Approximate topics in the direction of friendship and enmity. Composition on the theme “Friendship and enmity. Some interesting essays

I propose for discussion selected me materials to the fifth direction of the final essay - "Friendship and enmity".

“The direction aims at reasoning about the value of human friendship, about ways to achieve mutual understanding between individuals, their communities and even entire nations, as well as about the origins and consequences of enmity between them.

The content of many literary works is associated with the warmth of human relations or the hostility of people, with the development of friendship into enmity or vice versa, with the image of a person who is able or not able to appreciate friendship, who knows how to overcome conflicts or sows enmity.

I tried to present this direction from different angles. So far I have five of them. I picked up quotes in accordance with them (sayings of the great, proverbs). I think that some of them can be presented as the titles of essay topics, some can be taken as an epigraph.

Friendship is a great power

  • A tree is held by roots, and a person is by friends. (Proverb)
  • A man without friends is like a falcon without wings. (Proverb)
  • Dragging out your days without a friend is the worst of troubles.
    The soul is worthy of pity, which has no friend.
    Nizami (Persian poet)

And you need to be friends

  • "You can't shake hands with clenched fists." Indira Gandhi
  • “Know the measure should be in everything, everywhere. It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity. Saadi
  • "The abuse of friendship is a discord with wisdom." Shota Rustaveli
  • "Friendship ends where distrust begins." Seneca

A friend is known in adversity

  • “A good friend should come when called for joy, but come without a call when a friend is in trouble.” Democritus (ancient Greek philosopher)
  • "Do not avoid a friend in need." Menander (ancient Greek playwright, comedian)
  • "At the pinnacle of greatness, don't forget that a friend is in trouble." Friedrich Schiller (German poet)
  • Knew a friend in joy, do not leave in sorrow (proverb).

Sometimes between friendship and enmity is only a step ...

  • AND our friends, and enemies - our own creations.
  • "Our disposition and enmity always depend on ourselves." Bhasa (one of the first ancient Indian playwrights, III-IV centuries)
  • "Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends." Lion Feuchtwanger (German writer)
  • There are no stronger friends than former enemies, there are no worse enemies than former friends (folk wisdom)
  • “Of the enemies, the most dangerous is the enemy who pretends to be a friend.” Shota Rustaveli (Georgian poet of the 12th century)
  • What is sweeter than halva? Friendship after enmity. (Arabic proverb)
  • "Enemies can be defeated by turning them into friends." Salvador Dali (Spanish painter)
  • "The best way to know and destroy the enemy is to become his friend." Paulo Coelho
  • It is not difficult to unearth an ax of war - it is more difficult to light a pipe of peace (Indian wisdom).
  • “Whoever became friends with you for gaining benefits is not your reliable friend, but the most terrible enemy.” Abu Shukur (Persian-Tajik poet of the 10th century)
  • “I couldn’t understand those people in any way, who darkens on earth wonderful life that is given to everyone for a short time, unnecessary enmity, vain malice. Rasul Gamzatov
  • “A cowardly friend is more terrible than an enemy, because you fear the enemy, but you hope for a friend.” L.N. Tolstoy.
  • Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy. (Russian proverb)
  • A frowning friend is better than a smiling enemy. ( English proverb)

"Lessons" of enemies

  • “If I had no enemies, I would not have become what I have become. But, thank God, there were enough enemies. Salvador Dali
  • "I love smart enemies." Salvador Dali
  • "An adversary who reveals your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them." Leonardo da Vinci
  • “Everyone in the world is my allies, and I open my arms to my enemies so that they strengthen me and exalt me.” A. de Saint-Exupery. "Citadel".

    The first thing that comes to mind, of course, is “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy is a novel, as they say, for all occasions.

    "The Little Prince" by A. de Saint-Exupery.

    « Talk about a friend ”A. de Saint-Exupery.

    "Avenger" V. Soloukhin.

    "The Tale of Friendship and Non-Friendship" by the Strugatskys...


    Know, my friend, the price of enmity and friendship
    And do not sin with a hasty judgment.
    Anger at a friend, maybe instantaneous,
    Do not rush to pour.

    Maybe your friend was in a hurry
    And offended you by chance.
    A friend was guilty and confessed -
    You do not remember his sin.

    People, we are getting old and dilapidated,
    And with the course of our years and days
    It's easier to lose our friends
    We find them much more difficult.

    If a faithful horse, injuring his leg,
    Suddenly stumbled, and then again,
    Don't blame him - blame the road
    And do not rush to change the horse.

    People, I ask you, for God's sake,
    Don't be ashamed of your kindness.
    There are not so many friends on earth:
    Beware of losing friends.

    I followed the rules
    Seeing evil in weakness.
    How many friends have I left in my life
    How many friends have left me.

    There was a lot after that.
    And, it happened, on steep paths
    How I repented, how not enough
    Me my lost friends!

    And now I'm thirsty to see you all,
    who once loved me,
    I have not forgiven once
    Or not forgive me.

    Rasul Gamzatov

    I am rich in enemies and friends,
    Therefore, hostility is not a problem,
    But the trouble is that it is strong and noisy,
    And swept away the hostility.
    And naive friendship is ready
    I want money and fame,
    But timid, ticklish and loving,
    Silently compassionate me, sigh.
    And I really don't know what's better -
    Is this friendship or this enmity?
    Involuntarily, envious of strength,
    I am sometimes proud of my enemies.

    Yakov Polonsky

    Friendship has its own rules...

    Friendship has its own laws

    And enmity has its own law -

    An enemy can become a friend

    A friend is an enemy.

    Such is the eternal circle of life,

    There is no worse enemy than a former friend.

    Heinrich Akulov


    My boy, hurting
    what do the enemies care about?
    So that you do not crawl out unfinished,
    running into their fists.

    "Friendship and enmity" Maria Dorozhkina
    A person from birth hears such a seemingly ordinary word as friendship. We do not attach a deep meaning to this word until we understand that there is a word opposite in meaning - enmity. Without enmity, a person would never understand what friendship is.
    I, little Masha, sat and watched an interview with my favorite actor and did not understand why a popular person who has a lot of fans, admirers, admirers considers himself lonely? Why does he say with a smile on his face, but with sadness and longing in his eyes, that he has no friends. And who are all those people who surround him? And after all, I have many friends in the kindergarten, but are they my friends?
    I divided "friends" into the best and not the best, good and bad, close and not close.
    It was from that very interview that I began to ask myself questions: do I have friends? And who are these friends? Aren't acquaintances and friends the same thing?
    There were a lot of questions, and inquisitive me, these same questions haunted me, so in the evening, at dinner, in the family circle, I asked them. I remember how violently and interestingly my parents told me stories from life, and how my brother and I, forgetting about food, listened to instructive stories. But for the rest of my life I will remember the phrase my grandmother once said that there are no best and worst friends, but only those who will help you in difficult times without demanding anything in return. These are people close to you who will support you in your endeavors. Friends are your rear, your support, your wall.
    Now, already a student of the eleventh grade, when she hears some adult girl or man say “... my best friend ...”, then her lips involuntarily spread into a kind of smile - but do they know exactly the meaning of the word friendship? I understand that they do not have a person who would explain in words, or prove by action the meaning of this word.
    I am grateful to my parents for the fact that when I had questions, they tried to answer. Yes, life is the best teacher, but for a little girl who is just starting to live, favorite books and poems have become teachers.

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    1. As an example, I took two works that I loved from childhood, which many people know, and a poem, thanks to which I will sum up my reasoning.
      I'll start with the historical adventure novel The Three Musketeers, written by Alexandre Dumas, namely, with the now popular words that have become winged, once said by D "Artagnan:" And now, gentlemen, - said D "Artagnan, not even trying to explain to Porthos his behavior, - one for all, and all for one - this is now our motto!
      “One for all, and all for one” - this is how the author fully described the meaning of the word friendship. With friends you will share poverty and wealth, happiness and unhappiness, grief and joy. They will bring your problems to the fore, and forget about their own. Athos, Aramis, Porthos, D "Artagnan are inseparable friends who will come to each other's aid at the first call. "Without sweetness and pretentious excesses - true friendship, which each of us should strive for."
      The second work that I chose was the allegorical story "The Little Prince" by the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
      I chose this story, because it is in this work that the author reveals the meaning of friendship in a different way, using the image of an animal (Fox.)
      The artistic image of the Fox is an allegorical image of friendship, born from habit, love, the desire to be needed by someone. An animal friend is the one who fills the life of the little prince with meaning: destroys boredom, allows you to see the beauty of the world around. That is why, saying goodbye to life, the little prince thinks first of all about his friend. He thinks about whom he has tamed, for whom he is responsible: "You are forever responsible for all whom you have tamed."
      I well remembered another quote: "When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens to cry." It seemed to me that it was in this quote that lies not a misunderstanding or resentment towards friends, but a betrayal that develops into enmity. From my essay, I excluded examples of hostility, since I don’t understand the whole meaning of this word. I could only dryly analyze, insert quotes without going into details - without trying to find depth. I am just starting my life, fortunately, on my way there were no betrayals, enmity.

    2. I would like to finish my essay with an analysis of a poem by Konstantin Simonov. I met Konstantin Simonov thanks to such poems: “Song of War Correspondents”, “Lieutenant”, “Longing”, “Doll”, “House of Friends”, and not so long ago “Friendship is friendship, and service is service ...”
      "Friendship is friendship, and service is service..."
      "Friendship is friendship, and service is service" -
      The proverb is golden
      Yes, it happens that without need
      She flies out of her mouth.

      They will scold you a little on all crusts,
      Thunder - for the cause eh, idle eh - burst,
      Under a convenient saying,
      As if under a roof, rubbish will hide.

      Like under an umbrella in bad weather
      They will wait under it for at least six months,
      Playing hide and seek with a former friend
      Until you're "okay" again.

      You reproach them - they will answer right there:
      "Friendship is friendship, and service is service."
      Shame will be covered with a leaf of joke
      And they will go, shaking themselves like ducks.

      Again - you are dear to them,
      Again - remember the way to the house,
      Is it long, is it short? - Until another
      They heard thunder.

      Not only in friendship are overhead
      These little Judas;
      That they don’t know how to be friends - okay,
      Why, they serve too badly!

      I wrote about real, loyal friends, I mentioned feuds, but I didn’t write about the so-called “friends” who are friends with you only when you are successful. A person whom he can betray in friendship will be dishonorable in everything.
      I do not think that everything in life will be easy, but I am sure that the friends who will be with me will not only be close to me in spirit, but also accept me for who I am. And if you still have to part with one of my friends, I will try to forget this person, and not embark on the path of hostility and revenge, otherwise it will destroy me as a Human.

    3. Katya, a huge quote - the whole poem is not needed. It clutters up the work. Firstly. And secondly. Here is the topic: “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight (Cicero) Read carefully. Find the key words. words on the topic PROPOSED.

    4. In the main part, you argue in accordance with the topic - about friendship, its necessity in human life, but finalize the introduction and conclusion! Keywords!!! The beginning is exemplary "" How right is Cicero, who claimed that "in the world .... sunlight." How strong and true was said by the wise man in his time! Friendship is the sunshine in a person's life. This is the best, most pleasant thing in human life. In friendship, a person is manifested, highlighting the soul through actions. Etc., etc. All your reasoning in the introduction is very, very good, but - to strengthen !!! Finish it!! Your conclusion is also good, but - to strengthen, referring to the keywords of the topic. So... about the light. About. that without friendship a person is one-sided, like ... In general. finalize. And one more thing, Masha. speech errors. Eliminate. Rough, oversimplifying content, like "animal friend..."

    5. Hello. Not Katya wrote the work, but Masha. My full work submitted. And yes, I am slowly but steadily getting dumber. For the life of me, I don’t know how to formulate a problematic question ... I can clearly, not literary, as in an essay on social science. Thanks for understanding.

    6. Yes! Masha! It was indicated there. Masha, take it all into account and finish it! The sincerity of the work is simply priceless. Work it out! I am waiting!

  1. There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight (Cicero)
    What is friendship? Each person understands the meaning of friendship in life in his own way: for some it is an understanding, for others it is an opportunity to have fun and unforgettably spend free time. For me, friendship is, first of all, the support of a loved one and the confidence that he will come to the rescue in difficult times. A true friend does not know how to envy, offend or hurt. For him, social status, financial situation is not important, he is close to you in spirit and you know that if you lose him, you will lose your “sunshine” in life.
    For example, I will take two works that made a deep impression on me. The work "The Avenger" written by Vladimir Soloukhin attracted with its title, because even before reading the work, the reader begins to think about what the work itself will be about. This story is about two boys, classmates of one named Vitka Agafonov, and the second is the author, since the story is in the first person. The children had fun on the school site, throwing clods of earth impaled on flexible sticks, Vitka Agafonov, perhaps by accident, or maybe on purpose, hit the narrator in the back. After that, the hero is overcome by resentment, anger, and soon he comes up with a plan for revenge. While he was waiting for the right moment to take revenge, he realized that Vitka trusted him, and was unable to stab him in the back when Vitka trustingly walked in front of him. The author was able to forgive the offender and see him as a friend with whom he feels good. For the second example, I will take the work of Anatoly Aleksin "In the meantime, somewhere." This story is about a boy Seryozha, who accidentally read a letter that came to his father, since they are both Sergeys. From the letter, he learns that his father had a woman, Nina Georgievna, who left him after the war, after which they parted. She wrote to her father that she forgives everything, but now her adopted son Shurik is leaving her, having packed her things and not saying goodbye to her, who raised and raised him. But she forgives this because she understands that Shurik found parents. Sergei immediately matured, he filled the void that had formed around Nina Georgievna with his warmth. At the end of the story, Sergei's parents buy a long-awaited voucher to the sea, but at that moment Sergei receives a letter from Nina Georgievna, she writes that she refuses to leave to see him. Serezha decides to go to her place and gives up his dream of going to the sea. He understands that he cannot become her next loss and betray her. The boy Seryozha has a big soul and kind heart.
    It is important to understand that a friend is not an ideal person: He can make mistakes and ridiculous things. The main thing is that a friend should be able not only to forgive, but also not to harbor evil. Friendship is indispensable in the life of every person, because any person can have something bad in life when he needs help. It is very important to know that you have such a person. You need to be able not only to seek help from friends, but also to help friends in difficult situations and support them. If for any reason a person loses a friend, then one must remain a man with a capital letter and not embark on the path of revenge.

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      Polina, "the second is the author, since the story is in the first person." No. This is not the author, but the narrator!!! After that, the hero is overcome by resentment, anger, and soon he comes up with a plan for revenge. While he was waiting for the right moment to take revenge, he realized that Vitka trusted him, and was unable to stab him in the back when Vitka trustingly walked in front of him. The author was able to forgive the offender and see in him a friend with whom he feels good "- metamorphoses somehow quickly occurred with the hero. There is no LOGIC, make a logical transition, smooth. How did this happen? Like this: "Revenge dissolved gradually. Enmity grew into friendship under the influence of Vitka's human charm, his sincerity. his sensitive attitude to a friend, inventions, love for nature, for everything living in the forest, when they burned a greenhouse. The reader sees the hero - the narrator and feels how in his soul there is a struggle for revenge and a desire to be friends and forgive Vitka. The reader sees a small person, a teenager, able to appreciate friendship, able to overcome conflicts.

  2. But she forgives this because she understands that Shurik found parents. Sergei immediately matured, he filled the void that had formed around Nina Georgievna with his warmth. At the end of the story, Sergei's parents buy a long-awaited voucher to the sea, but at that moment Sergei receives a letter from Nina Georgievna, she writes that she refuses to leave to see him. Serezha decides to go to her place and gives up his dream of going to the sea. He understands that he cannot become her next loss and betray her. The boy Seryozha has a big soul and a kind heart "Polina, and there is no "bridge", LOGIC in the presentation, as if you are in a hurry. And what, just like that, he immediately filled her spiritual emptiness? Maybe, at first he rethinks the concept of "exemplary" family? And compared to his father, a dry man who lives by the rules, happy, but - BETRAYED - more than once!- Nina Georgievna, Seryozha the little one really has a big heart, he is a sensitive person, because his older friend is his grandmother, who invested a lot of sincerity in him , love and kindness, taught to be attentive to people. Friendship between the elder and the younger is the relationship between the grandmother and the grandson of Serezha. Little Serezha could not leave Nina Georgievna alone with her misfortune. She was betrayed by her relatives: once Serezha the elder and now Shurik, named son How much light is in the soul of a boy who refused to go to the sea for the sake of a stranger who suddenly became family!

  3. Polina, in conclusion, good thoughts and reasoning, but moved away from the key words in the topic ?! (There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunshine) You can add / approximately / like this: To be able to refuse revenge, to learn to forgive - this means to increase the light in the soul; to nurture revenge, to cultivate it - to lose light in the heart, to make it poor, truncated.

  • Zamyatina Anastasia. Part 1.

    Why can't a person do without friendship? Why are warm relationships so important in our lives? Why does Cicero consider friendship "the best and most pleasant" feeling? I believe that friendship is indeed the warmest and most important feeling in a person's life. What is friendship for you? Walks filled with laughter or cozy nightly gatherings under a blanket with secrets that you will always keep - always ... all that warmth, all that support, all the happy moments that you get in the circle of people you love - all this is friendship! And why is it impossible to live without friendship???
    Once upon a time I had many friends, noisy, funny companies, parties, picnics on fresh air in a circle of kind, sympathetic people. But were they real friends for me? Reading classical literature, I more and more deeply revealed to myself the concept of true friendship.
    Cicero also said "Friendship is possible only between good people". A small work by V. Soloukhin "The Avenger" is a clear example. The text is full of improperly direct speech, which is the hero's stream of consciousness - if thoughts, experiences, and feelings! Vitka Agafonov in the field with a thick rod hit between the shoulder blades of the main character - the author himself! - on which he was already ready to take revenge, and the plan of revenge, and most importantly, the feeling of revenge, grew, was thought out and accumulated gradually and deftly. “I’ll call to burn a greenhouse, and there in the forest I’ll stuff his face and“ well, I got caught on a narrow path. ” But is a kind, pure, sympathetic boy capable of "filling his face" with Vitka? Having gone into the forest to burn a greenhouse, the main character kept postponing revenge: “after all, it turns out to be very difficult to hit a person who trustfully walks ahead of you,” the main character himself said. Over time, his sense of revenge subsided, as evidenced by the repeated words "okay...okay...". In the end, our hero forgets about revenge and now he sees only a friend in Vitka Agafonov: “Vitka is good, kind, interesting, and it’s good with him in the forest.” He no longer wanted to beat him, did not hear the anger in himself, he found a friend, a good, faithful, true friend. “There is nothing better and more pleasant than friendship,” the main character of the “Avenger” proved to us.

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    Zamyatina Anastasia. Part 2
    A couple of years ago I was very impressed by John Boyne's The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. This romance and two little boys living different lives which is fenced with barbed wire. Bruno is the main character living in Berlin, rich, cheerful and carefree, until one day his whole family decided to move, due to the service of the head of the family, a military officer and Bruno's father - Ralph. In the new place they had neither that big and beloved home, nor Bruno's beloved friends, nothing that could give the boy great pleasure and happiness. He was lonely, but not until he went on a trip and met a boy his own age. Shmuel is a Jew who was kept behind barbed wire in a prison for people like him. As soon as the boys met, standing on opposite sides of the bars, as in the eyes of Bruno already shone rays of sunlight. Bruno was not allowed to approach the prison, but he kept stealing food and secretly bringing it to a new friend with whom he talked all day long, he even brought various Board games, unaware of what could happen if anyone saw them together. Time passed, and Bruno already forgot about his old Berlin friends, he already considered Shmuel his only and best friend, because they were even born on the same day! But the time has come to return to the old house, and the main character decided to meet his faithful friend for the last time and go in search of his father. Dressed in striped pajamas, he crawled under the fence and looked exactly like Shmuel. Satisfied, they set off in search, when they immediately gathered some of the Jews and took them to the Gas Chamber, where the boys firmly held hands and ... This sad story of a small, naive and pure friendship between two boys shows us that friendship does not depend on race or nationality. It shows that life without friendship is impossible!
    Reading literature, domestic or foreign, of the 19th or 21st century, we, the readers, can conclude that friendship is really the best and most pleasant feeling, that friendship in our life is indeed our sunshine. A lonely person will not know that happiness, will not understand those feelings that were lived with his beloved and true friends.

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  • There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunlight (Cicero)
    Once, the famous philosopher Cicero said that the best and most pleasant thing in the world is friendship, that life without friendship is life without sunlight. And is it really so? Let's figure it out, but first you need to know the meaning of the word friendship. Friendship is a relationship between people based on common interests, mutual assistance, love, and most importantly, trust. A friend is the person whose interests coincide with yours, the one with whom it is easy to get along, and the one to whom you can tell any secret and be sure that the secrets will remain only between you. A friend is a part of you, your ray of light.

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    1. But not only in children's works there is a description of friendship. Let's move on to more serious works. In many of them, it is necessary to delve into the text in more detail, and sometimes even read “between the lines” to see how the characters relate to friendship.
      One of the works that I would like to draw attention to is the work of V. Soloukhin "The Avenger". This story cannot but make a good impression on the reader. For me, this impression is expressed in love for the main character. It's impossible not to love him. The main character (and we don't know his name, since the story comes from the action of the first person) is a wonderful boy, with a subtle and sensitive nature: “.. As far as I remember, I never cried because of physical pain. From it you can scream, yell, roll on the grass to make it easier, but not cry. But tears easily welled up in my eyes from the smallest offense or injustice ... ". Even despite the vile act of Vitka Agafonov, our hero forgives him. Yes, at first it might have seemed to us that he would take revenge on Vitka, because the title of the story “The Avenger” tells us about this. Yes, Vitka behaved ugly: come up from behind and crack him on the back. Yes, we see the struggle of two feelings - revenge and decency. But a sense of decency takes precedence over a sense of revenge, so our hero was able to see in Vitka a FRIEND, with whom it is interesting in the forest, who will always figure out what to do. For example, dig out a mink from which a bee flew out, or fry mushrooms, or bake eggs under a greenhouse. Vitka trusted his partner (our hero): “... it is very difficult to hit a person who trustfully walks ahead of you ...”, then it becomes clear that our hero will commit an act of an adult - he will not beat, take revenge on Vitka. (That's why we love him). The author wanted to say by this that it is not necessary to immediately take revenge on people, perhaps they will turn out to be good people or even friends. You just need to understand this person just like our hero did.

    2. Another work is D. Salenger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye". Salenger describes the world full of lies, hypocrisy, obscenity (for example, in the school museum I saw one such inscription - I erased it, and I realized “.. all the same, you can’t erase all the obscenity from all the walls in the world ..”); he describes people whose main life principle is to seem, not to be. Naturally, there is a dislike for such a world, somehow I don’t want to live in it, believe these deceitful little people, and it’s only sadness to communicate with them, because they are only interested in their own interests ... but the main character, Holden Caulfield, himself admits that he's such a liar "I'm a terrible liar - you've never seen anything like it in your life. Terrible thing." In fact, Holden is a real and sincere seventeen-year-old boy. (All his best qualities are expressed when communicating with Phoebe's little sister, with two nuns whom he met once, in the fact that he reads books, and as he said about them: “.. this writer would become a best friend and that you could talk to him on the phone..”). Very soon, Holden will move into adulthood. Most of all, he is afraid of becoming like all adults and like everything around. he asked adults: “where do the ducks go when the pond is covered with ice and freezes through?”, but the adults, because of their selfishness, answered rudely, irritably, laughing - they say a stupid question was asked, they took the hero for an abnormal one. but now is not about that. Since the theme of the composition is friendship - sunlight, then the question arises: does Holden Colfid have friends, because everyone is disgusting to him? Yes, I have. They are few, but they exist. Holden's real friends include: Phoebe's sister, former teacher according to Mr. Antolini's English, because only they are able to understand, to support Holden in this false world. It was these people who helped our hero see the sunlight, thanks to these people, he realized what to run (and he had such thoughts: “.. I decided to leave ... to be far in the West, where it is warm and beautiful and where no one knows me ... I will build myself a hut with the money I have saved up and will live there until the end of my life. The hut will stand on the edge of the forest - just not in the most often, I like the sun to shine on me with all my blades ... ", trying to hide from this world is not a solution to the problem .

    3. Unfortunately, friendship can fall apart, turn into enmity, or it may not exist at all. The reasons for this are obvious: the general interest in something, betrayal, hostility disappeared, or the person could not find a person who looks at the world, just like him. Or because of other life principles of people. An example from the literature is the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", because of its life principle: ".. Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other ..", and frankly, the unwillingness to make friends, the main character, Pechorin, - left alone, without friends ... lost this sunlight ...
      I will not hide that in my life there were enough people whom I considered friends, but somehow the friendship between us broke off abruptly, then for no reason, then they simply stopped communicating, as if they had never known each other, then the person found replacement... We were good with each other (at least for those moments), we spent a lot of time together; if it was not possible to meet, then they called and chatted on the phone for hours. Once, I was even invited to visit another city, for the sake of a live meeting I agreed, then I could not even think that in a few months we would stop being friends ... most of all it was a shame for the given pieces of the soul, it seemed that I was placed in some then a pit where there is not a single ray of the sun, there is only emptiness around. Oh, this terrible state ... I am grateful to those “friends” and the fact that they are now no longer friends with me, because sooner or later they would have betrayed anyway, because if it hadn’t happened then, it could have happened at any time. They taught me important life lessons.
      But, fortunately, there are still those friends who give me the so-called sunlight, warmth. I trust these people, and I am absolutely confident in them: in their care and support. Who, if not a friend, will be able to play a trick on you, and at the same time support you in difficult times?
      Back in the first century BC, the great philosopher Cicero said: “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunlight.” And this is actually so. His words are still reflected in our time. Every person has the right to "sunshine", to the feeling of "the best and most pleasant" that is in the world. A real friend will be with you not only when you feel good, but also when you feel bad. If there is a friend nearby “when you feel bad”, then it becomes much easier, rays of light will reappear - it will become good again. The circuit is closed.

    4. Katya, "most of all it was a shame for the given pieces of the soul" - a speech error, "a wonderful boy, with a subtle and sensitive nature" - grammatical: "the boy has a subtle nature." There are more mistakes. Despite the - preposition, it is written together. Despite the roughness of your speech, I will put it perfectly, because it's so cool, fresh, the problem is identified, the key words of the topic are revealed, the meanings are revealed. There are arguments in the abstracts for the works chosen for reflection! Well done! 5

  • Friendship is something that unites both individuals and various groups of people, as a rule, having common goals and interests. But friendship should not be considered something ordinary and not worth it. It does not appear from scratch, and it is very easy to lose it. Unexpectedly, best friends can become bitter enemies. It is important to think about the value of friendship and to think about how to strengthen it, as well as how to prevent it from turning into hostility. As Cicero said: “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunlight.” If there is no sun, then the Earth will die in 500 seconds. And if we deprive people of friendship, then we can lose everything bright and beautiful that is in this world. Only hatred and enmity will remain.
    Writers, like us, often drew attention to the problem of friendship and enmity in their works, touching on different aspects of this issue. So, for example, in his work “A golden cloud spent the night,” Anatoly Pristavkin reveals friendship between native people. The thought of the unity of the Kuzmyonyshes stretches through the whole story. This shows many episodes: stealing bread in the market, breaking into a barn, stealing cans from a factory, digging a tunnel for a bread slicer, and others. No one perceives them one by one, but they always see them as a whole, as one person, in whom Sasha is the brain, and Kolya is the hands. The coherence with which they work shows how trusting and warm the relationship between them is, each is ready to cover the other, to support if something does not go according to plan. Today you rarely see such warm feelings between relatives. Increasingly, families are breaking up (80% of all marriages end in divorce), brothers and sisters are “waging hereditary wars”, children are screaming at their parents, and parents are screaming at their children. IN modern world it is necessary to constantly think about friendship between family members, about the need to develop and strengthen it. This is where reading such works as “A golden cloud spent the night” helps us.
    But do not lose sight of the friendship between non-native people. Friends are a pledge of support when we are far from home, away from family. We can say that friends are our second family. It is important to value such friendship no less than friendship in the family. A person surrounded by care and love not only at home, but also outside, becomes happy and wants to give his love to others. A remarkable example is Natasha Rostova from Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. She grew up surrounded by the love of her family, but also her friends: Boris, Sonya, and later Pierre Bezukhov, whose wife she became at the end of the novel. Pierre saw in her immediately, when she was still a girl, a child, a lofty, pure, beautiful soul. She showed her love and care both in conversations with her parents, and in caring for the sick Prince Andrei, and in other less remarkable episodes. The reader is also interested in the friendship between Prince Andrei and Pierre. When the prince was "tired of life" and did not see joy in it, Pierre repeatedly supported him. When Pierre left Helen, he could also find comfort and support in the person of Andrei and the Rostovs' house.

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  • There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunlight. Cicero

    What is friendship? Friendship is one of the important parts of our life, because as the philosopher Cicero said, “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunlight.” We spend a lot of time with our friends, they will always understand and support you, and due to the lack of friends, a person can lose interest in life and sometimes even find himself in darkness.
    In order to understand what the author wanted to say with this quote, let's turn to the literature. The story of Anatoly Pristavkin “A Golden Cloud Spent the Night” shows the true friendship of two boys, Kolya and Sashka, who do not live life, but survive. Each of them is a ray of light in this dark time. They complemented each other and this is evident during their actions, for example, during the theft of bread. This work makes us understand how important friendship is in our life, because thanks to it we can overcome difficulties and survive difficult moments in our lives, who knows what would be without friends.
    We also see true friendship in the work of Vladimir Soloukhin "The Avenger". During the picking of potatoes on the school site, the main character, in the face of the narrator, is hit by Vitka Agafonov, but we never found out why he did it. At this moment, the hero shows the qualities inherent in an adult, he says: “Numerous radiant suns streamed in my eyes, and my lower lip twitched treacherously: it always happened when I had to cry. It wasn't that the pain was unbearable. As far as I remember, I never cried from physical pain. From it you can scream, yell, roll on the grass to make it easier, but not cry. But tears easily welled up in my eyes from the smallest offense or injustice. After this incident, our hero has a sense of revenge, and he has already come up with a plan for its implementation. But during a trip to the forest, a struggle of feelings of revenge and honor takes place in him, but later the hero sees all the kindness and spiritual purity of Vitka and sees in him a person with whom it is pleasant and interesting to spend time, he sees him as a friend.
    Reflecting on the words of Cicero and literary works, I realized that friendship is necessary in my life, in difficult times I can ask for help, advice or just speak out to my friends. Without friends, we can lose interest in life, it can be said that it will become gray in our

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  • Part 1, Timur Osipov

    There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight (Cicero).
    Friendship is a sincere relationship between people based on love, trust, reciprocity and trust. This is what makes our world cleaner and brighter. But really there is nothing better and more pleasant than friendship?
    Do not forget about the other side of friendship - enmity. There is no friendship without enmity, just as there is no good without evil. I realize with some pride that in our country there lived so many wise people who can reveal this topic to us. They wanted to convey this to us through the centuries and generations, and I consider it a shame not to take advantage of their experience.
    First, I would like to discuss the work of V. Soloukhin "Avenger". It is about a boy with subtle soul who endured great injustice. At least that's how it looked in his eyes. He never cried from physical pain, but the slightest injustice brought tears to his eyes. And when Vitka Agafonov committed such a vile act, our hero had a plan of revenge in his head ... But was it the most real meanness? And can a pure person with a subtle soul avenge this? After all, the offender and Vitka Agafonov is Vitka. When our hero assured him that he would not take revenge on him, he only smiled from ear to ear. During their walk in the forest, Vitka is so sincerely happy with everything that happens. After all, he is just Vitka, he is just happy that he lives in the world. And the avenger already understands that he will not do anything to him. “What is worth? But try it, and it will turn out that it is very difficult to hit a person who trustfully walks ahead of you.”.” I feel lighter from the decision I made not to beat Vitka. And we enter the village as the best buddies.” After that, we understand that the hero will grow up as a Man with a capital letter.
    Strong is not the one who lives by the principle of “an eye for an eye”, but the one who is able to forgive. By forgiving, a person acquires a lot, does not allow such a thing as friendship to leave our lives.

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  • Part 2, Timur Osipov

    Further, I will mention such a work as “Quiet Flows the Don” by M. Sholokhov. The protagonist of the work is a Cossack, Grigory Melekhov. He lives in the farm measured Cossack life. But when the civil war began, former friends, neighbors, relatives take different sides. And at such moments, the true appearance of people is revealed. Grigory sided with the Whites, and Mishka Koshevoy and Ivan Alekseevich sided with the Reds. Not so long ago, one farmer, close friends who loved to share the company. And now the enemies. This is purely formal, but what is actually happening. When Grigory hears that they have captured a group of Reds, among whom may be Ivan Alekseevich and Mishka Koshevoy, and are being driven to his farm, a sense of duty awakens in him. He spares neither himself nor the horse. He rides non-stop to save them from the brutal mob. The hero sees in them not reds, but those people with whom he laughed heartily in peacetime. Friendship is not an empty word for him. And what about Mishka Koshevoy? He sees in Gregory only an enemy, the one whom he must destroy. What is friendship for him? The same as everything else that does not relate to his duty to the authorities. Sholokhov shows us two different sides of the same coin. Everyone chooses his own path, but which one is the right one ... The author shows that we must first of all see a person in a person. Appreciate friendship and all those good things that come with it.
    In conclusion, I would like to say that people should not forget about those things that bind them, make them a single whole. Without friendship, the world will fade, everything that we do not want to see will triumph - immorality, betrayal, dishonor. Only together can humanity continue on its path.

