How to increase the energy of the body with folk remedies. How to develop healthy energy. Methodology of Vadim Zeland. How to strengthen the energy field. Personal care

The energy of the body is a force that fills a person from the inside. Each person should be able to save, accumulate and properly distribute their energy. Because when it is not enough, a person becomes lethargic, his efficiency decreases, and he begins to get tired quickly. Someone might think that this mainly concerns the elderly, but the younger generation also has a decrease in the energy of the body.

Energy of the body - what is it?

The energy of the body is its potential and a certain amount of energy inside each person, which is required for life. Energy fills every person and its level is different for everyone. Our health, vitality and, of course, our mood depend on its quantity. With a sufficient amount of energy in the body, we get sick less often, we feel enough strength to perform actions and enjoy life.

We are always in high spirits and we do not notice the negativity around us. Also, the energy of our body is responsible for intellectual growth, physical processes occurring inside us and immunity. There is an opinion that our body receives energy from food or physical activity, after which we feel a surge of strength. We need loads to keep the body in good shape, and food is just a building material for cells. These processes produce only rough energy for the vital activity of the physical body.

The energy of the body is completely different, it is more spiritual and enters the body through completely different channels. It is very good if a person's physical energy is on the same level with the energy of the body, then everything is in order for a person and all processes proceed normally. The energy of the body must always be maintained, developed and increased, then your physical condition will be in order.

How to increase the energy of the body

The easiest way to increase and increase the energy of the body is to get in touch with the beautiful. It is at these moments when we look at beautiful objects, masterpieces of art, walk in a beautiful park or are in an extraordinary beautiful place, our energy increases, we are overwhelmed with positive emotions and vitality appears. The energy that is contained in the surrounding space and which we are able to perceive through breathing has 4 states of vibrations, corresponds to 4 colors and 4 chakras.

Red color is the energy necessary for the vital activity of the physical organism, vital energy.

Yellow energy is necessary for thinking, mental processes.

Blue energy is necessary for the development of higher chakras, it develops super consciousness.

White energy is necessary for higher mental activity: clairvoyance, perception of thoughts.

It is necessary to saturate the following parts of the body with red energy - the lower abdomen, genitals and the back of the head.

Yellow energy should be saturated with the upper chest, throat chakra and forehead.

Blue energy - solar plexus, heart chakra and crown of the head.

White energy should be filled with arms, legs, feet, hands and face.

Sit on a chair. Keep your spine straight. Relax. The legs are a little apart, they should not be connected. First of all, exhale all the air that is in the chest. Then within 7 sec. inhale slowly, closing your eyes, imagining that you are inhaling red energy in the form of a red mist, 1 sec. hold your breath, then on a count of 7 exhale into the lower abdomen, genitals, filling them with red energy and into the back of the head. You can imagine 2 streams, one flowing down and the other up.

Then also inhale yellow energy, directing it as you exhale to the upper chest and forehead.

Then inhale blue energy, directing it as you exhale into the solar plexus, heart chakra and lotus.

After that, you inhale white energy, filling your arms, legs, face with it.

All these exercises will take 3 minutes. 12 sec.

Exercises increase energy reserves, develop clairvoyance, the ability to feel more subtle vibrations.

How energy affects the body

The energy of the body has two states - weak and strong. Each of them affects and manifests itself in completely different ways.

With a weak energy of the body, a person manifests: depression, apathy, fatigue; poor health, chronic diseases, frequent viral diseases; insecurity, lack of interest in life, phobias and other symptoms.

With strong energy, a person is all right, he is cheerful, cheerful, always optimistic and healthy. People with strong energy see forests, fields, lakes and rivers in their dreams, and also hear music in their dreams and sing themselves. Watch your energy of the body, restore, increase, rest regularly and do not overwork, and then you will be all right, your illnesses will leave you.

First stage. Preparatory and general exercises for working with your own energy.

Development and strengthening of your aura- this is a question that needs to be given great attention if you are on the path of knowledge, growth, striving for spiritual development. Why is it so? Because the aura is a great gift, the importance of which for your whole life cannot be overestimated.

Aura- the best protection against any external harm, created by the very nature of man. This is a shield that can cover you and repel any attempt at unwanted interference in your inner world. It is a radiant halo of physical health and mental well-being that keeps you forever, whether you are asleep or awake.

Developed, harmonious aura creates for a person his own protective dome, beyond which evil thoughts and an unfriendly general atmosphere in certain places cannot penetrate, and this, unfortunately, is one of the signs of our time. This protection is natural and therefore, under normal conditions, may not be noticeable.

However, remember well: let's say it was a bad day, you are upset, depressed, depressed ... and what? As if by magic, suddenly street vendors, beggars, beggars of all stripes begin to pester; the seller in the store is rude, and the taxi driver does not give the required change. What's the matter? In yourself. You just didn’t notice before how invisibly the calm aura of a healthy and prosperous person, full of awareness of one’s own power, keeps you from these and other, much more significant troubles. By succumbing to despondency, you have not only spent too much psychic energy- you have turned a certain part of it into negative energy. As a result, your aura is weakened and no longer able to protect you as before.

Of course, in reality, everything is incomparably more complicated, and the above example can only serve as a very schematic illustration, but it is based on absolutely indisputable facts. In particular, the fact that any aggressiveness shown in relation to a person from the outside slides along the protective dome of his aura without causing harm, but only if this aura strong, healthy, developed and provided with the necessary supply of positive psychic energy. Such an aura is indeed capable of relieving many types of anxiety.

And if we have so far been talking mainly about psychology, we should not forget that the aura is also a factor in physical health, which has long been a generally recognized (including "official" science) fact.

There is a well-known metaphor of St. Paul - “putting on the armor of the Lord” ... So let the thought not seem blasphemous to you that healthy aura really akin to these armor, invulnerable to any weapon.

Light coloured your aura shield turned outward, but its strength grows from within, it is the strength of your own soul. And there is no need to wonder if it works - the protective power of the aura is as natural to a person as breathing or walking. However, walking and breathing can also be very different. When you are well aware of the breathing process, you can choose the best system of breathing exercises or gymnastics for yourself, which can increase the beneficial effectiveness of this process for the body. Accordingly, the aura will bring maximum benefit to those who know more about it and know how to maintain it at the proper level, constantly developing and improving.

aura radiation an ordinary person extends over a distance of 35 cm to 1 m, depending on the level of his spiritual, social, psycho-physiological development. However, under certain conditions, these values ​​can increase up to 25-30 m. In this case, the strongest radiation comes from the hands (palm, fingers) and eyes. That is why sometimes a strong look is felt, literally piercing the back of the head. But one must also be aware that the power of a spiritually developed aura can extend far beyond the physical presence of a person. This is confirmed not only by the testimonies of sages and saints who knew how to heal at a distance - today a wealth of practical experience has already been accumulated in expanding and aura development with help special techniques which sometimes give truly miraculous results.

If you want to work effectively with your own aura, you must first pass a certain preparatory stage: acquire the necessary skills and thereby lay a certain foundation. The basic principle here is extremely simple: only having fully mastered one, you can move on to another.

Introduction to Aura Development

  • Let us consider the main factors that contribute to the development of the spiritual principle in a person, and, consequently, to the strengthening of his aura.

  • If the influx of psychic energy transforms a person physically and spiritually, then its loss leads to very serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to know what deprives us of life-giving power...>>

Some exercises for the development of the aura

  • Relaxation exercises
    Relaxation is not the sum of technical methods, but the physiological state of the whole organism, in which it is possible to consciously control the involuntary functions of its various organs and systems...>>
  • Concentration exercises
    No one mental process, including awareness and imagination, cannot proceed productively without sufficient concentration of attention for the required period. Sustained attention allows...>>
  • Practicum for awareness
    An exercise in awareness of yourself in the present moment. It is carried out in stages: the required sequence is presented..>>

  • This complex is designed for those who, taking only the first steps along the path spiritual development and self-improvement, would like to start working with subtle energies practically, but does not know how to do it and where to start.

  • Sit in comfortable posture, the spine is straightened. For 10-20 seconds, vigorously rub the palms of the hands together, then sharply spread them apart at a distance of about 30 cm.

  • The method serves as an initial cleansing of the entire energy field, and it is recommended to use it at the end of the day, especially during those periods when you communicate with a large number of people during the day.

  • It seems that no one is required to convince of the need to constantly strengthen their own energy. And the fact that without a strong energy there is no strong aura - too. Therefore, below is a set of exercises, the effectiveness of which in terms of increasing energy potential has stood the test of time.

  • Through self-massage of the aura, we can connect with our own energy system and activate our higher abilities. Aura self-massage is a set of techniques, each of which has its own purpose. The main one is to stimulate the energy system of the aura, which allows you to distribute subtle energies more evenly. As a result, the aura will acquire greater brightness and color saturation.

  • Breathe deeply and evenly (continue throughout the session).

  • The exercise of the central pillar promotes the development of higher energies, including psychic abilities. Because it raises the energy of the individual to such a high level, it also aids in the development of aura vision. Finally, the method purifies all the subtle energy of a person.

Meditation Theory for Aura Development

  • In Western culture, the concept of meditation for the most part refers to such acts as reflection, contemplation, reflection. This is in conflict with the entire tradition of Eastern culture and its idea of ​​meditation.

  • The practice of meditation involves the use of a certain technique or procedure, but it should be remembered that there are a great many of them, and any particular technique is not a sine qua non for success. Although there are many types of meditation, what is common to all forms of meditation is the presence of a stimulus or object on which the meditator focuses his attention.

  • It must be learned that distracting thoughts of any kind are a perfectly normal component of entering meditation and are inevitable. But with a passive mindset, you learn to recognize distracting thoughts and return your attention to the object of concentration without any irritation.

  • The very fact of the beginning of meditation classes can be considered the first stage quite justifiably. This is explained by the fact that a person, allocating time for meditation, is already making a conscious effort aimed at his own inner, spiritual growth.

  • As a matter of fact, today no one knows exactly how meditation techniques affect a person. Nevertheless, a sufficiently deep understanding of this problem can be achieved by analyzing exactly that common link that is inherent in all forms of meditation without exception, that is, an object intended for concentration of attention.

Practicing Meditation to Develop the Aura

  • There are many different methods of meditation, but there is not and cannot be a single “correct” technique. Therefore, moving on to the practical part, it should be recalled that any technique has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, from them it is necessary to choose in the most ideal case - purely intuitively) the one that best suits you.

  • Lie down on a hard surface. If you can't lie down, sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes. Listen to your breath. Focus on your breathing, let it deepen. Take a few deep breaths, gradually moving the diaphragm down while inhaling so that the stomach leans forward, and filling the lungs with air from the bottom up. Exhale and relax...>>
    Close your eyes and relax as much as possible. With the sounds of music, try to visualize each of them in the form of flashes, circles, shades of color that are not shaped, etc. This practice, after the first few sessions, will begin to actively develop associative and imaginative thinking, which, by the way, is also important for the level logical abilities of your intellect...>>


  • The Thinking Man must by all means develop in himself the ability to hear his being at all levels of his nature, since without this harmony in general and a harmonious perception of the world in particular are impossible.

How to increase the energy of a person? There are a number of simple things that will help increase energy, invigorate and restore health!

What is human energy?

The energy of a person is his ability to receive energy, assimilate it and use it in his life. Each person has their own level of energy. It can be low, resulting in weakness, lack of strength and desire to do something, drowsiness, irritability, etc.

Those who have high energy, on the contrary, feel vivacity, optimism, joy ...

Where do we get energy from?

A person receives energy from food, air, earth, water, space, etc. Almost everything that surrounds us can become a source of energy filling or, conversely, a source of its lack.

This is how we can receive energy from the elements, fire, some trees, dogs... Some trees, cats, pathogenic zones, energy vampires, and so on can also take energy.

Human energy is a resource that cannot be bought for any money. High energy helps in self-development, personal, spiritual and intellectual growth, and other unusual abilities help.

