Are synthetics bad for the body? Five reasons why a child should not wear synthetic clothes. Cons of synthetic clothing - what can harm synthetic clothing or underwear

In the old days, everywhere and everywhere there were only natural fabrics: they simply did not know how to make others. Then the world was stirred up by discoveries like the creation of polyester and other synthetic fibers. Then the scales swung the other way again, and there was a whole trend for everything natural. But while everyone around is talking about the dangers of "any chemistry", let's study the materiel a little. Is it worth it to give preference only to natural products?

Created by nature

So, let's start with the fact that natural fabrics are divided into four groups: cotton, linen, wool and silk.

There are a lot of cotton fabrics. Among them there are both thin ones - summer t-shirts, shirts, light trousers and jumpers are sewn from them, as well as dense and fleecy ones (for example, denim, flannel, velveteen), which warm well. Cotton is good for many: hypoallergenic, pleasant to the touch, durable, easy to wash and iron. But there is another side of the coin: it stretches when worn, sheds quickly, does not remove moisture well, gets wet and dries for a long time, so it is not suitable for sports.

Main advantage flax in that it is not hot in it even in intense heat. After all, it not only protects the body from overheating, but is also able to give you a little extra coolness. This is a thin but durable fabric with a pleasant texture. But linen is very wrinkled and hard to iron, remember?

Wool indispensable in the cold season: it warms well and removes moisture, it is pleasant to wear. Therefore, classic fine wool suits, tweed jackets and cashmere scarves are always out of competition. True, hair care is not so simple and it can cause allergies.

Silk things surpass their counterparts in strength and beauty. Silk very pleasant to the touch, dries quickly, it is comfortable in the heat. But this delicate fabric, because silk ties, plastrons, scarves, shirts and suits need special care.

In a nutshell, natural fabrics are of plant or animal origin, so they are environmentally friendly, breathe well and have excellent thermoregulation, but can be fragile and require careful handling.

man made

There is an opinion that synthetics may not be very healthy. There is some truth in this, but not everything is so terrible. Modern technologies make it possible to produce such fabrics that are not inferior to natural ones in many respects, and even surpass them in others. Durable, practical materials are created from artificial fibers, which are used mainly for the production of sportswear and clothing for active rest. It is a very soft and warm fleece, practical polartec, breathable membrane tissues, durable nylon, etc. What fibers are they made of?

Acrylic conventionally called artificial wool. He looks like her: soft and warm. Inexpensive acrylic sweaters, jumpers, scarves and hats are noticeably lighter than wool ones. But its ability to pass air is much lower and it loses its initial appearance.

Polyamides quite durable, they retain their shape for a long time, do not stretch and do not sit down. Fabrics made from such fibers are easy to clean and dry, but they do not give heat, do not remove moisture from the body and are electrified. Waterproof windbreakers, some sportswear, bags, backpacks are sewn from them.

GORE-TEX ® membrane under the microscope

Polyester- the fiber is ambiguous. You should not buy casual clothes from it: it is not so comfortable in it, and it can cause allergies. But sportswear is not in vain made of polyester - it is elastic, removes moisture well, dries quickly, is easy to wash, does not wrinkle, strong and durable.

To obtain mixed materials, synthetic fibers are often combined with natural ones. This is something like a compromise between natural products and synthetics. When mixed, the fibers increase beneficial features and eliminate deficiencies. So, for example, linen with the addition of polyamide or viscose wrinkles less, and cotton with a low content of polyamide is elastic, durable, does not wrinkle and dries much faster.

All in place

You see, synthetics are not so scary. Sometimes artificial materials are indispensable: try skiing in a wool coat or swim in the pool in silk swimming trunks.

“But how is that? Synthetics are solid chemistry, ”adventurers of everything natural will be indignant. Do not get excited and reject everything that is not made of cotton, wool, linen or silk. Yes, most modern synthetic fibers are produced in the factory from the products of oil, gas, coal processing. Maybe it sounds a little intimidating, but modern technologies can significantly reduce or completely eliminate the harmful effects of tissues. But you get things that dry in a matter of hours, do not wear out, do not get wet and do not absorb sweat, but bring it out.

Without synthetics, the production of ski and snowboard clothing, things for tourism and recreation is unthinkable. Almost all global brands use synthetic fibers to some extent in the production of everyday clothing. And they do this not at all to reduce the cost, but to make your jackets and thermal underwear practical and comfortable.

Cotton fabric under the microscope

The war of natural and artificial fabrics is in vain. Depending on the purpose of use, both are good. For everyday wear and classic things, no doubt better natural materials or mixes, for sports and outdoor activities - synthetics. So it is better not to rush to extremes, but to take a sober look at things and what they are made of.

Natural and mixed: jumpers, turtlenecks and other warm knitwear, scarves, coats, shirts, suits.

Synthetic: raincoats, autumn and winter jackets, parkas, down jackets, sportswear, thermal underwear, shoes.

Anna Turkish

Reading time: 10 minutes


Choosing things to update the wardrobe, we rarely think about how safe they are for the body. As a rule, the main selection criteria are the aesthetics of the thing and its price. It is not surprising that then an allergy of unknown origin is found in the form of a constant runny nose or a rash on the body.

Is it worth buying clothes made of synthetics, and how to choose them with the least risk to health?

The composition of synthetic fabrics for clothing and underwear

The very first artificial fibers became known in 1900, when the synthesis of petroleum products was first carried out and polymers were obtained, on the basis of which they began to produce synthetic clothing. The first patent was issued in the 30s of the 20th century, and already in 1938 the industrial production of such clothes began.

And, if in the 60s synthetics were perceived by us as a cheap substitute for high-quality natural fabric, today, when buying synthetics, we may not even notice this.

Fibers of synthetic and natural cotton fabrics

The composition of synthetic clothing - what are our dresses and tights made of?

New technologies are regularly introduced in the production of artificial threads.

Moreover, today not only oil refining products, but also components of metals, coal and even natural gas are turned into bright fabrics. For 2017, more than several thousand fibers of chemical composition have been invented!

All synthetic fabrics, according to their chemical structure, are divided into ...

  • heterochain (note - from carbon, sulfur and chlorine, fluorine, nitrogen and oxygen): polyamide and polyester fabrics, as well as polyurethane.
  • Carbochain (note - from carbon atoms): polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene, polyacrylonitrile and polyvinyl alcohol.

In total, today there are more than 300 types of synthetics, but most often we find things from the following materials on store shelves:

  • Lycra(note - polyurethane synthetics). In trade, the names spandex and neolan, elastane and dorlastan are also used. Features: ability to reversibility of mechanical deformations (stretching and return to the initial state); loss of elasticity with a strong increase in temperature. It should be noted that polyurethane threads are not used in their pure form. As a rule, they are used as a basis, stringing other fibers on top. Such things do not wrinkle, retain elasticity, color and shape, "breathe", resistant to abrasion.
  • Kapron(note - polyamide synthetics). The names used in trade are helanka and jordan, platform and taslan, as well as meryl and anid. The most popular representatives of this group are nylon and capron. The latter, by the way, once replaced the silk used for parachute fabrics. Polyamide threads are used in the production of tights and leggings. The presence of nylon and capron in the fabric by only 10% significantly increases the strength of the fabric, and without compromising hygienic characteristics. Features: does not rot, keeps its shape, has lightness and high strength, has low resistance to high temperatures, does not hold heat, does not absorb moisture, accumulates static electricity.
  • Lavsan(note - polyester synthetics). Trade names: tergal and dacron, polyester and lavsan, trevira and terylene. Such fibers are often used in the production of curtains or, with the addition of natural fibers, to create suit fabrics, coats or faux fur. Features: wear resistance, high temperature resistance.
  • Acrylic(note - polyacrylonitrile synthetics). Or faux fur. Trade names: nitron and acrylan, dolan and kashmilon, orlon and dralon. Used for furniture fabric, faux fur, mattresses. Features: resistance to fading and high temperatures, no pilling, lightness and strength.
  • Dynema and spectrum (note - polyolefin synthetics). Trade names: meraklon and found, spectrum and ulstrene, herculon and tekmilon. Use for sportswear, for upholstery, tarpaulins and carpets. And also for socks and underwear with the addition of natural fibers. Features: lightness, low hygroscopicity, high thermal insulation, almost zero extensibility, low temperature stability.
  • PVC synthetic. Commercial names: vignon and chlorine, teviron. Used for tailoring overalls, faux fur / leather, carpets. Features: resistance to aggressive "chemistry", instability to the effects of temperatures, shrinkage after temperature / processing, low electrical conductivity.
  • Polyvinyl alcohol synthetic. It includes mtilan and vinylon, curalon and vinol, vinalon. It is used for the production of underwear and socks together with viscose and cotton; for surgical sutures, home textiles, sportswear, etc. Features: strength and resistance to light and temperatures, high hygroscopicity, low resistance to chemical attack.

It happens (and, unfortunately, not infrequently) that manufacturers, in pursuit of cheaper products, change the technological process, or even use prohibited components. There were cases when, as a result of examination, carcinogens and formaldehydes were found in clothes, which exceeded the norm by 900 times.

There are many cases in Russia when children and adults suffered from low-quality synthetics.

Therefore, when choosing clothes made of synthetics manufacturer should also be taken into account.(you should not buy synthetic things "for a penny" in the transition or in the market around the corner).

Cons of synthetic clothing - how can synthetic clothing or underwear harm?

The maximum allowable rate of synthetics in the composition of the fabric - no more than 30%.

What are the disadvantages of synthetic fabrics?

  1. Build up static electricity. It seems to be a trifle - crackling, sparks, but according to the research, Negative consequences static electricity has both nervous system as well as for the heart. And then we wonder why the head hurts, sleep is disturbed and pressure jumps.
  2. Rapid contamination of tissues by microorganisms. Many do not know that spores of fungi and mold grow very quickly between the fibers of synthetics, which, when they get on the mucous membranes, cause serious illness. This is one of the reasons why gynecologists recommend buying underwear made exclusively from natural fabrics.
  3. Cause dermatitis, itching, allergies. And if there are harmful components in the composition, they can cause serious diseases, including asthma, chronic allergies, and so on.
  4. Low hygroscopicity. That is, low quality moisture absorption. Given that the skin tends to produce sweat that needs to evaporate somewhere, this quality of synthetics is one of the reasons to refuse it. With such properties of the fabric, a convenient environment is created for the reproduction of harmful bacteria with all the ensuing consequences.
  5. Violation of the body's natural heat exchange and lack of adequate ventilation.
  6. Accumulation of bad odors (pretty fast).
  7. Poor quality wash.
  8. Long-term release of volatile components of fibers , including toxic ones, when ironing clothes. Such components can stand out during the year.

To whom is synthetic contraindicated?

  • First of all, allergy sufferers.
  • Asthmatics.
  • People with skin problems.
  • Children, expectant and nursing mothers.
  • Cancer patients.
  • At .

It should be noted that the most low-quality and cheap items of clothing, consisting of synthetics, have mainly these shortcomings. completely or 100%.

Pros of Synthetic Clothing - When can synthetic clothing be more useful than natural fabrics?

Are there quality synthetics?

Yes, there is.

We can say more: modern fabrics made of synthetic fibers, for the most part, are hypoallergenic, and have a lot of advantages:

  1. Health safety.
  2. High strength.
  3. Long service life without loss of quality.
  4. Breathable fabric composition.
  5. Moisture absorption and accelerated evaporation.
  6. The presence of granules with antibacterial, tonic or even fat burning properties.
  7. Wear resistance.
  8. Resistant to rot, fungus or pest infestation.
  9. Persistence of color and shape.
  10. Ease.
  11. Fast drying.

Modern synthetics does not stretch or shrink, does not wrinkle and is easy to wash. It serves for years, and the presentation of the product remains original.

Of course, such things are not cheap, and a thin artificial silk blouse can hit the wallet for 5000-6000 rubles.

However, things that are “closer to the body”, it is still recommended to choose from natural fabrics, but synthetics are also suitable for outerwear.

Learning to choose synthetic clothes - the basic rules for choosing and caring for synthetic clothes

Even 15-20 years ago, we did not particularly care about the dangers of synthetics for the body, with pleasure buying bright blouses, dresses and children's tights with suits that flooded the shelves.

