How to remove chewing gum from clothes. How to clean chewing gum from clothes without the slightest trace? How to remove chewing gum from fabric

How to remove chewing gum from clothes, tightly stuck to the thing and penetrated into the fibers of the fabric? There are many ways to remove chewing gum. effective ways which can be used at home. But some of the methods have disadvantages, for example, they leave traces in the form of stains on the fabric or an unpleasant odor after applying gasoline or alcohol. In this case, you will need to immediately wash the clothes with washing powder or stain remover.

To remove the adhesive mass, the thing is dry-cleaned. Since it's not cheap to take things to the dry cleaner, it's better to learn how to remove them yourself, without wasting time on eliminating unpleasant odors. You can perform this procedure if you use the methods below at home.

Different approaches to problem solving

The material used to make chewing gum softens at high temperatures. This can be used to save a skirt or jeans. The change in the properties of gum occurs under the influence of not only low temperatures, but also high ones. In the cold, the gum hardens, and when heated, it begins to soften. Based on the properties, methods for removing gum from various fabrics are divided into hot, cold, etc.

For example, if there are concerns about the possibility of damaging a thing, then it is better not to machine it in order to remove the gum. Most in a simple way will send the item to the freezer, which is most suitable for wool products, sweaters, jumpers, etc. In the absence of a positive result from one method, they switch to another until the clothes are clean. It is important to follow the rules of caution.

Consider the hot way

There are several ways to remove chewing gum from clothes by heating. For example, a hair dryer will help to remove chewing gum from jeans or other types of clothing, with the help of which the adhering mass is heated, and then they take an unnecessary toothbrush and rub the gum with it.

If chewing gum is heated over steam, it can then be removed without difficulty. This hot method involves using steam from boiling water in a kettle or pot over which you can hold the item. The fabric area with the elastic softened over the steam can be cleaned and quickly removed.

If the thing is not made of delicate fabric, then chewing gum can be removed using table vinegar, which should be heated on the stove or in the microwave. While the vinegar has not cooled down, they take a brush and, having dipped it in it, begin to remove the chewing gum from the fabric. When the vinegar has cooled, heat it up again. In vinegar, you will need to dip the brush the required number of times to completely remove the gum from the clothes.

You can use boiling water to remove chewing gum. Then it is better to call an assistant to pour boiling water on the piece of clothing with chewing gum. The second person will clean the contaminated area with an unnecessary toothbrush.

Before removing chewing gum from clothes, you can lower the contaminated area into boiling water and wait a few minutes until the gum gets wet. Then it can be removed with a sharp object, and the fabric needs to be rubbed and dried. After it was not possible to tear off the chewing gum in this way, you can lower the clothes into boiling water and repeat all the steps.

You can remove chewing gum from clothes at home if you use an iron. The place of contamination is ironed with an iron through gauze, a napkin or blotting paper. If after that there is a stain from the gum, then you should not immediately send the item to the wash. It is necessary to purchase or find at home bleach or a suitable liquid so that it removes stains from the fabric. Putting the iron on medium power, you should iron a sheet of cardboard with it, on which the item is placed with an elastic band down. It should remain on the cardboard.

You can remove chewing gum stains from clothes by washing.

It is necessary to remove the stubborn chewing gum after soaking the damaged item in water with a cleaning agent. Suitable as a powder, and a stain remover or dishwashing detergent. The main thing is not to spare the substance, then the gum will soften. After that, the thing is washed by hand or in washing machine.

Removal by cold method

The most effective and proven way to clean clothes from chewing gum is to freeze it. You will need to fold the thing in such a way that the elastic is on the outside, and the wardrobe item itself can easily be placed in a plastic bag. Avoid spreading the elastic to other parts of the clothing. Before removing chewing gum from clothes, the item is wrapped in polyethylene, making sure that the gum does not stick to the package. Putting the bundle in the freezer, wait about an hour or more.

When the gum is completely frozen, the clothes in the bag should be taken out of the refrigerator. If the gum does not fall off on its own, you can use the method of scraping gum from the fabric or use another method of removal. It is important to do this quickly while the gum is still cold. If it was not possible to separate the chewing gum from the tissue, the procedure must be repeated.

If the thing is large and difficult to place in the freezer, in most cases a piece of ice is placed on the contaminated area. After the gum has hardened, you can use a stiff brush to remove the chewing gum from the clothes. This method is suitable for removing chewing gum from a rug, carpet, coat, fur coat or other large items.

You can spray chewing gum on your clothes with a lighter refill can. This will freeze the gum from the gas jet. Then the gum should be gently pry with a fingernail or a sharp object to remove it from the material. The use of this method does not require changing into other clothes, you don’t even have to think about how to remove the chewing gum stain, since after using the gas can there will be no traces left.

It must be remembered that before you unstick the chewing gum by freezing, you should not attempt to remove it mechanically. After some time, it will still turn into a small piece, similar to a stone, which can be picked off with any sharp object. There should be no traces of chewing gum on the fabric, which is relevant not only for nylon tights but also for everyday wear.

Solvent Application

If you don’t want to waste time and energy on wiping chewing gum from clothes, you can use the services of dry cleaning. Before cleaning the fur from chewing gum, the cloth is moistened in a solvent and the necessary place is wiped with it. After that, gently remove the gum with a brush. After applying the solvent, the fur is combed with a comb that has fine teeth.

An effective way to clean clothes from chewing gum is a solvent: nail polish remover, acetone, white spirit, gasoline, kerosene, etc. Using a solvent, wipe the area on a woolen fabric or fur. For example, in the absence of stains, you can clean gum from jeans with the tool that was used for a trial purpose.

For many, a convenient way to remove chewing gum is toluene technical liquid, which is applied to the place where the gum has stuck. After that, the thing should be washed with a powder. If the material from which the clothes are sewn does not shed, then acetone can be used. If you use a nail polish remover that does not contain acetone, you can also easily remove chewing gum from outerwear, coats or fur coats. As a result, no stains will remain.

The action of gasoline, spray, hairspray

If you want to remove old chewing gum stains, you can use gasoline to be sure of the results of the procedure. Stubborn marks will disappear after the cloth is abundantly moistened at the site of contamination. You will need to wait 5-10 minutes, and then take a cotton swab or a piece of paper to gently remove the stain. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, the product will have to be washed. It should be made only from natural fabrics. Gasoline is not suitable for synthetics.

One of the most effective ways to remove chewing gum is by using the gum itself. You should chew a new chewing gum, and then attach it to the place of contamination. This is done until the old chewing gum comes off completely.

To remove chewing gum from clothes, you can purchase the Chewing Gum Removers spray. The tool acts on the principle of using ice, that is, it freezes, cooling the surface that is contaminated. Splashing sing, wait a few minutes, and then scrape off the gum using improvised means. To remove chewing gum stains, you can use special stain remover sprays.

Hairspray is also good at removing gum. Spray some varnish on the sticky gum. When it hardens, remove it with a dull knife.

Rubbing with orange or peanut butter

If you have orange oil at home, use it. Apply some orange oil to the sponge and scrape off the gum with a toothbrush.

It is important to be careful and careful when using peanut butter, which should not come into contact with a clean area on clothing. Peanut butter is applied only to the chewing gum itself, which is stuck to the thing. The tool should cover the chewing gum adhering to the fabric completely. The oil is left on the fabric for 1 minute, making sure that it does not get on the item and does not stain it.

When the elastic is loose, it is carefully scraped off with a blunt object so as not to damage the fabric. The tool must have a hard thin surface. The cleaned item of clothing will need to be washed immediately. manually or in the washing machine using powder or stain remover. These tools can also be used to remove the chewing gum itself.

If you pour a spoonful of liquid washing powder directly on the gum, then it remains to use an old toothbrush and remove the chewing gum. A scraper is also suitable for this purpose. Stain removers, made up of degreasing ingredients, also help to remove chewing gum with ease. The agent should be absorbed into the gum, and after that it is cleaned with a scraper. You can use a stain remover if you get peanut butter on your clothes. Stain remover is used only when the item is washed.

Knowing how to remove gum from clothes, wiping gum from other items is not difficult. Hot and cold chewing gum can be removed from carpets, furniture, furs, etc. However, it is not very convenient to remove chewing gum that has stuck to the sole of the shoe using the above methods. However, there is a way out if you take a swab and soak it with alcohol, nail polish remover or acetone. Wipe the stained area can be within a few minutes. After that, the chewing gum will come off by itself or when using an old toothbrush or knife.

For fear of ruining clothes that are stained with chewing gum, you can go to a dry cleaner. It is also better to do this if none of the methods for removing the gum helped. Clothing will be brought back to normal by specialists. In order not to have to spend time and money on rubbing gum from damaged things, it is necessary to control the situation every time. This will make the problem of contamination of clothes with sticky pieces of chewing gum irrelevant.

How to clean chewing gum from clothes? Everyone has faced this problem at least once. Chewing gum can stick anywhere - on the street, indoors or on public transport. Getting rid of sticky chewing gum is quite difficult, so dry cleaning seems to be the only way out. In fact, it is quite possible to clean a thing from chewing gum at home, if you act quickly and correctly. We will tell you the most effective folk methods that have been successfully tested by many housewives.

The main characteristic of chewing gum is that it softens at high temperatures and hardens at low temperatures. This property of chewing gum can be used when cleaning clothes from a sticky substance. There are two ways to clean clothes - hot and cold. Each one is effective in its own way. different types fabrics. The hot method is associated with mechanical action, so it is better not to use it for delicate fabrics. In this case, it is optimal to send the thing to the freezer and wait until the gum hardens, then safely remove it. If a positive result cannot be achieved immediately, you can change methods until your favorite thing is clean.

hot way

How to clean chewing gum from clothes with heat? There are several effective "hot" methods that make it easy to get rid of this trouble. Let's look at some of them.

  • Turn on the hair dryer at full power and hold it for a while over the stuck chewing gum. When it softens, take an old toothbrush and scrub the stained area. There should not be a trace of the gum.
  • If you don’t have a hairdryer at hand, you can remove the chewing gum by holding the thing over a kettle or pot of boiling water. Softened chewing gum will easily move away from the fabric.
  • For rough fabrics, such as jeans, you can use table vinegar. Heat some acetic acid on the stove or in the microwave, then dip the brush into the liquid and rub the area with the gum.
  • You can remove chewing gum with boiling water in this way. Dip the contaminated area in boiling water, then scrape off the gum with a sharp object. This method should not be used for delicate items - you can ruin the clothes completely.
  • Another hot way to remove chewing gum from clothes involves using an iron. Carefully iron the area with sticky gum through a piece of cloth or paper towel. After this, a stain may remain, which iron again with wrong side by placing the thing with a rubber band on a piece of cardboard. The final stage is washing clothes with.

cold method

  • The simplest "cold" method is freezing. Fold the thing so that the place with the chewing gum remains at the top, and wrap the garment itself in a small bag. Leave the clothes in the freezer overnight. When the gum hardens, you can easily remove it from your clothes, and if necessary, scrub the areas where the chewing gum is difficult to rub off.
  • If the clothes have big sizes, and does not fit in the freezer (for example, a jacket or a down jacket), you can attach an ice cube to the sticky chewing gum. When the gum hardens, scrub the residue with a stiff brush. The same method is suitable for removing chewing gum from the carpet.
  • How to remove chewing gum stains from clothes? You can take a lighter refill can and spray it on the spot with the stain. This method is convenient in that it can be applied on the go, and there will be no stains from the chewing gum.
  • In winter, it is enough to take clothes out onto the balcony or into the yard. Wait for the gum to harden and you can easily remove it with a kitchen knife.

When using cold methods to clean chewing gum from clothes, remember that you should not try to tear the gum off the fabric mechanically before freezing. Under the influence of cold, the chewing gum should freeze and turn into a stone that will easily come off, one has only to pry it with a sharp object. The cold method is universal and suitable for all types of fabrics - from delicate silk to coarse wool.

We use solvents

Some things, for example, fur, can be cleaned of adhering chewing gum with a solvent. Dampen a small piece of cloth with the chemical and rub the area with a rubber band. After that, carefully rub the stain with a brush, and comb the fur with a regular comb.

You can clean a thing from chewing gum using substances such as acetone, white spirit, nail polish remover and kerosene. These products are optimal for coarse fabrics - fur, wool, etc. After cleaning, it is recommended to wash the clothes to get rid of the characteristic pungent odor. These chemical substances best of all help to wipe chewing gum from jackets, jeans and other things from thick fabric.

