Card index mirilok card index on the topic. Psychological games for preschool children Watching the lessons of Natalia Vasilyeva, you

No matter how much you love your baby and no matter how much time you spend with him, sooner or later he will want to play not only with you, but also with his peers. And this is natural. In order to avoid quarrels over who will be the driver, counting rhymes were invented. Everything is fair in them, and therefore no one is offended by how the choice was distributed - who to drive and who to run away. In addition, counting rhymes are an excellent memory training for your baby. You can come up with counting books, as well as worlds, yourself, or even better, involve a child in this. Then your joint creativity can result in funny counting rhymes with the names of your baby’s friends. Good luck to you!

Counting books for children

Once upon a time there lived by a river

Two funny old ladies.

We climbed the fence,

We laughed all day long

And then we cooked cabbage soup.

We are running, you look for us.

Vitamins A, B, C

Everyone gathered on the porch.

They began to think and guess,

How to play a game for them.

And I decided to run, jump,

B - sit, kick your legs,

S - doesn’t know what to do here,

Well, you will drive!

One two three four five!

Once, all the kids have gathered,

Two - let's play cat and mouse,

Three, four - we should run,

Five - you should go look!

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si,

The cat got into a taxi

Paid five rubles

And I went to the museum.

And the kittens clung

And we had a free ride.

Who will pay for them?

C'mon, not me! You should drive!

Shirli-myrli, tra-ta-ta!

A cat married a cat,

We were invited to the wedding.

We ate cake and drank kvass there.

Now it's time to play.

Chur, you will catch up!

One two Three!

And you will be the trap!

Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra!

The game begins.

Let's play together

Who will look for us?

One two Three,

It will probably be you!

A crocodile walked along the river,

He smoked a long pipe.

His phone fell

And she wrote beautifully:


Three raccoons walked through the forest

And they chewed sausage.

At this time, sperm whales

We were waiting for a fox at sea.

The tigers slept, the fish sang,

The monkeys sat in a puddle.

This is such nonsense.

Are you driving? Of course yes!

Hippos lay on the warm shore,

And nearby the crocodiles were playing leapfrog.

Tili-mili, tru-ba-gu,

You drive, and I run!

Sasha, Masha, Aliya -

These are all my friends.

We decided to play.

Who will catch up?

One two Three,

It will probably be you!

Mirilki for children

Make up, make up, make up

And, come on, don’t be angry!

And if you get angry,

Then I will tease.

If we start teasing,

How will we get along?

We can't help but hang out,

You and I are friends again!

We quarrel and make up,

We bite, we fight,

And then until colic

We laugh at ourselves.

So why make people laugh?

We'd better be friends.

All the kids are bullies

They can't live without a fight.

Well, we are friends now.

There's no way we can fight.

If you quarrel with your neighbor,

Don't forget to make peace

You don't want to be malicious,

Means, better friend be.

One two three four five,

You will be my friend again.

Make up, make up, make up
And don't fight anymore.
And if you fight,
Then I will bite.
And we can't bite
Because we are friends

Let's all make peace

Let's all make peace
Share toys.
And who will not put up -
Let's not deal with that


Let's not quarrel, girlfriends,
We are so sad without each other!

Don't fight

Don't fight, don't fight
Come on, make up quickly

Stop being angry

We've had enough of being angry already.
Let's make peace quickly:
- You are my friend!
- And I'm your friend!
We will forget all the insults
And we will be friends as before!

Warm ray

The sun will come out from behind the clouds,
A warm ray will warm us.
And we can't swear,
Because we are friends.

Let's be friends

Why swear and tease
It's better for us to put up with you!
It's very boring to live in a quarrel,
Therefore - let's be friends!

Finger by finger

Finger by finger
Let's take it firmly
We used to fight
And now for nothing.

Peace-peace forever

Peace-peace forever
You can't quarrel anymore
And then grandma will come
And hits the butt

Make peace, make peace - don't fight anymore

Make up, make up
Don't fight anymore.
If you fight,
I will bite.
And biting has nothing to do with it,
We'll fight with bricks.
And the brick breaks,
Friendship begins!

Why swear and tease

Why swear and tease?
It's better for us to put up with you!
Let's smile together
Songs to sing and dance,
Swim in the lake in summer
And pick strawberries
Ice skating in winter
Make babies, play snowballs,
Divide the candy between two people
All the problems and secrets.
It's very boring to live in a quarrel,
So let's be friends!

