Catalog of interesting articles. Scenario "similar dissimilarity" festival of twins and twins Scene 30 years old twin girls are cool

Mary's 30th birthday.(the program is designed for 3 hours of conducting).

Meeting of the hero of the occasion.

(planned in advance - arrangement with guests).

Actual persons: 3rd thief, birthday girl, 3rd girlfriends.

Thieves steal the birthday girl from the house (they blindfold, seal their mouths, etc.), bring her to a cafe and put her in a car (made from a children's house - tents). The DJ turns on the "engine plant" background. This creates the illusion of the car moving. Then noise is heard, distant noise, people talking and the DJ turns on the background “Rukki-up group “Ai-yay, girl” The thieves pull the birthday girl out of the “car”, untie her hands, remove the blindfold and a dialogue takes place:

1 thief:"What's going on, then!?"
2 thief:"Where are we?"
1 thief:“Come on legs, leave it here, it will get out by itself”
(thieves run away)

Friends run up to the birthday girl.

1. Mash where are you from in this outfit?
2. Where was that? We've all been waiting here! What about at the flea market?
3. Come on, we'll bring you to a civilized appearance. And then your boyfriend is already waiting, he got questions!

(the girls take the birthday girl away, and I change clothes in accordance with the dress code of the evening).

(The birthday girl appears in the hall. The background is “the sound of a stopped DJ record”)

Leading: Hey! People, take a look
Everyone raised their eyes
The birthday girl has arrived.
It's time to applaud.
Masha is a super person
We send her a big hello
All have been waiting for you
It's time for everyone to sit down at the table.

(birthday girl invites guests to the table)

1 table.

Leading: Respect to all, or rather good evening
We were all looking forward to this meeting.
We have a weighty reason, familiar to all guests for a long time.
I reveal a secret, Mary is our N-tsat years
I don't name numbers.
The woman's age is hidden
Our Masha is good
Both figure and soul
We fill all the glasses
And we drink for Masha.

Toast: for the birthday girl.

Leading: Mash so we can start celebrating your birth in full force. You need to prepare for this, namely, you need to read a prayer so that everything goes like clockwork with us. Ready? (birthday girl answers)
(birthday girl reads a prayer)

Women's prayer before the anniversary:
“Lord, help me not to get drunk! Wake up in the morning in YOUR bed. Help not to lose the image of seper-girl! Do not fill the face of the guests! And do not sit in the salad! Do not lose things (including yourself)! Help me not text anyone drunk at 2 am! Don't call! And most importantly, do not confess your love to anyone! in any case, no more than 2 times! Help me come home for two, not for four! And if I do something, Lord, erase my memory forever and ever! Amen.

Toast: for the fulfillment of desires.

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)


No need to be modest today -
Respond in the Hall of Aries!

Well done and tomboys,
Where do we have Taurus?

Where are the daring guys?
All faster Gemini!

The zodiac has many signs
Now I see Cancers!

You respond friendly
Kings of animals, handsome Lions!

Let's all look to the right, to the left,
Where on the anniversary of the Virgin?

Raise your noses
And show us, Libra!

Queue according to all laws
Get up and drink to the Scorpions!

Here all the signs are well done,
Lucky for everyone - Sagittarius.

Don't be hard on the leader
And call back, Capricorns!

Let's raise our glasses soon
Don't hesitate Aquarius!

Let the hero of the day
Give affectionate Fish!

Toast: for acquaintance.

Today at the anniversary there is the closest and native person for the birthday girl - it's mom! Dear guests! Let's greet ______________ with a friendly loud applause. After all, today is her birthday too!
September 11, 1983, the angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the first-born in the family, a girl - Masha!

Dear (Mother's name)!
Do you remember the day when you brought Masha from the hospital?
What was she like?
And how do you see it now?

(Congratulations to mom).

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I know people will agree with me
What a toast to parents should be raised,
Wish mom health and happiness!

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

Leading: At our table is the sister of our birthday girl! You grew up in the same family, two girls. The two closest friends. Surely, you trusted each other with your innermost secrets, shared secrets. Inna, or maybe remember, the most memorable, most unforgettable moment of childhood.

(congratulations sister)
(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

Leading: Dear friends! There is such a good tradition to light a candle on all birthday holidays, since fire is a symbol of life, warmth, comfort, and goodness. I suggest you, Maria, also light a candle in honor of such significant event- your birthday. (a gift from the host of the holiday - a candle for the birthday girl)
May the flame of this light never fade away, giving light and warmth to your loved ones and loved ones, and may only the most beloved and dear to you gather at this light, just like today.

Toast: For the warm light emanating from the anniversary candle.

Leading: We have one boss here
very important sir
His heart burns with love
And everyone knows about it
Well, I give my word to Maria's husband.
I expect a creative toast from him.

(congratulations from husband Alexander)

Game "Goldfish".
Leading: Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching goldfish so that she fulfills three cherished wishes. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The host walks around the guests with a bag in which there are fish cut out of cardboard.) One of them is gold, and offers to choose any of them without looking into the bag. The owner of the "goldfish" has the right to voice his three desires, choose them among the cards offered by the presenter. But, before that, he names among the guests, any "performer".)

Wish examples:

I want a toast in honor of the birthday girl now, in which there would be three words "anniversary".
I want any item on the table to be given to the birthday girl as a memorable gift with meaning.
I want your neighbors on the right and left to recite a children's poem in unison.
I want you to hug the birthday girl, and then jump on one leg to your place.
I want you to sing the motive of a familiar song to the guests, and they guessed its name.

(Rewarding the "performers" of desires.)

Leading: Every little girl's dream is a magical journey. And I think Mary is no exception. Do you dear guests like to travel? (Guests answer) Now we will test your geographical knowledge ...

Competition: Dance cruise.
1.Where is the Eiffel Tower located? France.
2. In which country did the first DISNEYLAND open? America.
3. In which country is the saltiest sea? Israel.
4.Where do the hottest horsemen live? Caucasus.
Those who gave the correct answers go to the dance floor.
Traveling alone is boring, I offer each of you an inspirational couple. And here we have four Couples.
Friends, in front of you are wandering artists !!! They drove along different countries and for which, they will now show us IN THE DANCE !!!
By your faces, I already understand that you want to start dancing. And I invite all the guests to the dance floor

Dance block number 1.

Leading: Oh nostalgia, always in our memories we return to our favorite events and places. Here I am, dear guests, I want to invite all of you to one of the most popular talk shows “guess the melody”. Your task is to guess the composition - a shifter. The guest who gives the most correct answers will receive a super prize from the birthday girl (tape "musical special")
Melodies: roxet, Natalie - the wind blew from the sea, shark - acid DJ, doctor Alban - about life, disco accident - eggs, paints - but don't touch me, hands up - I'm 18 already.

Leading: Tonight is a night of surprises and wonders. And one very important person of the European stage came to our holiday. To your thunderous applause. Meet the group E-TYPE. (performance by parodists 1)

Leading: Unforgettable impressions from the European performances. And the question immediately arises, What are we worse? Well, of course not! And we can verify this by going to the center of the hall.

Dance block number 2.

Competition. The biggest bubble.
Competition: Fun gum.

Performance - parody group "Combination"

3 table.

Let there be whole glasses
Let the mood rise
Let the fanfare sound in the music
May Mary be successful!

Toast: for our lovely birthday girl.

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

For a long time we all sit with folded hands,
And as if we are all dying of boredom,
I want to shake you up
We will have a contest!

“According to the majority of people who were born and lived in the USSR, our country was ahead of the rest in such areas as space, ballet, sports and the army. This means that we, who were born in the USSR, are very well versed in these areas. Shall we check?"

Game "Soviet space: pioneers".
For participation it is better to choose men. Eyeliner: “Do you want to feel like Soviet cosmonauts? Your task is to discover a new planet, hoist the Soviet flag on it and populate it with Soviet people. But time is strictly limited. The cosmonaut who populates the most people will win.”
Participants are issued air balloons(not inflated), threads and markers. The task for each player is to inflate the balloon as quickly as possible, tie it with a thread, draw a hammer and sickle on the balloon with a marker, put their initials, and then draw as many simple figures as possible, schematically depicting a person. Not much time is given: 5 minutes maximum. At the end, the host counts the number of "little men" on each "planet". Whoever has more - he receives the title of "Honorary Gagarin".

Toast: for the pioneers and their discoveries.

Leading: As I already said, in addition to space, our country was the very first in sports. Everyone knows the achievements of our figure skaters, gymnasts, etc. This is the moment to remember the past.

Game "Soviet sport: sprinters".
Eyeliner: “You will have to cover a short distance as quickly as possible. Before you start, remember the Soviet slogan that all world records should be ours. Do not let down your homeland - the most sporting country!
Number of participants (both men and women can play) limited only by inventory. Equipment for one participant: a beer bottle, which is tied at one end long ribbon or rope. Length - the longer the better (maybe five meters or more).
Participants stand in a line, holding bottles in their hands. The host and his assistant stretch the tapes, fixed at one end on the bottles, along the room to its opposite end. (forming a kind of treadmill for each participant). At the “Start” command, the participants begin to wind the tape around the bottle. Whoever does it faster wins, receiving the title of "Soviet record holder".

Leading: What is a holiday without dancing.
Probably there just aren't any.
Let's make it blush,
Let the light shine in your eyes!
And so that Masha's birthday
Remembered by all for many years!

Dance block number 3.

Competition: Rubik's Cube.

The performance is a parody of Alla Pugacheva.


Guests form 2 circles (small and large) around the birthday girl.

Leading: May your life be bright
May your life be beautiful
Let there be a lot of warmth in it,
And let the love in it will be powerful!
Let your husband be your king
And you will be his queen
So that everything is as you want,
So that all wishes come true
So that all cherished dreams
We were looking for excuses in life!

We do not say goodbye to you, dear guests, but simply say "see you again!".

The background sounds: a remix for the song of the crocodile Gena "Let them run clumsily"

So, in order to create a festive atmosphere in the apartment, the rooms should first of all be decorated with various garlands, balloons, artificial or natural flowers, multi-colored flags on which you can write to the hero of the day. A special place among such decorations is given to a wall newspaper with photographs showing the hero of the day at different periods of his life.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare guests for the fact that a special event is being prepared. 30th anniversary script and the festive evening will be extraordinary. To do this, as invitations to the anniversary, it is best to use postcards, which will indicate the date and time of the evening.

Scenario of the 30th anniversary "Cheerful, warm circle of friends"

Scenario of the day 30 years "Women's Anniversary"

Scenario of the anniversary of 30 years "Jubilee of the Gemini - a daring young man"

Scenario of the anniversary of 30 years in nature

Help! twins/twins anniversary script / forum /

I once wrote for twins for an anniversary, maybe you can adapt it.

Love and Mikhail were expecting a child,

They were afraid - “How will we cope with the firstborn?”

They did not think and did not guess,

That they will have two daughters at once!

This is such a wonderful event.

Today it is an occasion for a feast.

Twins, only outwardly different -

Blonde Tanya and brunette Olya!

With such wonderful girls

Parents decided to repeat ...

Girls to make older sisters -

Give Natasha and Mikhail.

And the elders did not let their parents down,

They helped them around the house with everything,

Studied amazingly at school

They went to discos together.

Tanya and Olya complemented each other

One explosive, and the second strict.

We said goodbye to our native school,

Then the roads parted a bit.

Tatyana decided to become an engineer

And be responsible for safe work.

And Olya wanted to be an example

For kids that go to first grade!

AT family life a lot of them matched:

Each grew up a couple of kids,

Each daughter is no longer alone,

Danil and Olya - a gift for grandmothers!

And both hands are just gold!

Tatiana sews like Christian Dior

And Olga will bypass any cook

By the quality of salted tomatoes!

We wish you health, happiness, joy!

You are both so sweet, so good!

Mommy, aunt Tanya - congratulations

We wish you a happy anniversary from the bottom of our hearts!

"porridge" for newborn twin boys - holiday script - birthday - holidays - catalog of articles - miracle

Decor. One of the corners of the room and the part of the window adjacent to it are draped with a light blue fabric. Against its background stands a stork up to 100 cm high. Behind the stork, the fabric is decorated with paper flowers with green branches, and above - snow-white clouds. In addition to this design are 2 paper storks placed under the ceiling. Each of them holds a bundle in its beak.

On the holiday table- white tablecloth, tulle with blue dots on top. The glasses are decorated with blue braid. On the plates are blue napkins threaded through a candy ring in the shape of a pacifier. At the head of the table is a birthday cake, which is crowned by two babies against the backdrop of a large parental heart.


Birds are familiar to man

But he is always especially happy with those

That they bring us news for the good of the house,

What can make a holiday for everyone.

And today is no exception

After all, thanks to their arrival

We learned the news about the birth, -

So the family has grown.

In honor of the event

We don't hide our joy

And ready to say out loud

That we are laying the tables now,

To serve guests better.

The chorus of the song "Long live the surprise!"

music by M. Minkov, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Children dressed as chefs bring out the dishes and set the festive table.

Leading(against calm music).

When storks became friends with people, no one remembers exactly. But people value friendship with them very much: when birds settle on the roof of a dwelling, people zealously protect their peace and even believe that the owners of this house bring happiness to storks. So today, like two months ago, happiness knocked on this house.

Dear hosts!

Your neighbors are all the envy

Apparently, this is no accident -

The stork himself came to visit you,

One of a hundred to you.

He chose a young family

Dropped down from the roof

And left you in diapers

A very nice little surprise.

Joy, celebration, confusion

Then you experienced

Even if you dreamed about it

At night together sometimes.

Taking a bundle from a stork's beak,

To the delight of all residents

Were you able to accomplish this sacrament:

They gave birth to twin babies!

We are all very proud of you

And our interest has not disappeared.

For the bundles that the stork brought you,

Let's raise a glass together!

Toasts are made.


Dear guests! Any holiday is a pleasant and joyful event in all respects, especially when it concerns the birth of two charming babies.

Dear Parents!

We sincerely congratulate you on the birth of twins!

Two lumps, two souls, two brothers

They suddenly appeared at the same time.

For their parents they are a joy,

And for us - there is no more beautiful miracle.

The Lord gave you doubly happiness,

So rejoice, sing, dance!

Don't let trouble come from outside

Have mercy on the kids!

May peace and comfort be in your family,

Let the children scurry around the house forever

Let their ringing laughter be heard often,

Then everyone will have joy in their hearts.

Double worries

And joy too

You are not afraid to meet -

We will all help you!

The applause of the guests.


Let in a toast to your baby twins

The glasses will come together from different ends!

The guests congratulate their parents.


Birth is not only joy, but also a great responsibility that falls primarily on the shoulders of parents.

Look at your mother: she is beautiful, cheerful, cheerful and charming. Let this bouquet of flowers decorate her even more today! And the number of rattles, bottles, booties will remind each of us of the number of babies born.

The mother is given a bouquet adorned with two pairs of booties, two rattles and two small baby bottles.


Now let's look at dad: he is also handsome, but also smart and hardworking. Now his main concern is to provide his family with everything necessary. We hope that the basket with our gifts will come in handy for him.

You are the breadwinner, the head of a large family,

Don't be afraid, we will support you!

Receive food from us

which we hold before you.

Dad is given a huge bottle with a large nipple. Inside the bottle is milk.

And here is the kit

To change diapers and diapers,

It is simple in application

And the money is cheap.

The dad is put on surgical gloves and a mask, as well as a clothespin on his nose.

You have been familiar with this subject for a long time,

He lifts the whole house to its feet.

Today it rings at four in the morning

And he says: "It's time to change mom!"

They give dad an alarm clock set for 4 o'clock in the morning.


Dear Parents! Let these joke gifts help you to properly distribute household and childcare responsibilities.

I propose a toast to the parents of every twin, to their only mother and father!

The guests support the toast.


Agree, friends: without good parents there is no good upbringing. BUT The best way to raise good children is to make them happy. But what is the formula for happiness? Man has long tried to answer this question, but so far he has not found an answer. After all, everyone understands happiness in their own way.

Guests are offered a poster with a started formula, where it is necessary to insert the missing, in the general opinion, components,

Formula = ______________ = happiness

Discussion of the formula of happiness. The facilitator completes the formula.


Dear parents! Continuing the conversation in the language of mathematics, I would like to draw the following conclusion: since you have a double replenishment in the detachment, we assign you the title - “parents squared”.

Parents are handed them with twins, placed in a square frame with the number "2" in the right corner.

Let over time in your family life there will be not only worries and troubles, but also successes, discoveries, achievements of each child individually!

Let your children, dear parents, become your joy and pride! Let's raise our glasses to that!

My [email protected]

Nadezhda... didn't celebrate the anniversary, but there is a scenario for twins, maybe you'll take something for yourself!!!

Twins show.

We are very glad to meet you again, dear friends, and we really hope that this is mutual!

Today, this ordinary day,

The circle will become a mirror scene,

And this world, so familiar,

It will suddenly split in front of you.

MUZ. ROOM________________________________________

It has nothing to do with wine and trick,

Don't rub your eyes or face...

Today we are running a contest

For real twins!

Everyone will be interested in the park,

How well did you know

Each other's twins, right?!

To do this, let's start our competition ... "LIKE TWO DROPS ..."!

We invite the twins to our first stage.


Today, each pair is a team, and with each task, the teams will be eliminated. And in order to increase your incentive to play and the desire to compete, I will say that today will be the main prize. prize - a huge cake with the symbols of our holiday.

Begin competitive program. From an early age, twins or twins feel each other, understand each other's desires by sight and who, if not, they know each other better than anyone. So let's determine now which couple will tell more about themselves.

(On stage, all couples take turns calling an adjective characterizing them. 7 couples play, 6 couples remain)

The next competition is called "Guess the word, make the move." The twins understand each other from a half-word, but what's there, from a half-look. Now we will offer each pair to guess the word written on the card, but at the same time repeat the movements of our beloved Anfiska.

(6 pairs play, 5 pairs remain.)

Let's not rest a lot, and give way to the stage to our b-boys from the team ""

NUMBER IN VERSION______________________________

understand each other by gestures

From the look or from the back

It is possible only for those who are together,

Who are twins or in love.

And I announce the next competition "Reflection". Now each couple in turn come up to me, stand with their backs to each other and, at the command of ONE, TWO, THREE, simultaneously raise the prepared objects. A match will earn the team a well-deserved point.

(5 pairs play, 4 pairs remain)


Well done, twins! No one doubts that you are really twins. But I heard somewhere that the twins have similar tastes and habits. Let's check!?

The next task: I ask each pair a question, and you must write without saying a word.

1. You were given a choice: chocolate or an apple, what would you choose?

2. An interesting movie is on TV, and my mother asks me to go to the store. What will you do?

3. What is more interesting: a physical education lesson or a music lesson?

4. You stood up for a friend. They told you: “Go away or we will beat you!”

5. What is more interesting for you: swimming in the river in summer or skiing in winter.

6. Do you like to receive gifts or do you like to give them?

(4 pairs play, 3 pairs remain)

Let's take a break and listen to our vocalists.

MUZ. ROOM____________________________

The twins are great, there is no older or younger and the same habits and tastes ...

How similar are they

No one can distinguish

Without each other nowhere

Generally do not spill water. And what friendly ones. Here we will check it out. The next task: in front of you are boxes with two ropes. Now the teams must exchange their items by moving them using boxes.

(Three pairs play, 2 pairs remain)

And now beat-boxers Linar and Dima are on the stage. And our participants are mentally preparing for the next competition.

MUZ. ROOM________________________________

The final competition will help determine the winner, and for one thing we will see which team has a better appetite. And so my assistants take out plates of fruit and a fork. The teams on my command take turns passing the fork and eating the tasty treats from the plate one by one.

(2 pairs play, the winner is revealed)

While we are being given the main prize, we give way to the stage for the guys.

MUZ. ROOM___________________________________

Our competition showed: it is possible

Togo, who is near, to understand.

Always give him a shoulder

And that means you can trust.

Today was an unusual day

But the game is over

We had a great time

But it's time for us to part.

And tomorrow will be a nice day.

So smile if suddenly

You will meet such a passerby -

Only one, but in faces in two!

Meet the winners of our competition: ____________________________

Get your rightful prize.

Now it's time to say goodbye

But let's not be upset

We'll meet again

In this park. Good time!

1. On stage, all couples take turns calling an adjective that characterizes them.

7 pairs play, 6 pairs remain.

2. The next competition is called "Guess the word, make the move." . (6 pairs play, 5 pairs remain.)

3. And I announce the next competition "Reflection". (Paired items (tennis rackets, balls, skittles, buckets) and two chairs. 5 pairs play, 4 pairs remain)

4. Next task: I ask each pair a question, and you must write the answer without saying a word. (Paper, markers)

5. Next task: in front of you are boxes with two ropes. (3 colored boxes, small items).

6. Final competition (Plates with chopped fruit 2 pcs. Forks 2 pcs.)

Kids! - a very scripted 50th anniversary!!!

[b]Guest (IP: 81.26.*.*), the fact is that scripts on the Internet can be uphill! (links have already been given to some ....) Another thing is that most of them are hackneyed and not always interesting. And the original, so to speak, individual scenarios are the so-called intellectual (or creative) property of the hosts (or screenwriters) of banquets. I have been writing scripts for quite a long time (including to order) and I myself hold corporate parties, anniversary banquets, etc. without attention ... Since then, I have ceased to give away my scripts for nothing. And, probably, all those who could, but did not respond to your request for a script, did not respond for the same reason. I can provide an individual script, but not free of charge. Or spend your anniversary evening (from 2 to 6 hours). If you are interested, call 89222661561. Nika. And here is a link to my Temko on holding holidays here on the forum, there is also about anniversary banquets. In addition, scripts, if not to order, are written "for themselves", and it's not a fact that someone will be able to hold a banquet on it like this , as the author intended ... You can't write all the jokes impromptu in the script ...

Anniversary of the twins

Here's another twin contest I found.
Twins show.
(July 12, 2009)
We are very glad to meet you again, dear friends, and we really hope that this is mutual!
Today, this ordinary day,
The circle will become a mirror scene,
And this world, so familiar,
It will suddenly split in front of you.
MUZ. ROOM________________________________________
It has nothing to do with wine and trick,
Don't rub your eyes or face...
Today we are running a contest
For real twins!
Everyone will be interested in the park,
How well did you know
Each other's twins, right?!
To do this, let's start our competition ... "LIKE TWO DROPS ..."!
We invite twins to our first competition.
Today, each pair is a team, and with each task, the teams will be eliminated. And in order to increase your incentive to play and the desire to compete, I will say that today will be the main prize. The main prize is a huge cake with the symbols of our holiday.
We are starting a competition. From an early age, twins or twins feel each other's mood, understand each other's desires by sight and who, if not, they know each other better than anyone. So let's determine now which couple will tell more about themselves.
(On stage, all couples take turns calling an adjective characterizing them. 7 couples play, 6 couples remain)
The next competition is called "Guess the word, make the move." The twins understand each other from a half-word, but what's there, from a half-look. Now we will offer each pair to guess the word written on the card, but at the same time repeat the movements of our beloved Anfiska.
(6 pairs play, 5 pairs remain.)
- Let's not rest a lot, and give way to the stage to our b-boys from the team ""
NUMBER IN VERSION______________________________
understand each other by gestures
From the look or from the back
It is possible only for those who are together,
Who are twins or in love.
And I announce the next competition "Reflection". Now each couple in turn come up to me, stand with their backs to each other and, at the command of ONE, TWO, THREE, simultaneously raise the prepared objects. A match will earn the team a well-deserved point.
(5 pairs play, 4 pairs remain)
Well done, twins! No one doubts that you are really twins. But I heard somewhere that the twins have similar tastes and habits. Let's check!?
The next task: I ask each pair a question, and you must write the answer without saying a word.
1. You were given a choice: chocolate or an apple, what would you choose?
2. An interesting movie is on TV, and my mother asks me to go to the store. What will you do?
3. What is more interesting: a physical education lesson or a music lesson?
4. You stood up for a friend. They told you: “Go away or we will beat you!”
5. What is more interesting for you: swimming in the river in summer or skiing in winter.
6. Do you like to receive gifts or do you like to give them?
(4 pairs play, 3 pairs remain)
Let's take a break and listen to our vocalists.
MUZ. ROOM____________________________
The twins are great, there is no older or younger and the same habits and tastes ...
How similar are they
No one can distinguish
Without each other nowhere
Generally do not spill water. And what friendly ones. Here we will check it out. The next task: in front of you are boxes with two ropes. Now the teams must exchange their items by moving them using boxes.
(Three pairs play, 2 pairs remain)
And now beat-boxers Linar and Dima are on the stage. And our participants are mentally preparing for the next competition.
MUZ. ROOM________________________________
The final competition will help determine the winner, and for one thing we will see which team has a better appetite. And so my assistants take out plates of fruit and a fork. The teams on my command take turns passing the fork and eating the tasty treats from the plate one by one.
(2 pairs play, the winner is revealed)
While we are being given the main prize, we give way to the stage for the guys.
MUZ. ROOM___________________________________
Our competition showed: it is possible
Togo, who is near, to understand.
Always give him a shoulder
And that means you can trust.
Today was an unusual day
But the game is over
We had a great time
But it's time for us to part.
And tomorrow will be a nice day.
So smile if suddenly
You will meet such a passerby -
Only one, but in faces in two!
Meet the winners of our competition: ____________________________
Get your rightful prize.
Now it's time to say goodbye
But let's not be upset
We'll meet again
In this park. Good time!
1. On stage, all couples take turns calling an adjective that characterizes them.
7 pairs play, 6 pairs remain.
2. The next competition is called "Guess the word, make the move." . (6 pairs play, 5 pairs remain.)
3. And I announce the next competition "Reflection". (Paired items (tennis rackets, balls, skittles, buckets) and two chairs. 5 pairs play, 4 pairs remain)
4. Next task: I ask each pair a question, and you must write the answer without saying a word. (Paper, markers)
5. Next task: in front of you are boxes with two ropes. (3 colored boxes, small items).
6. Final competition (Plates with chopped fruit 2 pcs. Forks 2 pcs.)

Twins birthday script

Characters : Toffee, clown, gypsy, presenter.

Equipment : Gift table, throne, birthday chairs, 25 balls, 2 disposable plates, monkey head (mascot), hair band, headscarf, doll, diaper, 4 handkerchiefs, chalk, sock for New Year's gifts(it contains a pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, sharpener, felt-tip pen, globe ball, candy, comb, glasses, magnifying glass, pointer, brush, envelope), soap bubbles, 1 candle, 2 skittles, 4 small plastic balls, 4 buckets , 2 fabrics, 2 candies, 2 shoes, 2 sheets of paper and 2 pencils, 2 tangerines.

    Children's meeting.

Fanfare sounds

    Entrance to the hall.

    Placement of gifts on the table.

Birthday people sit on chairs. Guests stand in front of them.

Leading : Happy birthday!

We wish you happiness, joy!

And we want friends

To make it more fun!

And we want smiles

To make sadness go away.

For the sun to shine

And never faded.

Toffee: We want to wish all the very best, say kind words to them and, of course, make them happy, something to please them.

There are balls in front of you. Each of them has a task that must be completed for our birthdays. To find out what task is hidden inside the ball, it must be pierced.

The first 5 people in turn pierce the ball, read the task and complete it

Games with Toffee

    The game "Alyonushka and Ivanushka"

Children are divided into 2 teams, lined up on a pre-marked area for the game. The 1st player approaches the “head ball” and ties a scarf, returns to the team and stands at the end of the column. The second player approaches the "ball-head", removes the scarf and passes it to the 3rd player, etc.

    Game "Humpty Dumpty"

The 1st player must carry Humpty Dumpty's head around the pin and back, pass it to the next player, stand at the end of the column, etc.

Juice pause

(during the juice break, children watch a presentation with photos of birthdays)

A clown appears to the music.


The second 5 people in turn pierce the ball, read the task and complete it

clown games

    Game "Goalkeepers"

Children are divided into 3 teams (each birthday boy chooses 4 people for himself, the rest form a 3 team). Each team receives a scarf, a plastic ball, a bucket. 4 players hold the handkerchief by the corners, the ball lies on the handkerchief. The task of the team is to throw the ball into the bucket held by the 5th player.

    The game "Flashes"

4 adults hold the fabric by the edges, forming waves. Children run under the "wave". The canvas gradually decreases in length.

    Game "Carousel"

Play the same 3 teams. 4 players hold the handkerchief by the corners, and the 5th player stands under the handkerchief and raises his hand up (the players represent a carousel). Children move in a circle while the music is playing. When the music ends, the players tie a scarf to the central player according to the task (bandana, apron, tie, duty band, etc.).

Disco break

Leading: We invite our birthday people to sit down and continue to please them.

The remaining 5 people take turns piercing the ball, reading the task and completing it

A gypsy appears to the music.

Games with a gypsy

Gypsy : Our cheerful birthday is on the eve of the New Year and of course you all want to know what awaits you in the future. A sock with surprises will help us.

The child puts his hand in the sock and, without looking, must say what object he has in his hand. Then the child takes out the object, and the gypsy announces the prediction.

Leading: We now have a season of winter, which pleases us not only with wonderful weather, various winter fun, games, but also with special sounds. Let's try to guess what sounds you will hear now.

Children sit down and guess the sounds (creaking snow, barking dogs, creaking doors, troika with bells, creaking snow, fireworks, etc.).

Leading: New Year not far off, but our holiday continues. You know that our birthdays are twins, inseparable brother and sister. They are great friends. Everything is done together.

Gypsy : So, do you celebrate the New Year? Then I will sleep!

Dance "Gypsy"

    Game "Siamese twins"

Children are divided into pairs, hugging each other by the waist. Each couple has 1 free left hand and 1 right hand. The couples do the work.

- tie shoelaces

- unwrap candy

- draw a hand on a sheet of paper

- clean the tangerine

Leading: I think it's time for congratulations to our birthdays. And we invite the first to congratulate the parents.

Music sounds (parents exit)

Parents' congratulations

Leading: And now, dear guys, tell us about our birthdays.

Favorite movie __________________

What are you interested in ___________________

What does ____________________ do?

Favorite toy _________________

Favorite sport _______________

Favorite subject _________

Birthday people treat everyone h/h

Leading: It's time for the gifts.

Children stand in a circle, they have 2 balls. While the music is playing, the balls move in a circle. The music ends and the one who had the ball gives gifts to the birthday people.

birthday cake

Disco break


(family, mother on the throne and children stand next to her, with the head of a monkey, all together, etc.)


Tasks for guests:

    Guess a riddle.

    say three beautiful words birthdays.

    Repeat the phrase.

    Tie a bow.

    Tie a Tie.

    Swaddle the doll.

    Sing a song.

    Dance with Iris.

10-11. Hold a pencil in the palm of your hand - 2 people.

12-13. Blow the biggest soap bubble - 2 people.

14-15. Extinguish the candle by shouting (all).

Arrange in advance with the children how to put out the candle.


    Pen - you will study for "5".

    Pencil - learn to write poetry.

    ruler - in next year you will grow 7 cm.

    Sharpener - your mind will always be sharp.

    Felt pen - you will be the best at solving crossword puzzles.

    Eraser - there will be no dark spots in life.

    Globe - you will travel a lot.

    Candy - life will be sweet.

    Comb - you will always be beautiful.

10. Points - you are a future scientist.

11. Magnifying glass - you will make a new discovery.

12. Ball - you will achieve success in sports.

13. Pointer - you will become a teacher.

14. Brush - a great artist - this is your future.

15. Envelope - write a letter to Santa Claus and your wish will come true.

Maybe someone will come in handy! 3-4 toasts are mine, and the rest I put together from the Internet.

double anniversary

1 toast: Oh, you are the guests of the Lord,
We called you here
So that you do not dare to be bored,
Allow me to begin.

I hope from the bottom of my heart
Let's have fun.
We will start our feast honestly
We ask everyone to sit down.

I inform all guests.

In the hall today - a double anniversary!

All congratulations and gifts

Must be royally generous!

Ladies and Gentlemen! Since I am instructed to play the role of toastmaster today, I suggest that the men take on the duties of analysts! Ask what they will do in this role? The answer is simple:
They will check, WHETHER THERE IS FILLED with everyone ...
Dear men, please take care of the guests!
May this day go down in history forever
And the birthday girls will only bring joy,
And the guests have fun, let them carelessly,
No one, I hope, will leave sad from the anniversary.
Well, guests, I ask everyone to stand up,
Raise full glasses
Let's wish the anniversaries happiness
Let's say together three times…… Congratulations!!!
Let's drink a healthy toast to the bottom,
And Nina and Olga - three times .... Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

2 toast: Friends! What magic...

Believe me, we did not have time to get drunk,

And we don't know why

In the eyes so amazing doubles!

Two anniversaries, how can this be?

Usually a holiday is celebrated alone!

Well, today we have one time -

Two anniversaries! Two anniversaries!

That's how it happens!

And you will receive the first congratulations from the very first persons of the country. Putin and Zhirinovsky.


1.We are a commemorative medal
We give sincerely, believe me!
We don't feel sorry for you
Medal now for all try on

Wonderful! You look good,
Eyes burn, the medal shines.
I will personally add:
You have a really good look!

Although, correct the medal slightly,
Watch her carefully
So as not to hang out to the navel,
And lay on her chest.

2.And I also give a medal,
Congratulations on your 70th birthday
You definitely deserve it
After all, you lived, did not grieve!

2 toast: To deserve medals,

You need to have a great life!

And to prolong the age of medals -

We need to wash them immediately!

3 toast: Let's take a closer look at our anniversaries, Olga and Nina, we ask you to the middle of the hall:

For all anniversaries at such moments.

Prolonged applause!

Many people dream about it

Today you count

Get out of the hands of men

Beautiful flowers! (Husbands and guests give flowers)

To remember later your biography,

We will take this photo now! (A photo)

Sometimes cold, sometimes hot

Sometimes airy (it means little),

Sometimes French (spoil them more often),

Farewell, fortunately, passionately kiss (husbands kiss).

Miracles today we can not get around,

Let confetti fall from the sky on you (Salute)

A string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's take an honest look:
What were you like before?
They walked - they rang their ribs,
And now - what a body!
Bones covered with flesh
Rounded features:
Lush bust, hip, what you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to the bones.
And those sparkling eyes
At least someone will be driven crazy!

Husbands, we will give the floor

But only after testing!


1)Wife's eye color?

2)Wife's favorite dish?

3)Wife's pay day?

4)Date of your wedding?

5)How many sons and daughters do you have together?

Ah, what good fellows! Well, let's give you the floor for congratulations!

And now it's time to "wash" gifts from husbands.

Toast 4: Petya, Tolik and Boris - briskly shout the word "encore!"
Sasha, Kolya and Maxima - smile beautifully at everyone.
Vicky, Lyuda and Marinka - stand up straight, like pictures.
Earrings, Sveta and Deniska - meow like pussies.
Anya, Lena and Antoshka - clap your hands loudly
Nastya, Katya and Tanya - raise above the mug!
Dima, Volodya and Kostya - invite us to visit ...
Misha, Gena and Andrey - shout "Hurrah!" hurry up
Igor, Victor, and Larisa - raise your hands higher!
Natalia, Stas and Oleg - say hello to everyone
To everyone whose names I didn't name
Your time has come
Pour, stand up
We pronounce a collective (together) toast.

Toast 5: I can confidently say
We are in front of mothers-in-law to death
In the most unpaid debt.
If you are proud of your love
If your husband is the best of men,
Bow to your mother-in-law in the belt,
This is the son she raised.
Margarita Vasilievna, you have a word for congratulations! But when you, Olya, got married, then in addition to the second mother, you also got a sister! The word Tsytsulina Marina Gennadievna and her husband Sergei Yuryevich!

Toast 6: Dear guests, we just need to hold a jubilee ceremony, because, according to experts, after it is held, all illnesses and sorrows of the hero of the occasion disappear, an irreversible process of rejuvenation begins.
In order for our ritual to succeed, it is necessary for all guests to turn on. When I say LADIES, all women, girls, girls blow a kiss to the birthday girls. When I say CAVALIERS, all men, guys, boys rub their palms.
LADIES and CAVALIERS came to the honored birthday girls for the anniversary. LADIES wear beautiful beads and earrings. CAVALIERS smell of expensive perfume and captivate with impeccable shaved faces. LADIES are good, energetic, charming. CAVALIERS are courageous, smart, cheerful. LADIES and CAVALIERS are ready to say a thousand words of congratulations and wishes to the anniversaries. LADIES delight the birthday girls with the beauty of outfits and bottomless eyes, gentlemen - with compliments. But in general, LADIES, as LADIES, CAVALIERS, as CAVALIERS. Both LADIES and CAVALIERS are good, they congratulate the hero of the day from the bottom of their hearts.

So that men always have ... a glass filled with wine.
So that women always give ... to drink a glass of wine to the bottom.
So let's raise our glasses to what we thought at the beginning!

Toast 7: Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
They can not be earned, this is not a reward,
God gives them by grace to adults.

Children, oddly enough, are also a test.

Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.

Children are a miracle, a message of kindness,

Rays of sunrise, droplets of love.
Children are every girl's desire
(Even careerists, at heart).
Children are frequent rises at night,

Children are nipples, colic, pots.
Children are disputes in matters of upbringing,
Mom's prayers, dad's posts.
Children are affection, sincerity and friendship.

They argue for fun, they love so seriously.
With them we dissemble, we don’t need to hide -
Children's eyes see right through us.
Children are dads often not at home,

Children are mother at home all day.
Children are often a narrow circle of acquaintances,
Own plans are moving into the shadows.
Children - it's like life started all over again:

First smiles, first steps
First successes, first failures.
Children are experience, children are us.

The floor is given to the children of Nina Nikolaevna:

A word to the children of Olga Alexandrovna:

Word to the grandchildren:

And now we'll be together
Give you advice
Very bad advice
You better write them down

To do everything right
Missing nothing
Better not even write.
And turn on the voice recorder

Don't dance with us
Better eat a sandwich
Moving is very harmful.
Take care of the body

Let salads and sausage
Settle on the sides
To make you round
Just like a birthday cake

so that you don't lose weight
You need to eat in reserve
Don't try to move
Be better like a seal

Only very reckless
Get up and go dancing
We announce for the brave
First dance block


“Lambada” Station 1st What kind of toys are there, we hold on tight to…………………
Station 2
Station 3. This is how the hippos dance, clasping their tummies in their hands
Station 4th Station of jokes Opochka, we hold on tight to ... ....
Station for those who survived, put your hands below, and grab without
looking back you know what the heels are for

Admission to the pioneers (3 caps, 3 ties, drum, cards)


As for ___________ anniversary,
The honest people gathered
The honest people gathered
The loaf will sing to you:

Happy Anniversary
We wish you good luck
Here is such a width (shown)
Here is such a height (shown).

Good luck to you everywhere, in everything,
To have your own home
Here is a -\\-
Here is a -\\-

To make children (grandchildren) laugh in it,
So that they are always born
Here is a -\\-
Here is a -\\-

So that you do not know poverty
They would receive a pension (And a salary)
So that guests come to you,
and brought gifts
So that there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness,
And if there is grief
Here is such a lowland (shown)
Here's a dinner (shown)

All in the palm of your hand Loaf, loaf,
Invite us to the feast!

Let it fly like a bird, high
your happiness, spreading wide,
So that every day is important, and not small.
And to that we raise our glass.

And now for the birthday girls the game "Tic-tac-toe". Let's see which one is the luckiest. (Markers, field, lemonade, glass, 3 slices of lemon, jump rope)

Under each game square where crosses will be placed, a game task should be hidden - let it be on the back of the playing field.
1. We will not ask you to sing,
Just give us a little drink
Showing all good people
How to sing, taking 100 grams!
(serve 100 grams to the guest and ask to sing)
2. You do not need to be afraid of us,
We won't make you suffer!
Please drink lemonade
Tell us a joke!
3. To the degree of mood
At this very hour, raise you
It creates an impression:
You need to take 100 grams!
4. If the ''Russian'' squats
You don't feel like dancing
Then we're for the order
Please have a seat!
5. Eat, try, without groaning,
Three slices from a lemon!
6. A familiar doctor told
About the benefits of kissing!
Now, don't cry, don't cry
Complete the task:
Kiss all brunettes
Just don't play too hard!
7. Remembering the golden childhood,
You won't sit down now!
Your task is:
Jump on the rope!
8. We observe sterility
Both outside and inside!
Therefore we offer you
Drink three shots of vodka!
If a hand is not raised,
At least three sips!
9. Not an easy task
Please fulfill my request:
You say goodbye to everyone
Speech starting with the letter Yu!
And now, you sisters, congratulate each other and exchange gifts!

Toast 9: And now a word for congratulations to nephews and nieces.

The Gorbunov family Vadim and Olga

The Gorbunov family Alexander and Marina

Zemskova Natalya with Alexei, grandchildren Misha, Seryozha and Ksyusha.

Shcherbakov family Gennady and Lyudmila

The Myshin family Svetlana and Andrey, Snezhana.

Little sun Victoria - victory!

Toast 10: Olga will be terribly happy,

After all, they came to congratulate the matchmakers. Kozlov family Andrey and Elena.

Toast 11: And now the word to Olga's close and beloved relatives

Borisov family Mikhail and Lyudmila

Yerkin family Grigory and Nadezhda

Eremin family Ivan and Valentina

Sokolova Elena

Toast 12: And so that our analysts can analyze the amount of poured, we will

Competition "Degree of sobriety"
It is very simple and fun game! I will name various words, and you in chorus, quickly and without hesitation, call the diminutive form of this word.

Mom - (mommy)
Tanya - (Tanya)
Slipper - (slipper)
Bag - (handbag)
Lamp - (bulb)
Goat - (goat)
Rose - (rose)
Water - (vodichka), but mostly they shout "VODOCHKA"

Diagnosis "Increased botulism". And it needs to be supported!

Toast 13: Word to Friends and girlfriends

Artemova Tatiana

Glazkov Sergey and Antonina

Sheruntaev Alexander and Tatiana

Tsyganov Alexander and Galina

Toast 14: Your employees do not spare words,

They want to congratulate you on your anniversary!

After a glass of this

We need a groovy dance.

Second dance block


Oaks and squirrels

"Girls in three girths" (headbands, skirts, sweaters)

"Raise the ball" (balls)

Couples play. Partners (a man and a woman) stand opposite each other, holding a ball between their stomachs. The task of the participants: with rotational movements, roll the ball to the chin of the one who is shorter in the pair. If the ball falls, it is picked up and the game continues.


How great is an anniversary?

The fact that the house of friends is full.

A sea of ​​toasts, games, laughter...

There is more fun for you.

Continuing the fun

We all play the lottery.

Toast 15: The hen cackles.

The rooster is singing.

And we have a glass of vodka

Let's put it in the mouth!

Toast 16: We congratulate you on a great holiday,
We wish you patience and success.
They are needed, because many answers
It is impossible to listen without bitterness and laughter.
meridians, parallels,
And with latitude longitude ...
Thank you for the knowledge about the countries,
We will remember your lessons forever.

Toast 17: At work - screams, crush,
At home - children, husband and mother ...
You are a shopkeeper
This must be understood!
Thunder-grandfathers and women-bitches,
There - cheating, and here - body kit
That's how nerves are shattered
That the whole white world is not nice.
But still, dear, nevertheless
Every day after running
Be kinder and younger
Cleaner, sweeter than all!

Toast 18: If the whole world is talking about a woman, it means that she is a movie star.
If the whole country is talking about a woman, it means that she is the president's wife.
If the whole city is talking about a woman, it means that she is a soloist of the local ensemble.
If the whole street talks about a woman, it means that she is a prostitute.
So let's drink, friends, for those women who are spoken of in verse!
Toast 19: Vyksa is a city of metallurgists! Our a real man metallized: gold in the pocket, silver in the temples, iron in the muscles and steel where necessary.
Let's drink to this durable alloy!

Toast 20: Test "Who is holding a glass?"
1. Whoever holds a glass in his right hand is absolutely the right people, but today - on the anniversary .... - after the fifth glass they can easily be knocked off this course!
2. Who holds a glass in his left hand - these people often go to the left, but not today!
3. Whoever has a full stack - these people are most happy for the hero of the occasion, so they drink to the fullest, most importantly, it would be something to drink!
4. Whoever has a little in a pile or a half - these people are low drinkers - no matter how much they drink, everything is not enough for them!
5. Who has “white” in their glasses - these people are modest and shy, when they drink, they always hold on to the wall!
6. Who has “red” - these people are the soul of any company, they drink everything!
7. Those who hold a glass with two or three fingers are cautious people, they are afraid that instead of vodka they have been poured mineral water, so they often fill their own glasses.
8. And who keeps the whole "five" - ​​these people usually do not drink from small dishes - why get dirty, drink, drink like that ...
But! No matter how you hold your glass today and whatever is poured in it, the main thing is ... we all drink to the health of our heroes of the day!

And now we are together

Well, let's not sit still.

We rose to our feet,

Together they raised their hands.

Swinging left and right...

You are rocking great! Bravo!

Everyone quickly sat down,

Have you looked at your neighbor across the street?

They appreciated his outfit and shouted “But my outfit is better!”

And now let's get up

We will extend our hands to the neighbors on the right and left.

Let's hold hands together

Let's smile at the jubilees.

And without disengaging hands

Welcome to the dance floor - to the dance circle!

We love Olga and Nina, respect,

Let's say "Congratulations!"

Third dance block


"Call Boys" or "Chatushki"

Here are the funny granny
They will sing ditties for you.
Performed by grandmothers
prepare the patties.

"Bombers" (balls with tasks)

For the competition you will need the same number of girls and boys. The guys sit on chairs arranged in a circle with their backs to each other. Inflated balloons are squeezed between the knees of the guys. In these balloons, before inflating, you need to put notes with tasks for couples. The guys will play the role of aircraft. The girls, at the signal of the leader, should run around the planes, they are bombers. The guys, spreading their arms to the sides, depict the flight of an airplane. When the host gives the command to bomb the planes, the girls should sit on the guy's knees and crush the ball. Then the couples must complete the task that was on the note inside the balloon.

How hard is it for you
How lazy are you
Show me how to jump
Young deer!

But you are quite serious
Grunt us a song
"Oh frost, frost!"

Well, I got the card
Why not be shy
Gather a team soon
Dance the swan dance!

Fly high and up
Three times, out loud
Shout "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
How the rooster crows!

You need three assistants
And this friendly team
To have fun until you drop
Dance passionate LAMBADA!

I say smiling
Show without hesitation
King Kong growls loudly
Knocking in the chest with fists!

Wild beach (cardboard for cover)

The players get into pairs. The host invites everyone to the "wild beach", where dances are announced. The dancers are given records (one for men, three for women) - “in order to intimate parts did not excite vacationers on the beach. Music sounds, dancing begins. During the dance, players need not to lose a single record, and for this they have to dance closely clinging to each other.

Toast 21: Somewhere in the field lights,

Somewhere the wind is blowing!
Well, we are for Olga and Nina

It's supposed to drink!

Who will sing whom? Topic: the time of year of birth of the hero of the day is summer and autumn.

Toast 23: Today you all treated yourself to glory,
You have tasted a lot of festive dishes,
But the main dish for the evening remained -
What I mean, all the guests, of course, will understand.
Delicacy is not at all simple:
Taste, beauty and design - the highest grade!
It is saturated with happiness, warmth and love,
Meet, greet - anniversary cake!

Toast 24: Hot summer in full swing
We all congratulate Ekaterina Ivanovna
For this you have to drink
And we don't mind!

Today is a holiday in the house
We all know about it
For this you have to drink
And we don't mind!

Praises addressed to you
We compose in chorus
For this you have to drink
And we don't mind!

With love to the hero of the day
We give gifts
For this you have to drink
And we don't mind!

Your anniversary is solid
But we don't count the years
For this you have to drink
And we don't mind!

And you are all good
We notice it
For this you have to drink
And we don't mind!

Happy days, health
We wish you more
For this you have to drink
And we don't mind!

And know our dear
Souls in you are not tea
For this you have to drink
And we don't mind!

In my youth I was
A very prominent girl...
something looking at you
I don't believe this!
Previously performed in the choir
Sang a song...
We thought the dog
It's howling at the moon!
I have 4 husbands
was with registration ....
And there were 4 more
for privatization!
On the trail of pensioners
Grandfather walked gray-haired ...
He, when he saw you,
Run away like a young man!
me to a beauty contest
Made a board...
You explain to the people
What are you, a technician?
I'm waiting for this spring day
Prince on horseback..
Dreaming! For you
Grandfather will come down in a vest!

Call boys

Dress code: trousers are rolled up, calico knee-length family shorts are put on top, the shirt is unbuttoned, a loose tie and socks dangle on the bare torso. You can put a printed "currency" under the elastic band of your underpants

1. -We came to you for a holiday
Give yourself
2. -Smile, laugh,
Make you laugh!
1. -I have such a tie, he has socks.
Muscles - steel, pants - iron, hard nipples!

1. -You are sitting in such an outfit, just pluck out your eyes !!!
It looks like you want to sexually harass us!
2. -Your skin is like a peach, your eyes are like an emerald.

Well, let's move the husband away, let him rest!
2. -Do not look so sternly
Better take a glass.
1. -We are happy to congratulate you
This Anniversary!
2. -Our wish will be:
So that the wine always flows

1 + 2 - Well, and most importantly - it could.

Girls in three girths. Requisites, attributes: a box of chocolates, a pack of tea, girls' clothes: scarves, bows, headbands, etc. etc., short skirts, stockings, flip-flops with bows.

(The scene involves disguised guys, men, scarves or bows on the head, pre-sewn tutu skirts, stockings, boxes in the hands - gifts with a surprise inside)

We are girls in three girths
We came to you for the holiday
And congratulate the addressee
Better time not found

Bring your greetings
And smiles ringing laughter
And in a box of candy
To bring success

And we wish
you never get bored
And invite us more often
You are for strong delicious tea

Also follow the instructions
You never get bored
And in a good mood
you always meet guests
(balls are given)

In this OH! cozy room
we sang nonsense
Pour glasses quickly
The grooms are waiting for us.

Congratulations from the Pioneers

(A team of five people is given bundles. They have a tie and cap. After changing clothes, the participants are given cards with words.)
Host: And now the floor for congratulations is given to honored guests. (Pioneers enter.)

We, the pioneers of our country's children!

Her whole life serves as an example for children
Both Octoberists and pioneers.

We came to congratulate Aunt Taya!

We came to you to learn from the elders,

We came to congratulate Aunt Taya!

We are the pioneers of the Soviet country.
We have been in love with you, Aunt Taya, for a long time.
We can't find a better friend
We came to congratulate you today!

We say without despondency and laziness:
We don't know generational conflict.
You, aunt Taya, are younger than we are,
We should take an example from you in this.
(all sing the song together)

(They hold out glasses to the hero of the day to drink. The hero of the day pours to the "pioneers")

And now we will hold a solemn ceremony of joining the pioneers of our hero of the day.

1. Dear aunt...!
Please accept our congratulations
And guidance for life.

Promise us not to hurt
Get younger every year

Don't be sad and don't be bored

Get ready!!!
Anniversary: ​​Always ready!!!

2. Exercise

Don't forget about friends
Invite more often.

Get ready!!!
Anniversary: ​​Always ready!!!

(Drum roll, tie a tie to the hero of the day.)

We are girls in three girths

We came to you for the holiday
And congratulate the recipients
Better time not found

2.Bring your greetings
And smiles ringing laughter
And in a box of candy
To bring success

3.And we wish
you never get bored
And invite us more often
for strong delicious tea

4.Also follow the instructions
You never get bored
And in a good mood
You always welcome guests
(balls are given)

5.In this OH! cozy room
we sang nonsense
Pour us glasses
After all, the grooms were waiting.

We came to you for a holiday
Give yourself

1.- I have such a tie, he has socks.
Muscles - steel, pants - iron, hard nipples!

1. -You are sitting here in an outfit, just tear out your eyes !!!
It can be seen that you want to bother us with sex!

1. -Do not touch us with your hands! So it won't work!
Well, we will move the husbands away, let them rest!
1. - We are glad to congratulate you
This Anniversary!
1. -To eat, to drink,
Well, and most importantly, it could.
2. -Smile, laugh,
Make all of you laugh!
2. -That's how cool we are, we are sexual giants
And what beautiful - do not take your eyes off!
2. -Your skin is like a peach, your eyes are like an emerald.
Men, seeing this, will die of longing.
2. -Do not look with a strict look,
Better have a glass.
2. -Our wish will be:

1. We, the pioneers of our country's children!
There is no one happier than us in the world.
To be with you again today

Fly like fires blue nights!
We, the pioneers, want a glass of wine.
It's high time for adults to pour:

1. Dear Aunt Olya!
Please accept our congratulations
And guidance for life.

Promise us not to hurt
Get younger every year

Don't be sad and don't be bored
Every day is easy to meet.

Get ready!!!

3. We came to you to learn from the elders,
How to drink, so as not to get drunk at all,
How to eat to keep a figure
We came to congratulate Aunt Olya!

Fly like fires blue nights!
We, the pioneers, want a glass of wine.
It's high time for adults to pour:
We aunt ... came to congratulate!

2. Her whole life serves as an example for children
Both Octoberists and pioneers.
We will continue to take an example from her,
We came to congratulate Aunt Olya!

Fly like fires blue nights!
We, the pioneers, want a glass of wine.
It's high time for adults to pour:
We came to congratulate Aunt Olya!

2. Exercise
And in the garden to dig in the beds,

Don't forget about friends
Invite more often.

Get ready!!!

How hard is it for you

How lazy are you
Show me how to jump
Young deer!

All hi-hanki, yes ha-hanki,
But you are quite serious
Grunt us a song
"Oh frost, frost!"

Well, I got the card
Why not be shy
Gather a team soon
Dance the swan dance!

Fly high and up
Three times, out loud
Shout "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
How the rooster crows!

You need three assistants
And this friendly team
To have fun until you drop
Dance passionate LAMBADA!

I say smiling
Show without hesitation
King Kong growls loudly
Knocking in the chest with fists!

Children are joy
And you doubly!
no you are happier
On the big earth.

Congratulations dad
Mom, kids.
Nothing in the world
There is no more important family.

I wish the kids
smile more often
Good health,
Laugh every day!

You came into this world together
Since then, you have been inseparable.
Growing and getting stronger every day
And you weren't bored.

All my life I wish you to be friends,
Support each other
Share sweets for two
Fun and toys.

I wish you health
And listen to mom and dad.
May your friendly family
She will be the happiest!

Congratulations, wonderful twins, happy birthday. May there always be double happiness and double joy in your life. Let both success and luck be multiplied by two. May one sun shine brightly for you two. May a strong and lasting bond always be kept between you. I wish you to live and enjoy everything that happens, I wish you never be sad and constantly support each other.

You are beautiful twins
You are two souls,
Two happy faces
How good are you!

Be happy always
Smile brighter more often
May the cherished dream
Become real!

I want to wish you health
Be always full of strength!
The most sincere love
Be surrounded all your life!

Today is a holiday twice
In the birthday square!
Sharing is always habitual
You are all half.

Twice the happiness
Therefore, I wish
Let fate gifts
Multiply everything by two!

health, optimism
Let it be long enough.
Financial freedom:
Not to save, but to spend!

These are the wishes
Made up with me.
I'll scream twice as loud
To you: happy birthday!

You are our twins
Wonderful Cuties
With beautiful eyes
Gentle, playful.

Happy birthday, darlings!
How beautiful are you
Children are invisible
Sunshine is welcome!

Be kind
The most obedient
Sweet, beloved
And unique!

Happy Birthday,
And there are two births.
There will be two fun.
Here are the things.

We wish you joy
Very, very friendly to live,
For wishes to come true
To make dreams come true.

You two entered this world,
You are each other's souvenir
Given from life and from God,
Like a precious talisman.

Let everything be okay with you
Have many friends
Love, believe, cherish
You take care of your parents.

Happy Birthday,
You smiles, moods,
Wishes from relatives
Happy happy days!

God sent two sweet, glorious children to the family,
Mom and dad were surprised and suddenly delighted.
Happy birthday, cuties, be happy always!
Smile, have fun, never be sad.
Do not get sick, warm your soul to mom, dad and relatives.
May your happy birthday be a great holiday!

Happy birthday
You, dear twins,
And I want you to grow
Healthy, happy.

To help each other
Didn't fight, didn't fight
So that the house is not silent
Two cheerful voices.

To give mom and dad
Happiness you are double
And shared the joy
Always with each other.

birthday double,
There will be a holiday, you know, big.
We congratulate you today
We wish you the best.

Let life multiply everything
Only happiness, joy gives.
You walk in step together
And take care of each other!