Playing cards as a gift. Gift for loved ones (52 Reasons) How to give playing cards fun

What will I do with this gift?

2 sets of cards are prepared in advance: in the first set, the names of the gifts are indicated (even better if they are pictures with images), and in the second, the actions to be done with this gift. The guests take turns taking out cards from the first set and reading out loud. For example: "I will give the birthday cake." The birthday boy randomly pulls out a card from the second set and reads the answer: “I will sit on him and go” or: “I will put him in a cage.” Since correct matches are rare, it turns out to be fun - children are very amused by awkward answers.

Card options for guests with the names of gifts:

  1. bouquet of flowers
  2. puppy
  3. mandarin
  4. mirror
  5. ball
  6. comb
  7. rug
  8. nuts
  9. bike
  10. kitty
  11. gold fish
  12. new outfit
  13. ball
  14. punching bag
  15. parrot
  16. chandelier
  17. telephone
  18. souvenir

Card options for the birthday man - answers what he will do with gifts:

  1. eat with friends
  2. put in a vase
  3. I'll put on a collar and take you out for a walk
  4. I wrap my neck and stop coughing
  5. I will divide into slices and treat my friends
  6. I will build faces
  7. I will inflate and let go into the sky
  8. get myself a new haircut
  9. lay the bed on the floor
  10. chew and eat
  11. I'll sit down and go
  12. I'll take it in my arms and stroke
  13. let me swim in the aquarium
  14. iron it and hang it in the closet
  15. throw up and catch
  16. I will take hits
  17. put in a cage
  18. hang it on the ceiling
  19. I will use it to talk to my friends
  20. put it on the shelf and enjoy

The most needed "gift"

A funny prank game for a birthday boy. The host prepares “gifts” for the hero of the occasion in advance: he puts in a bag all the unnecessary small things that are in the house, and things do not have to be new at all. It can be: a clothespin, a pencil, an eraser, a paper clip, an elastic band for hair, soap, balloon, candy, burned out light bulb, rope, empty jar, cocktail straw, rubber glove, tea bag, etc.

Guests take turns approaching the bag and pulling out “gifts” at random. Their task is to make it interesting to play with the handing over of the inherited item: to prove that this item is the coolest and most necessary for the birthday man. The winner is chosen by the birthday boy - he becomes the one who got the most successful and fun presenting the gift.

Many people ask the question “Is it possible to give playing cards?”. Definitely, such presents can be given, except in cases where the donee is a very religious person.

A variety of games that use cards are very popular with men, so they are often presented as a present to work colleagues, friends, godfathers or husbands.

In this article, we will tell you which cards to pick up and how you can pack them. And for those who want to make a gift with their own hands, we will offer an unusual master class.

Selection Secrets

There are two important points to consider when choosing almost any present - quality and design.
If the first point depends on the conscientiousness of the seller and your attentiveness, then everything is a little more complicated with the second, because it directly depends on the design whether you like the surprise or not.

To make it easier for you, we will offer several variations of card gift sets and tips on who to give them to:

Interesting! Do you want to know what the cards dream of? It is important to remember what kind of suit came to you in a dream, if it is worms, then changes in love affairs await you, spades - expect trouble, tambourines - career advancement is possible, clubs - you need to keep track of finances.

How to make a prize yourself?

Playing cards can not only be bought, but also made by hand. It seems to you that this is unrealistic, well, we are ready to prove the opposite. So, the first step is to prepare the materials necessary for work:

  • Identical cards made of thick cardboard or very thin plastic (36 or 54 pieces);
  • in a box (for the back side);
  • A variety of pictures (also self-adhesive) of the same subject, for example, emoticons, or cartoon characters (36 or 54 pieces);
  • Suit icons: diamonds, clubs, hearts, spades, (according to the number of cards) on self-adhesives.

All self-adhesive pictures can be ordered at any advertising agency in your city.

First, carefully glue the backs of the cards. Then proceed to the facial. To make everything perfect, start with the icons, and only then (in the center) attach the selected pictures.

Decorating Ideas

If you do not need to make cards, since you have already bought gift set, you can try your hand at decorating a gift, we offer a choice of two cool ideas:

Stylish classic

If you are going to give a gift to your boss, work colleague or unfamiliar person, then. For its manufacture you will need:

  • White gift bag (without handles);
  • Black paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

Cut out three circles (the size of a small button) and a bow from black paper. Put a present in the bag, fold the remaining part on top, and glue a bow on it. From the bottom (horizontally), attach three circles at the same distance from each other.

Cards as a gift


We bought a present for a close relative or friend, then creativity is quite appropriate. need to:

  • Gift box;
  • White wrapping paper;
  • Red and black markers;
  • Twine.

Put the gift in the box and wrap it in paper. Now take a red marker and start drawing card suits (in random order) of the same color (diamonds, hearts). Then take a black marker and draw black suits (spade, club). At the end, tie with twine and tie a bow.

It is very important not only to choose a gift, but also to present it in an unusual, original way. Not many can boast of indescribable emotions and delight from receiving a present. Consider 5 original ideas how to combine good gift with a draw.

This option of presenting a gift is quite simple in execution and is suitable for a small and a light gift- a ticket to the cinema, money, trips abroad, a certificate for purchases.

It is necessary to take a large box (it is possible from any technique), decorate it beautifully and festively. The gift must be tied to a bunch of helium balloons and put on the bottom of the box along with them. When the recipient opens the box, a bunch of beautiful balls(usually in a panic, a person begins to catch them), and a long-awaited gift rises on a bunch. The hero of the occasion and everyone around will receive a lot of positive emotions.

Idea two

The idea is designed for students, but if it is slightly corrected, it can be applied in offices, schools and other institutions.

An announcement is posted near the dean's office stating that the person who is going to be played is asked to come to the dean's office about expulsion (transfer to another faculty). It is advisable to persuade the secretary, and if possible, the dean. The person who came to the dean's office waits for the dean for some time, worries. Instead of the dean, friends come out and present a gift. If a person does not understand jokes, then this idea will not work, because the hero of the occasion should receive positive emotions, and not resentment, chagrin.

Idea three

The idea is designed for a small gift that can be easily placed in an inflatable balloon.

The idea is this: you need to buy a large, dense inflatable ball in advance, write a lot of wishes, poems on separate multi-colored leaves, buy serpentine, small sweets and “stuff” the ball with all this and, of course, put the main gift inside. The ball is inflated and solemnly handed over to the hero of the occasion, who bursts it and, amidst the multi-colored madness, looks for his gift, while reading good wishes.

You can decorate the room with multi-colored ordinary balls. Put a gift in one of the balloons and invite the birthday boy to find it. A beautifully decorated room will already please a person, and the search for a surprise will only enhance the effect of surprise.

Idea four

To implement this difficult idea, you will need some preparation and a person with artistic inclinations.

Suppose a person has long dreamed of a beautiful vase, a set of glasses, a large piggy bank, a figurine, a frame, and so on. We carefully take the gift out of the box (it is desirable that the box is recognizable) and hide it in a safe place. We fill the box with glass or other material similar to the one from which this item is made. We pack carefully. It is necessary to wait for the right moment and solemnly take out a gift to the victim of the draw.

The idea is this: the person about to give the gift trips and drops the front box. Everyone hears the distinct sound of broken glass. The birthday boy unpacks the gift and sees the treasured box with the gift, which, according to his information, is unfortunately broken.

It is advisable to wait a few minutes, and then "reveal all the cards" and take out a whole and unharmed gift!

Idea 5

Surely, each of us has met a person more than once who walks from apartment to apartment with a bag of goods and offers to give them to you, subject to the purchase of one of the goods. This is the performance that needs to be played with the hero of the occasion. At that moment, when a person prays and says that he does not need anything, give him such a long-awaited gift.

, made by hand, using playing cards and collage. You can give it to your loved one or for a birthday.

We want to bring to your attention original a notebook that you can make yourself. After a certain number of years, you will need to remind your Beloved Forgetful Husband Why did he marry you anyway?. We will make a notebook not from something there, but from a deck of cards!

What do you and I need:

Card deck. You perfectly understand - the more cards, the more reasons you have to come up with.

Clippings from magazines or photographs. You will need to ruin more than one page of a glossy magazine or book to use in making a gift.

Glue. In this case, anyone will do, but I recommend that you ask the store which glue does not turn yellow over time.

Writing accessories. In this case, any colored and not only pens, felt-tip pens, markers, pencils, etc. will do. Here you can hook up the computer, let it work too!

Connecting rings, they can be found in a scrapbooking store or torn off a block notebook. If there is neither a store nor a notebook at hand, we are looking for beautiful ribbon to match the deck of cards.

It is known about this deck that The prototypes for kings and ladies in this deck were the participants in the last costume ball at the Romanov imperial court in February 1903.

The main requirement for the invitees was to appear in costumes from the 17th century. The magnificent celebration in the Winter Palace of St. Petersburg went down in history as the most famous and grandiose ball of the reign of Nicholas II and as the last court ball of Imperial Russia. Photographers captured all the eminent participants of this event, which made it possible to recreate these images in playing cards.

In 1911, the German masters of the Dondorf factory developed sketches for the cards, and in 1913 they were printed in St. Petersburg at the Alexander Manufactory. The release of the deck called "Russian Style" was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. After the revolution, the manufactory was closed, in 1923 it resumed work and again began to produce cards according to pre-revolutionary sketches. Later, Soviet illustrator Yuri Ivanov copied the Russian Style cards from the original deck for offset printing.
This is such a wonderful story.

But I didn't want to talk about that.
This post reminded me of my own collection of playing cards (yes, I'm not only Venetian glass and masks, but also card decks)
I ran to my bins, which, as many people know, are widely distributed between summer cottages, Kyiv and Moscow apartments - to see what I have here in Kiev. And it turned out that there is still something, although the main part of the collection is outside the city, unfortunately. But I'll show you something.

But first, a little background.
My mother is an avid gambler and solitaire lover. Therefore, since childhood, I knew a lot and played solitaire games. And, accordingly, she knew how to play a lot of card games - my mother taught me. A favorite pastime on a rainy day in the country is to play solitaire, play canasta, fool or, later, preference or poker. My mother, a player of the highest class, taught me a lot of card games. And instilled in me a great respect for this type of leisure. I'm good at cards, but my level is not comparable to my mother's. But this "high gaming culture" was inherited by my middle son: he plays poker and the fool very well, I already teach him preference. Well, the child plays chess very well. And for a long time. This is how, through the generation, the abilities for game thinking are transmitted))
Therefore, in the house we always had a lot of different decks of cards, both solitaire and game, 32 sheets, 55 sheets, 2 decks, etc. All friends at home knew perfectly well that one of the best and most desired gifts was a new unusual deck of cards. Moreover, these cards were not kept behind glass: they were played without fail. Since then, although I'm not the coolest player in this life, I have no problem distinguishing cards with an unfamiliar design for me. Which is sometimes an advantage, you see.

I started collecting different card decks at the same time as actively traveling. Therefore, the first decks of my collection appeared about 10 years ago. And I remember the first one very well. It was a set of mini solitaire cards from the Austrian company Piatnik, which were 30x55 mm in size, unlike the classic 57x89 mm. Here they are, tiny, 3x5 cm:

I bought them back in Israel. Then my mother saw them, gasped, said that exactly the same shirts were in her grandfather's deck of solitaire cards back in her childhood - and, of course, I gave them to my mother. They are really very interesting, tiny at all, and therefore they can lay out the largest solitaire games even on a very small table. Comfortable!
Well, let's go...
Now I have more than 60 diverse decks of cards from all over the world, I didn’t count more precisely. Among them are very rare ones, there are frankly souvenir disposable ones that I like to play with or let children play with.
And, of course, there are favorites, so there.
And now I'm going to show you some of it.
And since it all started with Piatnik, then, of course, I like their solitaire cards the most.
Here's what I already have:
It's here in Kyiv:

There is also a series of "Kaisers", "Sun King", "Japanese miniature", "Romanovs" and "Slavic style".
Like these ones:

This is the collection I want to complete. It has very rare, even unique specimens.
I already have something, but everything is in the country, and therefore I don’t remember what exactly I already have:

Another company of unique beauty, the Italian Lo Scarabeo
I also have something, about 11 or 12 pieces. I really like the way they design their decks: