What to celebrate the new year and the menu. In what you can and cannot celebrate the New Year . New Year's outfit: what is fashionable

In Chinese culture, the rat was considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity and wealth. The White Metal Rat completes the twelve-year cycle of the Chinese calendar, bestowing generous gifts on everyone. That is why the new year 2020 should be one of the most successful for those who want to improve their financial situation, start a family and find people who are close in spirit and interests.

The element of the coming year is earth. This means that the main successes await precisely in strengthening in their homes, improving relationships between loved ones, and accumulating income.

Yellow (golden) color, on the one hand, symbolizes wealth and prosperity, on the other hand, a certain danger and anxiety. Even minor difficulties and problems may seem too important and fatal, but relatives and friends will help to overcome them.

To attract good luck and prosperity, you need to choose the right outfit and jewelry for New Year 2020. In this matter, both the color and the form of clothing are important.

What colors to wear in clothes

The symbolism of color plays a very important role in the Chinese horoscope. With it, you can even convey a message, try to attract positive emotions, good luck and wealth.

The palette of the attire should correspond to the controlling element - the earth. You can use both "autumn" colors (red, burgundy, all shades of green, yellow and brown), and "festive and solemn" (gold, bright red, pink).

Neutral and cold colors help to complement and balance the image. Add a gray, white, purple or blue element to your outfit! So the image will become lighter and brighter. However, you should not pick up black clothes, as it symbolizes evil and misfortune.

The following color chart will help you create an image for the New Year of the White Rat:

ColorColor MeaningPrimary/secondary in imageCompatibility
YellowEarth color. Since ancient times, it has been associated in China with life, wealth, fertility, success, centrality and nobility.BasicRed, brown, blue.
Gold (metallic)The color of wealth, divinity, stability.AdditionalRed, brown, gold, burgundy.
GreenThe color of birth, new life and renewal, youth and hope.BasicGold, white, dark yellow.
RedThe color of joy, luck, success and celebration.BasicYellow, gold.
WhiteThe color is ambiguous and contradictory: on the one hand, it symbolizes purity and tranquility, on the other, coldness and treachery.Optional to emphasize the main color.With any color.
The blackA color that symbolizes both the collective concept of "evil" and darkness, as well as learning, passivity and the unknown.AdditionalWith any color.
BlueThe color of nobility, clear sky (calm) and tenderness.Additional, because more related to the elements of water and air.White, yellow, gold.
GreyThe color of nobility and silence.Optional to soften flashy bright colors.With any color.
BrownThe color of the earth and tree bark symbolizes stability and stability.Additional or main.Green, white, grey, yellow.
OrangeA symbol of joy, purposefulness and activity.BasicBlue, green, yellow, white, grey, black.
PinkThe color of innocence, tenderness, romance and kindness.Primary or secondary.Grey, white, brown, blue, yellow, gold, red and orange.

Don't be afraid to experiment with combinations! Both bright and muted (pastel) colors of clothes look equally good.

What to wear to a corporate party

Stand out among colleagues in a bright and positive way! Combine bright colors to keep the holiday spirit going.

Girls can wear dresses with wide, fluffy skirts, an elongated train. Costumes will also look new: skirts with wide legs or blouses with flared sleeves. You should not worry about the fabric: both dense and airy fabric look equally good (a bold and original solution would be a harmonious combination different types fabrics).

Shoes can be absolutely anything. This season, shoes, sneakers, sandals made of shiny leather, decorated with rhinestones or sequins, will look advantageous. Make your fantasies about accessories and jewelry come true. Complementing a bright image, you will definitely attract good luck in financial matters!

ADVICE! good option will hold a themed New Year's corporate party. Chinese style is one of the most popular.

For men, I also advise you to choose something colorful and fun. For example, a bright jacket and trousers of the same color or similar tones - the image is not too official, but solemn and festive. You can try to add a twist with an interesting tie or bow tie - this way you will definitely attract attention to yourself! As another option - a shirt with a vest, or a sweater or a bright jacket. Shoes are also any, but harmoniously combined with the image.

Video tips

We select a bow for New Year's Eve at home

The right image is the key to success. As the saying goes: "As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it."

A homemade bow should be as solemn as it is comfortable. Do not overdo it with makeup, the complexity of the outfit and jewelry. Choose something simple yet cute, positive, and festive. You can agree with the guests and dress up in the same color palette or style. Next, I will analyze in detail what you can wear for the New Year 2020.

Fashionable evening dresses for the New Year 2020

The upcoming year promises to be fun, and therefore you need to meet it with dignity. Ladies can choose the best and brightest outfit:

  • dresses with fluffy skirts;
  • draped long dresses or sundresses;
  • silk straight dresses;
  • bright overalls or suits;
  • blouses or jackets with wide sleeves.

How to celebrate the New Year for different signs of the zodiac

The table will help you choose the right outfit for your zodiac sign. So you will definitely attract good luck in the coming year.

ElementZodiac signMain colorOutfit
FireAriesRed, burgundy, red.Long draped or straight dress;
Bright suede or leather jackets and matching trousers.
a lion
EarthTaurusBrown, green, orange, yellow.Dresses with wide sleeves or an airy skirt;
Colorful vest or sweater and trousers.
AirTwinsGreen, white.Long jumpsuits, dresses made of light fabric;
Light, careless men's style, bright scarf.
WaterCrayfishBlue, gold, yellow.Straight silk or long straight dresses;
A jacket with an elongated back, shirts of a delicate color.

New Year's wardrobe for men

Men can also create a beautiful and memorable image! You can choose both a more solemn and classic version, as well as a more homely and cute one:

  • clothes with bright prints, checkered or striped;
  • luxurious velvet set;
  • retro look (hat, old-fashioned jacket, shirt and trousers);
  • bright vintage sweaters;
  • colored formal jackets and trousers.

What not to wear for the New Year of the Metal Rat

Here are some tips on what not to wear on New Year's Eve.

  • Clothes with floral prints and appliqués look weird in winter.
  • Suits with fur inserts look too old-fashioned.
  • Do not wear something too revealing - such clothes will not emphasize attractiveness, but will look vulgar.
  • Avoid clothes in acid colors - such an outfit looks cheap and does not decorate.
  • Dress for the season summer dresses looks unbeatable in winter.
  • Choose accessories in moderation - similarity with Christmas tree doesn't paint anyone.

Celebrate the New Year in such a way that only positive emotions remain about the celebration. The following tips will help you stay in the holiday spirit and keep the look you want.

  • Consider the style in advance so that you have time to choose the right outfit. Loading...

1. Set an unusual New Year's table

If you can't refuse home gatherings, at least diversify the table with treats that you have never tried. Let there not be a single familiar dish and drink on your table. Taste the cuisine of another country, ask your friends for recipes for delicious dishes and make your own cocktails - alcoholic or not.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you will have time to make an unusual menu.

By the way, if you decide to cook traditional dishes of other nations, why not celebrate the holiday in the style of the country whose cuisine you have chosen?

2. Join the traditions of another country

This is another way to celebrate the New Year with relatives and friends, but make it unusual and memorable. Decorate your home in the style of another country. For example, Japanese kadomatsu or Chinese lanterns and pictures with wishes.

Give each other special gifts, such as homemade candles in Sweden, dogwood sticks in Bulgaria, paired items like cups or candles in China.

10. Celebrate the New Year on a plane

As a rule, plane tickets become more expensive on the eve of the holidays, as people tend to celebrate the New Year already on the spot. And on the dates of the holidays themselves, on the contrary, tickets become much cheaper.

If you take tickets for December 31, you will kill two birds with one stone: save on the road and get an unusual experience of celebrating the New Year a few kilometers above the ground.

The more interesting you spend this day, the more chances you have for a New Year's miracle.

And how did you celebrate your brightest and most memorable New Year? Share your experience in the comments.

It's hard to imagine a holiday in new year's eve without the usual traditions: decorating the Christmas tree and the house, champagne on the table and various dishes, fun on the night of January 1. Some of the customs change annually, or rather, repeat once every 12 years. For living room decorating, menu planning and dressing ideas, check out Chinese calendar. Its cycle is 12 years. 2019 is the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig. It completes the circular cycle, and therefore it is recommended to meet it on an unusual scale.

