What is collagen and why is it needed: what is its benefit for our body? How to use a collagen mask at home. Guided tissue repair

The medicine is available in different forms. Depending on the form of issue, the funds include collagen , vitamins and other components.

The 100% pure preparation contains collagen hydrolyzate .

  • animal collagen made from the skin of cattle.
  • Vegetable - made from wheat proteins.
  • Marine collagen (fish) produced from the skin of marine fish.

Release form

Natural collagen is available in different forms. In particular, pharmacies sell liquid drinking collagen, gel and cream with collagen for the body, powder and collagen in tablets for oral administration, collagen in capsules, etc.

Cosmetic collagen is produced in ampoules. Also in the form of a gel is produced - vegetable.

pharmachologic effect

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body. The synthesis of this substance is a complex process that occurs gradually.

This substance is found in all tissues of the body, it is a structural protein that provides tissue strength. The skin under the epidermis contains two proteins - collagen and elastin .

The largest amount of this substance is present in the composition of connective tissues. In total there are three different types of this substance, each of which dominates in certain tissues of the body. Type 2 substance is found mainly in the cartilage of the joints, collagen types 1 and 3 are mainly found in bone tissue and ligaments.

Hydrolyzed collagen is gelatin that is obtained by heat treatment of animal collagen. However, it is widely used. At the same time, it should be taken into account when hydrolyzate that this is a remedy that is used to strengthen the joints, ligaments.

When applied orally, it actively restores ligaments, cartilage, reduces the severity of pain in diseases of the joints.

In addition, ingestion, as well as topical use, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improves the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. The substance also has a positive effect on the condition of the nails.

Preparations with collagen help to improve the condition of eye diseases, slow down the natural aging process of the body.

Vitamins with collagen actively stimulate the processes of restoration of joints and bones, affecting the state of the body in a complex, providing a general strengthening effect.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Collagen hydrolyzate is quickly absorbed by the body from the gastrointestinal tract, with almost 98% of the substance absorbed.

Part of it is absorbed by the body in the form of oligopeptides. These are chains that can enter the bloodstream.

Indications for use

Before you start taking the remedy, you need to clearly understand what collagen is and for what purpose it is used. Preparations with collagen are indicated for patients in the following cases:

  • to strengthen ligaments, bone tissue, cartilage;
  • if necessary, improve the process of muscle nutrition;
  • in order to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • for prevention premature aging organism;
  • if a deficiency in the body of this substance is determined.


The following contraindications for taking such drugs are determined:

  • period pregnancy and lactation ;
  • to drug ingredients.

Side effects

When used for the treatment and prevention of such drugs, the following adverse reactions from the body may occur:

  • allergic reactions in the form of inflammatory processes on the skin, lowering pressure, digestive problems;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • the appearance in the mouth of an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • problems with the skin (local reactions when administered by injection).

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

How to drink or how to take products containing collagen depends on the recommendations of a specialist and the choice of the form of the drug.

  • In tablets- It is recommended to take 2 tablets daily.
  • In capsules- It is recommended to take before bedtime. As a rule, adults are prescribed a one-time daily intake of three capsules. The course of therapy lasts an average of one month.
  • Hydrolyzate- it is recommended to take in a dose of 10 g daily, while the agent can be dissolved in water or washed down with liquid.
  • According to Wikipedia, sports nutrition involves the intake of collagen in the form biological additives at a dose of 10 g every day.
  • Face cream with collagen or body products are applied topically according to the instructions that come with such products. Collagen for the face should be applied carefully, making sure that there are no allergic manifestations.
  • Preparations with collagen for joints in the form of creams are applied according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.


There is no data on overdose.


There is no information on interaction.

Terms of sale

You can buy these medicines without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep out of the reach of children, store in a dark and cool place.

In this case, the air temperature, depending on the form of release of the drug, should be from 4 to 20 degrees.

Best before date

The expiration date of the funds depends on the form of release of the funds. Pure collagen can be stored for 3 years.

After the expiration of the specified period, it cannot be used.

special instructions

Collagen is a substance that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. According to experts, it is enough for a person to receive 5-7 g of the substance daily.

If a person takes collagen for joints or for the prevention of other diseases by using natural products containing this substance, then a noticeable effect is not immediately observed. At the same time, it is important to consume products with collagen regularly.