Today, even children know about the dangers of synthetics, and doctors are sounding the alarm because of the increase in the number of allergy sufferers and other victims of low-quality materials (including Chinese dishes, building materials, etc.).

How to choose things from synthetics to protect your health?

  • We study the label. The minimum proportion of natural fibers in the composition is 70%. If synthetics are more than 30%, we put the thing back on the shelf and look for another one.
  • Assessing the appearance - we are looking for a marriage, we check the thing for smell, we analyze the paint on the fabric. If there is an unpleasant smell from a thing - feel free to refuse it. Remember that washing of toxic components in the composition of the fabric will not save you - they will be released every time you wash, iron, etc.
  • Consider seasonality. A fleece sweatshirt keeps heat well and is suitable for the winter, and a nylon raincoat for a rainy autumn, but in summer synthetics are completely useless and even contraindicated.
  • Purpose of a thing. Anything that comes in constant contact with your skin should be 100% or at least 70% natural fibers. That is, socks, underwear, T-shirts and shorts are only natural. Synthetic pajamas are also a bad option. But for sports, high-quality synthetics are simply irreplaceable. Moreover, modern synthetic fabrics not only retain air exchange and regulate heat transfer, but also absorb sweat, thanks to special microfibers and impregnations. Of the leaders in the quality of such clothing, Puma and Adidas, Riok, Lotto and Umbro can be noted. As for outerwear, it can also consist entirely of synthetics. The main thing is that you sweat in it.

And of course, focus only on trusted manufacturers who value their reputation.

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Synthetic fibers began to appear in the 30s of the 20th century, the Second World War accelerated scientific progress, and by the 60s women could not imagine their wardrobe without nylon stockings and nylon dresses. We have studied when synthetics in clothes are good, and when you should refuse to buy.

Synthetic fabrics reduce the cost of production, help things keep their shape and not stretch after washing, some do not let moisture through, and this is indispensable for demi-season and winter clothes. However, synthetics have a number of disadvantages; the canvas is made from petroleum products. Such clothes are contraindicated for allergy sufferers, people who suffer from asthma and skin diseases. Synthetic fabric is a poor conductor of air, which will make you sweat a lot during the summer months.


Cheap nylon was once replaced by an expensive one natural silk. This lightweight and durable fabric, unlike silk, is easy to wash, any dirt is washed off effortlessly due to the smooth surface. A small percentage of nylon in a cashmere or wool sweater will make the product stronger and less stretchy. Nylon is not breathable, so it is best to wear things with it on cold days.


From the same material, but of a different density, plastic is made, outwardly polyester resembles a woolen cloth. 100% polyester fabric is durable, wear-resistant, things perfectly tolerate machine wash at 40 degrees and above. Clothing dries quickly, does not shrink and almost does not shed. Cons: the fabric does not pass moisture well and is contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.

For everyday wear, loose-fitting models with large cutouts are suitable. Cheap polyester brands make casual wear, from dresses and blouses to raincoats and windbreakers. This fabric is indispensable for manufacturers of sportswear.


This material is obtained from natural gas, the thread itself can be thin and voluminous. The latter is widely used for sweaters, hats and scarves. This yarn is very light, products made from it keep their shape perfectly, but acrylic does not warm well. So a wool sweater with the addition of acrylic fibers is ideal.

Turtlenecks are sewn from acrylic, almost everything knitted sweaters, mittens and cardigans of mass-market brands - acrylic.

Lycra/ elastane

Clothing made of 100% elastane (it resembles rubber), quickly returns to its original shape, it is difficult to leave wrinkles on it (which is why almost all underwear is made from lycra), and has increased strength. The fiber itself is very thin, it is often added to cotton and linen. Usually in things (except for sportswear) the content of lycra does not exceed 5-8%, such things tolerate washing in a typewriter at 40 degrees and above. Iron such clothes on the delicate fabrics mode. As already mentioned, underwear is sewn from lycra, as well as stockings and leggings. Elastane is added to tight pants for a better fit.


This fabric is not synthetic, but we included it in the list because of the opposite opinion, which is very common. The canvas is obtained in the process of processing cellulose. Viscose is very soft to the touch and pleasant to the body. Blouses are sewn from viscose, summer dresses and skirts. Unlike synthetics, it retains heat well and lets air through.

What you need to know about things made of synthetics and natural fabrics?

Always read the tags on clothes before buying. Refuse 100% synthetic things, this is how manufacturers save money without thinking about your discomfort. The quality of a woolen sweater can be assessed by pinching it, if the thing is of high quality, a couple of villi will remain on the fingers.

Almost all things made of cotton shrink, as this is a canvas of vegetable origin, but boiled clothes retain their original appearance. Synthetics in sweaters: if the sweater is 100% wool, then after machine wash you risk getting just a lump of fibers. Synthetic fibers are added to wool sweaters so that they keep their shape (the same applies to cashmere, alpaca, angora, and other types of yarn). The optimal percentage of synthetics in sweaters is up to 30%.

In summer, it is best to wear organic cotton as it wicks away moisture and allows the body to breathe. Another ideal fabric for the heat is natural silk, it remains cool to the body for a long time, as it does not conduct heat well. For the off-season, thick cotton fabrics are good, they will warm, remove moisture to the outside, passing the necessary amount of air inside. Waterproof windbreakers made of nylon and polyester are optimal for rainy days, and in sunny weather you will sweat a lot in them. How to dress in winter: To stay warm and sweaty during the colder months, opt for layered sets. Closer to the body - a T-shirt or T-shirt made of cotton, a shirt made of thick silk or viscose on top, the third layer is a wool sweater (it will keep warm).

Text: Anna Trofimova

Synthetic clothing began to be sewn in the middle of the last century. Then it was considered stylish and modern, but now the fashion has changed: everything is natural and eco-friendly. According to Roslegprom, Russians bought twice as much wool and cotton in 2017 as they did in 2016. Are we making the right choice? Let's figure it out.

What are synthetic fabrics made from?

From oil products, coal and gas. But in the process of processing, they change so much that there is nothing in common with the original material. For example, polyester is made from synthetic polyester fiber - and it is obtained from petroleum. But if you change the processing method, it will also turn into a film or plastic.

But viscose is made from wood or cotton stalks. Many people think that this is a synthetic fabric, but this is not so: if you set fire to a viscose thread, it will smell like wood.

What are their advantages?

Without synthetic additives, clothes would not be so affordable and comfortable:

  • Synthetics weigh little. Sometimes it is several times lighter than a similar one. natural fabric.
  • She is durable. Clothing made of artificial material wears out more slowly and retains color longer. It does not wrinkle, stretch or shrink when washed. Sweater in 100% wool hot water will deteriorate, but a sweater with the addition of acrylic will survive any washing.
  • Synthetics almost do not absorb moisture, and therefore dry quickly.
  • artificial materials are inexpensive.
  • Large companies are developing very comfortable, lightweight and breathable fabrics. They use high technology, so such materials can even bypass natural materials in their qualities (although they will cost more).

What about the cons?

  • Manufacturers may use volatile toxic ingredients that will remain in the fabric forever. Therefore, such clothes are not recommended for allergy sufferers, asthmatics and people with skin diseases. And especially low-quality, 100% synthetic fabrics can provoke dermatitis even in healthy person.
  • Such fabric does not allow air to pass through, so the person in it sweats even more. This increases the risk of developing dermatitis and, in summer, even stroke. In addition, an unpleasant smell appears on it, which cannot be washed.
  • If the clothes are cheap and completely synthetic, it means that the manufacturer did not take much care of your health. Such fabrics are often also dyed with toxic dyes.
  • Synthetics accumulate static electricity. So far, this has not been proven, but some scientists do not recommend wearing "sticky" clothes. Perhaps it causes disturbances in the nervous system.

What is the result?

It’s better not to buy synthetics anyway - if you are not an expert, it will be difficult to distinguish high-quality material from obsolete. Wearing it is especially risky for people with skin conditions or asthma.

But completely natural clothes can cause inconvenience due to their "capriciousness". That's why the best choice- natural fabrics, in which no more than 30% synthetics. Well, it’s best not to spare money on clothes for clothes: it’s worth buying a couple of suits and T-shirts in a specialized store.

But what is definitely harmful to wear is high-heeled shoes. We tell you how to minimize this harm in the article.