5 facts about women about whom. Interesting facts about women. A woman's nose can pick up the smell of male pheromones in a crowd

A pregnant girl felt pain in the lower abdomen, and then a...

27-year-old Christine from New Zealand began to complain of a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. Kristin thought it was normal, because a baby was developing inside. But she was horribly wrong.

When my husband and Kristin went to the doctor for an ultrasound, the unthinkable happened. The surgeon, seeing pictures of the girl's abdomen, insisted on an immediate operation. He didn't explain anything to the frightened family. Christine was placed on the operating table....

Several hours passed and the nurses ran screaming out of the operating room. The excited husband ran into the ward and saw THIS. The surgeon was holding in his hands what looked like a human and bat simultaneously. The object was removed from the family and sent for research.

It was a creature that looked like a dragon man. Scientists still do not know how such a thing could "get out" of a person. They believe that Christina's genetic glitch and exposure to the radiation gave birth to the creature. Research continues to this day.

10 most interesting facts about dollars.

On July 30, 1956, US President Dwight Eisenhower signed into law the adoption of the expression In God we trust (In God we trust) as the official motto of the United States. Since then, this motto has been printed and minted on all the banknotes of the United States. We remembered the 10 most interesting facts about American dollars.

The expression In God we trust (In God we trust) first appeared on American currency at the end of the 19th century, and on July 30, 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower made it the official motto of the United States of America, and since then it has been invariably present on all US banknotes .
We remembered the 10 most interesting facts about American dollars
1. We trust in God.
There are several versions of the origin of this expression. According to the most popular assumption, the phrase was borrowed from the US anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner / The Star-Spangled Banner, which was written by Francis Scott Key. For the first time this expression began to be applied to coins in 1864, the priest M. R. Watkinson wrote a letter to the Treasury with the suggestion that God be mentioned on some coins to make it clear that God is on the side of the North in the civil war. Treasury Secretary Samon Chase supported this idea, and the motto appeared on coins in denominations of 1 and 2 cents. Then the phrase appeared on gold and silver dollars, on coins of 5, 25 and 50 cents Finally, officially, all US banknotes decided to apply it in 1956 in order to oppose their currency to the atheistic USSR.
Since then, US atheists have regularly voiced their dissatisfaction with the presence of the phrase on the coins and banknotes of a country where there is freedom of religion. Most American citizens support having the motto on dollars.

2. Short-lived banknotes.
Banknotes in denominations of 50 and 100 dollars can last up to 8 years in circulation, after which they wear out so much that they need to be changed. 20 dollar bills are in circulation for an average of 2 years, the life of 1 dollar bills is only 18 months.
But even if the bill is worn and torn, the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which is responsible for the "production" of the national currency, will restore it if at least half of the bill has survived.

3. Rag bills.
In fact, banknotes are not made of paper, and there are no wood fibers in them. To make them last longer, they are made from combinations of cotton and linen. The strength of banknotes comes from the use of raw materials, which are cleaned until the structure is suitable for the manufacture of the banknote.
4. Money is bad for health.
Not only is the lack of money harmful to health, but having it can be dangerous. According to a study by specialists from Ohio, bacteria were found on 94% of the studied bills, although most of them were not dangerous. But 7% of banknotes carried pathogens, including pneumonia and staphylococcus bacteria.
4. Cocaine on money.
But not only bacteria live on American dollars. A 2009 study by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth found that 90% of paper money in circulation contained traces of cocaine. The drug is deposited on banknotes and after using them to inhale cocaine, and may be the result of drug trafficking. Most often, cocaine is found on denominations of 5, 10, 20 and 50 dollars. It is very difficult to find it on 1-dollar bills - they are changed more often, and such banknotes are rarely used to buy a dose.
5. Dollar pyramid.
The $1 bill features an unfinished pyramid that is part of the Great Seal of the United States. Above the pyramid is the Latin phrase "Annuit Cœptis" (our beginnings are blessed), below it - "Novus Ordo Seclorum" ( New order epoch). In addition, the so-called. "All-seeing eye". Conspiracy theorists interpret these and other elements as Masonic.
6. Watch on 100 dollars.
The new $100 note features the tower of Independence Hall with the clock showing 4:10. At the same time, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing does not know why this time was chosen.
7. Woman on a dollar bill.
Only once in the history of the United States did the image of a woman appear on a banknote. In 1886, a portrait of Martha Washington was placed on the obverse of the One Dollar Silver Certificate next to the image of her husband, the first President of the United States, George Washington.
8. Banknotes of one hundred thousand dollars.
Mark Twain's famous novel talked about a million pound bank note, and the largest dollar bill is the $100,000 note, which was printed during the Gold Rush in 1934 and had a portrait of President Woodrow Wilson printed on it. . They were used only for the calculations of the Federal Reserve Bank and did not enter circulation, it is known that 7 such certificates have survived to this day.

9. The most expensive bill.
But even these record notes are not the most expensive. In 2006, a $1,000 note issued in 1890 was sold for $2,255,000. This rare denomination depicts General George Gordon Meade, who commanded the Army of the North in the Allied victory at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.
10. Trees at the White House.
The elms depicted on the $20 bills actually used to grow near the White House, as depicted on the bank note. But since 2006, there have been no trees - they could not stand the time and rains. On front side The 20-dollar bill depicts President Andrew Jackson, he himself did not like paper money, preferring coins

Statements that the United States is against the division of the world according to race and gender are, in fact, not true. So, in the entire history of printing the dollar, a portrait of an African American never appeared on its front side. And only once a woman was depicted on the US currency - Martha Washington in 1886.

These people at first glance may seem rather eccentric, but they have learned to earn very good money with the help of their originality.

Mikel Rufinelli, the owner of the largest hips.

She needs the money like no one else - probably have to buy two seats on the plane ... Earnings on YouTube: $ 96,695

Asha Mandela, the woman with the longest dreadlocks.

Asha calls herself "black Rapunzel" and desperately wants to get into the Guinness Book of Records. She has her own line of hair products and accessories. YouTube Earnings: $92,539

The Rapunzel family is the world's longest "combined" tail.

4 women, 4 meters of hair... In order to wash them, everyone has to kneel down to more easily support the weight of the hair. YouTube earnings: $74,802

David Matlock - "creator" ideal wife.

When plastic surgeon David Matlock met his future wife, Veronica, he decided he would make her perfect woman. This was facilitated by a strict diet, exercise and, of course, body modifications (a surgeon, after all!). The couple firmly decided to maintain their sporty image together for the rest of their lives. YouTube earnings: $40,005

Michelle Koebke is the woman with the thinnest waist.

For three years in a row, she wore a corset every day. This allowed Michelle to reduce her waist from 64 cm to ... only 40! In the nearest plans - intensive work on myself and 38 centimeters of an ideal waist. YouTube Earnings: $81,749

Kayol Khan is an Indian snake girl.

Deadly cobras - best friends this 8 year old girl. Even with multiple bites. Kaiol dreams of becoming a snake catcher - like her dad. YouTube earnings: $88,852

Elisani da Cruz Silva is the tallest model.

The growth of this Brazilian model is 2 meters 3 centimeters, but this is not a hindrance to love. The growth of her chosen one is only 1 meter 62 cm. Earnings on YouTube: $ 74,379

Janice Haley is a woman who has Bengal tigers in her garden.

A white Bengal tiger and a red Bengal tigress live in her country house. With their help, a woman makes good money: $ 71,410

Romario dos Santos Alves - injected oil into his muscles.

The 25-year-old bodybuilder is a hell of a mixture of synthol, painkillers and alcohol, otherwise getting such biceps is simply unrealistic. Despite health problems, he makes good money on YouTube: $84,145

Pakkirappa Hunagundi is an eater of bricks, stones and dirt.
This 30-year-old Indian started eating whatever was at hand when he was only 10 years old. At the same time, he declares that he feels great.

Hunter Steinitz is a girl with a rare skin disease.
Harlequin Syndrome. Her skin looks like after a severe burn - red and constantly peeling off. But this does not prevent Hunter from loving herself and being strong in spirit.

Mark Dumas is the only man who swims with a polar bear.
He regularly dives into the pool along with 16-year-old polar bear Eji. Animal enjoys and Mark makes good money: $249,434

Simon and George Cullen are twin vampires.
Boys have sharp teeth, can't stay in the sun for long periods of time, and don't sweat. Otherwise, they are ordinary children who also make good money: $46,158

Raji Narinesingh is a woman with a sealant face.
As a result of an unsuccessful plastic surgery a Florida woman has to live with sealant and glue under her skin.

Piya Martell is a transgender woman with no legs.

Piya was born in California. Already at an early age, she was sure that she was a woman imprisoned in male body. In addition, she has another feature - underdeveloped legs, which she practically cannot use. However, the girl walks on her hands and sings well. YouTube Earnings: $25,186

Charlotte Garcid is the smallest girl in the world.
Charlotte is 7 years old, but she weighs only 4 kilograms. YouTube Earnings: $30,870

  • Spirituality and moral principles are what, among other things, makes us human. Although, there are people in the world who are unlikely to be shy. Well, they probably live without complexes.

    It's almost summer, why not sunbathe?

    When you urgently need to go to the store and you put on the first thing that came to hand. It doesn't matter if it's the wife's dress.

    Actually, why not?

    A person, apparently, has a very interesting and eventful personal life.

    Oh youth...

    Well, he still doesn’t even know what “to be shy” means.

    When I just wanted to add a little style to my image, but somehow overdid it.

    Love always, love everywhere...

    The sadder in the morning, the steeper the previous night was.

    Very self-critical. But from the bottom of my heart

  • Incredible Facts

    In anticipation women's holiday I would like to talk about women. If you think that women and men are similar, you are deeply mistaken.

    Some claim that this "absolutely different types» , which undoubtedly proved John Gray in his famous book "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus".

    We bring to your attention entertaining facts about a woman: her psychology, body, behavior and habits.

    1) If a man goes on a trip for a week, he will take very few clothes with him, and he will wear some things for several days in a row. If a woman packs a suitcase for a week, she will take with her three times more things than she needs, because she does not yet know what will she wear one day or another.

    According to research, a woman 120 hours per year looks in the mirror, it's a whole 5 days! And for about a year in her whole life, she decides what to wear.

    2) A woman will never become scratch the back of your head, pondering the answer to a difficult question, as men often do. Women do not like to show in any way that they are puzzled. Still they just don't want ruin your hair such a careless gesture.

    Women's psychology

    3) A woman feels uncomfortable if she does not hold anything in her hands, going somewhere, so she is always and everywhere carries a bag.

    4) Women desperately need to cry from time to time, because this is the most easy way relieve stress. Women cry on average 30 to 64 times a year, while men cry only 6-17 times.

    5) Women always ask questions that no clear answer because that's how they can make men feel guilty.

    6) Women having a hard time the fact that they are wrong. That is why they do not apologize so often, but if this happens, a man should enjoy the moment. Women are very stubborn and like to think that they are always right.

    7) The curiosity of women is manifested at any moment. For example, they always need pick up the phone ringing phone, even if they are busy with something important. After all, what if they were going to tell her that she had won the lottery?

    8) According to statistics, a woman pronounces on average 20 thousand words per day, What's on 13 thousand words less than a man says. Women really love to talk and it can go on forever. Perhaps this is because they hate silence and want to break it at any cost. This is where gossip and rumors are born.

    By the way, if a woman went to visit best friend , which she has not seen for a long time, she can linger there for a long time. And even after that, when she comes home, she may well call her and continue the conversation for another a couple of hours.

    female body

    9) In her entire life, a woman eats approximately 2-3 kilograms lipstick.

    10) Women blink approximately 2 times more often than men.

    11) A woman will trust more someone who hugged her at least 15 seconds.

    12) 80 percent of a woman's wrinkles come from letting her face sunbathe.

    13) Taller women are more likely to get sick cancer.

    14) If a woman responds to her name, she only turns her head when, like a man turns the whole body towards the caller. This is due to the fact that the neck of women is more mobile.

    15) A woman prefers her man read her wishes in her eyes, which is why understanding between the sexes is sometimes quite difficult.

    16) Explorers Indiana University School of Medicine discovered that men only process the sounds they hear one side of the brain when both women use both for this purpose. This is probably why women are still considered better listeners than men.

    17) Women do not like to show men that they are eat a lot, so if a woman is very hungry, she will prefer to eat alone. 30 percent women experience a passion for inedible things during pregnancy.

    18) In the bathroom 10 times more women's cosmetics and various women's personal care products than men's items. By the way, a man will not be able to answer you what most of these things are intended for.

    Women's behavior

    19) Women love to buy things on sale, even if they don’t need them at all. For example, when you see a bag with 75 percent discount, a woman will not be able to pass by her indifferently, even if a similar handbag has long been gathering dust in her closet.

    20) From 20 richest women in the world, all but one inherited fortunes from their husbands or fathers.

    21) The average woman is able to keep a secret 47 hours and 15 minutes.

    22) In Russia on 9 million more women than men.

    23) Women began to wear heels, imitating men to look more masculine.

    24) Israel- the only country in the world where women serve in the army.

    25) Woman's heart beats faster than a man's heart. She also has more taste buds on her tongue.

    26) The woman who had her first successful womb transplant got pregnant in 2013.

    27) The record number of children born to one woman is 69.

    According to Western researchers, a woman keeps an average of 437 accessories of various kinds in her bathroom. In this article, we will look at the 50 most interesting facts about women.

    1. Average duration women in most countries of the world have more lives than men.

    2. According to Western researchers, a woman keeps an average of 437 accessories of various kinds in her bathroom.

    3. Women blink about twice as fast as men.

    4. In the US state of Colorado, it is illegal to kiss a woman while she is sleeping.

    5. Shaking hands, women practically do not squeeze it.

    6. In Hong Kong, a woman who is cheating on her husband has the right to kill him, but she can commit reprisals without the use of foreign objects: a knife, a gun, but completely with her bare hands.

    7. Recently, British scientists conducted a study and found that girls who have ring finger shorter than the index, have a greater chance of achieving high results in sports.

    8. A woman does not bite a cigarette with her teeth and does not leave it in her mouth, she always keeps it in her hand.

    9. If a woman is asked to show her hands, then she will most often stretch them out with her palms down.

    10. When a woman swings to throw something, she takes her hand not to the side, but back.

    11. After a shower, any woman (even with short hair) at least for a minute wraps a kind of turban from a towel around his head

    12. And when she turns around at the call, she usually turns only her head. This is due to the fact that she has a very flexible neck.

    13. In most cases, tie a belt on a dressing gown above the navel.

    14. When a woman yawns, she covers her mouth not with her fist, but with her palm.

    15. They also don't like having their hands free, which is why they prefer to carry anything with them: a fan, a handbag, gloves, and even a flower.

    16. When climbing a mountain or descending from it, they try to move sideways.

    17. To examine their heels, women most often turn around behind their backs.

    18. Women step on hot sand on tiptoe, while men move only on their heels.

    19. When a woman sits, she compresses her knees or simply keeps her legs parallel to each other.

    20. 75 percent of women unreasonably believe that it is very harmful to wash your face with soap and water

    21. When lifting a heavy object, a woman tries to turn it on its side, while a man always carries a load in front of him.

    22. Approximately 20 million of the fair sex on Earth have fake breasts, and 250 thousand are annually given into the hands of a plastic surgeon for its correction. About 85% of women wear a bra that is one size larger.

    23. According to sociological surveys, only 9% of women in the world consider themselves truly attractive, and only 2% openly declare their sexuality. 43 percent of them (that is, the absolute majority) believe that they look quite natural, another 24 percent describe themselves as women with an average appearance, while the rest consider themselves simply pretty.

    24. In Japan, many women go to bed in a bra out of modesty and also for greater comfort.

    25. The very first programmer in the world was a woman - a resident of England, Ada Lovelace.

    26. In the 12th century, during the military conquest, the German king Conrad III allowed women to leave the ruined city, as well as take with them what they wished. As a result, women carried their husbands on their shoulders.

    27. A woman's heart is 20% smaller than a man's.

    28. Heart disease in women may not develop for much longer than in men, however, when it does, they are more severe.

    29. If you want to gain confidence from a woman, then it is enough to hug her for only 20 seconds.

    30. The female gender can perceive information from several streams at once, and they also perceive the humanities with great success, and they have better organized abilities.

    31. The fair sex has better hearing than men, the same situation develops with tactile sensations.

    32. It has been scientifically proven that the female brain is almost 10 percent smaller than the male.

    33. Sociological studies have shown that in Germany 35% of women earn more than their husbands, in the US this figure was 30%, and in Europe as a whole - 59%.

    34. Female representatives do not know how to keep secrets and secrets and just love shopping.

    35. Women speak much more than men, during the day they use three times as many words. This is due to the work of the pleasure center, which is located in the brain.

    36. When the female brain is functioning, it heats up much more than in men, because more glucose is “burned”.

    37. To wring out wet laundry with her hands, a woman takes it with her palms up.

    38. A woman sees better in the dark. In addition, women have much better peripheral vision, and they easily perceive what they observe as a whole.

    39. When walking, a woman shakes her hips. This is because the bones of the female pelvis are wider apart than the bones of the male pelvis.

    40. The average need for communication in a woman is one and a half times higher than in men. In addition, women listen attentively to the interlocutor much longer than men.

    41. Statistics show that women are more successful in negotiations than men.

    42. Women are afraid of spiders, worms, snakes, mice, and they also don't like caterpillars (even if those are very beautiful).

    43. When a woman uses her fist to strike, she usually puts her thumb forward.

    44. Women prefer that men determine their desires by their eyes.

    45. The highest IQ of a woman in the world is 196, since the establishment of the Nobel Prize in 1901, 33 winners have become its winners (a total of 797 people received the prize).

    46. ​​24% of 100 women would rather be men

    47. A woman who regularly paints her lips eats about 2 kg in her life. lipstick.

    48. Almost 100 million women are not enough in the world to maintain gender equality (many women die in Asia).

    49. About 17.7% of parliamentarians in the world are women. In eight countries of the world there are no women in Parliament (Saudi Arabia, Salomon Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Oman, Palau, Qatar, Tuvalu).

    50. In total, only 10 women in the world hold top posts in states.

    We offer for reading a selection of the most amazing facts about the beautiful half of humanity.

    • On average, a woman speaks about 20,000 words a day. Man - 13 thousand words less.
    • After intercourse, a man seems to a woman more attractive and strong. In men, on the contrary, it seems to them that their partner has become less sexual.
    • Most women during wedding ceremony, or rather, going to the altar, they smile when, like most men, they frown. According to scientists, this is due to the ability to hide your excitement and stress in different ways. And if men, in order not to fall from experiences in the registry office, make a severe grimace, then women smile with all 32 teeth.
    • The number of women who regret their marriage a week after the wedding is 22%.
    • Statistically, beautiful women after 25 years often become unhappy. It turns out that a woman's happiness is inversely proportional to her beauty.
    • Women more easily experience unrequited or unrequited love. According to statistics, most cases of suicide on the basis of love suffering are committed by men. Women, on the other hand, are more emotionally resistant to this heart problem and find solace in other things.
    • According to crime statistics, it is married women who are more likely to break the law. In men, on the contrary, most crimes are committed by bachelors.
    • A woman spends about a year of her life deciding what to wear.

    • On average, women cry 30 to 60 times a year.
    • It is interesting that shoes with heels were the first to be worn by men, back in the 17th century. Women picked up this fashion later and only in order to look more masculine. And now high heels are one of the main components of female attractiveness, femininity and sexuality.

    • Women have more taste buds than men.
    • Women breathe with their chests, while men breathe with their stomachs.
    • Women are proven to be the best organizers. They are able to multitask faster and more efficiently than the strong half of humanity.
    • Women see better in the dark because they have better peripheral vision.

    • Women are more successful in negotiations than their male counterparts. And all from the fact that they listen more attentively to the interlocutor, feeling the need for communication and obtaining new information.

    Showing her hands, the woman holds them out with her palms down. Perhaps, in order for the interlocutor to appreciate a beautiful manicure? Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    In contact with


    25 facts about the female body that even women themselves do not know! For those who think that all people are similar, and the difference between the sexes is not so big, it will be interesting to know these 25 facts about the female body. Surely even the women themselves do not know about many of them.Here are 25 facts about the female body:

    1. Women are by nature less oriented in space, because of this, problems may arise while driving. For example, parallel parking is obtained by 82% of men, while about 70% of them can do it on the first try. For women, the results are quite different. Only 22% of women succeed in such parking, and only 1/3 of them can do it on the first try.

    2. Women's speech is controlled by 2 think tanks. That is why women can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use about 3,000 sounds and 10,000 non-verbal signals. The same figures for men are about 2 times lower.

    3. A woman's body burns fat much slower than a man's - about 50 kcal per day.

    4. Women have stronger immunity.

    5. The diameter of a woman's hair is 2 times smaller than that of a man's.

    6. The corpus callosum in the brain of a woman is thicker than that of a man. It contains 30% more compounds. This is what allows women to better cope with several tasks at the same time.

    7. A woman's tongue has more taste buds.

    8. Women have more pain receptors in their bodies, but thanks to estrogen, which blocks inflammation, women generally have a lower pain threshold.

    9. Women can better distinguish shades and colors, since color discrimination is directly related to the X chromosome.

    10. A woman's skin is 10 times more sensitive than a man's.

    11. The muscles and ligaments of the female body contain more elastin, so women are more flexible.

    12. Women can distinguish high-pitched sounds better than men.

    13. The activity of the female brain during sleep is reduced by only 10%, so women's sleep is more sensitive.

    14. Women can better distinguish different shades of sweet taste.

    15. A woman's heart naturally beats faster than a man's.

    16. Women blink twice as often as men.
    17. Women naturally have a better sense of smell.
    18. Women have better developed peripheral (lateral) vision, while men have better central vision.

    19. The female neck is more mobile than the male. When a woman is called, she usually simply turns her head, and a man in the same situation turns his whole body.

    20. Baldness - X-linked recessive trait that a man inherits from his mother.
    21. Due to the presence of two X chromosomes, the female body is less prone to the manifestation of complications and chronic diseases.

    22. Women are emotional by nature, they cry on average about 30-60 times a year, and men - 6-17 times.

    23. About 30% of women may feel during pregnancy the desire to eat inedible things.

    24. Women are more prone to anxiety and a sense of danger due to high levels of the hormones progesterone, cortisol and estradiol. That is why women intuitively better anticipate the threat and danger.

    25. Women are more strongly attached to men due to higher levels of oxytocin. Women also have more developed areas of the brain that are responsible for feelings of affection.