Step-by-step modeling from plasticine. Lessons for children. Sculpt from plasticine with children step by step Sculpt from plasticine 6 7 years

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D. N. Koldina
Modeling with children 5–6 years old
Lesson notes

From the author

For the harmonious development of the child's personality, it is very important to introduce him to the world of beauty through fine arts (drawing, modeling, appliqué).

Children 5-6 years old get to know each other in the classroom visual activity With different types art, vividly perceive the image in painting, decorative crafts, sculpture, graphics. Their work is gaining more awareness. The idea begins to outstrip the image. Previously acquired visual skills are consolidated.

In modeling classes, one should consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar objects, conveying their characteristic features; learn to sculpt a figure of a person and an animal in motion, create simple compositions. Children should be given the opportunity to use a variety of modeling techniques in the course of classes, to combine plasticine with natural or additional material in modeling. Children's hand movements become more confident. IN collective work Children learn to plan and coordinate their actions.

In this manual, we offer summaries of exciting clay, dough and plasticine modeling lessons in combination with natural and additional material.

Classes are compiled according to the thematic principle: one topic unites all classes (on the outside world, on the development of speech, on modeling, on applications, on drawing) during the week.

A modeling lesson with children aged 5-6 is held once a week and lasts 20-25 minutes. The manual contains 36 abstracts complex classes, designed for academic year(from September to May).

Read the outline of the lesson carefully in advance and, if something does not suit you, make changes; prepare the necessary material and equipment.

Preliminary work is also important (reading a work of art, familiarizing yourself with the surrounding phenomena, examining drawings and paintings). It is advisable to conduct a modeling lesson before the children engage in appliqué and draw on this topic.

Modeling classes are built according to the following approximate plan.

1. Create interest and emotional mood(surprise moments, poems, riddles, songs, nursery rhymes are used; acquaintance with works of fine art; reminders of what has been seen before; the appearance of a fairy-tale character in need of help; dramatization games; exercises for the development of memory, attention and thinking; outdoor games).

2. The process of doing the work begins with an analysis of the depicted subject, the advice of the educator and the proposals of the children to create the work; in some cases, a display of image techniques is used. Next, the children begin to create their own work. The teacher can draw their attention to a successfully started craft; direct the actions of children in need of support and assistance. When finalizing the product with additional elements, children should pay attention to expressive means (correctly selected desired colors and interesting details).

3. Consideration of finished works (in this case, the teacher gives only a positive assessment). The child should rejoice at the result, learn to evaluate his craft and the work of other children, notice new and interesting solutions, see the resemblance to nature.

In modeling classes with children 5–6 years old, the following are used molding methods.

1. Constructive- sculpting an object from separate parts.

2. Plastic- the details of the object are drawn from the whole piece.

3. Combined- combination in one product different ways modeling.

4. relief sculpture- a three-dimensional image protruding above the plane that forms its background.

Types of reliefs:

- bas-relief - low relief (the image protrudes above the plane by less than half (coins, medals));

- high relief - high relief (individual parts can completely protrude above the plane (walls of architectural structures));

- counter-relief - depressed relief (the image is deepened into the plane).

Let's list modeling techniques, which can be used by children 5-6 years old:

Rolling balls (any work begins with the use of this technique): a piece of plasticine is placed between the palms and performed circular motions palms;

Rolling the columns with the movements of the palms back and forth on the plank;

Flattening or flattening between fingers or palms of balls and columns;

Pinching or pulling: pinch the plasticine between two or three fingers and pull lightly;

Pulling out individual parts from a whole piece: with your thumb and forefinger, gradually press the plasticine from all sides (you can roll out the column only on one side and get a narrowed conical shape);

Indentation with the thumb of the recess on the surface of the form;

Connecting parts into a single whole and smoothing the joints;

Flattening the bottom of the mold by tapping it on the plank to make the craft stable;

Drawing on plasticine in the counter-relief method using a stack, a pointed stick;

Decoration of crafts with various additional and natural materials: short sticks, straws, cropped maple or ash lionfish, buttons, pennies, woolen threads, etc .;

Decoration of the object with small details molded from plasticine;

Mixing several colors in one piece of plasticine: take 2-3 pieces of plasticine, twist them and knead them - you get multi-color plasticine.

Many adults do not really like to work with clay, do not know the technique of working with it, and often often replace clay modeling with plasticine modeling in class. The following will help the teacher to successfully organize a clay modeling lesson: clay tips.

