Chemical peeling with fruit acids at home. Fruit peeling: features and benefits of the procedure. Fruit peeling at home: simple recipes

One of the varieties of chemical peels is peeling. fruit acids. Its purpose is to rejuvenate the skin, restore balance, reduce fat content. The key feature is deep penetration into the skin (up to the dermis). How to carry out this procedure at home, and what are the features of this type of peeling?

Peeling with fruit acids. The essence of the procedure

The fruit acids themselves, called alpha hydroxy acids, are extracted either from natural fruits or synthetically. Traditional set of acids for peeling:

  • Apple
  • Dairy (from blueberries, tomatoes, sour milk; synthetic)
  • Lemon (from citrus, pineapple)
  • Glycolic (synthetic; from sugar cane)
  • Wine (from grapes, wine)

Fruit acid peeling has been used in many countries for a very long time. Initially, the procedure was carried out exclusively for medicinal purposes. But its effectiveness and effect on the skin (lifting effect, wrinkle reduction, skin lightening, etc.) made it possible to use peeling for prevention.

Efficiency and results of peeling with fruit acids

The effect of fruit acids is equivalent to the effect of alcohols and acids. For the skin, this is a panacea. This peel provides:

  • painless lung exfoliation
  • Update healthy skin
  • Cell regeneration
  • Gain moisture inflow to the top layer of the skin
  • Cleansing the sebaceous glands
  • Reducing the risk of acne
  • Normalization of the lipid balance of the skin
  • Elimination of excess pigmentation

Instructions for peeling with fruit acids

The very concept of peeling implies removal of dead skin layer , and peeling with fruit acids also whitens the skin with acids. Accordingly, the composition of the mixture for peeling should imply the presence of an "abrasive". That is, the mixture, in addition to fruit, must contain a powdered substance. For example, fine salt, candied honey, ground coffee or white clay. Choosing one of these abrasives, we choose soft fruits - kiwi, banana, lemon, apple . As for gooseberries, apricots and strawberries, they already contain “abrasives” (hard fibers, tiny bones). But for a mixture of orange, pineapple and kiwi white clay is added to soften the result - these fruits contain a large amount of acid.

How to perform peeling with fruit acids?

  1. Mix the above ingredients until a porridge-like consistency.
  2. Clear facial skin.
  3. Wipe the face with a small amount of the mixture, leaving traces.
  4. Massaging the skin, gradually add the mixture to it until the mass covers the entire face, except for the eye area.
  5. It is preferable to carry out the procedure while lying on a diaper.
  6. Keep a mask on your face no more than twenty minutes .
  7. Remove the mask by massaging the skin in a circular motion(If dry, you can slightly moisten with water).
  8. Wash off the mask with warm water after the massage.
  9. Wipe the skin ice cube (you can - from a decoction of chamomile).
  10. Wipe dry, apply cream.

Peculiarities of peeling with fruit acids

There is an opinion that. But each of the fruit acids has its own task:

  • Dairy - moisturizing the skin
  • In apple - activation of metabolic processes
  • Glycolic - exfoliation of dead skin
  • Lemon and wine - clarification

Thus, it becomes clear that fruit acids act most effectively in a complex way. Of the features of peeling, the following should be noted:

  1. The course of peeling with fruit acids is five procedures within one and a half months.
  2. For each subsequent peeling procedure acid concentration increases , the time allotted for the procedure, on the contrary, decreases.
  3. The effectiveness of the procedure directly depends on the acid content. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The amount should be increased gradually so as not to cause skin irritation.
  4. Such peeling ideal for dry skin . It will provide it with hydration and elasticity.
  5. The action of creams and serums will be more effective if you regularly carry out the fruit peeling procedure.

Contraindications for peeling with fruit acids

  • fresh tan
  • Allergy to any of the ingredients
  • Summer time
  • Various skin lesions
  1. Each feature of the skin must be taken into account in the implementation of the procedure. A tough procedure can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist in a beauty salon.
  2. At home, it is allowed to use a peeling agent with a maximum acid concentration of 25 percent .
  3. Before the procedure, it is preferable to contact a cosmetologist and determine with his help the condition of your skin, features and its type.
  4. The season is one of the criteria by which the possibility of using the procedure is determined. In different seasons, peeling has a different effect.
  5. Peeling start - allergic reaction test using the minimum concentration of the agent. Allergy appeared? So the product is not suitable for you.
  6. No allergies? Start your pre-peel treatment. Gradually increase the concentration - from five percent to ten.
  7. For home use fruit peeling agent can be purchased at the pharmacy - it has a safe level of acid concentration.

Every woman tries to stay young and beautiful. Fruit peeling for the face at home can help her with this. The cell lives for 28 days, then it dies. If you do not remove it from the surface in time, it will clog the pores. As a result, the skin will not be able to receive the required amount of vitamins, nutrients, and will begin to look worse. The aging process is intensifying.

Features of fruit peeling for the face

An important advantage of this type of peeling is that it can be used even by owners of dry skin, which is characterized by increased sensitivity. Acids help provoke increased moisture inflows to the epidermis. Therefore, the skin becomes hydrated and more elastic.

It is also important that acids perfectly cleanse pores, removing impurities and sweat from the sebaceous glands, normalizing their work. Therefore, it is useful to use peeling as a prophylaxis for the appearance of acne. If you already have blackheads, fruit peeling will help you get rid of them quickly. It also helps to get rid of acne marks and age spots due to its whitening effect.

If peeling is used regularly, the skin will become noticeably more elastic, fresh and young, and the number of mimic wrinkles will decrease, they will become less noticeable.

On the video result from fruit peeling for the face:

Skin care after the procedure

Fruit peeling is a gentle procedure, but the skin needs special care after it. Although the effect of acids is quite gentle, they can cause destruction of the surface layer of the dermis. Often, after peeling, you can observe a slight redness on the face, which is quite normal.

After the procedure, it is recommended to protect your face from direct sunlight. If you visit a solarium, then for a few days you will have to refuse it. It is also recommended not to use decorative cosmetics for several days, not to paint, if possible. The skin needs to breathe a little and get enough vitamins and nutrients. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the acid peeling Bark.

Fruit peeling is an effective procedure that helps not only cleanse the skin, but also improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result of the manipulation, metabolic processes in skin cells are improved, and oily sheen and fading disappear. This type of peeling is gentle and safe. It can be carried out both in the salon and at home.

General description of the procedure

Superficial fruit peeling is a chemical cleansing of the skin. This procedure is completely safe and beneficial for the skin. Most often, the effect is on the surface layers, but in some cases, the beautician can apply a concentrated solution for deeper penetration. At home, medium or deep peeling is prohibited.

By itself, peeling with the help of fruit acids was known in ancient Egypt and Rome. Only in those days they did not use special formulations, but sour milk, lemon juice or apples. Over time, specialists based on these products created effective means, which help to care for the skin of the face and maintain its youth.

The result after passing the therapeutic course involves the normalization of metabolic processes, the improvement of the condition of the skin, as well as the elimination of visible imperfections.

Advantages and disadvantages of peeling

Chemical peeling with fruit acids is a fairly popular procedure. This is not surprising, since such a procedure has the following advantages:

But this procedure has its drawbacks, which you should be aware of. Among the negative aspects of such peeling are the following nuances:

  • peeling is best done between November and February, as in summer the sun's rays can provoke a burst of pigmentation;
  • a one-time procedure will not give a good effect, so you need to conduct a whole course;
  • During the manipulation, the patient may feel a tingling or tingling sensation.

It should be noted that fruit acid facial peeling is superficial, so it will help to eliminate skin problems only on early term. Therefore, it will be ineffective in the fight against deep wrinkles.

Main indications and contraindications

Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to consult with a specialist. Cosmetologists recommend peeling based on fruit acids if the following dermatological problems are present:

Fruit cleanings can also be carried out as a prevention of early aging of the skin. Such procedures will be especially relevant at the age of 25 to 35 years.

In order for peeling to bring only positive results, before conducting it, you need to study the list of contraindications. It is better to refuse fruit exfoliation if:

Effective Fruit Acids

There is a list of the main fruit acids that are used for this kind of peeling. Among them are the following:

  • dairy;
  • wine;
  • glycolic;
  • apple;
  • lemon.

Lactic acid can be found not only in fermented milk products, but also in tomatoes, apples, grapes and maple syrup. This substance helps to saturate the skin with moisture, and also helps to make the skin tone lighter.

Grapes and oranges contain a large amount of tartaric acid. It is used to exfoliate dead skin particles as well as to moisturize.

Glycolic acid is obtained from sugar cane or green grapes. Due to its small molecular weight, this substance is able to quickly penetrate the skin. Therefore, it is most often used in cases where you need to get rid of age spots.

Malic acid can be found not only in apples, but also in tomatoes. It exfoliates well the keratinized parts of the skin, and also regenerates the skin at the cellular level.

Almost all citrus fruits contain lemon acid. In combination with wine, it is often used to whiten the skin. Such a substance is a good antioxidant and antiseptic.

To attain maximum results, fruit-acid peeling is recommended to be carried out using several acids at once. But you should pay attention to the fact that they should be well combined with each other.

Features and stages of implementation

Most often, the course of cleansing with fruit acids consists of 5-7 procedures. The break between them should be about a week. The final result after the session depends on the concentration of active substances used.

In the first session, it is recommended to use a peeling composition with a low concentration of acids. If the composition is very concentrated, then peeling can be plentiful, so it will take more time to recover. Over time, the concentration can be increased. The procedure itself is carried out in several stages.

The first stage is the preparation of the peeling composition and preparation for the procedure. To do this, prepare all the peeling components, a container for mixing, cotton pads, a special brush and a towel.

The next stage involves the preparation of the skin and the application of the composition for cleansing. First you need to cleanse the skin of the face with a gel or tonic, and then you can apply the mixture. It should be noted that all components must be mixed immediately before application, as some of them may lose their functions. When applying the composition to the skin, the areas of the eyes and lips should be avoided.

Rinse off with cold water only. After the procedure, the face should be gently wiped with a towel. The final stage is the application of a nourishing mask.

Possible consequences and post-peel care

For several weeks after the procedure, there is a risk that the skin may develop dark spots. Therefore, during this period, you should constantly use sunscreen with a high protection factor.

During the recovery period, you should follow all the recommendations of a specialist. This is the only way to avoid the appearance of negative manifestations in the form of spots and redness.

If the procedure was performed qualitatively, and the concentration of the acid was chosen correctly, then the peeling will not be plentiful, so you can safely apply makeup.

Peeling at home

Holding chemical peeling it is better to entrust professionals, but if you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, then you should follow all the recommendations. They will help to make the manipulation not only effective, but also safe.

For home use you can buy a ready-made peeling composition at a pharmacy. You can use the products of the domestic manufacturer "Bark". A cream mask with fruit acids will be quite effective. It gently cleanses the skin, does not cause an allergic reaction. If the mask is used regularly, you will notice how the skin becomes softer and becomes more light shade. But you should pay attention to the fact that products from the manufacturer "Bark" are not suitable for sensitive skin.

For sensitive skin, Korean Skinlite peeling is recommended. Janssen Inspira MFA will also be effective. It belongs to the segment professional cosmetics. Most often it is advised to use it for the care of aging skin.

Before applying the peeling composition to the face, you need to carefully read the instructions, as well as conduct a test for the individual tolerance of the components. For the procedure to be successful, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

In total, the peeling procedure at home takes about 15-20 minutes. Post-peel care is the same as after manipulation in the salon.

As a result, it should be noted that fruit peeling is an effective facial skin cleansing procedure. It is better to carry it out in the salon, since only an experienced master will be able to correctly select the concentration of acids that are used to prepare the peeling composition.

Fruit peeling is a simple cosmetic procedure that gives a healthy complexion to the skin. At all times, young ladies wanted to be attractive. You can preserve beauty and youth if you constantly take care of your skin, and fruit peeling can also help in this.

Today, women, to take care of their skin, use both various cosmetic products and homemade recipes. One of the most common folk remedies, which many beauties choose - fruit peeling at home for the face. This procedure is important for any woman, because with age, irreversible physiological processes occur with the skin. This is one of the most effective methods cleansing the top layer of the skin. When it is carried out, the updated cells are not affected, but only the stratum corneum is removed.

The whole peeling process is based on the action of alpha hydroxy acids (ANA-acids) or, more simply, fruit acids. They are obtained not only from fruits. So, glycolic acid, which is used in cosmetology, is extracted from sugar cane. Lactic acid perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, tartaric and malic acid increase skin elasticity, and citric acid helps to produce collagen.

This procedure did not appear in modern cosmetology, its use has been known since antiquity. Even in Rus', women used masks to improve the condition of their facial skin with fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables. In ancient Egypt, the sovereigns took baths with milk, washed themselves with wine and made masks from various fruits.

Components used for masks
Having studied the characteristics of the skin and its problem areas, you can choose the perfect ingredients that are right for you. And if you already know what works well for your skin, then immediately read the recipes. However, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for using recipes, which are described below.

Glycolic peeling

This tool quickly penetrates into the pores and well, evenly moisturizes the entire face. Green grapes and sugar cane are rich in glycolic acid.

Let's figure out how to prepare one of the options for glycolic peeling (with grapes).

You will need: a handful of grapes, mineral water, gentle baby soap, cotton pads.

How to prepare and use:

  • Grind the grapes with a blender into porridge;
  • Wash your face with soap and water;
  • Feel free to apply the grape mixture on your face;
  • After about 15 minutes, wash it off with mineral water and soap;
  • Then apply a cream on your face, preferably a moisturizer.

This procedure assists in cleansing the skin before cosmetic procedures, reduces pigmentation and the number of blackheads, fights fine wrinkles and irregularities.

Important! If you notice tingling and slight itching, then it is better to wash off the mask earlier so as not to get irritation.

This peeling is suitable for all ages and for different types skin.

wine peeling

This procedure will help remove toxins and fight pigmentation.

Classic recipe

You will need: dry red wine, cleansing scrub, tonic, cream.


  • To begin with, completely cleanse your face of cosmetics, dirt. It is good to use a scrub for this.
  • Then, apply the toner to your skin with cotton pads.
  • If you are just trying this recipe, then apply the wine on your face for no more than 1 or 2 minutes. For better distribution use cotton swabs or cosmetic brush.
  • Then wash with plain warm water.

    If after the first time you did not notice any discomfort, then you can safely keep the wine on your face for 5 or even 10 minutes.

  • As a final touch, to fix the effect, apply a cream on your face (it should not be greasy!).

It is best to use this classic recipe no more than 1 time in 4 days.

Wine peeling with oils

This option is softer than the classic.

Ingredients: a glass of dry red wine, 10 drops of jojoba oil, 10 drops of grape seed oil, 1 tsp. liquid honey.


  • Mix all ingredients. If honey is not liquid enough, then it can be heated in a water bath (just remember to cool it before adding it to the mixture).
  • When the mixture is completely ready, soak a piece of gauze in it and place it on your face.
  • Hold for 10 minutes, 2-3 times you can dip the cheesecloth into the wine mass again to refresh it.
  • Walk for another hour with the remnants of wine on your face, without washing off.
  • After that, soak a washcloth in warm water and wipe your face with it.

This procedure will make the face soft, remove keratinized, dead skin, and normalize lipid metabolism of cells.

Lemon peeling

It has a brightening effect when used together with a wine peel. Helps cleanse pores, restore normal complexion and remove traces of pigmentation.

With orange and lemon

Ingredients: orange, lemon, 1 sachet of gelatin.

  • Squeeze juice from orange and lemon.
  • Stir and pour in the gelatin.
  • Put the mixture in a water bath and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Leave on face for approximately 10 minutes.
  • Then wash with warm water.

Lemon with sugar

You will need: 2 tsp. sugar, lemon juice.


  • So much lemon juice should be added to sugar to make a mass similar to sour cream.

    Sugar should not completely dissolve!

  • The finished mixture can be applied to the face, for this it is convenient to use a cosmetic brush. Pay special attention to problem areas.
  • Wash off the mask with water after 15 minutes.

If you apply this peeling constantly, it will help remove freckles and age spots.

With olive oil

Ingredients: lemon juice, olive oil (in equal proportions).

What to do:

  • Mix lemon juice with olive oil.
  • Leave the mass for about 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse.

Such a peeling will wonderfully soothe the skin, saturating it with useful vitamins.

Peeling with lemon juice

You will need: 2-3 tbsp. olive oil, rosehip oil, 1 tsp lemon juice.

How to prepare and apply:

  • Stir the oils and add lemon juice to them.
  • Apply the warm mixture on your face for 5-7 minutes.

Apple peeling

The product contains up to 15% malic acid. Suitable for reducing skin redness and signs of aging. Such peeling is very useful, regardless of the time of year and age.

Classic recipe

This recipe is for patient beauties, because it has been preparing for a whole week. But the effect is amazing!

Ingredients: apple cider vinegar (preferably homemade), cool boiled water, cloves, lavender (in equal proportions).

How to cook:

  • Dilute vinegar with water (1 to 8).
  • Add cloves and lavender to the resulting mixture (half a teaspoon of dried flowers per 1 cup).
  • Pour the mixture into a bottle and close tightly. It will need to be infused for 7 days, shaking occasionally (store in the refrigerator).
  • When the composition is ready, it must be filtered and only its aqueous part should be used for peeling.

How to use:

Important! Due to the special composition of the classic apple peel, it can only be used as a compress.

After peeling, you need to wash yourself with a terry towel dipped in water and apply a moisturizer to your face.

Do not worry if the skin after the procedure is slightly red, it means that you did everything right! The redness will subside soon.

A simple apple peel recipe

If you do not want to bother with preparation for a long time, then there is a simple apple peel recipe that can be used immediately after preparation.

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 500 ml of boiled water.


  • Dissolve vinegar in water.
  • We use the mixture in the form of compresses.

The recipe is very simple, but this does not detract from its effectiveness. Such peeling will help get rid of dead cells, keratinized skin, soften the face and refresh it. In addition, such a simple recipe will saturate the surface of the face with beta-carotene, amino acids, vitamins and pectin.

Fruit and berry peeling scrubs

Consider a few more ways that will help refresh your face and remove dead skin layers.

Scrub pineapple with papaya

You will need: pineapple and papaya (2 to 1), 2 tbsp. honey.


  • Mix pre-shredded pineapple and papaya with honey.
  • Keep on the face for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Wash after.

Such a scrub will make the face absolutely smooth.

Exotic scrub

You will need: banana, kiwi, pineapple (the same amount).

Method of preparation and use:

  • Combine all fruits in a blender.
  • Apply the resulting fruit mass on your face for 15 minutes.
  • Wash afterwards.

Such a scrub will perfectly align the face, removing all unnecessary.

Berry mask

Ingredients: 1 apple, bunch of grapes.


  • Make apple puree.
  • Mix it with the juice and pulp of the grapes.
  • Apply to the face in a circular motion (it is recommended to “beat” the mixture on the face with lightly clapping movements of the hand).
  • Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes.

This recipe helps to tighten the skin on the face and make it supple.

Strawberry Facial Cocktail

Chop strawberries.

For dry skin: mix with olive oil.

For oily skin: with kefir.

Apply with massaging movements on the face, and rinse after 10 minutes. Strawberries help moisturize and nourish the skin of the face.

sour berries

Ingredients: a mixture of sour berries, oatmeal.


  • Boil oatmeal.
  • Then mix it with sour berries (mashed potatoes).
  • Hold for a quarter of an hour.
  • Used to cleanse and nourish the face.

Mask with red currant and grapes

For this recipe you will need: 1 cup ripe berries, 1/2 cup sour grapes.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Mash the components in separate containers and mix the resulting juice.
  • Apply the mask on the face for 7-12 minutes.

Necessary skin care after cleansing

  • After the procedure, it is better not to go outside for several hours.
  • After the end of the complex of procedures in the salon, it is better not to go to the sauna for a month.
  • When using the products at home, do not visit the sauna for several days, due to a more gentle effect.
  • During the week, it is not recommended to use alcohol-based products and other masks.


One of the main contraindications is personal intolerance to the ingredients, pregnancy and lactation, age up to 15 years, open wounds, allergies and herpes.

Contraindications when using certain types of peeling:

  1. Glycolic - in the presence of warts;
  2. Lemon - for dryness and irritation;
  3. Wine - for problems with blood clotting.
  4. Apple - skin diseases.

Recommendations when preparing components for peeling

If the necessary components are not available, they can be replaced with similar composition. Apples are replaced with cherries or strawberries. Orange juice is replaced by grapes. Banana can be replaced with oatmeal with berries. In a mixture with citrus fruits, you can add cucumber juice to improve the whitening effect.

Peeling with fruit acids, which is carried out at home, will help every woman to get healthy, radiant and supple skin.

The effect of peeling on the skin

  1. Peeling, i.e. exfoliation, gently rids the skin of dead cells and saturates it with acids that are found in fruits.
  2. Helps in the fight against mimic wrinkles.
  3. decides teenage problems in the form of oily skin, acne and blackheads.
  4. Helps moisturize the skin.
  5. Removes acne marks.
  6. Returns elasticity and firmness.

And as you know, fruit acids effectively, with enlarged pores, with acne, moisturize and nourish the skin of the face.

Basic rules for peeling at home

In beauty salons, peeling procedures are selected taking into account the characteristics of each client. For the best effect, several types of peeling can be used. This procedure is not cheap, and to obtain the result, it is necessary to carry out several such procedures.

A simpler and safer method is to peel with fruit acids at home. The most important thing is to perform the peeling in the correct sequence. Before the procedure, you need to prepare and clean your face. For dry skin, it is enough to peel once a week, for oily skin - up to three times.

Main conditions:

  • do not use this procedure in the hot season, the optimal time for its application is the period from late autumn to early spring;
  • check the body's reaction to this mixture, for this, apply a small amount of the composition to the inside of the hand;
  • diligently study the problems of the skin for right choice components;
  • prepare the necessary ingredients before use so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.

The main stages of the procedure

Let's consider, sequentially, all stages of peeling

Facial cleansing

Before the procedure, make-up is removed with a make-up remover. After that, it is advisable to rinse your face with warm water to remove any remaining makeup.

Application to the skin

The product is applied to the face in circular motions with a brush, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. Especially carefully peeling is applied to problem areas of the skin.


After the procedure, the mixture is gently washed off the face with water. You can blot your skin with paper towels. Rinse your face with sage decoction.

Fruit peeling is a procedure for treating the skin of the face with solutions of alpha hydroxy acids (ANA), which are part of fruits or fermented milk products.

The epidermis at the same time gets rid of dead cells, contributing to the formation of new ones. This procedure is also called exfoliation.

What is useful

AHA acids delicately affect the upper layer of the skin, exfoliating only dead cells, enriching living cells with oxygen by activating blood circulation.

The effect after the session is visible immediately. The skin immediately becomes cleaner, younger and fresher.

For exfoliation sessions use the following exfoliating fruit acids:

Cream-mask with fruit acids Russian manufacturer"Bark" Designed for oily and combination types.

It contains tartaric, citric, lactic and glycolic acids, as well as:

  • D-panthenol;
  • allantoin;
  • grape seed oil.

The manufacturer after regular use twice every seven days promises:

  • complete cleansing of the epidermis from dead cells;
  • sustainable hydration, restoration of the skin;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • resorption of keloid scars after acne;
  • smoothing the microrelief, increasing skin tone;
  • whitening, anti-aging.

The volume of the tube is 100 ml. You can use the cream-mask only in the evening, two to three hours before bedtime.

Apply it to cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. dry face for 20-30 minutes, then removing the excess with a napkin. Read about the entire line of peelings from the manufacturer.

The German manufacturer MERCK in France has developed peeling Exfoliac Acnomega 200 prolonged action with antibacterial components.

The product also contains glycolic acid. Designed for problematic skin any type except dry and sensitive.

The manufacturer claims that after a month:

  • acne, black dots will disappear;
  • pores shrink;
  • keloid scars, age spots will become less noticeable;
  • the result will remain after the termination of the course of treatment.

The volume of the jar is 50 ml. The color of the content is cream, transparent. Apply at night after cleansing, steaming, on a dry face.

The course of treatment is 1.5 months, twice every seven days.

The Russian manufacturer Libriderm has launched on the market " Peeling Roll with Juice", which includes lactic acid.

Designed for dry and sensitive skin, gently cleanses it, giving freshness, elasticity, smoothness.

The exfoliant is a white, delicate substance that is distributed over clean, moist skin. In 10 minutes. the face begins to be massaged, rolling white spools from the face. The procedure is continued until the formation of lumps stops.

How is the procedure carried out in the salon

Professional cosmetologists use concentrated solutions of acids - from 20 to 40% for a deep degree of exposure.

The first procedure is carried out at the lowest concentration to determine the reaction of the epidermis to the irritant.

Preparing for a session in the salon is similar to preparing for a home peeling procedure.

Professional exfoliation goes through the following algorithm:

  • cleansing the skin from makeup, sebum and pollution;
  • treatment with special solutions for loosening the epidermis;
  • applying a gel with fruit acids in a thin layer over the entire surface of the skin of the face, with the exception of the area around the eyes;
  • waiting for 2-10 minutes;
  • applying agents that neutralize the acidic reaction of the gel to a neutral pH (about 7);
  • rinsing with thermal water;
  • applying a soothing mask.

The average price of the procedure ranges from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles on average., rising in expensive salons up to 5 thousand rubles.

This is what the face looks like before and after fruit peeling in the photo:

Contraindications and precautions

Peeling with fruit acids prohibited from:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • dermatitis during the period of exacerbation;
  • skin damage;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • elevated temperature, blood pressure.

Particular care should be taken with rosacea, the presence of moles and warts. After home exfoliation, you can not go out in the sun for three hours, and after a salon - 7-10 days.

Fruit peeling is a gentle exfoliating procedure leading to rejuvenation. It can be carried out at home and in the salon, depending on the purpose and result.

You can start home sessions during puberty, and salon sessions after 30 years.