However, in order to make up for the deficiency of this substance, when forming the diet, one should take into account which foods contain collagen and elastin. A large amount of this protein is found in food: sea fish, seafood, turkey meat, green vegetables.

If you regularly use products containing collagen and elastin, then gradually the condition of the skin, joints, nails will improve.

You should also pay attention to foods that promote the production of collagen in the body. These are fruits (in particular, citrus fruits), legumes, whole grains, eggs.

Before starting treatment with products that contain collagen, you should definitely consult a doctor.

In veterinary medicine, some collagen products are used for dogs and other animals.


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Currently, a large number of products are offered in various forms, which contain collagen. The most popular drugs of this type are japanese collagen , Collagen Extra plus , Collagen Active , Collagen 3D (detailed information about the drug is provided by the official website of Medical Collagen 3D cosmetics).

A specialist should select the drug, depending on what kind of effect on the body the patient needs (for the skin, for the joints, for the hair, etc.).


Children are prescribed some drugs containing this protein. Only a specialist can appoint them.

During pregnancy and lactation

Reviews about Collagen

In reviews on the effect on the body of drugs that contain this substance, it is often noted that such drugs really have a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints, skin, and nails.

Most often found positive reviews for the drug in drinking form, as well as for collagen in tablets, in capsules.

Reviews about Japanese collagen are also mostly positive. However, it is noted that visible improvements in the condition of hair and skin are observed only after taking the full course of the supplement. Often there are reviews about the positive effect of drugs Medical collagen 3d, cosmetic helso.

Collagen price, where to buy

Depending on the form of release of the drug, you can buy collagen in a pharmacy or purchase it on order.

Price collagen hydrolyzate for joints, depending on the manufacturer and the form of release of the product, ranges from 300 to 2500 rubles.

Buy japanese collagen can be at a price of 3500 to 5000 rubles per package.

  • Internet pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Internet pharmacies of Ukraine Ukraine
  • Internet pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


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Collagen is the main protein in the human body and other mammals, which is found in connective tissue, as well as in bones, ligaments, skin, joints, all organs and structures. Collagen is needed to maintain the elasticity and strength of the skin and to maintain the health of the whole body. This protein is found only in multicellular animals, but it is completely absent in plants, fungi, viruses, bacteria and protozoa. When collagen is denatured, gelatin is obtained.

Collagen are protein filaments that are part of the extracellular matrix along with elastin and proteoglycans. These strands contribute to the maintenance of connective tissue in good condition and represent about 1/3 of the total mass of all protein in the human body. Together with elastin, they form the framework of the dermis, have a moisturizing effect and give the skin elasticity.

This protein is translated from Greek as “generating glue”, as it connects or glues cells together and contributes to the formation of organs and tissues. Collagen fibers have sufficient flexibility, but are not as elastic as elastin fibers.

Approximately 40% of protein fibers are found in the skin, 10% in internal organs and approximately 50% in skeletal tissues. The fibers are constantly renewed, but by the age of 25, fibroblast activity decreases in men and women, which leads to a slow replacement of old collagen fibers with new ones. As a result, skin turgor is lost, the amount of moisture in the cells decreases, and the first wrinkles appear.

Additional fiber damage occurs when a person tenses their facial muscles when they frown or laugh.

In addition, the low content of this proteinoid in the body is associated not only with natural aging, but also with the action of additional factors:

  1. Smoking;
  2. The action of the sun's rays;
  3. Air pollution;
  4. The onset of menopause in women.

In order to restore lost collagen and prevent its loss, you need to know what products and products it is included in.

Types of collagen fibers and their composition

Collagen fibers contain the following components:

  • Arginine;
  • Leucine;
  • Hydroxylysine;
  • Valine;
  • Phenylalanine;
  • Serine;
  • Glutamic acid;
  • Tyrosine and other beneficial substances.

To date, 28 types of collagen fibers are known, which are encoded by more than 40 genes. About 90% of all collagen fibers are in the first, second, third and fourth types.

  1. The composition of the skin, tendons and bones includes the first type of collagen fibers;
  2. Cartilage contains the second type;
  3. The third type is part of the tissues of the fetus and the walls of blood vessels.
  4. The lens capsules and basement membranes are composed of type 4 proteinoids.

In the human body, collagen fibers have a wide range of effects:

  1. protective;
  2. Stimulant;
  3. Firming;
  4. Increase the elasticity and firmness of tissues.

Tissues receive protection from mechanical damage, and organs receive support and shape. Collagen stimulates the formation of the cell membrane and inhibits the growth of tumor formations.

Synthesis of collagen fibers

The synthesis of this proteinoid is a rather complex process, the main stimulator of which is ascorbic acid. With a deficiency of this substance, collagen fibers become too loose, and their functions are reduced. In addition, hormones influence the synthesis process, which help to reduce the thickness of the dermis and inhibit the activity of specific enzymes. The dependence of synthesis on sex hormones, namely on the content of estrogen in the blood, has been proven, since in women during menopause the amount of collagen fibers decreases.

The rate of proteinoid turnover varies depending on where it is found. The renewal of fibers in the liver is fast and somewhat slower in the joints and bones. In men, the production of collagen fibers in the body depends on the action of the hormone testosterone, the content of which decreases gradually, so the elasticity of the skin, the density of muscles and bones last longer.

The production of elastin and collagen fibers is accelerated when the skin is damaged (burn, injury or cut). Accelerated synthesis leads to the formation of dense scar tissue, consisting of these proteins.

With a congenital disorder of collagen synthesis in humans, diseases such as lathyrism, osteogenesis imperfecta, Marfan's syndrome can be detected. This problem is manifested by the presence of heart defects, damage to the ligamentous apparatus, bone system and cartilage.

Sources of collagen fibers

Like many beneficial substances, this beneficial proteinoid is found in various foods, but at the same time it has a very low concentration.

Most collagen fibers are found in:

  • Skin, joints and tendons of cattle;
  • In red fish.

As studies show, such animal protein, despite its availability, is not digested enough. This is due to its molecular structure, which makes it difficult for the substance to enter cells. Collagen obtained from marine animals is somewhat cheaper, but a possible allergic reaction is considered its disadvantage.

You can meet this proteinoid in preparations for men and women who play sports.
In some trendy restaurants, you can find dishes with collagen powder, which is added to vegetable, meat or fish products.

Promote the production of collagen fibers and maintain skin elasticity:

  • Nuts;
  • Citrus;
  • Spinach;
  • Cabbage;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Beef;
  • Red pepper;
  • brown rice

In the cosmetology field, two methods of collagen fiber delivery are used: stimulation of the synthesis of its own substance and the use of a production proteinoid.

  1. For external use, creams, masks or gels with collagen are used. Large molecules of this protein cannot penetrate the stratum corneum of the skin and accumulate in microcracks or skin irregularities. After applying a cream or gel, a moisturizing film forms on the surface of the dermis. The disadvantages of such cosmetics can be attributed only to the surface effect. At the same time, the film on the skin closes the pores and makes it difficult for water to evaporate.
  2. For the contouring procedure, special fillers (fillers) with collagen are used, which are injected under the skin by injection.
  3. The procedure of mesotherapy, which takes place using synthetic collagen fibers, is very popular. Collagen fiber injections are performed to correct lips, acne scars, age-related changes skin covers. The maximum effect occurs almost immediately and lasts for 12 months.

Also, this substance is able to prolong the action of oils and extracts included in various cosmetic compositions. When applied to the hair, a protective collagen layer is formed on their surface.

The use of collagen

Preparations with collagen fibers should be taken like regular protein. A single dosage is about 5 g of the drug substance. Drink the supplement in the amount indicated in the instructions between meals. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a dosage of 10 g. For problems with ligaments, joints or tendons, it is recommended to take special preparations with glucosamine, which contribute to a speedy recovery.

Indications for use:

  • Decreased skin tone;
  • Flabbiness;
  • wrinkles;
  • cellulite;
  • scars;
  • Scarring.

This substance is absolutely safe and does not cause any side effects after taking. With individual intolerance to the components of a biological supplement or a medicinal substance with collagen, an allergic reaction may occur. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is recommended to purchase goods only in specialized stores.

You can improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system with the help of a dietary supplement that contains ascorbic acid and protein hydrolyzate. The hydrolyzate is a processed collagen fibers of animal origin. They are quite well absorbed by the body and restore the lack of a substance.

The use of collagen as a food supplement is recommended for the elderly and athletes.

Also, taking this substance will be useful:

  • During the rehabilitation period after burns or injuries;
  • To restore cartilage tissue;
  • With pain in the joints;
  • In the presence of "orange peel".

After regular and long-term use of this dietary supplement, you can get rid of joint pain, increase skin elasticity and restore the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

Restoring the content of collagen fibers

In order to stop the signs of skin aging and restore proteinoid synthesis, it is recommended to use complex techniques.

You can follow the following treatment regimen:

  1. Hardware methods;
  2. Contour plastic;
  3. Microneedling;
  4. Biologically active additives;
  5. special diet;
  6. Hormonal preparations.

Of the procedures using a special apparatus, ultrasonic peeling and iontophoresis, microcurrent therapy are popular and effective. For the mesotherapy procedure, it is recommended to use vitamin-protein complexes. At home, you can use the mesoscooter device, which helps stimulate the production of new cells and improves the condition of tissues.

Dietary supplements with collagen should preferably be combined with a diet enriched with vitamins, amino acids and minerals. It is recommended to eat foods that increase the level of the hormone estrogen, such as dates, fatty fish, cereals and vegetables.

Herbal hormones include preparations based on testosterone and estrogen.

Use cosmetics or medications with collagen fibers is recommended after consultation with a doctor and a medical examination. The doctor will prescribe treatment taking into account the individual problem, which will have the maximum effect.

Collagen is a special protein that is the basis of the connective tissue of the human body. Since cartilage, joints, ligaments, tendons, dermis, bones, muscles are represented by connective tissue, it is reasonable to state that the human body is built on a collagen framework. Strong collagen threads prevent tissue rupture under stress, ensuring their extensibility. A sufficient amount of collagen in the skin is the key to its health and youth. But not everything is so clear. I recommend watching a video about collagen and joint supplements.

Joint Supplements: Collagen/Gelatin. Scientific research and facts.

Functions of collagen in the human body

Collagen performs following features in the human body:

  • ensures the growth of new cells of all types of connective tissue;
  • allows cells to retain moisture;
  • structures tissue cells in space, connecting them into a single whole and ensuring their elasticity and resilience;
  • prevents age-related changes in the skin: flabbiness, wrinkles, sagging, providing a beautiful aesthetic appearance.

The importance of collagen for an athlete

For a person who has elevated physical exercise A sufficient amount of collagen in the body is especially important, because it:

  • strengthens ligaments, joints, bones;
  • prevents thinning of cartilage tissue;
  • provides elasticity to muscles, tendons, ligaments;
  • reduces the risk of injury.

Particular attention should be paid to the collagen saturation of the body for athletes who:

  • prefer weightlifting, powerlifting or bodybuilding;
  • experience discomfort in the ligaments, cartilage and joints (pain or crunching under heavy loads, limited joint mobility);
  • injured.

Features of collagen synthesis in the body

Collagen fibers, like all proteins, are made up of amino acids. Most of all in collagen hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline.

The following minerals contribute to the synthesis of collagen: copper, zinc, sulfur, iron, silicon.

Luteins and anthocyanidins, special substances of plant pigments, contribute to the strengthening of collagen fibers.

The normal functioning of collagen is provided by vitamins C, E, A, D, F.

Foods that promote collagen synthesis

Collagen is synthesized by the body, it cannot be obtained in an unchanged form from food, so it is important to saturate your diet with foods rich in:

  • proteins containing exactly those amino acids that are necessary for the production of collagen;
  • vitamins, minerals and other special substances that promote the synthesis of collagen and ensure the performance of its functions.

The amino acids needed for collagen synthesis can be obtained from seaweed, eggs, dairy products, chicken and turkey meat, wheat germ, legumes, fatty sea fish such as salmon.

Vitamin C is rich in citrus fruits, blueberries, greens, most vegetables and fruits. Vitamins E and F contain vegetable oils, vitamins A and D - fish oil, liver of fish, animals and birds.

There is a lot of copper in legumes and seafood, zinc in yeast and wheat germ, sulfur in the yolk of a chicken egg. Meat, tongue, beef liver, whole grains, green apples are rich in iron. Sufficient intake of silicon will provide red vegetables, such as beets.

There is a lot of lutein in spinach, kale, greens, anthocyanidins - in blueberries and green tea.

Supplements Containing Collagen

Since collagen performs many important functions for the human body, and it is difficult to make up for its lack with food, many people resort to the use of special supplements containing collagen. Here manufacturers use:

  • Animal collagen, which is obtained from the joints, skin, tendons of cattle. The most accessible, however, it is believed that it is difficult for it to penetrate deep into the cells of the human body through the skin, therefore this type of collagen is not recommended for use in the production of cosmetic products and additives aimed at improving appearance skin, hair and nails. For the same reason, its use as part of ointments, creams and gels aimed at restoring cartilage tissue is undesirable.
  • Marine collagen, obtained from the skin and bones of marine fish, is well absorbed by the body, affordable, but often causes allergic reactions.
  • Vegetable collagen, the source of which is wheat and some other plants. Such collagen is well accepted by our body, but very expensive.

If there are problems with the dermis, painful sensations in joints, it is usually recommended to add collagen in the form of a gel or cream. For the treatment (or prevention) of diseases of the joints, cartilage, ligaments, oral supplements are needed.

Hydrolyzed Collagen

The product of denaturation (thermal destruction of amino acid bonds within a protein) of collagen is gelatin, or scientifically hydrolyzed collagen. Raw materials for gelatin production High Quality subjected to pre-treatment and prolonged drying. Hydrolyzed collagen is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, being absorbed in the intestines. Such collagen is able to strengthen bones, tendons and ligaments, restore cartilage tissue.

Collagen Consumption Rates

To prevent problems associated with the musculoskeletal system, the average person needs to consume up to 2 g of gelatin daily, an athlete - about 5 g. People who have regular training with extra weight should increase the dose of collagen to 10 g per day. When taking industrial supplements, you must follow the instructions for use of the drug (usually 5-6 g).

Industrial additives or gelatin?

The choice of collagen supplements depends on individual factors. Many industrial collagen complexes saturate the body with essential amino acids in the same way as regular food gelatin, only they cost several times more. On the other hand, specialized complexes usually contain vitamins and minerals that promote collagen synthesis. Therefore, if you make a choice in favor of gelatin, pay attention to the intake of those substances with food that are necessary for the synthesis of collagen fibers, their strengthening and normal operation.

Joint Supplements Not Working? Gelatin or Collagen?

Diseases associated with the loss of elasticity and elasticity of muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons, cartilage, are easier to prevent by competent prevention than to treat. The risk of such diseases is higher, the more actively a person loads his body. Remember this and be healthy!

And finally, the recipe for healthy joints, elastic skin, strong nails. Stimulates collagen synthesis.

Recipe for joint health

Greetings, my dear guests of the blog. Traveling around Thailand, I often noticed bottles with Collagen inscription in stores. I decided to find out about collagen - what it is and what benefits it has for the body. In this article you will find answers to these and other questions 🙂

First of all, collagen is a protein. It is present in the dermis, tendons, skin, cartilage, and other connective tissues. It has a special role in the body. If to speak in simple words, it is the basis of the connective tissue of the human body.

Imagine balloon. Once you inflate it, it is springy. But over time, the ball begins to deflate, losing its shape. So is the skin: in youth it is smooth, elastic and beautiful, like a ripe juicy apricot. And with age, due to a decrease in the production of elastic fibers, it becomes like dried apricots 🙁

Collagen can help in this situation. It has a rejuvenating effect - it stimulates fibroblasts to produce their own elastic fibers. As a result, skin elasticity increases, existing wrinkles are smoothed out and the aging process is suspended.

Another of its unique properties is hydration. It creates a moisture-retaining film on the surface of the skin. Thanks to it, moisture is evenly distributed over the cells of the epidermis, providing the skin with a lifting effect. Also, due to the elasticity of its fibers, collagen accelerates the healing process of wounds, ulcers, scratches, etc.

It is also useful for hair - it has the following effects:

  • restores the structure of the hair shafts;
  • gives curls a healthy shine;
  • protects hair from falling out and increases their volume;
  • glues the scales, protecting the hair from the appearance of split ends;
  • retains the optimal amount of moisture in the scalp and hairs;
  • protects curls from external harmful factors.

Collagen is also useful for joints, spine and the entire musculoskeletal system. And it also stabilizes the work of the intestines and restores the hormonal background.

Types of Collagen

A little-known fact is that there are 16 different types of collagen inside the human body. However, the vast majority of collagen—80 to 90 percent—is made up of types 1, 2, and 3. According to some reports, type 1 makes up nearly 90 percent ( 1 ). I will briefly talk about the main types, their sources and the advantages of each.

Type 1: To date, the most common and strongest type in the human body. It is made up of eosinophilic fibers that form tendons, ligaments, organs, and our dermis. Type 1 substance also helps form bones. It is very important for wound healing and skin elasticity.

Type 2: Mainly helps build cartilage connective tissue. Therefore, it is useful to take it to prevent age-related joint pain or various symptoms of arthritis.

Type 3: It is the main component of the extracellular matrix, which forms the basis of the connective tissue of our organs. Usually found with type 1 and helps to give the skin elasticity and firmness. It also forms blood vessels and tissues in the heart. Type 3 deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of blood vessel rupture and even early death. These data are derived from some animal studies ( 2 ).

Many people ask: “What is collagen hydrolyzate?” This is pure protein. It is obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of the collagen molecule. Basically, it's a sports drink. Athletes consume it to strengthen ligaments and joints. It is also often prescribed in the postoperative period and in the treatment of articular pathologies.

Why does collagen production decrease?

Although this substance is produced in our body, it is important to supplement it. As its production slows down over the years, we begin to notice skin aging, fine lines and wrinkles. There is also weakening of the joints.

Aging is the #1 cause of decreased collagen production. After 30 years, its production begins to decline significantly. By the age of 45, the production of this substance decreases by 25%, and by the age of 60 - by more than 50%.

Yes, we cannot stop the aging process in general, but there are additional provocative factors. You can control them. By eliminating the following factors, you will increase the natural level of collagen production:

  • smoking;
  • consumption of large amounts of sugar;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition and disruption of the digestive tract;
  • hormonal disruptions.

Ultraviolet radiation also contributes to the reduction of collagen levels. As a result of the study, it was revealed that about 90% of wrinkles that appeared before the age of 35 were provoked by the sun. Ultraviolet has a cumulative effect - that is, the result of its influence appears only over time. So, sunbathing is not so harmless. Even in winter, apply a cream with SPF-20. And in summer, especially at sea, use stronger sunscreen.

What products contain

The main sources are high protein foods. Mostly beef, chicken and fish. I will briefly describe what is the difference between each source, what benefits they bring to us and in what supplements you will find it.

Meat (cow or beef): Get collagen from the skin, bones and muscles of animals. Do mainly additives 1 and 3 types. In this form, a large supply of glycine and proline. And this is useful for the production of creatine, building muscle tissue. Plus, it helps the body produce its own collagen. Therefore, cook beef bone broth more often.

Chick: Most of all, it contains type 2, which is necessary for building cartilage. This makes it beneficial for joint health. Moreover, this source provides the production of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate. Both of them have anti-aging properties. Most dietary supplements that contain type 2 use chicken collagen.

Fishy: This option is highly digestible and provides mostly type 1 collagen. Plus, it's filled with the amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline.

membrane collagen eggshell: Mainly includes type 1 collagen. It contains glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, various amino acids. And these substances have benefits for building connective tissue, healing wounds, building muscle and reducing pain.

Vegetable(to be more precise, it is a collagen-like substance). To obtain it, wheat proteins undergo special processing. This substance is hypoallergenic. In addition, it is perfectly absorbed by the skin. However, due to the fact that its production is a complex and time-consuming process, such a substance is very expensive.

Additional sources of collagen

At the beginning of 2014, a large study was conducted at the University of Kiel (Germany) at the Department of Dermatology. It showed that 65% of women had increased collagen synthesis and reduced wrinkles after 8 weeks of supplementation with it. How do you like this result?

In tablets and capsules

Such supplements can be bought not only in a specialized store that sells sports nutrition, but also in a pharmacy. For oral administration, you can buy vitamins with collagen for skin and hair, for example, Solgar or Neocell. I liked Neocell supplements more. Picked up on iherb good options- Reviews about them are excellent. The price for them is different due to the dosage of the active substance and additional vitamin supplements.

Marine with vitamins

This is a tandem - hyaluronic acid and collagen, plus vitamin and mineral supplements. Thanks to this amazing composition, the supplement has an intense effect: the skin becomes younger, healthier and more beautiful.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

1 330 rub.
1 114 rub.

To the store

The drug is produced in the form of gelatin capsules, in a package of 120 pieces. The amount of active substance is 2000 mg. Instructions for use are attached to the package. Reception schedule: 2 times 2 capsules on an empty stomach.

Collagen Types 1 and 3 with Vitamin C

The supplement is designed specifically for hair, skin and nails. At the same time, it has a beneficial effect on the joints and bones. And the supplement is useful for the ligaments and for the eyes. This hydrolyzed collagen is a bioavailable and bioactive form that is easily absorbed by the body. The composition of the drug does not contain gluten and GMOs.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

RUB 1,064
891 rub.

To the store

The supplement is available in the form of tablets. There are 120 of them in a jar, the daily rate is 6 pills. The amount of active ingredient is 6000 mg per pill. How to take - described in the accompanying instructions.

Drinkable in powder

Having calculated the number of tablets that you need to take per day, it is more profitable to take dietary supplements in powder. Any drinking collagen must be drunk, observing the following conditions:

  • for better absorption, you need to take on an empty stomach;
  • After taking about half an hour, it is not recommended to eat.

Some dilute the powder with water or juice. The latter would not be recommended. You will have to cook freshly squeezed each time. Or drink packaged with extra sugar.

I advise you to shake with water in a shaker, it is better diluted. And add some lemon juice. It will smooth out both the taste and the smell of collagen. And it will also give the drink a slight sourness 🙂

If circumstances permit, purchase a supplement that already includes these active nutrients. Here are the most popular additives in powder, which you can then make liquid yourself. In the instructions for use it is written in what quantity it is necessary to dilute with water.

California Gold Nutrition

It is fish collagen hyaluronic acid enriched with vitamin C. One scoop contains 5000 mg of the main substance. In addition, the powder is rich in amino acids. There is valine, lysine, leucine, glycine, arginine and so on.

Judging by the reviews, when it is taken, there is an intensive production of collagen. Hair, nails and skin look more beautiful and healthier. A positive effect is observed on the condition of bones and joints.

The main supporting and protective tissue of the human body is connective. It makes up half of the body weight and determines the physical characteristics of all structures and organs - skin, bones and joints, ligaments, etc. But the intercellular substance belongs to the connective tissue proper. It is the basis (matrix) that fills the entire space between organs and cells. The matrix ensures the preservation of not only the shape of all structures and cells, but also the functional connection between them, as well as water and mineral metabolism. What is connective tissue collagen? These are protein filaments, which are one of the main components of the matrix, which also includes elastin, structural glycoproteins and proteoglycans.

The Importance of Collagen

It is a large molecular protein helix that allows the connective tissue to remain in good condition and makes up 1/3 of the total mass of protein in the human body. They have very high strength and are almost indestructible. For different fabrics, there are different types collagen (more than 19). Its main functions:

  • protective - ensuring the strength of tissues and protection against mechanical damage;
  • supporting - fastening and shaping the shape of organs;
  • restorative (cellular regeneration);
  • provides elasticity of tissues together with elastin fibers;
  • inhibits the development of melanomas (tumor-like formations of the skin);
  • stimulates the formation of cell membranes.

Biosynthesis and breakdown of collagen

A huge role is played by collagen for the skin, in which it is represented by types I and VII. It makes up 70% of its proteins and is located in the dermal layer, providing the skin with tone, strength, elasticity and taking part in their hydration.

Biosynthesis of collagen in the skin consists of eight stages. Five of them occur in fibroblast cells, three - extracellularly.

Intracellular steps:

  1. Stage I - the synthesis of preprocollagen, a precursor of collagen, on cell ribosomes.
  2. II - cleavage of a portion of the peptide chain with the formation of procollagen on the endoplasmic reticulum of the fibroblast.
  3. III - oxidation of amino acid residues under the influence of enzymes and with the participation of "C".
  4. IV - transfer of glucose and galactose to procollagen using the appropriate enzymes.
  5. V - formation of soluble collagen (tropocollagen) in the form of a triple helix.

Extracellular steps:

  1. I - secretion of tropocollagen into the intercellular environment and cleavage of part of the molecular units.
  2. II - "cross-linking" of parts of the molecules "end-to-end" with the formation of insoluble collagen.
  3. III - the connection of the molecules of the latter "side-to-side" with the formation of strong inextensible spirals.

Biosynthesis is greatly influenced by adrenal hormones (glucocorticoids), sex hormones and vitamin C.

The destruction of collagen fibers occurs constantly under the influence of collagenase and other enzymes, "crushing" them even more. The general scheme for the destruction of this protein looks like this:

  1. Fibroblasts synthesizing collagen capture its fibers and synthesize collagenase.
  2. Collagenase breaks down the molecular bonds of collagen fibers.
  3. Macrophages absorb them and "digest".

The amino acids formed at the same time are involved in the construction of cells and the restoration of collagen. In a young healthy body, the cycle of destruction and synthesis is about 1 month, and the exchange of collagen is 6 kg per 1 year. After 25-30 years, dissimilation constantly increases and gradually begins to prevail over synthesis, as a result of which, with increasing age, the content of this protein in the skin gradually decreases. The restoration of collagen in middle age is already approaching 3 kg.

Its fibers are destroyed and become stiff and brittle, damaged, fragmented collagen accumulates, as a result of which the skin becomes less strong and elastic, thins, its sagging, spotting occurs, dryness increases due to the loss of the protein's ability to retain water molecules, wrinkles form. The resulting ptosis (sagging) of tissues reduces the mechanical tension of cells, leads to their collapse (fall) and damage to fibroblasts that regulate collagen synthesis. Thus, a vicious circle is closed. Therefore, collagen is called the protein of youth.

Factors influencing synthesis processes

Reduce the production of collagen and accelerate its destruction contribute to:

  • excessive ultraviolet radiation and insufficient hydration of the skin;
  • smoking, which leads to a narrowing of small vessels, a decrease in blood flow to the tissues and the accumulation of free radicals, the direct destruction of the protein;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages that dehydrate the body and lead to a stressful state in all body systems;
  • psychological stress and poor nutrition, containing insufficient amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals;
  • some innate and immune systemic diseases connective tissue (collagenosis) - rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, etc.

The use of collagen in cosmetology

There are two directions in cosmetology:

  • the use of technological collagen;
  • stimulation of the body's own protein synthesis.

There are three types of collagen depending on the source of raw materials:

  1. Animal origin(the cheapest), obtained from the skin of cattle in the form of hydrolysates. As one of the components, it is part of moisturizing and nourishing cosmetic creams. However, its molecules are very large, and therefore cannot penetrate the stratum corneum. The external use of collagen in the composition of various creams and masks often causes allergic reactions. Due to widespread rabies, its production from cow tissues is very limited. Collagen is also produced on the basis of porcine tissues, donor or cadaveric human tissues.
  2. Vegetable(from wheat proteins), which is better absorbed by skin cells and rarely causes allergic reactions. But its obtaining requires significant financial costs due to the complexity of the technology. In addition, in essence, vegetable protein is not collagen, since the latter exists only in the connective tissue of animals, fish and birds.
  3. Nautical- Produced from the skin of fish. In its amino acid structure, it is close to human skin collagen and penetrates into its deep layers. The disadvantage of marine fish collagen is the ability to cause severe allergies. However, collagen preparations from the skin of freshwater fish living in clean waters do not lead to such reactions. After a certain time, this protein is broken down into 19 amino acids. They have moisturizing properties and are used by the body to build epidermal cells.

In cosmetology, collagen is used:

  1. For outdoor use as one of the components in the composition of creams, gels, masks. Large protein does not penetrate the stratum corneum, but only temporarily fills in skin irregularities and microcracks. The effectiveness of these drugs is due to the moisturizing effect. It occurs as a result of the hygroscopicity of collagen and the formation of a film on the surface of the skin. But this also has a negative effect, since such moisturizing is only superficial, and the “compress” closes the intercellular pores and makes it difficult for water to evaporate from the skin surface. This result is comparable to moisturizing the skin of the hands when using surgical gloves. The positive effect of these drugs can only be explained by the influence of other components in their composition - antioxidants, trace elements, amino acids, vitamins.
  2. in the form of fillers(fillers) used for injection contouring, as well as one of the components in cocktails with hyaluronic acid and other substances in mesotherapy procedures. They are produced on the basis of human (Cymetra, CosmoDerm, CosmoPlast, Dermogen, Isolagen) and bovine (Ziderm, Ziplast, "") collagen, as well as in the form of combined gels ("Artefil", "Artecoll"), consisting of bovine collagen and synthetic PMMA filler, which stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen. are used to correct lips, defects (scars, post-acne) and age-related changes in the face, moisturize the skin. The effect of their use is noted immediately and persists, depending on the drug, for 6-12 months.
  3. In bioadditives and in the form of powders (KWC, Collagen ultra), capsules with collagen hydrolyzate, tablets.

How to restore the skin's own collagen

Stimulation of the process of neocollagenesis is carried out by application.