Presentation of the developing environment in kindergarten. Presentation of the subject-developing environment in the middle group. with pull-out table

Pelmeneva Albina
Presentation "The subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard"

I invite you to view my new presentations on the subject-developing environment and methodological equipment of the favorite group "The Scarlet Flower". Where is good natural, a comfortable and cozy environment for children, with different game materials, in which it is possible to simultaneously include all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activities. We all know that subject-developing environment is one of the main components of successful work. So we tried to make our children develop and enjoy every day spent in kindergarten. The subject-developing environment is organized as follows so that each child has the opportunity to freely do what they love, actively implement their game ideas, because the game strengthens friendly relations between children even better. All available game centers in the group allow you to create conditions for creative activity children, the development of fantasy and a deeper formation of gaming skills. Form and design items focused on the safety and age of children. Under any circumstances object world surrounding the child must be updated, adapting to neoplasms certain age. Thus, saturated subject- developing educational environment is the main means formation of the personality of the child and is the source of his knowledge and social experience. But most importantly, it should work for the development of independence and initiative of the child.

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Creation of a subject-developing environment for a preschool educational institution

Machulina T.N. - senior educator of MADOU No. 18 "Ladushki" of the city of Gaya, Orenburg region
Target: To acquaint with the subject-developing environment in our kindergarten and get an assessment of colleagues on the site.
Description: This publication presents the experience of the teachers of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 18 "Ladushki" in creating a subject-developing environment, which reveals the content of the subject environment, taking into account the four directions of the child's development.
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The subject-developing environment in MBDOU Kindergarten No. 18 "Ladushki" is equipped taking into account the age characteristics of the child.
All elements of the environment are interconnected in content and artistic solution. Furniture corresponds to the height and age of children, toys - provide the maximum developmental effect for a given age.
The subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution corresponds to the content of the educational process, meets the interests and needs of children, promotes comprehensive development, ensures their mental and emotional well-being.
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To organize the process of introduction of federal state educational standard preschool education The following steps have already been taken in our DOW:
1. The choice of a priority direction has been made.
2. A section has been created on the website of the preschool educational institution "FSES of preschool education" and is updated with information.
3. A plan has been developed - a schedule for the implementation of GEF DO at the level of preschool educational institutions.
4. Created working group on the implementation of GEF DO.
5. An analysis of the subject-developing environment was carried out.
6. Organized methodological support for teachers.
7. A plan is being developed to monitor the implementation of changes in the educational system of the kindergarten (monthly operational control is planned, taking into account the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the program; thematic control: “Organization educational activities with children in the current conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, a survey of teachers: “Identification of professional difficulties of teachers during the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education”).
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All organizational work on the implementation of the GEF DO was based, first of all, on the priority direction of the DO. The priority direction of preschool educational institution No. 18 is the social and personal development of children. This choice was not accidental, since the development environment of our preschool educational institution allows us to fully implement the Federal State Educational Standard for Social and Personal Development. In our kindergarten, maximum conditions have been created for the social and personal development of children. Pupils have developed social skills, this can be seen from the results of the final monitoring, and they also show nice results in contests and competitions. Work in the social and personal direction is carried out in close contact with parents and many joint events are held. Highly qualified teachers and specialists work in the garden. And the proof of all this is that only in the last year the treasury of our achievements has significantly increased, not counting the previous years.
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All this is facilitated by the developing environment of our kindergarten. Taking into account the requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO and ensuring the maximum implementation of the educational space and materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children, we began to consider the organization of the educational space from the corridors of the kindergarten. As "the theater begins with a hanger", so the developing environment of our kindergarten, in particular in terms of social and personal development, begins with the design of the corridor. Stands located in the corridor on the ground floor contain information on labor protection, fire safety in Dow, our victories and achievements, and catering. There is also a production and trade union corner.
We have decorated stands near the medical office, where information for parents is constantly updated and changed: doctor's advice, health corner, children's infections. It is important for parents to know the issues of fortification of children, how childhood diseases proceed, what preventive measures they can accept.
On the second floor of the kindergarten there is a photo booth reflecting the regime moments in the kindergarten, an information booth and a booth where exhibitions of children's works are held. These works delight not only children and parents, but also guests of our kindergarten!
The gym in the preschool educational institution is equipped to provide a sufficient level of physical activity for children. The sports hall is equipped with sports equipment: climbing arches, balls of various shapes, hoops, jump ropes, ribbed walking paths, climbing tubes and an individual sports complex.
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The atmosphere of the music hall is conducive to active musical and creative activity. The kindergarten has created the maximum conditions for the musical development of children.
For the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the developing subject-spatial environment must be rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. Which is what we are trying to comply with. The group space is organized in the form of delimited zones equipped with developing material. All items are accessible to children. The equipment of activity centers changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process. The group rooms provide space for independent physical activity of children, which allows preschoolers to choose interesting activities for themselves, alternate toys and manuals during the day.
13 slide There are well-designed reception areas in all age groups, which reflect work with parents. The reception has a lot of useful, necessary, educational information for parents and children. Parents, taking their child home from kindergarten every day, should see the “products of labor” of their children, evaluate their efforts, draw their own conclusions, etc. etc. For this purpose, the corners "Little Artists", "Our Works", etc. have been created, where we place the artworks of children. There are also stands that highlight the life of the group.
All groups have different centers such as
14 slide game center
15slide book center
16slide Security Center
17slide Center for Moral and Patriotic Education
18slide Center for Physical Development
19slide nature center
20slide Visual Activity Center
21slide Sensory Center
22slide Theater and dressage center
23slide Center for Musical Development
24slide Training Center
To optimize the motor activity of children, we actively use sleeping areas during the period of wakefulness of children, because in our kindergarten 7 groups do not have separate bedrooms. According to the SanPins, the use of retractable sliding beds is allowed, so in the group we have such three-tier beds and thus there is additional space for children to play games or games using additional large equipment.
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For the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, psychological and pedagogical conditions must be provided, and one of them is the creation of a psychological office in our dow
Another important point that I would like to dwell on is the opening of a speech center in our kindergarten, since the purpose of its creation solves one of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education - ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation , language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities).
In our kindergarten, conditions have been created for therapeutic and preventive and physical culture and health-improving work:
The medical block is equipped with the necessary medical instruments and the necessary set of medicines. Each group has a first aid kit. emergency care. All groups have health sheets with doctor's recommendations. Every month, an analysis of the incidence and attendance of pupils is carried out. In spring and autumn, children's health status is monitored, diagnoses and health groups are specified.
The medical block is represented by the following set of rooms:
1. Medical examination room (examination of children, work with documentation, workplace nurse and doctor); 2. Treatment room (medical manipulations and first aid first aid, processing of instruments, storage of medicines, medicines); 3. Insulator
29slide methodical office
Methodical office-piggy bank of the traditions of a preschool institution. All its content is aimed at helping educators in organizing the educational process, improving pedagogical skills, interacting with parents and just in everyday activities: preparing for the working day, pedagogical council, etc.
Despite the fact that the developing object-spatial environment of our institution, as it were, complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, there are also drawbacks, in our dow there are areas for children to walk in a deplorable state, there are no soft modular outdoor overall games, small-sized game labyrinths with a dry pool and hill, psychological zones of solitude and there is not enough methodological literature, so in the future we still have a lot of work to do.

Presentation on the topic:

"The subject-developing environment in kindergarten"

The presentation shows separate areas where children can spend their time.

Slides captions:

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Subject-developing environment, middle group.

The presentation was made by: educator Provin Zh.A.

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book center , the content of which corresponds age characteristics children of this age, implemented in preschool educational program. It contains books with works of art by children's writers, fairy tales. The main principle of selection is a minimum of text, a maximum of illustrations.

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"Demonstration Center"

In the center there are subject and plot pictures based on lexical topics: furniture, tools, clothing, toys, household appliances, professions, etc.

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Center for Creativity the most well-lit place in the group is assigned. Early age is most favorable for the development of visual and creative activity. Here, children draw, sculpt, and perform applique work in their free time. Therefore, in the creative corner there are pencil sets, stencils, drawing paper, coloring books, gouache and brushes, water jars, scissors, colored paper, plasticine.

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ATmusic center children develop their aesthetic taste, exercise their musical abilities, which give children many joyful moments.

There are musical instruments here: tambourines, rattles, bells, rattles, whistles, musical hammers, pianos, etc., which give children many joyful moments, develop phonemic hearing and a sense of rhythm.

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theater center , in which children play not only in the plot - role-playing games, but also in director's games and dramatization games.

We introduce our pupils to various types of theater so that each child can choose exactly the theater that is closest and most convenient to him. Therefore, different types of theaters are concentrated here: pictures (plot and subject), table theater, finger theater and puppets. Meeting with heroes from fairy tales helps children to relax, relieve tension, create a joyful atmosphere.

Playing theater, children unite interesting idea show unexpected facets of their character. Children are happy to participate in productions and are happy to act as directors and spectators.

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Game center for girls "Kitchen", where there are kitchen utensils, tableware and tea utensils, household appliances. They bring joy and pleasure to children, form an idea of ​​the world around them.

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Game center "Living room", where there is a crib, a sofa, strollers, dolls, toys for dolls, a designer for making tables, chairs.

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Game center "Beauty salon". The center is equipped with various equipment: a mirror, combs, bottles, shampoos, balms, creams, hairpins, a hair dryer, a cape, curlers, curling irons, a mannequin.

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Game center "Shop". This center is equipped with a variety of materials: a showcase, a counter, replicas of vegetables and fruits, tea jars, fish products, dairy products, baskets, a trolley.

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Game center "Hospital".

The center has bathrobes, hats, a pencil and paper for prescriptions, a phonendoscope, a tonometer, a thermometer, cotton wool, a bandage, tweezers, scissors, a sponge, a syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

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Game center for boys. This center has everything necessary for the development of boys: cars and trucks, working tools, soldiers.

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Design Center.

Constructive activity has a positive effect on the formation of children's play activities, since, by constructing buildings from different building materials, they create something new, select the right material for their construction, plan their actions, replenish knowledge about the shape, size, color and location of objects in space, coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades.

In the center there are different types of constructors, "Lego", wooden cubes, large soft cubes.

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Center for developing games. The center is aimed at the development of speech, sensory perception, fine motor skills, imagination. Board games available different kinds puzzles, bingo, inserts of various shapes, lacing toys of various types, various types of mosaics.

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health center - a fun place in the group. It is very popular among children, because it fulfills the children's need for physical activity. Here children can do physical education. In the center there are pins, balls of different sizes, a set of plastic balls, hoops.

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Experiment Center.

Designed for cognitive and research activities of children. It contains kits for experimenting with water, sand, natural material, items from various materials"Sinks-does not sink", sugar, salt and so on. There is also visual material: illustrations of animals, birds, fish, insects, plants; series of pictures "parts of the day", "seasons".

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Center "Rules of the road".

Designed to prevent child road traffic injuries - the problem of our entire society, educating children correct behavior on the roads, the formation of skills in children safe behavior on the roads.

It presents attributes for role-playing games with a road theme, visual and illustrative material (illustrations: transport, traffic lights, road signs; plot pictures with problematic road situations); Toolkit for teaching children traffic rules (road layout); constructors; children's fiction, drawings.

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Thank you for your attention!

Zhanna Varydina

MBDOU No. 229 "Kindergarten of a combined type" of the city of Kemerovo.

One of the important conditions for upbringing and educational work in a preschool institution is the correct organization of the subject-developing subject environment. A developing environment should be understood as a natural, comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, saturated with a variety of sensory stimuli and game materials. In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously include all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activity.

Rainbow program

Organization of a subject-developing environment in the middle group

Rainbow program

game center

Allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of gaming ideas, the development of friendly relationships between children.

In the fifth year of life, a high interest in the role-playing game is shown.

The child of the middle group, as well as junior preschooler, likes to repeatedly repeat favorite game actions and plots. The plots of games at this age are simple and related to the child's experience: family, shop, kindergarten and others.

"Corner of disguise":

suits, skirts, sundresses, shirts, jewelry, scarves, scarves, hats, ribbons, wigs, etc.

In the group, it is necessary to have a mirror where the child can see his transformation.

"Box of Wonderful Things":

phones, cameras, flash drives, cassettes, reels, glasses, sticks, etc. All this will find its application in the game and will contribute to the development of game ideas and creativity

Games with rules

Center for Cognitive - Speech Development

In middle age, the cognitive activity of preschoolers increases, interest in the world around them awakens. Help with this can:

Educational and developing games;

Materials related to objects for research, in the course of actions with which children can acquaint with their properties and learn different ways ordering.

Collection creation:

Herbarium (theme: "Golden Autumn");

Collection "Seeds" (theme: "Vegetables-Fruits");

Collection "Fabrics" (theme: "Clothes");

Collection "Buttons";

Collection "Paper";

Stones, sea and river shells;

Wrappers, postcards, stamps, calendars, etc.

The creation of collections is planned according to thematic planning or themed days.

To introduce children to different labor activity people during the year the album "All works are good" is created.

7 slide. To create complete systems of children's ideas about the world, to get acquainted with individual representatives of the plant and animal world, game animated characters are introduced.


Acquaintance with Leaflets (creation of a collage "Magic Forest for Leaflets");

Making " precious stones”, “treasures”;

Creation of the Mountain of Gems;

Making a house for leaflets

Math Corner

Corner of nature

Mini-center "Sand-Water"

Sand and water activities are very useful for children. Children love to touch the sand and sprinkle it with their pens and scoops. With what joy they splash in the water. It has a beneficial effect on the psyche, calms, creates a peaceful mood, extinguishes negative emotions. Playing with sand and water, children learn the world, get acquainted with the properties of substances, learn patience and diligence. Playing with water and sand helps develop fine motor skills.

To play with sand, you will need: buckets, scoops, rakes, a sieve, various small toys (fish, boats, etc.)

For games with water you will need: the game "Fishing" rubber and plastic toys, different containers (watering cans, funnels, cups, etc.)

Corner according to traffic rules

book corner

Center for Art and Aesthetic Development

contributes to the formation of the creative potential of children, the development of interest in art, the formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, activity. Here, children spend a lot of time drawing, creating crafts from plasticine, cutting out paper, etc. d.

Didactic albums "I'll do it myself" for independent activities in manual labor and drawing. Manuals-albums will help to find samples of drawings, crafts from natural, waste material, develop the imagination and ingenuity of children.

The set of materials includes materials for drawing, modeling, applications, paper of different colors and textures, as well as natural and waste materials. At the same time, children need to be taught the technique of painting. For this purpose, it is necessary to have special stencils

14 slide. At this age, children are especially sensitive to the assessment of an adult, they expect support and praise, they want to hear and see the approval of their actions. Therefore, it is important to find a place where the child can exhibit, hang his work. We place children's works with the help of magnets in the reception room on

Creativity Stand

Crafts made of plasticine are placed on a special stand in the form of a ladder.

Music corner.

theater corner

Center for Physical Development

serves to satisfy the needs of the preschooler in movement and introduce him to healthy lifestyle life. For games on physical development item sets selected:

For the prevention of flat feet and the development of fine motor skills: walkers, sandbags, massage mats, waste material(lid cones, etc., hedgehog balls, expander, rope games “Who is faster”.

For games and exercises with throwing, catching throwing: ring toss, balls of different sizes, darts, skittles.

For games and jumping exercises: jump ropes, hoops.

Sports table and outdoor games: basketball, air football, "Pelican".

Svetlana Adeyanova
Presentation "Developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution"

Created in a group object-spatial reference food, ensures the safety and psychological comfort of children in the group, also meets sanitary and hygienic requirements (furniture and other equipment is proportionate to the child’s height, and fire safety rules. The design of the group is characterized by color comfort: calm tones of furniture, walls, curtains, and against this background, toys and manuals acquire brightness and attractiveness. All furniture is fixed, the play material is at the level of the child's eyes. Available in the TCO group (tape recorder, music center, computer) meet the safety requirements. The group space is divided into separate subspaces. Subspaces structured in certain order differ in individual design and set of materials, present a variety of different development environments in the same group room.

When creating, I was guided by the Federal State Educational Standard to the structure of the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution and to the conditions for its implementation. organizing, developing object-spatial environment in the group, she took into account everything that would contribute to the formation of the basic characteristics of the personality of the pupils of the group, their health indicators, psychophysiological and communicative characteristics, the level of general and speech development.

In construction developing object-spatial environment group, the educator relied on a model of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child. Since the environment allows you to enrich the experience of emotional and practical interaction of children, to include them in active cognitive activity. Environment Wednesday at the same time, it acts as a driving force in the holistic process of the formation of the child's personality, stimulates development all the potential individual abilities of the child, his independence, ability to master different types activities.

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