In addition, filling with energy has a beneficial effect on the physical condition - it normalizes all processes, restores health, and improves immunity.

What can increase a person's energy?

You can increase your energy different ways. For example:

  1. Complete rest.
  2. Healthy sleep.
  3. Physical culture and sports.
  4. Walking on fresh air.
  5. Communication with positive people.
  6. Favourite hobby.
  7. Contrast shower and douche.
  8. Taking a bath.
  9. Pets.
  10. Quality healthy food.
  11. Faith.
  12. Cheerful and loving music.
  13. Visualization.
  14. and positive thinking.
  15. Breathing exercises.
  16. Qigong¹, yoga² and martial arts (karte, judo).
  17. Gratitude.
  18. Get rid of negative feelings and stress.
  19. Refusal of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes.
  20. Phytotherapy³.
  21. Having a dream.
  22. Love.
  23. Humor and smile.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Qigong is a set of traditional exercises that arose on the basis of Taoist alchemy and partly Buddhist psychopractices, performed mainly for health and therapeutic purposes (Wikipedia).

² Yoga is a concept in Indian culture, in a broad sense meaning a set of various spiritual, mental and physical practices developed in different directions of Hinduism and Buddhism and aimed at managing the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve an elevated spiritual and mental state by the individual (Wikipedia).

³ Phytotherapy, mouth. herbalism- a method of treatment of various human diseases, based on the use of medicinal plants and complex preparations from them (

This article describes the main methods of how to increase a person's energy. They are quite simple and accessible to everyone. With their help, you can quickly change your life for the better and become stronger.

In the article:

How to increase human energy and why it is needed

First of all, to think about how to increase a person’s energy should be people who suffer from chronic fatigue. She's called lack of vitality. If you do not have enough strength to do business or go to the goal, your dreams do not come true and, in general, the situation in all areas of life leaves much to be desired, most likely, the matter is a lack of energy.

People with a lot of energy are attractive and confident.
Lack of personal strength makes a person insecure, pessimistic, unhappy in the end. Increasing the energy of a person makes him interesting for others, successful and attractive.

A novice magician should also think about how to raise a person’s energy. If you want to achieve serious success in witchcraft, you must increase the level of personal power. It is she who serves as the fuel, the guiding force for most spells and rites.

Increasing human energy - a way of life

In a healthy body healthy mind

Human energy is able to recover naturally. The role of a person is to give her such an opportunity. This requires a good rest, which everyone chooses to their liking - playing sports, walking, reading or watching movies ... You should not neglect sleep, it is better to sleep at the right time - at night, going to bed before the start of a new day.

It is easy to increase energy through sports. Choose a section to your liking and interests and go recharge your batteries. After classes, fatigue is natural, and immediately you will not feel any surge of strength - rather, on the contrary. But sports will gradually increase your energy level, which will develop along with your physical form. Extreme or just moving sports are especially good for this.

Useful walks in the fresh air. Get out into nature for the weekend, walk more often. Find a job that will bring you joy. It can be both the main income and a hobby.

Shower and bath is not only a way of keeping clean, which each of us uses daily. A contrast shower increases energy, at the same time stimulating the immune system. A warm bath sea ​​salt and essential oils soothes and helps to relax, gently influencing the biofield and contributing to its development. Do not forget about the bath, it is not in vain that our ancestors loved it. Massage is also useful - both self-massage, and professional or made by a loved one.

Don't forget about proper nutrition. Every person's diet should include breakfast, and ideally it consists of more than just coffee and a sandwich. Make time for a full morning meal.

Music and good movies are a great way to lift not only your mood, but also your energy levels. Think positively, it might even make sense to read a few books about positive thinking.

How to raise a person's energy through communication

If you want to raise your energy level, you should associate with people who have the amount of personal power you desire. They are very easy to recognize, they are active, active and radiate positive energy. Get rid of people with negative energy, they can negatively affect biofield surrounding. You should stop communicating with, such communication will not contribute to an increase in energy levels.

Get energized by others

Raise the mood and energy pets. There are many who call them deliverers of negativity. And dogs, on the contrary, carry a charge of positive energy and give joy.

Problems in personal life seriously weaken a person. The presence of a beloved and close man or woman nearby contributes to the normalization of the energy field. Happy marriage or strong relationships, of course, have a positive effect on energy. Not bad raises her level and good sex.

How to strengthen a person's energy with yogic and esoteric methods

How to strengthen the energy of a person, which is useful in the performance of even the most complex rites and rituals? Almost every magician knows about a special place in nature where he indulges meditation. The latter in themselves are beneficial to the level of personal power, but meditation in nature combined with asking the forces of the forest or sea will be more effective. There are numerous techniques for obtaining energy from nature, such as recharging from trees.

Yoga classes, if possible, are also best done in nature. If you study on your own, and not in the section, in the warm season there will definitely be such an opportunity. Yoga develops the chakras, strengthens the aura and helps to increase the supply of vitality.

Faith, and also has its drawbacks. But the egregor can come to the rescue, if needed. Going to the temple or making offerings to the Gods - here who believes in what, they are able to energize and develop spirituality.

The fact that the Universe needs to express gratitude both for trials and for rewards has been said more than once, and by far more than one author. Gratitude not only radiates positive vibrations in relation to the Universe, being reflected, it turns into positive events. It also increases the supply of vitality.

Aromatherapy and even just the frequent use of incense has a positive effect on. With the help of various aromas, if you choose them correctly, you can remove holes and damage in the subtle body, as well as develop energy. Each of them has its own flavor, choose it for development different types energy. Of course, in order to increase its level, it is necessary to get rid of stagnation, blocks and damage to the chakras.

In addition, there are special exercises that are aimed at increasing the level of personal strength. For example, this different kinds , energy techniques, meditation finally. You need to practice only what causes exceptionally positive emotions.

In general, there are many ways to increase the level of vital energy. Some of them are related to lifestyle, these are recommendations on sleep, rest, work and activities “for the soul”. Some recommendations relate to relationships with friends, enemies and relatives. The environment seriously affects the energy, do not underestimate this influence. There are also ways that are directly related to yoga, esotericism and religions. They are also effective, and very popular among magicians and sorcerers.

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Vivacity, energy and endurance is essential for everyone - from athletes to office workers and housewives. We all need strength and energy to fully engage in our daily activities, without experiencing constant fatigue and drowsiness. Activity and composure are also necessary for full-fledged long-term mental work and provides a minimum of stressful situations. I found what to do with a breakdown: 8 great ways to increase energy that do not require special material costs and a lot of time to cook.

Chronic fatigue and low energy levels in the body can be caused by a certain lifestyle. The reasons for this condition are hidden in the following factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle
  • excessive consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages
  • excessive physical activity
  • poor sleep, lack of sleep
  • too much stress
  • dehydration and unhealthy diet.

Health problems such as colds, allergies, thyroid problems, obesity, diabetes and even cancer can also cause low stamina and energy levels.

What to do with a breakdown: 8 ways to increase energy

1. Pollen

It is a product of beekeeping that bees bring on their legs when they collect honey from flowers and plants. Because of this, pollen has another name - "pollen". is a useful tool for increasing endurance and energy, has adaptogenic properties and increases the resistance properties of the body. It contains a large amount of iron, manganese, potassium and copper - elements that give a charge of vivacity.

Take 1 teaspoon of pollen 2-3 times a day, but no later than 16.00, as the remedy is very invigorating and late intake is fraught with insomnia. You can drink water, just dissolve in your mouth or mix with honey and consume 1 tablespoon of the mixture with warm tea.

To relieve fatigue, apathy and to increase immunity, you need to take pollen in courses of 10-20 days in the off-season - in early spring and autumn.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is also beneficial for increasing your energy and stamina. It contains healthy fats, especially MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), which are easily absorbed by the body and used as a quick source of energy.

Besides, Coconut oil good for the heart, helps boost immunity and improve overall health. When taken in moderation, this remedy also helps reduce abdominal fat.

Eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of natural organic coconut oil daily. You can add it to smoothies or morning coffee. You can also use it with baked goods (spread on whole grain bread, for example). Perfect option reception - breakfast.

Real organic coconut oil is hard to find, most pharmacies and stores sell a hydrogenated product that has no benefit. Natural virgin oil I buy here

3. Apple cider vinegar

- Another good remedy to beat chronic fatigue and drowsiness. The effect of this exposure is to acidify the body to help it stay energetic. This natural tonic is a great source of electrolytes to kick-start and energize the body.

Dilute 1 tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar and a little honey in a glass of water. Drink twice a day.

4. Turmeric

This bright yellow spice contains a compound called curcumin, which has many health benefits. Its powerful anti-inflammatory effect helps reduce physical weakness to restore your energy levels.

Curcumin reduces recovery time and increases peak performance and endurance. It also promotes rapid muscle recovery after strenuous exercise.

Drink a glass of "golden milk" daily. To make this healthy drink, add ½ to 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of boiling milk. Cover with a lid and let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat, pour the turmeric milk into a glass and sweeten with a little honey.

5. Green tea

One of the easiest and most affordable ways out of 8, which makes it indispensable for loss of strength and chronic fatigue. The cup can also increase stamina and energy levels. The polyphenols in green tea help fight fatigue, reduce stress, and promote better sleep.

Measure 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves per cup of boiling water. Pour boiling water over, cover and steep for 10 minutes. Strain, sweeten with honey and drink this tea 2 or 3 times a day.

6. Eat Foods Rich in Magnesium

Even a small magnesium deficiency can affect your endurance and energy levels. Magnesium plays a key role in the process of breaking down glucose into energy.

Therefore, when you are constantly tired and sleepy and the energy level is very low, switch to foods rich in magnesium. The recommended daily intake of magnesium is about 350 milligrams for men and 300 mg for women.

Where is magnesium found?

  • greens with dark leaves (mint, parsley, Romano salad, spinach, etc.)
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • soya beans
  • avocado
  • bananas and dark chocolate.

You can take magnesium supplements, which will also have a good effect on overall well-being.

7. Invigorate with Olive Oil

This ancient Ayurvedic way of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins will certainly help the body get rid of harmful substances and find vigor and lightness in the whole body. According to Ayurveda, when the immune system is cleared of the body's toxic waste, it affects your energy levels as well. The principle of the method is to suck on an olive (or any other vegetable oil) for 15-20 minutes daily.

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed organic vegetable oil in your mouth.
  2. Dissolve the oil in your mouth, as if rinsing your mouth with it, but not swallowing, within 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Spit out the oil and never swallow it! In the white mass that you spit out, toxins and harmful substances are concentrated!
  4. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with warm water.
  5. Use this medicine daily in the morning before meals.

8. Drink more clean water

Water makes up to 65 to 70 percent of the total body weight, and when the body does not get enough fluid, it certainly affects our energy.

By maintaining optimal water balance, you can reduce fatigue and keep energy levels high. Water can also increase physical endurance during heavy exertion.

Drink enough water throughout the day at regular intervals.

You can also drink plenty of healthy homemade fruit or vegetable juices.

Soups, compotes and decoctions also help maintain water balance in the body.

With increased fatigue and fatigue, you should reduce the intake of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks, as they contribute to dehydration. For comparison, after a cup of coffee, you need to drink 2 glasses of water to make up for the loss of fluid.

Additional tips for getting rid of drowsiness and fatigue

  • A good night's sleep is essential to help your body heal and rejuvenate itself.
  • You need to take some rest after intense physical activity to restore energy.
  • Eliminate “energy eaters” from your diet, such as refined foods (white flour, sugar, white rice, cereals, etc.), simple carbohydrates (sweets and muffins), and caffeine.
  • Eat enough foods rich in iron, protein and complex carbohydrates.
  • Be cheerful to help the body mentally be healthy.
  • Spend a few minutes in complete stillness and silence to help your body release all negative accumulated emotions and thoughts.
  • Stay away from drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.

Dear readers! There are already articles on and on my blog, but I think that knowing simple 8 ways of what to do when you lose strength and how to increase energy will not hurt anyone

Be healthy and full of strength!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya