How to speak a toothache forever. How to read a conspiracy for toothache: who helps home methods. Help of an aspen twig

Toothache conspiracies are always very popular among the inhabitants of our country. This article will consider various options rituals that can be performed at home.

Initially, you need to understand how a toothache occurs. In any tooth there is a blood supply system and nerve endings. But when various diseases occur, they are damaged, and a person can feel pain.

Such sensations are a natural signal of the presence of problems with the teeth. The brain warns a person that it is urgent to take action and start treatment. Pain can vary in severity and frequency of occurrence, it depends on many concomitant factors.

It must be understood that before people were not very versed in medical intricacies and the causes of toothache. As a result, various ancient conspiracies appeared that were used to get rid of this problem.

Remember: discomfort is a clear sign of dental problems. Of course, you can read a conspiracy for a toothache on yourself, but it will not save you from the root cause of its appearance. In any case, in the future you will have to consult a doctor.

But if at an early stage it was possible to carry out treatment, now the specialist will offer only the removal of a destroyed tooth. Then implantation and serious financial expenses await you. Therefore, it is better not to make the mistakes of other people and resort to official medicine.

Various instant conspiracies are able to deal only with the symptoms, and not with the cause. Experts attribute their effectiveness to self-hypnosis. Pain is controlled by the brain, it is he who perceives signals from nerve endings.

A special ceremony allows you to suggest to a person that the pain will pass in the near future. In some cases, it actually subsides and dental problems do not bother you for some period. But we strongly recommend to visit a specialist, folk methods and potent conspiracies will not be able to save you from the root cause!

Features of the

When performing the ritual, it is necessary to take into account a number of features:

  1. You need to be alone in the room so that no one disturbs you.
  2. Read the text confidently and loudly, but take your time. It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible during the ceremony.
  3. It is important to sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the conspiracy. Then a person will be able to inspire himself with the necessary thoughts and block the pain.
  4. Before the ritual, it is advisable to relax and take a bath.
  5. You must be confident in your abilities and persistent.
  6. When reading prayers, it is advisable to light church candles and put an icon of the saint to whom you are turning for help.

What to do if it doesn't help?

Even the most strong conspiracy for toothache may not be effective. The effect of such rituals on people is individual. Efficiency depends on the correctness of the ritual and the degree of suggestibility of the person.

Pain can be temporarily relieved with analgesics. The simplest and most affordable drug in the pharmacy is Analgin. In a number of cases, it turns out to be very effective, it is subject to different kinds pain.

Be sure to book an appointment with your dentist. Before visiting a doctor, try not to disturb the aching tooth, as external influences can provoke the appearance of painful sensations. The main thing is not to overdo it with analgesics, carefully read the instructions for the drug and the permissible daily dosages.

Current conspiracies for toothache

What working conspiracies exist? At the moment, there are several dozen different options. But we will consider the most popular solutions:

  • Rite to the moon.
  • Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova.
  • Vintage options.
  • To the water.
  • For self-fulfillment.
  • Conspiracy for instant action.

Conspiracy to yourself

For this ritual, nettles are required. It is necessary to find a place where this plant grows. Bend and tie one of the bushes by reading the corresponding text:

After three days, you must return to the place and release the plant, keeping your word. Naturally, this should be done if the pain still passed in a given time.

Read the water plot

Need to talk toothache to yourself? Then let's look at one of the popular options that many people use.

You will need to pour into a glass of holy water. Take it in your hand and go outside after moonrise in the evening. Looking at the Earth's satellite, read the text of the spell twelve times:

Before you drink some water, you need to say one more slander:

Instant conspiracy

Ancient conspiracy

One of the old options is to read this text on the waning moon for three evenings:

Another solution is to read the plot on beeswax for three days before the sunset of the luminary and put it on the aching tooth. This bee product contains a huge amount of useful substances that can relieve pain. Text:

For the third rite, you will need to find an aspen knot in the forest or in the square. Take it in your hand and say the following text:

For the fourth old conspiracy, you need to retire to the room. Read this text clearly and aloud:

The last option is to go outside in the evening and read three times, looking at the Earth's satellite:

ritual to the moon

This rite is suitable for performing on the full moon. You can track the current cycle of the Earth satellite on meteorological sites on the Internet. You need to wait for the evening, leave the house and look at the moon. Say the following words:

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is a healer from Siberia. She became famous thanks to a series of books. Stepanova began writing them back in last years the existence of the USSR. Her books are popular not only in Russia, but also in a number of CIS countries.

Hex from Natalia Stepanova, which you need to read:

Folk ways to get rid of pain

In the people there are a huge number of conspiracies from toothache. All generations of people faced this problem, and the text of slander was transferred between family members. Let's look at the most popular folk options.

It is necessary to determine the diseased tooth and press the gum with your finger. This is not always easy to do, because pain can cover a large area. Then it is necessary to examine the teeth at the mirror, try to find incisors with visible damage.

Text to read seven times:

For this ceremony, melt or spring water is required. You can freeze it in a bowl and thaw it later. Pour the liquid into a glass, bring it to your lips and say the following words three times:

After reading, drink water in small sips.

Powerful prayers for toothache

Prayers can be used to deal with pain. It is advisable to retire in a room when performing the ritual. Purchase candles in the church shop in advance, it is additionally recommended to buy an icon of the saint you wish to turn to for support.

Healer Panteleimon

Panteleimon is a saint who was a doctor during his lifetime. He helped all those in need, used both available medicines and prayers in his medical practice. Believers can turn to him in case of health problems, including the appearance of a toothache.

Prayer text:

Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow during her lifetime aroused interest and awe among those around her. Her touch was considered healing, and with the support of the old woman, it was possible to get rid of various diseases. Now believers can turn to her with a prayer to get rid of a toothache:

Likely effect

Complete confidence in achieving desired result No. Conspiracies and prayers are a way to inspire yourself with some thought and block pain through your own consciousness. But the real effectiveness of various rites depends on individual psychological characteristics person.

The main thing is not to delay contacting a specialist. Sick teeth still need treatment. With the help of conspiracies and analgesics, you can postpone a visit to the dental office. But sooner or later you still have to visit it.

Toothache is very difficult to bear. And there are times when it is impossible to remove it even with medications. Therefore, magic offers its own methods that allow you to quickly remove pain. Of course, after relief, you must definitely visit the dentist and solve the problem radically.

Healing rituals for toothache

There are a huge number of magical rites, so choosing the right ritual is not difficult. You should know that the right conspiracy for toothache necessarily contains an appeal to higher powers. Since such conspiracies appeared in the pre-Christian period, many conspiracies contain appeals to natural elements.

Conspiracy to the moon

Conspiracies that relieve toothache, which are spoken to the moon, are considered very effective. In this case, you need to read a conspiracy from a toothache only when the moon is shining in the sky.

One of the spells goes like this:

“The gilded heavenly month, you walk in the night sky, and toothache does not bother you. So my toothache will not bother me with your help. Amen".

These magic phrases must be spoken at least three times. And each time the toothache will decrease.

Lunar way

You can use another conspiracy, the words of which sound like this:

“A clear moon, prince of the earth! You are many-sided, you can be found on the green, in the sky and on the sea-ocean. But together you can never get together, so the teeth of my Servant (s) of God (s) will no longer fill with pain. On you, the clear night prince, there is always a golden crown, and I have strong and beautiful teeth, along with happiness and health. Amen".

Such a conspiracy is very effective during the full moon.

Strong option

A strong conspiracy that will help remove a toothache is rooted in the ancient Ukrainian past. Such magic words can be pronounced in any phase of the moon, but the most effective impact will be on the new moon.

Refer to the month as follows:

“Mesyats-mesyatsyevich, you have beautiful horns with a silver sheen and graceful golden legs! Come down to earth from the high heavens, moon, and take away my toothache. Send the bad sore to heaven and may it never return to me. Your power, the month is clear, great, so I believe you will help me, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name). I trust you with all my teeth, save me from the pain and take away the dashing disease. May my health be as strong as steel. Amen".

You can also talk about spring water, which can later be used for rinsing. She will calm the sick for a while. To replace spring water, you can use thawed water, which is easy to make yourself.

This magical conspiracy must be spoken in such a way that during the ceremony your breath touches the surface of the water.

The spoken phrases are:

“Four brothers and sisters spoke so that my teeth, the Servants of God (her name), would not fill with pain and my cheeks would not swell from pain. They were Marya and Daria, Macarius and Zachary. And so it will be from now on and forever.”

Help of an aspen twig

If you have the opportunity to get an aspen twig during a toothache, then you can conduct a very strong and fast-acting rite. In order for it to be successful, you need to completely get rid of extraneous thoughts and focus only on achieving the goal. It is very important to distract from the pain enough to present the picture that you will describe in the plot.

The words of the conspiracy are:

“Far, far away, there is a large island on the endless sea-ocean with the name Buyan. There are three tall trees: Petry, Khitry, Cypress. Raise a gray hare from the bright sun. So let my toothache get to that hare.”

After that, a magic aspen twig should be applied to the cheek where the bad tooth is and say the following magical phrases:

“The bright red sun hides behind the horizon every evening, it is not visible. Night month, the master of the night sky disappears from the sky every morning. So my toothache will disappear for good and will never bother me again. Amen".

And then say these words:

“Jesus Christ descended from heaven, found a toothache at the Servant (s) of God (s) (his name) and passed by it. The disease disappeared, it got into the cursed swamp. She disappeared there and never came back. Amen".

This magical conspiracy is able to remove even the most severe pain.

As you know, wisdom teeth are very problematic teeth. It is very difficult to treat them, therefore, at the first appearance of signs of caries, it is recommended to remove them. But this is not always possible to do on time, so very often the question arises of how to urgently relieve the pain emanating from the wisdom tooth.

In addition, pain often occurs during the eruption of wisdom teeth. As a rule, this occurs at a later age and causes swelling and severe irritation of the gums. There is a special conspiracy that can dull pain.

For the ritual, you must first prepare:

  • Hourglass, which can be replaced with a conventional one with a dial;
  • Candle;
  • White thread.

Having retired to a separate room, you should sit down at the table, put a clock in front of you and light a candle next to it. You need to take the thread in your hands and, without taking your eyes off the flame of the candle, read the plot many times.

His words are as follows:

“The flame of a candle burns, the sacred fire burns the toothache of the Slave (s) of God (s) (proper name). Time passes, the pain goes away. I will tie a white tooth with a thread, I will squeeze the pain and burn it in the fire of a candle. Amen".

While reading the plot, the thread must be held in hand. After a certain time, you will feel that the pain goes away. After that, the candle should be extinguished and tied with a thread. Moreover, several knots must be tied on the thread.

In the process, the following words are pronounced:

“The first knot is silence, the second knot is no pain, the third knot is silence, and so on.”

The ritual ends with the reading of any prayer that you know.

As a rule, conspiracies for toothache are effective only if you believe in magic. In addition, rituals provide distracting attention and allow you to escape from unpleasant sensations.

Conspiracies to get rid of toothache were used by our distant ancestors. Although the yard is a century modern technologies, however, a conspiracy for toothache, oddly enough, is still quite popular among the people.

A toothache usually strikes a person at the most inopportune time. As a rule, usually, in the middle of the night, in the evening or on weekends, when the dental office is not available for visiting. So you have to walk with aching pain until it passes by itself or stops so that you need to urgently run to the dentist.

How to pacify a toothache on your own? In this situation, magic will come to our aid. A conspiracy for toothache can be used at any time of the day.

But you need to be aware that with the help of magic you can only ease the pain for a while. But the cause of this very pain can only be eliminated by a qualified doctor. So sooner or later, but a visit to the dentist is inevitable, it's just a matter of time.

With the help of magic, a toothache can be spoken so that it subsides for a while. But, unfortunately, a conspiracy for toothache will not help you eliminate the source of the problem with your teeth.

For a toothache conspiracy to work, it must be recited according to certain rules.

Initially, you need to tune in to perform the ceremony. To do this, try to clear your thoughts of negativity. In the room where the conspiracy for toothache will be performed, it is advisable to curtain the curtains and light candles. Try to ensure that no one and nothing distracts you from the ritual.

Patience and complete confidence in the positive outcome of the ceremony are prerequisite to achieve the desired result. Another important factor is the structure of the conspiracy itself.

The words of the spell must be pronounced in the following order:

  1. Backlog- prayer introduction and beginning;
  2. Main part- "narrowing of space" and a spell;
  3. Anchoring- completion of the spell and prayer ending.

Conspiracies from toothache usually begin with an appeal to some kind of force or patron. In most cases, the words of the conspiracies refer to the Sun, the Moon, or the spirits of nature.

For people practicing conspiracies, it is not so important to whom or what the appeal will be. All options are considered quite effective when used correctly.

When reading conspiracies, you must always take into account the phase of the moon.

Some spells are cast on the rising moon, and others are cast on the waning moon. The time of the full moon is considered in magic the most powerful period when magical rites and rituals are performed.

The next conspiracy for toothache is read on the waning moon. To perform it, exactly at midnight, go to the window in which you can see the face of the moon.

Press your index finger on the gum where the tooth hurts, and say these words:

“Like a red sun sets over the horizon, and you can’t see it.
As the pale moon disappears from the sky.
So my toothache would go away and never come back.
She left after the clear sun and the pale moon, and did not return.

There is another version of the conspiracy for toothache. However, unlike the first version, it is read in the stars.

To perform the ceremony, go outside late at night, look at the sky and say the following words:

“Stars in the sky, a dead man in a coffin, a fish in the water.
If the dead man rises from the grave, the servant of God (name) will have a toothache.

Conspiracy against toothache

Among the rituals against toothache, conspiracies with an appeal to the month stand out. They are pronounced in the evening, when the crescent of the new month is visible in the sky.

“Month of Cain, where is your brother Abel?
Your brother is dead
And the servant of God (name) will have a toothache.”

Conspiracy for aching teeth

This plot must be repeated three times, looking at the month in the sky.

“Month-month gilded!
Your teeth don't hurt.
And I, God's servant (name), will not get sick.

Conspiracy for dental health

This conspiracy against toothache is also pronounced three times. Looking at the thin month, you need to say these words:

There are three of you in the world: one in the sky, the second on the earth, the third in the ocean-sea.
Just as they cannot all get together, so I, the servant of God (name), will not be able to hurt my teeth.
For you, a month, a golden crown, and for me - happiness and healthy teeth.

Rite for the new month

The following rite came to us from Ukraine, it is also carried out for the young month, turning to him with a request for help:

“Month-mesyatsevich, silver horns, gilded legs!
Come down, moon, soothe the toothache, take the dashing sore to heaven.
My sorrow is not heavy, not small, but your strength is great.
I can't bear my grief.
Here's your tooth, here's the second, here's the third, here's the fourth - all yours!
Take away from me a dashing disease, and give me a health as strong as steel.
Take the pain to the distant sky.

Conspiracy for a month for a falling tooth

This plot is read to the full moon to get rid of a toothache.

Press your index finger to your tooth and say three times:

“The old month came to the young one and said:
“Take a tooth from the servant of God (name), and give her a bone tooth.

Grandfather's conspiracy on the teeth

“Young young man, you have a golden horn.
Have you been to that world? Been there!
Have you seen my grandfather? Saw!
Does he have a toothache? They don't hurt.
Let me stop hurting!”

Spell to keep your teeth from hurting

So that your teeth do not ache and do not hurt, read the conspiracy three times on a piece of wax and apply this piece to your aching tooth:

"On the sea-okiyane, on the island of Buyan
Thirty-three dead lie.
Their teeth do not ache, do not rot.
So it would be with the servant of God (name)
My teeth didn't hurt or ache."

To perform this rite, you will need spring water and a glass glass.

Water must be spring or melted. If it is not possible to draw water from a spring, then you can buy it in a store.

You can make your own defrosted water. To do this, draw water from the tap and freeze it for a while in the refrigerator. After three days, melt the ice - the water is ready for the ritual.

Late in the evening, pour spring or thawed water into a glass and read a special plot on it three times.

Read the words so that your breath touches the water itself.

“Four sisters, Macarius and Zachary, sister Marya and Daria, and sister Ulyana said that the servant of God (name) did not have teeth that hurt, that her cheeks would not swell century by century from now on and forever.

After the words of the conspiracy to the water are read, you should drink it in small sips. Soon, the teeth should stop hurting.

Rites with trees and plants

To perform this rite, you need to find a lonely standing willow on the shore of some kind of reservoir.

It is desirable that this place is as far away from people as possible.

In the evening, before sunset, go up to the tree, pick willow twig and apply it to the aching tooth.

Mentally imagine that the pain from the tooth is transferred to it. In this case, you need to mentally read the following words:

“Mother willow, weep not for your roots, but for my teeth.

These words should be said three times before you bite the twig, and three times after. Then throw this branch into the pond.

Ritual with an aspen branch

These words are pronounced on a small aspen branch three times, and then applied to your aching tooth.

“On the sea-ocean, on the winter island of Buyan, there are three big and tall trees.
As the first tree is Petrius, as the second tree is Cunning, and the third is Cypress.
Below them lies a hare.
Toothache, you moved to the hare!

Ritual with a wooden stick

To speak a severe toothache, you need to take a small stick or sliver, read a strong conspiracy over it that will stop the disease. Then put the stick on the aching tooth:

“I, the prayer servant of God (name), do not have teeth pain, they will not hurt.
They will go numb until my death.
All my words are the key and the lock, all my words are strong forever and ever.

When there is no more strength to endure pain, a conspiracy against toothache for nettles, which is one of the most powerful, will help.

To do this, you need to find a place where nettle grows.

It is advisable to find a nettle place as far as possible from the roadway or a large crowd of people. It would be ideal if the nettle grows in a dense forest.

You will also need a small stone to perform the ceremony.

In the evening, at sunset, bend the nettle bush to the ground and press it down with a stone. Then over the nettle bush, say these words:

“Holy tree, mother nettle!
The servant of God (name) has a toothache, take it out!
If you can't get rid of the toothache, then I'll take you out,
And if you take me out, I will let you go in three days!”

After reading the plot, the pain will quickly let go. Do not forget to fulfill your promise in three days - to release the nettle.

Conspiracy for the first thunder

When you hear the first spring thunder, gnaw on any pebble and say:

“Just as this stone is dead and hard, so let my teeth know no sickness, whining and pain.”

Put a pebble under any dry tree and sprinkle it with earth.

Rite with a copper crucifix for gum disease

If your gums are bleeding, read the Lord's Prayer three times, circle the crucifix around you and say three times:

“As the holy church does not go at night, does not wander, does not leave the place,
So the servant of God (name) would not have a pain in his mouth wandering and walking.

To perform this rite, you will need an infusion of sage and some kind of reservoir.

It is better to use a mountain river or lake. If this is not possible, then any city pond or even a fountain will do.

When you wake up to make an infusion of sage herb, read the Our Father prayer three times.

In the evening, you need to take the prepared infusion and go to the reservoir. At sunset, rinse the sore gum while reading these words:

“I stand, I am not silent, I whisper to my pain.
Go away, toothache, don't sit in me!
Go to the pool, sit there!

Then spit everything into the water. Do this three times and leave without looking back.

To the surprise of many doctors, in some cases, conspiracies, like prayers for toothache, really help to pacify a bad tooth. As practice shows, even the strongest conspiracies for toothache will never replace the prevention and treatment of teeth. The habit of constantly speaking a tooth, just not to go to the doctor, is a direct path to an early loss of teeth.

Conspiracies to get rid of toothache were used by our distant ancestors. Although the age of modern technology is in the yard, however, the conspiracy for toothache, oddly enough, is still quite popular among the people.

A toothache usually strikes a person at the most inopportune time. As a rule, usually, in the middle of the night, in the evening or on weekends, when the dental office is not available for visiting. So you have to walk with aching pain until it passes by itself or stops so that you need to urgently run to the dentist.

How to pacify a toothache on your own? In this situation, magic will come to our aid. A conspiracy for toothache can be used at any time of the day.

But you need to be aware that with the help of magic you can only ease the pain for a while. But the cause of this very pain can only be eliminated by a qualified doctor. So sooner or later, but a visit to the dentist is inevitable, it's just a matter of time.

With the help of magic, a toothache can be spoken so that it subsides for a while. But, unfortunately, a conspiracy for toothache will not help you eliminate the source of the problem with your teeth.

For a toothache conspiracy to work, it must be recited according to certain rules.

Initially, you need to tune in to perform the ceremony. To do this, try to clear your thoughts of negativity. In the room where the conspiracy for toothache will be performed, it is advisable to curtain the curtains and light candles. Try to ensure that no one and nothing distracts you from the ritual.

Patience and complete confidence in the positive outcome of the ceremony are a prerequisite for achieving the desired result. Another important factor is the structure of the conspiracy itself.

The words of the spell must be pronounced in the following order:

  1. Backlog- prayer introduction and beginning;
  2. Main part- "narrowing of space" and a spell;
  3. Anchoring- completion of the spell and prayer ending.

Conspiracies from toothache usually begin with an appeal to some kind of force or patron. In most cases, the words of the conspiracies refer to the Sun, the Moon, or the spirits of nature.

For people practicing conspiracies, it is not so important to whom or what the appeal will be. All options are considered quite effective when used correctly.

When reading conspiracies, you must always take into account the phase of the moon.

Some spells are cast on the rising moon, and others are cast on the waning moon. The time of the full moon is considered in magic the most powerful period when magical rites and rituals are performed.

The next conspiracy for toothache is read on the waning moon. To perform it, exactly at midnight, go to the window in which you can see the face of the moon.

Press your index finger on the gum where the tooth hurts, and say these words:

“Like a red sun sets over the horizon, and you can’t see it.
As the pale moon disappears from the sky.
So my toothache would go away and never come back.
She left after the clear sun and the pale moon, and did not return.

There is another version of the conspiracy for toothache. However, unlike the first version, it is read in the stars.

To perform the ceremony, go outside late at night, look at the sky and say the following words:

“Stars in the sky, a dead man in a coffin, a fish in the water.
If the dead man rises from the grave, the servant of God (name) will have a toothache.

Conspiracy against toothache

Among the rituals against toothache, conspiracies with an appeal to the month stand out. They are pronounced in the evening, when the crescent of the new month is visible in the sky.

“Month of Cain, where is your brother Abel?
Your brother is dead
And the servant of God (name) will have a toothache.”

Conspiracy for aching teeth

This plot must be repeated three times, looking at the month in the sky.

“Month-month gilded!
Your teeth don't hurt.
And I, God's servant (name), will not get sick.

Conspiracy for dental health

This conspiracy against toothache is also pronounced three times. Looking at the thin month, you need to say these words:

There are three of you in the world: one in the sky, the second on the earth, the third in the ocean-sea.
Just as they cannot all get together, so I, the servant of God (name), will not be able to hurt my teeth.
For you, a month, a golden crown, and for me - happiness and healthy teeth.

Rite for the new month

The following rite came to us from Ukraine, it is also carried out for the young month, turning to him with a request for help:

“Month-mesyatsevich, silver horns, gilded legs!
Come down, moon, soothe the toothache, take the dashing sore to heaven.
My sorrow is not heavy, not small, but your strength is great.
I can't bear my grief.
Here's your tooth, here's the second, here's the third, here's the fourth - all yours!
Take away from me a dashing disease, and give me a health as strong as steel.
Take the pain to the distant sky.

Conspiracy for a month for a falling tooth

This plot is read to the full moon to get rid of a toothache.

Press your index finger to your tooth and say three times:

“The old month came to the young one and said:
“Take a tooth from the servant of God (name), and give her a bone tooth.

Grandfather's conspiracy on the teeth

“Young young man, you have a golden horn.
Have you been to that world? Been there!
Have you seen my grandfather? Saw!
Does he have a toothache? They don't hurt.
Let me stop hurting!”

Spell to keep your teeth from hurting

So that your teeth do not ache and do not hurt, read the conspiracy three times on a piece of wax and apply this piece to your aching tooth:

"On the sea-okiyane, on the island of Buyan
Thirty-three dead lie.
Their teeth do not ache, do not rot.
So it would be with the servant of God (name)
My teeth didn't hurt or ache."

To perform this rite, you will need spring water and a glass glass.

Water must be spring or melted. If it is not possible to draw water from a spring, then you can buy it in a store.

You can make your own defrosted water. To do this, draw water from the tap and freeze it for a while in the refrigerator. After three days, melt the ice - the water is ready for the ritual.

Late in the evening, pour spring or thawed water into a glass and read a special plot on it three times.

Read the words so that your breath touches the water itself.

“Four sisters, Macarius and Zachary, sister Marya and Daria, and sister Ulyana said that the servant of God (name) did not have teeth that hurt, that her cheeks would not swell century by century from now on and forever.

After the words of the conspiracy to the water are read, you should drink it in small sips. Soon, the teeth should stop hurting.

Rites with trees and plants

To perform this rite, you need to find a lonely standing willow on the shore of some kind of reservoir.

It is desirable that this place is as far away from people as possible.

In the evening, before sunset, go up to a tree, pluck a willow twig and apply it to the aching tooth.

Mentally imagine that the pain from the tooth is transferred to it. In this case, you need to mentally read the following words:

“Mother willow, weep not for your roots, but for my teeth.

These words should be said three times before you bite the twig, and three times after. Then throw this branch into the pond.

Ritual with an aspen branch

These words are pronounced on a small aspen branch three times, and then applied to your aching tooth.

“On the sea-ocean, on the winter island of Buyan, there are three big and tall trees.
As the first tree is Petrius, as the second tree is Cunning, and the third is Cypress.
Below them lies a hare.
Toothache, you moved to the hare!

Ritual with a wooden stick

To speak a severe toothache, you need to take a small stick or sliver, read a strong conspiracy over it that will stop the disease. Then put the stick on the aching tooth:

“I, the prayer servant of God (name), do not have teeth pain, they will not hurt.
They will go numb until my death.
All my words are the key and the lock, all my words are strong forever and ever.

When there is no more strength to endure pain, a conspiracy against toothache for nettles, which is one of the most powerful, will help.

To do this, you need to find a place where nettle grows.

It is advisable to find a nettle place as far as possible from the roadway or a large crowd of people. It would be ideal if the nettle grows in a dense forest.

You will also need a small stone to perform the ceremony.

In the evening, at sunset, bend the nettle bush to the ground and press it down with a stone. Then over the nettle bush, say these words:

“Holy tree, mother nettle!
The servant of God (name) has a toothache, take it out!
If you can't get rid of the toothache, then I'll take you out,
And if you take me out, I will let you go in three days!”

After reading the plot, the pain will quickly let go. Do not forget to fulfill your promise in three days - to release the nettle.

Conspiracy for the first thunder

When you hear the first spring thunder, gnaw on any pebble and say:

“Just as this stone is dead and hard, so let my teeth know no sickness, whining and pain.”

Put a pebble under any dry tree and sprinkle it with earth.

Rite with a copper crucifix for gum disease

If your gums are bleeding, read the Lord's Prayer three times, circle the crucifix around you and say three times:

“As the holy church does not go at night, does not wander, does not leave the place,
So the servant of God (name) would not have a pain in his mouth wandering and walking.

To perform this rite, you will need an infusion of sage and some kind of reservoir.

It is better to use a mountain river or lake. If this is not possible, then any city pond or even a fountain will do.

When you wake up to make an infusion of sage herb, read the Our Father prayer three times.

In the evening, you need to take the prepared infusion and go to the reservoir. At sunset, rinse the sore gum while reading these words:

“I stand, I am not silent, I whisper to my pain.
Go away, toothache, don't sit in me!
Go to the pool, sit there!

Then spit everything into the water. Do this three times and leave without looking back.

To the surprise of many doctors, in some cases, conspiracies, like prayers for toothache, really help to pacify a bad tooth. As practice shows, even the strongest conspiracies for toothache will never replace the prevention and treatment of teeth. The habit of constantly speaking a tooth, just not to go to the doctor, is a direct path to an early loss of teeth.

Any inhabitant of this planet at least once in his life faced with toothache. Not everyone can tolerate these unpleasant sensations. Pain is especially difficult for children. Naturally, the pain syndrome occurs for a reason, you should immediately contact the dentist. However, sometimes it happens that it is not possible to get to the doctor. In these cases, various magical rituals and conspiracies will come to the rescue. A conspiracy for toothache is a means of getting rid of pain syndrome, proven for centuries and generations. The disease itself will not be cured, and you still have to visit the dentist.

In what cases does a conspiracy work?

A conspiracy against toothache can be read both for pain relief and for its prevention. Special qualifications for the spell are not required, they can be read even by an inexperienced person who has never performed magical actions before. The toothache conspiracy ritual is not tied to a specific phase of the moon, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for use.

