What date does Easter fall on. Tenth Plague of Egypt

The most solemn and long-awaited event of the whole year - Easter - for many believers is even more majestic and festive day than any other. In many countries of the world, Holy Sunday of Christ refers to public holidays, a number of countries do not work on Easter. What is this day famous for, what traditions does one of the oldest holidays of the Orthodox Church have, and what date will Orthodox Easter be celebrated in 2018?

When is Easter in 2018 - date

First of all, Easter among the Orthodox refers to passing events, that is, to those whose celebration date changes from year to year. The day of Easter is calculated based on the date of occurrence spring equinox. This great Orthodox holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday after the new moon, which came after the day of the vernal equinox. That's why, In 2018 Orthodox Easter falls on April 8.
Easter has been celebrated since the first century AD. Christians believe that on this day, on the third day after death (martyrdom on the cross), Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Messiah, a person who combined the human and divine essence and revealed the true faith to the world, resurrected.

Orthodox Easter Traditions

This holiday is known all over the world, but in different countries celebrate it differently. In particular, in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries that preach Orthodoxy, the traditions of celebrating the Bright Sunday of Christ are as follows: going to church is considered the main action in honor of this event. On Easter, especially solemn services are served, to attend which it is the sacred duty of every believer.

At the end of the solemn mass it is customary to consecrate products: painted eggs, Easter and Easter cakes brought with you. It is believed that the illuminated products should be left in the church or distributed on the porch to the poor and the needy.

Traditional dishes for Easter

Traditional Easter dishes are: painted eggs, Easter cakes, Easter. Eggs are usually dyed red with onion feathers. IN modern world There are a large number of ways to dye and decorate eggs in other colors. Easter cakes and Easter cakes are rich products that are baked on the eve of the holiday. Each of the products has a special meaning for a believer: the egg implies the eternity of life, rebirth and immortality, and Easter and Easter cakes are baked as a symbol of the body of the Lord, his human and divine essence.

What not to do for Easter 2018 - video

The Bright Resurrection of Christ does not have a fixed date and belongs to the so-called "mobile holidays".

The rules that determine the date of the celebration of Easter in each year were established as early as the 3rd century by the Church of Alexandria. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon, but always later than the Jewish Passover. It cannot be earlier than the day of the spring equinox - March 21 (April 4 according to the Gregorian calendar), but does not happen later than April 25 (May 8). The use by denominations of different calendars and ways of calculating the date creates some confusion, so Easter for Catholics and Orthodox do not coincide. So in 2018, Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 8, and Catholic Easter a little earlier - on April 1.

Easter traditions

One of the most popular traditions of preparing for the Bright Holiday is the observance of the rules of Maundy Thursday. On this day of Palm Week (previous Easter Sunday) it is customary to clean the house - wash windows and floors, stay clean yourself and, of course, paint eggs, bake Easter cakes and make an amazing Easter dish, which is called Easter. We offer you an excellent recipe for custard Easter.

Easter royal

We will need:
1 kg cottage cheese
5 eggs
Butter pack
1 cup sour cream and sugar
¼ cup crushed sweet almonds
Vanillin to taste

Cottage cheese should be rubbed through a colander or chopped with a blender, mixed with butter, raw eggs and sour cream. Mix the mass well and put on low heat. Stir continuously until the mixture comes to a boil. After that, Easter must be cooled (you can put the pan on ice or in cold water), without ceasing to stir continuously. When cool, add sugar, vanilla and almonds. Once again, mix thoroughly, put in a mold and put under pressure. Royal Easter is ready!

Orthodox Easter is the most awaited holiday for all believers. The Bright Resurrection of Christ is celebrated throughout Russia and is accompanied by solemn divine services.

During the celebration, the Orthodox world recalls the events described in the Gospel. This day is significant for the resurrection of the Lord from the dead and the granting of cleansing from sins to the whole world. The cross, a symbol of suffering and rebirth, later became one of the main attributes of Christianity.

The bright holiday of Easter serves as a reminder to the whole world of the opportunity to live life in faith and justice and, after the end of the life path, find yourself in the Kingdom of Heaven. Church services are held throughout the night. People pray and say congratulatory words "Christ is Risen!", telling the joyful news to the whole world.

Easter date in 2018

The main church holiday does not have a fixed date and is celebrated at different times every year. In 2018 this date will be April 8. Easter is preceded by Great Lent, which is the strictest and helps believers get rid of their sins. During the long fast, Christians abstain from recreational activities, follow a strict diet, and spend time in prayer. Thus, you can get rid of the negativity and start a new, happy life.

Abstinence in food is the pacification of the flesh, and the clergy urge the faithful not to equate it with a regular diet. With the help of abstinence, people learn to deal with their shortcomings, cultivate willpower and resist temptations.

Great Lent ends with the Easter service, after which the faithful gather with their families. Behind festive table they treat themselves to Easter dishes, and at this time the bans on the use of meat products are lifted. After Easter comes Bright Week - a festive week during which there are no restrictions on meals. In all churches and temples, festive services and prayers are held to the glory of the Lord and Savior of the entire human race.

Preparing for Easter is a joyful event, and the housewives collect the most delicious recipes for holiday cakes. Also at this time, the consecration of eggs takes place, which can be painted in Beautiful colors. Spend this day with your family, pray for the health of all your loved ones and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.03.2018 14:45

Orthodox holidays are the best time to improve your life. On Easter week...

It is known that with God everyone is alive, but many believe that visiting a cemetery on Easter is equal to ...

True Orthodox Christians honor every church holiday, follow all the canons and precepts of Holy Scripture. The main event of the year for them is the feast of the bright Resurrection of Christ or, as the people say, Easter.

It is the largest and one of the most ancient Orthodox holidays of all available in the festive Christian calendar. It is customary to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ in every family, introducing traditions from childhood. It is no wonder that the question of what date is Orthodox Easter in 2019 everyone is interested.

When is Easter celebrated

The wonderful spiritual holiday of the Holy Resurrection is a transitional Orthodox holiday, which means that Easter day “floats” from year to year and falls on different days. Without having a clearly fixed date behind it, however, Easter is widely celebrated throughout Russia. Almost everyone knows that this great Christian day is celebrated in the spring, and the date of celebration is determined by lunar calendar. In 2018 Orthodox Christian Easter falls on April 28.

To accurately calculate the day of Easter in a given year, Easter is usually used. Paschalia are special church tables. The thing is that other passing church holidays whose days of celebration change from year to year. Therefore, it is so important to know why Paschalia were put into use.

The Orthodox Bright Resurrection of Christ is calculated according to the Alexandrian Paschalia. The date of the celebration is calculated differently and usually differs from the date of this holiday among believers of the Eastern rite. But we will not go into complex calculations. Let's talk about the essence of the holiday, traditions and worship on the day Orthodox Easter.

Easter - the bright Resurrection of Christ

The Christian holiday - Easter - was celebrated in the time of the apostles. The ancient Church united two memorable dates in one name of Pascha: the remembrance of the sufferings of the Son of God and the remembrance of the Resurrection of the Savior. They celebrated the holiday on the days that preceded the Resurrection and in the days following the Resurrection.

There were special names for designating one or another part of the great holiday - Easter of Suffering, in memory of the torment of the Savior on the cross, it was also called Easter; and Easter of the Resurrection - in honor of the great miracle when Jesus Christ "resurrected like God." The Resurrection revealed to the world the truth about the truth of the glorious God, who hitherto was humiliated and disgraced by death on the cross, next to criminals and like them.

Having died and risen, the Son of God blessed and sanctified the universal resurrection of each of the living - they, like Him, living according to Christian canons and creeds, will rise from the dead and be together with the Lord God.

Holiday Service in the Church

On this most majestic Christian holiday, the clergy perform a special solemn service. This service in the first centuries of our era was held as a baptismal service - many participated in the Sacrament of Baptism and let Jesus into their lives, accepting his Great Sacrifice on the cross.

Since ancient times, the Church has predetermined the tradition to celebrate the Easter service at night or at the first rays of the sun. So it is today - from all corners of the settlement, people flock to the Church with baskets in which the Easter cake majestically lies surrounded by colorful Easter eggs. People humbly serve, and then the Father generously irrigates the parishioners and the brought food with holy water.

It is believed that the festive Easter cake consecrated in the Easter service will bring healing to the sick body. The main thing is to believe in Jesus Christ and his Holy Sacrifice for the sake of all People on Earth.

Easter greeting

Starting from the night of the Paschal service and over the next forty days, until the very end of Easter, it is customary for the people to “become Christ”. This means that when meeting, you need to congratulate each other on Christ's Resurrection, saying the words that everyone has probably heard more than once in their lives: “Christ is Risen!” - "In truth, he is risen!" Some at the same time kiss three times, following ancient custom which tells people to greet each other with a holy kiss.

Easter meal traditions

Since ancient times, people have followed the custom that the first meal after Lent should consist, first of all, of Easter cake, curd paska (Easter) and painted eggs. Not only Easter cakes and eggs are brought to the Church for consecration - if possible, they try to take with them everything that is prepared for the Easter table for breaking the fast after the most strict abstinence from food and entertainment - Great Lent.

Believers present to each other Easter eggs as a symbol of a great miracle - Christ's Resurrection. As the story goes, Mary Magdalene brought a simple chicken egg as a gift to Emperor Tiberius as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ. And when the ruler doubted the veracity of her words, he said: "Just as a white egg does not turn red, so the dead cannot rise."

And in the same instant, the chicken egg turned bright red! Now eggs are dyed in perfect different colors, decorated with patterns, beads and sequins, but red remains the traditional color of Easter eggs.

Nowadays, it is customary to break the fast by hitting an egg on an egg held by another person. After that, you can eat the egg and start the Easter cake, which caring housewives bake on Maundy Thursday. It is believed that an Easter cake baked according to all the rules will not be stale for all forty days, because a curd or yeast cake, decorated with white icing and a candle, symbolizes Christ himself.

Easter is called the feast of feasts and the triumph of all feasts. They begin to prepare ahead of time for the long-awaited holiday, and the first thing we ask when talking about Easter 2018 is the date. What date is Easter in 2018 Orthodox people? This question always arises, because the Resurrection of the Lord is one of those holidays whose celebration date is not fixed and changes from year to year.

Easter - major holiday Christianity, and all its directions, the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Suffice it to recall that the dates of many religious holidays- Trinity, for example, is celebrated on the fiftieth day from Easter. However, in the Catholic and Orthodox branches of Christianity, this holiday is celebrated on different days.

How to find out the date of Easter in 2018?

In 2018 Orthodox Easter falls on April 8th. The period from the 1st to the 8th day (Holy Week) - the last week Great Lent, preceding Bright Sunday. This period is popularly called the Great Days, because each of the days of the week has its own characteristics:


Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)It is allowed to eat hot, fish, vegetable oil and wine.


The Temples remember the conversations that the Savior had with his disciples and read the PsalterDry eating recommended


They remember the last entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, as well as his sermons.Dry eating recommended


Remember the betrayal of Judas. On this day, confession has a special power.Dry eating recommended


The Last Supper, the sacrament of the Eucharist. They clean houses, bake Easter cakes, paint eggs.It is allowed to eat hot, as well as use vegetable oil when cooking.


Crucifixion of Christ (Good Friday)There is nothing you can't. In extreme cases, bread and water are allowed after sunset.


Burial of Christ.There is nothing you can't. In the evening, everyone goes to the Church and consecrates the products intended for the festive table.

As you can see, the Severe Lent preceding Easter is especially strict in the Orthodox faith. Although, there are categories of parishioners who are allowed not to completely refuse food. These are sick people, children and women carrying babies.

April 8 - Bright Resurrection of Christ! A holiday that marks the victory over death and gives hope for salvation.

In 2018, Easter will be early, which means that in many regions of Russia you can expect an early arrival of spring. What will be the weather for the holiday in your city, read in the appropriate section of our website.

Calendar of Orthodox holidays and calculation method

The principle of calculating the day of the holiday is not too simple - it is based on the combination of the solar and lunar calendars. The main rule when deriving the date: "The holiday always falls on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon." At the same time, spring means that after March 21, the day of the equinox. It's hard enough to calculate the date of the holiday yourself, isn't it?

To make it easier for us to calculate, Easter holidays were created a long time ago - special calendars where Easter days for many years to come.


Looking at the Easter calendar, we can accurately answer the question of when Easter is in 2018 for the Orthodox.

Why Christmas is always January 7th and Easter is different

This question worries a lot of people, because, for people who are ignorant, this is a bit contrary to logic. The history of Christianity was not very simple and it turned out that many of the holidays are usually celebrated according to the solar calendar, which has long been adopted in Europe. But there are those who count, according to the lunar calendar adopted in the Ancient East and Asia. Their dates, relative to our calendar, are fickle.

Easter traditions

The first thing the day starts with is a greeting. On Bright Sunday, it is customary to greet each other in a special way. A guest entering the house says to the hosts: “Christ is risen!” - and hears the answer: "Truly Risen!" These words are accompanied by three kisses. Such solemn actions among the people are called "Christosovanie", that is, "christening" - "congratulating each other on Easter."

Holy Fire

The symbol of the Light of God, shed on all nations after the Resurrection of Christ, the symbol of His forgiveness and mercy is the Easter fire. On the night of Christ's Sunday, the Holy Fire descends from heaven on the believers gathered in the temple in Jerusalem. A real miracle is a flame appearing as if from nowhere.

One feature of the Holy Fire is interesting - in the first minutes of its appearance, the flame does not burn it. Believers immerse their hands in flames, wash themselves with it - and there are no burns on the skin. Every year, the ceremony of the convergence of the Holy Fire is broadcast live not only on international, but also on central Russian TV channels. There is an ancient legend: the year when the Holy Fire does not break out in the temple will become last year life on earth, the year of the beginning of the Judgment Time.

bell ringing

The crimson chime of bells floats over Russia - many of us have memories of the first spring holiday associated with bells. According to church canons, the bells can be rung only during the divine service – the believers are summoned to the service with a loud melodious sound. And only on Easter week the bells ring at any time - in honor of the great holiday. Many years ago, a tradition developed in Rus' to open bell towers, giving access to the bells to everyone. And today everyone can climb up and ring the bell in honor of Bright Sunday. Of course, this applies to a greater extent to temples in villages, since in cities, not to mention megacities, this is physically impossible.

Meal and meal

And most importantly, what most people, and especially children, associate Easter with is delicious sweet Easter cakes and bright multi-colored eggs. Initially, the tradition prescribed to dye Easter eggs red - in honor of the blood of Christ. However, today we are happy to paint this symbol of the holiday in the brightest colors, showing how we rejoice at Easter. By the way, it is no accident that the egg became a symbol of the Resurrection. According to legend, Saint Mary Magdalene came to the emperor Tiberius, who ruled the Roman Empire, with a gift - a chicken egg painted bright red. It was impossible to approach without an offering, but Maria was poor, and one egg was all she could afford. Therefore, she decided to paint it to draw attention to the gift. The saint gave her gift with the words: “Christ is risen!”

Second culinary easter tradition- baking cakes. Each housewife has her own special recipe for sweet pastries. By the way, bread made from rich dough should be called Easter cakes, and cottage cheese "buns" - Easter. True, in modern culinary creativity, all these concepts have long been mixed up, and today the main thing is a delicacy baked with soul and love, which can be put on the table during a festive dinner.

Other Easters

Easter for Catholics

The dates of Catholic and Orthodox Easter are calculated differently. It happens that they coincide and the holiday is celebrated on the same day, but this happens extremely rarely. In 2018, the difference between the dates will be 1 week, but it also happens that it reaches one and a half months. Almost always comes first Catholic Easter, and, after, Orthodox.

Catholics use the Gregorian calendar in their calculations, while Orthodox Christians use the Julian calendar.

The traditions of Catholic and Orthodox Easter are somewhat different, despite the fact that the essence is the same. So, Catholics begin to celebrate Easter from Saturday and make bonfires in front of the temples, from which Easter is lit.

One of the symbols is a rabbit, from which dishes are prepared, as well as figurines and pictures are presented. The rabbit for Western Christians is the same symbol of Easter as eggs and Easter cakes are for us.

Jewish Easter

Passover has a special meaning in Jewish culture. If for us this is the resurrection of Christ, then for the Jews it is a holiday of the deliverance of the people of Judea from Egyptian oppression, which is also commonly called the Exodus. The holiday is usually celebrated with family.