Many housewives claim that the problem of how to wipe chewing gum from clothes is perfectly solved by toluene. This fluid is sold in many technical stores. Drop a little substance, and the sticky substance will come off without a trace. After cleaning the fabric, do not forget to wash the item with the powder.

We use gasoline, spray, hairspray

Is it possible to wipe chewing gum from clothes once and for all? To do this, it is worth using radical methods. Every motorist will always have gasoline. Soak the stained area with it, wait 5-10 minutes, then wipe the area with a cotton swab or napkin. Please note that gasoline is only suitable for natural materials, it cannot be used for synthetics. To eliminate the pungent odor, wash the item as usual.

Chewing Gum Removers can be used to remove sticky chewing gum, which can be purchased at hardware stores or online. This tool quickly freezes the gum, it hardens and is easily scraped off from any tissue. The only drawback of the method is the high price.

An alternative to purchased sprays can be regular varnish for hair. Removing chewing gum from clothes with it is simple - sprinkle the gum stain with varnish, then rub it with a sharp object.

Chewing gum stains can be removed with new chewing gum. Chew another piece of gum, and then stick to the stain, then remove with hot or cold methods.

Scrub with orange or peanut butter

If you have peanut butter or orange butter in your fridge, you can use those to remove gum. With a toothbrush, apply a little oil to the stain with the gum, being careful not to touch the fabric around. Wait 2-3 minutes, then carefully scrape off the gum with a knife, blade or other sharp object. The final stage - or in the car, which needs to be carried out as quickly as possible.

  • You can clean the gum from the fabric with a washing powder or stain remover. Mix the product with water until a slurry is obtained, then apply to the stained area. Wait for the gum to dissolve and then gently scrape it off until the clothes are clean. Additional washing may not be necessary.
  • If chewing gum stuck to the sole of the shoe, which happens quite often, you should not use the methods for the fabric. It is best to wipe the dirt with a swab dipped in alcohol or acetone, and then gently scrape off the gum.
  • How to remove chewing gum stains from clothes? Regular tape can help with this. Cut off a small piece of duct tape and cover the area with the rubber band with it. When the tape sticks, pull sharply towards yourself. The chewing gum should remain on the tape, and its remnants should disappear.
  • If you are dealing with something that is too expensive and delicate, you should not make any attempt to wipe the gum yourself. In this case, it is better to take the clothes to the dry cleaners, as even one wrong move can ruin the outfit.
  • All folk methods - both hot and cold, can be applied several times until you achieve the desired result. alternate various ways to remove chewing gum stains from clothes.

Chewing gum stains on clothes are a nuisance that you can get rid of at home. Try any of these methods and you will see that they really work and help us make life easier.

You can “decorate” clothes with chewing gum in a cafe, public transport, an educational institution, and even in own house. A moment of inattention can lead to a real problem, because it is not easy to remove this product from the fabric, because it adheres strongly to the fibers. One solution is to take the wardrobe item to dry cleaning, but this requires some expenses. Consider how to clean clothes from chewing gum yourself.

Faced with the task of how to wipe chewing gum from clothes, you should use the simplest method, which is exposure to cold. Low temperatures cause the gum to harden, as a result, its adhesive properties are reduced, and it easily moves away from the fibers.

Basic cold methods:

  1. Freezer. It is necessary to put the thing in the bag so that the chewing gum is on top, but does not touch the polyethylene. If sticking cannot be avoided, a small hole can be made in the bag above the elastic. Leave the product in the freezer for 1-3 hours.
  2. Ice, including dry. If a bulky item of clothing or home textiles gets dirty, the place with chewing gum should be wiped with an ice cube or soaked in very cold water.
  3. Cooling aerosols used to reduce the temperature of microcircuits (Freezer), as well as for pain relief in injuries (Icemix). It is enough to spray the substance on the contaminated area.
  4. Special spray for removing chewing gum (Chewing Gum Removers). Its action is based on the rapid cooling of the gum.

The effect of applying all of these methods is the same - chewing gum hardens. As a result, it either falls off the tissue itself, or easily moves away under mechanical action. It should be carefully scraped off with the blunt side of a knife, tweezers or a brush. It is important to do this while the gum is cold. If a stain remains on the clothes after cold treatment, it must be wiped with ethyl alcohol and it will disappear.

Thermal methods

When figuring out how to remove chewing gum from clothes, you should study methods using high temperatures. The heat causes the gum to melt and soften, making it easier to separate from the tissue. Processing options - using boiling water, iron or hair dryer.

Boiling water

To fight gum, hot water can be used in one of two ways:

  1. At the same time, pour boiling water on the dirt and rub it with a toothbrush. At least two people are required to perform manipulations. All actions must be performed very carefully.
  2. Immerse the product in a basin of very hot water. Wait until it cools down a bit so that you can put your hand down. Loosen the gum with a sharp object and rub the remaining mark with a brush.

Boiling water can be processed only dense natural fabric- , cotton. Hot water can damage delicate materials and synthetics.


If there is a problem, how to remove chewing gum from clothes at home, you can use an iron. The essence of the method is to heat the gum and at the same time stick it to another surface - a sheet of paper, cardboard, a piece of fabric.

Action algorithm:

  1. Put cardboard (blotting paper, napkin, rags) on the contaminated area, or vice versa - mark the product on the sheet (the paper should be in contact with the chewing gum).
  2. Touch the cardboard or fabric with a warm iron several times. Do not iron the item intensively, otherwise the stain may increase.
  3. Remove paper. It should have chewing gum on it.

hair dryer

You can also soften the chewing gum with the help of hot air produced by a hair dryer. It is necessary to put on the device a slit-like concentrator nozzle, turn on the maximum power and direct the flow to the elastic band from the wrong side of the fabric. Once the gum melts, use tweezers or a knife to peel it off. The method is suitable only for those materials that can be washed and ironed at high temperatures.

improvised means

When figuring out how else to clean sticky clothes from chewing gum, you should pay attention to methods with vinegar and vegetable oil.


Velveteen, silk, satin, chiffon and other similar fabrics cannot be processed with vinegar. If the product is sewn from a durable material, then to get rid of the remnants of the gum, you must:

  1. Heat up a small amount of vinegar.
  2. Dip your toothbrush into it.
  3. Rub the dirt until completely removed.
  4. Repeat the steps if the chewing gum is not removed.

To get rid of the smell of vinegar, a wardrobe item should be thoroughly washed by hand or in a typewriter.

Vegetable oil

Reduces the adhesion of chewing gum to fabric fibers. It is best to use a peanut product. Oil should be applied to the contamination with cotton swab. It is important to be careful not to stain clean areas. Then you need to scrape off the gum.

After this method, an oil stain will most likely remain on things. Apply a stain remover suitable for the type of fabric on it and wash the product in a typewriter.

Note: How to clean chewing gum from clothes if the gum has stuck to clothes recently? You can try to remove the gum with another chewing gum. It should be chewed and glued / peeled off several times to the problem area.

Chemical substances

The problem of how to remove chewing gum from clothes can be solved with the help of chemicals:

  • refined gasoline;
  • toluene;
  • acetone;
  • nail polish remover;
  • alcohol (vodka).

Action algorithm:

  1. Hold the thing over the steam so that the chewing gum softens a little.
  2. Remove the main part of the product with a sharp object and a cloth.
  3. Moisten the remaining contamination with one of the listed preparations.
  4. After 5-7 minutes, rub the stain with a brush or sponge.
  5. Wash the item by hand and then in the washing machine with the powder, selecting the "Double rinse" option.

Toluene, gasoline, acetone and other aggressive substances should not be used on velvet, corduroy and other delicate fabrics. Before use, it is necessary to check how the product affects the material: drop a small amount on an inconspicuous area and look at the result.

Also, products containing toluene and acetone should not be used for colored fabrics, as their effect contributes to the discoloration of the material. Do you want to know how? We have a separate article.

Important: These drugs have a pungent odor and can damage the skin. It is important to clean clothing in a well-ventilated area, away from sources of ignition. The use of gloves is recommended.

Removal of residual stain

After applying most of these methods, a white mark may remain on the fabric. Consider how to remove a chewing gum stain from clothes so that it acquires its original appearance.

To remove contamination, you can use:

  • liquid soap;
  • laundry soap;
  • detergent for dishes;
  • washing powder, diluted with a small amount of water to a state of slurry;
  • stain remover suitable for the type of fabric.

Stages of work:

  1. Soak the item in warm water.
  2. Rub the stain with one of the products, wait 15-30 minutes.
  3. Treat the chewing gum mark with a toothbrush.
  4. Carry out a normal wash in the machine or by hand.

Gum sticking to clothes is a nuisance that can be dealt with with the help of available methods: cold, hot water, vinegar, alcohol and so on. You should start cleaning as quickly as possible, trying different methods.

The main thing is not to try to tear off the elastic without additional processing, especially when it comes to thin fabric. This approach is fraught with stretching of the fibers or their rupture.


The choice of method for cleaning chewing gum from clothes depends on the type, color, density of the material. Rub chewing gum with denim, dense fabric with vinegar, acetone, alcohol, any detergent, use hot or ice water, steam. thin, delicate, Leather Products clean with ice cube, rubbing alcohol or non-acetone nail polish remover. To get gum off your fur coat, freeze it or spray it with hairspray.

For safe and fast cleaning, use professional tools: Dr. Beckmann, Amway, Chewing Gum Removers. Do not try to remove chewing gum from clothing with your hands or a handkerchief. Dear delicate thing take it to the dry cleaners.

Chewing gum easily sticks to fabrics, smears, eats into fibers, leaves unpleasant white marks that can be difficult to wipe off. Immediate thoughtful measures, professional stain removers and folk methods will help remove the sticky mass without damaging the structure and color of the fabric.

Methods for removing chewing gum from clothes

The methods used to clean sticky gum stains can be divided into:

  • cold (ice, freezer);
  • hot (steam, boiling water, iron);
  • mechanical (knife, stack, hard brush, adhesive tape);
  • chemical (professional and home solvents).

After deep freezing, the chewing gum should come off by itself.

To remove sticky chewing gum:

  1. Place the clothes in the bag with the elastic on top.
  2. Remove the bag from the freezer. Leave for 1-1.5 hours.
  3. When the mass freezes and hardens, remove the clothes from the bag.
  4. Gently pry the gum with a sharp object: scissors, a knife, a nail file.

If the mass has had time to thaw, return the item to the freezer.

Ice Cube

Alternative, faster cleaning option. It will help to remove chewing gum in any conditions, including outside the home, as well as restore cleanliness to large items.

  1. Wrap the ice cube in plastic.
  2. Apply it to the damaged area, hold for 5-7 minutes. Change the cube as you part.
  3. Remove the hardened mass with a sharp knife. If crumbs remain, brush them off with a brush.

You can try washing fresh chewing gum from a dense fabric with ice-cold tap water. Run the garment under a running stream until the elastic is tight and stiff, and carefully separate it from the material.

Hot methods for cleaning chewing gum

Cleaning with a hot iron, steam, boiling water is suitable only for natural, dense, non-fading fabrics. Before heating, try to remove the maximum amount of sticky mass with your hands, while trying not to smear it.


Read the product label before using the iron. Do not heat the iron above the recommended temperature so as not to leave scorch marks.

To remove a stain:

  1. Remove the bulk with your hands (as far as possible).
  2. Lay the item on the ironing board, cover the stain paper napkin, towel, blotter.
  3. Gently iron, the mass will transfer to paper.

If the item cannot be ironed on the front side, proceed differently:

  1. Turn clothes inside out.
  2. Place a sheet of thick cardboard under the chewing gum.
  3. Apply the iron to the damaged area until the dirt is imprinted on the cardboard.

Important! Try not to move the iron from side to side, otherwise the stain will increase in size, the sticky mass will be absorbed deeper into the fibers.

steam generator

A steam generator, a kettle with boiling water, an iron with a steam function will help to remove a sticky stain. After removing the gum with your hands, treat the damaged area with steam. Clean the softened mass with a toothbrush.

The method is suitable for clothes that cannot be ironed.

hair dryer

Direct air to the stain, hold for a few minutes

A powerful jet of air will quickly dry the gum, it will become brittle, lose stickiness and elasticity.

Carefully separate the chewing gum from the clothing.

Important ! When using a hair dryer to clean delicate fabrics, select a setting with warm or cold air. Heat may damage the material.

Boiling water

Hot water will help "melt" the gum and quickly peel it off the fabric:

  1. Stretch your clothes over a pot, bucket, or basin.
  2. Pour boiling water until the mass becomes soft.
  3. Gently scrape it off with a blunt object, clean with a brush.

To soften the sticky mass, pre-soak clothes in hot water for 10-15 minutes.

Mechanical ways to quickly remove chewing gum from clothes

Hard brushes, a knife, scissors, plastic scrapers will help remove the remnants of gum from clothing after freezing or heating it.

Carefully treat the contaminated area, being careful not to damage or scratch the clean material.


It will help to remove small fresh particles of sticky mass:

  1. Cut off a small piece of tape.
  2. Apply to the contaminated surface, tear off sharply.
  3. Repeat several times, cutting off fresh tape.


Another gum will help to clean the chewing gum from the trousers. Chew it, stick it several times and tear it off sharply from the stain. The old mass will stick to the fresh and gradually separate from the tissue.

Important! The method is quite risky. Fresh chewing gum, instead of cleaning it, can increase the area of ​​​​damage.

Chemical ways to help remove chewing gum from clothes

Chemical methods for cleaning chewing gum from clothes include the use of professional stain removers and improvised, folk remedies.

Important! Before using any chemical composition test on an inconspicuous area.

Household chemicals

Many sprays, emulsions, pastes have been developed that corrode, destroy or freeze the gum without damaging the material.

To effectively solve the problem, use:

  • stain removers Dr. Beckmann, Amway, Faberlic;
  • sprays Topefekt Punkt, ORANGE-POWER, Chewing Gum Removers;
  • gels PROCHHEM CITRUS GEL, Eulex.

Apply the substance to the stain according to the recommendation on the label, remove the chewing gum residue with a brush, wash the product thoroughly.

Acetone, gasoline, toluene

Corrosive liquids quickly dissolve the adhesive base of the gum, penetrating deep into the fibers of the fabric:

  1. Apply the substance to a cotton swab.
  2. Apply to the stain, leave for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Scrape with a blunt object.
  4. Rinse the soiled area, wash the clothes in the usual way with the addition of a fabric softener with a strong smell.

Nail polish remover

Nail polish remover can easily remove white chewing gum marks from clothes. Acetone-free liquid can wash stains even from delicate fabrics.

It is enough to apply a little on a cotton swab, rub the stain, rinse thoroughly.


Great for removing chewing gum marks denim clothing.

To remove chewing gum from clothing:

  1. Heat the acid to 50-60 degrees.
  2. Wet your toothbrush with warm liquid.
  3. Before it cools down, rub the mark vigorously.
  4. Repeat several times until the stain is gone.

Important! Heated vinegar smells harsh and unpleasant. Work for fresh air or with an open window.

Medical alcohol, ammonia

Before removing the chewing gum with alcohol, steam the surface. Then:

  1. Use a blunt knife or plasticine stack to scrape off the sticky mass.
  2. Apply alcohol to a napkin, spoil the remaining traces.
  3. Rinse, wash the item in the usual way.

Ammonia works similarly. For best results, leave the stain soaked in ammonia for 1 hour, then rub and wash in warm water.

Peanut butter

Apply peanut (or any other vegetable) oil to the marks, taking care not to touch the undamaged tissue. Leave on for 3-5 minutes, scrape off the gum. Wash your clothes.

If oil gets on a clean cloth, apply any liquid detergent to the area.

Liquid soap, Fairy

Detergents will help to cope with fresh marks:

  1. Wet the damaged area with warm water.
  2. Apply a few drops directly to the gum, rub with a toothbrush until foam forms.
  3. Remove leftovers with a knife.
  4. Wash the entire product.

Hair fixation spray

Express method for cleansing thin tissues. Spray a little varnish, leave to dry completely. Carefully separate the elastic from the fabric.

Important! On some fabrics (silk, satin), varnish can leave noticeable, difficult to remove stains.

What cleaning methods are safe for different materials

The choice of an effective and safe cleaning method depends on the type of material.

Before choosing a way to remove or remove chewing gum from clothes, you should deal with physical properties chewing gum. Chewing gum is a subspecies of confectionery. Cheap "bubble gum" is made of rubber, in the dried state it is very hard and almost does not stick. Imported gum of the highest standard is literally smeared on the fabric, as it is made from high-quality polymers, which, even after the dissolution of sweeteners and flavorings, do not lose their original elasticity, they are 15 percent thinner than ordinary chewing gum, which creates an additional danger to things. Therefore it is very difficult.

Hot removal methods

Boiling with soaking

If the usual stream of boiling water is powerless, the clothes are subjected to long-term boiling with a small amount of lemon juice or acid, the disadvantage of the method is the risk of discoloring the item and burning itself in the process of rubbing chewing gum. The method is great for removing chewing gum from the surface of a school bag. Sports bags are still recommended to be frozen.

Boiling water and toothbrush

A jet of hot water is directed to the contaminated surface of your favorite jacket, with a hard bristled gum from it. The stronger and more frequent the movements, the more likely it is to tear off the chewing gum by wrapping it around the brush.

Iron application

The iron is heated to 2 divisions, gauze or linen is placed on the product. A sheet of non-colored cardboard is placed under the clothes: under the influence of temperature, the chewing gum begins to “sweat” and is re-glued to the surface. The fact is that chewing gum contains, even in a frozen state, a lot of water. This moisture, mixed with the components of the polymers, is imprinted on the fabric.

Hair dryer application

A thing, for example, and affect the chewing gum with a hot stream of air. There is a risk of smearing the rubber over the material, so you should use a construction knife with a wide blade or a straight razor.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with a cold method

Gasoline and kerosene

Gasoline dissolves quickly, keep this in mind. It must not be used if a gas stove or fireplace is operating in the room, there is a risk of ignition of the fabric and surrounding objects. It is better to carry out the removal process on the balcony. The chewing gum will come out of the clothes without any problems, as the gasoline will degrease the adhesive base and dissolve the rubber.

Kerosene can be used as an alternative. If there is any doubt about how to remove chewing gum from trousers, a sofa, a carpet: feel free to use this tool.

Acetone and nail polish remover

The gum is removed, but the stain remains? Soap won't help. Acetone will do. Cotton wool is moistened with a solvent and applied to greasy stain from chewing gum for a minute or two. Do not leave the cotton wool for a long time, a fresh stain will appear.

pharmacy alcohol

Suitable for removing greasy traces from a new dress, removes chemical residue from cotton, knitwear and wool. Alcohol cannot be used as a solvent on synthetics and chiffon due to sensitivity. Gauze is impregnated with the agent and applied to the material. A truly folk method.


When solvents and other household chemicals were not available, they used a simple method - freezing things in polyethylene. or pants are cooled, leaving them overnight in the freezer, having previously cleaned them of dust and lint. The next morning, the question of how to remove dirt from trousers will disappear by itself. The chewing gum is removed with a hand scraper with a sharp blade. The frozen gum does not smear, it is easy to pry it off, the white frozen spot is separated by light tapping on the linen. An excellent method for removing stains from trousers.

Important! If it's cold outside, you can keep the thing there.

Ice Cube

How to clean chewing gum from pants? Delicate fabrics should not be frozen. Therefore, for dress pants having a delicate surface, subject to a different cleaning. For them, the following tool was invented - plastic bag with frozen liquid inside. Ice is placed on the chewing gum, after which the toffee is scraped off the surface with a sharp knife.

This a good option for large things that are difficult to fit into the camera.

Chewing Gum Removers

A favorite jacket with a fleecy surface will be saved by a special spray designed to clean the elastic band from wool. It works like a freeze - under the influence of the product, the chewing gum dries up and peels off by itself.

Cooling spray with double effect

The functional additives of the spray weaken the influence of the chewing gum, after which it becomes easier to tear it off. There are special tools for car interiors.

Washing - the old proven method will get rid of any dirt

Washing in cold water is a great way to remove chewing gum from clothes. Cold combined with detergent forms a powerful abrasive. Powder particles do not have time to dissolve, coping with dried dirt. Washing without household chemicals in cold water will not allow the gum to eat into the fibers of the fabric, acting on it like freezing. The method is a bit similar to it, chewing gum hardens in cold water. It won't be hard to wash it off.

Liquid soap

This method is perfect for non-standard options, for example, toffee stuck in transport on the way to work or at the institute. They take a damp cloth or waffle towel, put a little liquid soap on the stain, pick up the gum with their hands and try to wipe it off. Thus, it is possible to remove dirt from the skin, shoes and soles.