Complicated science: how to choose perfume. How to choose the right women's perfume

Each woman creates her own unique and original image, and for this you need to be able to choose the right fragrances for women's perfumes. If a woman is in search of a life partner, then it is necessary to select the aroma with more careful attention, since scientists were able to prove that partners choose each other precisely by smell. In the life of every person, smells play a very important role, because they can excite, attract, invigorate, relax or turn away.

Zhanna Gladkova: We always follow the smell

While you are in the store and trying to choose a perfume, do not try to cover the entire range at once. To begin with, you need to carefully study four or six fragrances, but no more, since your nose gets tired very quickly and you will not be able to smell all the notes of the aroma. To choose the right fragrance, it is necessary for it to fully open - the top note will hold for about one minute, then the middle notes open and last for 10 minutes, and the main notes of the perfume appear last. Only after you feel all three levels, you can determine whether you like it or not. It is also worth remembering that it is impossible to correctly evaluate perfumes only by sniffing the bottle, because after contact with the skin, the aroma changes and becomes truly unique. That is why you need to splash the perfume on the skin and walk for several hours, if you like the aroma does not cause fatigue or irritation, you can return to the store and buy the coveted bottle (remember, you need to spray perfume on “pulsating” places).

When choosing a fragrance, you need to take into account many different factors - image, age, style in clothes and in life, and of course, your personal addictions to certain shades. When choosing fragrances, you can start from advertising. For example, if a perfume is advertised by young and energetic girls, then this light fragrance is ideal for young beauties. And if the perfume advertises mysterious beauties with a languid look, then this perfume is more “heavy” and is designed for more mature and accomplished women.

A few secrets of choosing perfumes

If you are going to go to the store for perfume, then this day you should not use any other aromatic products so that they do not distract your attention and are not misleading (varnishes, perfumes, hair sprays and creams).

After you spritz the perfume onto a strip of sample paper, you will get the first impression of the fragrance. But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that you should feel the aroma not from the foam rubber or the lid, but from this piece of paper. Of course, you can also use plain paper, but still, the aroma will be felt best of all from a special piece of paper, which is also called a probe.

Sprinkle a little perfume on your wrist, but only after you apply it, you can’t rub it hand in hand, because after such a procedure the perfume molecules are rubbed, after which they change their aroma. If you really liked the spirit, do not rush to buy them right away. To get started, take a sampler (paper) with perfume with you and sniff it regularly for several hours. In this way, you can determine how the fragrance you have chosen is changing. It may happen that the next morning you get tired of the fragrance and want to buy another perfume.

After applying perfume to your hand, you will feel the top notes, which are most often very bright and inviting, helping to lift your mood. But remember, these notes do not last long, no more than one minute. After the top notes stop “playing”, the fragrance will begin to interact with your skin and the middle notes will appear, which are responsible for the core of the perfume. This fragrance will last for about an hour, and only after that the low notes will begin to appear, which are the most important, they should be paid attention to when choosing a perfume. After all, others will perceive precisely the low notes of perfume.

How to determine which fragrance is right for you?

Today, a variety of perfume shops and fashion houses offer you a fairly diverse range of perfumes and toilet waters. It is because of this that most are lost and do not know how to make the right choice.

“Daytime” aromas are considered more gentle and soft, and evening ones are more transparent and intoxicating. In the event that you work in an office, you need to opt for light and necessary perfumes, and for an evening out, going to a restaurant or walking with your loved one, it is better to choose more sensual fragrances. These fragrances are perfect for going to the theater or any special occasion, so you can emphasize style and amaze others with a luxurious and deep aroma. For a long time, a well-known perfumer worked in the fashionable perfume house Chanel, who said that for night events ideal option there will be a selection of "delicious" fruit flavors, as they are able to evoke a more intense sensation. It is these fragrances that can make a girl more attractive and tell about the individuality and uniqueness of the image.

The choice of fragrance, taking into account the time of year, time of day and place

  • You've probably heard that every season has its own flavor. For a hot and sultry summer, you should not choose spicy and oriental fragrances, as they will make you feel uncomfortable, and others will not be very pleased to communicate with you. Such aromas will be ideal for a frosty winter. Also in the cold season, it is recommended to use a variety of woody and chypre perfume options. Hot summers are great cool and fresh flavors, you can choose from citrus, oceanic and fruity scents. But it is very important to use any perfume with extreme caution in the summer, because due to exposure high temperatures, the aroma becomes more saturated and even if you apply a small amount of perfume, you risk spoiling the impression and slightly “overdoing it”.
  • Deep and viscous aromas are among the evening, ideal for going to the theater, a magnificent banquet, will be the final accent in creating a unique image. But such aromas will be inappropriate for the office. It is worth choosing non-intrusive, transparent and light fragrances for the daytime. It is also worth choosing a fragrance and taking into account your appearance.
  • If you are going shopping with your beloved man, it is worth choosing a vanilla scent, as it helps to awaken generosity. For an evening date, it is best to opt for a seductive scent with subtle notes of pink pepper, cedar, pear liqueur. You should not choose perfumes with laurel, bergamot and lavender, as such a fragrance is symbolized with freedom-loving and self-sufficient persons, of course, if you do not want to alienate your partner.

For a trip to a cafe or restaurant, you should choose a perfume with subtle "edible" notes, such as cherry, almond, apple or cinnamon. Going to a party in night club and planning to walk until the morning, you should choose a bright fragrance with sensual notes of musk and patchouli. For noisy parties and meetings with friends, the most incendiary perfume is perfect. If you are going to the cinema with friends, then it is better to choose an unobtrusive and very light fragrance so as not to distract anyone from watching the movie. Many girls are lost in the choice of perfume for a meeting with the parents of a loved one, especially if this is the first meeting. In this case, you should opt for fragrances with a subtle hint of lavender.

Seller's advice

In any case, you should definitely consult with the seller, tell about your preferences, for what purpose you are buying the fragrance, express your wishes, and choose one perfume from several options offered by the sales assistant.

Coco Chanel claimed that the smell of perfume predicts the approach of a woman, and makes you remember her even after she is gone.

The correct selection of perfumes emphasizes the female individuality, gives the woman a certain charm and mystery.

Let's find out how to choose the right perfume depending on the temperament, the season and the notes that make up the perfume composition.

Main types of fragrances

There are a huge number of smells on our planet. Perfumers use only a few of their types in their work.

  1. Aromas of freshness - reminiscent of morning dew, clean air, freshly cut grass.
  2. Fruity aromas - strawberry, raspberry, peach.
  3. Floral aromas - flowering meadows, the smell of plants blooming in the garden.
  4. Aromas of the East - sweet, tart, exciting.
  5. Spicy aromas - spices and spices.
  6. The aroma of chypre is the smell of forests, mosses and leaves.
  7. Woody aromas - tart smells different types trees.

How to choose the right perfume?

Experts believe that the sweet fragrance suits the sensual brunette, floral scent, blonde and brown-haired with fair and matte skin. Fresh and fruity scent, best suited for women with fair skin and hair. Tart aroma, oriental brown-haired woman and brunette with fair skin.

It is equally important to know how to choose perfumes according to the zodiac sign. The intense, lingering scents characteristic of Aries are not at all suitable for Taurus, who prefer herbaceous and floral aromas. Geminis tend to change fragrances several times a day, picking them up for a momentary mood, and Cancers are well suited for a range of fragrances that resemble a summer breeze.

Leos often prefer elegant fragrances, and Virgos rarely choose one perfume, preferring a constant search for perfect perfumes.

Libras love the classics, while Scorpios are not averse to experimenting with complex palettes with hidden power.

When choosing perfumes, it is necessary to take into account the mood. Therefore, perfumers advise women to have several types of perfumes at home that they can use for different moods.

The same applies to the use of perfumes at different times of the year and weather. In warm weather, it is recommended to use light, floral and fruity fragrances. In cold weather, apply an oriental, spicy and pungent scent.

When choosing perfumes for yourself, it should be borne in mind that their notes will mix with the natural smell of the skin itself, as well as the cosmetics that are applied to it - cream, powder, and other cosmetic substances that give their aroma, may conflict with the aroma of perfume.

The smell of a beloved woman remains in the memory of any man for a long time. A woman should know that the smell of her perfume can keep or repel a man.

It has long been recognized that most men dislike strong-smelling perfumes. They prefer the fragrance to be gentle and soft. Fruit, strawberry and apple smells excite a man.

A huge sexual attraction is exerted on a man, essential oils. For example, ylang-ylang essential oil is considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs. Cause sexual attraction and such essential oils, in which there are notes of musk, jasmine, sandalwood, patchouli, etc.

Perfume with the smell of vanilla, stand in a special place. A woman smelling of vanilla at any age looks young and beautiful in the eyes of a man. Perfumes with sweet smells of chocolate or coconut can attract the attention of men. If it's going to sexual relations- scents containing ginger or eucalyptus will help.

Aroma with notes of jasmine, even an ugly woman makes it attractive to men.

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To choose a fragrance that will 100% reflect the character of its owner is a very painstaking task. Alas, before you find your own, you still have to try dozens of perfumes. But some tips will help reduce the search to a minimum, and we'll talk about them.

website made up a little instruction, which will help you navigate the perfume shop and finally find what you have been looking for for so long. Plus bonus: a few secrets of durability and proper application so that your favorite composition stays with you as long as possible.

How to prepare before choosing a fragrance

How to taste fragrances in the store

  • If you want to try an unfamiliar scent, first apply it to a paper blotter. Inhaling perfume from the cap or spraying it in the air and immersing yourself in a fragrant cloud is pointless.
  • Did you like the perfume? Great, now apply it on your wrist and wait a bit. The composition will open gradually, on the "cold" skin it happens more slowly than on the "hot".

    Why wrist? The pulse beats there, which means that the aroma will open up better, and besides, far enough from the nose, you will not have time to adapt to the composition and will be able to “bite” it better.

  • By the way, coffee beans, which can be found every now and then in perfume shops, will not help in any way to defeat olfactory fatigue. It is much more effective to drink cold water or breathe fresh air.
  • After you have walked around with the scent for a while, you can finally make your choice. The one that does not cause discomfort, dizziness and, most importantly, you like is suitable.

What determines the durability of a perfume?

Last but not least, the durability of a perfume composition is affected by aromatic concentration. The higher it is, the richer the perfume and the longer it will be felt on the skin.

  • Eau fraîche: concentration - 1–3%, resistance - less than 2 hours;
  • Eau de Cologne : concentration - 2-4%, durability - up to 2 hours;
  • Eau de Toilette : concentration - 5–15%, durability - up to 4 hours;
  • Eau de Parfum : concentration - 15-20%, resistance - up to 5-6 hours;
  • perfume : concentration - 20-30%, durability - up to 10 hours.

Persistence also depends on the notes contained in the composition. Fragrances usually include 3 components.

top notes- what we hear first of all when we get acquainted with the aroma. This citrus fruits, fresh notes. Their durability usually does not exceed an hour.

Heart notes- the way the fragrance is revealed. Here you can meet fruity, watery, floral notes.

base notes They determine the longevity and sillage of a fragrance. This woody, powdery, amber notes.

  • To make the fragrance last longer, it is better to moisturize the skin before applying. A lotion from the same line as perfume is ideal, but any other fragrance-free moisturizer will do.
  • If you wear perfume on your wrists, they really shouldn't be rubbed. True, not because the “composition collapses”, but because the temperature of the skin increases and the evaporation of the perfume along with it.
  • And most importantly: The volume of the poured perfume does not affect the durability in any way., but strongly repels others.
  • “Perfume is invisible, but unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. He announces the appearance of a woman and continues to remind her when she left.

    Coco Chanel.

    How to choose the very “own” fragrance? What is the difference between eau de toilette and perfume? Where can't perfume be applied? Why do some fragrances suffocate after application? The rules for choosing an individual perfume fragrance are very, very multifaceted. How not to make a mistake with the aroma? 5 tips for choosing perfumes from CashForBrands.

    5 secrets of perfume selection

    1. There is a misconception that if the fragrance ceases to be felt after application, then this is definitely “your” smell. This is wrong. If you stopped hearing the sound x after application means your body protects you from tiring odors so as not to overload the olfactory system.

    2. If you are thinking about how to choose a perfume, then it is best to do it in the morning, when the brain is not yet overloaded with other smells. In one trip to the store, you can listen to several fragrances, put the three you like on the tester and only one- which you like the most - put on the wrist.

    3. Perfumers advise apply fragrance to certain hot spots on the body. These include the area on the neck near the artery, wrists, elbow creases, knees, and shoulders.

    4. It happens that after applying the fragrance "suffocates". This is a physiological reaction: an allergy or vasospasm. If you really liked the aroma, but there is too much of it, you can use the trick - apply it to the area between the shoulder blades.

    5. A lot of people, after applying the fragrance, begin to rub it. It is not right. Alcohol should evaporate naturally- you need the perfume spray stain to completely disappear. Only then, after about 20 minutes, you can listen to the aroma and distinguish its other notes.

    Fragrance families

    Chypre and green

    Smells of hay, moss, fresh grass, geranium, lavender, honeysuckle, bergamot, green tea. Examples are Chanel No19, Green Tea by Elizabeth Arden, Into The Blue by Givenchy.


    Synthetic fragrances that only open when exposed to heat on the skin. A bright representative is the most famous Chanel No. 5 fragrance. Examples are Climat by Lancome, Very Frank Olivier Women by Frank Olivier.


    The most common family in women's perfumery. Contains scents of rose, lily of the valley, jasmine, lilac, lily, peony, mimosa, carnation, violet, magnolia, chrysanthemum, narcissus, etc. Champs Elysees by Guerlain, Eternity Moment by Calvin Klein.


    Aromas of apple, pear, apricot, pineapple, orange, peach, papaya and other fruits. These are Lemon Fresca by Guerlain, Touch of Pink Women by Lacoste, Paloma Picasso by Paloma Picasso, Amor Amor in a flash EDT by Cacharel.

    Leather fragrances

    Tobacco, moss, juniper, birch tar, fire smoke. Leather fragrance Scandal by Livin, Cuir de Russie by Chanel, Colonia Leather by Acqua di Parma, Par Amour by Clarins. Rarely used in women's fragrances, they are suitable for extraordinary and self-confident people. In the end, only you decide which perfume to choose.


    Smells of sandalwood, rosebush and patchouli, dry cedar, myrtle, musk and blue iris. These include Truth Women by Calvin Klein, Dolce Vita by Dior, Carolina Women by Carolina Herrera, Trussardi Fresh by Trussardi.

    Oriental notes

    Vanilla, cinnamon, clove, jasmine, tuberose, musk, patchouli and sandalwood. If you do not know which perfume to choose for an evening out, this is the best option. These include Opium by Yves Saint Laurent, Burberry Brit Red by Burberry, Chanel Allure Women by Chanel.

    Sea scents

    Freesia, green apple, citrus, synthetic notes. These fragrances are preferred by young girls or business women - Dune by Cristian Dior, L'eau par Kenzo by Kenzo.