Quick tan in the sun. Differences between tanning in the sun and in a solarium. Tanning in the solarium

2851 03/17/2019 6 min.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, in the upper strata of society, tanning was considered a sign of the lower classes, although in 1903 Niels Finsen, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, proved that the sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, which regulates the exchange of not only phosphorus, but also calcium in the blood . A lack of this vitamin can cause osteomalacia. Especially the bones of the pelvis, spine. Seasonal depression also often comes from a lack of vitamin D. So, by sunbathing, we improve our health. In addition, many believe that a tan is beautiful. Especially dark chocolate.

How a tan is formed on the skin

In the lower layers of the skin are cells that synthesize a mixture of various compounds called melanin. It is he who neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body. The reaction mechanism is simple. The longer a person spends under the sun's rays, the more, obeying alarm signal brain about danger, this natural pigment is produced in the skin. As a protector, it protects the body from harmful carcinogenic factors. And chocolate tan is formed precisely because this pigment is produced in large quantities. The more melanin, the more intense the tan.

You may also be interested in face creams with spf 50, which are described.

Skin types that can get a chocolate tan

Why does it happen that some skin color after sunbathing is even, beautiful, golden, light brown or even chocolate, while others after a day on the beach at night, the temperature rises, the skin is red. After a few days, blisters appear on it, and that place is desperately itchy. And no longer to the sea and sunburn. But you really want to live every day of such a long-awaited vacation with benefit for yourself. It's not just about non-compliance simple rules exposure to direct sunlight, but also the type of skin that nature has awarded us:

  • Celtic. This type of skin is predominantly in people with blond or red hair. Freckles can be seen on the skin. It is quite difficult for these people to get a beautiful tan and very often they suffer from sunburn. Melanin in the skin is almost not produced. Therefore, you can sunbathe for 5-10 minutes daily. Must use sun protection for the face with SPF 40-60 and 20-40 for the body.

Sun cream for people with this type of skin is contraindicated. Only sunscreens with level 30 and above.

But all other types of skin, with proper observance of the rules of exposure to the sun and the use of appropriate products that promote tanning, can please their owner with a beautiful chocolate tan:

  • Dark European. The skin has a natural little dark color. Mostly there are no freckles, but acne may appear on the face or body. But the tan always turns out even and beautiful. You can stay under the sun for up to thirty minutes;
  • Mediterranean. Dark brown or black hair, dark skin tone. The tan lies evenly, and the skin turns out to be a beautiful slightly bronze hue. Light up instantly. You can stay in direct sunlight for up to forty minutes.
  • African American, Indonesian. Nature itself has long taken care of people living in a hot climate. She endowed them with the initially desired dark pigmentation. Can be under the sun for a long time without suffering from burns.

To get an even and beautiful tan, you need to determine your skin type.

Where is the best place to sunbathe to get a chocolate color

To obtain beautiful colour sunbathing, you need to decide on a place of rest. After all, you can sunbathe not only near the river, sea or ocean, but also in mountainous areas. There, the tan is more intense and the process is much faster. But it must be remembered that in the mountains the air is rarefied, its pressure is lower. Not every organism is able to tolerate adaptation well. Therefore, the desire to go to the sea, and not to the mountains in the summer, is quite natural.

Protection from ultraviolet rays in the mountains is less than at sea level. It affects the relative and absolute height of the territory. Therefore, girls with a light skin phototype are not recommended to take a tan in such an area.

At the same time, depending on the geographical location of the water area, different salinity of the water, the height of the sun and the transparency of the atmosphere, you can get a different tan. The most popular holiday destinations:

  • Mediterranean (Tunisia, Egypt, Italy, Malta and others). Sunbathe and get beautiful skin golden hue can be used by people of almost all skin types.
  • Black Sea and Aegean (Russia, Georgia, Ukraine and others). Holidays in these regions will delight people with Mediterranean skin phototype with a bronze-colored tan.
  • The Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, closer to the equatorial part of Africa, will give a tan of chocolate shades to people with a Mediterranean, Indonesian and dark European skin phototype. But you need to be prepared for the fact that without using sunscreens with powerful filters, you can quickly “burn out”. A beautiful dark coffee shade can be obtained while relaxing in the Maldives.

Rules for tanning in the sun

You can burn rather than tan on any southern coast, if you do not follow very simple rules:

  • on the first day, do not expose your body to direct sunlight for a long time. Twenty minutes is enough. Let the skin adapt a little during this time;
  • sunbathing is recommended until 10-11 o'clock (depending on the climate zone). Make a break till 16 17 o'clock, and then it is possible to lie down on the sun again.

You can tan in the shade, and not just under direct rays.

  • for an even tan, you should turn after the sun;
  • balance the water regime. At this time, fluid intake should be more than about a liter per day;
  • before going to bed after a shower, apply a nourishing cream to the skin;
  • To protect your skin from the harmful effects of direct sunlight, as well as to form a beautiful and even tan, special cosmetics are used.

Girls with fair skin, if they feel that they are a little burnt, it is necessary to apply cosmetics with panthenol (Pantoderm, Bepanten, etc.). The drugs will not only help relieve the pain a little, but also fix the already acquired tan.

And, of course, active games and frequent, well, at least not swims, but simply staying in sea water contribute to a uniform tan.

Tanning Products

Each person has a different level of melanin. It is this pigment that protects our skin from sunburn and gives it a slightly dark shade. Therefore, before relaxing at sea, it is desirable to increase its amount in the body. Some products “push” the production of melanin:

  1. Carrot. A glass of freshly squeezed juice every day before going to the beach will saturate the body with vitamin A and give the skin a golden hue.
  2. Apricots. Extremely healthy orange fruit. And the heart will be strengthened and the skin will be helped to gain velvety and elasticity.

Many girls dream of a natural tan, because it hides many skin imperfections and makes them almost invisible. A woman feels more confident and attractive, as the figure seems slimmer if the skin is tanned. In the summer, getting a gorgeous tan is much easier and more affordable, because during the holidays there is an opportunity to relax outside the city and many people have a vacation at this time.

Not everyone, unfortunately, has the amount of time that would allow them to achieve the desired tan without harming the skin. However, it is possible to speed up this process, and you do not need to buy expensive creams at all, but you should perform simple measures and use the available ingredients. Next, we will look at what and how to use in order to have an even tan without using an activator cream at all.

What and how to do to tan better and faster?

The skin acquires a golden tan, as you probably already know, due to the production of such a pigment as melanin, which is activated by exposure to the sun. It will take some time to produce it, so it is impossible to get a tan in one day, and if melanin is not produced in sufficient quantities, then the risk of getting burned increases. Pigment production can be accelerated by adding foods containing vitamins, enzymes, and certain amino acids to your diet. These foodstuffs are:

  • apricots;
  • carrot;
  • watermelon;
  • bananas;
  • green tea;
  • nuts;
  • peaches;
  • tomatoes;
  • seafood;
  • liver, etc.

In order for the skin to tan faster, you need to enter all these products into your menu in advance, as well as consume them in sufficient quantities. You should also refuse products that reduce the level of melanin. These include:

  • alcohol;
  • pickles;
  • citrus;
  • smoked meats;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee.

How should the skin be prepared?

To get a gorgeous tan, you need to prepare the skin well, and this should be done in advance. It is necessary to clean it well and get rid of dead cells, because this prevents the penetration of sunlight. Skin preparation begins a few days before you are going to sunbathe, approximately 2-3 days. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of impurities and peel using affordable and inexpensive ingredients such as: coffee, salt, apricot seeds, sugar, and the like. Be sure to moisturize the skin with a cream after peeling.

In the first days of being on the beach, you should strictly monitor the time spent in the sun so that all efforts to get an even tan are not in vain. It is enough to stay in the sun for about 15 minutes a day and add a little time every day. The tan lays down much better when you are on the move, so for those who want to get a gorgeous tan, beach volleyball is the best option. But keep in mind that here you also need to follow certain rules, for example:

  • do not use cosmetics on the beach;
  • from 11 to 16 do not be in the sun;
  • constantly drink water in sufficient quantities (purified water without gas is best).

After sunbathing, you should take a cool shower and moisturize your skin with a cream.

And finally, let's share folk recipes, which will help to get a good and natural tan:

Ground coffee (chilled) - twice a day, wipe the skin with cotton wool.

Iodine and olive oil(add 5 drops of iodine per 100 ml of olive oil) - before going into the sun, lubricate the body with this mixture.

Carrot juice + olive oil - apply these ingredients on the body before going to bed to enhance the intensity of the tan.

Summer, sun, river or sea - who does not dream about it? Everyone is waiting for this magical time. It is during the holidays that we restore strength, rest not only with the body, but also with the soul. In this material, we invite you to talk about how quickly, beautifully, and most importantly, safely sunbathe in the sun.

It is worth saying that going to any reservoirs, the goal of many people is not only to swim in plenty, but also to get a tan. A tanned, chocolate body has become so fashionable that some people are even ready to give a lot of money in order to have a beautiful skin color in winter.

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that you need to be able to sunbathe. Of course, for many, this may look ridiculous, because we are used to the fact that if we want to sunbathe, we just lie down under the rays of the sun and wait for the result we need. Be aware that this variant of tanning can not only fail to live up to your expectations, but also bring great harm to your health.

If you value your health and treat it with care, then the following tips just for you:

  • First, you must be aware that not everyone can sunbathe and it is highly undesirable to ignore these recommendations. People who have an increased sensitivity to the sun's rays should be very careful about spending time in the sun.
  • People who need to be careful also have fair skin. moles, dark spots is another reason for concern. In the presence of at least one of the above factors, the tanning process should be as gentle as possible, since people with such features are prone to sunburn.
  • As soon as you arrive at the sea or at the river, you should not immediately "throw into the pool with your head." To start, tan 10-15 minutes and preferably out of direct sunlight. Do not forget that the shoulders, chest, legs are the areas where the skin is most sensitive.
  • Use sunscreen. For some reason, many people think that it is enough to apply the cream just once per visit to the beach, but this is a huge mistake. Such products should be applied every hour and take into account the peculiarity of the skin.

IMPORTANT: If possible, avoid going to the beach at lunchtime. It is from 12 to 15 hours that the sun can harm your health. It is best to sunbathe before 12 and after 16 hours.

  • Many people believe that while in the water, the skin is protected from the action of ultraviolet rays. If you think the same, you are wrong. As practice shows in the water, the tan "sticks" even faster, which, in fact, is the danger.
  • While a person is in the water, this process is almost not noticeable, but as soon as you go out on land, a burning sensation immediately begins to be felt. In order to avoid similar situations, do not forget to use the cream before bathing.

A tan will be much more beautiful if:

  1. The position of the body will change every 5-10 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to occasionally dip into the water.
  2. Special tools will be used. Various tanning creams will enhance the effect and give your skin a golden hue. Remember that such products should be selected individually, based on the type of your skin.
  3. After sunbathing, you will take a contrast shower and apply a nourishing lotion to dry skin.

Be very vigilant: sometimes, spending time on the beach, hours fly by unnoticed. It's no secret that during the process itself it is not always possible to feel how badly the skin is tanned. The most interesting thing begins later: the skin begins to turn red, blisters and burns appear. That is why we recommend doing everything consistently and not chasing the result at any cost.

How long can you sunbathe in the sun, and at what time?

Earlier we talked a little about these important issues, now let's look at them in more detail. Before hearing the answers to these questions, you must clearly understand one simple but very important thing: your health is much more important than even the most beautiful tan.

  • Of course, we all want to get a great result and spend a minimum of time. But remember, that doesn't happen. It is for this reason that before sunbathing, you need to learn the rules and recommendations with which it will be much easier to do this, and most importantly, safely.
  • Sunbathing is recommended gradually. As soon as you arrive at the sea or another body of water, you should start the process very carefully.
  • To begin with, sunbathe for half an hour, while changing the position of the body a maximum of every 10 minutes. Sunbathing is not under the open sun. A good option would be a place in the shade, as well as a beach umbrella.
  • With every next day, increase the time spent in the sun, do not forget to swim periodically, so the tan will take better.
  • As soon as the period of adaptation of your body to sunbathing passes, you can safely enjoy the process of "tanning".
  • Regarding the time at which it is better to sunbathe, it must be unequivocally said that it is either morning or evening.

  • The most dangerous sun is from 12 to 15 hours. This period of time is recommended to be spent in the room or at least away from open sunlight. At this time, the sun can bring you not only burns, but also sunstroke, and this, as you know, is insanely dangerous for health.
  • The most gentle sun is from 8 to 12 am. It is this time that is perfect for a uniform golden or chocolate tan.
  • From 15:00 to 18:00 the sun's rays are also very soft and are unlikely to bring you any problems.
  • It goes without saying that, even when sunbathing at 16 pm, you must observe elementary rules the security we talked about earlier.

Sunburn at home: folk remedies

If you are not going to rest by the water, and you basically do not have free time for sunbathing, then the following tips are just for you. As a rule, all folk remedies come down to eating certain foods.

  • Such miraculous and unique substance as lycopene, contributes to the acquisition of the skin of a slightly golden hue. And what do you think, in which vegetable is this substance? It probably wouldn't even cross your mind... in a tomato. Therefore, for a beautiful golden tan, it is recommended to eat these delicious vegetables.

  • For an even tan, you should eat eggplant. These vegetables prevent skin aging, thereby ensuring its smoothness. Due to this particular property of the skin, the tan lies evenly.

  • A rich, bright tan can be obtained if you drink any daily citrus juices.
  • Dreaming of a beautiful bronze tan, then they will come to your aid nut oils. One has only to pay attention to the fact that after applying such oil to the skin, you can sunbathe for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Apricots, carrots and their juices can also contribute to a beautiful bronze tan. Before going to the beach or before sunbathing at home, you need to drink a glass of juice or eat a small amount of apricots and grated carrots.

What to put on to tan in the sun to a chocolate color?

Such questions bother vacationers quite often, but finding answers to such questions is a task that requires time and patience. Of course, there are a lot of tips regarding chocolate tanning, but whether they are effective, that is the question.

We have chosen only the most effective methods and now we will tell them to you. So, let's begin.

  • If you want to get an attractive chocolate tan, but your skin every now and then does not want to tan evenly and beautifully, use a special tanning cosmetics. Now these funds-activators are quite popular, it will not be difficult to find them. However, we advise you to buy this type of product only in specialized stores and pharmacies. At the same time, take into account the type of your skin and its features, because what suits someone may harm you.
  • Give preference natural activators, they are made on the basis of natural basic and essential oils.
  • aromatherapy, oddly enough, it also improves tanning. In this case, the process should be carried out with essential oils.

  • Our next recommendation may surprise you, but still. If you dream of a beautiful chocolate tan, put on some beer. Yes, this particular drink can help you realize your dream. The natural ingredients found in beer help the tan "stick" much faster and distribute it evenly over the body.
  • Our advice: use dark beer. The drink should be applied to the skin, as if rubbing it lightly, but not by dousing. People with fair skin are advised to add olive oil or vegetable oil to beer. The ratio of ingredients is 1:1.
  • Another great tanning product is Coconut oil. Due to the action of lauric and hyaluronic acid, tan lays down evenly and beautifully.

Also Coconut oil has a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Well eliminates dry skin, that is, nourishes the skin
  • Helps cells regenerate
  • Smoothes wrinkles
  • Reduces chances of sunburn
  • Thanks to the use of this oil, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.
  • Strengthens the immune system of the skin

Cocoa butter is also considered a good tanning agent. It is important to remember not to over-smear with this oil, as this can lead to sunburn. Cacao butter- Excellent product for problematic skin care:

  • Makes skin softer and relieves dryness
  • Helps the face to acquire a healthy beautiful color
  • Reduces skin reaction to temperature changes
  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Brings skin tone back to normal

In anticipation of summer and the beach season, as well as any holiday in the sun, it is very important to take care of your skin so that you do not suffer from undesirable consequences later.

The tips written above are definitely important: they will not only help you get a beautiful golden or chocolate tan, but also maintain your health, and this, you see, is important.

Remember that nothing is more important than your health and the health of your loved ones, and even the most beautiful and attractive tan is not worth the risk. That is why we recommend that you take our recommendations with all responsibility - stick to them and enjoy your vacation.

Video: "Rules for a beautiful and safe tan"

To start, apply sunscreen. Then lie down in the sun. After approximately 45 minutes, apply more sunscreen. People look beautiful when they are tanned - tanning gives the skin a warm glow, masks imperfections and helps colored things look more expressive. A beautiful tan can be a tricky business - it's worth worrying about UV rays, avoiding unsightly orange patches, and being mindful of light streaks. With your knowledge and foresight, you can overcome any obstacle and get the tan you've been dreaming of. And we'll show you how to do it. Follow these simple steps and get a glowing tan in no time!


enjoy the sun

    Choose your UV source. For an ultraviolet tan, nothing beats the good old sun. If the season or the weather doesn't allow you to sunbathe, then a tanning bed is an effective year-round alternative for maintaining a slightly bronzed complexion.

    • Know when to stop - skin that looks beautiful will no longer look like human skin if you stay in the "oven" for too long.
  1. Moisturize your skin. Well-moisturized skin will tan better than dry, dusty skin. Before you properly prepare your skin for tanning, do the following:

    • In the shower, exfoliate dry, dead skin cells by gently cleansing the skin with a washcloth, washcloth, scrub or peeling agent.
    • Moisturize your skin with a lotion containing pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (sodium PCA). It is a natural component of human skin that helps keep the epidermis healthy and works by attracting moisture from the air.
    • Apply an appropriate level of sunscreen to your skin. If you have bright skin, use a lotion with a higher SPF than those with darker skin. Regardless of your skin type and how tanned you are, always use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
    • If you are going to swim, make sure you have a waterproof sunscreen or reapply it to your skin after being in the water. If you're not swimming, reapply sunscreen according to package directions—usually every couple of hours.
  2. Be sure to use sunscreen when you tan! If you're going to just lay on the beach and sunbathe for about an hour, apply a cream with an SPF of 4 to 15, depending on how fair your skin type is and how tanned you already are.

    • If you don't use sunscreen when you tan, UV rays can harm your skin even if you're not sunburned!
    • Use lip balm the same way you use sunscreen. Ideally, you should apply sunscreen in the shade and let it soak in for 20-25 minutes before going out into the sun. If needed, reapply the cream after bathing if it is not waterproof, or reapply every couple of hours as directed on the package.
    • If you notice that your skin is reddening, hide in the shade - you are already sunburned, and if you continue to bake in the sun, this will only aggravate the burn and increase the likelihood of serious damage to the skin.
  3. Get naked for a good tan. If you don't want a patterned tan, wear the swimsuit you wear when you go swimming! If you wear the same swimsuit, then you will have a smooth, even tan all over the skin to the swimsuit.

    • Take off your bathing suit if you can. The only thing better than a minimum of light streaks is no light streaks!
  4. Find your place in the sun. You can sunbathe in your own backyard, on the beach, or wherever the sun shines. All you need is suntan lotion, water, and a lounger or towel.

    • Place your sunbed or towel in a place where the sun will fully hit your skin.
  5. Move when you sunbathe. Think grilled chicken. To get the same beautiful, even bronze color, you have to spin. Front, back, sides and places where the sun's rays do not always reach, such as underarms. Or lie on your back one day and on your stomach the next.

    • If you don't want to lie down all day but still want to have a beautiful tan, a long run or just a walk can be an alternative. So you will not only tan, but will keep your body in good shape all the time. Om-Nom-nom!
  6. Protect your eyes. They can burn out too. When sunbathing, it is better to wear a hat or simply close your eyes than to wear sunglasses. Bright light, falling on the optic nerve, stimulates the hypothalamus, which in turn produces melanin, which helps to achieve a deeper tan.

    Get hydrated! Make sure you are drinking enough water. From time to time you can jump into the pool to cool off. Don't worry, it won't harm your tan even in the slightest. Don't forget to reapply sunscreen afterwards.

    After you tan, moisturize your skin. Use an aloe-based lotion to soothe and hydrate your skin. This will help keep it healthy and prevent it from peeling and drying out in the sun.

    Apply tan to skin

    1. Get rid of the sun. If your skin is too fair or you burn easily, or if you want to minimize the damage to your health, then sunbathing may be the worst choice. You won't know you've been burned until you've burned yourself, and the damage has already been done.

      Do it yourself. There are many products from different brands that will give you a smooth, even tan.

      • Apply the lotion or spray evenly as instructed, being careful to cover all of the skin. Best Option there will be a lotion that does not cause the formation of comedones, that is, one that will not clog pores.
      • If you don't have super long or super flexible arms, you'll need to ask a friend to help apply the lotion to your back.
    2. Forget about your prejudices. Visit a tanning studio and get an even tan. In just a few minutes, they will professionally apply a self-tanner to your entire body.

      Read what is written on the package. Read the reviews for both this product and the service before you give away money - stay away from self-tanners that will turn you orange.

    • If you get sunburned, be sure to use an aloe vera lotion. It will heal burns and moisturize your skin!
    • When tanning, be sure to roll over on different sides so that there are no light spots on the skin when you put on your favorite dress, going to prom or on a date.
    • Aloe vera helps soothe sunburns and get rid of them quickly.
    • When sunbathing, make sure that the glasses do not leave circles around the eyes.
    • Sunbathing naked? Be careful when exposing new areas to direct sunlight. You don't want to get burned "there".
    • Aloe vera can be used as an after-sun lotion and/or as a soothing and soothing treatment for burns.
    • Apply more lotion to those areas where there is redness. This will help them burn.
    • Spend a little time in the sun at first, say 10 minutes a day for sensitive skin. If there are no problems, you can increase the time spent in the sun. In case of red spots or itching, take a break and do not sunbathe for a few days.
    • Apply more lotion to the shoulders, face, ears and feet, and areas that have not yet been exposed to the sun.
    • Bright skin? Do not use baby oil- you'll get burned.
    • Rubbing vinegar on your burns will take the heat off and make you feel better, but it will give you a funny smell. So don't use it before going to a meeting, a date, a long drive in a hot car, or just before interacting with people.
    • If you are going to sunbathe for the first time, do not stay in the sun for too long.
    • It takes time, so don't expect to see results on the first day.
    • If you go for fake tan, which is safer and looks real, find one that definitely won't turn you orange.
    • Wear clothes that show off your tan. If you're not tanned, wear dark greens, blues, and purples. If you have a moderate tan, wear black or white to highlight your tan. If you have achieved the skin tone you want and you are well tanned, wear any color.
    • If you received sunburn try using olive oil and iodine, or 100% cocoa butter, and stay out of the sun for a few days. This will help in the end to get a good tan.
    • Don't go to the solarium! It damages the skin and can cause skin cancer!


