Goatee beard (Spanish beard): review and recommendations

The goatee rightfully occupies a leading position among other types of beard. It looks very elegant, compact and stylish. Therefore, it is not surprising that men prefer this particular haircut model. Elegant aristocracy can be seen in all the details of the Spanish woman.

What is

What is a goatee and what does it look like? A goatee is a type of beard that is versatile and can be worn by men. different types faces: from oval to trapezoidal.

The Spanish woman has smooth aristocratic outlines, rounded contours, and is easily combined with additional hair accessories: sideburns or a mustache, but even without them she always looks stylish.

A lightweight version of the goatee is made in the form of a small strip of vegetation in the area below the lower lip. This species is considered to be vegetation that covers the chin and smoothly descends to the neck. The Spanish flu is performed with or without a mustache; they can merge with other vegetation, or they can exist separately from it.

The type of Spanish woman that does not turn into a beard: in this type, the mustache exists independently of the main hairstyle, the cheeks are shaved, this form requires constant correction and care.

A goatee connected to a mustache - this type draws a contour around the lips, creates a massive effect, this type helps to hide imperfections in the chin area of ​​the face.

A special feature of this type of beard is its ability to hide imperfections in the lower part of the face; the Spanish beard puts an advantageous emphasis on the chin, thereby emphasizing the cheekbones and lips. The hairstyle does not require long stubble, thanks to this it looks unobtrusive, naturally fitting into the image of a man.

History of appearance

The history of the goatee has Spanish roots. The soldiers of Spain predominantly wore this particular form of beard; they carefully shaved the hair, leaving the area around the lips untouched. In Europe, this style of hairstyle was favored by famous officials in the 16th century, and the tradition of wearing such a beard led to its identification with a certain status. The historical figure Henry IV was very fond of this type of hairstyle, he even tried to decorate it, since then this beard has not lost popularity among barbers.

Of course, taking into account the times, the hairstyle underwent certain changes, but the basic principles remained unchanged.

Who is it suitable for?

The goatee beard suits almost every face type, the only exception might be a very round face, although you can experiment with variations of the hairstyle if you wish. The Spanish look suits mainly men with a thin build, in this case, it adds romance to the image.

Aristocratic type of vegetation in the best possible way is able to emphasize the advantages of a burning brunette.

A goatee, connected to a mustache, is suitable for men with soft features and those with a square face type.

A Spanish woman with a massive mustache is suitable for lovers of extravagance; this look requires special care; it is important to always style a large mustache, curl it, give it a shape, and make sure that no elements of vital activity remain on it.

A goatee without a mustache is the choice of intellectuals; this look emphasizes masculinity. An undoubted advantage is ease of maintenance.


Like other types of beards, the hairstyle has certain varieties that are popular in modern times. Types of goatees: classic, circular, Vandyke.


The classic version involves the presence of a small wedge of hair on the chin; a mustache can be added if desired.


The Vandyke version presupposes the obligatory presence of thin mustaches that do not merge with other vegetation and exist independently; a small wedge of vegetation is located in the center of the chin.


The circular look is a small, shaved island on the chin that merges with the mustache, this interpretation creates rounded contours.

How to make a goatee

In fact, making a Spanish flu is not difficult; to do this, you just need to purchase the necessary template for shaving your beard. Before doing this, it is important to grow stubble about two centimeters long.

Principles of growing a beard

Time. Before shaving, you need to wait time to grow the desired length, while suppressing the desire to take up the razor.

Elimination of defects during regrowth. If the beard grows in patches, you need qualified treatment and the use of special procedures to stimulate growth.

Care. During growth, you can stimulate hair growth in every possible way and improve its condition. This can be done using special masks based on essential oils.

Goatee pattern

What is a template? This simple thing is a kind of mouthpiece (a part applied to the mouth) that fits tightly to the lower part of the face, completely following its contours. A template can help you create a neat beard.

How to use the template? To do this, first of all you need to adjust it to your face, then apply it directly to your mouth, clamp it with your teeth and shave off all the hair along the contour of the template. The vegetation under the template should subsequently be trimmed to the desired length.

However, the manufacturer must include instructions for use with the template, so cutting a goatee haircut will not be difficult.

How to do it? It’s very simple, you just need to go online and download the required form, then print and glue to cardboard, cut evenly, the template is ready. You can also make a template from plastic or thin wood, it depends on your creativity.

How to cut a goatee correctly

For an absolutely accurate, ideal result, you can visit a barbershop and enjoy the result of the work done, but you can also do this hairstyle at home, while saving your treasured earnings.

Goatee Shaping

  1. Visually determine the line of unnecessary vegetation and shave it off; it is best to use a trimmer without an attachment. Whenever manipulating the instrument, strictly maintain symmetry.
  2. Create a rounded shape by shaving the hair under your chin.
  3. If your goatee shape suggests the presence of a mustache, trim it with a trimmer, you can also trim it.
  4. If the shape of the goatee does not imply a connection between the mustache and beard, carefully separate them and make a wedge-shaped island under the lower lip in the very center.
  5. Give your cheeks a close shave.


To maintain the shape of your beard, it needs to be trimmed and trimmed regularly. You need to maintain your contours at least once a week. Don't forget about your mustache; it also needs to be trimmed regularly.

How to shave? Shaving should not cause skin irritation and it is not advisable to cause cuts. High-quality shaving directly depends on the tool.

Professional barbers use straight razor. The blades of this razor require sharpening or replacement. Using such a tool requires certain skills and abilities. Every man in the course of his life can choose a tool that is convenient for himself, the main thing is to avoid cuts and irritation.

A convenient tool for shaving a Spanish woman, you can use it to shave off excess hair, define contours, and correct your mustache.

It is better to shave while already awake (so as not to injure yourself), using warm water and a facial emollient. This way you can prepare your face for the upcoming procedure. Just before shaving, apply lather to your cheeks, then begin shaving in the direction of hair growth. After the cheek area, move on to the neck. You need to shave the hair from the neck, moving from the chin down. Finally, pay attention to your mustache.


It comes down to daily hygiene of the stubble, combing it, shaping it, and adjusting it as the hair grows. The beard shape looks modern if the stubble does not exceed 3 mm in length.

Famous people with such a beard

Among modern admirers of the aristocratic look, we can note such celebrities as Brad Pitt, John Travolta, Ben Afflick, Dima Bilan and others.

Mustaches and beards of varying shapes and lengths give their owner individuality. A stylish, but at the same time courageous look will be created by a goatee - a beard that came into fashion in the late Middle Ages and remains popular in the 21st century. Such a beard proper care She always looks neat, she gives masculinity to those with overly feminine features.

This beard goes well with both a business suit and deliberately casual clothes. Plus she looks sexy. That is why the goatee has become part of the look of many celebrities, recognized as style icons and famous for their popularity among women.

A distinctive feature of a goatee is the relatively small area covered with hair. Stylists divide this beard into three types:

  • Traditional. All facial hair is removed except for a small wedge-shaped area under the chin. If the beard is long enough, it is often called a goatee. The width may vary, but the free area around remains unchanged. Thus, the contour of the lower lip is not completely hidden by hair.
  • Vandykovskaya. It got its name from the Dutch artist Anthony van Dyck. This type of goatee can be seen in portraits of many noble nobles and rulers of that time. The narrow wedge-shaped beard is complemented by thin mustaches; they are not connected to each other.
  • Circular. This option, unlike the previous two, does not have a pointed shape. The outline of the beard is softer, it is connected to a small mustache. There is a lot of hair under the lower lip and on the lower part of the chin. At the same time, in the central part of the chin the hairline narrows, and islands of smoothly shaved skin remain on both sides. This allows you to maintain a sophisticated look even with a fairly large area covered with hair.

Who suits a goatee?

The goatee successfully hides the imperfections of the lower part of the face and at the same time emphasizes the advantages. Cheekbones and chin become more expressive. A short beard length allows a man to always look well-groomed and neat. At the same time, facial hair adds masculinity to the appearance of its owner. Therefore, almost all men can safely grow a goatee, regardless of face shape and hair color. Depending on their preferences, face shape and overall style, they can choose the option that suits them best.

Only those with a round face will have to give up a goatee - a narrow beard will create disproportion and visually enlarge the chin and cheekbones even more. But thin men will acquire an aristocratic charm. It is not for nothing that many people associate this beard with French and Spanish nobles. A goatee can soften rough facial features and, in combination with a suit, give an intelligent look.

How to grow a beard

Despite the fact that this beard does not differ in length and thickness, its growth has its own characteristics. In addition, some men do not have hair directly under their lip, which will prevent them from growing a goatee.

Shaping any beard starts with not using a razor. After a few days, when the hairs grow back, it will become clear which beard shape to choose. If it turns out that the hair density in the desired areas of the skin is insufficient, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​growing a goatee and either return to a smooth shave or choose another.

If everything is in order, you need to wait a few more days until the hair reaches the desired length, and only then begin to form a beard. To make the stubble look neater at this time, it needs to be smoothed as it grows with a fine-toothed comb.

During this period, itching from ingrown hairs may also bother you. Steaming the chin and a light scrub will help speed up their growth and relieve irritation. In addition, giving up bad habits, proper nutrition and exercise will help speed up hair growth. It has been proven that strength exercises stimulate the production of testosterone, which is responsible, among other things, for facial hair.

Goatee haircut rules

To shape and maintain it, a trimmer with different attachments is best suited. At the first stage, when the future shape is being formed, first of all, you need to decide on the contours. To do this, it is advisable not to shave your cheeks while growing stubble - this will make it easier to select the desired shape.

When shaving, be sure to ensure the symmetry of the contour. If you are not sure that you are able to give the desired shape yourself, you can purchase a special template or contact a hairdresser that provides such services.

Depending on whether the goatee will be combined with a mustache, the hair above the upper lip is shaved. Be sure to shave your neck smoothly, otherwise your beard will lose its definition. To achieve a wedge shape, you will need a narrow trimmer to remove nose hairs. Only he will be able to shave a narrow area in the corners of the mouth, and also, if he decides to grow a mustache, a strip between them and the nose.

Remove excess hair from the cheeks. Use a razor head to even out the length of the hair. Finally, if there are any stray hairs left, they can be trimmed with nail scissors to the desired length. And in the future, in order for the beard to look neat, its length and contour must be trimmed once a week.

Goatee Care

Caring for a beard requires time and effort even more than a daily close shave. In order for the goatee to look stylish and not resemble a tuft of hair, in addition to maintaining its shape, it must be combed and washed regularly. Therefore, it is advisable for a man to always have a fine-toothed comb with him to give his beard the proper appearance.

Washing is necessary not only to keep the hairs clean, but also to cleanse the skin underneath. If not properly cleansed, excess sebum can lead to inflammation and boils. After eating, you should always check for crumbs stuck in your hair. The habit of rinsing your beard with water after eating will help you avoid this trouble.

In order for the goatee to have a clear shape, in addition to regular combing, you can resort to wax or styling gel. Stylists also recommend tinting graying hair. Although many celebrities are not at all shy about signs of age, it is not without reason that gray hair adds impressiveness. And, of course, you cannot neglect maintaining shape, otherwise your goatee will soon become sloppy. This should be done regularly as new hair grows around the beard.

Complete information on the topic “how to make a goatee beard with a trimmer” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

Trimming a beard is one of the most important components of caring for your appearance, and it is not so difficult to do it at home. It is not necessary to contact hairdressers or stylists, or look for barbershops based on reviews, when you can do everything yourself. To create the right image, you just need to know a few subtleties.

Choosing the right form

A beard is not just a symbol of maturity and masculinity, but also fashion trend. With its help, you can advantageously emphasize individuality and create your own unique style. Today there are about thirty different types of beards. Let's look at the most common options.

  • Lincoln

The plant cover has a square shape, so it corrects the shape of the face well and gives the external image of masculinity. Suggests slightly elongated temples and mustache.

  • Canadian

    Represents a short beard and mustache. A universal option that does not suit only overweight, round-faced men.

  • Balbo

    Represents an inverted letter T and a mustache. Very common type, suitable for men with square shape faces.

  • Imperial

    The sideburns are connected to the mustache vertically, and the chin is clean-shaven. Suitable for rectangular and oval face shapes.

  • Hollywood beard

    Indicates vegetation around the lips and along the lower jaw. This type of beard is worn by George Clooney, Hugh Jackman and other American celebrities.

  • Classical

    Sometimes it is also called “Russian”. This type is suitable for those with very thick facial hair; thin hair is not suitable here. A classic beard does not require special care, it just grows naturally. But if desired, it can be given the desired shape at any time.

  • Duck tail

    It has an external resemblance to a Russian beard, but looks more neat and has a pointed end.

  • Short beard

    Reminiscent of light unshaven hair, goes well with short and long haircuts.

  • Royal

    This is a short-cropped beard and mustache. Popular due to its brevity and restraint.

  • Goatee

    Despite the unattractive name, it is in demand among modern youth. It is a strip of hair from the lower lip to the chin.

  • Island

    Hair in the middle under the lower lip, no mustache. A universal option for any face shape.

  • After a successful haircut, you might want to play with your bearded look, like Isaiah Webb (Mr Incredibeard), who became popular on Instagram thanks to his beard.

    The process of creating the above types of beard yourself can be seen in training videos on the Internet, as well as familiarize yourself with diagrams and photos of other haircut options.

    Preparing for a haircut

    Before you start trimming, you need to wash your beard first. It is advisable to use a special shampoo or moisturizing soap so as not to dry out the skin. Then the hair needs to be dried with a towel and combed thoroughly. Remember that it is recommended to comb according to hair growth. This way, they will straighten and it will be easier for them to give the desired shape. For a haircut, it is better to choose a polygonal type mirror so that you can see yourself from all sides. Pay attention to good lighting to avoid cuts, bald spots or missing hairs.

    Beard trimming can be done with a clipper, scissors or trimmer. The choice of tool should be approached responsibly, since the result of the work and your own safety depend on it.

    • The scissors must be sharp, preferably professional hairdressing scissors, not ordinary stationery ones. Otherwise, during the cutting process, the tool will not cut the hair, but will pull it, and it will be impossible to give the beard the desired shape.
    • When using the trimmer, check the battery charge level. It is advisable to have an extra battery in case one fails or runs out.
    • You should choose a machine with ceramic knives that do not require lubrication. It is advisable that the tool be supplied with a sufficient number of attachments to correctly model the shape of the beard. The function of working from the network will be useful in case of battery discharge.

    Remember that you should not skimp on beard trimming tools. Give preference to trusted manufacturers with a good reputation. This is a guarantee that the device will last a long time and will not fail at the most inopportune moment.

    Cutting your beard correctly

    So, after washing, the beard has dried thoroughly, and you can start cutting it with a clipper. To do this, you can not only use the algorithm below, but also view detailed video. Also make sure that the tools are clean before work.

    1. To give the hair the necessary thickness, cutting should begin from the places where there is the most hair - from the neck and cheeks. In this case, a machine with a laser pointer will work well. Decide on an imaginary line on your neck and remove excess hair from below.
    2. Now you can start modeling the mustache and side hair. Remember that the mustache must match the beard. Start cutting from the nose to the corners of the lips, removing stray hairs with sharp scissors.
    3. Next - whiskey. They need to be cut according to the chosen beard type to completely complete the look. With the help of sideburns you can model the desired oval face. For example, short temples are suitable for those with a narrow or triangular face, and long temples are suitable for those with a round face and those with a square shape.
    4. Shave off all unnecessary stubble. It is advisable not to pass the device over the same area several times. It is better to stop, comb your hair and remove individual hairs with scissors. Unnecessary hair on the cheeks can be removed by removing the attachment. Hair should be removed using soft, smooth movements, moving from the ears to the chin.

    The procedure for cutting with a trimmer is no different from working with a machine. It is also necessary to trim the beard symmetrically, with gentle movements as it grows. The attachments will help you control the length of the vegetation, preventing you from cutting off excess. Scissors can be used to cut individually growing hair in remote areas.

    Please pay attention to compliance with safety regulations. Haircuts with electrical appliances should be done in a dry place away from water to avoid short circuits.

    The beard should be washed regularly with shampoo or moisturizing soap. However, you shouldn’t do this every day, otherwise you can damage the natural fatty layer of your hair and dry out your skin. Despite the fact that the facial hair is much stiffer in structure than the hair on the head, it is advisable to use conditioner after washing. It will make your beard softer and more manageable, and also prevent the appearance of static electricity. For thorough combing, choose a comb with wide teeth to avoid tugging on your hair too much.

    It is very easy to look courageous and attractive today. It is not necessary to go to a barbershop or to a stylist for this, because daily timely care of your appearance is enough. Just 10-15 minutes of free time will help you look beautiful and stylish at any time!

    Basic principles of growing and trimming a goatee beard

    The goatee is one of the most stylish and elegant beard styles ever graced. male face. This is how it was in the days of the gallant musketeers, and this is how it is today.

    • Modern men appreciate the goatee because it adds sophistication to the features of almost any (with the exception of particularly round) faces.
    • This aristocratic beard has never gone out of fashion and has always been relevant.

    A goatee is a small island of hair left under the lower lip in the very center of the chin, shaped like a wedge.

    A goatee is sometimes mistakenly called a goatee. In fact this is - different types beards that differ in both shape (the outline of a goatee is more rounded) and the area occupied on the round part of the male chin. The goatee takes up all of its roundness, the goatee is much narrower.

    • The goatee can be equipped with a mustache and wide sideburns, but at the same time it is often worn without additional accessories.
    • There is also a miniature version of it, which is only a small strip of hair under the lower lip. The most common combination of this beard and a stylish short mustache.

    What type of appearance can men wear such a beard?

    Let us emphasize once again: the goatee is not suitable only for chubby men. It looks flawless on all other types of faces.

    It adds a special romanticism to the appearance of thin men, and with its help, burning brunettes acquire a special attraction for the fair sex, who prefer to communicate with true macho men.

    Types of goatees

    The variety of goatees can be reduced to three main types. They are:

    How to grow and style a goatee?

    Growing a beard is a very important step that radically changes a man’s appearance, so it requires a certain preparatory period.

    Preliminary steps

    • By putting the razor away, facial hair is given complete freedom. Since hair on a man's face can grow in unexpected ways (genetic predisposition is to blame), before letting goatee goatee, you need to make sure that it is in the right areas of the face. This will become obvious after a few days.
    • Once you are sure that the hair in the desired area grows without problems, you can calmly wait for it to become a little longer. If there are few of them there or they generally refuse to grow in the chin area, a man should think about what other type of beard would suit him.

    How to quickly grow a beard - video:

    • Having mentally imagined his image with a goatee on his face, the young man must think through several possible combinations of its length and shape. This can be done using information obtained from illustrated magazines and Internet sources. Computer appearance modeling programs provide an excellent opportunity to choose different types of beards to suit your face. They are available both on the Internet and in good hairdressing salons.
    • Having decided on the choice of shape and desired length, you can begin shaping the beard.

    Goatee formation stage

    How to make a stylish goatee?

    1. Any beard begins to form at the edges, and this is where you should start. Using the razor carefully, they begin to remove excess hairs, outlining the desired contour. At the same time, they monitor the strict symmetry of the beard being created.
    2. The operation of outlining the contours of the goatee must be performed with a trimmer (razor) or an impeccably sharp blade.
    3. Since the direction of hair growth on the face is never constant, you will have to use the blade in different directions.
    4. If the beard will be accompanied by a mustache, it is necessary to determine its shape. If desired, you can make a small gap between the mustache and the nose.
    5. To complete the formation of the beard, it is given a wedge-shaped shape, sharpening the corner (if the shape of a traditional wedge is chosen as a sample). If it is assumed that the goatee will be Van Dyke, the corners should be made on both sides of the chin.

    How to make yourself a goatee - master class in video:

    What is a beard shaving template and how to use it?

    For beginners who are not confident in their abilities, you can purchase a special template for shaping and shaving your beard. You can buy it both online and in a specialized store offering products for stylists.

    Such templates are universal, because by slightly adjusting the size and adjusting it to a specific face shape (there are three types of settings), they can be used by men with any type of appearance.

    How to make a neat beard using a template?

    What do you need to shape your own beard?

    A novice barber will need very few tools. He must acquire:

    • A large mirror (possibly with a magnifying effect).
    • An electric or cordless trimmer with a set of special attachments for beard care.
    • Hairdressing or manicure scissors.
    • A comb with fine teeth.
    • Shaving cream. Its use will be especially relevant if the young man is endowed with sensitive skin or too coarse facial hair.
    • Cosmetic wax for hair styling. It is not at all necessary to use this product; it will only give your beard and mustache an additional shine and well-groomed appearance.

    How to care for a goatee?

    A stylish beard of this type requires constant and careful grooming. First of all, this concerns the timely maintenance of its shape.

    Related products:

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    How to correct the shape of a goatee using a trimmer?

    • After washing the beard, dry it thoroughly and comb it with a fine comb.
    • Taking a trimmer, it is equipped with a special attachment for shaving the beard and the hair that has grown outside the contours of the goatee is shaved off.
    • First, move the machine from top to bottom, and then in the opposite direction. The presence of a built-in regulator will prevent a beginner from removing a large length of hair and thereby ruining a neat beard.
    • When correcting a goatee, you should remember that the maximum length of its hairs should not exceed five millimeters.
    • To correct the bottom of the goatee (the base under the lower lip), it is best to use a narrow nose hair trimmer.
    • When correcting the junction line between the neck and chin, experienced bearded men usually install a mirror below the level of the head, as if pulling the chin inside the neck.

    Correcting the shape of a goatee with a trimmer - video:

    Rules for caring for a goatee

    A stylish beard always attracts the closest attention, so you need to carefully monitor its cleanliness.

    • The goatee should be rinsed with clean running water during the morning and evening toilet. Such regular washing, which helps to timely cleanse the pores of sebum accumulations, will prevent the formation of pustules and boils.
    • You can wash your beard with shampoo no more than twice a week, using hair conditioner every other time.
    • After every meal, a stylish bearded man must look in the mirror so as not to become an object of ridicule because of the crumbs stuck among his well-groomed hairs.

    If, nevertheless, a man decides to do this on his own, he should know that it is necessary to select a dye, the tone of which either matches or is a couple of tones lighter than his color. natural hair. Otherwise, he risks looking ridiculous.

