were never placed in the bathhouse. They entered it without prayer, and when they entered, they removed the pectoral cross. In general, visiting the bath was considered a dangerous occupation. They believed that at night every kind of forest evil. But during the day in the bath should be careful. Don't shout, don't make noise, don't swear - Bannik especially dislikes this.


Hello, father! Tell me, please, is it possible to clean up (mop the floor) and wash your hair on holidays? Especially interested in the possibility of washing clothes, as the family is large. Thank you very much in advance for your reply!

The meaning of a holiday or Sunday is for a person to remember God and devote his time to Him. The fourth commandment of the Law of God does not forbid washing on Sundays and holidays which must be carried out according to the commandment as follows. Firstly, one should not work these days, or do worldly and worldly affairs; secondly, you need to keep them holy, that is, do holy and spiritual deeds these days, to the glory of God. It is forbidden to work on holidays in order to freely perform holy and charitable deeds. On holidays, one should: 1) come to church for public worship and teaching in the word of God; 2) also at home to engage in prayer and reading or soul-saving conversations; 3) to dedicate to God a part of their property and use it for the needs of the Church, serving her and for doing good to the poor; visit the sick and those imprisoned in dungeons, and do other works of Christian love.

Since childhood, my parents raised me in such a way that washing, cleaning and all household chores must be done on Saturday, and on Sunday - a day of prayer and rest. Now, many believe that on Saturday you can’t clean up, and on Sunday you can wash and wash, supposedly it is written in the Bible. Am I right?

Dear Lyudmila, Sunday should begin with a visit to the church service, and, if possible, free this day from excessive immersion in everyday everyday worries. Of course, this does not mean that you can’t wash on Sunday, or if the skirt in which you have to go to work tomorrow is torn, you should wait until 12 o’clock on Monday night, and only then sew it up. This does not mean that you cannot come and help the neighbors or download washing machine. You don't have to leave a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink until Monday. But we must remember that the main thing for us on Sunday should be visiting the temple.

Is it possible to wash on Sundays and public holidays?

Replying to Fr. Alexander Verbilo:

I have not come across any rules that would prohibit a Christian from washing on Sundays and holidays. But such a folk custom exists. Do I need to build it into some immutable rule, I think it’s not worth it, there are different life situations.

For example, if the weather is hot, the person came back after the service all sweaty, what should he do? I think the answer is obvious. The appearance of such a custom may be due to the fact that earlier, when there were no bathrooms, people heated baths, and this was associated with certain labor, took a long time, distracted a person from the holiday, made it impossible to devote a day to the Lord.

In addition to what has been said, I also ask you to take into account that the church day begins and ends in the evening. For example, Saturday evening is already the beginning of the holiday, the All-Night Vigil is performed in the temple. But Sunday evening is no longer a holiday.

How to celebrate the bright holiday of Easter? Traditionally, to defend the service in the church, and then what? Inviting guests to your home is banal. Going to visit - already. But what if you go out into the countryside with loved ones and break your fast in a picturesque place where there is a cozy house, a bathhouse is heated, the air smells like a fire and peace ... was taken to be illuminated. So what do the clergy say about this? What is the opinion of the laity, who on holidays and weekends like to relax with steam. About this - in our material.

Easter in a bathhouse - what will the church say?

The clergy are of the following opinion: you need to go to the bathhouse on a clean Thursday, on the eve of happy holiday. And on a bright day (in 2016 it falls on May 1), it is necessary to be with God in thoughts and actions: think about the Resurrection of Jesus, defend the service in the church, communicate with higher powers, saints and loved ones.

The opinion that “going to the bathhouse on Easter is not a charitable deed” has a place to be. Neither in Great holiday Easter or any other holiday church calendar Baths are not recommended. This, according to the priests, is considered a sin. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, you should also not wash, because during this period people should be in the temple, and if it was not possible to visit the church, then concentrate on thoughts for purification, and not on actions.

Traditionally, before Easter, people go to the bathhouse on Maundy Thursday. Some people bathe on Friday. But on the night before the Bright Day, it is categorically not recommended to go to paired establishments. On this day (especially the night), fasting as such is already over, but until Sunday morning you can’t eat “meat”, laugh out loud, take alcohol and swear. The clergy recommend spending this night in prayer, thoughts about God, realizing the solemn approach of Easter and the meaning big holiday for the Christian world. After the night liturgy at dawn, the faithful return home, go to bed, and only late Sunday morning begin to break their fast. Even if a person does not have a great desire or opportunity to be in church from Saturday to Sunday, it will not be superfluous to simply light the battle at 12 o'clock at night, think about the meaning of one's path, higher powers, and, perhaps, at this moment discover the holy truth for oneself ...

Bath on Maundy Thursday - only welcome!

The church officially opposes celebrating Easter in bathhouses, but recommends "fellowship with steam" on Maundy Thursday. This is the day when you can safely go to a Russian wood-fired bathhouse or a Finnish sauna, where all bad thoughts, tension will be washed away, the soul and body will prepare for the holy holiday.

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The rite of ablution on Maundy Thursday is God's work, as they say. Since ancient times, it has been believed that cleansing the body on this day will give a person reason, strength of mind and, of course, health. The water in the bath on Maundy Thursday should be running, and even better - "silver", which is obtained by lowering silver coins into the tub. In Rus', on this day, people tried to get into the bathhouse before sunrise. However, even now this tradition remains in force. Maundy Thursday begins long before dawn. The bathhouse is heated immediately after midnight. Since the nights become shorter in the spring, in order to have time to steam before sunrise, you need to hurry.

In Rus', on Maundy Thursday, girls secretly took water with onion peel to their upper room, which they then washed themselves with. It was believed that such a miraculous decoction will help the skin become ruddy, fresh and beautiful. Today, the "beauty rituals" in the pairing establishment on Maundy Thursday are more modern, affordable and effective. You can find out more about them.

ancient custom is as follows: after the bath, you must definitely douse yourself with cold water or swim in the river in order to wash away all evil thoughts and sins. For modern people, going to the bathhouse at midnight on a weekday is not always convenient, but real. Especially if you book a pairing place in advance for this case. Having cleansed yourself in the steam room on Thursday, you can gain health and lively energy for a year, say the clergy. And they advise at the same time to say: “I wash away what they let loose on me, what the soul and body toil with. Everything is removed on Maundy Thursday.”

Going to nature on Easter Sunday is a sacred thing

Easter week is celebrated widely, but with thoughts about the Almighty. At this time, it is customary to visit relatives, friends, give them "krashanki", glass and porcelain eggs. In 2016, Easter falls on May 1, followed by a whole series of May holidays. And therefore, people have a desire for the Easter week to abstract from the bustle of the city and devote themselves to outdoor recreation. Such opportunities are provided by modern suburban complexes. What could be better than renting a house in the forest, gathering relatives and friends, finally breaking the fast and going to the bathhouse for the health of the soul and body. If you go to the steam room in a sober mind and with bright thoughts, not a single clergyman will reproach for such an act. On the contrary, given that modern “lay people” increasingly prefer loud entertainment during the Easter week, just such an intimate rest with bright thoughts and a ritual of washing will only be welcomed.

For a long time in Rus', in order to swim, they used a special building - a bathhouse. It was usually built on the banks of water bodies, so it was easier to bring water for washing, and gave the opportunity to plunge a steamed body into icy water. A visit to the bath, in addition to cleanliness, strengthened the health of the visitor. There are many beliefs and legends associated with the bath. Popular rumor said that this building has its own owner - a bannik. And the one who came to the bath had to follow special rules of behavior so as not to anger him. A bannik could arrange some kind of trick or harm health for a person who did not like it. The time of visiting and the days suitable for this were also strictly prescribed.

The ban on visiting the bath on this day was born a long time ago. Even before the baptism of Rus', Sunday was a day of rest. On this day, festivities and public gatherings were organized. After the adoption of Orthodoxy by Russia, the state strictly monitored the observance of religious rules, so the baths were closed on Sundays. Those who violated this prohibition were severely punished. During the formation of this religion, people are so accustomed to fulfill this rule that they still adhere to it.

Another "forbidden" day

In addition to Sunday, the ban on the use of the bath, which can be explained by religious reasons, in Rus' there was another forbidden day - this is Monday. This day belonged to the owner of the Bannik bath. Anyone who disturbed his peace on that day, he could cripple: by adjusting a fracture or scalding, or even taking his life by strangling.

They didn’t go to the bathhouse even after midnight, fearing to catch the guests of the bannik there: evil spirits. The presence of drunken visitors was not allowed in the bathhouse. A person in hops loses concentration and reaction speed, so he can burn or scald with boiling water. Also, from drinking, the vessels expand and from the bath steam, the pressure can jump sharply.

Bath and health

Bath procedures have a healing and rejuvenating effect on the human body. Being in a steam room, a person's skin is steamed, opening and cleansing the pores, eliminating dirt and bodily ailments. Bath brooms exfoliate dead skin particles, saturate it with vitamins, giving it a feeling of vivacity and renewal. There are many ways to treat various diseases with its help. In the old days, a woman in labor was placed in a bathhouse, where she lived for several more days after giving birth. It was believed that it was in this room that the birth of a child would be most painless and pass without consequences for the mother and child.

Bath signs and traditions

  • When building a bath, a black chicken was buried under the threshold.
  • When heating the bath for the first time, a freshly baked loaf was taken into it, which, after washing, was left as a gift to Bannik.
  • If Bannik showed up, expect big trouble.
  • Heard in the bath, clatter and incomprehensible sounds promise future troubles.
  • The first baths are visited by men, and then women go there.
  • In no case should you spit in the bath. This is a cruel insult to her master. His revenge will not keep you waiting and you are unlikely to like it.
  • Do not use other people's bath accessories, take away all the misfortunes of their owner.
  • Going to the bath alone is not recommended.
  • Scraps cannot be thrown away. It is best to bury them in a secluded place.
  • For a person, it is obligatory to visit the bathhouse on the following days: after the celebration of Maslenitsa, on Maundy Thursday, before the night of Ivan Kupala (July 7).
  • It was forbidden to scold, scandalize and commit adultery in the bath.
  • The bath is considered a kind of meeting place for the world of people and the world of spirits, therefore it often served for magical rites and divination.

- these are the days that a person should devote to God and his fellowship with the church. Such a view of these days is characteristic of all world religions. It is best to start this day with prayer, visit a temple, or perform any other religious rituals related to a particular day. This is the most correct thing to do during a church holiday.

After you have attended the service, you can wash, and clean the house, and do your other chores. The meaning of the prohibition is not to not wash at all or not to clean anything at home on a holiday, but not to replace communication with God these days with anything else. First of all, religious matters, and already in the second - personal, worldly.

Nevertheless, holidays and Sundays are special, because it is not in vain that it is believed that you need to work for six days, and give the seventh to God. Therefore, it is better to devote them entirely to mercy, caring for others, studying the Word of God and others. good deeds. And it would be nice to prudently finish cleaning in order to meet Sunday in a clean house.

If a person does not work on a holiday, because it is impossible, but still does not go to church, this is already a simple superstition, and this is wrong.

Religious holidays when you need to wash

There are special days when washing and cleaning are included in church rituals. For example, this is the well-known Clean Thursday, when you should not only wash yourself, but also clean the whole house, wash everything and make sure that the children in the family do not forget to wash too.

Another holiday that involves water procedures is Epiphany. On this special day, people in Russia plunge into the hole, and those who do not have the opportunity to do so should at least take a shower at home.

When is it forbidden to swim

Ilyin's day is the time after which there is an "official" ban on swimming in natural reservoirs. It is celebrated on August 2nd. People say: "Saint Elijah wrote in the water."

After the second of August, changeable weather usually sets in with cold nights, and the water temperature is no longer suitable for swimming.


There are many superstitions associated with various Orthodox holidays. For example, it is believed that on the day of St. John, you cannot use knives, and it is especially dangerous to cut any round objects. They say that you can't sew on Christmas, it's a bad omen. And trips to the Candlemas are prohibited, especially long-distance ones. Under the Annunciation, it is not recommended for girls to braid braids. The Church does not approve of these superstitions, considering them delusions.

There are strict prohibitions, such as combing hair, creating hairstyles. For this reason, women styled their hair in advance so that the hairstyle would last longer and look neat. The greatest Orthodox event is associated with a strange ban that concerns personal hygiene.

Is it possible to visit the bath for the Annunciation?

The Annunciation is treated with respect, trying to honor the signs associated with the holiday. Many have heard the proverb “A bird does not nest on the Annunciation, and a girl does not weave a braid.” On this day, it is not recommended to wash your hair and body. It has long been considered a sin for which the Orthodox had to pay.

Many Christians are skeptical about the ban, and not all clergy support the tradition, considering it pagan. Nevertheless, the omen is alive and playing big role. People visit the bathhouse on the eve of the Annunciation in order to refuse to wash the body on the holiday.

Not many understand the meaning of the ban. The church rule comes to the rescue: “On the Annunciation, put aside all things in order to devote yourself to God.” The older generation claims that visiting the bathhouse, people devote time to themselves "beloved", instead of going to church, taking part in worship or reading the Gospel at home with relatives and friends.

If you spend a lot of time on the Annunciation for yourself, troubles and difficulties cannot be avoided. According to the legends, everyone who goes to the bathhouse for the Annunciation whole year will atone for sin, shed tears and fight ailments. Atonement for sins after will not bear fruit, it is too late to demonstrate respect and obedience to the Almighty.

Does the ban apply to the sick and children?

Sick people who visit the bathhouse to avoid deterioration in health may not worry about the sinfulness of the act. This also applies to those who are bedridden.

The ban has also been relaxed for children. They do not refuse water procedures, but reduce them to a minimum. Instead of a standard ablution, it is advisable to take a damp towel and wipe down.