How to reconcile children? Children are children! They are very impulsive, their mood changes as if by magic. Here are the kids playing, laughing, having fun and making friends so that it seems that nothing can separate them. And suddenly, the mood changes sharply, screaming, crying is heard and... the little ones no longer want to see each other.

  • Such conflicts between children occur quite often. The task of adults is to teach children to find a way out of any conflict situations, to show how to do it correctly.

How to reconcile children, what is the best way to do this?

  • Immediately after a quarrel, try to listen to the kids and understand the essence of the problem. Let each child express his point of view about why the quarrel arose, what caused the tears and resentment. By asking the little ones leading questions, discuss with them the cause of the conflict that has arisen. And unobtrusively encourage the children to independently find a way out of the current situation.
  • You can simply take the children by the hands, take them to different rooms and forbid them to play together. Having heard about the ban, children will immediately forget their grievances.
  • If before you ran and separated fighting children, now you will act differently. Approach the children, stand and stand silently. Your unusual reaction will make the kids stop, look at you in bewilderment and... stop the quarrel.

How to reconcile children? Place or seat the children facing each other, as close as possible so that their noses touch. Literally, in a minute the kids will start laughing - quarrels and resentments will no longer exist.

  • If the children know how to write, give them a piece of paper, a pen, and let everyone write down all their grievances and complaints against the “offender” (if they can’t write, let them draw). After that, read what you wrote together, discuss it, and then tear the paper or burn it, or even scatter the ashes. That's it, there is no more resentment, let's continue playing!

Some teachers recommend two more methods:

  • Take the children by the hands and stand in a circle. And let everyone turn their head to the person standing next to them and say: “Don’t be angry, smile. I love you!"
  • Place one child on a chair or armchair, the rest take turns saying good words to him.

Based on my experience working with children, I can say that these two methods cannot always reconcile children. Not every offended child (who still has tears in his eyes) will want to talk good words. Some kids simply turn away and remain silent.
In this case, the best help Mirilki for children preschool age .
Tell the little ones that peace poems are small funny poems that help make peace with friends. And if you also follow a certain ritual of reconciliation: clasp your little fingers, clap your hands or send an air kiss and at the same time say cheerful words 5-10 times, then the resentment will go away instantly.

There are 30 myrilki collected in our Card Index. After downloading and reading, choose 5 or 7 myril books that you and your baby will like the most, and learn them by heart. You can also print out these little rhymes and take them with you on a walk or to the playground. At the right time, the card with the mirilka will always be at hand.

Mothers who are needlewomen can knit or sew a special soft toy Mirilku. It could be a sun, mittens, a heart, even a simple piece of fabric that plays the role of a rug of reconciliation. The kids touch the pad with their hand or stand with their feet on the rug and recite the little poems together several times.

The words of the mirilka for preschool children are very simple, but they teach kindness, loyalty, devotion, mutual understanding, tolerance for other people’s weaknesses and shortcomings and, of course, friendship.

  • Having thus made peace, the kids are happy to play together again!


Teacher-psychologist I category:

Roslova K.A.

Mirilki are small

funny rhyming poems,

which children usually say

after a quarrel or insult in order to

to make peace.

Make up, make up
Don't fight anymore.
If you fight,
I will bite.

And biting has nothing to do with it,
We'll fight with bricks.
We don't need a brick
Let's make friends with you!

We've had enough of being angry already.
Everyone around is having fun!
Let's make peace quickly:
-You are my friend!
-And you are my friend!
We will forget all the insults
And we will be friends as before

So that the sun smiles
Tried to warm you and me,
You just need to become kinder
And let us make peace soon!

Finger by finger
Let's take it firmly
We used to fight
And now for nothing.

Why swear and tease?
It's better for us to put up with you!
Let's smile together
Songs to sing and dance,
Swim in the lake in summer
And pick strawberries
Ice skating in winter
Make babies, play snowballs,
Divide the candy between two people
All the problems and secrets.
It's very boring to live in a quarrel,
So let's be friends!

Let's put up with you
And share everything.
And who will not put up,
Let's not deal with that.

I put up, put up, put up.

And I don't fight anymore

Well, what if I fight,

I'll end up in a dirty puddle

Why swear and tease
It's better for us to put up with you!
It's very boring to live in a quarrel,
Therefore - let's be friends!

The sun will come out from behind the clouds,

A warm ray of light will warm you up.
And we can't swear,

Because we are friends!

Let's all make peace

Sharing toys

And who will not put up

Let's not deal with that!

We've had enough of being angry already.

Let's make peace quickly:

You are my friend!

And I'm your friend!

We will forget all the insults

And we will be friends with you!

Once - make peace! Two - make peace!

And don't fight with me!

Three - they asked for forgiveness!

At four - everything was forgotten!

Five! - you can’t be pouty:

We are friends again now!

Vera Schroeder (Shepel)

The ball bounces in a circle!

We forgive each other everything!

There is an agreement between us:

We are friends without fights and quarrels!

Vera Schroeder (Shepel)

Give me your little finger quickly,

Hook it to mine.

One two three four five,

We are friends again!

A quarrel has crept up on you and me.

We need to drive her away.

We'll join hands

One two three four five,

We became friends again.

We won't fight anymore!

And let’s forget all the insults!

Forgive me now!

Smile and don't be sad!

Peace - love - candy!

No more quarrel!

Vera Schroeder (Shepel)

Finger by finger

Finger by finger
Let's take it firmly
We used to fight
And now for nothing.

Don't fight

Don't fight, don't fight
Come on, make up quickly!

Make up, make up

Make up, make up, make up
And don't fight anymore.
And if you fight,
Then I will bite.
And we can't bite
Because we are friends!

Let's not quarrel

We won't quarrel.
We will be friends
Let's not forget the oath
As long as we live!

Stop being angry

We've had enough of being angry already.
Let's make peace quickly:
- You are my friend!
- And I'm your friend!
We will forget all the insults
And we will be friends as before!

Let's all make peace

Let's all make peace
Share toys.
And who will not put up -
Let's not deal with that!

Let's be friends

Why swear and tease
It's better for us to put up with you!
It's very boring to live in a quarrel,
Therefore - let's be friends!

So that the sun smiles
Tried to warm you and me,
You just need to become kinder
And let us make peace soon!

Warm ray

The sun will come out from behind the clouds,
A warm ray will warm us.
And we can't swear,
Because we are friends.


Let's not quarrel, girlfriends,
We are so sad without each other!

Friendly oath

The poems that are recited during the reconciliation process take the unusual form of a kind of oath, where boys and girls promise each other to find mutual understanding and remain friends forever. During pronunciation, children cross their little fingers, and a third person “breaks” them. This is how reconciliations become special rules for those who have reconciled.

Poems teach you to be friends. The lines contain an important meaning of fidelity and goodness. They teach never to betray their comrades.

Equality is the goal of these poems and of friendship in general. All are equal: if one is for all, then all are for one. There are no those who are worse and those who are better. In a dispute there is no distinction between a loser and a winner. Find the simplest compromise without special conditions, which is easily accepted by everyone on a common basis. The question does not arise at all: why is this so? It just doesn't make sense.

The value of friendship in peace poems is achieved by raising moral human values. Children may not understand them, but they will certainly learn them. Sincerity in relationships is often compared to the warmth of the sun, a bunny or ladybug. Such things in childhood serve as important landmarks of immaculate kindness. For adults, this plays an important role in education. Poems teach tolerance for other people's shortcomings, which gives rise to the phenomenon of tolerance.

Having made peace, happy kids will happily go play and have fun together. It's so boring to be alone. The sadness of separation between friends is described in poetry as something bad - something that needs to be corrected.

Easy to put up with

Sometimes it is so difficult to get offended children to come to each other and make peace. To do this, they need to step over stubborn pride and say difficult sentences. This is where the myrilki come to the rescue. A simple rhyme, as well as easy-to-understand words, will quickly be remembered by kids and will always serve as a reason to find mutual language with peers.

To do this, you need to help children learn by heart one or two of these quatrains. Short lines will not be forgotten, and there will be no need to remind the kids the right words after every quarrel.

Adult troubles

Quarrels often happen with parents, loved ones, teachers and other adults. They arise in case of disobedience of a child or his bad behavior, or maybe just very nervous parents lost their temper and shouted rudely. There is no need to make a big deal out of this; any conflicts with children can also be resolved. Mirilki, said by an adult or the child himself, will help to forget negative moments and wash away grievances. Thanks to a pleasant moment of reconciliation, they will learn to obey, respect and love their elders.

Nursery rhymes are remembered for many years. They do not disappear anywhere with the change of generations, because they are remembered for a lifetime, and then passed on to future children.