    • Remember to drink plenty of water during and after sunbathing. If your skin is on fire, use after-sun lotion to cool it down, as showering can tingle if you get burned.
    • Watch for moles, changes in color or shape.
    • Sunburns can take any form from mild to moderate. If you get severe burns, see a doctor.
    • Prolonged sun exposure and exposure to ultraviolet radiation can lead to skin cancer, the worst form of which is called melanoma. It is safer to use self-tanner. If you want to get a tan and are not afraid to turn a little orange, you can save your life.
    • As people become more aware of the health risks associated with sunburn, they may begin to realize that fair skin is just as attractive as dark skin. Be yourself and people will accept you for who you are, no matter what color you are.
    • Tanning beds, like other forms of UV exposure, can be dangerous, especially if you use them for long periods of time.
    • daily sunbathing Not good for your health!
    • If you stay in the sun for too long, you can get heatstroke.
    • Don't take tanning pills. There are many cases of crystallization of precipitation of certain substances of these tablets in the eyes. This precipitation can lead to blindness.
    • People with naturally pale skin cannot tan well! Instead, try a moisturizing self-tanner. It will look natural and not be too orange or bronze.

With the onset of hot sunny days, many women think about how to quickly tan. This is not surprising, because an even bronze tan makes the skin incredibly beautiful. Many believe that the more time they spend on the beach, the faster they will tan. But that's not the case at all. You can get a tan in a short period of time only by following some rules and using special tools.

How to quickly get a tan in the summer?

In order to get a tan in the summer as quickly as possible, it is necessary to take baths only near water bodies: seas, rivers, lakes. This is due to the fact that the water surface has the ability to reflect UV rays, which greatly enhances their effect. But is that really all you can do to tan faster? No! Those who want to achieve a bronze skin tone should also:

  1. Get active – swim a lot, fly kites, play volleyball or do other beach sports.
  2. Take between 8 am and 11 am and between 3 pm and 6 pm.
  3. Constantly change the position of the body, lying on the sand, turning to the rays of the sun in different directions.
Tanning cosmetics

To quickly and beautifully tan, you should use products such as tanning prolongators. They should be applied before sunbathing. They enhance the color and retain the resulting shade for a long time. by the most effective means helping to tan as quickly as possible at sea are:

  1. Lotion Dark Tanning by Australian Gold- it has an SPF factor, so it activates the synthesis of melanin, which will allow you to tan quickly, and protects the skin from UV rays.
  2. Cream Cosmetics Tanning Accelerator by Eveline– it contains shea butter, ß-carotene and extract walnut, it enhances the bronzed tan and prevents the appearance of redness.
  3. Spray "Sunburn" by Nivea- This tool enhances the production of melatonin, and also perfectly softens the skin.
  4. Spray Caribbean Gold by Sex Kitten- it contains alfalfa extract, which literally attracts UV rays, a set of natural melanin synthesis activators and hemp oil, which has anti-aging and moisturizing properties.

The use of tanning prolongators after sunbathing is another quick and safe way get a tan. It is best to apply lotion on the skin "After Sun" by Garnier or after sun balm Clarins. These cosmetics soften the skin, enhance the manifestation of sunburn and smooth the relief.

Folk remedies for sunburn

To get a tan in the sun as quickly as possible, you can also use folk remedies. Excellent helpers in obtaining a beautiful bronze hue are carrots and carrot juice. These foods contain a huge amount of beta-carotene. This substance increases the production of melanin. Before going out into the open sun, just drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or eat a salad of carrots, grated on a fine grater, with any vegetable oil.

For those who want to quickly tan, you can use this folk remedy like coffee oil.

Oil Recipe



Mix coffee and oil. Pour the mixture into a glass container, close it tightly and place in a dark place. Shake the container periodically. After 10 days, strain the oil.

The resulting product should be rubbed on the body and face with massaging movements 30 minutes before visiting the beach. If you have sensitive skin, you can add a couple of teaspoons of cream to it. Use the rest of the coffee grounds as a scrub.