What are the features of the Orthodox presentation calendar. Presentation: "calendar of Orthodox holidays". Themes of creative projects of students

2 slide

Purpose: to introduce the history of the origin Orthodox holidays and their traditions. Tasks: To expand knowledge about the culture of holidays; To educate students in patriotic qualities, spiritual culture; To develop the creative individuality of students, communication skills;

3 slide

Expected results: Development of public speaking skills. Mastering the skills of project activities by students. Involving parents in joint activities with children. Expansion of ideas and respect for Orthodox holidays and their traditions.

4 slide

Brief annotation. The lesson is aimed at expanding knowledge about Orthodox holidays as part of Christian culture; Students present creative projects completed in groups.

5 slide

Themes creative projects students. Bright holiday - Christmas. Epiphany. Palm Sunday. Easter.

6 slide

Form of holding: theatrical oral magazine. Participants: students, parents, guests, teachers.

7 slide

Venue: study room. Equipment: Music center; Audio recordings; suits; Photos; Crafts for children; Holiday postcards; Willow twigs decorated by children; Calendar - notepad with stickers; Orthodox calendar.

8 slide

Preliminary preparation. Acquaintance with creative projects of children; recommendations on the choice of forms of presentation of creative projects; Selection of musical accompaniment; Consultations for parents on helping children in the preparation of creative projects; Design of the study room; Details for each holiday (photo exhibition, willow branches, Easter eggs); Preparation by the teacher of gifts for students (calendar - notebook with stickers).

9 slide

Many glorious good holidays We are left from antiquity According to the tradition of our great-grandfathers, we must remember them.

10 slide

During the classes. I. Opening speech of the teacher. Ringing of bells. Great Orthodox holidays begin with the ringing of bells. There are 12 holidays in the Orthodox calendar. Today we will flip through the pages of the calendar and talk in detail about the most significant holidays for the Orthodox. II. Introduction to the calendar.

11 slide

III. Oral journal. Page 1 - Christmas. For two thousand years, we have been celebrating one holiday On our Earth, Christ, the Son of God, was born. Two thousand years Carried away like a river of water. His quiet light Forever with me and with you. Students defend the project "Christmas" History of the holiday; Costumed, theatrical performance.

12 slide

2 Page - Baptism of the Lord. About the Baptism of the Lord We tell you today! May heaven smile when sins are forgiven! The candles are burning brighter, And it will be a good evening! Students defend the project "Baptism of the Lord": - the history of the holiday; - Photo essay.

13 slide

14 slide

Page 3 Palm Sunday. The road is decorated with clothes and palm trees. What rejoicing! What a blessing! Solemnly with glory, the people of God meet, so that later He ... to be crucified! E. Sanin Students defend the project "Palm Sunday": dance "Verbochki"; History of the holiday; exhibition of decorated willows, appliqué.

Slide 1. Title of the lesson

I part. Actualization of knowledge (Creation of the world, time and eternity, calendar, holiday and idleness, soul and body).

Slide 2. Counting and measuring

It is simply impossible to live without a counting system. Russian folk proverb says: “Without measure, you can’t weave bast shoes.” Therefore, a person measures everything that surrounds him. And not only what he sees, but also what he feels and feels. Including time.

In what units do we measure time?(children answer)

Let's turn to the Bible, to the moment of the creation of the cosmos:

(click)Mosaic « Creation of the world”, Byzantium, XII century; Italy. Monreale, Cathedral.

The Lord sits on a circle (projection of the sphere) - a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven (eternity). The multi-layered nature of the sphere is the hierarchical arrangement of the angelic world. The second circle is the created celestial dome.

“And God said: let there be lights in the firmament of heaven [to illuminate the earth and] to separate the day from the night, and for signs, and times, and days, and years; and let them be lamps in the firmament of heaven, to give light to the earth. And it became so. And God created two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the smaller light to rule the night, and the stars; and God placed them in the firmament of heaven to give light to the earth, and rule over the day and night, and separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning: the fourth day” (Gen. 1:14-19).

What are cosmic bodies used for? (children answer)

According to the Bible, God created the sun, moon and stars to tell time. Those. time appeared simultaneously with the Creation of the world. God Himself is outside of time - in eternity.

There is no unambiguous definition of eternity, because it is difficult to understand what it is - eternity. But you can get closer to this understanding with the help of images and symbols.

Slide 3. Time and eternity

Choose the figures that you think could serve as symbols of eternity and time. Explain your choice. (children choose)

On the slide, select by clicking on the figure (circle and segment).

(click on an empty space in the slide field)Mosaics of the Florentine Baptistery, XIII-XIV centuries.

The circle, like eternity, has neither beginning nor end. Therefore, in Christianity, the circle serves as a symbol of eternity. And time, like a segment, has a beginning and an end. See how this is reflected in the icon-painting tradition. This 13th-century mosaic depicts God, the Creator of the world, in a circle. And the created world is in a quadrangle, essentially consisting of segments.

According to Christian teaching, time has been given to us, so that with its help, filling with good meaning, we will acquire eternity in which we can abide with God.

Slide 4. Calendar

What is the name of the timing system? (children answer)

(click) This is a calendar. Read in your textbook about the meaning of the word "calendar". (children read)

Tutorial text:

The word "calendar" (from the Latin calendae) denoted the name of the first day of each month in ancient Rome. The modern meaning of this word is a system for calculating large periods of time, divided into years, months, weeks, days.

Slide 5. Julian and Gregorian calendars

And now let's look at appearance Orthodox calendars (in the textbook and on the screen) and read what is said about this in the textbook. (children read)

Tutorial text:

The Orthodox calendar differs from the secular one in that it marks church holidays, as well as fasting days (days on which animal products are not eaten). It contains two dates: according to the old style - the Julian calendar and according to the new - the Gregorian calendar.

Tell us what you can learn from Orthodox calendar. (children answer)

What can you say about how dates are marked in the civil (secular) and Orthodox calendars? (children answer)

(click) The Julian calendar was developed by the Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes on behalf of the ancient Roman commander Julius Caesar in 45 BC. At first, the count of years came from the foundation of Rome, and from the 6th century, according to the biblical chronicle, from the Creation of the world. Currently, the Julian calendar is used by some Orthodox and Christian churches.

Look up the Gregorian calendar in a dictionary. (children read)

Dictionary text:

The Gregorian calendar is a calendar in which the reckoning is from the Nativity of Christ. Named for Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in 1582. The Gregorian calendar is recognized in most countries of the world.

From what events are years counted in these calendars? (children answer)

In the Julian calendar - from the Creation of the world, in the Gregorian - from the Nativity of Christ.

Slide 6. Old and new style

Until 1918, the Russian state used one calendar - the Julian. Since 1918, Russia has had two calendars - the Gregorian and the Julian.

We will not go into disputes between scientists, which calendar is better and more accurate: the old, Julian, or the new, Gregorian. Each of them has its pros and cons. Let's just take it for granted that there are two calendars - a civil one, convenient in everyday life, and a church one, which meets the needs of the Church.

(click) In our time, the difference in the dates of these calendars is 13 days.

Convert the date January 1 from the old to the new style. (children answer)

(click) January 14th. That is why on this day modern Russia many celebrate a holiday with a strange name - the old New Year.

Slide 7. Holiday and idleness

Do you think the words "holiday" and "idleness" mean the same thing? (children answer)

(click) "Holiday" comes from the word "idle", meaning "empty", "empty". Those. a holiday is a day not busy with business, free from work, empty from everyday fuss.

(click) Although “holiday” and “idleness” are words of the same root, they are completely opposite in spirit. A holiday is when the soul is overflowing with joy, idleness is when it is empty and is looking for something to fill itself with, to occupy, and it does not occupy it with what it needs.

Slide 8. Different holidays

But the holidays are completely different. There are holidays like fun with a reason, but without meaning, empty - they made some noise, they made a fuss, and the next day, except for fatigue, there was nothing left in the soul. A holiday is not only when the body feels good. A holiday is when the heart is happy.

(click) For example, how do you feel when you hear "Victory Day"? (children answer)

Even when we only hear the name of this holiday, everything inside responds. He inspires, instructs, gives life guidelines, makes you think, comprehend. Those. this holiday gives labor to the soul. Spiritual work, directed towards good, is always accompanied by real joy.

(click) And a holiday without spiritual labor turns into idleness.

And what holidays in your life bring you not only joy and fun, but also good thoughts and feelings, encourage you to good deeds? (children answer)

You can encourage children to rethink the usual holidays. For example, a birthday makes you think about love, friendship, loneliness. Receiving gifts teaches you to be considerate and generous, and so on.

II part

Slide 9. Church holidays

(Lebedev K.V.) The earthly and heavenly Church glorifies the Creator who showed us the light

The life of the Church goes not according to calendar dates, but according to church holidays. But the Orthodox holiday is not just a celebration, but, above all, worship - spiritual work. Divine service consistently reveals the secrets of eternity in time: why a person lives, how he can reveal himself in Christianity, what holiness he can achieve in union with God, and in the end - overcome the death of soul and body. Therefore, worship for believers is the path leading to eternal life.

Each next calendar year- the circle of divine services - as a new rung of the spiritual ladder, raising to heaven to God Himself.

Read in the textbook about Orthodox holidays. (children read)

Tutorial text:

Among the Orthodox holidays, the great twelfth holidays (the twelve most important holidays) are especially distinguished. They are dedicated to the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Other holidays are dedicated to the days of memory of the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church, the events of sacred history, as well as the glorification of icons.

Tell me, do your families differ significant events on solemn and more modest? Relatives, friends gather for those when everything is getting ready, and for those when they just congratulate each other. (children answer)

In the Orthodox Church, as in an ordinary family, there are also holidays, large and small. And they also differ in degree of solemnity. And since the church family is boundless in size, it combines earthly and heavenly things, celebrations take place almost every day. Therefore, one can even say that the Orthodox calendar is a "holiday every day."

Slide 10. Annual liturgical circle

Church New Year, New Year, is celebrated on September 1 according to the old style (or September 14 according to the new one). From this day begins the calculation of church holidays.

And what event on September 1 takes place in your life?(children answer)

Do you think this is a coincidence or not?(children answer)

This is not a coincidence. In Rus' there was a period when the civil and ecclesiastical beginning of the new year was calculated according to the Julian calendar - from September 1. From that day on, classes began in parochial schools. The tradition has spread to all educational institutions. Since 1700, Peter I, having retained the Julian calendar, introduced the European chronology in Russia (from the Nativity of Christ) and moved the civil new year to January 1. But in the field of education, the September New Year has survived to this day.


Mother of God Hodegetria. 1482 Dionysius

First Twelfth Feast church year- Nativity of the Virgin (September 8/21), and the last - Her Assumption (August 15/28) - the transition from temporary life to eternal. This is Her path from birth to the pinnacle of human holiness. Between these two events, as if against the background of the life of the Mother of God, the life of an Orthodox Christian flows throughout the year. The Mother of God, like a mother, in moments of weakness and temptation, believers seek protection and understanding, and She always helps them.

(click) Another twelfth feast dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos is the Entry into the Temple, when the three-year-old Mary was brought to the Jerusalem Temple, where she was brought up to adulthood.

(click) And one more twelfth Feast of the Mother of God - the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. On this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced to Her the coming birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

(click) In addition to these important holidays, as a manifestation of inexpressible love for the Mother of God and in gratitude for Her intercession, the Russian Orthodox Church established great holiday Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Slide 11

Listen to the story of the event that gave rise to the establishment of this holiday, and in the course of the story, consider the icon of the Intercession of the Virgin.

It happened in the middle of the tenth century in Constantinople, in the Blachernae church, where the clothes of the Mother of God were kept: a riza, a head cover and part of a belt.

Barbarian troops approached Constantinople. In those years, such raids often ended in a bloody massacre, and the inhabitants of the Byzantine capital expected that by morning they could say goodbye to their lives.The priests of the city and the people in the temple during the night service prayed for deliverance from enemies. And at four o'clock in the night, the future saint, for Christ's sake, holy fool Andrew, raising his eyes to heaven, saw the Most Holy Theotokos walking through the air. She was illumined by heavenly light, She was surrounded by angels and a host of saints. The Queen of Heaven was accompanied by the holy Baptist of the Lord John and the holy Apostle John the Theologian.The Blessed Virgin, on her knees, began to pray for the Christians with tears. The Mother of God asked the Lord Jesus Christ to accept the prayers of all people who call on His Most Holy Name and resort to Her intercession. Then, going up to the Throne, she removed the veil from Her head and spread it over all the standing people.Saint Andrew contemplated the wondrous vision with trepidation and asked his disciple, the blessed Epiphanius, who was standing next to him: “Do you see, brother, the Queen and Lady praying for the whole world?” Epiphanius replied: “I see, holy father, and I am horrified.”After the departure of the Mother of God, the veil also became invisible, but, taking it with Her, She left the grace that was there. A miraculous cover protected the city. The rising storm scattered the ships of the barbarians, saving the inhabitants of Constantinople from death.

Protection of the Holy Mother of God -

Maple, carved, gold -
It will fall on the sinful earth,
Will cover with his kindness:
“O Mati, who surpasses sweetness!”
We fall to you, loving:
“Don’t take away, Mistress, joy
Those who seek you."
Elena Semyonova

Slide 12. Andrey Bogolyubsky, Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

Read in the textbook about how the feast of the Protection of the Virgin was established in Rus'. (children read)

Tutorial text:

The Russian prince - Andrei Bogolyubsky established the feast of the Intercession of the Virgin in Rus', which became one of the most revered. “The Mother of God is the true Protection of the whole world”, “The whole earth brings you gifts, like the Queen, the Mother of God,” is read at the service on the feast of the Intercession. The Russian people believed that the Protection of the Mother of God would protect the country from enemies, from enmity between princes. Numerous temples and monasteries were erected in Rus' in honor of this holiday. For example, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the Intercession Cathedral on Red Square, which is better known as St. Basil's Cathedral.

Church of the Intercession

Boris Chichibabin

We came with you and froze
And forgot all the words
Before the white miracle on the Nerl,
In front of the Church of the Intercession,
What is not stone, but all of light,
From love, from prayer...

The memory of this event found an amazing response and special reverence among the Russian people. How many Churches of the Intercession can be counted in Russia today, villages and villages with the name Pokrovka, surnames, in the root of which there is also this word - “Pokrov”!

Slide 13. Folk signs and traditions

In Rus', the church meaning of the holidays was closely mixed with folk traditions. And although folk signs are part of our culture, however, not all of them are related to spiritual life. It's just that the church calendar was then, and people correlated their life with its important dates. On it, the cattle were driven out to graze, and they began or finished bathing in the river, and so on. Also, the change of seasons was tied to the church calendar. Our ancestors lived in harmony with nature and constantly watched the world around them - and major holidays were the easiest to navigate.

Read in the textbook about one of the folk signs associated with the feast of the Protection of the Virgin. (children read)

Tutorial text:
In Rus', the people of the Intercession holiday have long been associated with the beginning of winter and they dedicated sayings to it: “On Pokrov, the earth is covered with snow, it is dressed with frost”, “On Pokrov, autumn is in the afternoon, and winter is winter in the afternoon.” It was on this day that the peasants began to insulate the huts, preparing for the winter.

And now let's listen to a short song about the Protection of the Virgin.

(click on the gramophone, 00:01:31)


Poems by John Rutenin (Eugene Rostislavovich Zolotarevsky)
Performed by Lyudmila and Sergey Ershov

Let the slush, and off-road,
Don't be sad with your eyes down
After all, the Mother of God is above us
Extends the Omophorus.
From everything evil in the world -
Forest and field and houses -
Covers everything
Mother of God Herself.

Slide 14

We have already said that almost every day the Church honors the memory of one or another saint. So the church calendar with the indication of the holidays and days of memory of the saints is called the calendar. On the basis of the calendar, various Orthodox calendars are compiled. Also, the calendar as an application is included in some liturgical books.

(click) You already know that in the church in front of the solea, on the central lectern, icons of the day are placed or, as they are also called, lectern icons.

(click) An example of such icons is the 15th century Sophian tablet icons. These are small double-sided icons from St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, made with amazing skill by talented icon painters. On this tablet icon, on one side is an icon of the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and on the reverse side is an icon of Saints Simeon the Stylite, John the Theologian and the Apostle Philip.

(click) There are lectern icons of another type - the icons of the month or mena icons. The surface of such icons is divided into many horizontal registers, in which small images of holidays and saints are located, following one after another in accordance with the church calendar. Monthly words can be written on one icon board, including one month, three months, half a year and even a year. Here you see the icon of the calendar from October 8 to October 15, according to the old style.

According to Orthodox tradition, the day of memory of a saint is not the day of his birth, but the day of his death.

Why do you think? (children answer)

In the Christian understanding, the day of death is not a day of sorrow and hopelessness. This is the birth into the future eternal life.

(click) The day of memory of the saint, in whose honor the Christian is named, is called name day. Other names for this day are the day of the Angel, the day of namesake.

Try to determine at home according to the Orthodox calendar which day is dedicated to the memory of a saint who has the same name as you. Learn about the life of this saint and prepare a short story about him.

(click) And these are the addresses of sites with Orthodox calendars, where you can find all the information you need.

Kornaeva Elena Valentinovna
Job title: teacher primary school
Educational institution: MBNOU "Gymnasium44"
Locality: city ​​Novokuznetsk Kemerovo region
Material name: methodical development according to ORKSE
Subject:"Calendar year in Orthodoxy. Grade 4"
Publication date: 31.12.2017
Chapter: elementary education

On the topic "Calendar year in Orthodoxy"


Development of the ability to analyze and summarize information.

Development of communication skills.

Acquaintance with various types calendars.


Development of the spiritual and moral basis of the individual

Comprehension and concretization of spiritual and moral categories,

provided by the program


Presentation "Fresco, icon, painting", handout, various

types of calendars.

During the classes:

Repetition and consolidation of previously studied material. Children work in

steam. The couple receives an illustration, their task is to determine, and then

prove that in front of them is a fresco, painting or icon.

Learning new material.

Teacher's story.

The need to measure time arose among people already in ancient times.

The first calendars appeared many thousands of years ago at the dawn of mankind.

civilization. People have learned to measure time intervals, to compare them

with phenomena that recur periodically (change of day and night, change of phases

Moon, change of seasons). Without the use of time units, people

could not live, communicate with each other, trade, engage in agriculture. IN

At the beginning, the account of time was primitive, but as human development






improved, such concepts as year, month, week appeared.

Once upon a time, every tribe, every city, every state created its own

own calendars, differently composed of days, months and years.

Lunar, lunisolar, solar calendars appeared.




periods of time. The word "calendar" comes from the Latin words "caleo"

(proclaim) and "calendarium" (debt book). Beginning in ancient Rome

each month was specially proclaimed and on the first day of each month there

accepted to pay interest on debts.

Read, please, in the dictionary about the Julian and Gregorian calendars.

Calendars are of different types: pocket, tear-off. What calendars are you?

know? (children's answers)

Wall, desktop, timesheet calendar, lunar, gardener - gardener,

female, school, family, youth, decorative, built-in

One of the oldest known calendars is the Mayan calendar. (conversation

accompanied by a demonstration different kind calendars and illustrations).

What can you say about the difference between civil and Orthodox

church calendar? (children receive handout and give answers)



is different


lined up not according to the seasons, but according to the annual circle, the order of church

services in accordance with the gospel events. It notes

church holidays and fasts (days on which they are not eaten

animal products).

Please read what is said about the Orthodox calendar in the textbook.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Tell us what you can learn about their Orthodox calendar.

Tell us what event the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed One is dedicated to

Mother of God.

Explanation of homework.

(see lesson attachment)

Assignment for the project. Do you know the name of your heavenly patron? If not,

then find out. Read his life. Tell us when is his memorial day and when is yours

name day. Find an icon of your heavenly patron.

Find out when the name day of your parents, brothers and sisters, other loved ones

relatives. How will you congratulate them?

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS AND CALENDAR Prepared by: primary school teacher GBOU School No. 2057 Vznuzdaeva Natalia Aleksandrovna 2014-2015 academic year Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics Module: Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures

2 slide

Description of the slide:

ORTHODOX CALENDAR At its core, the Orthodox Church Paschal calendar consists of two parts: MOBILE FIXED The fixed part of the church calendar is the Julian calendar, diverging by 13 days from the Gregorian. Holidays of the fixed part of the calendar have a fixed date, each holiday is celebrated on the same day every year. . The movable part of the church calendar moves along with the date of Easter, which changes from year to year. The very date of the celebration of Easter is determined according to lunar calendar and a number of additional dogmatic factors (do not celebrate Easter with the Jews, celebrate Easter only after spring equinox, celebrate Easter only after the first spring full moon). All holidays with variable dates are counted from Easter and move in the time of the "secular" calendar along with it. Thus, both parts of the Easter calendar (movable and fixed) together determine the calendar of Orthodox holidays.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The history of Orthodox holidays goes back to the times of the Old Testament. Holidays that originate in the New Testament time are also adjacent to the Orthodox. Each of the Orthodox holidays is dedicated to the memory of the most important events in the life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, as well as the memory of saints. ORIGINS OF ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Recognizing the holidays as useful from the point of view of piety, the Church has always given their celebration a solemn character, while necessary condition it was considered the celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist or the communion of the Holy Mysteries. Accordingly, the whole life of Christians was arranged in holidays: they freed themselves from worldly activities and labors, did not arrange noisy entertainments, feasts, but sanctified them with good deeds in favor of the Church and the poor.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

WHAT ARE THE ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS The most significant events for an Orthodox Christian are the Twelfth Feasts and the Great Feasts. The Orthodox Church celebrates holidays according to the "old style", which differs by 13 days. ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS Easter (Bright Sunday of Christ) Twelfth non-passing feasts January 7 - Nativity of Christ January 19 - Baptism of the Lord (Holy Theophany) February 15 - Meeting of the Lord April 7 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 21 - Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos September 27 - Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord December 4 - Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos Twelfth movable feasts Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) Ascension of the Lord Holy Trinity Day (Pentecost) Great feasts with a fixed date January 14 - Circumcision of the Lord July 7 - Christmas John the Baptist July 12 - Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist October 14 - Protection of the Most Holy

6 slide

Description of the slide:

THE MAIN HOLIDAYS OF CHRISTIANITY The main holidays of Christians are associated with the events of the life of Jesus Christ - this is Christmas (Jesus' birthday) and the Resurrection of Christ - Easter.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Believers prepare for these two holidays by observing many days of fasting. Fasting before Christmas is called Christmas, before Easter - Great. Usually, during fasting, many Christians do not eat meat and dairy foods, and refrain from entertainment. But abstinence from food is not the main thing, it should only help a person become better, help the believer in working on himself.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

EASTER The week before Easter is called Holy Week. These days are remembered last days Jesus Christ, held by him in Jerusalem, his sermon, the Last Supper (dinner) with the disciples, the arrest and crucifixion (Good Friday). Easter always falls on a Sunday. Her worship takes place at night. It opens with a solemn procession around the temple, followed by Matins and Liturgy. The whole following week is called Easter or bright.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

EASTER RITES Preparation for Easter takes place during Holy Week and ends on Holy Saturday with the preparation of festive food - Easter cakes, curd Easter and painted eggs. The food is carried to the church, where it is blessed during the service.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

The symbol of Easter Easter egg is a painted egg. According to Christian notions, Easter Egg symbolizes life, the victory of life over death, and its red color recalls the blood of Christ, which was shed for the salvation of people. The eggs consecrated in the church were eaten first when, upon returning from the all-night service, the festive feast began.

11 slide

The Orthodox calendar allows Christians to remember the events of Holy History by participating in divine services. The greatest Christian holiday is the Resurrection of Christ - Easter. It is called the feast of feasts and the triumph of feasts. It is so great that it is not included in the number of twelve - it stands above all holidays. Christian holidays are church holidays. church calendar determines not only the days of veneration of the saints, but also the days family holidays(day of baptism), commemoration of deceased relatives. Christians also celebrate the day of their heavenly patron (the saint whose name they received at baptism) - name day.

Celebrating the Nativity of Christ For Christians, Christmas is one of the most joyful and important holidays. In order to meet the holiday with dignity, Christians prepare for it in advance with the Advent Lent (November 28 to January 6). They try to devote more than usual time and energy to doing good deeds. Christmas is especially solemnly celebrated in the temple. In Rus', the holiday began with a visit by the whole family to a beautiful festive service. It was performed in the evening and was called Vespers.

The celebration of the Nativity of Christ The temple on this day was decorated with Christmas trees. At the Christmas service, the priests put on beautiful robes - snow-white robes. All lamps are lit. A festive chant sounds: “Glory to God in the highest (in heaven) and on earth (on earth) peace, in people (in people) goodwill (God’s love)!” People praise God with church hymns (thanks)

Celebration of the Nativity of Christ A few days before Christmas, a Christmas tree was put up in the houses. She was dressed up with multi-colored toys, garlands of candy, pink sweet gingerbread, which were hung at the very bottom. These days they built a nativity scene (cave) from snow, similar to the cave that sheltered the Holy Family - the Divine Infant, Mary and Joseph, glorified Christ with carols. People who praised Christ, sang carols (carols), were called Christoslavs.

Celebration of the Nativity of Christ The holy days that come with the advent of the feast of the Nativity of Christ are called Christmas time by Christians. In Rus', it was customary on the first day of Christmas time, first of all, to remember the poor, to help them (alms). And on the second day in each family they laid for them festive table. At Christmas, children were given gifts. QUESTIONS How do Christians prepare for the celebration of the Nativity of Christ? What happens at Christmas in the temple? With what words do they glorify the born Christ in the temple? What do the words mean: all-night service, vestments, lampada.