Synopsis of GCD "Such different clothes!". Outline of educational activities in the senior group on the topic: “Our clothes. Seasonal clothes

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive, speech development.

Target: Clarify the functional significance of clothing in people's lives, differentiate it by season.



  • to promote the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;
  • to form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities.

Cognitive development:

  • to form children's ideas about clothes, shoes;
  • to form the ability to classify objects;
  • develop curiosity, cognitive motivation, creative activity.

Speech development:

  • enrich the passive vocabulary: national, seasonal, demi-season clothing;
  • enrich active vocabulary: winter, summer clothes.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

1. Conversation about human needs

Target: clarify the functional significance of clothing in people's lives. The need for clothes is inherent only to people.

2. Explanation of the proverb.

Target: develop the ability to express their point of view.

3. The game "Be careful"

Target: form the ability to focus on one type of activity. Promote the development of distribution and switching.

Cognitive research


Target: consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of clothing. Fix the names of clothes in speech.

Dynamic pause "Moth"

Target: Develop physical activity
Perception of fiction

Reading a poem

Target: develop the ability to listen carefully to the text, to delve into its meaning

Methods and techniques:


Drawing and application on the topic: “Clothes”, Shoes”, didactic game “Be careful”.


Showing subject pictures depicting national (traditional) and modern clothes, shoes and care items for them, observing people dressed differently.


Reading a poem, proverbs, conversation, guessing riddles, stories of a teacher and children.

Material and equipment:

Pictures depicting clothes, shoes and care items for them, magnetic board.

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading poems, stories, proverbs on the subject.
  2. Drawing, applications on the theme: Clothes.
  3. A conversation about clothes.
  4. Didactic games "Name the clothes."
  5. Role-playing games "Shop", "Family".
  6. Introducing children to different types clothes.
  7. Writing descriptive stories.

Logics educational activities

The activities of the educator Activity Expected


The teacher asks a question:

What are the needs of humans and animals? Name a need that is unique to humans. Why?

Summarizes answers...

Answer the question The interest of children has been updated.
The teacher offers to solve riddles:

The wise man and the ignorant know. People all need ... (clothes).

Even if your teeth are cold

So put on ... (fur coats).

The rain is pouring down,

Children put on ... (jacket).

We are in the winter out of habit,

They put on ... (mittens).

Guess riddles
Today we will talk about clothes, what it is, what it is made of. And I propose to take the proverb as the motto of the lesson: “They meet according to their clothes, but they see them off according to their mind.”

Offers to explain how it can be understood?

listen Able to express their point of view
- What is clothing?

If we open Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, we learn that "clothes are several items that cover the body."

What were the clothes made from before?

What materials are sewn from now?

Answer Build the ability to answer questions
The teacher offers to listen to a poem and demonstrates drawings with the history of clothing. Summarizes what has been read:

Think about what clothes are for their intended purpose

What is the difference between the clothes in which they play sports and the one in which they go to visit?

What should be home clothes?

Listen, watch

Answer questions

There are also seasonal clothes. The teacher draws attention to the blackboard.

Why are there tables of the three seasons on the blackboard?

In winter we wear winter clothes, in summer we wear summer clothes, and in autumn and spring we wear demi-season clothes.

think answer the question To form the ability to classify clothes
The teacher offers the children a dynamic pause:

Moth, moth, moth - this is a harmful insect

Moth, moth, moth - a mustachioed cockroach,

Moth, moth, moth is a small bug,

Which eats everything up and down.

Moth, moth, moth ate daddy's panties,

Moth, moth, moth - ate my mother's coat,

Moth, mole, moth - all ate books in the house,

I put on my coat and went to the cinema.

To the words "Moth, mole, mole" children clap their hands or stomp their feet.

Children sit down

The teacher offers to play the game "Be careful." They are able to reason and give an adequate explanation to the questions posed.
Attaches pictures on a magnetic board, which depict clothes and items for caring for her. The children are watching closely
- Pictures need to be divided into 2 groups Children do the task
- What are these groups? (clothing and care items).

