A visitor to our Forum-Grad will be interested in the topic of creating congratulatory stars and ribbons. The scope of these gifts is simply endless. They can be scattered as festive table, and stick on Greeting Cards or decorate them with gifts, a Christmas tree or create a garland.

Creating stars.

Paper is taken about one centimeter wide. From a strip about half a centimeter wide, you can also create an asterisk, but it will be miniature, so the creation will become more complicated.

Almost any paper can be used, as long as it is not very dense, since it is difficult to bend it. Paper can be colored and beautiful only on one side, wrong side will not be visible.

To start creating the star, you need to cut strips about one centimeter wide and about 26 centimeters long. We create a loop through which we pass the donut of our strip, and tie a knot from the ribbon. This is a crucial moment, since the strip should not be too tight, but not very loose, so that in the corners the parts of the strip are close to each other. We bend the tail back so that it is not visible from this side.

Next, you need to wind the tape. You need to wrap it tightly enough. Initially, we direct the working end of our strip to where the tail was just bent so that it is also not visible. After that, a regular pentagon will already be drawn - this is the basis of our paper star.

Along the edges of the pentagon, you do not need to flatten the paper, just tightly bend around its side.

Next, we bend the tape inside out and direct it to the right up, go around this side pentagon, then direct the tape down and to the left. Now the tape should already lie down in the direction we need. Now you need to go around each side of the pentagon several times.

Giving an asterisk volume

When the tip paper tape about one to one and a half centimeters remains, it is necessary to hide it under the last turn of the tape.

The volume is convenient to do with a fingernail. The nail must be directed across the middle of each side. At this time, we keep the workpiece over the edge.

We are trying to bend all sides of the asterisk to the center approximately the same from all sides. The asterisk turns out to be about one and a half centimeters in diameter.