    Is there a relationship between beard and character?

    A beard can tell a lot about a man's character.

    • A thick, thick beard with long and silky hairs indicates that its owner is a calm, wise and reasonable person with certain principles.
    • Men who display hair consisting of black, coarse hair, as a rule, have an indomitable and passionate temperament, combined with high sexuality.
    • A nasal philtrum (a depression located above the upper lip), devoid of vegetation in a bearded man, may indicate his softness and low potential. Young people who are just thinking about the style of their future beard need to take this into account.

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    Goatee beard (Spanish beard): review and recommendations

    Have a beard modern world very stylish. Many men began to attach special importance to this type of decoration. The goatee beard gained particular popularity after famous movie stars grew it.

    Today we will talk to you about how to grow a beard and make it into a goatee. We'll look at how to care for your beard and how to choose the right shape. Let's find out what a goatee is.

    What does it represent?

    The goatee looks different on each member of the stronger sex. To notice this, you can look at the photo different men. The Spanish beard is a small island of hair that is located in the center of the chin, under the lower lip in the shape of a wedge.

    Sometimes this beard is called a goat beard, but this is a mistake. These are completely different types of beards, which differ in shape and area of ​​placement on the chin. The goatee is much smaller than the Spanish goatee.

    This goatee can be worn with a mustache or wide sideburns, but if they are absent, it will not lose its appearance. It is important that a man choose the type of beard that suits him.

    History of appearance

    The Spaniards began wearing goatees back in the 16th century. Goatees at that time were worn with small mustaches and short haircuts. There were some men who wore a wooden press over their beard at night so as not to spoil their goatee.

    The Spanish mustache, over time, began to be worn by men from other countries, especially Protestant priests. So, the goatee has reached our times.

    Who is it suitable for?

    The Spanish beard is not suitable for chubby men. On other types of faces, it can be grown out. Many artists or people associated with show business adorn themselves with such a beard.

    A goatee suits brunettes as it makes a man look masculine and handsome. Thin men can also add a romantic touch to their look with this goatee.

    Types of goatee beard: photo

    The Spanish beard is a separate type of beard, but it can be made in different shapes. Experts have identified three main types of goatees. Now we will look at each of them in detail.


    The classic Spanish beard is worn without a mustache. This is a small island of hair that is located throughout the chin.


    It is also called the Van Dyke beard. Anthony Van Dycke lived in the 17th century and this Flemish portrait painter wore just such a beard. In memory of this great man, this type of Spanish beard began to bear his name.

    The Vandyke beard is a wedge-shaped island, which is decorated with thin mustaches. The beard and mustache are not connected.

    Such beards do not have a clear wedge shape. This combination is a combination of thin antennae with a rounded island in the center of the chin.

    On the sides of these types of beard there is a bare body and it must be regularly monitored so that it does not become overgrown, otherwise the goatee will lose its appearance.

    How to grow it?

    Some people think that growing a beard is very easy, but it is not. So that later you can trim your beard and get a goatee, you need to know how to grow beard hair.

    The first thing to start with is to forget about the razor for a while. Your facial hair should grow in its own order. Due to your genetic makeup, you need to make sure that your hair grows on the right parts of your face. You will be able to notice this only after a few days. This period must be endured, since growing a beard at the first stage is very difficult. She looks unkempt and chaotic.

    When you notice that you have hair growing in the desired areas of your face, then give time for your beard to lengthen. If your chin hair does not grow or grows very rarely, then you should choose a different type of beard.

    You must choose the length of your beard yourself. Visualize your look to decide on the length and shape of your goatee. Photographs or pictures in magazines can help you with this. Also if you have computer program by modeling your appearance, you can use it to choose the shape and length of your beard. Such programs can be downloaded from the Internet or go to a salon and use them.

    When you have chosen the type of beard and decided on the length, then you can proceed to the next stage - cutting the goatee.

    How to trim and shape a beard correctly? (what tools to use, step-by-step instructions)

    To cut a goatee, you will need tools such as:

    1. Large mirror
    2. Shaving cream,
    3. Special scissors,
    4. A special comb for this beard,
    5. Electric trimmer with attachments,
    6. Wax for beard styling.

    It is very important to buy quality tools and beard care products, as this will determine the shape of the Spanish beard and its overall appearance.

    Some people don’t know how to cut a goatee, so they turn to specialists for help, but if you want, you can do it yourself. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

    1. To achieve symmetry, you need to start shaving your beard at the edges. Shave with a light hand movement excess hair, carefully approaching the intended contours. Don't forget to keep your beard symmetrical.
    2. You can outline the contours with a sharp razor or trimmer.
    3. Shave your hair as you wish, changing the direction of the machine.
    4. If you decide to decorate your beard with a mustache, then decide in advance on their shape.
    5. When you finish shaving your beard, sharpen the corners to give it a wedge shape. For a Van Dyke beard, the corners should be made on both sides of the chin.

    To better understand how to do this, watch a video online and repeat it on yourself. The main thing is not to rush, otherwise you will have to grow your beard all over again.

    How to use a shaving template?

    If you are getting a beard for the first time and don't know how to make a goatee, then you will need a beard shaving template. You can buy such a template in special stores or on the Internet.

    A universal template will suit all men with different face shapes. It allows you to adjust the beard size to suit your face. The template has three types of settings.

    If you decide to use a template to shave your beard, then you need to know about the instructions for using it.

    • To ensure that the template fits tightly to your face, bite on a special mouthpiece.
    • You need to customize the template taking into account your facial features. Choose what type of goatee you want and secure the template that way.
    • It is important that the template tightly covers the area of ​​hair that you want to preserve. If you have done this, then you don’t have to worry about damaging the shape of your goatee while shaving.
    • Take a razor and remove unwanted hair from your face without touching the edges of the template.

    The template is needed for those who are shaving their beard for the first time; once you learn, you will be able to do it automatically.

    How to adjust the shape with a trimmer?

    At the very end, when you have finished shaving your beard, you need to trim it. For this, you will need a trimmer. To achieve a beautiful Spanish beard, you need to pay special attention to the final stage.

    Wash your beard after trimming and comb it. Take a special trimmer attachment and remove excess beard hairs that extend beyond the intended contour. It is important that the machine moves from top to bottom, and then vice versa. Thanks to the built-in regulator, you won't be able to ruin your goatee.

    When adjusting your Van Dyke goatee, shave the ends of your mustache to prevent it from growing below your lip line.

    Do not forget that the maximum length of this beard should not exceed five mm. When correcting the lower part of the beard, use a narrow attachment, the same one that is used to trim nose hair. When you have come to correcting the junction between the chin and neck, then move the mirror below the level of your head so that you can see what you are shaving.

    A beautiful beard always attracts attention, so a man should make sure that it is in perfect condition. For this it is important:

    1. Wash your beard twice a week with a special shampoo. Once a month you can use the air conditioner.
    2. Wash your beard with clean water morning and evening every day. Thanks to this, ulcers or boils will not form on the skin under the beard.
    3. When you eat, make sure that there is no food left on your beard. Always carry a small mirror with you.
    4. Brush your beard regularly to keep it looking neat. This needs to be done every two hours.
    5. Use cosmetics to improve the condition of your goatee.

    Some men are concerned about their beard appearance due to their age. A gray goatee doesn't look very nice. This problem can be solved by painting. However, this procedure must be performed by a specialist.

    If you want to do it yourself, then take this seriously and choose quality paint in the right color. The dye should be lighter than your normal hair color, or match it. The wrong color will force you to shave your beard.

    Beard is a sign of masculinity

    Today we learned how to shave a beard and how to care for it. A beard really makes a man attractive and masculine, but it needs to be maintained regularly. Correct your goatee in time, otherwise it will look bad.

    Select correct form this beard, as every man suits a different style of goatee haircut. Many men began to feel more confident when they grew a beard.

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  • The Spanish beard consists of shaved cheeks, a corner of the chin and a short small mustache. Most often it is preferred by adventurers and dreamers.

    Men who have a Spanish beard will always be confident in themselves and achieve great results in life. They constantly find themselves in dangerous adventures, where they only emerge victorious. As they say, the whole world is a big stage for them and they are the only actors in it. If you look at it from the other side, only the owners of such a beard and, of course, the women next to them think so.

    Today, a beard and mustache are a way to emphasize your individuality and confidence. If we talk about who would suit a Spanish beard, we can say with confidence that it is typical of adventurous people who, with their fickleness, can scare away ladies. Sideburns combined with a mustache and a light beard can add reliability.

    The type of face is of particular importance, since not all men may have the desired beard. It is most suitable for owners with an oval face, where it will add confidence and a certain masculinity to a man.

    Growing a Spanish beard

    Most men believe that a beard is an indispensable attribute of a successful, respectable man. But not everyone grows evenly and thickly.

    To achieve desired result, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    • rinse your beard with warm water and shampoo to remove all unnecessary dirt; if dandruff occurs, use a product that will eliminate this problem;
    • to accelerate hair growth, use fire oil (burdock can be used), this procedure will make your hair manageable and acquire a brilliant color;
    • use various lotions and masks that also improve and strengthen your hair;
    • eat as many vitamins and dairy products as possible, nutrition has a very big impact on both a person’s well-being and hair;
    • After reaching the required length and shape of the beard, trim it and do not let it grow any longer.

    Based on this, it is clear that growing a Spanish beard is as easy as shelling pears. The main thing is proper supervision and, of course, care.

    A stylish Spanish beard requires constant care

    Not all men manage to trim their beard beautifully, however, a stylish beard always looks attractive. That is why, to create a pleasant image, you need to make some effort.

    This thing is on sale on Chinese websites for evenly trimming your beard.

    Before you start shaving, first of all, you should decide which shape is most suitable, taking into account your face type. Remember that the correctly chosen shape of a Spanish beard can highlight all your qualities and hide your shortcomings. After this, rinse the vegetation, let it dry and apply soap suds. Then, using gentle, slow movements, shave off unnecessary hair from your cheeks, and then smoothly proceed to shaping the contour of your beard. After the procedure, apply a soothing cream or gel to your face.

    As we can see, making a Spanish beard is not difficult. It is important to know and take into account the main stages of the technological process.

    If you want your Spanish beard to look decent, it needs close care. Naturally, you can contact a real stylist with such a question, but why spend money if you can do it yourself. First of all, you need to trim your mustache regularly so that it does not reach below the level upper lip. In addition, using a trimmer or a sharp blade, it is necessary to develop the shape and contour.

    If you adhere to these basic rules, your appearance will become very attractive, and there will be no end to women.

    Remember that caring for a Spanish beard is your image, as well as the key to success in life!

    Post Views: 5,726

    And today a beard is fashionable, courageous and even respectable. Yes and modern women I prefer guys with facial hair. Over time, there are many more varieties of male beards. Today you can go online and see at least 42 types of male facial hair (, anchor, balbo, etc.), and they can also tell you in detail how to form it correctly and how to care for it. But among all these types, there is one that is the most popular among men - the goatee. What kind of beard is this and how to make it look perfect will be discussed below.

    Who would look good with such a beard?

    The goatee has a lot of admirers, even among famous personalities: Brad Pitt, Robert Pattinson, Orlando Bloom, Robert Downey (Jr.), Dima Bilan. This beard is a combination of an interesting mustache and some hair under the lower lip. The goatee has a wedge shape and is not recommended for men with a round oval face. This is because the wide lower part of the hairline, which is located under the lower lip, will only spoil appearance men, giving him less masculine features. It suits almost any face type, except the aforementioned round one.

    Thin, fair-haired guys are considered the most ardent admirers. They may not know it themselves, but for this type of appearance this beard is best suited because it brings a touch of romance to their appearance. Very good, also, with a goatee it will be for men with dark color hair. All thanks to the fact that she will add self-confidence, masculinity and even a little bitchiness to them. Dark guys will become real machos.


    If you are 100% determined to grow hair on your chin and think that a goatee will definitely suit you, then you need to know that there are three types of this beard:

    • the goatee itself is a traditional type that involves placing hair under the chin;
    • Van Dyke style - has a wedge shape and should be combined with small antennae;
    • in the shape of a circle - located along the axis of the lips and is also combined with small antennae.

    The male shaft is what will give you any of these three types of stubble. A beard is a sign of self-confidence, so the question of whether to grow hair on your chin is no longer relevant.

    Main stages of formation

    You need to start with the easiest thing in this matter - put the razor away. This is necessary so that a man can assess the amount of facial hair and finally understand whether a goatee will suit him.

    After this, you should choose a specific type of goatee. It's best to do this before you start cutting or shaving, so you know exactly where your facial hair is and don't shave it yet.

    Creating a goatee is divided into 6 main stages:

    • it is necessary to shave off excess hair behind the cheekbones; to do this, use a trimmer without an attachment;
    • next you need to give the beard a rounded shape, for this you need to shave the stubble under the chin and behind the cheekbones;
    • using a blade with a 1-3 mm nozzle, you need to trim your mustache and goatee;
    • Next, you need to create a clear shape, for this you need to shave the stubble with a detailed trimmer;
    • separate the hair of the mustache and beard;
    • shave off excess hair on your cheeks.

    It is very important to constantly monitor the amount of hair on your chin and, if necessary, trim or shave off excess hair.

    Wash your beard after every meal. Don't forget, beard hair requires the same care as hair on your head, don't forget to wash it with shampoo or liquid soap, and also use special hair care gels.