1. The day before class, release the clay from plastic packaging, wrap it in a wet rag and put it in a bag.

2. Before class, all the clay must be thoroughly kneaded, then divided into pieces and distributed to children.

3. Children bring the clay to full readiness - continue to knead it. If the clay is too wet, it will stick to your hands. Clay should be kneaded longer until it becomes plastic, and it will be easy to stick off your hands and roll into a sausage. If the clay cracks, it is too dry. Moisten it with a little water and continue kneading until fully cooked. If this is not done, then the craft will crack during drying. Only plastic clay, easily detached from hands and not giving cracks, is suitable for modeling.

4. Prepare a bowl of water for each child to wet their hands in.

5. Now you can sculpt the intended object on a wooden board (clay will stick too much and crack to a plastic board).

6. The joints of the parts of the clay craft must be moistened with water, otherwise the craft may fall apart during drying.

7. With wet fingers, you need to smooth out all the bumps on the craft.

8. If the children did not have time to finish sculpting the object in class, you need to carefully wrap the unfinished work in a damp cloth and put it in plastic bag.

9. The product molded from clay is dried naturally for 3-4 days.

11. The finished product can be painted with tempera, gouache or watercolor and varnished.

12. Wrap the clay remaining after sculpting in a cloth and put it in a plastic bag. If during storage a damp rag begins to mold, replace it with a new one, and rinse the clay.

13. After work, you need to rinse your hands under the tap and bring workplace tidy up using a sponge.

For modeling clay and plasticine will need:

- natural material: halves of walnut shells, pistachio shells, chestnut fruits, acorns, branches, ash seeds, maple lionfish, cones, shells, beans, peas;

- additional material: buttons, matches, cocktail tubes, small coins, capsules from kinder surprises.

For accurate work with plasticine and clay, you need: a stack, a wooden lining board, a rag for wiping hands, small cardboard stands for finished products.

If there is no clay, you can use homemade soft and plastic dough. You can cook it in two ways.

1 way. Mix 0.5 cups of salt, 0.5 cups of flour, 0.5 cups of water and 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil. The dough is ready to go.

2 way. Mix 1 cup flour, 1 cup water, 0.5 cup salt, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons citric acid. Cook, stirring for 2-3 minutes.

Finished products should be dried on both sides, and then painted with gouache.

Estimated skills and abilities of the child by 6 years:

Knows how to sculpt objects according to the idea and from nature, conveying their characteristic features;

Knows how to sculpt in plastic, constructive and combined ways;

Able to smooth the surface of the craft;

Knows how to make crafts sustainable;

Able to work with a stack;

Able to convey in modeling the expressiveness of the image;

Able to sculpt human and animal figures in motion;

Knows how to combine molded objects into a plot composition;

Able to supplement the subject with fashioned small details;

Knows how to combine plasticine with natural and additional material in modeling;

Able to apply plasticine inside the contour on a given surface;

He uses the method of bas-relief and counter-relief in his works;

Knows how to sculpt birds and animals according to the type of folk toys;

Knows how to decorate fashioned toys with moldings and in-depth relief.

We wish you success!

Annual thematic planning of modeling classes

Lesson notes

Theme of the week "Berries"
Lesson 1. Bunch of grapes (Nalep from plasticine)

Software content. Continue to teach children to roll small balls of plasticine between their palms and flatten them on top with a finger on cardboard. Develop fine motor skills of hands; thinking, attention.

Material. Subject pictures (berries). A branch of grapes (if possible). Halves of cardboard sheets, plasticine, stacks, modeling boards (for each child).

Lesson progress

Show the children subject pictures with berries, inviting them to name each berry. You can play with the guys in the game "Which berry is missing?" Among the missing berries, hide the grapes last.

Then consider with the children a branch of grapes. Note how the oval berries are located on it, how beautiful the carved leaves are - they look like Maple leaves, only smaller.

Offer to fashion a branch of grapes on cardboard. To do this, roll up green sausages and lay a branch out of them on cardboard; roll up a green ball, flatten it between the palms and cut out the contours of the leaf with a stack. Attach the leaf to the cardboard. From plasticine light green or purple tear off small pieces, roll them between the palms into ovals and attach them to the branch in rows: the first row is the longest (5–6 berries), the second is shorter, etc.

The theme of the week "Fruits of the garden"
Lesson 2. Vegetables on a plate (Modeling from plasticine)

Software content. To teach children to sculpt complex-shaped vegetables of different sizes from nature, using finger sculpting to get dents, narrowing the shape characteristic of certain vegetables. Learn to select the desired color of plasticine, the size of the craft in the process of work. To consolidate the ability to sculpt a plate based on a plasticine ball. Develop fine motor skills.

Material. Models of complex-shaped vegetables: eggplant, peppers, beets, turnips, etc. Plasticine, stacks, modeling boards (for each child).

Lesson progress

Read to the children a poem by N. Nishcheva:

Let's go to the garden
We'll harvest.
We're picking carrots
And we're digging up potatoes.
We cut a head of cabbage,
Round, juicy, very tasty,
Let's pick a little sorrel.
And we'll be back on track.

Ask the children: “What vegetables do we see in this poem? (Carrots, potatoes, cabbage, sorrel.) What other vegetables do you know? (Children's answers.)

Invite the children to look at models of eggplant, peppers, beets, turnips, onions, and other vegetables. Pay attention to their shape, color.

After that, each child chooses the vegetables that he will sculpt, independently selects the color of the plasticine and sculpts the vegetables of the desired size.

The child can mold 2-3 vegetables, and then put them in a molded plate.

To make a plate, roll out a large ball, flatten it into a disk, press in the middle, pull and trim the edges with your fingers.

Theme of the week "Fruits of the Garden"
Lesson 3. Fruits in a vase (Modeling from plasticine)

Software content. To learn how to sculpt fruits of various sizes that are complex in shape from nature, using finger modeling to obtain dents, narrowing the shape characteristic of certain fruits. Learn to choose the right color. Strengthen the ability to sculpt a vase. Develop imaginative thinking, fine motor skills.

Material. Models of fruits, complex in shape: banana, pear, peach, apricot, etc. Plasticine, stacks, modeling boards (for each child).

Lesson progress

Tell the children riddles:
round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch
adults love me
And little kids.

Balls hang on knots
Turned blue from the heat.

A hurricane hit the island
The last one left on the palm tree ...

Consider with children models of fruits that are complex in shape: banana, pear, peach, apricot, etc. Pay attention to their shape and color.

After that, each child chooses the fruit that he will sculpt, independently selects the colors and sculpts the fruit of the appropriate size.

Then the child puts the molded fruit in a vase. To make a vase, roll a large ball, then press a hole on one side with your thumb, make a recess with your fingers and compare the edges.

Separately, they sculpt a stand for a vase - roll up a ball and flatten it into a cake.

The theme of the week is "Protect the Forest"
Lesson 4. Owl (Modeling from plasticine in combination with natural material)

Software content. Continue to learn how to combine natural material and plasticine in crafts; connect the parts by pressing them. Learn to achieve expressiveness of the image, observe the proportions of parts and their differences in size. To consolidate the ability to understand and analyze the content of the poem.

Material. Plasticine, fir cones, small tree branches, stacks, cardboard stands, modeling boards (for each child).

Lesson progress

Read to the children a poem by G. Sapgir:

Gray owl, old owl,
And the eyes are burning like headlights.
Owl - jump, owl - lope,
He gave a flag to Filinenka.
Filinenok is glad, glad -
Two lanterns are on.

(About the owl.) What do the eyes of an owl look like? (Children's answers.)

Invite the children to consider a spruce cone and think about how to turn it into an owl: place the cone with the sharp end down, mold large oval eyes, nose, tassle ears from plasticine and attach it to the top of the cone. Place paws in the form of balls at the bottom of the bumps.

You can fashion a stump from plasticine and fix an owl on it.

Theme of the week "Trees and bushes"
Lesson 5. Autumn tree (Bas-relief from plasticine sausages)

Software content. To teach children to lay out on cardboard the silhouette of a tree from plasticine sausages. To consolidate the ability to roll out thin sausages and sculpt small details: roll up balls of plasticine and decorate the product with them. Develop creativity.

Material. Cardboard, plasticine, modeling board (for each child).

Lesson progress

Read to the children L. Shevchenko's poem "Autumn":

Quiet. Everything is frozen
In the light of September
Where are you, artist?
What is your name?
Who painted the leaves
It's not clear to me:
All trees of the forest
In golden fire

Invite the children to fashion autumn trees: “Let's depict forest trees with colorful foliage. And we will make trees from thin plasticine flagella (rolled sausages). To do this, you need to roll out a lot of brown sausages and lay out a tree with branches on cardboard, and place leaves on the tips of the branches in the form of balls of red, yellow, orange, green plasticine.

The children start sculpting.

The theme of the week is "Birds in Autumn"
Lesson 6. Dymkovo duck (Clay modeling)

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with handicrafts, consolidate and deepen knowledge about the Dymkovo toy. To attach to the manufacture of clay toys like Dymkovo. To learn to see the expressiveness of the form of a toy, to sculpt a duck from nature in a constructive way (from separate parts), observing the forms, proportions and details. Learn to evenly and beautifully place the figurine on the stand. Continue to teach with a stack to outline feathers, wings and eyes; decorate the wings and head with moldings, balls, cakes.

Material. Dymkovo clay toys (whistles: ducks, cockerels, deer, horses; ladies in kokoshniks and hats). Clay, bowls of water, rags, stacks, modeling boards (for each child).

Lesson progress

Tell the children about the Dymkovo toy: “This toy originated in ancient times in the village of Dymkovo near the city of Kirov. In winter, the houses of craftsmen were full of clay, bags of chalk, boxes of paints, boxes of eggs, pitchers of milk. That's pretty much everything you need to make clay toys. Masters were able to turn a piece of clay into a duck or a rooster.

Consider a whistle-duck with children. Explain how to attach a beautifully curved neck and a high head to the body, pinch the tail. Attach thick short legs-stands to the base body. Remind that the joints of all parts must be moistened with water and smoothed down.

Invite the children to become Dymkovo masters and fashion such a duck.

When the toys dry, they should be covered with water-based paint or white gouache mixed with a drop of PVA glue, and in a drawing lesson, paint the ducks with Dymkovo patterns.

Theme of the week "Colorful autumn"
Lesson 7. Fly agaric (Applying plasticine to the surface)

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to use familiar ways of conveying an image: carefully apply plasticine with a thin layer inside the contour and decorate it with a sticking method. Expand and clarify knowledge about mushrooms. Give an idea of ​​what mushrooms are edible and poisonous. Develop creativity in the design of your craft.

Material. Cards with the image of mushrooms: white mushroom, boletus, honey mushrooms, russula, red fly agaric, pale grebe. Cardboard with a painted silhouette of a fly agaric, plasticine, board-stands (for each child).

Lesson progress

Show the children pictures of mushrooms, describe each mushroom with the children. Draw their attention to the fact that there are mushrooms that in no case should be plucked and eaten - fly agaric and pale grebe. Carefully examine the fly agaric with the children, tell them: “This is a large mushroom with a red hat decorated with white spots. The red color indicates danger, the mushroom warns everyone that it is poisonous. Amanitas have a white leg with a wavy ring under the cap.

Have the children model this dangerous mushroom to help them remember it.

Explain the sequence of work: red plasticine is applied to the cardboard inside the contour and the hat is decorated with white dots. The leg is made of white plasticine. Below you can place green grass.

The children start sculpting.

The theme of the week is "Our little brothers"
Lesson 8. Hedgehog (Modeling from plasticine in combination with natural material)

Software content. Continue to teach children to combine natural material and plasticine in crafts. To consolidate the ability to convey in modeling the proportional ratio of parts and their location. Learn to achieve expressiveness of the image. Continue to learn to connect the parts by pressing them. Develop imagination when adding products necessary elements(mushrooms, leaves, grass, etc.). To consolidate the ability to understand and analyze the content of the poem.

Material. Pine cones, plasticine, a variety of natural materials (pine or spruce needles, small twigs, small dry leaves of trees), cardboard stands, modeling boards (for each child).

Lesson progress

Read to the children a poem by S. Marshak:

A hedgehog lives under our chair,
Spiny hedgehog.
It looks a lot like a brush
When you can't see the legs.

Do you understand why
Does the hedgehog have needles?
To not touch him
Boys or wolves.

Ask the children: “Who is this poem about? (About the hedgehog.) What does a hedgehog look like? (Children's answers.) Why do I eat needles? (So ​​that no one offends him.)

Offer to look at a pine cone and think about how you can turn it into a hedgehog. Discuss with the children the sequence of work: first sculpt a muzzle and attach it from the blunt edge of the cone, then make legs, eyes, nose out of plasticine, cut the mouth with a stack. Small apples, mushrooms, needles can be attached to the back-cone. Place the hedgehog on a cardboard with applied green plasticine, decorated with grass in the form of coniferous needles, fallen leaves, tree branches.

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For babies preschool age you can come up with a lot of entertaining activities, a special place among them is plasticine modeling. Thanks to this type of creativity, parents will be able to instill in their own child a love of creativity, develop fantasy, imagination, as well as fine motor skills. In addition, by making figures from plasticine, the baby learns to be independent.

What to blind

Before the start of the lesson, each parent thinks about what can be made from plasticine. Dream up a little, imagine yourself as a child, think about what will interest your son or daughter the most. Children's crafts may involve the use of many additional materials, which include: flowers, leaves, acorns, cones, and chestnuts.

Take note of what can be molded from plasticine:

  1. and birds. Interesting and funny hedgehogs, bunnies, turtles will delight the little one. In addition, such plasticine crafts for children are made very quickly and simply.
  2. Thematic figurines. Undoubtedly, for every kid it is a special, long-awaited event, because it is associated with toys and various gifts. Simple crafts from plasticine in the form Christmas toys, a snowman and, in fact, the Christmas tree itself will cheer you up on the eve of the holiday.
  3. Flowers. Fascinating compositions made with a child will look like they are alive. Depending on the age of the crumbs, you can make flowers with a minimum number of details, as well as more complex three-dimensional compositions.
  4. Trees. Having mastered easy plasticine crafts, you can move on to more complex figures. Of course, the kid will not be able to blind the tree on his own, the help of an adult will be required. But after taking a few steps in creating crafts, the child will be able to easily complete the work he has begun.
  5. Vegetables fruits, sweets. Even novice craftsmen will be able to master the process of creating miniatures of their favorite delicacies. Choose the necessary colors of plasticine, then you can safely proceed to creativity.
Isn't it fun and interesting to make plasticine crafts with your own hands? Let's start this exciting activity right now. Prepare plasticine, a stack, cardboard and some improvised materials and you can start working. We will teach you how to mold a wide variety of crafts from colored plasticine, such an activity for kids will be entertaining and will cause a lot of positive emotions. Well, to the point?


