Uncontrollable child 8 years old what to do psychologist. We have an uncontrollable child in our class who interferes with everyone. What to do? Disrespect for the child's personality

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a syndrome characterized by a neurological and behavioral developmental disorder in children caused by the immaturity of the frontal lobes of the brain responsible for self-control and planning. Its symptoms - inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity - appear in children at preschool or early school age.

Yaroslav is now 11 years old and he is my first child. From infancy, he behaved differently than other children.

Having given birth to a baby, I expected that I would have pink heels and everything in pastel colors, but I got a child who screams for six hours non-stop and wakes up 10-12 times a night.

I didn't know it wasn't normal. I thought they were magazines singing about the joys of motherhood, I was deceived and lured into the trap of parenthood.

About the behavior of the son

A year and a half later, my youngest son was born. Everything was different with him. He woke up twice at night, he could be left alone to sit or lie down, he did not scream from morning to night. Seeing such a difference in the behavior of children, I had an epiphany.

At the age of three, the eldest son was diagnosed with epilepsy. He began to take drugs, the side effects of which included nervousness, lack of control of emotions, irascibility and behavioral problems. The fact that the son began to behave in this way, my husband and I reacted without suspicion. This went on for ten years. During this time, he was expelled from three schools, from all circles and camps where he rested.

The son behaved absolutely unacceptably. He often yelled, was very negative, hysterical, whined, could hit the teacher or other children. Of course, because of this, he had no friends.

In the collectives, Yaroslav was constantly told that he bad child and I'm a bad mother. Because of this, he developed oppositional defiant behavior. He began to flaunt: "Yeah, if I'm so bad, I'll be even worse!" It got really hard for him.

Once, when Yaroslav was ten years old, I was traveling by car with both children, I started bleeding internally. I turned pale, somehow taxied to the side of the road and warned the children that I felt bad and now we would get out of this situation. The youngest son got worried, saying: “Mommy, let's call a doctor,” while Yaroslav, seeing the nearest gas station, began to whimper a chocolate bar and climb on my head. Then I was afraid that my son is a psychopath, unable to empathize with other people and recognize emotions.

Pathway to identifying ADHD

After this incident, we wanted to check whether the son's behavior was really the result of the action of the epilepsy drug. We went to the doctors. Some manifestations of hyperactivity coincide with manifestations of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and one of the doctors diagnosed Yaroslava with ASD.

We learned only this winter that Yaroslav actually has ADHD. Talking to an inclusion specialist, I told how my son was diagnosed. It turned out that during the diagnosis, the international protocol was not observed and we were not allowed to make this diagnosis. Therefore, we turned to the Pavlov Hospital. For three days, doctors interviewed me, my husband and child, did tests and scanned his brain. It turned out that Yaroslav has ADHD with oppositional defiant behavior in a severe stage.

"Invisible inferiority" of children with ADHD and the attitude of society

At this time, the son once again decided to be expelled from school. To do this, all the parents of his classmates filed an application with the director demanding to take Yaroslav out of the class. All this was presented under the pretext that he bad Education and I'm a bad mother.

When teachers or the school administration see that the child is intellectually and physically developed, but behaves problematic, the mother is blamed for this.

If a child has an intellectual disability, it is clear that he has serious problems with the brain and it causes regret. Similarly, with children with physical disabilities - we see that it is not easy for them and we feel sorry for them. When a child has an underdeveloped psyche and emotional-volitional sphere, it is more difficult to notice. Usually people who encounter such children simply do not believe that the problem is not in education, but in the brain of the baby. This is the "invisible inferiority" of such children.

Schooling for ADHD

Most often, children with ADHD are taken away from schools, although individual education is strictly contraindicated for them. For children who suffer from social skills, doctors first of all recommend socializing so that they can learn to build bonds with people. Therefore, Yaroslav and I went through the process of affirming inclusion and next year our class should be made inclusive. This means that an assistant teacher will be added to him, who knows the characteristics of his son and will pay more attention to him.

For the last six months, the function of an assistant was performed by me or grandmothers, as well as an invited specialist. We helped our son not to break down in the classroom, sitting with him at school every day.

What are the problems of a child with ADHD at school? He often freaks out because it is difficult to concentrate on a task if he is distracted. It could be noise in the classroom or children whispering when someone is nearby. This happens all the time at school.

This situation often happened to Yaroslav: he was doing an assignment in a class where there was noise. He was distracted, tried to concentrate again, the time for the exercise was running out, he asked the guys to be quieter, no one reacted, he freaked out and ran out of the classroom.

In such situations, my grandmother or I took him out, asked the teacher for permission to finish the test in the corridor. In the States, such children can write tests in separate rooms where they can work in silence. They are also given extra time to take their exams. This is not provided for in our schools, the needs of children are not met.

It is also difficult for children with ADHD to remember a sequential chain of tasks or events. When it doesn't work out, they get angry. For them, all tasks should be monosyllabic in order to calmly complete them. First you need to say: “bring a cup”, after performing this action - “wash your hands”, then - “brush your teeth”, etc. If you announce the entire list of actions at once, they will mix up in the child’s head, he will get nervous and do nothing. Or simply forget everything.

Yaroslav had problems with physical education. The teacher complained about his behavior. When I analyzed how she sets tasks, it became clear why the child was angry. He was given too many assignments at the same time, and his psyche could not digest everything. For example: put on sneakers, carry things, quickly line up. It all poured in a continuous stream. As an assistant, I told him what to do, one item at a time. After completing the previous task, he received the next and so perfectly coped with the entire list.

About treating children with ADHD

According to the international protocol, there are three components of treatment:

  1. Correctional pedagogy, which is carried out by parents and those who surround the child.
  2. Psychotherapeutic support according to the method of cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  3. Medical correction.

About correctional pedagogy. As our psychologist told us, parents should become the child's frontal lobes, which are underdeveloped in him. Set goals, support. In correctional pedagogy, it is important to show him that he is good. Due to the fact that his son was told all his life that he was bad, ill-mannered and generally a real evil, he had a very low self-esteem.

I admit that Yaroslav's behavior is very difficult for both teachers and parents of his classmates to endure. But it's important to understand one thing:

The child misbehaves, but it's not because he wants to. He does it unconsciously and is in dire need of help.

About psychotherapy

Now Yaroslav goes to sessions once a week. With a psychotherapist, they work in two directions: to control anger and raise self-esteem. I get kicked out of my son's sessions because I push him on and he behaves differently with me. Therefore, I can only speak of what I saw myself.

The psychotherapist tries to change Yaroslav's strong negativism. Now the son sees the world in dark colors, believes that everyone has something against him, everyone considers him bad, they want to offend and blame him. He has the right to think so. All his life he had this experience of dealing with people. The specialist is trying to show that this is not entirely true. She also teaches him to analyze his emotions and get out of a situation of anger in an environmentally friendly way.

About the results of therapy

Now I see that in situations where he would have previously hit the interlocutor, Yaroslav reacts to the person verbally or in some other way. He also began to communicate with children and establish emotional contact, but so far it has not been possible to build friendship. Compared to what was before, these are already very good results.

The third component of treatment is the most important and the most expensive. This is a medical correction. It is impossible to legally buy medicines in Ukraine, they are available only on the black market and cost seven times more than abroad. To buy them cheaper, you can travel with your son for diagnostics to other countries and buy pills there according to the prescription issued after the diagnosis. The prescription is issued every three months.

That is, four times a year you need to go abroad, conduct an examination and buy pills. However, there are problems with this as well. All my attempts to buy real prescription drugs in five countries ended in failure. Therefore, while we are forced to take pills illegally. With them, the child changes dramatically, and it's incredible.

What is drug treatment

Tablets act instantly, and it can not be compared with anything. For the first time after taking them, Yaroslav began to speak without stopping. Before that, he did not speak as meaningfully as other children of his age, but only whined.

At 11, he was emotionally developed like an eight-year-old child. His speech was chaotic - at first he said one thing, then he jumped to another topic, he could start the story from the middle. There was no dialogue with him in the "question - answer" format, only monologues-shouts were obtained. With pills, he began to tell stories, share his thoughts. My son's intelligence is normal, it's just that without pills he could not formulate his thoughts normally.

When he began to tell me what he was thinking, I just had an epiphany. I sat and listened to him.

Once I went into my son's room, and he was sitting and doing his homework. Forward. For the first time, he consciously taught the lessons himself. This surprised me a lot.

These pills stimulate emotional development. With them, Yaroslav became calmer, not so impulsive, he began to respond more adequately to what was happening. He has been on medication for six months and during this time he was able to establish contact with children for the first time. And he had almost no breakdowns.

Yaroslav does not take medicine on weekends and during holidays. We save even though the child needs to be given pills all the time so that he can develop and train his brain. But these medicines are in great short supply, so for now it's the only way.

How does a child with ADHD feel about themselves?

Yaroslav knows that he has developmental features. We never hid it from him. Sometimes he hides behind this: “Well, I have hyperactivity, I can’t just sit down and do my homework.”

It is very rare to have a meaningful conversation with him, so I especially remember the episode when his real fears first made their way to the surface.

Once the son said that he was very afraid that he would not be able to lead a full life. It was very strange to hear from him. I asked why. He replied. In the behavior of Yaroslav, this fear is not manifested in any way, the son always behaves as if he is cool.

We prepare our son for different situations by talking and explaining. We know that he may soon have an adult epileptic seizure. So that the sons were ready for this and knew what would happen and how to act at this time, my boyfriend (he is a doctor) and I had a conversation. Yaroslav was very frightened by this dialogue, he said: “You think that I am somehow not like that, that I am sick!” We explained to him that epilepsy is a given, in which he is not to blame, and one must be able to live with this.

He learned about ADHD together with us after the examination, we did not hide anything from him. In the hospital, we had to discuss some of his actions with the doctor. Before that, I told my son that we would have to talk about them, although I know that he is very ashamed of them. He does not realize many of his reactions, he does, and then he is ashamed.

Future with ADHD

ADHD is not a disease and there is no cure. The brain can be fully developed, for example, at 25 years old. Not all children outgrow ADHD. They are more likely to fall into bad company, addiction to alcohol or drugs.

Do you know what scares me? That it's easier to get drugs than ADHD drugs .

I see different examples people with hyperactivity, how they adjust to life in different ways. For example, by developing certain compensatory mechanisms. For example, I, as a person with hyperactivity, know my peculiarity. If I don't like someone, I can unconsciously lash out at that person. I have developed such a compensatory mechanism: I avoid him and, when I meet him, bypass the tenth road. I know my peculiarity and do not get into unpleasant situations. I hope Yaroslav won't either.

On Monday, as part of the institutional transition, a master class was held by O. I. Nerobtseva, a teacher of the Russian language and literature, who told colleagues from primary and high school about the methodology of working with children with attention deficit disorder. How to unleash the potential of such children, what teaching methods and techniques will be effective, how they can acquire learning skills - these are the issues that were discussed for a while. Many thanks to Oksana Ivanovna for her willingness to share her invaluable experience!

Nerobtseva Oksana Ivanovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

"NNOU" Private School "Golden Section"

Disaster Children: Teaching Russian to Children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in Secondary School.

In the middle of the 19th century (1845), the German neuropsychiatrist Heinrich Hoffmann was the first to describe an overly mobile child and gave him the nickname Fidget Phil. In 1880, the psychologist William James described in detail the vivid manifestation of the impulsiveness of children and adults who approached him, as well as an excessive tendency to irritability. In 1902, the English physician George Still presented a description of such patients to the public at the Royal Academy and for the first time put the emphasis on the biological mechanisms of the development of the disease, and not on the "costs of education", as was customary at that time. For the first time, the main causes of suffering were voiced from his lips: birth trauma and the hereditary factor. Since the 60s of the 20th century, this condition was called MMD (minimal brain dysfunction), since the 80s of the 20th century, the state of excessive motor activity (hyperactivity) began to be isolated as an independent disease and brought into the International classification under the name ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). ). Most scientists believe that problems with learning and memory are due to the fact that it is difficult for the brain of such children to process external and internal information and stimuli (Dubrovinskaya N.V., 1985; Bryazgunov I.P.; Kasatikova E.V.; ​​2007, Goldman M. et al., 1998; Parker H. S, 1998; Hadders-Algra M, 2002)

“Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are characterized by restlessness, inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, which is currently a serious problem. social problem, because it occurs in a large number of children (according to the study, about 18% of children in Russia suffer from it) and greatly hinders them social adaptation”, - writes Professor L. S. Chutko. To date, more than 6,500 papers have been published on the topic of ADHD (Medline) as this disease becomes a disease of time and progresses.

Very indicative for such children is the craving for online games with a quick change of frames and events, “shooters”, which further exacerbates the manifestation of the disease. How can you tell if a child has ADHD? American psychologists P. Baker and M. Alvord developed criteria for hyperactivity:

1. Deficit of active attention:

Not consistent, it is difficult for him to hold attention for a long time;

Does not listen when spoken to;

He takes on the task with great enthusiasm, but never finishes it;

Has difficulty organizing

Often loses things;

Avoids boring and mentally demanding tasks;

Often forgetful.

2. Motor disinhibition:

Constantly fidgeting;

Shows signs of restlessness (drumming with fingers, moving in chair, running, climbing somewhere);

Sleeps much less than other children, even in infancy;

Very talkative;


Begins to answer without listening to the question;

Unable to wait his turn, often interferes, interrupts;

Poor focus;

Cannot wait for a reward (if there is a pause between its action);

When performing tasks, it behaves differently and shows very different results. In some classes the child is calm, in others he is not, in some lessons he is successful, in others he is not.

If at least six of all the listed signs appear before the age of 7 and they last for more than six months, then it is assumed with a high degree of probability that the child is hyperactive. It is believed that some hyperactive children "outgrow" their disease, i.e. in adolescence, their symptoms of the disease disappear (30-70%) when obligatory condition medical-psychological-pedagogical influence.

Indigo children (children with double exclusivity - one functionally significant deficit is compensated by talent and originality of thinking) most often stand out among children with ADHD. They are very interesting to work with in small groups. Some of the general recommendations for working with students with ADHD include the following:

Work with a hyperactive child should be built individually, with the main attention being paid to distractibility and poor organization of activities;

If possible, ignore the defiant behavior of a child with attention deficit disorder and encourage his good behavior;

Keep distractions to a minimum during class. This can be facilitated, in particular, optimal choice seats at a desk for a hyperactive child - in the center of the class opposite the blackboard;

Provide the child with the opportunity to quickly seek help from the teacher in cases of difficulty;

To build training sessions according to a clearly planned, stereotypical schedule;

Teach a hyperactive child to use a special diary or calendar;

Tasks proposed in the lesson, write on the board; - for a certain period of time to give only one task;

To dose the student with the completion of a large task, offer it in the form of successive parts and periodically monitor the progress of work on each of the parts, making the necessary adjustments;

During school day provide opportunities for motor discharge: physical labor.

So, in working with such children, you can use three main areas:

1. on the development of deficit functions (attention, behavior control, motor control);

2. to develop specific skills of interaction with adults and peers;

3. if necessary, work with anger should be carried out.

Since such an academic subject as the Russian language requires a great degree of perseverance, attention, painstaking work, for students with ADHD, unfortunately, it becomes the most difficult and unloved. I propose elements of the methodology for teaching the Russian language to children with ADHD, which I tested in groups of up to 8 people and showed good results:

1. The lesson should have the same structure for a long time (2 weeks - 1 month). When the child knows what stage is next, he feels calm.

2. Linguistic warm-up at the beginning of the lesson must be written in the upper left corner of the board (brain zone of attention fixation) with examples at the level of a word in a column. If you immediately start working at the level of a sentence or text, then start the mechanism of dysgraphia. In this lesson, the child will make many mistakes in rearranging letters, syllables, substitutions.

3. During the linguistic warm-up, written in a column, ask questions to compare examples in different parameters in order to visually scan the record from top to bottom and vice versa. Gradually expand the visual space from left to right, adding to the primary examples necessary for the topic of the lesson being studied.

4. Work with text should be in the middle of the lesson. Before this stage, a full-fledged physical warm-up in a standing position must be carried out. When working with text, use perforated blanks. Constantly increase the density of the lesson by working in the text with highlighters various colors to stimulate attention.

5. Use the reception of writing from memory in your work as a means to increase the threshold of attention. You can give the same learned example at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

6. Use the technique of moving signs (letters, syllables, words) to compose a single whole (words, sentences, text) at the end of the lesson in order to create an element of a holistic picture of the world.

7. During a Russian lesson, a child with ADHD can qualitatively write in a notebook no more than 70-75 words (5-6 cells), 80-85 words. (grades 7-8), so more assignments should be presented in the form of printouts. Children with ADHD most often have unreadable handwriting, and if you do not work with it, then it will disappear completely by the age of 14, not because of laziness and negligence, but as a manifestation of the disease. You can include calligraphic assignments with tracing-paper strokes of small texts up to 40-50 words in length.

Praise students individually, not the whole class. Most children with ADHD create unique texts, drawings, dance beautifully, sing, reason. The teacher of the Russian language has a wonderful opportunity not to give up, but to develop these talents, supporting the problems of physiology.


1. E. V. Fesenko, Yu. A. Fesenko “If you have a child with a motor”, St. Petersburg, “Childhood-press”, 2011;

2. E. V. Fesenko, Yu. A. Fesenko “Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children”, “Science and technology”, 2010;

3. I. P. Bryazgunov, E. V. Kasatikova “A restless child, or everything about hyperactive children”, “Psychotherapy”, Moscow, 2008;

5. L. S. Chutko “School maladjustment in clinical practice pediatric neurologist”, St. Petersburg, 2005;

6. T. A. Yasyukova "Optimization of learning and development of children with MMD", St. Petersburg, "Imaton", 1997.

Many parents and teachers ask this question. We tell you how to interact with students who have Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

You may be mildly or severely confused if you encounter such children for the first time. They rush around the classroom, answer without raising their hands, cannot sit in one place and interfere with others and themselves. So? Partly. But, if you are reading this article, it means that you are a real professional and are worried about your students. Our job is to try to help you.

To begin with, let's try to figure out whether we understand the phenomena of ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) correctly.

Olya Kashirina. He constantly speaks, and speaks incessantly, in the classroom and at recess, on the topic and off topic. She can’t sit still, she constantly fidgets, bites her nails or a pen.
Vasya Zagoretsky. Quiet from the middle row. Soars in the clouds, completely detached from what is happening, answers the teacher's questions inappropriately, and sometimes spontaneously gives out something far from the topic of discussion.

Which of them suffers from these syndromes? Of course, it seems that Olya. But in fact, Vasya too.

Basic indicators

Impulsiveness. Sudden answers, sudden movements, such children are even called "on their minds."
inattention. Absent-mindedness, wandering in the clouds, constant distraction from the topic of the lesson and big problems with concentration.
Hyperactivityb. The topic of our discussion. An awl instead of an inner core, forgive us this joke.

These three indicators can be combined, and as a result we get children not only "reactive", but simply inattentive, sometimes even a little slow, who nevertheless still fall into the category of ADHD.
Perhaps a child with hyperactivity may seem like a real problem for a teacher. Twitchy, preventing others from responding, and sometimes, on the contrary, depressed. But such a child is always "in the know", isn't it? He is easily involved in the discussion, raises his hand and shows interest in non-standard formats.
But the most common combination, which at the same time brings the most diverse set of impressions to both parents and teachers, are children who are impulsive, and inattentive, and hyperactive. “Oh, I know such a child!” - now exclaimed those reading our article. We all know these kids. It is these students who have "periods" of behavior, ebb and flow.

And although in this article we were going to talk only about hyperactive children, we cannot do without comments about the "dreamers" with ADD/ADHD.

Invisible Apprentice

You know those too. Each class has its quiet, quiet dreamer at the window or a girl drawing something in the margins of a notebook. Alas, those children whose ADHD is more “inattentive” (the second indicator on our list) become invisible. As if Harry Potter had given them his mantle for a while. They do not show signs of violent behavior, so teachers treat them calmly or even in no way. What is the result? And as a result, the child becomes isolated and “absent”.
Parents scold him for bad grades, teachers for inattention, peers tease him by sticking the label “out of this world”. But what if it's not the child's fault?

It should be noted that boring or the same type of tasks lead to the transition of such children from the “on” state. to the "off" state. And it's not about "absence", absent-mindedness or inattention, because you yourself know: these guys turn on when they have a favorite activity. They are able to focus on what interests them. That is, the teacher will have to experiment with methods of presenting information and work on the inclusion of a larger percentage of the class (we often write about these methods in our group in in social networks).

For successful adaptation, such children may need the help of a psychologist or mentor who will “talk” the child and help them find themselves. More on this at the Fall Mentoring Conference GlobalMentori 2017.

Let's talk about the positives

Your hyperactive fidgets have some unique features, try using them in class.

1. Flexible thinking
Yes, these dreamers and visionaries can simultaneously consider 3-4 options for answering or solving a certain problem. In the natural sciences, offer them more "qualitative tasks" aimed at finding the causes of phenomena. In Russian or literature, allow the use of non-typical response forms. Let the essay be in verse, we are not on the exam. Get them interested.
2. Personal opinion
Yes, when we ask in a history lesson about the date of the baptism of Rus', we want to hear a clear year in response. But, if the question suggests multiple options, ask a hyperactive child. There were definitely more than 5 reasons for the 1917 revolution. As a historian, I can name 15. What if your student finds even more?
Yes, with their comments, inappropriate jokes or gestures, such children can bring down the general serious mood. But this is your way to get the engagement you want. Is the class silent? Ask your hyperactive dreamer. The fiery child's eloquence will surely awaken the sleeping class.

And yes, dear colleagues, such children keep us, teachers, in good shape. Such children will never do the same task twice.

Tips for working with children with hyperactivity, ADD and ADHD

    When it comes to a medical diagnosis, please do not rely on this article alone, you will need a curriculum and a school psychologist.

    Stay in dialogue with your parents or start one. Necessarily! They will only be grateful to you for a simple human attitude. Sometimes parents can suggest techniques that you can safely take to work.

    Do not try to change the child, yes, you can educate him, but you do not need to correct his personality.

    Ask the children themselves what they like. Take information from the source, he knows exactly HOW he likes to learn.

    Talk to the class. It can be difficult for both the quiet and the forced upstart to adapt to the environment of "normal" children, and it is better for you to subtly control the situation in order to avoid bullying in the future.

    To bring a child with hyperactivity back to work, use not a raised tone, but a personal appeal and eye contact.

    Students with ADHD may find it difficult to organize information and concentrate on something. They need a system. Use infographics (find it in our), step by step instructions, advice - both educational and life.

    Present any requirements to the child in different ways. Write on the board, speak, put the printed task on the table. For elementary grades, task cards and reference pictures are very good.

    Try not to let your child with ADHD out of your sight. Quiet people often sit on the back desks, as well as overly active guys. Better put them closer to your table. If it's about junior schoolchildren- give the child a sheet or notebook, ordinary scribbles will help him concentrate. And get toys to relieve stress. An ordinary cube or a soft ball with semolina that you can fiddle with will help to calm your “restless hands”.

    Your main task as a teacher is to ensure that the child comprehends the material received. And you can always comprehend in different ways, so use different methods of fixing information. Stickers, boards with cards, colored pencils, markers, pen and paper, filling out tables - everything can be used, try it.

    Break any task into parts. Better less and gradually. And do not forget to repeat the task, again and again.

    Don't forget about the game format. Yes, “we are at school, not at the circus”, but healthy humor and high-quality involvement in the educational process has not bothered anyone yet.

    Attention Deficit Children, as the name suggests, need your feedback. Comment on their work and praise, only then they will try harder. It is important for them not only to understand the requirements, but also to get an assessment of their result. With the right praise in the child himself, you can form a motivation that will help him control himself.

How to help a child with attention deficit disorder .

Among primary school students, about 10% of boys and 1% of girls are classified as hyperactive.

IN preschool age these children run, jump, climb, crawl without any visible purpose. They cannot concentrate, sit still, constantly fidget in their chair. Hyperactive children annoy teachers, parents, strangers. Some of these children may be gifted, but they are also difficult to tolerate in the classroom. So. T. Edison and W. Churchill were hyperactive children. As a child, Edison came into conflict with all the adults with whom he had to communicate. He constantly asked questions and did not always wait for answers, poked his nose everywhere and everywhere became the cause of trouble. His mother had to take him out of school and teach him at home. Little Churchill was considered impossible and uncorrected by his first governess. His other teachers were indignant and furious. At school, he was allowed to leave the classroom during lessons and run around the school to get rid of excess energy.

A hyperactive child disrupts the work in the classroom. Such a student cannot wait to be asked, interrupts the teacher and classmates, distracts himself and interferes with others. These children often leave work unfinished, their activities are not purposeful. They do not enjoy the sympathy of their peers, they are not leaders. TO adolescence hyperactivity decreases and may disappear. The prognosis is less optimistic if the child, along with hyperactivity, has attention disorders that are not a consequence of the child's hyperactivity. This state is called attention deficit disorder withhyperactivity. These children are characterized by learning difficulties associated with a delay in the development of school skills and behavioral disorders. Poor adaptation at school causes their low self-esteem. They have few friends, they often complain of physical ailment and emotional problems. The causes of impaired attention and hyperactivity are being intensively studied. For many years, attention deficit has been reasonably associated with multiple adverse pregnancy and childbirth factors associated with minimal brain dysfunction (MBD).

Correction of attention disorders associated with hyperactivity is complex. In addition to drug therapy, children need psychological and pedagogical assistance. In the correction of the child's behavior big role plays a technique of positive reinforcement, which consists in the constant encouragement of the desired behavior of the child. Necessary condition success isunderstanding of the problems of their child by parents. Depending on the individual needs of the child, he can study in a public school, receiving the necessary psychological support, or in correctional classes.

Parents should look at their lifestyle and relationships in the family from the point of view of the needs of the child. First of all, they need to structure their own behavior and strictly follow the daily routine. If adults in the family suffer from frequent unmotivated mood swings, conflict relations in the family, they are not self-confident, feel guilty, lack of success in their professional activities, strained relationships with colleagues, then they themselves should use the help of a psychotherapist to develop a strategy for further behavior.

Parents who have a child with attention deficit need to explain to other adults who communicate with their child, primarily relatives, educators, teachers, that the child has specific difficulties in completing the task, since his nervous system functions differently than other children. You should not wait for misunderstanding and hostility towards the child to arise. It is better, without embarrassment, to explain to people significant for the child its features.

First of all, parents should determine what exactly in the behavior of the child especially alarms them. All this is discussed and weighed in the family and with a psychologist. The first step to changing a child's behavior is to develop a communication plan with the child. Even very busy parents must learn to set aside 10 to 15 minutes a day to be with their child, to understand what he is doing, to listen to him and support him. Parents need to learn how to deal with unwanted child behavior not only through punishment, but also through less intervention in his actions. For example, a child left his toy in the rain. Don't rush to pick it up. The child is looking for a misplaced thing, do not rush to help him, let him look. Finally, use the punishment of sitting still in a certain place more often after committing an offense.

The task that is given to a child with impaired attention should not be difficult and consist of several parts. For an attention-deficit child, memorization long instructions, consisting of a chain of short instructions, is especially difficult. Therefore, do not give the child more than one instruction.

A difficult task for an attention-deficit child is to make friends with peers. Such children may speak without paying attention to the statements of the interlocutor, they may not support when his friend tries to start the game, interfere in someone else's game, not comply with its conditions, quit the game without bringing it to the end.

Peer problems can lead to loneliness and low self-esteem. At the same time, friendship for an attention-deficit child is an important factor in achieving success. To help him build relationships with peers, you can take the following steps.

Observe your child while interacting with peers. When you notice good things in your relationship with another child, reward him for it.

Organize a joint activity for your child with his friend.

Take breaks with peers if you see that your child's arousal level is excessively high.

Try to reduce aggressive manifestations in the behavior of the child at home.

Please note that participating in play sports presents significant challenges for an attention-deficit child. This is due to the implementation of a number of rules, the observance of the order for a sufficiently long time. However, rigid prohibitive guidelines are not suitable here. If the child is very interested in this particular sport, consult with specialists and a coach on how best to cope with difficulties.

Always be good advocates for your child. Remember that most people don't know anything about attention disorders. Find time to start school year talk to teachers about your child and their needs.