How should you take care of your clothes?

Answer questions
- Do you think the clothes have always been the way they are now?

Why do people need clothes?

Why did people start creating artificial and synthetic materials for clothes?

Why do modern people not want to constantly wear national clothes?

Express their opinions

What new did you learn today?

Directly - educational activities in the educational field "cognition" in senior group. The final event on the theme "Clothes". Quiz "School of Fashion Designers"

Target Creating conditions for consolidating children's knowledge about clothes.
Educational: To form in children a clear, differentiated idea of ​​​​the various types of clothing, their purpose and application.
Developing: Develop mental operations, visual perception. Develop the ability to work in a team. Promote development creativity and freedom of expression
Educational: Arouse interest in professions related to tailoring, cultivate responsiveness, positive attitude to classes.
Preliminary work:
Reading L Cohn "Linen", Bianchi "How the shirt grew in the field"
Examination of clothes, subject pictures on the topic "clothes"
Coloring pictures.
A conversation about professions related to tailoring.
Making and guessing riddles about clothes.
consideration various kinds fabrics.
1. Package with cloth clothes.
2. Presentation on the topic: “Clothes” 4 extra
3. Silhouettes of clothes, cut into several parts.
4. Silhouettes of clothes for drawing.
5. Pencils, paints, brushes.
6. Tokens
Methods and techniques:
- surprise moment
- practical,
- visual,
- verbal: artistic word

Event progress

Educator: We have an unusual day today
We sincerely welcome you!
Children gathered for a smart game
It's time for the competition to begin!
And so we remember the rules, we don’t shout, but we raise our hand, for the correct answer you get a token.

Task for the most resourceful children: "Think and answer."
- What are the clothes for?
Why don't animals have clothes, but people do?
- List winter clothes.
- List summer clothes.
- Name home clothes, why do you need home clothes?
- What kind of sportswear do you know? What is it for?
- Who sews clothes?
- Where do they sew clothes and where do they buy them?
- What are the clothes made of?
What is the name of a hole for a button in clothes?
What can you use to fasten your clothes?
- What kind of clothes do they put on their hands?
- What clothes do they put on their feet?
What clothes can only girls wear?
What clothes do girls and boys wear?
What clothes have a collar?
Well done boys.
Now the task for the fastest children is the relay race "Zhadina"
Each child brings a thing from the box and answers the question Whose? Whose? etc.

Now a task for the most attentive children.
Look at the screen I have 4 rows of pictures. You must say which picture is superfluous and why. (Children's answers.)

A task for the strongest children.
How are clothes taken care of?
Let's get our clothes in order.
Oh, the clothes got dirty
we didn't take care of it
treat her carelessly
crushed, soiled in the dust.
We need to save her
And put in order.
Pour water into a bowl,
We pour the powder.
We will soak all the clothes,
rub the stains thoroughly
wash, rinse,
squeeze it out, shake it up.
And then easily and deftly
We'll hang everything on ropes.
While clothes are drying
We'll jump, we'll spin
Well, the clothes are dry.
What will we do with her? (stroke)
Now our clothes are in order.

The next task is for the smartest kids.
From cold and snow
Keep warm wherever you are!
Let you look like a bear in it,
What will you wear in winter? (fur coat)

Not boots, not boots
But they are also worn by legs.
We run in them in winter:
Go to school in the morning, home in the afternoon. (Felt boots)

Two braids, two sisters,
From sheep's yarn,
How to walk - so put on,
So that five and five do not freeze. (Mittens)

Everywhere, everywhere we are together
Let's go inseparable.
We walk through the meadows
Along the green shores
We run down the stairs,
We walk along the street.
But a little wind on the threshold,
We are left without legs
And the legless - that's the trouble!
- Neither here nor there!
Well let's get under the bed
Let's sleep there quietly
And when the legs return
Let's take the road again. (Children's Shoes)

In order not to freeze
five guys
They sit in the knitted oven. (Mittens)

Black, not earth, fluffy,
not snow, warms, not a stove. (Fur coat)

Made from black leather
We can now walk in them.
And along the muddy road -
Our feet won't get wet. (Boots)

As soon as it leaves
She walks in winter
Residents move into houses
And in each - as many as five! (Gloves)

He is not a tie, not a collar,
And I'm used to squeezing my neck.
But not always, but only then,
When it's cold. (Scarf)

I am any girl
I'll cover my hair
I'll cover the boy too
Short haircuts.
I am protection from the sun
That's what it was made for. (Panama)

I walked along the road
Found two roads
Went to both. (Trousers)

Like a T-shirt
But with sleeves.
Both girl and boy
They wear me, because I ... (t-shirt)

What's on your feet in summer?
It's hot in boots in summer!
To make the legs happy
I will wear ... (sandals)

The sun shines brightly in May
The wind is blowing and it's not hot.
Let's be smart with the weather
Let's put on a light jacket ... (windbreaker)

A task for the most hardworking children.
Children are offered to “sew” a dress.
The details of the dress, cut out of paper, are laid out on the table.
Task: select the necessary details and “sew” (fold) the dress, tell what details they needed.
A task for the most creative children.
You and I will be designers, and they will come up with a pattern for fabrics.

Did you guys like to compete today?
Children's answers.
What task seemed the easiest?
Children's answers.
What task seemed the most difficult?
Children's answers.
What can you be commended for today?
Children's answers.
And now let's sum up and count the tokens.

Internet resources.
Podrezova T.I. "Material for classes on the development of speech"

GCD on the topic: "Winter clothes and shoes"

On January 13, 2015, in the "Kittens" group, a NOD was organized to familiarize children with winter clothing. The lesson was held by Kutakhina Marina Viktorovna.

Types of children's activities: game, communicative, cognitive-research.


    to teach to listen carefully and observe, to form the ability of children to dialogue geic speech;

    learn to answer questions about the purpose of outerwear with a word and a sentence -mi, consisting of 3-4 words;

    enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic;

    consolidate knowledge about outerwear.

Planned results: takes part in game situation"Dressing the doll ly for a walk”, in the games “Comparison of clothes and shoes”; answers questions, can, at the request of an adult, tell about what is depicted in the plot picture, listens with interest to the teacher’s story about how to dress for a walk in winter; owns the mainniyami when performing the exercise "It's cold and windy in the yard."

Materials and equipment: flannelograph, pictures depicting children in winter clothes and shoes, a doll and a box with clothes (hat, fur coat, scarf, mittens, boots, pants, coffee ta).

For Game: cards (a boy in a blue coat, a girl in a red coat), a set of clothes withfrost and red colors (hats, scarves, boots, mittens).

1. Organizing time.

Educator. Doll Katya gathered on the street. Can we help her get dressed? (Children answer.)

2. Main part. Dressingdolls for a walk

Educator. Winter is on the street. Cold. Doll Katya is going for a walk. She took out a box of clothes. Let's see what's here, shall we? (The teacher takes out clothes until-calls her to the children, they call her, in case of difficulty the teacher helps.) What is this? (Fur coat.) H that is? (Hat.) What do they wear a hat on? (On the head.) What is this? (Pants.) What do they wear shthanes? (On the legs and torso.) What is this? (Boots, boots.) What do they wear boots on? (On your feet.)What is this? (Scarf.) Where is the scarf tied? (On the neck.) What is this? (Mittens.) What do they put on va-r hedgehogs? (On hands.)

Katya began to dress. She put on a coat. Guys, is Katya dressing correctly? How is she nowwear a jacket? Let's help Kate get dressed.

The teacher shows the children in what order to dress, asks help children.

3. Examining the storyline.

The children's attention is drawn to the picture depicting children in winter clothes and shoes.Educator. Who is in the picture? (Children.) How many children? (A lot.) What are they wearing children? What's on the boy's head? (Hat.) What does the girl have in her arms? (Mittens.) And what is this? (Shu 6a.) What is tied around the baby's neck? (Scarf.) What is the girl wearing on her feet? (Pants.) Children have shoes on their feet. What is the boy wearing? (In boots.) What is the girl wearing? (In boots.)

Children listen to the teacher's story, accompanied by a display of clothes."Winter has come. It became cold outside. In order not to freeze, the children began to dress warmly for a walk. And the Katya doll also dressed warmly. She put on a jacket and pants. She put her feet in boots. She put on a hat on her head. Now put on a fur coat and tied a scarf. Katya put mittens on her hands. This is how Katya doll dressed warmly. Now Katya won’t freeze outside.”

Physical education minute

Children perform the movements mentioned in the text.

It's cold and windy outside,Walking is straight in place.

Children are walking in the yard

Handles, handles rub,They rub one palm against the other.

Handles, handles warm.

Do not freeze pens-crumbs -

We clap our hands.

This is how we can clap They clap their hands.

This is how we warm our hands!

So that our legs do not chill,

We sink a little. They stomp their feet to the beat of the words.

This is how we know how to stomp

Here's how to keep your feet warm!


4. The game "Comparison of clothes and shoes" (different hats, boots, mittens, etc.) d.).

Objectives: to exercise children in the ability to use the names of outerwear items in speech, to establish similarities and differences between items that have the same name.

The teacher shows pictures of hats, scarves, mittens, blue and red shoes, and pictures of a boy and a girl. The girl is wearing a red coat, the boy is wearing a blue jacket. The teacher offers the children to choose clothes for the girls in red and clothes for the boy in blue.

Educator. What is this? (Hat.) What hat? (Red.) To whom shall we give the red hat? (To a girl.) What kind of hat is this? (Blue.) To whom shall we give the blue hat? (To the boy.) Let's shoe the girl and the boy. Sasha, find shoes for the boy. (Finds blue shoes. In case of difficulty, the teacher helps.) Olya, find shoes for the girl. (Finds it.) What is it? (Va-rezhki.) To whom will we give these mittens? (To a boy.) What kind of mittens are these? (Blue.) And who will we give these mittens to? (To a girl.) What kind of mittens are these? (Red.) What else do the children need to tie? (Scarves.) Nastya, find a scarf for the girl. (Finds it.) What kind of scarf is this? (Red.) Misha, find a scarf for the boy. What kind of scarf is this? (Blue.)

5. Reflection.

Educator (takes a doll and takes the children to the locker room). Guys, we taught the Katya doll how to dress, and now she will see how you can dress yourself.

The doll "watches" how the children dress. If necessary, the teacher prompts the sequence of dressing.

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech: in preparatory group"Cloth. Shoes. Hats".

Program content:

Activate and consolidate children's vocabulary on the topic: clothes, shoes, hats.

Learn to use nouns in the genitive case correctly.

Fix in the dictionary of children the correct use of the words to put on and put on.

Learn how to form adjectives from nouns.

Continue to learn how to form the plural of nouns.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Learn to coordinate speech with movement.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Teach children to work in pairs.

Dictionary activation: on this topic.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting clothes, shoes, hats.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

Conversation. Guys, somewhere in the group, the teacher hid some kind of envelope. We need to find him. And to make it easier to search, I will prompt you.

Children begin to play the game "Hot-cold" with the teacher until they find the envelope. Well done guys, you found the envelope very quickly (the envelope opens). And in the envelope of the riddle. By guessing them, you can find out what will be discussed in today's lesson. Let's see how smart and perceptive you are.

Main part

Lexico-grammar games and exercises

    "Guess a riddle"

They gave the brothers a warm home,

To live together.

The big brother did not agree

And settled separately. (MITTENS)

I don't get wet like an umbrella

I protect you from the rain

And I will shelter you from the wind.

Well, so what am I? (CLOAK)

I am with fields, with a visor.

With scarlet ribbon and flower.

I protect my head

From sun and cold. (PANAMA, CAP, HAT)

Stretched out in winter

Rolled up in summer (SCARF)

And how, guys, in one word can you call a raincoat, scarf, mittens (Clothes.)

And how in one word can you call panama, cap, hat (Headwear.)

But in the envelope there are not only riddles, but also a small poem in which last words in every line. Help me find the right words.

Children agree on words that make sense.

    "Speak the word"

Take a look at us: today we are the first time

We went to the store ourselves and bought shoes for my mother.

Fashionista Irinka - new……………… boots.

Brother Antoshka - new……………….boots.

Little Lesha - brilliant ... ... ... ... galoshes.

Football player Vovka - comfortable…………..sneakers.

And for dear daddy - home ... ... ... ... slippers.

Guessed, guys, what else we will talk about today in the lesson, except for clothes and hats. (Today in class we will also talk about shoes.)

    "What shall we wear for a walk?"

(Assimilation of the verb to put on)

The teacher shows the pictures and asks the question: “What will you wear, and what will Tanya?” The child answers: “I will put on a shirt, and Tanya will put on a dress”, etc.


"New Sneakers"

Like our cat (the fingers are bent one at a time on both hands, starting with the big one, squatting on each line).

Boots on the feet.

Like our pig

Shoes on feet.

And on the paws of the dog

Blue slippers.

A little goat

Wears boots.

Vovka's son has new sneakers

Like this, like this (Alternately they knock with their palms, then with their fists).

New sneakers.

Like this, like this (they do lunges with their feet on their heels, bend over).

New sneakers.

    "Tell me differently"

Straw hat - straw

Fur hat - fur

Wool scarf - wool

Leather boots - leather

Silk dress - silk

Chintz sundress - chintz

Rubber boots - rubber

    "One is many."

Skullcap - skullcaps - skullcaps.
Pilotka - caps - caps.
Helmet - helmets - helmets.
Hat - hats - hats.
Cap - caps - caps.
Scarf - scarves - scarves.
Panama - Panama - Panama.
Shawl - shawl - shawl.
Hat - hats - hats.
Cap - caps - caps.
Kerchief - kerchief - kerchief.
Beret - berets - berets.
Cap - caps - caps.
Helmet - helmets - helmets.

    "Call it sweetly"

Hat - hat.
A pilot is a pilot.
Scarf - handkerchief.
Helmet - helmet.
Panama - Panama.
A hat is a hat.
Kerchief - kerchief.
Beret - beret.


Guys, what time of year is it?

And in autumn comes...

Since winter is coming soon, what clothes will we need soon?

Winter warm...

    "Say the opposite"

Put on - take off

Shoe - unshoe

Buy - sell

Tie - untie

fasten - unfasten

Iron - wrinkle

Hang up - take down

put on shoes - take off shoes
Development of coherent speech

Writing descriptive stories

"The dress is women's clothing. It is made from fabric. The dress has a collar, sleeves, bodice, belt, hem, fastener. It is red with white flowers.

"The shirt is men's clothing. It is made from fabric. The shirt has a collar, sleeves, cuffs, a pocket, buttons and eyelets. She's striped."

“Boots are shoes. They are made of leather, they are leather. Boots have ankles, zippers, socks, soles, heels. Boots are worn in winter, spring and autumn.

Summary of the lesson

What did you guys talk about in class today? (About clothes, shoes and headgear.)

Synopsis of GCD on cognitive and speech development for older children preschool age on the topic "Clothes, shoes, hats."

Target: consolidation and systematization of children's knowledge about clothes, shoes and hats.


To form generalizing concepts of "clothes", "shoes", "headgear";

Expand and activate vocabulary on a given topic;

Exercise children in the classification of clothing items on a seasonal basis;

Exercise children in the formation of nouns with diminutive - affectionate suffixes;

Develop the ability to coordinate words in a sentence;

Develop the ability to select adjectives for nouns;

To develop the ability to classify items of clothing and footwear according to various criteria;

Develop attention, logical thinking;

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Bring up careful attitude to your things;

Cultivate a desire to help;

To cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades, to work together.

Materials and equipment: subjectpictures depictingclothes, hats, shoes, pictures depicting the four seasons, ball, magnetic board.

Lesson progress:

Once upon a time there was a girl Masha. She was a terrible lazy and slovenly. She didn’t keep track of things, she always scattered them. If Masha was going to go for a walk, then for an hour she was looking for her things. And then one day a Wizard passed by her house. I saw through the window what a mess Masha was, and decided to teach her a lesson.

He waved his magic wand and all the Machines things were gone. Oh, how Masha got sick! She wants to go for a walk on the street, but she cannot find a skirt, tights, a blouse, a jacket, a hat. What to do…? And Masha decided to turn to us for help. Guys, let's help Masha, teach her how to properly care for her things and tell her everything we know about clothes.

The first thing I suggest you do is help Masha put things in order in the closet.

Didactic game"Clean up the closet." (Spread all things into three shelves: clothes, shoes, hats.)

Children lay out the pictures and explain:
- I will put the hat on the top shelf, because it is a headdress;
- I will put the jacket on the middle shelf, because it is clothes;
- I'll put the slippers on the bottom shelf, because these are shoes ....

Masha thanks us for helping her put things in order and invites us to play.

Ball game "Clothes, shoes, hats." ( The teacher throws a ball to a child standing in a circle and names a generic concept (clothes, shoes, hats), and the children must name a specific concept related to the generic one. Then the teacher names the species concept, and the child must name one generic concept to which they belong.)

Guys, Masha asks us to help her more, because she made a mess not only in her closet, but also in her mother’s and now she can’t put everything in its place. Let's help.

Didactic game "Whose clothes are mother's or Machine?" ( The teacher puts on the board pictures of wardrobes, pictures of clothes and shoes. Children come up to the blackboard, choose a picture, tell whose item of clothing it is and put it in cabinets.)

The game "Call it affectionately" (Exercise children in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes).

The teacher calls the item of mother's clothes or shoes, and the child - the Machine, and calls it affectionately.
- Mom has a dress, and Masha ... dress .
- Mom has shoes, and Masha ...
- Mom has pants, and Masha ...
- Mom has a jacket, and Masha ...
jacket .

(scarf, skirt, cap, jacket, boots, slippers, socks, vest, hat, fur coat, etc.)

Masha told me that she had recently been very ill, but still cannot understand why. Mom told her that Masha got sick because she put on a non-winter jacket, hat and boots for a walk. But Masha does not agree with her, she says, “Can a jacket be winter or not winter? After all, a jacket is clothing for a walk, which means you can always walk in it.”

Tell me, is Masha right?

Didactic game "Spread things by season." (Exercise children in the classification of items of clothing on a seasonal basis (winter, autumn, summer, spring).

The teacher invites the children to think over the situations and offer their own answers using the following sample: “If you wear fur hat, That...".

    What happens if you wear a fur hat in summer?

    What happens if you wear shorts and a T-shirt in winter?

    What happens if you put on slippers in the rain?

    What happens if you don't wear panamas in the heat?

    What happens if you walk without a hat in windy weather?

    What happens if you walk in the cold without mittens? In autumn boots? In a cap?

Guys, Masha asks, can boys and girls wear the same clothes or not?

Let's show Masha which clothes are for boys and which are for girls.

Mobile game "To whom". (boys choose clothes for boys, and girls for girls; who will complete the task faster)

The game "The Fourth Extra".

Final conversation.

How should you take care of your clothes?

(keep clean, neatly fold or hang, if dirty, wash, wrinkled, iron, torn, sew up)

What is the clothes like?

For winter - winter;

For autumn - autumn;

For summer...

For spring - ....

For children - …

For adults -…

For Sport - …

For the holiday...

For home - …

For work - …

Dress, tights, shirt - it's ...

Boots, shoes, slippers...

Hat, panama, cap - this is ...

Socks, coats, jeans...

Sneakers, sandals, boots...

A hat, a scarf, a cap is ...

What did you like about the lesson today?

What caused the difficulty?

But Masha liked everything with us, she thanks you for your help and asks to stay with us in the group.

I think we will allow her if Masha promises us to take good care of her things and not scatter them.