Games and contests for Halloween. Interesting contests for Halloween Divination and rituals for Halloween

Every year on the night of October 31 to November 1, Halloween is celebrated all over the world. This celebration was part of the traditions of the ancient Celts of Scotland and Ireland. Initially, Halloween was celebrated only in English-speaking countries, but at the end of the 20th century it began to be widely celebrated in the CIS countries, Japan, Singapore, Australia, South Korea and New Zealand.

Halloween: the meaning of the holiday

There is no consensus on the origin and esoteric meaning of the holiday. There are many conjectures and hypotheses in this regard. It is celebrated on the eve of All Saints' Day. Halloween was once considered a symbol of the onset of winter. It was believed that the dark forces receive special power and authority on this day.

The Celts divided the year into two parts. In winter, the Sun God was captured by Soween, the God of Darkness and the lord of the dead. The transition from summer to winter fell on the night of October 31st. The first winter day began at sunset. At this time the gate dark world opened, and evil spirits fell to the ground. To appease her, sacrifices were made and bonfires were burned.

Later, the territory inhabited by the Celts was conquered by the Romans, who celebrated the Day of the Dead at the end of October. During the resettlement, the cult of the Halloween holiday was adopted by the tribes of the Angles and Saxons.

One of the traditions of the holiday was to dress the children with masks of evil spirits, after which the kids were sent to go from house to house and collect sacrifices. It was believed that this would help soften the mood of evil spirits. The people who served sweets eased the fate of those who fell into hell. Today, this tradition has lost its mystical component and is perceived mainly as a hoax.

In Scotland and Ireland, Halloween was called " feast of the dead". The inhabitants of these countries believed that on this night people who had broken their promises (geys) left their lives. During the celebration, bonfires were lit.

Druids also burned bonfires that night, over which people jumped. It was believed that if you pass between two high fires, you can be cleansed by fire. Not only people passed through the fires, but also livestock.

The tradition of dressing up in costumes of evil spirits appeared already in the period of Christianity. People did this in order to protect themselves from evil spirits.

Pumpkin for Halloween: a story

An important attribute of the holiday is Jack's lamp, which is made from a pumpkin. The fruit is cleaned from the entrails and a semblance of a face is cut out on it. A lit candle is placed inside the fruit.

The Irish still believe in the existence of a man named Jack who liked to drink and gamble. He made a pact with the devil. Being a famous adventurer, he was able to avoid retribution twice and save his soul. For the third time, he still had to appear before the Great Court. However, the devil was afraid of his cunning and agility, and refused to take his soul to hell. Jack was also not taken to paradise because of bad reputation. Therefore, the unfortunate man had to wander around the world with a pumpkin instead of a head and smoldering coals inside it. Orange and black are the main colors of the holiday.

Magic rituals for Halloween

Despite the fact that many perceive this day as a holiday, a fun event and an occasion to wear scary costumes, all sorts of magical rituals can be performed on Halloween:

  • guess;
  • perform rituals to protect and cleanse the home;
  • read a plot for good luck;
  • do a spell.

Fortune telling for Halloween

Like other holidays, Halloween cannot be complete without fortune-telling. On this day girls. Irish women, in order to find out who would become their husband, soaked a sheet and hung it in front of a fire or fireplace. When she began to dry, they watched carefully so as not to miss the appearance of the silhouette of her future husband.

Another way to tell fortunes for the holiday is to take an apple and a candle. Take a lit candle in one hand, and an apple in the other, and go into a dark room. There, stand in front of a mirror and, looking into it, start eating an apple. According to legend, soon you will see in the mirror what the betrothed looks like.

To find out how the guy you like treats you, you need to stand in front of the fire and pick up two chestnuts. At this moment, think about your loved one. Then the chestnuts need to be thrown into the fire and see if they fell nearby or not. If they lie close to each other, then your feelings are mutual, if they are far away, look for another gentleman.

House cleaning for Halloween

Bring a sprig of needles into the house. Burn it and go around the dwelling with smoking coal, not missing a single corner.

Do not forget about the mirrors, because it is in them that a lot of negative energy. To avoid this, wash them regularly.

A simple ritual will help clear the mirrors of negativity. In a container of water (cup, glass, saucer), drip two drops of juniper oil. Now put this vessel at night in front of the mirrors. In the morning, pour water out the window, saying:

“I cleanse my house, I drive out all evil. Leave, and do not return, do not appear on the threshold of the house again.

If you perform such rituals annually, then you can protect your home and household from many troubles.

Halloween home defense

For the ritual, you need to buy a green candle. After sunset, light it and go around with it seven times all the rooms in the dwelling, while reading:

“Green candle, save my house from everything bad - from an evil thought, from an evil eye, from an evil word. Let the flame of the candle drive out all the negativity from my house, and only call the good into it.

After the cleaning is finished, go four more times around the house, while saying:

“Bright and burning flame of a green candle, call to my house, love, harmony and harmony! May all the inhabitants of the house be healthy and happy. Let the trouble of our house bypass the tenth road through the jungle and swamps. As I said, so be it. Amen".

Now pour tap water into the saucer. Wet your palm in it and put out the flame. Wash your face with the same water, and pour the rest out of the window.

Spell for good luck in Halloween business

So that you are always lucky, perform such a ritual. Take some pumpkin seeds, squeeze them in your right hand and say:

“As a huge pumpkin grows from these small seeds, so I will become a lucky and rich person. As the pumpkins grow, so will my well-being increase. Let it be so. Amen".

Seeds next year need to be planted in the ground.

Halloween love spell on a photo

A love spell on a photograph that can be performed on this magical night is especially popular. To do this, you will need a red candle and photographs. Sit at the table, light a red candle in front of you, take your photo and a photo of the person you want to bewitch. It is important that you are in full growth in the pictures. Cut out your outlines along the contour, attach them facing each other and sew with a red thread, while reading the plot:

“I sew, I sew, I fasten our love forever. Will you love me alone, walk on my heels and speak words of love. I sew up not for a year or two, but for whole centuries. We are connected with you now and forever. Amen".

Put the stitched photos near the burning candle. Let them lie there until the candle burns out. After that, the photos need to be hidden in a secluded place, stored and not shown to anyone.

Video: Halloween history

Halloween (eng. Halloween, All Hallows "Eve or All Saints" Eve) is a modern holiday dating back to the traditions of the ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland, whose history began on the territory of modern Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is celebrated on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day.
Most of the symbols of the holiday have a long history. For example, the tradition of making gourds originates from the Celtic custom of making lanterns to help souls find their way to purgatory. In Scotland, the turnip was the symbol of Halloween.
Wiccans identify Halloween with Samhain and celebrate it as the holy day of the year. Among the Wiccans, Samhain and Halloween are considered the same holiday, they call it "sow-en".
In the 7th century, Pope Boniface IV approved November 1 as All Saints' Day, wishing to distract the English people from pagan customs. Later, November 2 became All Souls Day - when all the dead were commemorated. However, the traditions were preserved in the people's memory, and it was not possible to defeat them to the end.
The roots of this amazing holiday go back to the pre-Christian era. The Celtic tribes, who lived in England, Ireland and Northern France, divided the year into two parts - winter and summer. October 31 was considered the last day of the outgoing year. This day also meant the end of the harvest and the transition to a new winter season. From that day, according to the legend of the Celts, winter began.
The change of seasons, according to Celtic beliefs, was due to the fact that the sun god Mak Alla was gradually losing power, and the power of the death god Samhain (Saman, Samhain, So-vain), on the contrary, increased every day. The Celts believed that on the night of October 31 to November 1, Samhain collected the souls of dead people and allowed them to visit the living. Evil souls could move into animals at that time, take on any guise, and all the evil spirits came to earth.

On this unusual night, a mysterious corridor opened from the underworld to the world of the living. And the complex ceremonies and sacrifices conducted by the Celtic priests were supposed to protect people from the machinations of evil.

On the night of October 31 to November 1, the Druids gathered in oak groves on hilltops (the Celts considered oaks to be sacred trees), lit fires and made sacrifices to evil spirits to propitiate them. And in the mornings, the Druids gave people coals from their fires, so that they kindled the hearths of their houses. The fire of the Druids warmed the houses during the long winter and guarded the house from evil spirits.

The mirror reflection of Halloween is the Beltane holiday, celebrated on the night of April 30 to May 1 and known as Walpurgis Night, May Night, the end of winter and the beginning of summer.

The celebration of the New Year took place on the night of the first of November. On this night, according to the ancient belief of the Celts, the worlds of the living and the dead opened their doors, and the inhabitants of the other world made their way to the earth. The Celts called this night Samhain or Samhain. In order not to become victims of spirits and ghosts, the Celts extinguished the fire in their homes, put on animal skins to scare away uninvited aliens. Treats for the spirits were left on the street near the houses, and the people themselves gathered around the fires, bred by the priests of the Druids, and sacrificed animals. After the sacrifice, people took the sacred fire to bring it into their homes. The pumpkin was the symbol of the holiday. She not only meant the end of summer and harvest, but also frightened off evil spirits with a sacred fire that ignited inside her.
In Samhain, there was a ritual of silent supper (Dumb Supper), when an empty seat was laid at the table for a deceased ancestor. The night of Samhain is the border between the two halves of the year, light and dark, a magical time, when, according to the beliefs of the Celts, the door opens between the physical, "real" world and the world of spirits. This meant that with the advent of darkness, spirits could penetrate the human world.
Another popular activity on Samhain was divination. Young Celts used egg whites, apple peels, roasted nuts (there were a lot of apples and nuts at this time of the year). The purpose of fortune-telling was to find out the name of the future spouse, the number of children and the place of residence of the new family.
On this night, any fortune-telling is appropriate, including for the betrothed, for the future.

If you light a candle in front of a mirror and, while eating an apple or combing your hair, peer into it, you will definitely see your betrothed. It’s bad if a candlestick falls at this time, apparently, evil spirits want to fit into fate, you should be careful.

Apples again, the tradition of apple divination was once borrowed from the Romans. If you make a wish and put an apple under your pillow and eat it in the morning, the wish must come true. The same thing, if you just cut an apple - intact seeds speak of the imminent fulfillment of a desire.

Two chestnuts thrown into the fire can tell about a relationship with a loved one: if they burned side by side, fate is favorable to the union, but if they roll apart, separation is approaching. If the lovers want to know about the compatibility of their characters, they threw a nut into the fire. Smoldering nuts promised a calm and harmonious life for future spouses, crackling and sparks foreshadowed the same course of relations - with a stormy showdown and quarrels.

How to find out who will get married first. - Four cups of the same size are placed on a round table.

A ring is placed in one of the cups, a sixpence in another, and a shoot of orange or heather in the third; the fourth cup is left empty. Those girls who want to determine their fate are blindfolded; they slowly pass around the table three times and then touch one of the cups. She who first touches a cup of orange or heather will be the first to marry; she who touches the cup with the coin will never be in want; a cup with a ring means a devoted lover, and an empty cup means a lonely life.

The same can be done with three saucers. One is filled with clear water, the other with ink or muddy water, and the third is left empty. A woman who wants to know her fate, blindfolded, approaches the table with outstretched hands and touches one of the saucers. If she touches a saucer of pure water, she will soon marry handsome man; if she touches a saucer with ink or muddy water, then her future husband will be a widower, and if an empty saucer, then most likely she will not marry.

According to custom, mashed potato dishes are served on Halloween; it can also serve as a means for divination. Into the mashed potatoes are placed a ring, a threepence, a button, a heart-shaped charm, a shell, and a key. Then the lights in the house are extinguished, and the guests try to pry hidden objects with forks. The one who gets the ring will marry or will be married first of all; threepence means wealth, a button - loneliness, a heart - passionate love, a shell - long journeys, a key - great success and power.

How to determine if you are true. - Select one of the letters sent to you by your beloved; preferably one in which he speaks of passionate love; lay it open on the table and fold it nine times. Secure the folds with a pin and place under your pillow. If that same night you dream of silver, gems, glass, castles or clear water, your beloved is faithful to you and his statements are sincere; if you dream of linen, a storm, fire, a tree, flowers, or how he greets you, then his assurances are false and he deceives you.

How to know what kind of person you will marry. - There is one funny old custom, now almost extinct, which requires the girls to go in pairs to a cabbage field and blindfold each other there. Then each couple, holding hands, walks around the field until they come across a sprout or head of cabbage, which they pull out of the ground. If its root is long, then their husbands will be tall; if stocky - then low; if crooked, then the person will be with a distorted body and mind; a soft sprout speaks of a weak-willed husband; solid - about a strong, strong-willed person. Each sticky piece of land speaks of wealth, while an absolutely clean root speaks of poverty.

Another fun way to determine the future husband is to make pills from grated walnut, nutmeg and hazelnut mixed with butter and sugar. Before going to bed, take nine of these pills. If the husband is a rich man with free time, then gold, precious stones or silks should be dreamed of; if it is a churchman, then white linen; darkness speaks of a lawyer, turmoil and bustle - of a merchant, thunder and lightning - of a soldier or sailor, rain - of an employee or servant.

How to determine if lovers will be happy. - When the company is sitting by the fire, one of the men of his choice suggests to the lady to place a nut in the coals and does the same himself. If burning nuts just glow like coals or smoke, then they fit together and will live in happiness and harmony. But if the nuts crackle loudly or explode, then they will often quarrel among themselves, because they do not converge in character.

"Catching Apples" - No real Halloween is complete without the so-called "apple catching". Each participant in the holiday is given an apple, from which they cut off a small piece, write a short prediction on a piece of paper and put it in a hole. Then the apples are thrown into a basin or tub of water, and each in turn tries to catch the apple with his teeth, dipping his head into the water. Then everyone pulls out notes from the caught apples and reads them. They should be short, but interesting and enticing enough, like: “Your husband will be powerful and handsome”; "Your lover is deceiving you" or "Be afraid of the dark-haired man who loves you."

Hemp seeds. - One rather popular custom is that the girls go into the field and scatter hemp seeds, while they sing: "Hemp, hemp, I sow you, show me who is behind me." They say that when you suddenly turn around, you can see the man who will become your husband.

The end of October is the day when summer gives way to winter, nature finally falls asleep, which, according to the ancestors, is tantamount to the transition from life to death. Therefore, on this night, you can perform a ritual to get rid of a character trait you do not need (for example, fussiness, fear of something, anger, and so on).

To do this, light two candles orange color, stem of wormwood or branch of apple tree. Then write on a piece of paper those features that you want to get rid of, and say the conspiracy 1 time:

Dying world, change what torments me. Spirits, turn back the forces: from darkness to light, from evil to good, from hatred to love, from troubles to happiness, from death to life. Let it be so.

After that, burn the note in the flame of candles, extinguish them, and scatter the ashes of the paper in the wind.

On October 31, many countries will celebrate a very interesting and mystical holiday called Halloween (which originated from the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain). Let's find out what signs you need to observe on this day (and night) in order to attract good luck into your life, look into the future, fulfill a wish!

On the night of October 31 to November 1, the gates to another world open slightly, the line between the world of spirits and our physical world, between the past and the future, between good and evil becomes thinner. Today, pay attention to "accidental" coincidences, to the signs that you meet around - information flows do not intersect by chance, "just like that" nothing happens. The dreams seen that night are very symbolic: you can see pictures from your future or symbols that can be interpreted from a dream book.

Halloween is such a mystical time that it was enough just to go to bed, and in the morning try to remember your dream. Dreams on the night of November 1 are considered prophetic.

You can, of course, help yourself and the magical forces a little. There is a sign that if you eat a piece of salted herring at night without drinking water, then you will dream of a future husband who brought you a drink.

Halloween rituals are usually associated with getting rid of everything unnecessary. This is a fiery holiday that burns everything that has become obsolete.

Druids, the priests of the ancient Celts, preferred not to have fun that night, but gathered in the groves and built huge sacred fires. Coal from such a fire had to be brought into the house and kindled a hearth, then he received a mystical power that protected the house from evil. The modern interpretation is a lot of lit candles in the house.

Since Samhain is believed to open the gates to the future, Halloween night is a great time for divination. Druids, peering into the bizarre dance of flames, predicted the future, but this technique is also available to mere mortals.

You just need to concentrate, mentally asking a question, and peer for several minutes into the fire of a fire or candle. You can see very vague outlines, but with the help of intuition, you can successfully interpret what you see.

Girls all over the world, preoccupied with the problem of the upcoming marriage, are simply obliged to use Halloween in order to turn to the souls of their ancestors with a request to tell everything about the betrothed-mummer. It was for these purposes - communication with dead ancestors - that the ancient Celts conceived their holiday.
As in any other pagan holiday, guessing on Halloween should be at night. Celtic girls threw pebbles and nuts into the fire and determined their future by the pattern left by the fire on their surface.

Another Halloween tradition introduced by the ancient Romans is apple fortunetelling.. The cut peel is also thrown into the fire. Then, according to the form that the peel takes, they try to determine the first letter of the name of their betrothed. A girl could see her future husband by sitting in front of a mirror at midnight with an apple in her hand. There is a belief that apples connect people with the gods. If you put an apple under your pillow on the night before Halloween and make a wish, and eat the apple in the morning, then the wish will come true.

Apples again, the tradition of apple divination was once borrowed from the Romans. If you make a wish and put an apple under your pillow and eat it in the morning, the wish must come true. The same thing, if you just cut an apple - intact seeds speak of the imminent fulfillment of a desire.

If you light a candle in front of a mirror and, while eating an apple or combing your hair, peer into it, you will definitely see your betrothed. It’s bad if a candlestick falls at this time, apparently, evil spirits want to fit into fate, you should be careful.

In addition to apples, cabbage can also be useful. Pull out the first head of cabbage that comes across in the neighboring garden and examine it carefully at home: the height, appearance and character of the future spouse are determined by height, shape and other qualities. The taste of the stalk will tell about his temperament, and the lump of earth stuck to the root will tell you how much money he will bring into the house. By the way, in the same way in England, young people learned the whole truth about their future wives.

You can throw two chestnuts into the fire. If the fruits burn nearby, then the girl will live in friendship and harmony with the sweetheart, if they roll in different directions, their paths will go in different directions.

On Halloween, you can also find out the number of future children by dropping egg white into a bowl of water.

Scottish girls put three buckets of water in their bedroom on Halloween. The future spouse who dreamed on the Night of All Saints, if he loves the chosen one tightly, is obliged to change the buckets. If in a future marriage the main thing will not be feelings, but calculation, he will pass around the room and not touch them.

The Irish have a special belief associated with All Saints Day. They believed that on this day, having heard footsteps behind you, you should not turn around, because death is walking, and if you meet her eyes, you will die soon after that. In addition, it was believed that whoever crawled under the fallen blackcurrant branches that night would see the shadow of the girl he was destined to marry. The third belief claimed that a player who hides under the shoots of a blackcurrant bush on this day and calls on the help of the Prince of Darkness will always have luck in the cards.

The girl who launders her shirt and, without telling anyone about it, hangs it on a chair to dry, and tries not to fall asleep at night, will see her future husband come to pick up the shirt.

Peasants walked around their fields with a lit torch to increase their harvest on Halloween.

A fallen candlestick was considered the worst omen. “Evil spirits want to put out the fire in the house,” the Celts believed.

Some believe that you should not leave windows and doors open on this day, it brings misfortune. All trips must be completed by sunset. If the clothes are left on the rope after dark, strange powers will move into them, because the one who puts them on will enchant everything in their path.

This is a suitable night for predictions and all kinds of psychological experiments. Guess on the cards, look into the crystal, cast runes and predict what the next 12 months will be like. If you light a fire, try to burn broom, heather, or flax in the flame. Although bread is considered normal food at this time of the year, never bake bread on All Saints' Eve because it will be eaten by ghosts.

Let the fire burn in the fireplace all night, or a candle on the window. After sunset on October 31, stand in front of a mirror and make a wish, imagining that it has come true. This will increase the chances that it will come true.

History of Halloween

The history of Halloween goes back to the time of the Celts, to the holiday of Samhain. It was customary for the ancient people, when the harvest of apples and pumpkins ended (it happened on October 31), to light lanterns and candles to show the spirits the way from the other world to the world of the living. So people tried to establish good relations with the spirits of darkness, cold and gloom, with whom they would have to coexist before the onset of heat. To do this, everyone dressed up in frightening costumes made from animal skins, so that the spirits would take them for their own, have fun around a large fire, bred on oak branches, tell horror stories and donated animals.

With the advent of Christianity, the Pope replaced this holiday with All Saints' Day, celebrated on November 1st, and All Souls' Day, which is celebrated the next day, November 2nd. However, it did not work out to get rid of pagan customs - although people stopped slaughtering animals, they did not refuse from fun, hanging lanterns in and around the house, as well as wearing frightening outfits. On Halloween, costumed people go from house to house demanding “Treat, otherwise you will regret it!”, to which the owners give sweets to those who ask with a smile.

Rites, rituals, traditions on Halloween on the night of October 31 to November 1

Traditionally, on Halloween, everyone dresses in fancy dresses, visit attractions, play different games, beg for sweets, prepare a festive dinner and arrange parties with a certain entourage.

black fabric considered mourning, which is why it is wrapped around the chairs behind festive table so that the spirits can see that they are honored. Satisfied, they will not be naughty, which means that neither a plate will break in the house, nor there will be a fire, nor a flood will happen.

Holy water- the main protective drink - you need to drink it a little before the festive dinner and sprinkle all your masquerade clothes, then not a single evil spirit can harm.

Pumpkin- a symbol of the end of the harvest, and a candle lit and placed inside a vegetable is protection from an evil spirit that fears fire.

There is a legend that once an Irish farmer named Jack, who loves gambling and beat the Devil himself twice, offended him greatly. Lucifer swore that he would never take the farmer's soul, and since Jack was a great sinner, he could not go to heaven either. Therefore, he forever wanders the earth, sanctifying his path with a smoldering fire located in a pumpkin that protects him from wind and rain. Since then, this orange fruit, peeled from the insides, in which a candle was placed, has been called the "Jack's head." They are put up on Halloween in the windows of the house, so that the evil spirits think that it already has someone “of its own” and does not try to enter it.

Trick-o-trick. This phrase is said by children when they ask for sweets, and it is translated as “Trouble or treat” (with a meaning like the expression in Russian “Trick or Treat”)! Dressed up teenagers go from house to house in the evening, begging for sweets, cookies, money. It is better not to refuse them, since children who have not received treats can do harm - they will stain the door with dirt, write something unpleasant, or fill the threshold with paint.

Halloween rite to attract prosperity and success In order for peace, peace, prosperity and success to always reign in the house, you need to conduct such a ceremony on Halloween. For it, it is necessary to prepare water, an album sheet, a string, a candle bought specifically for this purpose, an earthenware container and a small fan. During the ritual, all the elements will meet, since the fan and the clay vessel symbolize air and earth, but water and fire are also important. Burn the paper, place the ashes in a clay container filled with a quarter of water. Wave your fan over the water. Melt the candle and insert the string into the wax. Wait for hardening and lower to the bottom of the container so that it covers the ashes, pour water from above to the edges of the vessel. Put on the window. At dawn, get the wax and hide it in a secret place. It will be available in a year. Pour out the water.

Halloween rite of exorcism To confuse evil spirits, you need to put on all your clothes topsy-turvy on Halloween, leave the house with your back, holding a bell in your hands, which you can ring with might and main. Then light a large fire in the yard and, holding hands with the whole family, go around it three times counterclockwise. Leave the fire to burn out, and go to the central square, where the fire is also lit. Three times with all those present go around it counterclockwise. At dawn, take an ember from the fire in the yard and hide it until next year.

Signs on Halloween on the night of October 31 to November 1

✦ If the walnut branch hung out on the evening of October 31 over the entrance of the house disappears in the morning, it means that evil spirits are found in the house.
✦ To meet a black cat on October 31 - unfortunately. For this reason, even a house cat is put out the door on Halloween.
✦ Lighted candles are placed in the room on Halloween to scare away evil spirits. If somewhere it goes out, then this is a sign that evil spirits are nearby.
✦ On Halloween October 31, a large flock of bats flies over the house - next year will be fruitful.
✦ To see a spider in the house on Halloween - to danger or family trouble.

Fortune telling on Halloween on the night of October 31 to November 1

Fortune telling on Halloween for the betrothed. On the night of October 31, you need to wash your nightgown and hang it on the back of a chair. Lie in bed and watch as the future spouse comes to pick up the shirt. It's important not to fall asleep. If, nevertheless, the moment was missed, or it never came, then marriage is not expected this year.

Fortune telling on Halloween for a wish. You need to clean the pumpkin, remove the seeds from it. Hold one in one hand, and two in the other. Then make a wish and ask someone to point to any fist. If the one where one seed - the answer is negative, two - positive.

There is a second way to tell fortunes with the help of pumpkin seeds. It is necessary to cut the fruit in half and see where there are more seeds. If in the right half - the desire will come true, if in the left - no.

Fortune telling on Halloween for the future. You need to mix the roasted pumpkin seeds with raw pumpkin seeds in a bowl, then add sunflower seeds (fried and raw). Close your eyes and take some out of the bowl, count the number of all kinds of seeds.

More white raw - pleasant changes are expected. More white fried - a romantic date. More black raw - trouble. More black fried - gossip, empty talk.

If black seeds turn out to be in the same amount - a quarrel, a scandal. If white seeds are in the same amount - good luck, the highest achievement of the goal. If there are equal numbers of blacks and whites - a calm course of life.


For our ancestors, the night from October 31 to November 1 is called Veles night. It was at this time that Belobog finally gives the Kolo of the Year to Chernobog, and the Gates of Navi until the first roosters (or until dawn) are wide open in Yav. The next day (November 1) is sometimes called Marina Day.
Veles night is a night of great power, when the boundaries between the worlds become thinner, when the spirits of our ancestors and those who will live after us appear as an integral whole, together with the dying and renewing world, with the elements and their power.
First of all, this family celebration. It was believed that on the night of Veles, the spirits of the ancestors returned to their descendants to teach them lessons and bless the whole family.
According to folk beliefs, on this night the souls of the ancestors visit their descendants living in Yavi for the last time of the year, after which they fly to Bright Iriy until next spring.
Veles night is a magical night of testing and initiation. On this night, it is easiest to descend into the dungeons of your subconscious and gain the Force if you can overcome your fear. This is a time for purification, reflection, understanding and, perhaps, the transition to a new level. The strength of the clan was revered as one of the most powerful forces. They asked their ancestors for protection and patronage, advice and predictions of the future, they drew resources for accomplishments and creations in the power of the family.
The days of commemoration of the ancestors were sacredly honored by the Slavs. Before the festival, they cleaned the house, washed in the bath, where they left a bucket of clean water and a new broom for the souls of their ancestors.
A ritual meal was obligatory on this holiday - both for the living and for the dead. The living commemorated their ancestors at the laid tables, and the deceased were offered treats, honoring them in this way.
Ritual food of the Veles night - cereals, pies, pancakes, loaves of bread, apples, vegetables.
During the meal, they remembered all the deceased relatives, talked about them and with them, asking for patronage and advice. Before sitting at the table, the owner of the house turned to the ancestors, inviting them to come and eat.
The solemn memorial dinner lasted quite a long time, everyone remembered the best in their dead relatives, those deeds that more than one generation of this kind can be proud of. During the festive dinner, it was allowed to talk only about the ancestors - their lives, individual cases and character traits, their words and instructions were recalled, wise advice and good deeds. This conversation began with a story about the oldest and most famous ancestor, and ended with a recollection of the dead recently.
From the meals, a small part was set aside on a special plate and placed on an ajar window - for the ancestors. They also put a lit candle there, so that the spirits of their ancestors would find their way more easily. Fire is generally one of the sacred elements of this night, since it is intended not only for remembrance, but also for purification.
Before dark, a Fire was lit, jumping through which, as well as walking barefoot on hot coals, was a rite of purification and liberation from evil forces. That is why the celebration of the Veles night was of particular importance for the Slavs.
At the end of the celebration, the owner saw off Grandfathers with the words: “Goodbye Grandfathers, go, take (trouble, illness, etc.) with you, wait for us for a long time ...”.
Veles night, as one of the most powerful sacred nights of the year, is good for many magical actions. You can guess, conduct a ceremony of cleansing yourself and your home.

For the Celts, the Night of the Spirits - the time of the death of the solar God - is the beginning of the year. In ancient times, Samhain fell on it, later transformed into Halloween in the Western tradition. Samhain and Halloween, completely different canonically, mixed up in the minds of people: the people who received a new religious holiday- All Saints Day, at a deep level, clung to beliefs that have ruled people's lives for centuries. All Saints Day is a great Christian holiday that has been known since the end of the 4th century. In the Orthodox tradition, it is mobile and is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost, that is, the Day of the Holy Trinity, which usually falls at the end of May - the beginning of June. And in the Catholic and Lutheran tradition, the holiday is stationary: having wandered for some time according to the calendar, in the 9th century, All Saints Day was set for November 1. The meaning of Halloween lies in its very name. The English word comes from Anglo-Saxon, which literally means "Holy Evening". That is the eve of All Saints' Day.

Make sure the kids don't sit still. Children's games and will help you with this. We have made a selection of games for Halloween, among which creative games halloween scary games, halloween targeting games, halloween contests and relay races. All of them are a little scary and terribly funny.

Creative Halloween games for kids and teens

Trick-and-treat game

From the name it is clear that "tricks and treats" await us. For the game you will need prizes-treats. It can be chocolates, boxes of chocolates, bags of dragees. It is desirable that the treats were different.

  1. Prizes-treats must be numbered and put in a box. Separately prepare cards with the numbers of these prizes. You will need two more stacks of cards. In one of them - wishes or predictions, and in the other - ridiculous, funny tasks. All three stacks of cards are laid out separately on the table with the contents down.
  2. The game goes like this: the participant comes to the table and draws a card with the number of the prize. The host shows which prize he has drawn and asks if he wants to receive it. If the participant agrees, then the facilitator offers to draw out a card with the task.
  3. After completing the task, the participant receives his prize-treat and draws a card with a prediction. This card remains with him.

Predictions can be just kind, for example: "wealth and success awaits you in the coming year", "you will soon find your love", "you will study "excellently"; or funny ones like: watch out for the hairdresser - he will cut off your ears", "look under your bed every day at midnight sharp - one day you will find a suitcase with money there" .

Possible tasks:

  • depict bat
  • crawl like a spider
  • scare us: shout "Boo!" as loud as you can
  • picture a zombie
  • hoot like a night owl
  • kiss with a vampire kiss of three people
  • scare us: show a scary face
  • picture a ghost

Children's Halloween game "Tricks and treats" (photo)

Halloween game "Halloween Heroes"

Prepare disposable paper plates, paints and felt-tip pens. These blanks need to be made as much as possible so that all the children have enough. The task is to decorate the plates in the form of Halloween characters. It can be a monster, a vision, or a "Jack's lantern".

  1. Give the children plates and paints. Let the little artists create and get up.
  2. The child takes his “pumpkin” as a keepsake.
  3. Don't forget to take a picture of the little artist with his scary beautiful creation.

Halloween Game "Make a Spell"

To get the sweets, the children must come up with a spell.

  1. This game can take place over several rounds.
  2. For example, in the first one you need to come up with a spell in rhyme, in the second - with non-existent words. Avada Kedavra!

Children's Halloween game (photo)

Scary Halloween Games

Halloween game "Mummy"

For this Halloween game, you will need toilet paper and sleight of hand.

  1. Divide the children into pairs and give each a piece of paper.
  2. Keep track of time and see who will make a mummy out of his partner the fastest.
  3. The winner gets a prize!

Halloween mummy game (photo)

The game of ghosts

Divide the children into two groups. One group stays in the room, the other goes out into the corridor.

  1. In the corridor, take turns putting white sheets on the children so that the clothes are not visible.
  2. The child enters the room and says in a terrible voice "Uuuuuu!".
  3. The task of the players is to guess who is now in the role of a ghost.

Fun Halloween Games

Halloween game "Trick or Treat"

Witch Tower Halloween Game

This game is somewhat reminiscent of the game in "Gorodki". But instead of wooden shelves and the construction of them, you can use almost everything that is at hand: baby food jars, juice bags, toilet paper rolls and plastic cups. The main thing is to give the props a "Halloween" entourage. As a "tool" you can use bundles of paper or a bag with cereal or sand inside, which can also be designed in the form of a pumpkin.

  1. A "witch's tower" is built from jars or rolls of paper.
  2. Players take turns throwing rolls of paper or a bag of sand at it from a certain distance.
  3. The winner is the one who destroys the "witch's tower" the fastest.

Halloween skill game for kids and teens (photo)

Halloween game "Catch the Pumpkin"

You will need plastic rings or hoops and pumpkins with ponytails. You can decorate traffic cones in the form of witch hats - they are also useful for the game (instead of pumpkins).

  1. Distribute the same number of rings to each player, and place pumpkins or hats at a certain distance from the players.
  2. The task of the participants is to throw rings on pumpkins or witch hats.
  3. The one with the fewest rings left wins.

For older children, you can assign a separate number of points to each cone; younger children should simply count the hits.

Halloween Targeting Game for Kids and Teens (Photos)

Halloween relay games

Halloween game "Swamp"

For this game, you will need two sheets of A4 format (cut out figures from karemats or inverted basins are also suitable). The task of the participants is to go through the room - the "swamp" - stepping only on the "bumps". To this end, after the first step, you need to bend down, take the object behind you, shift it forward and take the next step. For the younger ones, you can lay out the "bumps" in advance - let them just walk over them. And so to the designated point. The participant who put his foot on the floor is pulled into the swamp, and he is out of the game. Those who nevertheless coped with this difficult task win.

  1. At the start, lay out the "bumps" made of paper or linoleum.
  2. And give each kid two more. The task of the children is to rearrange them and cross the "swamp" as quickly as possible.

Halloween game for children and teenagers (photo)

Halloween game "Pumpkin Contest"

This is a team game. All it takes is small pumpkins and an equal number of participants.

  1. Teams are given a small pumpkin.
  2. Each of the participants, in turn, must carry the pumpkin on their head to the indicated distance and return back to their team, passing the pumpkin to another. You can also "revenge" the pumpkin with a broom, moving towards the finish line.
  3. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.

Relay races with pumpkins for Halloween (photo)

Halloween game for kids "Spider Run"

For this game you will need cocktail straws and small plastic spiders.

  1. A decorative spider is placed on the table; you can make such a spider out of paper.
  2. Each child is given cocktail tube, through which he must blow on his spider.
  3. The winner is the one whose spider first crossed the finish line.

Halloween game for children and teenagers (photo)

Games and contests for Halloween

Halloween Game "Bite It"

For the game you will need apples or gingerbread and thread.

  1. Apples (or gingerbread) are tied with threads at the height of the participants' heads.
  2. Players, holding their hands behind their backs, must each bite their own apple.
  3. The one who ate his treat the fastest wins.

Halloween game "Speak it"

You will need a basin of water and apples.

  1. Throw apples into a basin of water - they will float on the surface.
  2. Each of the participants in turn for a certain time must try to catch an apple with their teeth, holding their hands behind their backs.
  3. Whoever catches the most apples wins.

A fun Halloween game for kids and teens (photo)

Now you have a lot fun games, contests and activities for Halloween for children. In such a scary fun party children will be bored sitting at the table. Therefore, prepare snacks that the kids can easily take in between games. You will be useful.

Another magical date is approaching - Halloween, the famous "pumpkin" holiday, which came to us from the pagan rites of Europe. Soon the night will come on the eve of All Saints' Day, which means that we have another opportunity to change something in life.
Halloween is one of the oldest holidays in the world, its history goes back thousands of years. In Europe, this night marks the transition to winter, when the gates between the worlds open and a magical relief is made for everyone, including all evil spirits.
From October 31 to November 1, it is customary to guess and perform magical rituals for protection, abundance and health. However, the current Halloween falls on the ninth lunar day, more suitable for operational magic for cleansing and deliverance.

Halloween night is the door to a cold world where all living things die, but at the same time prepare for a new life, freeing themselves from the past, like trees from foliage.
The traditions of this holiday are still strong, although they have changed. On the night of November 1, people dress up as ghosts, demons, skeletons, vampires, etc., and arrange masquerades. Special mascots of this night are pumpkins and nuts, which scare away evil spirits.
The main symbol of Halloween is the pumpkin head. The pumpkin is cleaned from the inside, the face is cut out and a candle is inserted inside. Such an "installation" symbolizes the end of the harvest, the evil spirit and the fire that scares it away. On this night, children knock on houses with a demand: “Treat me, otherwise you will regret it!”. And if you leave them without gingerbread and sweets, in retaliation, the spirits can play a trick on you, for example, smear the door with soot or put a bat in the chimney. (Last year, my friends were greedy and couldn't leave the apartment in the morning because the cheerful kids got angry and tied the door handle to the railing of the stairs).
And of course, on this night, the magicians of the whole earth are engaged in their direct work, because you cannot miss such a chance. For some, Halloween is just carnival and fun, but for magicians, the last night of October is the time to get rid of negative energy and perform other liberating rites. Magnificently this night is being cleansed of negativity. Excellent - lapels, cooling, blocking and various other "redeeming" magic.
Very popular and divination for Halloween, but, for example, many soothsayers do not undertake to guess the Tarot these days, and they probably do it right - when spirits, both good and not so, walk around the earth in such quantities - who knows how this can affect prediction accuracy? Still, this holiday is more pagan, so it is better to tell fortunes on fire, on pumpkin seeds, on apples, in a word, on earthly gifts. Also, magicians use this time for divination by a mirror, crystals or fire. In general, Halloween is dedicated to the elements of fire and earth, so on this night you should make fires, burning diseases and misfortunes in them, and then put coal from the fire in the hearth or fireplace so that the whole year the house is protected from evil. (In apartment buildings, this role is performed by a stove or oven). It is believed that at this time the souls of the dead visit their homes to warm themselves by the hearth. Often they guess by the flame of a fire or a candle, mentally asking a question and peering into the fire. The dancing tongues of flame form a certain pattern, which will prompt the answer. The future may also clarify the pattern of nuts or pebbles thrown into the fire.
Halloween is not a time of coincidences and forebodings, when clairvoyant abilities can wake up. Dreams on this night are considered prophetic.
History has not done without special signs and superstitions inherent in this holiday:
Black cats. Who is unlucky - they are considered not the best sign for the rest of the year, and on Halloween they are strictly forbidden to be left in the house. Although, to be honest, I have great respect for black cats, as they are ideal absorbers of negative energy. So if your black fluffy pet does not want to leave the house that night, do not drive him away, let him purr on the couch - not a single demon will take risks.
Clothes worn inside out and walking backwards. clothes on left side, especially the lower one, and in Russia has long been considered the right way protection from the evil eye. And the superstitious inhabitants of Europe on Halloween night also leave the house backwards - this confuses the ghosts.
Candle magic. If the candles lit on Halloween go out all the time, they say this is a sure sign that evil spirits are lurking somewhere nearby. In this case, it is advisable to put a plate with some kind of treat outside the door in order to lure them out of the house.
And the spider came... If you saw a spider in the Halloween house, it means that one of the deceased relatives is watching the inhabitants of the house and warns of the danger that threatens one of the family members. In this case, it is useful to carry out some kind of practice to cleanse the family, or at least go around the house with a lit candle in a counterclockwise direction.
Generally Halloween, like