Tender notes to a loved one. We write a farewell letter to a loved one. Farewell letter to boyfriend

The spark of your soul, which once pierced my heart, awakened a volcano of feelings in it, from which a fiery flower of eternally burning passion and love for you grew, (NAME)!

* * *

Look at the sky... See the stars? Listen, each of them whispers how much I love you!

* * *

If I were offered eternity without you, I would take a moment, but with you.

* * *

As the sun's rays warm the earth, so your love warms my heart!

* * *

Hello my berry! Know that I love only you and I'm not offended by all sorts of little things ...

* * *

I'm not a magician, I'm still just learning, and I still can't get the trick not to be bored without you ...

* * *

The most tender kisses, the warmest words, the most precious thing that I found in my life - you ...

* * *

Good morning, kitty! Have a nice day, honey, let it be sunny and bright, like you! I love you, kiss you, miss you very much! Always yours (NAME).

* * *

If someone ever writes your name with a piece of ice in the sun, then I will believe that someone loves you more than me!

* * *

Someone somewhere was created for me... I love you not for a moment, not for a day, but for life...

* * *

(NAME), my dear Carlson! I miss you... You are the best Carlson. I feel sad at times, but when I remember you, my heart becomes warm and light!

* * *

Every night, thoughts about you, like stars, fall and burn in the darkness, leaving an indelible mark of sadness and sadness... into a big bird wrapping its wings around me. Do not disappear! I'm lonely without you!

* * *

I miss you very much! And I really want you. When we meet, we will "eat" and "eat" each other. Do not be bored.

* * *

I know that I will miss you tomorrow more than today, because today I miss you even more than yesterday!

* * *

We love those who do not love us, and we destroy those who are in love with us. Easily acquired lips do not please, but irritate us. Loving the distant - we languish, we spend our days in anguish, we love what we strive for, but only we achieve - and there is no love.

* * *

Hello sunshine! I hope you are in a good mood! Maybe my sms will raise it a little more! I miss you!

* * *
Love you, kiss you, hug you
And I only dream of you...
Dreaming, as they say, is not harmful,
But suddenly I'm lucky with you, baby!
* * *

With me you are an affectionate kitten, gently stroking and kissing me, humming a song about love; in bed, like a tigress, constantly biting, scratching me, and for my heart you are the most precious girl in the whole world.

* * *

I, like a small piece of ice, melt in your strong, strong embrace, and I am so happy that I have such a treasure as you!

* * *

When you, sweet man, are in a bad mood, I want to be your guardian angel to give you a set of smiles at that moment!

* * *

I give you my big heart! Take it and own it, I entrust it to your beautiful strong male hands. Let it tremble in them, only I ask you not to drop it and do not burn yourself, because it is so hot!

* * * * * *

My love, my sunshine, you deserve more than I could do for you!

* * *

When you pass - I feel the wind, when you smile - it's easier for me to live... You don't even know how to love!!!

* * *

I understand that we are friends, and now I am content with just this, but do not forget WHO loves you more than anyone in the world!

* * *

Without love, there is no life on earth, even the birds do not sing and the trees do not turn green without light sent with love.

Sun. Therefore, without fear, open the door for her. Love can be cruel, but without it there is no point in living ...

* * *

If you give another person love, it will return to you multiplied a thousand times!

* * *

Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand...

* * *

Love exists as long as the fear of losing a loved one is alive.

* * *

Love is stronger than friendship, but friendship is stronger than love.

* * *

Love is an acute desire for happiness to a loved one ...

* * *

Playing with a person who is free and has the right to demand more from you is a crime!

* * *

A second is enough for a person to meet a special person, it will take a minute to get to know him, a day to fall in love... But sometimes a whole life is not enough to forget him...

* * *

Love is what binds a man and a woman after they have dressed.

* * *

I want all the clocks in the world to stop and there were only the two of us in the world.

* * *

Do you think it's easy to see you only once a month? Then try to hold your breath for at least a couple of minutes...

* * *

Do you know what the difference is between blood and you? Blood goes in and out of the heart, but you enter the heart and stay in it forever...

* * *

Love is like a snowflake that melts in the palm of your hand in an instant. Let's make it last forever...

* * *

An hour without you is like a day, a day is like a week. I want to see you and get so close that I could feel the warmth of your breath on my lips, feel the intoxicating and maddening aroma of your perfume. And then get a little closer and give you a gentle and sweet kiss.

* * *

Since the perpendicular of your gaze has descended on the plane of my heart, I have not found a radius to describe the circumference of the feelings that excite me.

* * *

No joy can be compared with the joy of meeting you, and no bitterness can be compared with the bitterness of separation.

* * *

Love is happiness, but only when you believe that it will last forever. And let it turn out to be a lie every time - only faith gives love strength and joy.

* * *

Every day I wait for the dawn, your greetings, your image, your golden hair, your eyes, your shoulders... Sun, I will love you forever!!!

* * *

Hello, my touching blue-eyed! I look at your photo, I look - I can’t tear myself away ... You are a miracle ... I kiss you.

* * *

It's good to know that you exist. It doesn't matter how long, how long, it's so good to just open your eyes and know that you are!

* * *

If you only touched my heart with your lips, you would feel not only the taste of my body, but also that tender love with which I treat you!

* * *

Take my heart if you hate. Shake my hand if you're with me. Break my will if we quarrel...

* * *

There is one thing that makes me so happy to do, close my eyes and think of you.

* * *

If you suddenly start to feel sad, dial the number (YOUR NUMBER) - a person who misses you madly will answer!

* * *

I asked you to dance and you said yes. During the dance, you drove me crazy and I realized that you are the one: you are a god, you are an angel, you are love.

* * *

Hello! I am sms, which is entrusted to give you an unlimited number of the most tender kisses!

* * *

Do you know why I love you so much? Because there is no other way.

* * *

What is not happening on Earth now, and only the most beautiful eyes in this world read my sms.

* * *

I knew that one day is 24 hours, one hour is 60 minutes, but I did not know that one day without you is an eternity!

* * *

You are the sweet nectar of paradise fruits, the gentle, warm and cheerful south wind, the gentle breeze of the tropical sea, the sweet-voiced bird of paradise, you are the heady aroma of a summer meadow. Love you madly!

* * *

I hug you and kiss you on the cheek, because I like you very, very, very much!

* * *

It's damp outside, the sky is crying, the sun is not warm, everything is so black and white... I wonder why? Maybe because it's autumn? No, you're just not around...

* * *

I love you my angel. You are with me everywhere and protect me everywhere from the hardships and misfortunes that lie in wait for me.

* * *

You sit and get bored, not knowing that somewhere there is someone who sits and thinks: “Well, when are you going to send me sms?”

* * *

There are two infinite things in the world - this is the universe and my love for you. Although I'm not sure about the universe.

* * *

There are several billion people on earth. And I don't know why I still text you. Probably because none of them can replace you...

* * *

You are my most beloved, sweetest, kindest, gentle and affectionate kitten in the world! I love you madly!

* * *

I love you my little kitty! You are sleeping now, and I am texting you. I hope you are dreaming something very good at this moment. For example me.

* * *

There are many bright and beautiful stars in the sky and on the stage, but none can compare with you!

* * *

Darling! A diamond compared to you is an ordinary stone!

* * *

You are very reliable, calm and sensitive, and I look forward to counting the minutes when we are apart from you, my most beloved and dear.

* * *

Good morning! With this sms I am sending you half of my heart! Keep it, and it will warm you in the most terrible frost.

* * *

I love you like the sun that warms me all year round. And, although you are far away, but, looking at the sky and seeing the sun, I know that you think of me too.

* * *
I remember your name very often...
Not because I was warm with you,
But because it's cold with others!

(NAME), (X) years have passed, and I can’t learn not to think about you. Maybe this is the love that we did not believe in then ...

* * *

I love you more than anyone! Don't leave me, I'll always be yours! And I will always remember that I love only you!

* * *

Woven from light, you ascended to reign in the gloomy Universe of my soul, so that I, illuminated by the light of love, would collect all the treasures of the world at your feet!

* * *

There is nothing better in the world than to be with you, the beautiful queen of my heart!

* * *

I dream to be with you! Don't forget me, send sms!

* * *

I love you madly, I want you all the time, I always want you, I adore you more than anyone, I miss you boundlessly, I suffer

apart immensely, you are the most beautiful and beloved rose of the Little Prince.

* * *

Sweet, affectionate, dearest and closest person, Good night. I am very far away now, but my heart and soul are with you! I already miss you so much. Remember me, I always remember you... Leave a corner in your heart, I always leave it for you... The main thing in life is not to forget who you love and how much you love. In my life it is YOU!

* * *

I love you and burn with love! You have stolen my peace.

* * *

Rose speaks of love quietly, in a language that only the heart understands...

* * *

Like a sea with a shore, I will be with you, but if you say: "Go away!" - I will leave quietly and silently, as the sea leaves, leaving singing shells on your shore ...

* * *

Separation weakens a slight infatuation, but strengthens a great passion, just as the wind extinguishes a candle flame, but blows a spark into a fire.

* * *

I want to offer you a trip. Direction - stars, driver - love, transportation - heart, passengers - you and me, tickets - free. Well, how?!

* * *

As soon as I close my eyes, I see you! So maybe we'll meet today so I don't have to sit with my eyes closed all evening?

* * *

Don't put a dot where the heart puts an ellipsis...

* * *

I want to gently kiss you so that your heart does not freeze even in the most severe frosts! Miss you!

* * *

Only for you, only for you I sing, my love! And I'll get the stars from the sky just for you! And you do not cry and do not be bored, because I will be there for you and for you! I will only be yours!

* * *

I miss you! And you are silent! I send you a bunch of my hot kisses!

* * *

Honey, I love you because you are the only such beautiful girl in the world!

* * *

Love is omnipotent: there is no grief on earth higher than its punishment, no happiness higher than the pleasure of serving it.

* * *

Love forgives all sins, but not the sin against love.

* * *

To be loved is more than to be rich, for to be loved is to be happy.

* * *

Angels call it heavenly bliss, devils call it hellish torment, people call it love.

* * *

If you want to be loved, love.

* * *

The one who is in love casts the light of his inner self on the other and hopes to see a glimpse of this light. However, true love puts the other above itself.

* * *

I sit alone, look at the starry sky and admire you. You ask - how? Yes, very easy! The stars in the sky are girls all over the world, and the brightest and most noticeable is you! I love you my star!

* * *

Love is like a fever: it is born and goes out without the slightest participation of the will.

* * *

Love is a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life.

* * *

I'm waiting for a call, I'm dying in sorrow.

You are silent, I miss you so much!

* * *

The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom.

* * *

Just talking about love is wasting time.

* * *

In the world of evil, stupidity, uncertainty and doubt called existence, there is one thing for which

the swarm is still worth living and which is undoubtedly as strong as death is love.

* * *

I would like to send you all my love, but the postman said it was VERY BIG!!!

* * *

We are so different, but I dream that we were together!

* * *

Wake up in the morning, open your eyes, read this sms and remember that there is a heart in the world that really needs you!

* * *

Honey, do you have a conscience? Then do me a favor, get out of my head...

* * *

I will come to you in a dream... And when you wake up, my hot kisses will still cool on your lips...

* * *

I sent an angel to kiss you good night, but he returned and said that an angel does not kiss an angel!

* * *

Network operator message: "If you do not send sms to your beloved, we will disconnect you!"

* * *

If you were my tear, I would never cry! And do you know why? To never lose you!

* * *

Sun, Good morning! Sending a million wonderful air kisses that create the most wonderful mood. I hug you tightly and kiss you!

* * *

WITH Good morning, Baby! Are you still sleeping? I just wanted to be the sun for you today, and my sms is my first ray, and it is only for you ... I love you!

* * *

You're fickle, I know! But now I realized that it's better to doubt that you love me than to be sure that you don't.

* * *

I want to wake up early in the morning and see how you sleep! Wake up with a gentle kiss and say: “Hi, baby!”

* * *

Darling! I will give my life to fall asleep and wake up in your arms, to feel your strong hands, their warmth ... I will give my life so that it will always be!

* * *

A little sunbeam sat on my shoulder, but you know, my ugly boy, that I love you alone!

* * *

If you see me, don't look. If you look, don't kiss. If you kiss, don't make love to me. If you make love to me, then don't stop.

* * *

I have to confess something to you... I can't hide it from you anymore... I don't want to hurt you, but... You should know that I miss you!!!

* * *

I need you like air and water, without you there is no life, but a waterless desert and airless space ...

* * *

I was born under a lucky star, since I met you, and if I follow her, we will always be together!

* * *

(NAME), my sweet cat, I love you madly! You are the dearest person for me! You are the brightest sun that makes me happy every day!

* * *

Forgive me for everything that happened, forgive me for not loving me, I just didn’t understand then, you loved me, but I didn’t know ...

* * *

There is one world where my soul feels at home... it is the underwater world of your beautiful eyes. Your Ichthyander.

* * *

You are the coolest and most beloved girl in my life! I love you, kiss you.

* * *

One evil goddess was angry with two angels. They were so beautiful that she envied them and threw them to the ground. It seems that I didn’t hurt myself ... And you?

* * *

I believed in Hope, hoped for Vera, met with Love, but fell in love - YOU!

* * *

You are gentle, like a silk loop around your neck, you are sweet, like a dope flower, you are pure, like a whirlpool, my soul!

* * *

I love you so much that I’m ready to get the sun from the sky for you, fill you with hundreds of scarlet roses, and after that do whatever you wish, if you can still wish for something after that.

* * *

Probably, I am your angel, and you are my fiery demon; you are the sea of ​​passion, the volcano of desires, and I am the purity of heaven; you are a dark secret force, a passionate alluring vice, and I am a gentle virgin angel who captivated your greedy gaze.

* * *

I asked God for leaves - he gave me money, I asked God for a drop of water - he gave me the ocean, I asked God for an angel - he gave me you!

* * *

Dear angels! Guard my beloved girl while she sleeps, my little baby! I love her so much! Just be careful, she's so fragile...

* * *

Good night! I kiss you in the eyes, like a prince princess in a children's fairy tale!

* * *

Smile! A smile is the second thing I love for, and the first is you and your lips...

* * *

A bird needs wings, a ship needs a fair wind, I need you!

* * *

My Sunshine! I will stop loving you only when a blind artist paints the sound of a falling rose petal on the crystal floor of a castle that does not exist!

* * *

Go outside on a rainy day, put your palms under the rain, how many drops you catch - this is your love for me. The rest is MINE to YOU.

* * *

My eyes are jealous of you for my heart, because you are always in my heart, but far from my eyes.

* * *

My sun! Thanks to you, I am happy man on the ground! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Let a hundred thousand kisses come to you in a dream. After all, you yourself know very well WHO sends them to you ...

* * *

Love you most, love you most, love you always, love you everywhere, love you above all, love you more life. Yours forever (NAME).

* * *

You are the tender music of my heart, the bird of paradise, the voluptuous and charming muse of love and temptation, the beautiful and sexy goddess of love.

* * *
Everything will be great! Everything will be great!
You are the best - and that's great!
* * *

The swallows miss the sky, the fish miss the water, and at the same time I miss you...

* * *

I will wait for you. Eternity is not a term.

* * *

My love for you grows stronger every minute. My heart is torn to pieces from separation from you. I love you!

* * *

I will burst into your room with autumn coolness, and you will be surprised ... In the darkness of the night I will flutter over my house like a lovely butterfly, I will fly to you, I will bring my tenderness on my wings, like flower pollen, I will drown you in love, like a small boat in raging sea ... After all, I have loved you for so long.

* * *

I catch your eye and feel that I myself got into the network ...

* * *

When people look at the stars, being far from each other, at that moment they are in the same place. Let's meet tonight at midnight near Ursa Major...

* * *

You are harmful as poison, stubborn as a donkey - but still beautiful as an angel!

* * *

You say you love the rain but when it comes you open your umbrella... You say you love the wind but when it blows you turn up your collar... You say you love the sun but when it's hot you take cover into the shadow... That's what I'm afraid of... After all, you say you love me...

* * *

Love is a game of chance in which everyone cheats.

* * *

Love has come - vacation of the mind!

* * *

Love is a bright feeling, but loves darkness very much!

* * *

Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to approach and pluck it on the edge of a terrible abyss.

* * *

Love is like war: easy to start, hard to end, impossible to forget...

* * *

Eternal love happens on earth, only partners sometimes change.

* * *

Love that is not renewed daily turns into a habit, and that, in turn, into slavery.

* * *

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

* * *

Women in love are like death: they are uninvited and do not come when they are called.

* * *

Love can be deservedly called a thief three times - it does not sleep, it is bold and strips people naked.

* * *

In love, the most interesting thing, especially for men, is victory and separation; everything else is rigmarole.

* * *

If pride screams, then love is silent.

* * *

Love is like luck - it doesn't like to be chased.

* * *

Love often takes the mind from those who have it and gives it to those who do not.

Hello sunshine! For a long time I could not decide to write you this letter ... I just did not have the courage to remind you of my existence. Maybe I’m writing to you in vain now, but I can’t stand it anymore ... The fire of my love for you is getting stronger, and it is already starting to burn my heart. I miss and suffer from loneliness ... because you are not around ... because you are so far from me, and I am from you! This distance creates a very big barrier in our relationship... I don't know how to fix it, but I know that my love for you will never subside! I will make my way through these hundreds of kilometers and find you; I'll take you with me!
I'm not sure if you have the same feelings for me as I do for you, but I know that you have not forgotten that summer evening ...

I'm sad again
I'm sad beyond measure
Love burns in me
And for me it burns out of character ...

Warmth and affection I melt
I want to drink all your tenderness,
Now I don't live in paradise
And just from the thought of you I soar into the sky!

Trying to eat, trying to drink
Keeping in my soul your wondrous image,
And it's very difficult to live in the world,
After all, in life I'm so naive ...

You fly here and there
And do not let my dreams come true;
You do not answer my verses,
And it is not possible for my feelings to open up.

Now I've decided:
“Please! Look into me! Open the poet's soul!
I only do this for you
So that you understand and think: “After all, all this is not without reason!” ...

You know, I miss you so much… Recently, something has been happening to me, I am changing and I see these changes myself. Sometimes, it happens get so lonely- at least howl like a wolf. And so you want see you, hug and kiss. Your image swirls before my eyes every fraction of a second; thoughts of you never leave my head. Sometimes, it happens that the whole evening in my head is only ...
Even though we see each other every day, I miss you I miss you so much. I really miss those summer evenings that we had this year; those cold ones spring days that made us tremble in the arms each other. Of course we warmed up. love, but the very feeling of coldness and adoration made me look at the world with different eyes ... Through the eyes of young romantics who want to be always together. We grow up, but this look still remains with us, not trying to leave and leave us. We are changing: we are getting smarter, we are learning to live like adults (although not very well ...). All changes do not pass without leaving a trace, although it may be so implicit, so small, but no less beautiful compared to other changes. Most of them appear with the help of the school, this large and limitless knowledge base, from which sometimes the head already starts to hurt ... And sometimes, because of it, we cannot enjoy each other's hugs… can not hug each other and feel so in love and content... Now school takes much more time than last year. The pressure of knowledge that we must receive is already felt.
I don’t know what will happen next, because every week it becomes more and more difficult, more and more difficult to understand what the teachers “push” into you. But I know for sure that no matter what happens, I will not move away from you, I will not leave and will not let go. I will always be there, I will help in difficult times And cheer up in a sad moment.

Thank you for being you!

Here I am at home ... All the way I walked and could not understand what the feeling warms me from the inside, whose heat envelops me completely. Never have I didn't feel anything like it; so joyful, kind, saturated with the brightest rays of love, adoration and romance. These feelings are still with me. It seems that you feel all of yourself, every part of your body and soul, but something inside is not right ...
There was a new, unusual pure and vibrant feeling in the chest. It does not let you forget this most beautiful evening and it's impossible to forget that. Seemed like a simple evening with my beloved girl behind the monitor screen, but this is not at all the case. The evening was very amazing and excellent. When we lay and watched the movie "50 First Dates", then your love permeated my body, and seeped through every thread of clothing, every tissue of my body and aspired straight to the heart. I felt all your breaths, all fading into the film's intriguing moments. We rejoiced for the heroes of the film, because they are all over in the best way. Even if not by what could happen and upset the whole balance of soulfulness and semi-tragicity of the film ...
This evening I felt new sensations unknown to me filled with the very best in the world. And all because you were there, and you were so beautiful in his usual attire. I would really like you to feel tonight what I felt. And I would like to give you a part of your unearthly feeling and quietly say in your ear: Rysenochek, I LOVE YOU!!!».

Hello! This letter is addressed to you personally, it contains everything that I did not have time to say yesterday, and during these four months too. Therefore, read the letter to the end, there is very little here! I think you will like it very much!

Read: Letter to a Girl

I write you silent secret letters on my palms
Lip prints, heartbeats to the beat of vanilla jazz
A memorial of candles with marvelous aromas of distant foreign countries,
A shaky, ashy phrase hanging like a ghost in the air.

Read: I Write You Silent Secret Letters

Even though I'm around

You feel bad, you hurt. I like to see it, it hurts too, but I like it. Pleasure. Why? Perhaps because all night I thought about you, hated you and loved you, hated because I love you. Your expression of unhappiness on your face, eyes reddened in a wet place, which are about to fail and explode, irrigating your cheeks with their moisture.

Read: Although I'm around

Hello Beloved!

Hello Beloved! I'm immersed in writing again! I will feel closer to you! I will be warm if only because now you are holding what I recently held. Ooh, how I missed you! I have long set myself up for the fact that in the winter we will not be together - it will probably be hard again. Fortunately, there is a webcam - a true friend of those who so want to see someone.

Read: Hello Darling!

Hello sunshine!

Hello sunshine! For a long time I could not decide to write you this letter ... I just did not have the courage to remind you of my existence. Maybe I’m writing to you in vain now, but I can’t stand it anymore ... The fire of my love for you is getting stronger, and it is already starting to burn my heart. I miss and suffer from loneliness ... Because you are not around ... After all, you are so far from me, and I am from you!

Read: Hello sunshine!

Letter to my girlfriend

Hello, my favorite and most unforgettable! I decided to write to you. To confess my love, although, probably, I already do this very often. “I LOVE YOU” seems to be just 3 words that have become so banal in people's lives, so everyday. But still I do not get tired of repeating this to you, that I love you very much.

Read: Letter to my girlfriend

I understand

I get it... but it's too late. I have long wanted to write to you. Let the letter be the slack for all the patience. Well, it's always like this, before you start, before you take a pen with a sheet of paper, there were so many thoughts in my head, and now I don't know where to start. Do you remember how often my mood changed, and with it my views on everything that happened?

Read: I got it

Love letter...

My sweet sweet boy! All the same, mine: in dreams, in dreams, in delirium ... Gentle angel of my heart. So I want to become indifferent to your image and finally calm down ... But the circumstances are laughing at me. Again and again we collide, intersect glances and you, as if being in ignorance, burn me with touches and words, the meaning of which I am afraid to understand.

Hello my dear!
How I miss you, the feeling of lightness and joyful tenderness when we are near. It seems to me that no more cruel test has been invented on Earth than separation and expectation of a meeting. When you sit in the office at the computer, and the soul flies to the Belorussky railway station, and further into the flickering of trees outside the window of the train car, then the green Vyazemsky railway station, some taxi driver, and further, further to you ... to your clear eyes, gentle hands, to your whisper - "I love you ...".
Valera, Valerochka, my dear, kind man, I seem to be wrapped in a veil of happiness, as if everything in the world is possible and there are no barriers to anything. I believe in you, I believe that the power inherent in you by nature will wake up. As a seasoned St. Bernard, you will wake up, shake off all failures and with a confident gait you will change, line and reshape your life at your own discretion. I believe in you, I believe that you will not give up, that you will be strong, stubborn and everyone will understand how wrong you were, how you were underestimated! I really don’t know your idea with Igor, but I’m sure that everything will work out, you just have to believe in yourself, as I do, and you will see how much everything will change. Maybe it is the Lord who sends you a chance to turn your life around 180o. It was not by chance that this happened, because you finally rightfully put on a holy cross, which means that now you have protection and support when it will be difficult to remember that you have me, who prays for you and believes, believes that everything will be good. And doubts will still torment the soul, uncertainty will try to undermine strength, laziness will try to enter into inseparable rights, but please, do not give in, do not bend, do not despair and do not give up your dream. We need to get out, we need to straighten our shoulders, believe in luck and everything will be fine! I love you, I bleed with tenderness for you, I believe in you and I look forward to your successes, like my own holidays. I, a woman, believe, wait and love my only man. It's so simple that you want to laugh and start dancing.
How good it was with you for two nights in Igor's house, you sniffed next to me, but it didn’t bother me, as if it should be so, there was no need to run away, no one could suddenly enter, you sniffle, I wrinkle my nose and grumpily interrupt my snoring (and I laugh in my heart) and rub my cheek against your hand, bury my face in it and calm down, because I feel myself where I have been striving to come for so long. Well, what obscene nonsense I am writing to you! I blush like a schoolgirl and write, I can’t help myself ... You write to me about what you feel, because it’s very important to me, it will support me while circling in this faceless Moscow. Helps deal with sadness. Igor conveyed to you our conversation with him, we agreed on this, we also needed to talk, well, about this at the next meeting. Please, just don’t refuse, don’t doubt and go to the goal, stop drowning in an endless and hopeless swamp. Remember, I said that you have something for which the Lord saved your life and you have not yet paid for his gift. I don’t want you to become like the Naebulkins ... you remember our conversation, I don’t want to remember it again on this sheet. You asked what I found in you? Probably a dormant force that can and should bring you good luck now ... I just believe in you and am happy when you are around.
And I will share with you my little dream. I can imagine how you, smiling and loaded with gifts, come to your daughter, in her eyes bewilderment is replaced by delight, she understands that her “loser dad” is not at all like that, but worthy, successful and happy man, I will wait for you in the car and we will go somewhere where there will be joy, happiness, smiles, reconciliation, where everything will be as it should be. Dear, sweet, gentle, beloved Valerka, take our happiness into your strong hands and do not let go of anything! I want to burn my faith in you on your skin with a red-hot iron so that it grows and never leaves you.
I am waiting for your letters, like a tired traveler in the desert waiting for a sip of water. I hope to see you soon.
(better hide my letters (smile)).

Hello my sunshine.
Well, now autumn has fully come into its own, the trees are decorated with bright outfits, fleeting, but beautiful. It seems that the rain washes the leaves from the trees, covering the ground with a motley carpet. The sun shows up less and less, preferring to hide behind lead clouds. Previously, I perceived autumn as agony, as an untimely end of happiness, but now I think that this is just another step towards something new and good. This is how you and I parted, but a new meeting awaits ahead, which will bring even more joy.
I'm fine, I'm calm. Apparently for my long experiences, fate decided to reward me. For so long, there was some kind of wall of alienation and misunderstanding between me and dad, and lately I even feel spoiled by his attention. I am surprised and rejoice at his desire to see me, to help. Last weekend, he brought me a computer desk, exactly as I dreamed. I don’t have the opportunity to buy the furniture I want, and I managed thanks to my ingenuity and ability to create something like that. I assembled a place for a computer with my own hands, using the most unexpected pieces of furniture for this. And now, I am enjoying the fulfillment of my little dream - the table, as I wanted in the classic style (of light wood), is made in a “corner”, with streamlined edges, two-tiered, cozy to the point of impossibility! I arranged my equipment with love, everything found its place and the scanner and speakers and a large monitor and .... In short, I am very satisfied! This wonderful ensemble was completed - a swivel chair (small and well-fitting), now my mother rides and spins on it like a child, laughing and not wanting to part with it. Pretty fun to watch her. My father promised to bring me two more things - a sofa and a TV. A VCR is built into the TV, only something happened to the video recorder, it will be necessary to show it to the master, the film “chews”. We have one TV, only my mother has occupied it for a long time, she watches her favorite programs, which (here is an amazing oddity) go one after another. Now I can, from time to time, look at something on the box.
But these are all pleasant little things, most importantly, I noticed that the current year is very merciful to me, full of acquisitions and pleasant moments, the most important of which is our new meeting. It is really new, free from everything - from the past, from unnecessary words and clarifications. We are what we are, no better, no worse, we live in our own worlds, but we are gentle and reverent towards each other. I know about my feelings and I don’t want to take any promises and obligations from you at all, I don’t need them. I think that everyone determines his own destiny. To impose one's will, one's desire is impossible and has no meaning. If you love, if you need me, you will decide everything for yourself, you will strive and desire. The same is true for me. If not, then no matter what promises we make to each other, nothing good will come of it. My dear, I don’t know how to describe my feelings for you ... this is not a destructive passion, not recklessness, it is rather a relationship and interweaving of souls. I am really your sister, I understand you, your pain and joy, your anxieties and doubts. All this is clear and close to me, we don’t even need to speak in order to understand each other. I thought that it does not happen, it turned out ... it happens. I will never encroach on your freedom in anything, you and I are the masters of our own destiny. Now my hands are sorting through the keys, and most recently they pierced your hair, gently touched your forehead, cooled your flaming cheeks with coolness, unlived and soothed, poured my strength and peace into you. When there is our new meeting, I will again touch your stubborn head, brush away heaviness, sadness and timelessness, and your hands will again spin me into a warm and sweet pool from which there is neither desire nor strength to escape. At a new meeting ... you just have to wait, this is the most difficult thing, but to be honest, the long-awaited end comes to waiting. Wait?
If Igor is still in the village by the time you receive this letter, give him my best wishes for a speedy recovery. I'm worried about him, I think it would be better for him to see the doctors. Why don’t you men take care of yourself like that, give us women so much trouble and worries?! Lena is also worried about Igor, she was very sad and insists that he go to the doctors and undergo an examination. We need to make sure that internal organs didn't get hurt. We regret that we are not able to help you at this difficult moment, but we are forced to earn a living, we have no one to rely on, no one will feed our families for us and will not solve problems. We are our own "man's shoulder". Therefore, we have no right to neglect work and come to you, to look after Igor. But this does not speak of our indifference and ingratitude, as you might think. Valer, you are older and wiser, bring this to Igor, say that we are going through, waiting for good news and regret our circumstances.
Finishing letters is always difficult. You think about what is left unsaid, and not everything can be said in words. My friend Masha, lamenting her own love failures, blames me when I try to console her - “Yes-ah, everything is fine with Valera, you love each other! Not like we have ... my love is unrequited! So what can I say to her? I’m also not sure of anything, we had Lisa, there were three years of silence, you refused me, I put up with it and tried to start life anew. How much was there! Is it possible to be sure? Feel that everything will be exactly as you want, and not otherwise? Some kind of Lisa may appear again, anything can happen ... there may be endless happiness, or maybe the pain of final loss. Well, who here dares to guess. In love, everything turns out when there is a desire of two people to be happy, when each one applies his own strength and aspiration to this. Therefore, I do not require obligations, I do not ask for anything, I do not expect anything. I am tired of drinking from the cup of pain and disappointment, I have no strength left for this. I’m just ready to support a person dear to me in everything or quietly leave if I realize that he doesn’t need him, as he says. I released myself and you like two birds to freedom, we can fly to each other, or we can turn off the path ...
A little sadly I end this letter. I only ask you - do not give up my dear, do not give up, do not succumb to weakness and take care of yourself.
Kiss, hug you.

Hello Darling!
I can't even believe that I can write to you again. How long ago, it seems to me, I wrote to you and waited for your response letters. Sometimes I think that this is the way it should be, as natural as breathing air ... but at the same time it is so difficult, it is difficult to wait and not be able to feel that we are near, that just reach out ... and it will be warm, tender . You are so harsh, so mysterious in your feelings and thoughts. I know that you do not tell me everything that lies on your heart. Maybe you don't trust, or maybe you can't come to terms with yourself. Here, at my leisure, I was thinking about the very concept of “love”, what is it? What is its essence and how to exist, carrying it in your soul? I came to only one conclusion - there is no universal definition, there is only strictly individual approach . Without further ado, I will say that everyone has their own feeling and understanding of this feeling. It is difficult for oneself to define - what you experience is love. How many doubts, attempts to drive away "excessive" emotions from oneself. I know that I am afraid of this feeling, I am trying to control it, to prevent it from winning over me. Maybe because she got older, gained some experience, having survived one loss after another. What have I become? I remember what a pure, naive, embracing feeling I experienced before. It seemed to me that in the world, my world, there would be no place for pain and betrayal. I did not know how to betray and it seemed to me that others would not do this to me. She suffered a lot from her gullibility and open soul, she licked her wounds for a long time. And now I stand again on the threshold of testing my heart. Valerochka, can you understand me, my dear? It seems to me that you are stronger than me, because you know how to control your feelings. I think when you love recklessly, you are ready for a lot for your beloved, you live with one thought - how to make it so that you are close? Igor once said a wise thing - for happiness, two people need to strive for him. So what's right? Let go of the situation and watch the passage of time from the side or make every effort to remove all obstacles? What is right? I don't know. And it is not yet clear whether this feeling is worth risking heart and soul again. I really don't know - do you love me? I feel good for you when I'm around, but how many doubts torment your heart! You are in some world inaccessible to me, in yourself, perhaps in your past, which you don’t want to let go of yourself. So what am I to you? Who are you to me? Remembering us when we were together, I think about the indescribable feeling of harmony and peace that I experienced while enjoying it. Everything was natural, your touches, my response to them, only your gaze sometimes betrayed detachment and self-absorption. What were you thinking, honey? What was so painful and dear to you? Once you gave me a gift that I did not expect, spoke to me on the phone not as coldly and detachedly as usual, but with love and warmth. Is it because no one was around? I noticed that you are ashamed of your feelings for me in front of others. Or is this silence of yours making me doubt? You know, women are so disgustingly arranged that they want to hear words of love from a dear person. Therefore, I am so looking forward to your letters, on paper you can not be shy and allow yourself to say anything, well, if you have something to say, of course.
I am afraid of this letter, afraid of my frankness, because we were given so little time to get to know each other. I know that there is nothing stronger than us when we are around, but no one will hurt us more than we do. You are my weak spot and I don't know how to protect it.

Hi, darling.
You know, I wrote letters, but I couldn’t send them, I’ll just get myself together, but something is already changing. For example, I wanted to write that I dream of a cozy computer table, well, which is a corner, bunk, but I already have it ... and exactly the way I dreamed. Here I somehow reproached my mother that she occupied the TV and only watches what she wants, not taking into account my addictions (rarely, but we have such picks). And here you are… dad brought me a TV, even though the small and built-in video recorder in it doesn’t make a fuss for some reason, but it still shows! In general, I noticed that this year I was lucky. Various desires are fulfilled, both larger and smaller, but in general, for some reason, the year is considered bad. he is "high".
At work, everything is still the same, constant trips, however, even more trips than before, I will soon know Moscow, as it should be for a Muscovite. And then I have been in it (the capital) for 25 years, but I know less than a migratory tourist. I don’t like to ride the subway, it’s not about claustrophobia or other nonsense, I don’t have any phobias (any fears), it’s just that I’m elementary stuffy and even crushed. Well, at least I get to work by land transport - autotrol (that's how I call the bus and trolleybus in one word). In general, this is my third place of work, but I have never traveled to work via the metro.
Mom didn’t go anywhere on vacation, she spent her free days at home. Valerie, I was worried about her, what is happening to her eyesight?! She feels so insecure on the street! She began to fall because she did not see potholes or something else. She has to cross a busy road twice a day, a constant risk in her condition. You see, I'm not discouraged, I'm just probably a little tired. Okay, those are my problems.
Zhenya completely lost her fear and conscience, became completely insolent, blossomed, etc. and so on.! How else can I express my degree of indignation at the fact that in all this time she has not written a single letter?! No one!! My mind boils indignant! I could have put my cavaliers in for one evening and wrote. I hope she hiccups there at least when I remember her.
What's going on with Igor? Maybe he is already in Moscow, but we still consider him a "Debrev landmark"?! If you have it, then I would like to know whether to help the newly-baked unemployed to look for work, or did he decide to give up worldly fuss? Without any jokes, we are worried about him, it is we, each in its own way, but both.
How is your mother? How does she feel? When I was in the village, I hardly spoke to her, so I just say hello and that's it. I was just embarrassed, afraid that she would judge me for our night walks. Well, if I did, I would be right. I also feel that she does not really approve of our relationship, this is understandable, I do not live in a neighboring village ... They are wise older people, they know what can hurt their children. Only, you know, you can’t command the heart, and sometimes there is nothing sweeter than pain.
Now, if you asked me which moment of your relationship with Valera is the brightest, the most memorable for you, which delivered the most positive emotions .... I would answer without hesitation - the moment when I woke up next to him, opened my eyes and watched the curtain on the window sway from a light draft, and my head lay on his shoulder and it was so comfortable and I didn’t want to go anywhere. Probably for last years my soul suffered so much that the highest state of happiness for me is peace, harmony, tenderness, and when thoughts are so playful, sparkling.
By the way, when would you like to write to me? Or are you waiting for me to get angry and come to carry out the execution? As they say - by the ear and into the sun!? True, it’s problematic with the sun now, but then on a cloud ... Valerka, have at least something like a conscience ... write a letter! Are you lazy? I, too, can be lazy in this regard, but I have not yet forgotten how to defeat laziness either. Aushechki! Valery, Aushechki!
We have another flu epidemic sneaking along the numerous streets of Moscow with an inaudible tread. Epidemics are the scourge of cities and towns. Influenza is a seasonal scourge, the most brutal in autumn and spring, no matter how much you get vaccinated here - it’s one-figure, you still choke on snot and sit on sick leave, I soon think I will also catch this entertainment. I drink something for prevention, I vytsiganivayut a delay, so to speak. My papa has already caught the flu-like entertainment, and as they say, we are waiting, sir.
Lena is now studying, taking exams, working. She practically never happens at home, so we rarely call each other, and we met quite a long time ago. She told me that if I write to you, say hello from her, I will do it with joy.
I am waiting for letters from you, we need to try not to break the thin thread that surprisingly connected us three years ago.
I kiss you, hug you, remember.

Hello, my dear Valerka!
How much time has passed since the moment we parted at the crossroads? If it were not for Igor sitting next to me, I would definitely burst into tears. I was with you all the way home. In general, I often think about you, I remember our summer. A year ago, I did not even imagine that I could feel happy next to you again. It seemed to me that the past could not be returned, but apparently they made an exception for us from this unshakable rule! We have succeeded in something that has rarely been possible for anyone else - to return the happy moments of the past and relive them again, even a little more vividly than before. HM! I thought… each of our new meetings is more emotional than the previous one…. Wondering how we'll meet again? What are we going to do then!? I'm really sorry for Igor's broken car, it was simply irreplaceable in some matters, especially if there was a large bouquet of flowers!
Yes, I missed you a lot. But an amazing thing is happening ... I began to feel you from a distance. I know that there will certainly be a meeting. You may be far away now, and time must still pass, but we will certainly meet again, you just need to believe in it and wait, that's the only way.
Why don't you write to me at all? Only one letter at all time, you need to keep this promise, do not disappoint me.
What was going on all this time with Igor? Can you at least write it to me? His behavior remains a mystery to me. Only one thing comes to mind - he probably has some serious problems in Moscow. It looks like he is hiding from someone ... Agree, it's strange when he, having got into a terrible accident, instead of asking for help from friends and coming to Moscow for examination and full treatment in the hospital, instead of all this he lies like a bear in a lair in a poorly heated house, with a lack of qualified doctors and medicines. It is not clear what he is lying there, but an adult understands what he is playing with. However, you probably became closer friends during this time, I only ask you, let it not be a moonshine friendship, but a real strong masculine one, such as it should be. I'm afraid that Igor will fall into depression and begin to heal her with moonshine, and you, as a friend, will not be able to refuse him. Don't pout that I'm grumbling, just a little, you need it for prevention, you know, I'm worried about you. I don’t know how to swear, but I can grumble a little ... why not ?!
Well, again, a good mood and I will say again that I miss you, that I remember and want to see you as soon as possible. I want to say that time has wings and it can fly by unnoticed. December is already flying by. The first winter horse from the white cold trio. We will soon meet the new year, wish ourselves happiness and the fulfillment of all desires! The most beautiful holiday, the most long-awaited and solemn, my favorite holiday. And then we will wait for a unique, new and amazing spring every year. What will you make a wish for the new year? Yes, we will wait, because it means to hope. What is a man without hope?!
I hug you and kiss you on both cheeks, I really look forward to letters from you in which you will tell me about what is on your mind. Letters are like hands, while they go to meet each other, everything can be said and asked, everything can be understood.
Kiss you gently again

I miss….

I miss you so much, my dear Valerka.

I miss you so much, your warmth and your eyes, into which I could look for hours ...
I don't know why time passes so slowly, clinging to the heart with its sharp edges? How many more days and months will it hurt?!
My dear, how I want to reach out and touch your warm palm, cool cheek, just to make sure that you are. This is truly a dual feeling - I blame Fate for the fact that she is so tormented by endless separation, torments her memory, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for what I experienced with you, for the fact that there is hope in my heart for a new meeting and happiness.
So we met the year 2005! Four months we did not see each other, just think, four months! And it seems like half a lifetime. New Year I met together with my mother, Lena was supposed to come, but on the last day she managed to slip away to Kazan with her mother, and although she returned to Moscow on January 6, we still haven’t seen each other, only on the phone a couple of times chatted. Igor does not call her, I know for sure that she was seriously offended by him, well, yes, this is their business, or rather, his. It seems that he did not have serious feelings for her, which is a pity, maybe something worthwhile would have come out of this.
You men, probably sometimes unable to understand the logic of women, doubt that we have it at all, but we also sometimes puzzle over men's actions and thoughts. Let's say I wanted to hear words of love from you on the phone, and you were rather stingy with words. I, as a woman, take offense, and you, as a man, considered this normal. Nothing seemed to happen, but a shadow fell on my heart. Only it’s embarrassing to talk about such an insult, you think: “Here, I’ll say it, and he will laugh!” It seems to me that it is necessary to speak, only then can peace and love be preserved. But this, you understand, is my female logic. Well, we digress...
It is a pity that you could not come to Moscow for new year holidays. I had as many as eleven free days, we could be together, I would show you my favorite streets, places where I like to visit. Well, well, now, I did not believe that you would come. Of course, in my romantic soul, I imagined that you, like a prince, would saddle Sivka-burka and ride with a sword on your head to save me from stone imprisonment! I have always been revered as a visionary and dreamer

My joy, my dear man, I miss you so much, I so want to feel your warmth! I'm freezing in this endless winter It seems to me that I am dissolving in space, plunging into the icy fog of nothingness. My gaze wanders over the gray, faceless things that surround me. It is impossible to be difficult to live away from you, to know that you are and not be able to feel, touch you. How difficult it is to humble your feelings, it's like a forced struggle with the elements. How to face the tsunami and hope to stop the wave with your hands. Our days, days for two, flash before our inner gaze like frames of a film. We lived them together and were happy. Now this past happiness prevents you from breathing, prevents you from feeling the usual peace. You can choke on feeling, you can cry just from the thought that there was happiness. Was. If something happens to you or me, if I never see you again, if (even to think so scary) we are not allowed to feel each other again ... No, my dear, this should not happen, I believe, the blizzards will subside , the earth will wake up again, flowers will bloom and you will certainly give them to me and I will lovingly accept them from your hands. So it will be! Be strong, dear, be my knight, the best and even the most distant, but the most dear.

Hello Valera.
As promised I am writing you a letter. I do not know when you will receive it, how long it will take until it is on the way. Everything is fine with me, I went back to work, they greeted me joyfully and of course I was very pleased. March is ending now, but it’s still frosty outside and an icy wind is blowing, when will it finally the long-awaited will come warm?!
It so happened that with Valentine I could not give you a letter, there was no time to write it, but as you can see, I am improving. Six months have already passed since we parted again, time stretches endlessly, then flies like a spur. I can’t even believe that only two months will pass and summer will come. It is not yet clear when I will have a vacation. And there were difficulties with a possible arrival next summer in the village. Galina is not in the mood to receive guests this year, she has a completely understandable desire to take a break from endless hospitality. So I don’t know what to do, if everything goes like this, where should I come? Zhenya will most likely arrive in August, because she now has a lot of worries about her studies. I probably will also go on vacation in August, but this has not yet been finally decided. My mother is sick now, her health is poor, she was very nervous when I got to the hospital. The worst thing in the world is the fear of losing a child. My poor mother, she's been through so much with me! But now everything is in order with me, I recovered much earlier than the doctors expected. But this is a sad topic, and we need not be sad.
I'm glad that you will have the opportunity to earn some money with Valentin, and it's boring to sit at home without work, as you only endure it. Although, you have a household and worries with it above the roof, but work is, first of all, communication with people, material reward. How is your new puppy doing? After your frightening stories about how you tell him to deal with me when I arrive, it becomes scary, who are you raising there, wolfhound ?! Afraid! There you have already severe dogs, and here is another real threat! I'm kidding, I'm kidding!
I told you the truth on the phone, I really don't feel your love. Somehow everything is dry, no heat from you or good word. I don't know what I did to deserve this from you? Maybe people were telling the truth about your sweetheart, Lizaveta? Again stretched out her hands to you? Oh, and I will correct her hairstyle when she catches my eye! Or maybe not, if you have love there, so what am I going to start, because the main thing for me is that you be happy. God gave such an experience - to love a person who not only is a hundred miles away, but also does not love in return! Or loves, but hides it so carefully that you don’t even guess! Do not be angry, Valerka, I am writing this because I love you and it hurts not to see love in return. Unfortunately, we are girls, this is how we are arranged, we need to feel loved, otherwise it’s impossible - stupid thoughts climb into our heads, which you men are offended by.
Okay, this topic should be closed, even if you don’t understand what’s in my soul right now, it’s okay, distance heals, if not all diseases of the soul, then many. I love you, I don’t know why and why I need it, but I just love you with all my heart. I look forward to seeing and feeling you next to me. When we are together everything is so simple and clear that no words are needed.
Have I already sent you greetings from Zhenya? Just in case, I'll send it again. From my Lenka, too, a huge, very big hello!
Well, that’s probably all, the most important thing has been said, even if not everything turned out to be pleasant, but don’t be angry with me, no one else will call you a piglet with such tenderness as I do.
Greetings from me to your mother and wishing good health, help her and protect her.
I kiss you tenderly, hug you (sorry, only on paper) and miss you very much.

This was not the last letter, it was 1 year before our breakup.

Give your loved one a letter tender words will turn into gentle lines with a kind and gentle meaning, with love and respect, with a rainbow of feelings and emotions...

Imagine that you fell in love (very much!) with a man who lives, unfortunately, far from you. You love him for a long time. But you no longer have any strength to hide your love for him. Describe what you feel in writing. You will feel better. He is more comfortable. Love - do not pay attention to the kilometers separating you! On the contrary, let him understand that kilometers are nonsense, the main thing is feelings!

Write to your loved one

The kind that makes his heart melt. Do you doubt what he needs? You are afraid that he will not reciprocate. Do not be afraid. You write!

Do not spread any negativity on the lines. Try to avoid it, no matter how hard it is for you. Soak the whole letter with kindness, tenderness and good mood.

An example of a gentle and kind letter for a loved one

My beloved and affectionate angel! Night. I know that you are already sleeping. And I write because I want you to learn a lot. Even what you already know...

I love you sweetheart! You are unaware of these feelings. Maybe you can guess. You and I are very close friends. You are closer than a friend. This is exactly what I told you. Sorry for repeating myself again.

We never saw each other

We've never met in real life, but I'm looking forward to the day you arrive. Just over a month left to wait. But I will wait for you, my happiness. We agreed that we would leave everything as it is. I will not insist on something, I will not demand anything. It's important to me that we see each other. You know how I look forward to this….

We make fun when we correspond on the topic of love. I try not to show my feelings. I'll tell you what I love when we meet. How do you answer, I don't know. But the main thing is that I will open up to you. Now I'm afraid...

Kitten, you are the very best .... I'm so scared. That you'll find another while we're apart. You once went to the Vkontakte website. It was summer night. But I know that at this time you are sleeping.

I had two versions:

  • First: “He is not alone. Some girl climbs on his page.
  • Second: “He went online to see if I was there or not. At the same time, admire my photographs ”….

The second one came later. It's always like that: first the bad comes to mind. Jealousy. How she annoys me! I didn't think she'd get into me. And she moved in and does not let go. Will he let go?

About the past

You know I broke up with my boyfriend. And you applied for his place. He called me yesterday. And I also told you about this, because I have no secrets from you. Our mutual friends say that he wants to return to me. And you found out about it. Sadly, without a smiley, you asked: “What are you?”. I thought for a long time how to answer so that you understand everything correctly. And I answered like this: “Most of all I want to meet you. If I go back to him, a lot can change.” You did not answer me for half an hour, which seemed to me an eternity .... Do you remember what you answered? You replied: "Hmm ...". I don't know how to interpret it... That's why I had to say that I was joking again. I polish all the words so as not to offend or offend you.

About future

My dear, you are very, very dear to me. If I lose you, my life will end. And I want to spend it with you! I want to erase all boundaries of friendship…. All! Until one! I want only friendship between us - love.

I so dream of dialing your number, but yesterday you dropped your cell phone. He does not work. This is sad. I don't know the home number. I asked him, but you didn't write. Apparently he was afraid that I would often call you? - Kidding!

I love you! I love my dear boy. Let's be together forever? It's so sad and bad without you. All my friends see how "gray" I am when I'm not talking to you on the Internet or on my mobile. Give me a rainbow, please. My rainbow is you and your feelings for me….

I dream not to let you go…. I want your touches, your caresses, your kisses .... Do you know how I imagined our first meeting? You call me from the station, say that you have arrived and wait for me at the entrance. I run out of the vestibule doors, call the elevator .... You are in the elevator. You come out of it, take me in your arms and kiss me sweetly.


I forgot that we are not dating, but friends. How I wish it was different. I love it when you call me angel.... I will put it soon new status“Vkontakte”: “I work as a personal angel for my closest friend. I'm not going to quit." I'm so tired of virtual communication. The sun is my favorite, come soon. I don't claim much. I just want to see you. I promise that I will hold back all the impulses of passion that live in me for you. I promise that I will kiss you on the cheek, as we agreed. I will fulfill everything that I promised you, my beloved sun.

Patience running out

I am ready to rush to you now, my happiness. I can't stand it, I'll buy a train ticket, and I'll come to you. There are five hundred kilometers between us. These are huge little things. It is a pity that there is a distance between us at all. But we will overcome it, my love!

I am writing this letter knowing that everything in it is sincere and beautiful. Everything is dedicated only to you, my extraordinary dream. Yes, by the way, about the dream .... I remembered something.... We spoke on the mobile. I wished you good night. And you hinted that I dreamed about you. My dear, I really want to dream about you every night! I want to fall asleep next to and wake up .... I'm sorry I want so much. But I have the right to tell you everything as it is.

You are the man of my dreams

Yes, we have not seen each other in life, but I fell in love with you so much .... I resisted my feeling, choosing not to believe in it. But love is very strong. She defeated me, burst out of her chest, flew into every line of this letter .... Love you…. Forgive me for that, if you can…. Just know, remember that you are the only one for me.

I am without you - a drop of dew, a rain on the glass, a grain of sand on the coast .... Be with me, my angel! I will be able to give you unearthly happiness. I need only one chance to carry out such a plan.

My love is real

You will understand that I am not lying if we are together. I need you…. More than air. You are my life. Because I love you madly. Anyone who fell in love on the Internet will be able to understand me.

I'm waiting for you, my bunny. You call me that too... And I am so pleased, so good from this. I am your sunny bunny that protects and loves you.

Continuation. . .

Everything gentle, pleasant - to a loved one