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    “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight” Cicero
    From time immemorial, friendship has been considered an integral part of human feelings. Even primitive people united in alliances to overcome the universal hardships of survival. Of course, they communicated and acted together using sign language. I believe this was the basis of communication and mutual support. Now friendship is more perfect, modern society everything is there to support it. But does the lack of friendship really rob life of meaning—sunshine?
    The first work that I would like to draw attention to is “In the meantime, somewhere” by Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich. At one point, our protagonist, young Sergei, a member of the "model family", who inherited the name of his father, learns about his past love, which his father once left. The protagonist meets Nina Georgievna and learns that her adopted son Shurik has left her. Realizing their betrayal, Serezha decides to give a helping hand, becomes a support for Nina Georgievna. Over time, they become friends, when the moment comes for the moral growth of the protagonist, the boy becomes a man. "I can't be her third loss ... And now I'm going to return my ticket." Sacrificing his long-awaited trip to the sea, Seryozha stays with Nina Georgievna in order to support her in difficult times. This is friendship between people of different generations.
    Soloukhin Vladimir Alekseevich writes about another true friendship in the story "The Avenger". The narrator tells about an unpleasant incident during a trip to the collective farm. Vitya Agafonov, his comrade, set him up by throwing a potato at his back. Immediately, the narrator has tears in his eyes, tears not from pain, from resentment. Resentment develops into revenge, which he has been hatching for several days now. Here our young hero invites Vitka to take a walk in the forest, burn a greenhouse, not immediately, but agreeing, Vitka is full of joy and it seems he trusts our hero, but the young hero is more and more thirsty for retribution, teasing himself and assuring that Vitya acted meanly. However, this trip changes everything, all the impressions and moments of happiness spent with Vitka distance the protagonist from the desire to take revenge. Increasingly, the young hero thinks: “It’s not easy to hit a person in the back”, “Yes, and I no longer hear anger in myself.” Gradually, the young hero realizes that he has found a true friend who will support him and trust him.
    In conclusion, I want to say that friendship is a special feeling, a person needs support and mutual understanding. The authors are trying to convey to us that it is necessary to sacrifice something for the sake of friendship, friendship happens between completely different people, you need to respect and be able to forgive friends, because there will be no second ones. Of course, Cicero is right, friendship is one of the most important things on Earth, I partially agree with him, why partially? There are things in life like love and family that are just as important as friendship.

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  • "There is nothing better and more pleasant than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight" - this is what the greatest sage Cicero said, and we undoubtedly believe him! Why? No wonder I emphasized the word "greatest". Cicero lived even before our era (which has been going on for 2016 years!), but what he said then resonates even today. As Cicero so aptly pointed out, friendship is sunshine.
    Be that as it may, everyone rejoices in the sun, because it warms. Warms every cell of the body. Because it is eagerly awaited when it does not appear for a long time. Because without it, it is not only boring, but something is missing ... The sun is hope. Although "nature has no bad weather" anyway, when the first sunbeams peep through after a cloudy week, I want to believe in better days. And this little drop of warmth, barely born in the sky, makes you forget that there were once lingering clouds... After darkness, there always comes light!
    And now friendship. How similar it is to sunlight, no, it is sunlight! She also warms, penetrating warmth into every grain of the soul.
    Friendship is a gift that everyone has, just not everyone is able to see it. It's like the sun peeking through the windows. Someone smiles at him, and someone pushes the curtains tighter. One cannot live without friendship, just as one cannot live without the sun. Everyone imagines how important it is to have a reliable friend next to you, who, by his mere presence, will dispel all anxiety and cheer you up. How important it is to know that you are not alone... And what is a true friend?
    I think that a friend, a true friend, is a person with whom you can not only talk, but also be silent about everything. A person with whom silence does not become awkward, but becomes no less pleasant pastime, like talking. A friend is a person in front of whom you can easily bare your soul - and you are not afraid of it! - knowing you won't get stabbed in the back. A friend - he is not in words. A true friend is stronger than time, stronger than circumstances.
    Many seem to be friends. Many of them count. But what about being a true friend?

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  • Answer Delete
  • The story is not really a children's story. It must be re-read from time to time, and by adults too, because with each new reading, some truths are revealed that were previously unknown. And I have, for example, every time a different attitude towards the characters. Sometimes I am very sorry for Little Hans that even there is a desire to get into this fairy tale and reason with the hero, save him from this ill-fated friendship. But after the last reading of the tale, it seemed to me that there was no point in pitying the gardener, because he was actually glad to be friends with the greedy and selfish Miller, he helped him with joy. And before his death, in a storm, he really wanted to help a friend save his son. Perhaps he died without regret? Of course, if I were Hans, I probably would not sacrifice myself for someone like Melnik. But Hans was ready for this, which means everything is fine ???
    And even to Melnik I have some mixed feelings. He pissed me off, frankly pissed me off, because he didn't do anything, he just talked. He pretended to care about a friend, in other words, seemed like a friend. Shiny on the outside, empty on the inside. But now I'm thinking that Melnik, perhaps, is not to blame. What if he was instilled with such an attitude towards friendship from childhood? Maybe he was once sensitive and understanding, but he was re-educated. How he is now re-educating his little son, not yet corrupted. After all, you can inspire a child with anything - he will believe it! It's good and scary at the same time...

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  • I would also like to speculate on the story "The Avenger" by Vladimir Soloukhin. No, it is not about revenge (although at first it seemed to me that it was about her!). More precisely, it is about revenge, but about a failed one. The author in his story shows how the "inner man" is transformed. The protagonist at the beginning of the work, and at the end he is heaven and earth, such metamorphoses took place in his soul! The fact is that Vitka Agafonov hit the narrator on the back with a lump of earth impaled on a rod. "Well, why is he me?" - the boy was perplexed. For him, this was unfair, because Vitka crept up from behind and hit him secretly. “My heart was black with resentment and anger,” the main character thought, Vitka offended him so much. "The thought arose in my head to take revenge on Vitka, so much so that another time it would be disrespectful." And now the plan of revenge is ripe. The narrator chooses her method for a long time, thinks out the place well - go burn a greenhouse in the forest, where this Vitka will not get away from him anywhere!
    But it was not so easy to call Vitka into the forest. Our hero, apparently, is very kind, because despite the anger and desire for revenge, his hands trembled, and his voice became deaf, alien. It means he has a conscience. He can’t just take and take revenge, he’s not that kind of person!
    And how can one take revenge on such a person as Vitka Agafonov, who "smiled from ear to ear and joyfully agreed to go burn the greenhouse"? And although the author does not speak in plain text, I understand that Vitka is sincere and not at all bad person. He, too, like our hero, is kind.
    As they walked, the narrator even recalled how Vitka hit him between the shoulder blades in order to heat up and be ready for revenge. But each time Vitka saw something new in the forest and was so happy that our hero simply could not take revenge on him. “Then I’ll definitely finish with you!”, he exclaimed every time. And every time he put revenge aside. So it came to the point that the guys not only burned the greenhouse, but also fried mushrooms with salt and ate baked eggs. “Well, now let’s go home and I’ll have to ... What else could I come up with, I really don’t want to go home right away,” our hero reflects. He no longer wants to take revenge on Vitka, but it is still difficult for him to cope with himself. And I even somehow felt funny from this boyish stubbornness.
    And they went to the river to swim. And there was no revenge. Yes, and desires, it seems like, the trail has caught a cold. The narrator thought: "Try it, and it will turn out that it is not easy to hit a person who trustfully walks ahead of you." This characterizes our hero as a person not only kind, but also decent, incapable of committing meanness. “Yes, and I don’t hear anger in myself ... Yes, and Vitka, in fact, is a good boy!” he concludes. And now they are already friends with Vitka.
    I really liked this simple and kind story. I am glad that the main character did not take revenge on Vitka. It is not known how the further fates of the boys developed, but for some reason it seems to me that they carried their friendship through their whole lives and remained strong friends.

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  • Thinking about friendship, I asked myself a question: Can I be a good friend? Honestly I do not know. Rather yes than no. But there is a lot of work to be done, I am sure of that. After all, having friends is important. Being a true friend is even more important.
    Let the conclusion of my reflections be the lines from the poem of Eduard Asadov:
    "It was and should be stronger than everyone
    A firm word from a friend."
    Yes, that's how it should be! Friendship is, first of all, trust, which means that a good friend will not let you down. To be a good friend, you need to be able to keep your word. Here is one of the main secrets of strong friendship. But what are the secrets? All the answers, here they are, around us. You just need to understand, to pass through yourself. Being a good friend means being responsible not only for yourself, but also for another person. It means being strong to stand against quarrels. It means being wise to take the first step towards reconciliation. Being a true friend means being able to support when needed. Learn not to be offended by the request to leave alone. Know how to be a friend no matter what. Despite everything! The work is difficult ... Not everyone can do it. But those who manage to overcome these difficulties are tempered like metal, gaining the greatest happiness in the world - a kindred soul, with whom no problems are terrible. Those who manage to become a true friend will never lose the sunshine.

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  • Composition on the topic "Friendship and Enmity"
    Part 1
    “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight” - the words of the ancient Roman politician, orator and philosopher Cicero. Indeed, true friendship is necessary for every person. Friendship is not just communication between people, but these are common topics for conversation, common interests, this is the joy of being with a person, with a true friend, nearby. Each person simply needs a person who will support him, help and help out in difficult times, who can listen and advise on a solution to the problem, which will always and in any difficult situation near. Friendship is full trust and mutual understanding. But there is friendship that turns into enmity. This is a betrayal friendship. Sometimes people do it on purpose, that they pretend to be friendship for some of their own purposes, and soon they betray.
    True friendship happens between people loving friend friend. As, for example, in the story of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet", the author describes the friendship of the spouses Vera and Vasily Shein. Spouses are bound by a relationship of complete trust and mutual understanding. “The former passionate love for her husband has long since passed into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship,” as the author writes in the text. Also, this can be confirmed by the fact that Vera's husband, Vasily Lvovich, allows her to meet with Zheltkov, a secret admirer who loves Vera to the point of madness). This describes the complete trust of the spouse and what reigns in their family, not only true love, but also true friendship.
    But in the story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", the author shows the friendship that turned into enmity. Pyotr Grinev and Alexei Shvabrin could have become friends, but Marya Mironova was the reason for their quarrel. Alexei Ivanovich told Peter that Maria was a "perfect fool" and that she loved wealth very much, but this was not so. He did this because of the refusal of Maria Shvabrina. Soon Shvabrin continued to insult Maria, and Peter stood up for his beloved, challenging Shvabrin to a duel. But even here, Shvabrin committed a heinous act and wounded Grinev when he was distracted by Savelich's cry. Further, Alexei wrote a denunciation to Grinev's parents. And in the end, treacherously went over to the side of Pugachev. It seems to me that their friendship could not exist, since their opposition to the principles and characters of Grinev and Shvabrin makes them enemies.

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    1. Part 2
      But in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", Alexander Sergeevich describes that the dissimilarity of the characters of Lensky and Onegin only increased mutual sympathy, gave depth to their communication. But what brings these characters together? Probably, what distinguishes them from the usual landlord environment: intelligence, education, breadth of interests, nobility. It was these traits inherent in the heroes that aroused their mutual interest and laid the foundation for their friendship.
      Poetry and prose, ice and fire
      Not so different from each other.
      First, mutual differences
      They were boring to each other;
      Then they liked it; Then
      Riding every day
      And soon they became inseparable.
      So people (I repent first)
      Nothing to do friends.
      In this passage, the author shows their difference and friendship. And if someone is embarrassed by the words “there is nothing to do friends,” then the passage about the duel says:
      “It was pleasant, noble,
      Short call, il cartel:
      Courteously, with cold clarity
      He called his friend Lensky to a duel.
      After these words, the reader understands the sincerity of their friendship.
      But the key is the duel scene:
      "Enemies! How long apart
      Was their bloodlust taken away?
      How long have they been hours of leisure,
      Meal, thoughts and deeds
      Shared together? Now it's wicked

      They are each other in silence
      Prepare for death in cold blood...
      Do not laugh at them until
      Their hand did not turn red,
      Do not part amicably? ..
      But wildly secular feud
      Fear of false shame.
      According to these words, one can understand that their friendship is just a show of friendship on the part of Onegin. After all, if they were really real friends, then Onegin would not have invited Vladimir's bride to the dance, would not have pissed off Lensky, which soon led to a duel. But they would have had friendship if Onegin understood the meaning of true friendship, as Vladimir Lensky understood this meaning, if Eugene was not an egoist.

      In conclusion, I want to say that friendship is certainly a precious gift in life. After all, friendship is, first of all, the confidence that the person whom you consider your friend will not leave or betray in difficult times, will keep secret what you told him, who will support you at any moment and who, despite your different interests will always understand you and rejoice for you.

    2. Seryozha. "A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" - is this a story ?! A story or a historical novel!!! Actual blunder.
      "... it seems that their friendship could not exist, since their opposition to the principles and characters of Grinev and Shvabrin makes them enemies" - an incorrectly constructed sentence from the point of view of speech.

    3. "... you can understand that their friendship is just a show of friendship on the part of Onegin" - the wrong turn of speech. Seryozha, such voluminous quotes are out of place. There are no texts on the exam, therefore, quoting from memory, which means only what is left after reading in the head, what is remembered.
      In conclusion, I would like to say that...
      The output should reflect the problem! Deviated somewhat. But! now it's much better! 3+++
      What a pity that literature is not a priority: you would make a talented, deeply thinking reader, student.

  • I apologize for submitting your essay much later than the deadline. Due to his inattention, he deleted the essay, which was 80% ready. As a result, I restored only the introduction and had to put my thoughts together a second time.

    Direction: Friendship and enmity

    Theme of the essay: There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunlight.

    Friendship is a phenomenon, the value of which people sometimes do not fully realize, they treat lightly what may never happen again in life. As Bacon said, the worst loneliness is not having true friends, and not having true friends is like depriving the world of sunshine. After all, it’s really so calm at heart if you have a real friend who will help you out at any moment, turn your shoulder, illuminate with sunlight, and together you will step over troubles or rejoice in success. If you have someone to rely on, and you have no doubt that this person will be the first to help you, then you are already unspeakably rich.

    The literature presents a huge list of works related to true friendship, betrayal, ways to achieve mutual understanding between people. I will focus on two works that fully demonstrate what friendship is and why it is important for each of us.

    Vladimir Soloukhin's story "The Avenger" shows the true inner strength of the hero, a man who managed to refuse revenge. An unexpected, vile, unmanly blow with a lump impaled on a rod from a classmate Vitka became a reason for tears for the hero. But these tears did not come from physical pain, from such pain the hero never cried. Injustice is the real reason. And it's amazing to endure physical pain, but not to keep emotions with a little offense. The plan of revenge, which he gradually hatched, which matured in the hero's head, was to be realized in a joint trip to the forest with the offender Vitka. At first, Vitka reacted cautiously to the offer to go to the forest, but then, believing the hero’s words that he would not take revenge, he happily agreed, pulling a smile from ear to ear. This answer has already disarmed the hero, because it is one thing to drag him into the forest, when both understand why, and another to do the same as Vitka. In response to this, the hero began to awaken that feeling of pain, both physical and emotional, from Vitka's blow. But directly in the campaign, he missed moment after moment for revenge. After all, it turns out that it is very difficult to hit a person who trustfully walks ahead of you and the hero is not capable of this. Yes, and Vitka himself is actually a good boy, and the more things they did together, the more the feeling of anger and revenge towards him faded away, the hero saw a sincere Vitka, able to notice and enjoy the beauty of nature. Probably, during the campaign, Vitka realized that he did so in vain then. The hero refused revenge, and this decision is made so easy for him, because he has preserved their friendship, which he appreciates.

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    1. The reader notices that this decision of the hero for the benefit of their friendship with Vitka is an adult act of a small person. To step over oneself, to refuse revenge can only strong man. After all, it is not in vain that they say that revenge is the lot of the weak. Many people are familiar with the boomerang rule, and this rule rarely fails. Sooner or later Vitka will receive his pain and suffering.

      I will also touch on the work of Anatoly Pristavkin "A golden cloud spent the night." The main characters of the story are the 11-year-old brothers Kolka and Sashka, whom everyone did not represent separately and was simply called Kuzmenyshi. The brothers really were always together, united, inseparable, they overcame all obstacles together and complemented each other. Sasha was a generator of ideas, and Kolka brought them to life. The unity of the brothers is shown in many episodes and conversations: digging under a bread slicer, stealing bread, the first conversation with Regina Petrovna, when they clearly said that they did not exist separately. The most amazing thing in this story, in my opinion, is the ingenuity of boys, 11-year-old boys, how cleverly, cunningly and skillfully they could always come up with something together for the sake of food, and then, by joint efforts, bring their ideas to life. An invisible connection between them was traced in everything, the Kuzmenyshi would never leave each other in trouble and would do everything to help each other, and if they did get it, then together. This true friendship between relatives in such wild conditions makes you think through the prism of time, how much relations between relatives are now established? Such sincere relations are far from all families, relatives have ceased to listen to each other, and how often quarrels occur now over material values. “A cloud of gold spent the night” is an invaluable example of a real, sincere, incorruptible relationship between two relatives in the most difficult conditions, always able to rely on each other.

      In conclusion, I want to note that friendship is indeed the most important phenomenon in human life. But only the one who is himself a true friend will be rewarded with true friendship. A true friend knows how to yield, respect, forgive and trust. Treat people the way you want to be treated - this is the rule that true friendship is built on. And even if the black side has come in life, a true friend in any situation remains a source of vivid emotions, sunlight for you.

    2. do the same as Vitka. - separately the same (there is a comparison)
      After all, it turns out that it is very difficult to hit a person who trustfully walks ahead of you and the hero is not capable of this. - I missed the comma before and.
      Seryozha, where is the continuation of the work?!

    3. the hero's decision for the benefit of their friendship with Vitka is an adult act of a small person. - dash lost.
      Sooner or later Vitka will receive his pain and suffering.

      I will also touch on the work of Anatoly Pristavkin “A Golden Cloud Spent the Night” - the logical transition is somehow erased. In addition, Vitka is a nice fellow. And most importantly, the desire to take revenge melted away in the hero. Refusal of revenge is a great thing, isn't it? This is what you are talking about.
      The factual mistake is gross - this is not a story! A story! The work is devoted to the themes of military childhood, homelessness, deportation of peoples under Stalin. The main idea is that you cannot build the happiness of one people on the misfortune of another. After Sashka's death, Alkhuzur, a Chechen boy, became Kolka's brother.
      So kindly to conclude. parts your thought sounds. Great. If only he spoke more clearly about the wild life of the brothers, so that it would be clear what time the story is about! 4+

  • Composition on the topic: "Friendship and enmity"

    “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight” Cicero. What is friendship? Friendship is a close relationship based on complete trust, sincerity, affection, common interests and hobbies.

    I believe that only those people can be called friends, next to whom a person becomes himself. In the company of these people, he is not afraid to seem ridiculous, stupid, uninteresting. Because friends are the people who accept you for who you are. Not everyone, unfortunately, is lucky to meet a true friend in life. Of course, there are many friends, but certain events taking place in your life clean out the ranks of the people around you and only true friends remain, with whom you can go into fire, water, and intelligence. True friends can help a person in any of the most difficult situations for him and do it completely disinterestedly, without requiring gratitude. They say that a friend in need is known. The statement is certainly true, but not everyone can be happy for your success. Friendship is often destroyed by envy. I think that relationships will not be sincere when one person has everything, and his friend needs elementary things. After all, a person is by nature selfish and thinks, first of all, about himself. As a result, it turns out that friends are tested by happiness too, because only a true friend is able to sincerely rejoice with you. It happens in life that friends turn into worst enemies. Reason: love and jealousy. It is jealousy that mercilessly breaks the most seemingly strong relationships, eclipsing everything good and sometimes making it impossible to reason sensibly. There are many examples. Take, for example, the relationship between Lensky and Onegin from the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", well known to all of us. Life brought together completely different young people.
    “They got along. Wave and stone
    Poems and prose, ice and fire.
    Over time, they became friends and became inseparable, but Onegin’s stupid joke, who decided to annoy his comrade and hit on Olga, was enough for their friendship to collapse and turn into hatred. In love with Olga, Lensky, tormented by jealousy, challenged Onegin to a duel, as a result of which he himself died.
    “How long have they been hours of leisure,
    Meal, thoughts and deeds
    Shared together? Now it's wicked
    Like hereditary enemies,
    As in a terrible, incomprehensible dream,
    They are each other in silence
    Prepare for death in cold blood...
    Was there friendship if it turned into hatred in an instant? Can a true friend mock the feelings of his comrade? The answers are obvious. The narcissistic Onegin simply communicated with Lensky out of boredom, out of nothing to do. Such relationships, where there is no trust and respect for each other, often develop into the exact opposite, break easily and do not withstand the slightest test. I haven't been lucky enough to meet a real friend yet. Why? I cannot answer this question. Maybe in our computer age there is simply not enough live communication, or maybe the reason is in me and I need to work on my character.

    Summing up, I want to say that true friendship is a sincere gift. Relationships like this are not for everyone. But the one who found a friend in life is just lucky. I hope that I will be lucky and meet a real friend, and I will not be alone among the many people around me.

    Silin Evgeny 11 "B"

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    Cicero said: “In the world there is nothing better and more pleasant than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunshine.”
    It is impossible not to agree with the opinion of the ancient Roman philosopher. Friendship is the light that should illuminate the path of every person. Only with friends can a person fully reveal himself, know the world around him not only from his own point of view, feel the brightest emotions and feelings, enrich his soul. It is thanks to the support of friends that a person can overcome himself. But it is also important not to forget that with friends it is important and necessary to know not only bright and bright moments, but also sad and even gloomy ones. Overcoming all difficulties, sorrows, resentments and conflicts, friendship only becomes stronger, and the Man becomes stronger. But why is friendship so important? What will happen to a man who has never had friends? Why is it so important to be able to make friends with other people? Let's figure it out!
    Very often people of different interests become friends. Plus is combined with minus, and a balance of good and bad is formed. People learn all aspects of life, become smarter, they grow as Personalities. This "attraction of opposites" is vividly described in the work of Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov". We are presented with two completely different heroes - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. The first one is “terribly lazy,” apathetic and calm, very sensitive and dreamy, “a steady light of carelessness shone all over his face,” he “lives without a break for 12 years” in one city, and all this “without getting out” occurs only within the boundaries of his favorite sofa . Oblomov does not have any dreams and does not strive for anything in life, he lets everything take its course. The second - Stolz - is hardworking, because work is "his element," educated, very active and purposeful, he constantly travels, "saw Russia up and down," but at the same time he is like a robot, controls everything in his life, including even emotions. Amazing opposites.
    So, Oblomov's life was "a blatant protest against Stolz's life." White and black, Yin and Yang, laziness and action. But! these people were best friends. They strove for each other, stretched; Oblomov often thought: “When will Stolz arrive?” Because Stolz is a chance to communicate with the person closest to him and a chance to do at least something in this life. Stolz, on the other hand, went to Oblomov, if he was nearby, because for him Oblomov is a true friend, a wonderful conversationalist and the closest person in the whole world. They equally valued and loved each other despite such different characters and lifestyles. From this I concluded that it does not matter what people are in appearance, character, social and financial condition, they can always become friends, just try to understand each other.
    Friends certainly complement each other. And this is also why it is important to make friends and make friends in order to know life from different angles.
    What about enmity? After all, it is connected with friendship much more closely than you can imagine. In the story The Avenger, we can see this relationship. The main character without a name, accustomed to living only in peace with everyone and in fairness, suddenly receives a “clod of earth impaled on a rod” on his back, without any reason or warning from Vitka. So our hero learns feelings of misunderstanding, anger and HOSTILITY. Because it's so unfair! “Well, why did he hit me now? The main thing, secretly, crept up behind. I didn't do anything wrong to him." Now he is overcome by a sense of revenge, which he certainly wants to realize: “The plan of revenge soon ripened. In a few days, when everything is forgotten, I, as if nothing had happened, will call Vitka into the forest to burn a greenhouse. And there, in the forest, I’ll stuff my face. ”
    But what are we seeing? “Here I’ll show you“ let’s go ”!” I thought to myself. ... and how I firmly resolved to repay him; “Well, we’ll dig this mink,” I decided, “then I’ll deal with you!”; “When we run for salt, I will definitely pinch you in the forest, you won’t leave me;” “It makes me feel light from the decision I made not to beat Vitka.” And the fact that his enmity towards Vitka gradually disappears, turning into warmer feelings: forgiveness, affection, desire to be together, FRIENDSHIP. So the reader understands that it is actually very easy to make friends even among enemies. You just need to try to understand and forgive.
    What else can be said in the end? Yes, friendship is a light that penetrates the darkest corners of the soul of the darkest-looking person. But it is worth these warm rays to get into right person how the world will see the birth and emergence of the absolute other. Friendship changes. And it only changes for the better. If it's really friendship, of course. And I would like to finish with the words of the main character of one of the types of Japanese art, Natsu Dragneel: “What are you doing? There are so many friends around. Fear is not a sin, it reveals to you your own weaknesses and, knowing them, a person becomes not only stronger, but also kinder. We learned how weak. And what's next? .. We will become stronger! Let's get up and fight! It's hard to face fear when you're alone. But now we are together. We have friends! And they are all there! Now there is nothing more to be afraid of, we are not alone here!
    True friendship is a very subtle feeling, which in an instant can turn from mutual respect and understanding into anger and complete disgust for each other. What can suddenly destroy friendship and turn friends into enemies? The most likely cause, in my opinion, is love and jealousy. Just such a situation is described in the work of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Lensky and Onegin are completely different:
    “They got along. Wave and stone

    It seems to me that they were united by the situation in the rural wilderness. Both of them were smart. Each person strives to communicate with his own kind.
    But their friendship abruptly broke off due to a stupid joke by Onegin, who decided to flirt with Olga for the sake of boredom and entertainment. The enamored Lensky flared up and challenged Onegin to a duel, as a result of which Lensky dies. How can a true friend mock the feelings of his comrade? Was it friendship or just communication from nothing to do? These are the questions the reader asks himself while reading this work. But after all, friendship can be not only between people who once met, but also between family members. For example, brother and sister, or mother and daughter. One example of such a beautiful, but tragically ended friendship is the work of Anatoly Pristavkin "A golden cloud spent the night." It tells about the friendship between two siblings. This is shown throughout the story, for example in episodes of stealing bread from the market, or stealing cans from the factory. In these moments, the unity and mutual understanding between the brothers is especially noticeable. Today you rarely see such warm feelings between relatives. In the modern world, it is necessary to constantly think about friendship between family members, about the need to develop and strengthen it.
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  • Essay on the topic: "Friendship and enmity".
    What is friendship? Everyone has asked themselves this question at least once. Can the relationship between Onegin and Lensky from the work “Eugene Onegin” be called friendship? In my opinion, no.
    In true friendship there is no place for the opinion of society and principles. Friends will always help each other, a friend does not say, but does.
    An example of true friendship is the relationship between Alexander Grigoriev and Pyotr Skovorodnikov from the work “Two Captains”. These heroes have been friends since childhood, they have experienced many adventures: a trip to Moscow, work for the "Dove" ... They trust each other, as a result, Peter marries Alexander's sister. Reading the work, we see how their friendship is growing stronger, and unlike Romashov, these guys know how to be friends.
    Another example of true friendship is the work “The Great Gatsby”. Nick admired Gatsby, one can already understand from the fact that he bothered to compose a whole story about him. He is one of the few who saw Gatsby on his last journey, Nick never sought to cash in on friendship with him. Nick is the only one with whom Gatsby could be frank, and Nick was devoted to him until Gatsby's death. There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunshine (Cicero) What is friendship? Friendship is a relationship between people based on trust and mutual understanding. A true friend does not know how to envy, offend. For a friend, it is very important with whom, where and what you do. A true friend is always ready to help and "substitute a solid shoulder." He will always help right choice. Because for real friends, the loss of a friend means the transformation of one ray of light in their lives into a ray of darkness.
    True friendship is a very subtle feeling, which in an instant can turn from mutual respect and understanding into anger and complete disgust for each other. What can suddenly destroy friendship and turn friends into enemies? The most likely cause, in my opinion, is love and jealousy. A true friend will support and wish happiness to his beloved and will not mock their feelings. Just the opposite situation is described in the work of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". It tells about the friendship of completely different characters: Lensky and Onegin.
    “They got along. Wave and stone
    Poems and prose, ice and fire"
    Over time, they became friends and became inseparable.
    It seems to me that they were united by the situation in the rural wilderness. Each person seeks to communicate with his own kind.
    But their friendship abruptly broke off due to a stupid joke by Onegin, who decided to flirt with Olga for the sake of boredom and entertainment. The enamored Lensky flared up and challenged Onegin to a duel, as a result of which Lensky dies. How can a true friend mock the feelings of his comrade? Was it friendship or just communication from nothing to do? These are the questions the reader asks himself when analyzing this work. The answer is obvious, there was not and could not be friendship between them, since Onegin is selfish and needs to be evaluated by the people around him. Such a person cannot even know about true friendship. But after all, friendship can be not only between people who once met, but also between family members. For example, brother and sister, or mother and daughter. One example of such a beautiful but tragically ended friendship is the work of Anatoly Pristavkin “A golden cloud spent the night”. It tells about the friendship between two native, eleven-year-old brothers. The work describes the famine wartime of 1943-1944. Kuzmeny, left orphans, support each other and not only that they support, they cannot imagine life without each other, they are like two parts of one person. The thought of the unity of the Kuzmyonyshes stretches through the whole story. This is shown for example in episodes of stealing bread from the market, digging a tunnel for a bread slicer, or stealing cans from a factory. In these moments, the unity and mutual understanding between the brothers is especially noticeable. Today, already in peacetime, you rarely see such warm feelings between relatives. In the modern world, it is necessary to constantly think about friendship between family members, about the need to develop and strengthen it.
    In conclusion, I want to say that people should not forget about the value of friendship and cherish it, since friendship makes them one whole and without it the world will be bogged down in lies and betrayal.
    Silin Evgeniy

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    "Friendship and enmity"

    “In the world there is nothing better and more pleasant than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunlight”

    Friendship is a personal and disinterested relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, common interests and hobbies. People who are related by friendship are called friends. Friends. Friend. A friend is a person who is not afraid to admit that he misses you. A friend accepts and loves you just the way you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses. This person is the only one who can influence your mood and emotions, inadvertently making you smile widely or unintentionally ruining your mood. With this person you can talk about anything and anytime, knowing that the conversation will remain only between you. You trust your friend as you trust yourself. He knows everything about you, keeps your secrets and supports you in difficult periods of life. A friend is happy if you are happy. He will always find time for you, even if it is difficult for him now. And these feelings are mutual. Such relationships warm a person, melting all negative thoughts and emotions, as if sunlight melts ice. Without friendship, as without light, not a single living being on our planet can live.

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    As a second example, I want to take A. Pristavkin's story "A golden cloud spent the night." The brothers Kolka and Sasha, who cannot be imagined separately, are the main characters. Even Aristotle said that a friend is one soul living in two bodies. Our heroes confirm this statement, because it is difficult to imagine them separately from each other. Sasha is the brain, and Kolya is the hands. Everything that was invented by one was realized by the second. There is such a warm relationship between the characters that each is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of the other. Trust, sincerity, care and support for each other are a small part of the signs of friendship. In this work, the author shows friendship between native people in difficult times. And what is happening with friendship today? Today, in peaceful days, one can observe how native people (!) Are ready to cut each other's throats because of some material value, completely forgetting that they are people in whom the same blood flows. I think that this story (and similar ones) reminds today's person of such an important concept as friendship between relatives. We cannot choose the family in which we will be born, but it is in our power to create the warmest relationships that will support us in joyful and sad stages of life.
    Friendship is a wonderful event in the life of every person. However, for this miracle to happen, a person needs to become a true friend. How? A true friend values ​​friendship, respecting the choice and interests of a friend, whatever they may be. A true friend will always understand and support in a difficult period of life, will not condemn. A true friend will be the sunshine, warming the soul in the cold days of our lives. A striking example of friendship is the relationship between Nick and Gatsby. Nick is the only one with whom Gatsby could be frank, and Nick was devoted to him to the very end. Nick never sought to cash in on his friendship with him. And when their adventure ended, Nick wrote a story about his friend. Fitzgerald F.S. in his work “The Great Gatsby” shows real male friendship.
    I would also like to show the relationship of Redrick Shewhart and Kirill Panov and the work of Arkady and Boris Stugatsky “Roadside Picnic” as an example of true friendship. We know little about their friendship because Kirill dies at the beginning of the work, but the fact that in the city, saturated with the search for profit and personal gain, when Redrick Shewhart, who had seen a lot of all sorts of dirt in his 23 years, reached out to this young laboratory assistant, right next to the “Zone”, he trusted him and wanted to help, and he most of all regretted his death (-Kirill Panov died. Through the hops, I did not immediately understand him. Someone died there and died. Let's drink to the repose of his soul. He looked at me round eyes, and only then did I feel as if everything inside me was broken.) For Redrick, this was a great pain and loss. Anyone who has read this work will understand how strong these bonds of barely familiar people are.
    In the 21st century, people have forgotten how to be friends. We've lost that light and people are starting to dim. There are those for whom a casual acquaintance is already a friend, and there are those who have no friends at all. There are many examples of true friendship in literature and many examples of falsehood. We should learn to distinguish between what is friendship and what is empty talk.
    Mikheev Alexander Among the eternal values, friendship always occupies one of the very first places. As the famous philosopher Cicero said: “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: to exclude friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight.” In the work of I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov", Andrei Stolz has been trying all his life to pull his friend Oblomov out of the swamp of his existence. Only he, alone, is able to lift Ilya Ilyich from the sofa, to give movement to his monotonous philistine life. Upon learning that Tarantiev and the manager of Obolomovka actually robbed a friend, Andrei acts like a true friend: he takes matters into his own hands and puts things in order. But to the great disappointment, this does not save Oblomov. Stolz honestly fulfilled his duty to his friend, and after his death he takes his son to be raised, not wanting to leave the child in an environment that was literally covered in the mire of idleness and philistinism.
    You can also consider the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", which tells about two comrades Onegin and Lensky. Their friendship was strong, but an incident occurs that quarrels friends and leads to enmity. At Tatyana Larina's birthday party, Eugene Onegin invites Lensky's beloved Olga to dance. Which, in turn, causes dissatisfaction with Lensky, and as a result of which leads to a duel. The duel ended very tragically, with the death of Lensky. Eugene did not want to kill a friend, but he also did not want to look like a coward in the eyes of high society. After the death of Lensky, Eugene did not understand the further meaning of life, because he had lost a loved one.
    True, true friendship is a rare phenomenon. The desire to be friends, mutual sympathy and common interests are just prerequisites for friendship. And whether it will develop depends only on patience and the ability to understand your friend, regardless of the opinions of the society around you. It is also important to be able to get out of the conflict with dignity, respecting the opinion of a friend, but not betraying your life principles, so that friendship does not turn into hostility.

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  • What is friendship? Perhaps it is not easy to answer this question, because this is an amazing and not yet fully explained phenomenon. No one knows exactly how and why friends appear. It happens unpredictably and spontaneously. But what is known for sure is that without friends a person cannot exist. Without them, he is like a tree without leaves. Everyone needs friends. They support in difficult times, give strength when it seems they are gone. A friend shares both joy and sorrow with you. It helps to stay afloat in the stormy sea of ​​life. Without friendship, existence would lose its meaning. She brings color to life.

    Friendship is the unity of souls and views. It is very important to find someone who shares your interests and understands you perfectly. But some views may not coincide, so respect is very important in friendship.

    You cannot force your ideas on others. Friends don't have to be the same in every way. Completely different people can come together, and this is the most amazing thing. A true friend is happy for you, even if he himself lost. This is a very important quality. It is always necessary to be able at the right time to hide the sadness of defeat and too much joy from victory for the sake of an important person for you. Friendship is based on support and mutual assistance. Without this, it cannot exist. To be friends means to be ready to help at any moment, no matter what.

    What is enmity? This is evil and destruction. People who are immersed in it do not get anything good from it. Enmity can grow from scratch, and then stretch out for such a long time that even the reason for its beginning is forgotten. Such relationships destroyed not only the lives of those who started them, but also their descendants. The enmity can continue through centuries and generations. There is no time for her. And this is the most dangerous thing. A carelessly thrown word, an accidentally crushed leg can result in a war for many years, and maybe even centuries. Of course, there are good reasons for hostility. It doesn't always come from the little things. But even in such cases, the enmity still turns into deadly stupidity, because no one wants to end it in time. This is perhaps the saddest thing about this kind of relationship.

    But which enemies are the most dangerous? Perhaps they are former friends. If a person who knows everything about you, who understands you as himself, suddenly turns away, if you find yourself on opposite sides of the barricades, this may end badly. Such an enemy can easily play on your weaknesses. As much as he was a faithful and honest friend, he will also be a terrible adversary. This can bring trouble and suffering to many. When former friends feud, it is not known how it will turn out in the end. Once having a strong quarrel, it is difficult to return to the world. It would seem that eternal friendship can suddenly break due to stupidity, and this will bring a lot of misfortune and disappointment.

    In Russian literature, there are many books about friendship and enmity. Many great authors have written about it. The topic of human relationships is very important and multifaceted. Friendship and enmity have been discussed at all times. This topic has always been very interesting and close to people.

    In A.S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" attention is paid to the relationship between two landowners. Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky were very good friends. There was an amazing harmony and mutual understanding between them. But suddenly everything changed. Troekurov's servant insulted Dubrovsky during a visit to the kennel. Andrei Gavrilovich was a proud man and could not erase his resentment. He left the Troekurov estate and demanded that his friend give the servant to him for trial. Kirilla Petrovich was also a wayward person and considered this an insult. Their relationship deteriorated. Troyekurov created a false accusation against Dubrovsky and received his estate for himself. This broke Andrei Gavrilovich. When Troekurov, tormented by his conscience, decides to apologize and comes to Dubrovsky, he dies. This work shows how a strong friendship can fall apart due to stupid pride and what sad consequences this can lead to.

    Much attention is paid to friendship in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Lensky and Onegin were connected by a kind of friendly relationship. They spent a lot of time together. Despite their different outlooks on life, they found mutual language. Everything in their relationship changed the ball on Tatyana's name day. Eugene danced all evening with Lensky's fiancee Olga. This pissed off friends. Lensky, not wanting to listen to anything, forgetting about the relationship connecting him with Eugene, challenges Onegin to a duel. Due to a slight misunderstanding, they became enemies. Onegin kills Lensky in a duel, and his life becomes eternal pangs of conscience. This work conveys the idea of ​​how necessary it is between friends to be able to listen to another, no matter what happens, and how tragic the result can be if this ability is not there.

    So friendship is very important. It is impossible to live without it. You need to take care of your friends. You can not quarrel over trifles, because this can result in sad events. There is no need to start enmity: after all, it does not bring anything good. Indian wisdom says: "It is not difficult to unearth an ax of war - it is more difficult to light a pipe of peace." Why make life more complicated than it is, wasting energy on meaningless confrontation, if you can just keep the value that you already have and be happy?

    School essays on this topic, as an option for preparing for the final essay.

    One of the most important things in our life is love. The feeling that is sung in songs, about which ballads are composed, is depicted in paintings and poems. Without it, we cannot imagine our existence.

    Love between two people is born from a small sympathy, slowly growing into something more. This is when a person is not indifferent to you, you are so interested in her that you do not want to part with her. You do not notice small flaws and generally perceive it as it is.

    Everyone has probably seen a man in love. Why are her eyes happy! She seems to be flying above the earth, giving everyone around some kind of bright joy. A man in love is capable of any feat and often discovers in himself a talent for an interesting occupation.

    And love is different. For example, the love of parents for their children. This is probably the most sincere and best feeling in the world. You can be sure that your parents will never betray you and will always be there for you. Although love between parents and a child is not like the feelings between a man and a woman, it is undoubtedly no less fascinating.
    There is also love for the Motherland, for the native land in which you were born. Wherever everything is there: trees, meadows, fields. For example, I have special feelings for my homeland. I love everything about him. I love my family very much and I know that they love me too.

    In fact, there are many types of love - this is friendly love between grandparents and their grandchildren, and even love for nature and for pets.

    When love is mutual it is wonderful, but very often the opposite happens. Unrequited love is a very sad thing, especially in adolescence. When young people think that this is the biggest tragedy in their lives. This is, of course, very sad, but, as the people say, "you can't command your heart." And often such a person loses the meaning of life and becomes indifferent to everything. Over time, love wounds heal, leaving behind unpleasant memories. It happens that after that the heart is no longer able to love again. And I think that we need to fight this. Every person has a soul mate. You just need to be patient and wait a bit. There is enough love in this world for everyone.

    Of course love is hard work. Couples who have been married for many years say that first you need to learn patience, respect, and not be indifferent to the problems of your loved one. It's not that hard. After all, when on the path of life you meet a person who will fill your heart, she will want to do everything. And every day change for the better and give her your love.

    Composition on the theme "Love" in the direction: He and she

    Love is the most beautiful feeling that any person on the planet can experience. She teaches to be kind, patient, wise and generous. Love begins at birth, when mom and dad see their newly born baby. Mom has the most rejected and sincere love. She will never betray, deceive, or let her child down. She will always believe in him and give her love and warmth throughout her life. Love can start suddenly, at the first sight of two people. And it can come gradually, after a long communication with each other, when people are united by some kind of joint hobbies, hobbies.

    Love is different, but it always gives warmth to other people. There is love for animals, for defenseless cats and dogs, for pigeons in the street, for your pets. Animals feel love very much, and reach out to those who treat them with kind feelings. Even small children are able to love animals.

    Love is always present in any family. Dad falls in love with mom long before the baby is born. Then parents give their love to children, and it multiplies. Children also love their parents very much, as well as sisters, brothers and grandparents. Parents and children love each other all their lives. Teenagers, and young girls and boys can fall in love. The first feelings are very touching and tender. Usually the first love is remembered for life. When a person loves, he wants to show constant care, give joy, and do pleasant deeds. A man in love will never upset his soul mate, he will try to do everything for the happiness of his beloved or beloved.

    Believing people greatly respect the love of God. They pray in church, read prayers. Such people are very kind and know more than others what love is. Every person during his life necessarily loves someone and he himself is loved by someone. Love is the most beautiful feeling on earth, helping to be happy, to give joy and warmth to other people.

    Essay on what is love?

    Each person answers this question in his own way, since it is impossible to give an exact definition for it. Everyone thinks and feels differently, so the manifestation of love is also individual for everyone.

    Some people love money and as soon as they meet a person with wealth, they immediately fall in love. Many call this manifestation of love not true love, arguing that as soon as the money disappears, love will pass, but true love never passes. I hasten to disappoint such people, love leaves even those who experience the strongest feelings. This happens when a person is not paid attention to for a long time, he feels not needed and just leaves, but he loved, his love was sincere, why then can we afford to say that it was not real? People rarely think about such questions as what is love? Why is she needed? How to distinguish it from a habit.

    Love is a habit for a person, that is why couples arise, because because of long love a habit has arisen and people cannot see their future life without a partner.

    Love, whatever it is, is always real, it's just that most people have principles and what does not agree with their opinion is rejected. Love helps a person move forward, it makes him more productive, he works more to get married / get married, raise children, go out with his beloved / mine somewhere for a walk. But in spite of everything positive sides, it can also let a person down, for example, in studies, his brain stops remembering information normally, because of this, bad grades may appear.

    But in general, love is a wonderful feeling, you can’t live a day without it, so love people and all living beings. Love will bring a little joy and a feeling of happiness to the soul.

    How do you understand the expression "unrequited love"? According to A. S. Pushkin.

    Love is an attraction that a person experiences, but it happens that a person’s sincere and strong feelings do not have an answer. It is in such situations that they say that love is “unrequited”.

    I believe that “unrequited love” is a certain part of life and at the same time an experience that, in spite of everything, you need to go through and try not to break down, become morally stronger. Examples from world literature can serve as proof of my words.

    So, in his poem "I loved you ..." A. S. Pushkin talks about the tragedy of unrequited love. The lyrical hero of this work is in love "sincerely, ... tenderly", but his feelings do not find an answer. Despite the torment of the soul, he promises not to disturb his beloved with his attention. The hero makes self-sacrifice: he gives his beloved freedom, wishing her to find someone who will love her the same way. In this lyrical work, A. S. Pushkin shows the reader: there is no need to suffer from unrequited love, because over time everything will fall into place, and the person who wants to live with him all his life.

    Another example unrequited love are the dreams of Tatyana Larina, the heroine of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Experiencing strong feelings for Eugene Onegin, the girl sends him a letter of recognition. The hero, not accepting Tatyana's feelings and fraternally criticizing her when they meet, still greatly hurts the girl's heart. Despite the lack of response, the heroine keeps the image of Eugene in her soul all her life, over the years, becoming a secular lady, wise, with all her behavior inspiring respect for herself from the people around her.

    Thus, there are people who experience one of the most, in my opinion, difficult feelings - “unrequited love”: this feeling, which gives pain more often, must be accepted (“you won’t be forced to be nice,” it was no coincidence that they used to say before), but it is one of those tests, that allow you to become stronger, to temper your soul.

    What do you understand by "unrequited love"?

    What is unrequited love? I believe that unrequited love is a rejection of feelings loving person. Unrequited love is hard to bear, and even harder to accept. I think there is nothing worse than unrequited love. The famous Russian writer Alexei Maksimovich Gorky also thinks, who wrote: “Of all the ridicule of fate over a person, there is no deadlier than unrequited love.” In many works of Russian and foreign literature there is that same unrequited love.

    So in the work of the Russian poet Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, the theme of love occupied a key place. In the story "Garnet Bracelet" the main characters are Princess Vera and Zheltkov, who loves her. He is a man who is ready to devote his whole life to the one he loves. The hero is completely immersed in an imaginary ocean of love full of feelings for his beloved.

    But in the end, he realizes that they cannot be together and, having lost the meaning of his future life, decides to commit suicide. On the example of his tragic fate, one can see that a person who is head over heels in love and does not know how to let go will choose death rather than resignation to reality. The author brings us to the conclusion that unrequited love is dangerous, you need to be able to let go, reconcile and seek your happiness further.

    The theme of the composition is also touched upon in the work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin “ Clean Monday". Here we are told the love story of two people. The author does not name them, simply saying - He and She. The heroes of this work were young people who lived in abundance. They dined in restaurants, attended theaters, secular evenings. With such external similarity, the main characters differ from each other in their inner world. I think this difference was the reason for their separation. The girl is not ready for marriage, worldly life is alien to her. She is drawn to something bright, non-material, to faith, to God. That is why, having forgiven everyone on Forgiveness Sunday, she writes him a letter and leaves for the monastery, asking him not to look for and not to call her. Thus, the author wants to convey to us the idea of ​​the relationship between a man and a woman, about their emotional experiences and, finally, about unrequited love.

    In conclusion, I want to say that love is when, letting go of a person, the heart screams: “Don't leave! I can not live without you!". And you say out loud quite sincerely: “Be happy and take care of yourself.” The sooner you let go of someone else's happiness, the sooner you will find your own.

    Official commentary 5. "Friendship and enmity." direction aims at
    discourse on the value of human friendship, on the ways
    achieving mutual understanding between individual
    people, their communities and even entire nations, and
    also about the origins and consequences of the enmity between them.
    The content of many literary works
    associated with the warmth of human relationships or
    hostility of people, with the development of friendship into enmity
    or vice versa, with the image of a person capable of
    or not capable of appreciating friendship, able
    overcome conflicts or sow discord.

    Aspects of the topic

    - friendship between people, meaning and
    the value of friendship in
    human life;
    friendship and enmity between human beings
    communities and generations;
    friendship or enmity between peoples and
    consequences of hostile relations;
    - friendship between man and animal, etc.


    - personal disinterested
    relationship between
    people based on
    love, trust,
    sincerity, mutual
    likes, common
    interests and hobbies.
    Mandatory features
    friendship are
    reciprocity, trust and
    is the person who calls
    boundless respect and
    desire to take care of him.
    He is always ready to help
    and be around. True
    friendship always
    mutual. Often say:
    Friends are family
    which we choose


    friendship, friendliness, benevolence, harmony,
    peace, harmony, short acquaintance, twinning
    love, brotherhood, unity.

    Manifestations of friendship
    Understanding sensations, feelings and
    the needs of your friend.
    Deep similarity of interests
    until the same perception
    material objects such as
    art objects.
    Complete separation
    emotional, mental,
    moral, physical
    The ability to partially or
    completely replace another
    psychological help, conversation
    or just touch
    bring significant relief
    Friendship types
    Creative. conservation, understanding,
    Adoption personal qualities another
    approval of manifestations of self-expression and
    fantasy, a fruitful union of two actively
    self-expressive people.
    Spiritual. mutual development of each other.
    Everyone is able to receive significant
    a share of the enrichment of one's individuality for
    account of another, complete mutual understanding. ABOUT
    they say to such people: “They talk without
    Everyday. Starts with territorial
    proximity. People say: "We are friends with
    school bench (army, sandbox, university).
    This interaction is often reinforced
    mutual reasons to meet. Sometimes
    development of this type of friendship
    can become a job - people prefer
    make friends with members of your profession.
    Family. When entire communities become
    everyone's friends.

    Know, my friend, the price of enmity and friendship
    And do not sin with a hasty judgment.
    Rasul Gamzatov
    There are no ties holier than comrades!
    N.V. Gogol

    A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much,
    - that's what a real, true friend means!

    Questions to the topic

    Questions to the topic
    What is true friendship?
    Who can be considered true
    What is friendship?
    What is the role of friendship in human life
    and is it possible to do without it?
    Friendship and betrayal?

    10. True friendship of Pushkin

    True friendship of Pushkin
    « I.I. Pushchino"
    "October 19, 1825"
    "To Chaadaev"
    "In the depths of Siberian ores ...".
    Ready for self-sacrifice
    understanding and forgiveness in any


    If a friend was suddenly
    Not a friend, not an enemy, but...
    V. Vysotsky


    Relations and
    actions permeated
    hostility, hatred.
    Man fighting for
    th, opposite
    interests, adversary.
    class enemy.
    Ideological enemy.
    ill-wisher, man,
    seeking to cause

    13. Synonyms

    Antagonism, malice,
    dislike, hatred,
    hostility, strife,
    unfriendliness, discord
    aggressor, antagonist,
    military enemy, enemy,
    enemy, persecutor, demon, devil
    , sworn enemy, spiteful critic,
    intruder, thief,
    villain, ill-wisher,
    unkind, foe, hater,
    enemy, evil spirit,
    unclean spirit, offender,
    persecutor, persecutor,
    opposing side, adversary,
    Satan, adversary, adversary,
    black power, damn

    14. Arguments

    1. A.S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin.
    2. M. Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time.
    3. I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons.
    4. F.M. Dostoevsky. Crime and
    4. L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace.
    5. I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov.
    6. G.N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear".

    15. Friendship is a tragedy

    Friendship is a tragedy
    A.S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin.
    Onegin and Lensky
    "They agreed:
    Wave and stone
    Poems and prose
    Ice and fire…”
    "nothing to do friends."
    “Between them everything gave rise to controversy
    And it got me thinking:
    Tribes of past treaties,
    The fruits of science, good and evil
    And age-old prejudices
    And fatal secrets of the coffin,
    fate and life
    But more often occupied by passions
    Minds of my hermits.
    - environment;
    - age;
    - inquisitive mind;
    - pastime.
    Empty heart beats evenly
    The pistol did not waver in his hand.


    M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our
    "distinguished in the crowd friend
    "become friends
    because I am for friendship
    not able to. Of two friends
    always one slave
    "I can't be a slave, but
    command - labor
    tiresome because
    what you need to ... deceive.
    Pechorin and Werner
    External dissimilarity
    "We are pretty
    indifferent, except for themselves"
    - V. - "skeptic, materialist":
    - “... studied all living strings
    - "evil tongue";
    - “... the imprint of the soul
    tested and high…”;
    - inquisitive mind;


    18. F.M. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment.

    F.M. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment.
    Razumikhin and Raskolnikov
    Friendship of two opposites
    This is the friendship of very different young people who, after all,
    had a lot in common. Friendship started 1.5 years ago
    - while studying at the university: "... For a year and a half I have been Rodion
    I know ... " (Raz.) "The last few months, Raskolnikov has not
    attended classes and hardly saw anyone. However, Razumikhin
    sought to maintain their friendship, as he saw in his friend
    many positive qualities. And he was right, of course. They are both
    lived in poverty and were forced to earn their living by teaching
    and translations. Raskolnikov did not like this humiliating poor
    life. And Razumikhin simply "troubled" as best he could, and worked, not
    complaining about your share.
    Both are smart, educated, deep, noble, capable of
    sincere feelings of young people.
    The story of friendship between Razumikhin and Raskolnikov is a story
    sincere and true friendship.

    19. I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons.

    I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons.
    Bazarov and Arkady
    "good friends"
    A. "revered for his
    "...I cherish his friendship."
    Imitates Bazarov;
    B. - "... our dirt you
    messes up."
    Powerful, active nature
    Bazarova demanded not only
    friendship, sincere,
    noble relationship,
    spiritual intimacy, but friendship, comradeship, full
    subjugation of all interests
    one common goal.

    20. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

    L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
    For Prince Andrei and Pierre, it is characteristic
    inner reflection, eternal search for truth,
    the meaning of life. They support each other in
    minutes of mental crises. Yes, Bolkonsky
    worries about Pierre when he starts to revel in
    Dolokhov company. Pierre supports the prince
    Andrei after the death of his wife and his disappointment in
    "his Toulon". It is Pierre who tells him that
    "We must live, we must love, we must believe." So
    way, friendship and love, according to the writer, -
    it's something worth living for.

    21. I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov.

    I.A Goncharov. Oblomov.

    The differences between Oblomov and Stolz are only external, since both of them
    are individuals who are in constant search of their own happiness, but never
    able to open up fully and realize their full potential. The characters are tragic
    no matter how constantly striving forward, active Stolz, or passive, living in illusions
    Oblomov do not find harmony between the two main principles - rational and sensual,
    which leads to the death of Ilya Ilyich and internal confusion and even greater confusion
    They are connected by sincere, disinterested friendship, they are worthy people, endowed with many
    high spiritual qualities. They are necessary to each other, because they complement so well
    each other, one finds in the other what is not in oneself.

    22. Frontline friendship

    Front friendship
    The story of B. Vasilyev “The Dawns
    it's quiet here…”
    Anti-aircraft girls, and
    Captain Vaskov live by
    the laws of reciprocity,
    each other's responsibility
    V. Vysotsky “He did not return from
    “... Now I don’t understand who was right from
    In our disputes without sleep and rest.
    I just missed him now
    When he didn't come back from the fight.
    He was silent at random and sang out of time:
    He always talked about something else.
    He did not let me sleep, he got up with the sunrise,
    And yesterday he did not return from the battle.
    What is empty now is not a conversation about that,
    Suddenly I noticed: there were two of us.
    For me it was like the wind blew out the fire,
    When he didn't return from the battle...

    23. G.N. Troepolsky. White Bim Black Ear.

    Beam is a white Scottish setter with a black ear. He
    lives with WWII veteran Ivan
    Ivanovich, who was once a journalist, but now
    is engaged in hunting. He loves his pet and often takes
    him to hunt. Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but suddenly Ivan
    Ivanovich was hospitalized because of a fragment in his heart,
    left over from the war. He gives Bim to a neighbor, but the dog
    escapes and goes in search of the owner. On his way
    meet a variety of people who are described
    the eyes of a dog. Some are nice and kind, others are evil and even
    cruel. Ivan Ivanovich is discharged and arrives at the shelter,
    in which Beam ended up. But to meet two friends is not

    24. A.P. Chekhov. Chestnut.

    Kashtanka - a dog that lost its owner
    Luka Alexandrovich. She's trying to find someone who
    betrayed, but exhausted and falls asleep. Finds
    Chestnut man who turns out to be a circus
    the clown Mr George. He takes the dog and tries
    tame her and teach her different tricks. Kashtanka
    getting used to the new environment, which includes Mr.
    Georges, as well as trained goose, pig and cat. And so
    the dog is in the circus arena and begins to perform,
    but suddenly among the audience he sees his former master
    and rushes towards him. This is such a simple story
    devotion and friendship with a happy ending.

    25. Sample Topics

    Sample Topics
    1. What qualities reveals in a person
    2. Friend vs Buddy - What's the difference?
    3. We love our friends for their shortcomings too.
    4. Do you agree that a friend is known
    in trouble?