A small forest animal with thorns will find itself right on your table. Even can make a cute rodent Small child. Plasticine modeling for children is incredibly exciting fun.

How to make:

Kitten with a heart

On St. Valentine's Day, you can give not only valentines, but also original crafts. We recommend that you make a kitten out of plasticine step by step according to the presented photo instructions.

Sculpting technique:


Make a small plasticine craft with your child, with step-by-step instructions, you will quickly master the entire manufacturing process. A funny turtle will complement your collection of crafts.

How to sculpt:

Birds "Angry Birds"

"Angry" birds are known to almost all children. Learn how to make such a plasticine craft from our photo tutorial.

Sculpting process:

rowan tree

Craft beautiful tree very simple. This does not require spending too much time, the characteristic fruits will decorate the lush green foliage.

Creation features:


Blind from plasticine lollipops, finished goods indistinguishable from the real ones. The kids will love this for sure.

How to do:

Bouquet of flowers

Make a touching gift for the holiday - a bouquet of roses. The original craft can be dedicated to the day.

How to make:

New Year crafts

During the winter holidays, get your child interested in creating beautiful plasticine crafts. You can place each molded figure on cardboard.


An easy-to-make craft will become a real decoration of the interior of a children's room, start making it together with your children.
Features of creating crafts:

Christmas tree decoration

Preparations for the New Year can begin with the manufacture original crafts, a festive mood for the whole family is provided.

Sculpting steps:


Even from ordinary plasticine, you can make a symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree, from improvised means you will need scissors and a bamboo stick.

How to do:

And some more interesting ideas for inspiration, crafts on paper / cardboard:

Elizabeth Rumyantseva

For diligence and art there is nothing impossible.

Parents from early childhood try to instill in their children a love of creativity, as this contributes to the development fine motor skills hands, perseverance, fantasy, imagination. A variety of tools, elements, for example, can be used for work. natural materials, colored paper. Plasticine crafts are especially popular, because with its help various figures, accessories, and other products can be created. Below are step by step instructions for making interesting crafts with your own hands.

Modeling from plasticine for children in kindergarten

By connecting fantasy, imagination, with the help of plasticine it is easy to create various products, thematic works. In some cases of the creative process, additional materials can be used - chestnuts, acorns, leaves, flowers, etc., this will help create an original craft, for example. The following products are especially popular with children:

  • Animals are favorite figurines, very easy to make. Among children, such animals created with the help of plasticine are in special honor: squirrel, frog, snake, lambs, bunny, giraffe, caterpillar, spider, horse, octopus, turtle, shark. Creation schemes may differ depending on the available material, the child's vision, his imagination, and creative abilities.

  • Flowers. With the help of plasticine, charming compositions, crafts, decorations can be created. Depending on age, the complexity of the colors created using plasticine may increase. So, for example, preschool children can make a chamomile, a tulip, but schoolchildren can create a rose, pansies, and other exquisite crafts.

  • Toys. Children are doubly happier when they can create a product for play with their own hands. For girls, it can be a doll, a baby doll, an angel, a butterfly, a mermaid, while boys will like different kinds of transport - a car, tank, plane, train or transformers.

  • Vegetables and fruits are easy crafts that beginner masters of "plasticine creativity" can do. Children will succumb to an apple, watermelon or its slice, grapes, berries - strawberries, raspberries. In addition to vegetables, fruits, other food can be created, for example, cookies, cake, sweets.

  • Fairy tale or cartoon characters. Children are not indifferent to fairy tales and cartoons, so they will be especially enthusiastic about creating their favorite characters. In special honor among children: figurines of Fixies, Smeshariki, Masha and the Bear, Cheburashka, Ninja Turtles, Angry Birds, Cars Cars, Minecraft characters, etc.

Step by step instructions for making children's plasticine crafts

Plasticine crafts can be created using certain schemes, master classes or without specific instructions, relying on your imagination and imagination. Some products, despite their apparent simplicity, are extremely difficult to make without a detailed description. Below are detailed descriptions creating a variety of crafts with photos, thanks to which children different ages will find a master class according to their capabilities.

Craft from plasticine chicken

For children younger age Making a chicken with plasticine will be a simple and interesting activity. In the creative process, the help of parents will be required so that the do-it-yourself craft turns out to be perfect, to please the child. Classic plasticine or fine-grained plasticine can be used as a material, which will allow you to create an original product.

For work you will need:

  • plasticine of three colors;
  • cardboard for the base of the work;
  • beads for eyes;
  • stack for plasticine.

How to make chicken step by step:

  • Using yellow material, make the head (a small circle) and the body (an oblong element that needs to be shaped) of the bird.
  • Connect the two main parts.
  • Make green wings, attach them to the body.
  • Decorate the chicken's head: make a scallop, a beak with plasticine, and beads should be used as eyes.
  • Make a stand to sit your bird on and it's ready to be presented to parents or at a garden show.

aquarium fish

Many children are not indifferent to the beautiful, bright fish that live in the aquarium. With the help of plasticine, it is possible to create not only figures, but also a composition, using colored blue cardboard to simulate water, green material for algae. The brighter, more diverse the fish will be, the more interesting the DIY craft will look. For additional decor, shells or other natural materials can be used.

To make fish you will need:

  • plasticine;
  • modeling board;
  • additional accessories for decor (sequins, beads).

The scheme of step-by-step creation of a fish:

  • Roll up a plasticine ball, press it down, creating the contours of the figure.
  • Make a tail, fins. Connect the parts to the body.
  • Stick on the eye using beads, beads or black base material.
  • Decorate the figurine with multi-colored plasticine, sequins (creating scales) or other elements.
  • The aquarium fish is ready and can be used to create an aquarium composition.

tiger cub

Using plasticine, preschoolers can create a cute tiger that walks majestically across the expanses of the desert or lies on a platform in a circus. Sculpting an animal figurine is simple, the main desire, perseverance is the presence required material, tools. To create a tiger you will need:

  • plasticine of three colors (orange, white, black);
  • stationery knife;
  • beads or sequins for the eyes.

Step by step creation tiger:

  • Make an oval using orange material and give it the shape of the animal's torso.
  • Model the paws (to make them realistic, you need to make notches with a special stack), tail, attach them to the body.
  • Roll up the head, complete it with the necessary details: eyes (beads, beads or plasticine can be used), ears, mouth. To give originality to the figure, it is necessary to take white decorative elements.
  • Roll up small "sausages" from black plasticine, with which you will decorate the dark stripes on the body, tail of the tiger. In addition, with the help of such elements it will be possible to make antennae, eyebrows.
  • Using white paste, make a tiger shirt and glue it to the body of the animal.
  • The figurine is ready and can become an element of a composition or a self-sufficient product for an exhibition or competition.

To create an animal figurine, schoolchildren can use plasticine, and additional decorative elements will add realism and originality to the craft. The creative process will captivate the child and help to have an interesting, useful time, and the resulting elephant is suitable for participating in an exhibition at school. To create a work (an elephant in a zoo. For example), you will need the following materials:

  • plasticine;
  • stacks for work;
  • a pair of decorative eyes (beads, rhinestones);
  • PVA glue.

Step by step creation of an elephant:

  • Using gray plasticine, roll into balls of different sizes: one large for the torso and four medium sizes for shaping the legs. Sculpt all the details, connect together. On the forefoot, make small incisions with a stack.
  • Decorate the legs with small white circles and blue spirals.
  • Blind the head of an elephant with a trunk. Using a stack, make small notches, indicating the folds of the nose.
  • To create the ears, you need a pink and gray mass: connect two pieces of multi-colored plasticine and roll it thinly, make the edges wavy. Attach the pieces to the head to be connected to the body.
  • Roll up the tusks, thin flagella for bangs, tail - attach all the elements to the body to complete the work on the figure.

Crafts from plasticine grade 3

Unexplored space is interesting for children, and they often create applications, creative works on this topic: the starry sky, flying saucers, alien men, planets of the solar system and more. Such works always look unusual, very interesting, because in them the guys reflect their vision and idea of ​​the universe.

To create a craft you will need:

  • plasticine mass;
  • stacks;
  • cardboard (it will become the basis for crafts);
  • additional items for work (matches, toothpicks, straws, etc.).

How to make crafts on the theme of space with a flying saucer and planets step by step:

  • Roll out the material, mold a plasticine ball, flatten it, giving it the shape of a disk.
  • Blind a hemisphere bright shade, attach it to the center of the circle at the top.
  • Blind four or six legs of an alien ship (the number depends on the size of the craft) and connect to the main part. The flying saucer is ready.
  • To create a planet, you need to twist the balls using different colors of plasticine: yellow for the sun, green and blue for the Earth, brown for Saturn, burgundy for Mars.
  • Glue all the elements on the cardboard, creating one composition. Additionally, a variety of improvised materials, including natural ones, can be used.

Easy picture: a hedgehog made of plasticine and seeds for kindergarten

Beautiful and original creative work does not have to be difficult to create. It is very simple to make a cute hedgehog using plasticine, seeds, and even small children can cope with such work. For work, first of all, it is necessary to prepare cardboard and a printed sheet with the contours of the animal - it will serve as the basis for the future application.

Materials for work:

  • PVA glue;
  • plasticine mass;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • cardboard, sketch of a hedgehog (drawn or printed).

Step by step creation of a hedgehog:

  • Print out a black and white picture of a hedgehog (template), which will become the basis of the work.
  • Place the thorns generously with glue and glue the black seeds. It is important to ensure that all elements are directed in one direction, this will help to make the work more accurate, beautiful.
  • Using different plasticine, mold small fruits, mushrooms, sheets and other elements that need to be glued to the hedgehog's back to make the craft more voluminous and more realistic.

Master class on making a Christmas tree from plasticine

In anticipation new year holidays many have a natural desire to create a decoration of the room with their own hands. In many kindergartens and schools, exhibitions of crafts of children and their parents are held, which allows you to demonstrate Creative skills. Simple, but original and beautiful product on New Year theme is a Christmas tree created using plasticine. To work, a minimum of materials is required: mass (plasticine or salty dough) green, scissors and decorative elements for decoration.

Step by step crafting:

  • Roll the plasticine mass into a ball, then make a cone blank.
  • Insert a pencil or a branch into the bottom of the product, which will imitate the leg of a tree.
  • Using scissors, make small cuts to form the needles of the Christmas tree.
  • Decorate the finished craft with beads or beads to give it a festive look. So the Christmas tree will become a real decoration of the interior or exhibition.

Rose from plasticine for children of middle and senior school age

Children over the age of 8 can make more complex plasticine crafts, for example, flowers, a composition with a forest theme, original postcard For birthday. For creating beautiful rose you will need plasticine in two shades (green and red or pink) and cardboard if it is a composition on paper. Step by step creation of a flower:

  • The red plasticine mass should be rolled into a ball, then into a long tourniquet, which must be made flat by pressing it between the fingers.
  • Twist the finished ribbon, forming a loose rosebud. Slightly unfold the edges of the flower to make petals.
  • With the help of green mass, mold the sepals, leaves, stem.
  • Connect all the details - and a beautiful craft is ready, and if desired, thorns can be added, prints are made to make the product realistic. Such a rose can become an element of decor for a postcard or composition in a vase.

Find out what you can do with your own hands.


Creating products using plasticine is a fascinating, interesting activity that children like, and also contributes to the development of fine motor skills. The finished result of creativity is ideal for participation in an exhibition or competition and will become the pride of the child. For the manufacture of original crafts, a variety of additional materials can be used - cones, chestnuts, seeds. Crafts from acorns are interesting

How to make a rowan branch with children

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Modeling is not only useful for the development of fine motor skills, but also an unusually interesting activity for children. In the process of sculpting, a child can realize his fantasies, and handmade toys will delight both the baby and his parents. The article contains interesting ideas for modeling with children under 2 years old, 2-4 years old, 4-6 years old.

Plasticine modeling for children under 2 years old: ideas for classes

Often, children's acquaintance with plasticine or other modeling materials begins very early - from about 1-1.5 years. The main rule when working with these materials, which the child must learn, is due to the fact that plasticine must not be taken into the mouth.

How to spend the first acquaintance of the baby with plasticine: a few tips for parents

  • First, the baby must touch the plasticine, and then you need to teach him the simplest manipulations with this material. Show your child how to pinch off a piece, roll up a ball, put pressure on the ball, smear the plasticine and then invite him to do these steps on his own with the modeling material.
  • On plasticine, you can also leave traces with various animal figures, and then compare these traces with the baby in size and shape.
  • After some of the techniques for working with plasticine are mastered by the baby, you can make a picture with modeling elements with him, using the acquired skills in practice. For this you need to take finished picture and make volumetric details on it with plasticine. For example, ponytails for mice, white dots on a fly agaric or others. This task is done by the kids with pleasure.
  • When the baby learns the simplest manipulations with plasticine, you can safely proceed to the first crafts. It is better to start with animal figurines.

Craft from plasticine "Hedgehog Scent"

Try to make a hedgehog with a baby. For crafts, prepare:

  • brown plasticine;
  • a small piece of black plasticine;
  • buckwheat;
  • stack (knife);
  • board.


