Mezentseva, Olga Petrovna - Library services for children in Russia: a new conceptual approach. Emsian trepostomids (bryozoans) of Salair and the Altai Mountains and their stratigraphic significance Mezentseva, Olga Petrovna Approximate word search

All-Russian Center for the Study of Reading and Literature for Children: experience of creation and results of activities for the year Olga Petrovna Mezentseva Deputy Director for Science and Publishing Russian State Children's Library All-Russian Library Congress: XIX Annual Session of the Conference of the Russian Library Association, May 18-23, 2014, Ryazan

Russian State Children's Library "Development Concept of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Russian State Children's Library" until 2018" approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Department of Sociology, Psychology and Pedagogy of Children's Reading All-Russian, regional and other research on the sociology, psychology and pedagogy of children's reading Scientific events (seminars, conferences, webinars on problems of children's reading) Expert and consulting work in the field of research in sociology, psychology and pedagogy Psychological consultations for children and parents group and individual correctional and developmental classes with children

Research on the Problems of Children's Reading Russian State Children's Library Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center) (8 federal districts) commissioned by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications

"Methodology recommended for use in the examination of information products in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 436-FZ" in relation to book products. Participation of specialists of the Russian State Children's Library in the development of the "Concept of information security for children" (Roskomnadzor and Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov)

All-Russian video conference "Keeping children safe on the Internet: children's libraries and their partners" Russian State Library for Children's Library: Safe Runet Week Participants - more than 100 libraries and more than 450 listeners from different regions (Pskov, Republic of Buryatia, Penza, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Tambov, Lipetsk, Komi Republic , Krasnodar Murmansk, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region) February 5, 2014

Modern legislation in the field of childhood safety Research in the field of information security of childhood: sociological, psychological, pedagogical experience The role of libraries in the development of the information culture of the individual, media information literacy, the creation and promotion of positive content for children "Children's safety in the information space"

Safe Library and Information Space Russian State Children's Library

Training Center Implemented projects in 2013: "Modern Children's Library: Management, Law, Quality": improved skills of the heads of 29 regional children's and youth libraries in Russia "Safe Internet for Children: Legislation, Research, Resources (Web-landia)": improved qualification of specialists of republican, regional, regional, municipal children's, children's and youth libraries

The main topics of the program: The legislative framework and state regulation of innovation activities Scientific, organizational and methodological support for the innovation activities of libraries Project. Project activity. Project management. Documentation Economic essence of innovations Innovative positioning and promotion of the library Innovative experience of libraries, etc. Training center

Catalog "To Children and About Children of the Russian Publishing House Today" The purpose of the catalog is to help the country's librarians to navigate the flow of children's literature published in Russian and to complete their libraries with interesting and high-quality modern publications.

Scientific and Bibliographic Department Entry into the NEDB catalog of a collection of digitized children's books received from the State Public Historical Library - more than 1,500 entries Entry of periodicals for children - magazines of the 18th-early 20th centuries, provided by the Russian State Library

"Writers, poets and artists of the National Electronic Children's Library project: a directory of names"

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Mezentseva Olga Petrovna +7(499) Russian State Children's Library

Introduction to work

Relevance. Trepostomids, which played a significant role in the composition of the Ems biota of the Altai-Sayan region, may have significant biostratigraphic value, but the degree of their study has remained insufficient until recently. In accordance with this, it seemed necessary to study the Emsian trepostomids of the Guryev area of ​​Salair, which is the topotype of the Lower Devonian of the Altai-Sayan region. Carrying out similar studies in the basin of the river. Chumysh and on the territory of Gorny Altai made it possible to outline the ranges of species identified in the Guryev area and to correlate the corresponding sections.

Objective consisted of studying the taxonomic diversity of the Emsian trepostomids of the Salair and Gorny Altai and assessing their biostratigraphic significance to enable detailed subdivision and correlation of sediments.

Research objective consisted of a monographic description of the Ems trepostomids, taking into account individual, intra- and interpopulation variability within the framework of the polytypic concept of the species; in their biostratigraphic analysis to identify complexes that characterize fractional regional biostratigraphic units.

actual material. The material for the dissertation work was the collections of Ems trepostomids, collected by the dissertator in the area of ​​the city of Guryevsk, on the territory of Gorny Altai and in the basin of the upper river. Chumysh. The collection of the Guryev site was selected during the field seasons of 1982, 1983, 1985 and 1989. in the layer-by-layer study of 11 sections of the Lower Devonian-Eifel deposits stratotypical for Salair, carried out by the scientific group of the Institute of Geology and Geology of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (headed by E.A. Elkin) with the participation of the dissertation. Collections of trepostomids from 4 sections of the Ems deposits in the basin of the river. Chumysh and 9 cuts in Gorny Altai were made in 1992-1995 and 1980-1991, respectively. in the course of the layer-by-layer description of these sections, carried out by the scientific group of the Novokuznetsk State Pedagogical Institute (group leader V.PUdodov). Simultaneously with the description of the sections, large-scale mapping of adjacent areas was carried out. The main results of these works have now been published. The adopted methodology for selecting fossils ensured high accuracy of stratigraphic referencing and better preservation. Simultaneously with trepostomids, other groups of fossil fauna were selected, including samples for conodonts, which made it possible to reliably date the geological age of the described species. During the cameral period, the dissertation student made and studied 4500 thin sections. We used as comparative material

collections of trepostomids of paleontological museums

Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Joint Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy (JIGTM) of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, VSEGEI and Tomsk State University.

Key Protected Provisions includes 3 interrelated items:

    monographic description of the Emsian trepostomids of the North-Eastern Salair and Gorny Altai,

    assessment of the biostratigraphic significance of established taxa and

    identification of stages in the evolution of the Middle Paleozoic trepostomids.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, based on the analysis of variability from the standpoint of the polytypic concept, the systematization of the Ems trepostomids of Salair and Gorny Altai at the species and subspecies levels was made. A total of 47 species have been identified, of which 25 are monographically described, including 16 new species, including those published (Mezentseva, 1997). In addition, 4 subspecies are monographically described, of which three are new. A scheme for the sequential study of a species as a system of populations limited in time and space is proposed. The methodology for studying intra- and interpopulation variability has been refined based on the use of the simplest methods of mathematical statistics. For the first time in Russia, a technique for obtaining enlarged images of transparent sections of trepostomids using a computer complex consisting of a projection scanner, a computer and a printer was applied.

practical value. The studies carried out made it possible to use Ems trepostomids for intraregional correlations of geological sections with an accuracy of at least a horizon, and interregional correlations - to a stage or division. The identified stages in the development of this faunal group can be used in the analysis of the dynamics of the development of the Early Devonian Altai-Salair paleobasin. The tables of variability of meristic characters compiled in the process of monographic description of taxa will simplify the identification work of employees of paleontological laboratories.

Approbation of work. The main provisions of the dissertation are presented in reports at two scientific and practical conferences of SNIIGGiMS (Novosibirsk, 1989, 1990), VIH All-Union Colloquium on Fossil and Modern Bryozoans (Tallinn, 1990), XXXVIII session of the All-Union Paleontological Society (Novosibirsk, 1992), two scientific conferences at Tomsk State University (1994, 1996), All-Russian and international conference "Fossil and modern bryozoans of the globe" (Perm, 1994), XLIII session of the Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, 1997, report with co-authors), Russian and international

bryozoological conference (St. Petersburg, 1997). In total, 41 papers were published on the topic of the dissertation, 32 of them were co-authored.

The volume and structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, 4 chapters and a conclusion. Its text part is

“Olga Petrovna Mezentseva Deputy Director for Science and Publishing Activities of the Russian State Library for Children's Literature The article presents the position of children's libraries in the modern world. Author ... "

Children's library in the modern world

Mezentseva Olga Petrovna

Deputy Director for Science

and publishing activities of the RSDL

The article presents the position of children's libraries in the modern world.

library institution in our country, and the need for its

conservation and development.

The article presents the position of children "s libraries in the modern world. The author

presents of the trend talking about the significant reduction of this type of library institution in our country and proved the need for its preservation and development.

Keywords Children's library, modern world, reading, development path Children's library, the modern world, reading, the path of development In Russia, there are 23.4 million children, which is 16% of the country's population.

From what our children will become, what moral values and cultural traditions they will perceive, depends on the future they will create. The formation of a full-fledged personality is hardly possible without the need for reading, which is formed in childhood in the family, school and library.

Recently, the right to existence of children's libraries has been increasingly questioned. Trends can be seen even in the wording of the theme of our Round Table within the framework of the V Forum of Public Libraries: "Children's Library: pro et contra", proposed by the organizers - colleagues from the National Library of Russia.

The principle of destruction to the ground in the name of a brighter future, aggravated by the optimization of cultural institutions and competition within the library community for resources, is capable of eliminating, perhaps, the only type of library institution that is a priori in demand and cannot be reduced only to an electronic library. Statistics show that children's libraries, which make up only 8.9% of the total number of libraries in the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, serve about 40% of users. childhood. Unfortunately, while the high parties are putting forward arguments for and against, the rapid disappearance of children's libraries continues.

The network of children's libraries in Russia, which in 1990 numbered about 4.9 thousand books.

units, has significantly decreased and is at the beginning of 2015 3522 children's libraries. Of these, 79 libraries are of regional importance (20 republican, 9 regional and 48 regional libraries) and are divided by types into budget (63), state (13), autonomous (3). Among them are also taken into account separate specialized structural units for children - reading centers in the national libraries of the republics of Kalmykia, Bashkortostan, Sakha (Yakutia); a separate structural subdivision of the regional scientific library - the Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A. Kaverin.

Although 42 regions remained at the level of the previous year, and in 9 regions of the country there was even a slight increase (by 1-2 units), the number of children's libraries continued to decline in 26 regions. The greatest losses of children's libraries in 2014 were suffered by: Chelyabinsk region - 21, Moscow - 11, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk - 6 each, Rostov - 5, Penza and Sverdlovsk regions - 4 children's libraries.

The previously existing centralized systems of children's libraries are now largely disbanded. Specialized children's libraries in the process of optimizing cultural institutions merge with libraries of other types. And if the statistics of the reduction of children's libraries in 2014 is not so catastrophic compared to the previous period, then this is only due to the 64 children's libraries of Crimea that have joined, including two libraries of regional significance: the Crimean Republican Children's Library named after. V.N. Orlov and the Central City Children's Library. A.P. Gaidar, Sevastopol.

The requirements for libraries serving children oblige to provide children with a safe and comfortable information-rich environment for personal development. However, the possibilities of children's libraries do not always correspond to these recommendations. The buildings of 10% of municipal children's libraries require major repairs. Nine children's libraries of regional importance are located in rooms with an area of ​​less than 500 square meters. meters. Meager funding for the acquisition of children's libraries led to the fact that even regional, regional, republican children's libraries per reader in 2014 received, on average, only 0.3 documents. For three years, the number of receipts has decreased by 60%, and the funds in 50% of regional libraries, and the lending of books has also decreased accordingly. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of visits, including mass events, showing that children often come to the library “for an event”.

With literature for children becoming more expensive and accessible to the public (the chances of obtaining free content from the Internet are decreasing and may soon disappear), it is especially important to ensure that libraries have the opportunity to work with children using the best children's literature and maintain libraries as basic social institutions to support reading. families, "free reading" of children and teenagers.

In connection with this important event this year was the Moscow festival "Books of Russia", which took place in the summer on Red Square as part of the Year of Literature. On the opening day of the Festival, the site "Children's and Educational Literature", for which the Russian State Children's Library was responsible, was visited by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Sergei Naryshkin, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, Head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications Mikhail Seslavinsky . As a result of these visits, S.E.

Naryshkin proposed to establish new literary awards for children's writers, and V.V. Putin, on the proposal of M. A. Vedenyapina to support the project of providing regions with children's books, promised to allocate funds in the amount of 50 million rubles for it.

It is impossible not to note the importance of the attention of the country's leadership to children's literature, children's reading and the work of children's libraries. Especially considering that today one can often hear the opinion that libraries are losing their leadership in their main field of activity, that today “everything is on the Internet”, and children's libraries are a legacy of the Soviet past, which appeared exclusively as channels of ideology and propaganda. However, the latest overseas experience refutes these claims. Children's libraries successfully operate in Austria, Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Argentina, Indonesia, Cuba, African countries (Benin). In recent decades, major national libraries for children have opened in Japan (Tokyo, 2002) and South Korea(Seoul, 2006), a children's section of the National Library in Beijing. In South Korea, there are currently 80 specialized children's libraries and about 900 structural units for children in adult libraries1.

It should be noted that the increase in the number of children reading obviously occurs when a society, concerned about the decline in the level of education and literacy of future generations, pays attention to the problem of children's reading, and then passes nationwide government programs or progressive library laws designed to change the situation for the better. side.

This, in particular, is evidenced by the experience of Great Britain, where monitoring of the reading of children and youth is carried out. This is a large multifaceted study (the latter surveyed more than 32,000 people aged 8 to 18), which has been carried out for many years by the British association National Literacy Trust 2.

The study is conducted on a single basis, in which researchers change some of the questions every year and add new ones, primarily related to electronic reading.

The data obtained indicate that from 2005 to 2010 there was a decrease in a number of parameters of reading characteristics, but from 2011 to 2014 there was an improvement in the predominant number of basic characteristics.

The monitoring results largely correlate with the data of the Russian State Children's Library study "Children's Reading in Russia", conducted jointly with the Levada Center in 20133. This suggests that we are moving in line with global trends. Today, many more children and teenagers report that they like to read “outside of school”, and the rate of reading books is also improving.

It has become much more different options reading on different platforms and in different formats. This is connected, in our opinion, with the new opportunities that the Internet and mobile devices provide for reading both the texts themselves and information about them. It is important to note that in the UK, one very important factor in improving reading performance is important factor which we also badly need: the presence of a large national program to support children's reading, when, for example, the majority of public libraries in the UK (over 90%) participate in a large-scale Summer Reading program.

Russia has recently adopted a number of documents directly related to the organization of library and information services for children and declaring their interests. Thus, the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy 4 provide for the adoption of measures to revive interest in reading, expanding accessibility for citizens, including children's literature. The National Strategy for Action for Children 2012-20175 mentions among its main objectives state support development of children's libraries, literature, cinema and television for children, as well as the implementation of a system of measures for the preservation and development of specialized children's libraries.

In accordance with paragraph 4. article 8 of the Federal Law "On librarianship" and paragraph 3.5. "Model Standard for Public Library Activities" children's libraries provide users up to 14 years of age with the right to library services in specialized state children's libraries. The same document also mentions that 1 According to the data obtained by the RSCL during a tour of the employees of the planning and cooperation department of the National Library for Children of the Republic of Korea.

2 3 Children's reading in Russia / Russian State Children's Library; auth.-stat. M.A. Vedenyapin, O. P. Mezentseva, E. A. Kolosova and others; ed. E.A. Armaderov, L. N. Kosenko, M. V. Kardanova. - Moscow, 2014. - 118 p.

4 “The interests of the child reader should be a priority. The fulfillment by libraries for adults of the functions of serving children is possible if there are material resources (appropriate premises, trained personnel and technical equipment), mandatory research and consideration of the needs, interests and wishes of the residents of the service area, as well as coordination and cooperation with libraries educational institutions» (clause 3.5.2). In addition, the tasks of libraries include “providing psychological and emotional comfort; identifying gifted children, helping them develop; creation of conditions for familiarization with reading and self-realization of each young user; creation of equal conditions for access to information resources” (clause 3.5.3).

The “Concept for Library Services for Children in Russia for 2014-2020”, developed by the Russian State Library for Children in collaboration with regional children's libraries and adopted by the Russian Library Association in Ryazan in 2014, helps libraries determine their development strategy for the coming years.

However, today, especially in the context of the optimization of cultural institutions, none of the documents is a guarantee of the existence or ensuring a stable future for any library, including children's. A lot depends on the active life position of the library itself, its development strategy. Today, the library, which is noticeable, useful and significant both for the population and for the administration, partners, business community of the territory, has more chances.

Nowadays, an increasing number of general public libraries include children's services in the scope of their activities. In this regard, the field of activity of the Russian State Children's Library is expanding: the need to collect and process information on serving children also in universal public libraries is becoming urgent, more and more often we provide consulting assistance to municipal or regional scientific libraries.

There is also a new task for specialized children's libraries, which can help universal libraries both in matters of serving children and in organizing the monitoring of such activities in their region. The Russian State Children's Library, which has been implementing a project to create an all-Russian monitoring system and develop an electronic resource "Information and Library Services for Children in the Russian Federation" since 2015, has already received competent assistance from the Central City Children's Library. A.P.

Gaidar (Moscow) and the Murmansk Regional Library for Children and Youth in organizing the collection of information at the first, pilot stage of the project. In 2016, it is planned to continue the study in cooperation with the Central City Children's Library named after. Pushkin in St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Magadan regional children's libraries, which will cover three large regions of the Russian Federation: the federal city of St. Petersburg, Magadan and Leningrad regions.

It should be especially noted that high-quality library and information services for children are impossible without experienced qualified personnel. However, no one has been engaged in the professional training of "children's" librarians for a long time. Departments of children's literature, which existed in any university of culture, are almost everywhere closed.

The Russian Library for Children's Libraries, being a methodological center at the federal level for libraries serving children, today is also becoming the leading platform for advanced training of personnel for libraries working with children. This year, a license was obtained from the Moscow Department of Education to carry out educational activities additional professional programs. More than 4,800 specialists from 800 children's and youth libraries in Russia improved their skills online at the Training Center. In the autumn of 2015, on the basis of the Russian Children's Library, together with the Moscow State Institute of Culture, the training of undergraduates from different regions of Russia began under the unique program "Theory and Methodology of Library Services for Children." The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation supported this initiative by allocating 5 state-funded and 11 non-budgetary places for the training of children's librarians. I would like this initiative not only to continue in the future, but also to spread to regional cultural institutions that train personnel for libraries.

On March 2729, 2018, the Tenth All-Russian Working Meeting "Sociologist and Psychologist in the Library" will be held in Moscow. Meeting Organizers Russian State Library for Youth and Russian State Children's Library.

Colleagues involved in research work and practical psychological activities: employees of federal, regional, municipal libraries, libraries of educational institutions; teachers and graduate students of cultural universities, pedagogical and other universities.

Theme of the Working Meeting "Library and Reading in the Digital World: Challenges, Opportunities, Reboot".

The following questions are expected to be discussed:

  • advanced user and how the library can advance to it;
  • library professions today and tomorrow;
  • volunteers in the library;
  • Libraries for Youth: Successes and Challenges;
  • children's and youth library: together or apart;
  • Russian reader today: what do we know about him and what do we want to know;
  • support and promotion of reading for children, adolescents and youth: the view of library sociologists and library psychologists;
  • teenagers on the Internet: communication, reading, behavior;
  • reading of today's youth business and free;
  • psychologist in the library: activities, ideas, practices;
  • as well as other questions that will be proposed by the participants of the Meeting.