In some cases, a conspiracy will need to be done on some subject:

  • water;
  • radish;
  • a branch of a spruce tree;
  • cloves, etc.

In this case, a certain ritual is performed. In any case, the structure of the spell will be the same: introduction, base, ending. A plot from a sick tooth must be read monotonously, without emotion, in some cases it must be read several times (to enhance the effect).

Rituals are more powerful, while the spells used are no different from conspiracies. Therefore, if the required equipment was not nearby, then do not despair, the conspiracy will work, but the effect will be short-lived. Otherwise, this is enough to get to the doctor.

If the pain syndrome is a symptom of a very serious or chronic disease, then a conspiracy for toothache may not help. Also, if discomfort is caused by a bad spell cast, then you must first remove it.

Since, as a rule, it is urgent to speak a toothache, below is a list of easy-to-remember and most effective conspiracies.

Stepanova's conspiracy for toothache

Stepanova's conspiracies have great power from toothache. The Siberian healer, Natalya Stepanova, is the author of many powerful spells against diseases. When reading the conspiracies of the Siberian healer, based on prayers, a number of simple rules must be observed:

  • after the words "Amen" one must be baptized;
  • conspiracies cannot be pronounced on Sunday;
  • also, this should not be done by pregnant women, since the spell may have a bad effect on the child.

According to people's reviews, despite their apparent simplicity, Natalya's spells have the greatest power and can help get rid of painful sensations for a long time. It is necessary to pronounce the text monotonously, rhythmically:

A month in the sky, the Sun in the oak. Freeze, worm in the tooth. Amen.

When pronouncing a conspiracy, you need to imagine your pain and negative feelings in your thoughts in the form of a worm that you are stopping. After removing the pain syndrome, do not delay going to the dentist, because only he can remove the cause of the pain.

How to speak a toothache on water

There is a pretty strong conspiracy from toothache to water. Water should be clean, better if well. Before reading, you need to carefully prepare: free your thoughts from current affairs, focus on removing negative feelings. In the dark, you need to pick up a glass of water and read the following words over it three times:

Sun and moon, fire and water! Reduce my pain and leave. Leave forever! Leave through the earth and clouds.

After reading, you need to slowly, in small sips, empty the glass. Soon the pain will go away.

Also, from a toothache, they read a conspiracy for holy water for themselves. Since the water itself already carries healing, after reading a prayer over it, it acquires miraculous properties. In the daytime, they go outside, pour holy water into a glass, say the following prayer seven times:

Guardian angel, patron saint, bless the water given by God, let it wash away my pain, and take it away to the open field - a wide expanse. The water will go into the ground, taking the pain with it. Amen.

After reading, rinse your mouth with charmed water. As soon as the glass becomes empty, the pain syndrome will go away.

Wisdom tooth conspiracy

Very often there are pain syndromes during the eruption of the last molar, the so-called "wisdom tooth". In some cases, it comes to raising the temperature, inflammation of the gums, a terrible headache. To relieve pain, you can perform a small ritual. They take an hourglass, white sewing thread, a church candle. In a dark room, a candle is lit, a clock is placed next to it. They take the thread in their hands, three times quietly, monotonously pronounce the following words:

As I hold a white thread in my hands, so I grab the pain of a servant of God (baptized name). Let her, brought by an evil spirit, leave me. Amen.

After that, you need to tie it around the candle. The pain will subside quickly. The candle must be brought to the nearest church.

A conspiracy from a sick tooth is a simple, generation-tested remedy that allows you to quickly get rid of the pain syndrome at home, to prevent the occurrence of flux, pus and other complications.

The conspiracy of the ancient Slavs

The ancient Slavs very often used magic to get rid of diseases, to the health of a child, to increase productivity, etc. The most powerful and effective ancient Slavic conspiracies have survived to this day, which help to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations for both an adult and a child. When using these spells, we must remember: everything is pronounced in a whisper, a healthy person. In order for the tooth to stop whining, they take a few pinches of salt, add it to a glass of water, and go outside. Stirring monotonously, say the following:

Voditsa, water, is transparent as a tear. Avert the disease, heal the tooth of the servant of God (name). As you drain into the depths, so the pain will go away.