  1. Roll 1 ball of brown plasticine for the body of the hedgehog and 3 small balls for the nose and eyes of the hedgehog.
  2. Pull out one side of the balloon to make a pointed nose.
  3. Take one small black ball and make a hedgehog nose out of it.
  4. From the two remaining black balls, make eyes for the hedgehog.
  5. Take buckwheat and grain by row make thorns for the hedgehog.
  6. The hedgehog is ready.

What to sculpt from plasticine with children 2-4 years old: examples of crafts

Craft "Flying saucer for space lovers"

Materials, tools for modeling:

  • plasticine blue, light blue, white, orange, Pink colour;
  • stack;
  • board.


  1. We roll up 2 large balls of blue and blue, a few small balls of white, orange and pink plasticine, and also make 3 small sausages of blue color.
  2. We flatten the bottom of the large balls and connect them together. It turned out the base of the flying saucer.
  3. We attach 3 sausages to the base of the saucer, which will serve as a support for the flying saucer.
  4. We flatten small balls of different colors and attach them to a plate to make portholes.
  5. The flying saucer is ready to travel to different planets.

Craft "Kolobok-ruddy side in a forest clearing"

Materials and tools:

  • plasticine yellow, red, black, green;
  • spruce, pine cones;
  • knife for cutting plasticine;
  • board.


  1. You need to roll 2 large yellow and green balls, 4 small yellow balls, 2 small black balls and a thin red sausage.
  2. From a large yellow ball, you need to form the body of a bun.
  3. From small yellow balls, first the legs are formed, and then the arms of the kolobok.
  4. From small black balls you need to form the eyes of a bun.
  5. Make a mouthful from a thin sausage.
  6. The bun is completely ready.
  7. A large green ball needs to be rolled out and made into a path. You can plant a bun on the path.
  8. Along the edges of the path, plant trees from pine and spruce cones, previously painted with paint.
  9. Gingerbread man - a ruddy side is ready to roll along a forest path.

Animals from the plate: craft "Pig Nemo in the Sea"


  • plasticine pink, blue, black;
  • knife for cutting plasticine;
  • board.


  1. You need to make 2 large balls of pink and blue plasticine, as well as 9 small pink balls, 2 tiny black balls.
  2. A large blue ball needs to be flattened and made into a blue sea.
  3. From a large pink ball, you need to make the body of a pig and place it in the "sea".
  4. From four small pink balls, you need to roll 4 sausages and attach them to the body of the pig - you get legs. Small stripes can be made on the legs of the pig.
  5. Another two small pink balls need to be made for the Nemo pig eyes. Make pupils from black plasticine and attach them to the eyes of the pig.
  6. From the two remaining pink balls, you need to form ears and attach them to the pig.
  7. It turned out a funny pig "Nemo", swimming in the sea.

Lepka for children 4-6 years old: 2 master classes

Craft from plasticine "Palm tree on a green island"


  • plasticine green, gray, burgundy, dark green, orange;
  • board;
  • stack.

Preparation method:

  1. To make a palm tree, you need to roll 1 large green ball, 2 thick gray and burgundy sausages, 5 flattened dark green sausages and 9 small orange balls.
  2. From a green big ball you need to make an island on which a palm tree will grow.
  3. Sausages of gray and burgundy must be cut into small washers, from which the trunk of a palm tree will be formed.
  4. Alternately, you need to fasten the washers to each other. The trunk of the palm tree is ready.
  5. From flattened dark green sausages, you need to form leaves for a palm tree and attach them to the trunk.
  6. Orange balls need to be attached to a palm tree - these are coconuts growing on a tree. Several of these balls must be attached to the island (these will be already ripe coconuts that have fallen from a palm tree).
  7. The palm tree on the green island is ready.

Craft "Valiant medieval knight"


  • black and gray plasticine;
  • board, stack.

Crafts execution algorithm:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare "spare parts" for the knight. From black plasticine you need to make a cylinder, 8 sausages, 1 medium-sized ball and 6 small balls, 2 cones - one larger, the other smaller.
  2. From gray plasticine, you need to make 1 thin pancake and 2 small pancakes.
  3. First you need to make the arms and legs of the knight, for this you need to connect the sausages together with the help of balls. Attach small gray pancakes to the legs.
  4. Then you need to make the torso of the knight. To do this, we connect the cylinder with a black cone bigger size. We attach the legs.
  5. Next, attach the arms to the body.
  6. The head of a knight remains. We connect a large black ball with a smaller cylinder. It turns out a head with a collar.
  7. On a gray pancake, you need to make slits and attach it to the knight's head. Get a visor. A knight's helmet can be decorated with a feather.
  8. Next, you need to connect the head and torso.
  9. To get a truly valiant medieval knight, you need to hand him a spear from a pen shaft with a gray plasticine tip.
  10. The knight is ready for the jousting tournament hosted by the king.