The Pig, or the Boar, is a patient and sociable animal that can bring peace and prudence to the life of every person. It will help you understand yourself and discover previously unknown facets of your own character. In order for this to happen, you need to know what colors to celebrate the New Year of the Pig 2019 in order to attract good luck and prosperity.

Colors of the New Year 2019

In 2019, the main colors will be yellow, beige and brown and all their shades, characteristic of the elements of the earth, in which the Pig is located. This main rule should be taken into account by ladies when choosing a dress for the New Year 2019.

For men, things are a little more complicated. Not every representative of the courageous half of humanity will agree to change the usual outfit for something extravagant. Yellow or orange pants, shirts, or suits can be perceived as extremely negative. A man may refuse to meet the New 2019 Year of the Pig in yellow. In this case, items of clothing or accessories in beige, brown or gold shades will be an acceptable alternative. In extreme cases, the whole natural palette is suitable. At the same time, aggressive-colored clothing is not welcome.

Fashion trends

predictable fashion trend 2019 - lush elements in clothes. It can be both a skirt and a sleeve. Volumetric flounces, "lanterns" or lush puffs look elegant and festive. The more magnificent the upper elements of clothing, the simpler and stricter it is to choose the bottom so that the outfit does not look clumsy and heavy.

Asymmetric models of dresses and blouses are in demand, in which lush decor adorns only one shoulder, leaving the second open. Clothing style may vary. Business women can choose for themselves a free or strict dress from thick fabric knee length. Extravagant representatives of the beautiful half of humanity will suit long vestments to the floor with an accent in the form of a deep neckline or cuts. Romantic girls are advised to give preference to flowing outfits made of light fabrics.

If there is no suitable dress and there is no opportunity or desire to purchase it, a blouse and skirt according to the classic formula will be an excellent alternative: a dark bottom and a light top. A strict combination of tones will be complemented by dark brown, mustard, light yellow and beige shades.

If the main priorities in choosing an outfit are comfort and freedom of movement, then the tunic is the best choice when deciding what dress to wear to a party. It is convenient to dance and participate in New Year's fun in it.

For those women who are fans of little black dresses in the style of Coco Chanel and are not going to cheat on them, salvation for new year holiday there will be jewelry or accessories in gold or yellow, placed in the neckline, on the hem or sleeves.

How to meet 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac

Aries are people who can accommodate the vulnerability of nature and stubbornness at the same time. These character traits can be expressed with red elements in the outfit. The style should be chosen strict, but hinting at sexuality. For example, a straight dress with a deep neckline, complemented by a flowing scarf, is suitable for the festival.

Taurus are open and stubborn, able to achieve their goals. Their signature color is deep blue. Simpler cut dresses will do. Asceticism is welcome when choosing accessories. You can complement the image with expressive makeup.

Gemini on the night of the holiday can please themselves with cold shades and outfits of an unusual cut. If the representative of this sign is lonely, it is recommended to use double jewelry to attract love into your life.

Romantic Cancers value home comfort. They fit perfectly in outfits. warm colors: peach, vanilla, matte mustard. An excellent model would be a cocktail dress decorated with a print or with natural motifs.

Selfish Leos value luxury. This character trait can be emphasized with golden elements in the outfit. It is recommended to give preference to long dresses to the floor.

The fiery nature of the Virgo goes well with dresses, skirts and blouses of chocolate color and its shades: from dark brown to delicate cream. Consider this when choosing the color of the dress for the New Year 2019.

If you are Libra according to the horoscope, then you should know that the representatives of this sign should decorate their image with blue elements of the outfit or accessories of this color: a handbag, belt or scarf.

The sexuality of Scorpio can be emphasized favorably with outfits of red or orange flowers. An important element of clothing will be a deep neckline, an open back or a slit.

The New Year 2019 is getting closer. And the question “In what and how to meet” becomes very relevant. We will show you how to celebrate 2019 so that the whole year goes with a bang!

What and how to meet the New 2019

The upcoming 2019 is the Year of the earthy yellow Pig or Boar. The year will not be bad for all the Signs of the Zodiac, and in order for it to be as productive and financially enjoyable as possible, you need to meet it correctly. The mistress of the year - Pig - is not very capricious, but demanding. Therefore, in order to please her, you need to prepare and think over absolutely everything - from the meeting place to the color of the shoes in which you will celebrate.

Colors and colors of New Year's dresses

Pig's colors are natural and natural: brown, yellow, green. They can be used in shades and combinations. Therefore, we boldly choose the appropriate colors of clothing from the Pantone fashion palette for 2018-2019:

  • Limelight - light and soft yellow;
  • Ceylon Yellow - muted yellow with a touch of mustard;
  • Russet Orange - soft orange with a hint of carrot
  • Martini Olive - the color of olives in a martini;
  • Quetzal Green is a deep green named after the plumage of the quetzal bird.

Do not forget that the color of 2018 is ultraviolet, as well as all shades of red and noble burgundy are in trends.

Pig also approves golden color, and quite welcomes black and white. But at the same time, the image should have something from the natural range of yellow-brown shades.

Interesting. According to the horoscope, the Signs of the Zodiac have their own elements (fire, water, earth, air). Each element has its own shades. Combine them with Pig's favorite colors and it will be wonderful.

Actual colors of dresses for the meeting of the Year of the Pig

What to wear for New Year's Eve

It is necessary to prepare several holiday bows to use them for the New Year, visiting relatives, going to the cinema and other events that you plan to do on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

This should include:

  • Holiday dress long dreamed of. Let it be a puffy ball gown “like a princess”, for example, in a pleasant yellow color. Or golden slinky, driving all men crazy, sophisticated black, flowing burgundy or terracotta. We wear a dress to a party with friends, to a club or a restaurant.

  • elegant pantsuit or overalls- just not an office option. It can be elegant fashionable styles from silk or chiffon in Piggy's favorite colors - shades of yellow or brown. Would you like to choose a different color? Then use the "necessary" shades in accessories or jewelry.

  • Blouse and skirt– Strictly avoid association with work. The blouse must be original - for example, asymmetrical, with interesting sleeves, off-the-shoulder or single, with ruffles or ruffles. In this case, the skirt can be classically strict. Or vice versa: the skirt is incredible, with asymmetrical hem or a unique coloring, then it is better to choose a more concise top.

  • Warm outerwear will be required to celebrate the New Year on the street. You can use either classic coats, a fur coat or original voluminous down jackets, the main thing is to add something festive and fun to the look. Carnival elements, Snow Maiden or Santa hats, tinsel and rain, scarves with cheerful colors, funny mittens can help out.

Advice. Fluffy, voluminous sleeves are in fashion. It can be the sleeves of a blouse, dress, blouse. In this case, the thing itself can be more strict.

  • Shoes, of course, should fit the outfit. But it is best to take elegant shoes or sandals with heels.

  • Accessories: boldly use shiny, with rhinestones, handbags with golden chains, light bright scarves, creative belts and belts. Throw fur capes over your shoulders as a symbol of the outgoing old year, and fur is now in trend.

Fashionable fur capes are the perfect complement to your winter holiday look.

  • Decorations- for stylish party and special occasions, choose expensive gold jewelry with precious stones, tiaras and hair clips are welcome. And for fun gatherings with friends, choose creative and original decorations.

  • Hairstyle and manicure- it is better to update the haircut, add a touch of playfulness in the form of a pattern on a shaved temple or a bright purple strand. Manicure can be more classic, stylish or, on the contrary, sparkling and conspicuous.

Now we know how to celebrate the new year 2019. And where?!

How and where to celebrate the Year of the Pig

In 2019 we have a full ten days of rest. So, if you celebrate New Year's Eve at home, then there is still a lot of time ahead to celebrate the Year of the Pig in different ways.

The variety of ways to celebrate the New Year is so great that it will suit every taste and budget:

  • by ski- no matter how far or close you go to a ski resort, it's never too late to learn how to ski with experienced instructors, or just conquer a couple more peaks. And then go to the bathhouse or sauna, go shopping or just sit by the fireplace - a very romantic and sporty option for celebrating the New Year;

  • on the beach in hot countries - do you want exotic? In the dead of winter, splashing in the ocean and sunbathing? Then choose New Year tours to the tropics. Make all your friends and colleagues jealous of your fresh tan. Most visited countries in winter: Egypt, UAE, Thailand, India;

  • in Europe- no matter which country you choose, the spirit of Christmas and New Year reigns everywhere. You can combine noisy fun with shopping, discounts at this time are just crazy, with visits to museums and attractions. Or go with your children to Lapland, there will be a lot of impressions for the whole family;

  • on a picnic in the forest - hang lanterns, toys, tinsel and garlands on the trees, make a fire and sing "a Christmas tree was born in the forest" - even for two, such a celebration will be much more original and intriguing than gatherings at a table or in a club. If you want such a winter-forest exotic, but more comfortable - in Finland there is a special hotel in the forest, where you can sleep in downy sleeping bags in glass igloos "in nature", ride dogs or deer;

  • traditionally in a bath or sauna you can celebrate the New Year outside the city, renting a house with friends and relatives. In addition to water and steam procedures, you can play winter Games and sledding;

  • meet at home or with relatives- you can, but do not turn the holiday into dull gatherings at the table and watching TV. Arrange a theme party, contests, fun and games - everyone will have fun. And it means that 2019 will pass the same way - cheerfully, energetically and with good mood. Don't forget to decorate the house. How to meet and what to cook decide for yourself, the main thing is that there is no pork on the table. More plant foods, delicious vegetable dishes, legumes and grains, juices, seafood and fish are what you can include on the menu;

  • budget, but fun and noisy you can relax by joining the crowd in the main squares cities. Everywhere there are fairs, mass celebrations - it will not be boring. The main thing is to dress warmly.

It's funny. According to signs, at 12 at night, after champagne and making wishes, grunt seven times. And you will be happy.

We will be very happy if our tips and photos inspired and prompted you in what and how to celebrate the New Year 2019. If information is not enough - let's discuss!

Many older women have a fuzzy jawline. The main task of such ladies is not to draw attention to the problem area. In this regard, long earrings and short beads are prohibited. bright lipstick it is also better to exclude, and in make-up to create a neat emphasis on the eyes.

After the year of the peaceful Dog of the elements of the Earth, the no less good year of the Yellow Earth Pig is coming. According to Eastern calendar, it will begin on February 5, 2019, and end on January 24, 2020.

2019 a year will pass under the sign of financial luck, prosperity, family happiness, increased childbearing, but subject to your optimism, clear goals and hard conscientious work: The Pig, itself very optimistic, sincere and hardworking, does not tolerate cunning, freeloaders, hypocrites.

Everyone who is engaged in agricultural work should be especially lucky in the year of the Earth Pig. Representatives of financial and economic professions will be less exposed to various risks this year, investments should be successful. A good year will be for establishing strong friendships and business ties. The pig also patronizes the family, loves a large number of children. For those who have not yet built a family nest, this year there is every chance.

Have you already wondered how to celebrate the New Year 2019 - the year of the Yellow Earthen Pig? First of all, you should find out the preferences of his patroness and deliver maximum pleasure to her at the meeting, including yourself!

How to celebrate 2019, superstitions

New Year 2019 is coming. How to celebrate, what to cook, what to wear, what to give. Many of us ask ourselves these questions. If you want to celebrate the New Year in the right way, listen to a few tips:

In no case do not borrow money on the eve of the holiday, and if you still have debts, pay them off. Otherwise, you will find a debt hole and a lot of trouble.

Give old clothes to those who need it, update the interior, or at least get a few new things and new bedding.

Choosing an outfit for New Year's Eve, keep in mind that this should be a recently purchased item that will become the key to success and bring you wealth, new acquaintances and vivid impressions.

Preparing for a meeting with the Earth Pig, you need to have pure thoughts and good intentions. Then luck will be with you, and fortune will smile more than once.

What to celebrate 2019

Naturally, the Pig will appreciate the Yellow outfits, but this does not mean that all people will run together to the shops and start buying golden dresses and bright yellow shirts. Let's take into account that Piggy's element is Earthy, and we'll try to pick up a wardrobe. Orange top and blue bottom, brown blouse and bright green skirt, White shirt and red trousers - there are no restrictions for either men or women, the main thing is not to overdo it with decorations, and not try to outdo the Christmas tree.

An ideal option for the fairer sex will be stylish dresses made of silk. Turned figures can be fitted, but for ladies with magnificent forms the Pig has a surprise prepared - loose and flying outfits will hide the so-called flaws and give the figure lightness, airiness and mystery.

Strict suits and elegant dresses are best left in the closet - the main thing is that the outfit is festive, bright and comfortable. It is advisable to choose jewelry taking into account your element, for example, silver and amber products will come in handy for air and water guys, but earthen and fire signs can surprise the Pig with gold pendants, pendants with pearls or emeralds.

The hairstyle can be anything, Yellow Piggy will appreciate a carefree ponytail, a classic braid, a short ragged haircut, and long curly curls. To complete the look, you can sprinkle your hair with shiny varnish, decorate the strands with golden rain or yellow tinsel.

What to put on the New Year's table in 2019

The pig loves to eat deliciously, and, in principle, can sweep away everything that is cooked - from banal fried potatoes to delicious battered pineapples. But you should feel sorry for the feelings of the Yellow Mistress of the Year, and do not serve pork skewers or chops made from a fresh pig. Beef dumplings, chicken skewers and roast fish - a compromise has been found, and the guests are full, and Ground Piggy is not offended.

But no preservatives, additives and chemicals - a week before the New Year you need to go to visit village relatives and pick up mushrooms, cucumbers and other blanks.

No one New Year's table not without salads, and in the year of the Pig, fantasy will work to its fullest - classic Olivier and traditional Herring under a fur coat look great surrounded by cuts of exotic fruits and salads made according to grandmother's recipes.

Do not forget about sweets - the Pig loves chocolate cakes and sweets (from the traditional "Petrel" to modern products with strange names). And we are not greedy - the remnants of goodies can be put into jars and distributed to guests, in extreme cases, the dishes will stand in the freezer for a couple of days.

Signs for attracting money in the New 2019

To attract wealth, you should appease the Yellow Earth Pig. To do this, often go to rest in nature with the whole family. A quiet rest on soft sand or grass-covered clearings will not only help you relax and gain strength, but will also arouse the favor of the patron of the year.

Meet the Year of the Pig 2019 should be a plentiful feast. Saving on treats is not worth it: the Boar will not like it. It's worth it to fork out for the purchase of new ones Christmas decorations. It is preferable to choose colored balls: their rounded shape will protect against strong quarrels, discord.

Get rid of any chipped dishes. It attracts spending, financial losses. It is better to purchase new plates and cups.

You need to buy a tree. It is better to buy a live tree. in a good way to attract material well-being will be the purchase of a live Christmas tree planted in a pot. The tree in the future can be transplanted in a summer cottage when it grows strongly. A spruce tree decorated for the holiday attracts money to the house. It is recommended to use toys in colors approved by the Yellow Earth Pig for decoration. Some experts also advise hiding a few coins and banknotes in the middle of the spruce. You need to do this so that no one sees.

To celebrate the New Year with empty pockets is a bad omen. To live in material abundance in 2019, keep a few large bills with you on New Year's Eve.

Another monetary sign: a minute before the New Year, you need to throw a coin into a glass of champagne. Champagne should be drunk to the sound of the chiming clock, thinking about prosperity, and a coin should be worn in the wallet as a talisman all year round.

All debts must be repaid in advance. It is better to do this at least 3 days before the celebration. Otherwise, you can attract new debt in the coming year. On January 1, you should not give anyone even small amounts of money. Such an action will attract a drain of funds over the next 12 months.

If there is a cat in the house, another sign is applicable. The family member to whom the animal will be the first to approach after the chiming clock will be financially prosperous in the coming year. Great luck awaits him.

What to cook for the New Year 2019

Let's talk about holiday menu. It should be plentiful and consist of simple but satisfying dishes. Be sure to make sure that there are meat dishes on the table - roast, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bor appetizers.

Meat is combined with vegetables, so salads are indispensable. All this variety is advised to be diluted with several dishes of sea fish. At the end of your dinner, please your guests with fruit desserts or sweet pastries based on shortcrust, unleavened or puff pastry.