September 1st knowledge day year theme

According to tradition, on September 1, Russia celebrates the Day of Knowledge: a new one begins in all educational institutions of Russia academic year. FBA "Economy Today" remembers the history and traditions of the holiday and reminds of the amendments to the Russian Federation Law “On Education” that are coming into force.

On September 1, Knowledge Day begins in schools with ceremonial assemblies, where teachers, parents and guests congratulate children on the start of the new school year and wish them success in their studies and in life. On this day, hundreds of thousands of former kindergarteners, with huge backpacks on their shoulders and bright bouquets flowers, walking “for the first time to first grade.” For them and for yesterday’s school graduates who have become first-year students in higher educational institutions, September 1 begins a new stage in life, and therefore this day is special and exciting.

History of the holiday September 1

Once upon a time in Rus', September 1 was celebrated as the New Year and even the day of harvest. There was no exact start date for the school year. Even in the USSR, until the mid-30s of the 20th century, according to the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, “all children aged 8-10 years old had to be admitted to school in the fall.” It was only in 1935 that a single date was set for the start of classes in all schools of the USSR from September 1.

It is believed that one of the creators of the holiday is the honored school teacher of the RSFSR Fedor Fedorovich Bryukhovetsky.

And September 1st became the Day of Knowledge only in 1984, receiving the status public holiday. Until this moment, September 1 was a school day, but now on the first day of autumn, rulers, peace lessons, cool watch. Full classes begin only on September 2. It is worth noting that in the old days the first educational institutions were called schools - children there made translations and rewrote manuscripts. And they became “schools” in the 14th century of the 14th century.

By the way, September 1 has long been considered international holiday, although not in all countries of the world children sit at their desks on this day. For example, in Japan, the school year begins in April; in the USA, each educational institution independently sets the start date for classes; in Germany, the new school year begins in mid-October.

Changes to the Law “On Education” from September 1, 2016

On September 1, 2016, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, signed by Vladimir Putin at the beginning of July of this year, comes into force. They concern mainly higher education educational institutions. For example, one of the amendments states that the Russian Ministry of Education and Science does not have the right to change the procedure for admission to universities for specialty and undergraduate programs, as well as adjust the list of entrance tests after September 1. The procedure for receiving social scholarships is also changing - only students (as well as students, graduate students, residents, and trainee assistants) who are actually assigned state social assistance will be able to count on it.

For many kids, this is a long-awaited day; it is a kind of new milestone when... new life. This is probably why this holiday, Knowledge Day, is so exciting, because it is the beginning of a new school year.

On this day, ceremonial assemblies are held everywhere, where special attention is paid to first-graders. In secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as in universities, as a rule, assemblies are not held, but the festive atmosphere still hovers somewhere nearby and can be felt.

History of September 1

The Day of Knowledge, like many other holidays, has its own history, the beginning of which is marked in 1492. It was in 1492 that Ivan 3 issued a decree to celebrate the beginning of the New Year on September 1.

The next significant date in the history of the holiday was 1700. This year, Peter 1 moved the New Year celebration to January 1, after which the date of September 1 was forgotten for 300 years.

But still, as time passed, September 1 again became the beginning, but not of a new calendar year, but of an academic year. This event dates back to 1984, when a decree was issued in Soviet Russia recognizing September 1 as an official holiday - Knowledge Day.

Ceremonial line in honor of Knowledge Day

One of the indispensable attributes of Knowledge Day is the ceremonial line. This is a mandatory event that is usually held within the walls of the school. There are many ways to do it. The traditional line-up involves the formation of students, a speech by the school principal, the obligatory congratulations to first-graders and the end of the event.

Sometimes the organized lineup involves the participation of costumed heroes. This option for holding a day of knowledge is not only spectacular, but also memorable, especially for those children who came to school for the first time.

Poems for September 1

What holiday could be complete without poetry? Knowledge Day is no exception. There are a huge variety of poems about September 1 that can be sent as congratulations to first-graders. And also to all those who start their studies on September 1st.

First graders have bouquets. The day, although sad, is cheerful. You are sad: “Goodbye, summer!” And you rejoice: “Hello, school!” V. Berestov I can’t sit at home, I want to play. I want to study quickly and become a first-grader. I also ran, skipping, afraid to be late. My mother barely managed to give me the briefcase under my arm. I won’t be lazy, I’ll have time to do everything. I want to learn to read, write, count. Now a different life will come for me. Oh, dear mother! What an adult I am! Our very first Ring, ring, bell! Go home, moms! It's time for us to go to class! Poems by Elvira Bolshakova

Congratulations on Knowledge Day

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge - from September 1st, means, first of all, congratulations to teachers. But for first-graders and students, the beginning of a new school year is also an event that will also be enjoyed good words, congratulations and wishes.

Published 08/31/16 16:32

On September 1, 2016, a peace lesson will be held under the title “My future profession.” Teachers can also choose other topics for class hour.

More than 16 million students across Russia are entering the new school year. On September 1, 2016, the bell will ring for them, inviting them to sit down at their desks again. In most schools, Knowledge Day will begin with a class hour or the so-called Peace Lesson. This year the main topic of the first meeting class teachers with his students for the most part intkbbee schools will address issues of youth readiness for work and defense.

Of course, in addition to the RLD topic recommended by the Ministry of Education, teachers will be able to choose other topics. These may be issues of war and peace, healthy image life, behavior in society, moral and legal norms and others. The most important thing is that the first lesson on September 1 helps schoolchildren adapt to the new school year and set themselves up to gain knowledge throughout the school year.

On the eve of Knowledge Day on September 1, Pavel Astakhov addressed the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a proposal to hold educational institutions world lessons on the following topic: “My future profession.” In his opinion, lessons on this topic should be conducted with the participation of famous, authoritative people and honorable workers. They will be able to express their point of view and discuss issues regarding the choice of a future profession.

At the moment, the problem of vocational guidance remains relevant. Children in the future should become active participants in Russian society, as well as professionals who have the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

It is also important that the Peace Lesson on September 1, 2016 is remembered by first-graders, because many consider this day a very important holiday for them - on September 1, the first bell rings for them. These children came to school for the first time and they have a long way to go, meet classmates, teachers, and learn a lot of new things about this life.

Information and creative short-term project

Project passport:

Project type: educational, creative, short-term - 1 week.

Project participants:older children, teachers, parents.

Venue: playground on the territory of the kindergarten.

Objective of the project: expand children's knowledge about the origin of the holiday Day of Knowledge.Creating a joyful holiday atmosphere.

Project objectives:

1. Introduce children to the history of the Day of Knowledge holiday.

2. Develop cognitive interest in school.

3. Develop cognitive and Creative skills: ability to expressively read poetry, dance, play games.

4. Cultivate kindness and attention to each other and others.

Relevance of the problem:

We are accustomed to taking existing holidays for granted; since there is a holiday, it means we need to celebrate it, congratulate it, and give gifts. When preparing children for the holiday, the question arose: “Where did the holiday come from? Why September 1st? " The idea arose to find material on the history of the holiday.

The project consists of 3 stages:

Preparatory stage:

  • Defining the goals and objectives of the project.
  • Collection of information material.
  • Selection of material on the topic “History of the holiday.”
  • Drawing up a script for the event.
  • The goals and objectives of the project activities are determined.

Main stage:

  • Acquaintance with the history of the holiday.
  • Learning poetry.
  • Preparing a dance with fabric for a performance at a festival.
  • Consultation for parents “The history of the holiday of September 1.”
  • Drawing up a script for the holiday. Preparing the costumes
    and fairy-tale characters for the holiday.

The final stage:

  • Celebration of the holiday - Day of Knowledge.
  • Master class for parents with a physical education instructor (making
    sports equipment).

Expected outcome of the project:

1. A selection of poems, games, attractions, and musical accompaniment for the holiday.

2.Holding the holiday.

3. Taking part in the ceremony dedicated to the Day of Knowledge at school No. 32 (preparatory group).

1.Scenario for the Day of Knowledge holiday.
2.Consultations for parents.
3. Poems for the Day of Knowledge.

Appendix No. 1.

Consultation for parents:

On September 1, schoolchildren, students, teachers and everyone who is or has ever been involved in the educational process celebrates Knowledge Day. This holiday officially appeared in state calendar in 1984, but September 1 has been a special day for many years, and not only for schoolchildren. What preceded the appearance of the school holiday and why does the new school year begin on the first day of autumn?

  1. Why does the school year start on September 1?

In Russia there has never been a single start date for the school year - classes in educational institutions began at different times. In the villages, they could start studying only in late autumn, after the end of agricultural work, and city high school students sat down at their desks in mid-August. Only in 1935 did the Council of People's Commissars adopt a resolution on a single start date for studies in all schools. The first day of school was September 1st. At the same time, the length of the school year was established and fixed holidays were introduced.

The date September 1 was not chosen by chance. In many schools, classes have already begun on the first day of autumn. The reason for this was that in Rus' for a long time they celebrated the New Year on this day. After Peter the Great ordered the transfer new year holidays on January 1, the start of school was left on the same date, so as not to interrupt the educational process with a long break and not postpone long periods summer holidays for the winter. The church played not the least role in this matter. Most schools in those days were attached to churches, and the church was in no hurry to change the usual calendar.

  1. September 1 in Soviet schools.

In Soviet schools, September 1 has always been a solemn day. The main attribute of the first school day there was a festive assembly during which first-graders were honored as they crossed the school threshold for the first time. There was no official holiday on the calendar, but people called it the First Bell or simply September 1st. Students always came on the first day of school with bouquets and gave them to their favorite teachers, who went home after classes with armfuls of flowers.

The first day of school was not a day off, but, of course, there could not be full classes on that day. The students and teachers, who had not seen each other all summer, were overwhelmed with emotions that interfered with serious studies. As a rule, the school year began class time, during which the lesson schedule was announced, new teachers were introduced, and other important information was provided.

  1. Knowledge Day - from the usual date to the holiday.

In 1980, the Day of Knowledge was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. So on September 1st legally appeared on the calendar and became an official holiday. However, for several years this day continued to be a training day. It was first celebrated in the new format only in 1984.

In schools, instead of class time, the first lesson began to be a Peace Lesson, the purpose of which was to instill patriotism, pride in the Motherland and citizenship. Gradually, educational institutions abandoned the usual lessons. Knowledge Day ceased to be educational, it was filled with various entertainment events and entertainment.

  1. Day of Knowledge in modern Russia.

IN new Russia There was never even any talk about canceling the beloved (albeit slightly sad) school holiday. In modern schools and gymnasiums, September 1 is not a school day. According to a long-standing tradition, the morning begins with a ceremonial assembly and the First Bell. Students come to school dressed up, with flowers and balloons. As always, the main heroes of the holiday are first graders.

On September 1, students organize group trips to the cinema, theaters, amusement parks, and go on excursions. Often the holiday is organized right in schools and on their own - they organize concerts, shows, competitions. In higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, September 1 begins with ceremonial meetings. Flowers for teachers and entertainment events are also not complete here.

  1. First day of school in other countries.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Knowledge Day remained an official holiday in a number of states that left the USSR. It is still celebrated in Belarus, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Children in these countries continue to begin the school year on the first day of autumn, following the usual traditions of the Soviet holiday.

There is still no uniform start date for the school year in the United States. Each state has its own rules - some have to sit down at their desks in early July, others in the first days of August, and others have to study in September. Australian schoolchildren pick up their textbooks in February, while German children say goodbye to their holidays in mid-October.

Recently, in Russia they are starting to think about a flexible academic year schedule. The reason for this is the vast territory and different climatic conditions.

Appendix No. 2

Conversation with children of the preparatory group.

  1. Holiday September 1 - Day of Knowledge: history and traditions.
  1. Holiday September 1 - Day of Knowledge

In our country, every year on September 1, the Day of Knowledge is celebrated. It got its name due to the fact that it is the first day of autumn, when the new school year begins in all Russian schools, as well as secondary and higher educational institutions.

Knowledge Day is a holiday for all pupils, students, their parents, teachers and professors, as well as all those people who are in some way connected with serving schoolchildren and students.

But traditionally, those who are most happy about it are those who go to school for the first time on this day. We can say that on September 1, a completely new life begins for first-graders and first-year students. This day is very exciting and memorable for them.

  1. Holiday "Day of Knowledge" - traditions

In all settlements of our country on September 1, you can see a large number of smartly dressed first-graders walking to school with a bouquet of flowers. There, ceremonial events dedicated to the beginning of the school year are held for them, as well as peace lessons, which have already become traditional. For first graders, their first school bell rings. School wall newspapers are drawn for them and songs about school are played. Students of other classes also have a reason to rejoice, because they again meet with their favorite teachers and school friends.

Of course, in different schools the Day of Knowledge holiday is celebrated in its own way. And in last years Some schools began to celebrate September 1 on a grand scale: parties are held outdoors or in cafes. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, ceremonial assemblies are usually not held. There is a formal assembly for freshmen, but senior students are already studying.

  1. History of the holiday "Day of Knowledge"

It's worth mentioning a few historical facts concerning this day. Initially, all nations celebrated this day as a harvest festival. In our country, even during the time of Peter the Great, it was customary to celebrate on this day New Year. But then it was decided to move the New Year to January 1, following the example of European countries.

Now September 1 is a public holiday called “Knowledge Day”. This day should not be confused with Teacher's Day; currently they are separate holidays.

It must be recalled thatOfficially, Knowledge Day began to be celebrated in the USSR in 1984.. Before September 1st received the status of a national holiday, it was school day. Although this day began with a ceremonial assembly, then regular lessons were held.

  1. The meaning of the holiday September 1st “Day of Knowledge”

This is a holiday not only for teachers and students, it is also intended to emphasize the importance of education.

The academic year in modern Russian schools begins on September 1 and lasts until the end of May. It is divided into quarters, with vacations between them. At the end of each quarter and at the end of each year, students receive final grades in all subjects studied.

In our country, education in grades 10 and 11 is not compulsory. After completing the 11th grade, the student is issued a Certificate of Complete General Education. After this, he can enter a secondary or higher educational institution. After 9th grade you can only enter a secondary specialized educational institution.

Almost all schools today work 6 days a week, with Sunday being the day off. There are 4-7 lessons every day, each lesson lasting 45 minutes. There are 10-20 minute breaks between lessons. There are also music, art and sports schools in Russia.

  1. History of education in Russia

It should be noted that education in Russia has a long history.

In Rus', the first educational institutions were called schools. The word “school” itself began to be used only in the 14th century. In those days, schools were not just educational institutions, but also real cultural centers in which translations were made and manuscripts were copied.

After the Tatar-Mongol invasion, education in Rus' fell into decline. It was preserved and spread only thanks to the activities of Orthodox monasteries. The vocational education system in Russia was created during the reign of Peter the Great. In Moscow from the middle of the 17th century. Schools began to open, based on European grammar schools.

In 1714, Peter the Great declared education in Russia compulsory for children of all classes. The only exceptions were the children of peasants. During the reign of Peter the Great, the Academy of Sciences was also created. Under her rule, the first Russian university was opened in St. Petersburg. A gymnasium was established under him. A similar university was opened in Moscow in 1755.

For the secondary school system, there was a need to train teachers. In St. Petersburg, for this purpose, the Main Public School was founded in 1783. A few years later, a teachers' seminary separated from it, which became the prototype of a pedagogical institute.

After the 1917 revolution, the government began to nationalize educational institutions of all types. The school was declared not only compulsory, but also free and open to the public. Measures to eliminate illiteracy led to the fact that in cities almost all children were enrolled in education.

In the period from 1943 to 1954 in our country, education in schools was conducted separately, schools were divided into men's and women's. At the same time, compulsory school uniforms were introduced.

In the late 80s–90s. Education reform was carried out in our country, education came closer to what we know it today.

In 2001, an experiment was carried out in schools in some Russian regions to introduce the Unified State Exam. Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has become the only possible form of passing final exams at school and the main form of entrance exams at universities.

On the first day of autumn, Russia traditionally celebrates Knowledge Day. This holiday marks the beginning of a new academic year and is celebrated by all educational institutions in the country.

Knowledge Day is a working day, during which ceremonial events are held in educational institutions. The holiday has long traditions.

history of the holiday

Knowledge Day has a history going back to the distant past. It has been known in Rus' since the 15th century, when classes began on this day. The holiday received official recognition in the countries of the Soviet Union in the 80s of the twentieth century, and since then it has become customary for schools to begin the school year with ceremonial assemblies and other events.

Holiday Traditions

September 1 - official holiday Therefore, on this day all students and teachers are congratulated by the country's top officials and the leadership of educational institutions.

The Day of Knowledge is celebrated most vividly in schools. There are lineups, concerts, and thematic lessons. Particular attention is paid to first-graders, for whom this day marks the beginning of a long journey in education. Dressed up students present flowers to their teachers, although recently the tradition of giving flowers to the teacher has been gaining momentum. general bouquet from the class, and spend the saved money on charity.

Universities usually celebrate more modestly: ceremonial events await first-year students, and senior students study as usual.

The theme of the celebration in 2016

It is recommended to devote the thematic “All-Russian Peace Lessons” held in schools on September 1, 2016 to the theme “Ready for Labor and Defense.” As part of the lesson, teachers are invited to introduce students to the history and essence of the GTO system, discuss with them the importance of physical and moral health, and motivate them to participate in the GTO movement.

Eliminated in 1991, the TRP standards were recently reintroduced officially along with a system of rewards for achievements. Compliance with the GTO standards is designed to improve health, increase physical and civic activity of schoolchildren, which corresponds to the goals of the modern educational system.