How to build Fibonacci levels and apply them in your trading? Physical abilities and their improvement And apply them in

In 1687, the famous English scientist Sir Isaac Newton published the book "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy". This book describes the three laws of motion that formed the basis of classical mechanics.

What most people don't realize is that Newton's laws can be applied to increase productivity, simplify work, and achieve success. How? Let's tell now!

Newton's first law.

Inertia is the fundamental law of the universe.

In other words, a body in motion tends to stay in motion - and vice versa, if a body is not moving, it tends to remain motionless.

This law is fully applicable to our productivity. If bodies at rest tend to rest further, then without getting up from the sofa, we will not achieve anything!

It turns out that the main thing is to start doing something? Yes! The most important thing is to pick up and start. And once you start, it will be much easier for you to stay on the move.

To overcome inertia, find a way to get started on a task in less than two minutes.

Please note that we are not talking about the completion of the work. In fact, you don't even have to work directly. But thanks to Newton's first law, you will often find that once you start this small part of the task within two minutes, it will be much easier to keep going.

Motivation often comes after starting work. Find a way to start small. Having accelerated, you yourself will be surprised how easy it is for you to do everything!

Newton's second law.

In other words, force equals mass times acceleration. Let's see how this equation can be applied to productivity.

It is important to understand: force is a vector. And the vector is composed of the magnitude (applied efforts) and the direction of these very efforts.

That is, if you want to accelerate an object in a certain direction, then both the amount of efforts and their direction affect the situation.

If you want to be more productive, you need to think not only about how hard you work, but also about where you put your efforts. This applies equally to important life decisions and small daily tasks.

Simply put, you have a strictly defined amount of power to do the job. And the direction of this force is as important as the quantity.

Newton's third law.

Each of us has our own average speed of doing something. Your level of productivity and efficiency is the balance of the productive and unproductive forces in your life.

What are the forces of productivity and unproductivity?

The forces of productivity are concentration, positive attitude and motivation. And the forces of unproductivity are stress, lack of sleep, and trying to do ten things at once.

1. Apply more effort, that is, increase the amount of force. You'll work harder, have another cup of coffee, and work harder.

Obviously, this will only work until you burn out. Increasing strength can work well, but only for a short period.

2. Eliminate opposing forces. Simplify your life, learn to say “no”, reduce the number of responsibilities.

In other words, eliminate everything that is holding you back. Having got rid of the opposing forces, you will see that now your efforts (the same, not increased!) Are enough to do a much larger amount of work.

The second option is much simpler and more efficient. But most people instinctively choose the former because they don't think about Newton's laws.


1. A moving body tends to keep moving. Find a way to get started within two minutes.

1. Strive not only to work hard, but to work on the right things. Your powers are limited. The direction of their application is also important.

3. Productivity is a balance of opposing forces. If you want to be more productive, you can either "push through" the obstacles or eliminate the opposing forces. The second option is less stressful.

Treatment with multicomponent medicinal collections is usually more effective than single plants and you need to learn how to combine them correctly. When compiling the collection, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics patient and the presence of comorbidities. And of course, take into account the indications and contraindications of plants for various diseases. Therefore, the drug collection must contain additional ingredients. When compiling a collection, you must:

  • know blood pressure indicators and take into account the main trend of its change (for example, when compiling a collection for a patient with cholecystitis with arterial hypertension the collection includes plants not only choleretic, but also with a hypotensive effect, otherwise the treatment can provoke a hypertensive crisis, worsen the general condition);
  • the state of the patient's intestinal motility, a tendency to constipation or diarrhea should be taken into account, and raw materials of a laxative or astringent action should be included.
  • some plants act on the muscles of the uterus and can be dangerous for pregnant women.

Some herbal preparations can cause an allergic reaction in the body. In these cases, it is necessary to start with a microcollection (2-3 components) and after 5-7 days add one plant at a time to the collection in order to identify the allergen. Herbal preparations have a multifaceted effect on the human body, which justifies the use of the same herbs for the treatment of various diseases. Only a doctor can foresee an undesirable side effect of medicinal plants after a comprehensive examination of the state of the patient's body.

The quantitative composition of the ingredients in medicinal collections is the most diverse. They can contain up to several dozen plants, but most often the number of ingredients is from 3 to 7 plants. It should be borne in mind that due to constant interruptions in the supply of pharmacies with the necessary herbal raw materials and the difficulty of independently harvesting the necessary plants, collections that include a small amount of ingredients are more affordable than multicomponent ones.

There are different recommendations for the use of medicinal fees.

In case of chronic diseases medications usually taken for one month followed by a 5-10 day break, or for 2-3 months followed by a two-week or one-month break. With continuous intake of collections for 2-3 months, it is advisable to have 3-4 collections of various plants of unidirectional action and, in order to avoid getting used to them, alternate each of the collections after 10-15 days during the specified period, and then take a break.

Usually, when treated with medicinal plants, improvement occurs after a few days, but a lasting effect can only be achieved with long-term (at least six months) and regular use of herbs. The absence of a positive effect within 2-3 weeks is usually the basis for replacing the collection. The course of treatment with fees and their subsequent use should be determined by the attending physician with constant monitoring of the course of the therapeutic or prophylactic process.

Modern medical science has proven that phytotherapy has a number of significant advantages over the use of synthetic drug chemotherapy drugs. Medicinal plants, as a rule, are well tolerated by patients, do not have undesirable side effects, they can be used for a long period of time. They combine well with each other and can affect various organs and systems, which allows you to treat simultaneously. accompanying illnesses internal organs(stomach, liver, kidneys and others). As mentioned above, medicinal herbs are used in the form of infusion, tincture, decoction or juice of the plant, which are taken orally and injected into the urethra. The therapeutic effect is significantly increased with electro-, phono- or magnetophoresis of the phytopreparation.

Do you think you have found your true calling or are you only working for a paycheck? Do you truly love what you do? After all, a person, according to statistics, spends more than 25 years at work, that is, most of his heyday.
How to understand that you may actually be a world-class star, but in reality your creations are heard only by karaoke walls and close friends? Or maybe you are a brilliant teacher but are forced to work as a manager in a bank, since there is a higher salary and a social package?

In Chinese metaphysics, the opportunity to find one's calling is one of the pillars of good luck, the other two are health and family, because a person doing his favorite thing is happy man. And there is a very detailed, actionable form of analysis - Bazi, or 4 pillars of destiny, based on 5 elements, which can help you find your true calling, do not waste time searching and immediately determine your true abilities.
At the seminar on July 26, using the example of the Natal Chart of several people - Gennady Golovkin, Goar Avetisyan, Yana Rudkovskaya and Dimash Kudaibergenov, Nastya Kamensky, I will talk about the possibilities of each of the 5 elements. After all, if initially a person from an influential family, with a good education, then a priori he has more opportunities to open a business or achieve a high position, but when a person from the outback, without access to expensive knowledge, succeeds, everyone has an idea - maybe I can do it ? And what each of us is capable of, we will consider in detail at the seminar. Pre-registration is required, places are limited!

Seminar program:
5 elements - their abilities and inclinations
Signs of the action of elements - sometimes it is not even necessary to look at a map, appearance, voice behavior - all this betrays the presence of one or another element.
How to cheer up a relaxed man-Soil and relax a tense man-Metal? A very useful guide for bosses and parents.
Signs that your activity is clearly not suitable for you.
Corrections and recommendations for all elements
Auspicious dates in August, why it will be special and why you should be especially careful this month.
Activation by Qi Men Dun Jia in August.

The seminar is led by Elena Li, a professional consultant on feng shui, Chinese metaphysics and geomancy, a resident of the Chinese Academy of Feng Shui and Metaphysics, the founder and owner of the Solar Feng Shui company.

Seminar program, duration - 1 hour. Start at 19:30. Pre-registration is required, places are limited!
For all workshop participants:
You can ask all questions to Feng Shui Master Elena Li
Drinks and food for everyone
20% discount on all feng shui amulets only on the day of the seminar.
Gifts for excellent feng shui for each participant of the seminar.
Cost 3988 tenge
Pre-registration by phone +7 707 111 86 18, +7 707 111 86 18
Address: Almaty, Karasay batyr street 61, Abylai Khan corner

Life does not stand still, and that's all more people begins to wonder what is the meaning of their lives, what is the driving force in the world in which we live, and how this knowledge can be used for the benefit of themselves and others.

In many of our materials, we rely on laws of the universe, tell how they affect our lives, the acceptance important decisions and elections.

This material presents a free interpretation of the first 7 Cosmic Laws transmitted through Michelle Eloff in January 2010.

Let each person unconsciously apply at least one of these laws in life.

I propose to find out how they intertwine in your life and how with their help you can become successful, happy and filled with harmony.

Activation of Unconditional Love through the chakras

These short meditations will help you activate Unconditional Self-Love in every chakra of your physical body.

7 Laws of the Universe

Our universe is governed by certain laws.

Knowing and applying them correctly, you will succeed in any field - whether you want to split the atom, build an empire, write a killer advertisement, or just live happily.

Why am I so sure?

Because the universe doesn't care if you're a good person or a bad person. The rain waters both equally.

The Universe empowers those who correctly understands and performs her laws.

You yourself will understand this as soon as you start using the laws of the universe in your life.

What are these Laws that govern the destinies of people?

Energy exchange law

Everything is made up of energy. Energy is always in motion.

A person constantly exchanges energy with other people. Sends something out and receives something back.

  1. The first principle of this law Everything must be in balance.

If somewhere has departed, then somewhere it has arrived. Energy doesn't go anywhere.

If you sent something outside, then something will be returned to you.

If you send negative thoughts, often complain about life, they will return in the form of unpleasant events that will confirm your words that everything is bad with you.

If you thank the universe for what you have at the moment, you will receive even more benefits, feel a surge of energy, joy, peace, security.

If you want to achieve balance in everything, learn to give and take equally.

As life shows, this is not always possible and not for everyone. Some people give a lot, but receive little back, because they do not know how to receive.

Others take a lot, give a little. Then there is an imbalance.

There are situations in life that show that this balance is not maintained.

If you identify the causes, work through the problem, then harmony will be restored.

In 5 days you will get acquainted with the dark and light shadow aspects of your personality, behind which hidden talents are hidden, and you will reveal the inner sources of energy.

Law of evolution

The physical body is limited in time of life. But at what age real old age will come depends on you, on your desire to constantly develop.

As soon as a person stops evolving, he begins to age. This truth is known to all, it has been proven by scientists.

You can become an old man at 30. If a person is used to moving along beaten paths, ceases to be interested in what is happening around, he begins to grow old.

Surely you have met 80-year-old active, full of life people who enjoy every moment.

They also say about such people: “A second youth came to him.”

They have not stopped, their interest in life has not faded, they continue to develop and constantly find something new for themselves.

If you do not want to get stuck and grow old prematurely, try to look for new areas of activity, a new environment, non-standard approaches to solving routine tasks, and reveal your creative potential.

Law of reason

What you currently have is the result of your past choices and actions.

Every event has a reason - an action that you performed earlier.

If you don't want to have what you have today in the future, you decide to go the other way.

Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Remember what choices led you to this result and start acting differently.

If you are satisfied with your life, you are successful, you have achieved what you were striving for, rewind the events of your life and track what steps led you to success.

You will determine for yourself an individual algorithm for achieving the goal and will be able to use it consciously in the future.

Law of Discrimination

This law is associated with expression of your truth. People often violate it, so all kinds of incidents and conflicts occur.

Each person has his own truth, his own vision of the world.

Starting to live according to this law, you take as a basis that you have your own truth, and others have theirs. The truth of others is no worse than yours.

If this is accepted as an axiom, conflicts, clashes, disputes will disappear, because you will stop imposing your point of view, your picture of the world on others.

Let's formulate the principle of this law:

Every person has the right to express their truth.

Learn not to hide your truth. When a person hushes up what is in his soul, because of the observance of decency, does not want to offend another, he blocks the energy.

This can be expressed in various diseases of the throat.

But don't go to extremes either. Learn to express your truth softly and confidently, to find the right words.

It is important to strike a balance so that your boundaries do not suffer and the person is not offended.

This law imposes certain responsibilities on you.

If you have made the decision to carry your truth, realize that others have the right to express their opinion regarding you, which may be unpleasant for you.

It is important with what message you speak your truth. If your goal is to humiliate, offend a person, then you will get a return.

If you lovingly express your point of view, even the unpleasant truth, it is quite possible that a person will listen to you, even if not the first time.

How to stop being afraid to show your truth? it will help you release energy, emotions, beliefs, limitations that prevent you from being yourself, and broadcast your truth with love.

Watch the training seminar with a detailed description of the 7 laws of the universe. You will receive detailed recommendations for the application in the life of each of them.

Lots of practical exercises await you. Enjoy watching!

As you can see, all laws are intertwined.

It is impossible to draw a line where the action of one law begins and the manifestation of another ends.

I hope that the application of these basic laws will help you change your outlook on life, and then life itself.

They successfully apply them in trade, the rest have no idea about them or do not know how to use them. One of these tools is the Fibonacci levels, the correct construction of which may determine the success of your trading system. In this article, you will learn how to draw Fibonacci lines, as well as get acquainted with such types of levels as correction and extension.

What are Fibonacci levels?

In the 13th century, the famous mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci invented a numerical sequence inherent in all phenomena in nature. If you add the previous figure to the next, you will get the Fibonacci number sequence. When dividing the previous digit by the next in the numerical sequence, approximately the same value is obtained - 0.618. This observation, called the "golden section", has found its application in trading with the advent of a tool that determines Fibonacci levels. What are Fibonacci lines used for? This tool is used to find support and resistance levels, as well as to set take profit values. Don't be afraid, you don't have to calculate anything, your software will do it for you. You just have to learn how to build Fibonacci levels. See also how they differ from unscrupulous dealing centers.

How to build Fibonacci retracement levels?

Fibonacci levels are used to determine the end of the correction and the continuation of the trend. Therefore, one should enter into transactions based on the Fibonacci lines only in the direction of the current trend. How to draw Fibonacci lines on the chart? First you need to determine which trend is in front of you - a downtrend or an uptrend. For example, there is an uptrend, then you need to find the minimum point on the chart. Then, in the toolbar, select the Fibonacci Lines tool, find the minimum point on the chart and, without releasing the left mouse button, stretch the tool grid from it to the place where the correction began. As a result, you will get the following possible correction levels: 23.6, 38.2, 50.0, 61.8, 100. These levels are a percentage of a given segment, but it is from them that you can expect a price rebound and continuation of the current trend. The picture below shows how the price actually tested the level of 38.2 and then bounced and the price resumed its upward movement, which gave us a good opportunity to make money.

Let's consider an example of applying Fibonacci levels on a downtrend. First, you need to determine the nearest local maximum on the chart and from it, without releasing the left mouse button, drag the Fibonacci grid to the place from which the correction began. As it turned out, the price reached the 50.0 level before turning around and continuing down.

It is impossible to say with 100% certainty from which level the rebound will occur, in our first example it was the level of 38.2, and in the second it was 50.0. Therefore, one should not enter transactions immediately after the price touches one of the Fibonacci levels, it is possible that this is not a correction at all, but the beginning of a new trend. It is worth waiting for the appearance of confirming signals: Price Action patterns, or trend lines, and only then enter the market.

How to set new levels in the Fibonacci grid?

Sometimes it is necessary to remove unnecessary levels or add new ones in the Fibonacci grid. This is done very simply. It is enough to set the Fibonacci levels as described earlier, double-click on the dotted line connecting the minimum and maximum, and then right-click and select "Fibo Properties". A settings window will open in front of you, in which you can change the values ​​of the levels, for this you need to go to the "Fibonacci levels" tab. We recommend that you remove level 23.6 as it is not as significant as the others. Select this level and click Remove. Adding levels is as easy as removing them. For example, you can add the level 78.6 because it is the square root of 0.618, which is the "golden ratio". To add a new level, click "Add" and enter 0.786 in the first column, and 78.6 in the second and click "OK". Now the Fibonacci grid has appeared new level– 78.6, and level 23.6 was successfully removed. You do not need to make changes every time when building new Fibonacci levels, your software remembers them immediately after you have entered the necessary values ​​and clicked "OK". Also in the settings you can change the color and thickness of the Fibonacci levels.

Disadvantages of Fibonacci levels

We mentioned above that Fibonacci levels are not a perfect tool. It is impossible to know for sure from which level the price will bounce - from 38.2, 50.0 or 61.8. Or maybe there will be a reversal of the trend in the other direction. Even if there was a rebound from one of the levels, the momentum may be short-term, and the price will continue to move in the opposite direction from our transaction. How to reduce the likelihood of false signals? Trading on Fibonacci levels is considered successful only in combination with other technical analysis tools. Next, we will look at how combining Fibonacci levels with other technical analysis tools makes it more effective.

Fibonacci levels and horizontal levels

It is known that they are a very strong trading tool, and in combination with Fibonacci levels, they give an even greater effect. How can they be applied in practice? Let's say you have a pronounced uptrend, you stretch the Fibonacci grid on the chart, connecting the local minimum with the nearest maximum, which is a signal for a possible correction. Then you look for strong horizontal levels on the chart, which can be a good support for the price. In this case, the strongest level will be the one that is in the same price zone with horizontal levels and Fibonacci lines. In our example, this is the price of 1.0510, in which the resistance level and the Fibonacci level with a value of 50.0 have connected.

The combination of these levels became an excellent signal to buy, which was confirmed, the price repeatedly tested this level, and then continued the uptrend. Why is this happening? Most traders use horizontal levels in their trading, the other part of the players in the foreign exchange market uses Fibonacci levels. The imposition of these levels on each other increases the probability of placement in this particular price area.

Fibonacci levels and trend lines

As practice shows, Fibonacci levels work only in a trend, and they are best suited for determining it. For example, there is an uptrend on the chart, in order to enter a trade, you must wait for the correction to begin. We draw a trend line along two local minima, and also draw a Fibonacci grid on the chart. As a result, the price tested the 50.0 level, and the trend line served as a support level. This is a good signal to buy, which happened later, the price continued to move up. This example is another proof of the effective combination of Fibonacci levels with other trading instruments.

Fibonacci levels and Price Action patterns

The strongest signals are the combination of Fibonacci levels and . In our example, we will look for reversal patterns: pin bars, . So, there is a downtrend on the chart, and then a correction begins. It's time to look for signals to open a sell trade. To do this, we put a Fibonacci grid on the chart and wait for the appearance of Price Action patterns. The figure shows how the price confidently overcame the levels of 23.6 and 38.2, but at the level of 50.0 a doji pattern formed, which, although not a strong signal, can be used in combination with Fibonacci levels. What is doji? This is a price action candlestick pattern with a small body and long tails in both directions. It shows the uncertainty of Forex players, it is possible that the strength of the bulls has dried up, and the bears have taken over them. And so it happened, after the formation of the doji under the Fibonacci 50.0 level, the price reversed and moved down.

What is the Fibonacci Extension trading tool for?

We figured out how to open trades using Fibonacci levels, and now let's look at another technical analysis tool that will allow us to place for taking profit. Many traders have trouble placing take profits, some make them very small, others sit out waiting for big profits, which very often leads to disappointing results. With such a trading tool as the Fibonacci Extension, you will always know exactly where to set goals for taking the maximum profit. How to plot the Fibonacci extension? Let's imagine that there is an uptrend on the chart. On the next pullback, you entered into buys. To determine take profit levels, you need to install the "Fibonacci Extension". To do this, go to the menu "Insert" - "Fibonacci" and select "Extension". Now it is necessary, without releasing the left mouse button, to connect the minimum point on the chart and the correction start point. Then you need to double-click on the dotted line and move the 3rd point to the place where the correction ends. As a result, levels will appear on the chart at which take profit values ​​should be placed.

The figure shows how the price did not reach the FE 100.0 level a little. This should be taken into account, since the price does not always reach levels with an accuracy of one point. Fibonacci levels, like trend lines or horizontal levels, are not some exact tools that the price should reach point by point. These are just some supply and demand zones, the price may either not reach the level of a few points, or test it by forming a candle with long tail. What levels to use to take profit? You can do the following: open two deals, close the first one when it reaches the FE 100.0 level, while moving the second one to breakeven and wait until the price reaches the FE 161.8 level.

Thus, Fibonacci levels in combination with other technical analysis tools show excellent results, and Fibonacci extension can be used to set profit targets. However, Fibonacci lines have a subjective meaning, since each trader has his own idea of ​​how to build Fibonacci levels. To simplify the task, novice traders can use the Fibonacci Levels indicator, which can be downloaded completely free of charge from the link at the bottom of the article. This indicator will save you time on plotting Fibonacci levels. It automatically detects Fibonacci levels, and also adjusts to different screen sizes and changes.

Free download indicator: