How to use a collagen eye mask. All the secrets of the collagen eye mask. The action of the collagen mask

“At any age you can become younger,” said the American actress of the last century, Mae West. The meaning of these words was the habit of a recognized beauty to change the date of her birth depending on the situation. Modern women it is not necessary to resort to such manipulations. To visually reduce their age, it is enough for them to choose the right cosmetics. And first of all, pay attention to products that care for the skin around the eyes, since this part of the face is affected by time before others.

Why does the skin around the eyes need collagen?

Collagen mask for the eyes - a cosmetic product that is gaining more and more popularity in skin care. The main feature of the mask is collagen in the composition, which is an important protein substance of subcutaneous tissues that maintains their elasticity and smoothness.

Since the epidermis of the eye area is very thin and moisture is poorly retained in it, the tendency to the appearance of mimic and age wrinkles increases.

Collagen production deteriorates with age, after 30–35 years, its amount becomes insufficient to maintain skin tone. For these reasons, the skin begins to need additional replenishment of connective protein, and in the simplest way for this, regular use of collagen masks is considered.

The cosmetic properties of collagen are as follows:

  • the formation of a protective surface film that will pass and retain moisture in the subcutaneous layers;
  • acceleration of blood flow, lymph, other internal metabolic processes that contribute to active skin renewal;
  • cleansing the epidermis from accumulated impurities, toxic substances, excess lymphatic fluid, leading to swelling under the eyes.

Under the influence of masks in the skin tissues, the production of its own collagen and elastin improves, which smooth the epidermis, control the amount of moisture, even out the color of the skin surface.

What types of masks do cosmetic companies offer?

There are several ways to get collagen protein for cosmetic purposes:

  • from the skins of animals, mainly great cattle;
  • from wheat or soybeans;
  • from the skin layers of marine fish that live at depth.

Components from fish are considered more effective and penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis. According to these indicators, plant collagen is only slightly inferior, but outperforms marine representatives in terms of safety, the absence of allergic reactions. The only advantage of animal protein is its low cost, but the parameters of influence on the epidermis, the frequency of allergic reactions are much worse than other sources.

Varieties of forms for the release of masks with collagen for the eyes allow customers to choose the appropriate option for the price, volume, method of application, method of obtaining protein

Cosmetic brands offer the following types of products:

  • slice masks (patches);
  • tissue;
  • film;
  • powder;
  • with a thick creamy texture;
  • crystalline serum and others.

To enhance the restoring, smoothing properties, the composition of the masks is supplemented with hyaluronic acid, placenta, silk proteins, elastin, algae extracts, biogold.

How to make your own collagen mask

Preparation of masks with collagen is acceptable at home. Their effectiveness may be lower than that of ready-made cosmetic preparations, but regular use will show nice results. Liquid collagen for these purposes can be bought at pharmacies, where it is presented in the form of ampoules. A few drops of liquid are added to the cream or mask for the skin around the eyes.

Another technique for making homemade formulas is to use plant-based products that contain collagen. These include:

  • cabbage,
  • carrot,
  • cilantro,
  • gelatin,
  • parsley,
  • dill,
  • tomatoes,
  • kelp,
  • apricots,
  • oranges,
  • tangerines.

Gelatin is convenient to use as a base for masks, dissolving it in warm water. The remaining components are ground into a puree, liquid collagen, vitamin A, E are added to them, the mixture is combined with a gelatinous mass.

What features of the application should be paid attention to

Before using the product, it is necessary to prepare the skin surface. To do this, it is thoroughly cleaned of makeup, impurities, with the help of a steam bath, pores and skin ducts are opened. The mask or patches are applied to a damp surface, when the epidermis is felt tightened, 2-3 drops of water are added.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed, the time of application is indicated on the original packaging, depending on the norm of collagen. Home masks can be kept on the skin for up to 20-30 minutes. The remnants of the product are washed off with warm water, after which a moisturizer is applied.

Collagen and youth are inseparable concepts, because collagen fibers form the basis of elastic and toned skin. The older we get, the less amount of this protein is produced in the body, the protein "framework" of the skin weakens, and things that are unpleasant for any woman appear, such as flabbiness, wrinkles, dryness. And above all, a decrease in the amount of collagen makes itself felt in the area around the eyes. As it turned out, a collagen smoothing eye mask can become an assistant in this matter. Let's talk about her.

Features of the collagen mask

Is a collagen mask really that good, and what is its use and the secret of its “wonderfulness”? The collagen mask owes its popularity to its constituent components - collagen and auxiliary active additives. If you figure it out, then using such a tool to change the speed and volume of production of collagen fibers in the skin is impossible - this process is regulated exclusively from the inside. But to preserve the existing fibers and prevent their further destruction, this tool is quite capable.

Regular use of the mask under the eyes and for the eyelids acts on the upper layers, producing a noticeable smoothing effect.

Collagen molecules are of a decent size, as they are a very long chain of amino acids, and it is not so easy for them to penetrate the skin. This is where the role of additional compounds in the composition of the product becomes clear - they help collagen molecules get into the skin. Among these substances hyaluronic acid, essential plant essences, extracts and extracts of plants, vitamins and fruit acids. The source of collagen in the production is the skin of animals and fish, less often - plants.

How to apply the mask correctly

Collagen masks are easy to use, product reviews also highlight this benefit. To smooth the area around the eyes, eliminate dryness of the eyelids, follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • cleanse the skin, completely removing any impurities and makeup;
  • remove the mask by opening the package;
  • apply it to the area around the eyes or under the eyes;
  • after 25-35 minutes, remove the product and wash with warm water;
  • apply a cream or serum to the eyelid area, it is most often included in the kit.

Under the influence of body temperature, the product will gradually dissolve, penetrating the skin and saturating it with moisture and nutrients. In this case, its thickness can be reduced by half. The collagen eye mask not only reduces and smoothes wrinkles, but also relieves puffiness and eliminates dark circles, which is confirmed by the reviews of satisfied women.

How often should this remedy be used? If your eyes are not subjected to regular stress, such as when working at a computer, reading or knitting, then once a week will be enough. Otherwise, to maintain eyelid tone, hydration and eliminate signs of fatigue, apply a collagen mask in two to three week courses every 4-6 months, applying it with a time interval of 2 days.

Reviews and manufacturers

Where to buy such a miracle? There are two options - either look in a cosmetic store, or order in an online store or directly from a supplier, which comes out much cheaper. Established Chinese companies:

  • Dizao;
  • Pharaonic Baths;
  • Imeten;
  • Vilenta.

If we evaluate the products of manufacturers from other countries, then the French “Beauty Med” mask, the Korean “Purederm” and the American “Beauty Style” received well-deserved reviews.

Thanks to the collagen mask, you can increase the elasticity of the skin of the eyelids, eliminate small wrinkles, and remove signs of fatigue from the eyes. What do women say? Here are some reviews of girls about the Korean mask "Pilaten Crystal":

  • “She is so cool! The skin instantly smoothed out! ”;
  • “This is a real ambulance for my tired eyes!”;
  • “I don’t know what Koreans make it from, but the effect is amazing”;
  • “It is fragrant, pleasant, for me it is the best remedy for dark circles.”

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Collagen is the main substance of the epidermis. It is responsible for maintaining the smoothness, youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. In women over 25, the processes inside the cells gradually slow down, and with them the production of collagen also slows down. As a result, the first wrinkles appear on the skin around the eyes. That is why all cosmetologists strongly recommend starting skin care around the eyes as early as possible, otherwise, by the age of 40, deep wrinkles will appear on the face, which will not be so easy to get rid of. And in order to avoid such unfortunate consequences, it is better to prevent the depletion of collagen and replenish it regularly. Collagen masks do an excellent job with this function.

Useful properties of collagen products, as well as their action

Today, the beauty industry is developing by leaps and bounds, and what tools and procedures have not been developed in order to stop skin aging. Most modern methods aimed at skin rejuvenation are based on the replenishment and introduction of collagen into the cells of the epidermis. However, some highly effective procedures are carried out only in specialized places - beauty parlors and beauty salons, and the cost of such services really bites. That is why manufacturers of caring cosmetics have invented entire lines of collagen-based cosmetic products that help to cope with wrinkles around the eyes and rejuvenate the dermis as a whole.

Collagen eye masks are made from collagen. different origin:
Animal. Collagen of animal origin is also extracted from the skin of cattle. It is considered the cheapest and least quality product. Such collagen bears little resemblance to human, therefore it does not penetrate into the epidermis and is absolutely ineffective. In addition, it can also cause allergies.
Vegetable. Such collagen is made from wheat proteins. It works many times better than an animal - it is absorbed by the dermis without problems. If you use a mask, the product is not absorbed very much, but the result can be seen after the first application. The only disadvantage of plant collagen is its high cost, which is why cosmetics based on it are expensive and not everyone can afford it.
Nautical. Obtained from the skin of sea fish. Such collagen is well absorbed by the human dermis, but it can cause allergies.
Collagen masks also contain additional substances that affect the condition of the skin. the best way and enhance the effect of collagen. Among the most common are hyaluronic and fruit acids, placental extracts, extracts of medicinal plants and algae - all these components, paired with collagen, rejuvenate the dermis and tighten it.

Useful properties of collagen products

Smoothes wrinkles around the skin of the eyes and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Improve blood flow.
Accelerate metabolic processes and cell regeneration.
Smoothen the surface of the dermis and give the face a healthy tone.
They make the skin elastic, increase its tone and form a clear oval of the face.
Remove puffiness around the eyes, eliminate dark circles.

Use of masks

Collagen masks come in different forms of release:
1. Powder, which can be applied to certain areas of the face, including around the eyes.
2. Multi-layer dense mask, rich in useful substances with holes for the nose and eyes.
3. Special mask for the skin around the eyes.
The latter perfectly copes with wrinkles, smoothes them and prevents the appearance of new ones. Popular masks include:
Crystal Collagen Gold Powder Eye Mask , from the Thai brand Chunmei. The result of use is noticeable immediately - the skin is without edema, swelling and other signs of fatigue. It is better to keep the mask in a cold place before use. Hold duration is 30 minutes.
Collagen Crystal Eye Mask Skin Care Series . The manufacturer of the mask is the same, and the result from the application is no worse. The difference is that the size of the mask is larger, which means that the area of ​​its influence also increases. You can keep this mask all night.
Liyanshijia 24K Gold Collagen Eye Mask. Most note that the product, in one package of which there are 10 pairs of slices, perfectly moisturizes and eliminates swelling.
Pibamu Anti-dark Circle Eye Mask. Produced in Korea. Eliminates dark circles and bags, smoothes wrinkles.
Collagen masks are very easy to use:
1. Be sure to wash makeup and other impurities from the eyes before using the mask.
2. Open the mask and place on the skin around the eyes.
3. Hold the mask for the time indicated on the package. As a rule, it is about 25-30 minutes.
4. After removing the mask, it is better to remove the remnants with water.
5. Repeat the procedure twice a week.
6. Under the condition of prolonged work at the computer, as well as constant eye strain, the number of procedures can be increased.

Masks for collagen skin around the eyes and for the entire face can also be prepared at home. All you need to do is pour ordinary edible gelatin with water (warm) and let the mass swell for 15-20 minutes. Add (at your discretion) fermented milk products, vitamins or vegetable oils. The mixture works no worse than purchased formulations.


If the first wrinkles appear around the eyes, if bags and dark circles constantly form due to fatigue and lack of sleep, be sure to look at collagen masks. They are able to rejuvenate, heal the skin, and refresh the look. Just half an hour a day and the first signs of aging can be safely said "Farewell!".

Hello! Today I want to tell all the beautiful ladies about the Collagen Crystal Eyelid mask, which helps me take care of the skin around the eyes.

I learned about it from a friend who traded salon procedures to this mask. I must say that she looks great and much younger than her age.

In my review, I will go into detail about what this product consists of, how it works, and share my experience with this wonderful product.

My Review of the Collagen Crystal Eyelid Collagen Mask

Release form and packaging

The collagen mask is available in the form of disposable plates (or patches) that have a curved shape resembling an orange slice. These slices are sold in hermetically sealed bags. The packaging is in a beautiful golden color. One side of the package has a transparent window that allows you to see the contents of the package, and on the other side, the composition of the mask, how to use it, the expiration date and other necessary information are printed in white. The package weight is 40 grams.

One package contains two patches, which are placed on a plastic backing. The plates themselves are made of thin and soft silicone. golden color. The lobules are in a liquid, which is a special collagen solution. They have a jelly-like texture and are very gentle to the touch, which is just right for the delicate area around the eyes. A pleasant rose scent emanates from the mask.

The composition of the mask:

  • Collagen;
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Wine acid;
  • Gold powder;
  • Multivitamins;
  • Plant extracts - ginseng, aloe, chamomile, cucumber, seaweed;
  • Essential oils- pink and lavender;
  • Grape seed oil.

The action of the collagen mask

The skin around the eyes is very thin, delicate and needs special care. In addition, there are no muscles and sebaceous glands in this zone, so it is most susceptible to aging. Dry, flabby and wrinkled skin around the eyes gives the face a tired and healthy look, and also visually increases the age of a person. Of course, no one wants to look older than their age, so there are special products that nourish and moisturize the cells of the epidermis and help prevent skin aging, as well as the formation of wrinkles and folds in the corners of the eyes.

Patches with a collagen mask are designed specifically to care for the delicate area around the eyes. The main active ingredient of this product is collagen, which is a special protein responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis. The human body is able to independently synthesize collagen, but after 25 years, the process of its formation noticeably slows down. Improper nutrition, bad habits and bad ecology can also cause a decrease in the content of this protein in the skin.

As a result, the skin loses elasticity, freshness and youth, but special products containing collagen can correct this situation.

Thus, the mask with collagen and natural plant extracts has the following effect:

  • Restores the level of collagen, improves skin elasticity, slows down its aging;
  • It has a lifting effect, helps to smooth existing wrinkles around the eyes and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • Tones and refreshes the skin, relieves signs of fatigue;
  • Nourishes and moisturizes the cells of the epidermis, eliminates dry skin;
  • Helps to get rid of puffiness and dark circles in the eye area.

Mask application:

  1. Packed collagen plates can be preliminarily put in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Chilled slices will quickly refresh the skin, as well as better relieve fatigue and puffiness.
  3. Before applying the mask, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed.
  4. Open the package and carefully remove the patches from it, being careful not to spill the solution in which they were located.
  5. Glue the plates under the eyes in such a way that the wide side of the lobule is located near the bridge of the nose, and the narrow side is under the outer corner of the eye.
  6. Leave the mask on your face for 20 to 45 minutes.
  7. After the specified time, remove the patches and, if necessary, blot excess liquid with a soft cloth. You don't need to wash your face.

The mask has an instant effect - eliminates swelling and bags under the eyes, moisturizes and tones the skin. In order to smooth out wrinkles and consolidate the positive effect, it is necessary to repeat such procedures every three to five days. The full course is about ten procedures.

Precautionary measures:

  • The mask is intended for external use only, it should not be allowed to enter the eyes and mouth;
  • Contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance to its components.
  • Do not apply the mask on damaged skin.
  • If the skin of the face is particularly sensitive, then before using this remedy, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • If a burning sensation of the skin and other unpleasant sensations appear, stop using the mask and rinse your face with cool water.

Mask storage

The product must be stored in a dry and cool place out of the reach of children. The mask must be protected from direct sunlight, high humidity and exposure to high temperatures.

My impressions of Collagen Crystal Eyelid Collagen Mask

I have been using the collagen mask for quite some time and find it the best remedy for delicate skin around the eyes. I like that the product is made in the form of patches, so it is very convenient to use it - you just need to stick the slices to your face, and then you can go about your business. Sometimes I reuse patches.

To do this, after the procedure, I put them back into the package, where the remains of the collagen solution are, and leave it there until the next session. It comes out very economical!

As for the effectiveness of the mask, it acts immediately. The product is good because it helps to quickly restore freshness and a healthy look to the area around the eyes, so you can use the slices after a sleepless night or whenever it is important to look good, and the mask will do its job - it will smooth and moisturize the skin, restore its natural shade, eliminate bags.

With longer use, this tool smoothes mimic wrinkles and improves skin elasticity, which visually makes the face look younger. Since I discovered this collagen mask, I no longer suffer from problems with the skin under the eyes, so I recommend this wonderful remedy to everyone!


  • Convenient form of release in the form of patches;
  • Natural and safe composition;
  • Restores the level of collagen in the skin;
  • Quickly eliminates swelling, bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • Smoothes wrinkles;
  • Slows down aging.

If you also like to take care of yourself and want to look young and attractive, I advise you to try a collagen mask for the skin around the eyes!

Review for Collagen Crystal Eyelid

Collagen Crystal Eyelid is an excellent mask for under eye circles. Many people have this problem and I am no exception. I have bags, if I don’t get enough sleep, then bruises under my eyes. In general, horror, you won’t go to work without foundation. Then I found out about this mask. Decided to take it for a test. I was very pleased with the result - the swelling disappeared, the skin tightened and small wrinkles smoothed out on the eyes. Now I use it constantly and the effect is getting better. And the price is good!