How many retirement terminations occur per year. The indexation of pensions after dismissal can be accelerated. Clarification of the PFR about indexation upon dismissal

Achievement retirement age- not a reason to stop working. The financial situation in the country encourages citizens to stay in their jobs, even if they are entitled to an old-age pension. As a result, they can simultaneously receive a salary and pension payments. In addition, the longer a person works, the greater the amount of payments he can count on. But while the citizen takes workplace, his pension payments are not subject to recalculation. A natural question arises - how is the indexation of pensions for working pensioners after dismissal?

What is indexing

Every year there is a change in the country living wage. This is due to changes in the exchange rate, general price increases and other economic processes. As a result, the cost of living increases. In order for pensioners to be able to meet their basic needs through pension payments, they are subject to periodic recalculation. This procedure, carried out at a certain time, is called indexing.

The indexation coefficient is set by government agencies. It is affected by the percentage of price increases for goods in the industrial sector, products and services. When determining the level of recalculation for New Year, indicators of the old are taken. That is, when calculating indexation for 2017, the above parameters for 2016 should be taken into account. There are many types of pension payments. But most pensioners in Russia are supposed to either insurance pension or social.

An insurance pension is assigned to citizens who have a certain seniority. Its size directly depends on what insurance premiums contributed by the pensioner's employer. The final amount of this type of pension payments depends on the amounts contributed by the pensioner before reaching retirement age and by the employer. Today, a citizen can count on an insurance pension upon reaching fifty-five years (for women) or sixty years (for men). But, according to breaking news, in 2017, the retirement age for civil servants was increased:

  • men will be able to retire at sixty-five;
  • women will receive such a right only after reaching the age of sixty-three.

Social pensions are accrued to citizens who do not have the length of service necessary for calculating insurance pension payments. Their minimum size must meet the national minimum wage.

Since by the decision of the government in the new year, instead of indexation, a lump-sum payment of five thousand rubles was made to each pensioner, the question arose in society whether indexation would be returned? So far, members of the government promise to fully resume the procedure for recalculating payments, which will comply with the laws of the country. Therefore, we can conclude that in 2017, with a high probability, the procedure for indexing pensions will be carried out.

What happens to the pension after dismissal

Last year, members of the government decided to impose a moratorium on the recalculation of pensions of citizens who continue labor activity.

Therefore, their pension payments were not indexed and corresponded in size to the beginning of 2016. At the moment, there is no decision to lift the moratorium, so the old order is preserved. Accordingly, pensions are not recalculated for working pensioners.

Only a retired pensioner is entitled to indexation of a pension. Working citizens of retirement age have all the rights that other employees have. They can independently decide on dismissal at any time, referring to their retirement age. But the employer must know in how many days he will lose an employee. Therefore, he must be notified of the decision in advance.

When recalculating the pension, all changes that have occurred during the work of the employee since 2016 (since the moratorium was imposed) will be taken into account. That is, payments will be brought up to the level of pensions of non-working citizens. But while the pensioner is working, his employer continues to contribute money for him. Thus, after retirement, these contributions will be taken into account during indexation, which will increase the amount of pension payments.

Each citizen of retirement age has his own personal account in the Pension Fund of the country. For all the time of his work, he had pension points, on which the subsequent payment of pensions is based. They depend on the amount of contributions made by the employer. If a person works even after the age of sixty, points continue to be awarded (the maximum number of points is ten). Consideration should also be given to incentive pension coefficient. In connection with all of the above, the answer to the question of whether the pension will increase if a previously working pensioner quit his job is positive. Taking into account all indexations and surplus factors, after dismissal, he will receive higher payments.

Calculation procedure

In order to find out when it is better for a pensioner to quit, you need to familiarize yourself with the procedure for indexing. According to current legislation:

  • Every year there is an indexation of insurance pensions. The procedure is carried out in the first days of February;
  • social payments adjusted in April.

Citizens who quit before the end of March last year were required to notify the PF about this. But it was like that before.

Do I need to apply to the Pension Fund after dismissal today? No, since the pensioner is now working or not, the Pension Fund will determine independently. Until the tenth day of each month, the employer is required to submit reports on each pensioner working for him. Thanks to this, pensioners do not need to independently notify the Pension Fund of the fact of dismissal.

In order to figure out from what month the recalculated pension will be paid to the dismissed pensioner, it is necessary to consider the procedure for this procedure:

  1. first, before the tenth day of the month, the employer provides information about the working pensioner in the form C3B-M;
  2. indexation of the retired employee's pension will occur next month;
  3. In another month, he will receive recalculated pension payments.

To better understand the situation, a specific example should be given. The pensioner retired in March. Until April 10, the employer transferred information about him to the Pension Fund. In May, employees of this department will index the pension payments due to him, and in June he will receive a pension in full size.

If, for example, the twenty-eighth of March is considered the day of dismissal of a pensioner, then he will receive a pension in June, since the employer will submit reports before April tenth. If the employee was fired on April 11, then the full pension will be accrued to him only from July.

It also depends on the Pension Fund of Russia when a retired pensioner receives a 4 percent supplement to the basic pension. As in the previous case, this allowance will be accrued after two calendar months after the employer submits reports to the Pension Fund.

Thus, a pensioner who continues his labor or entrepreneurial activity cannot count on indexation of pension payments. The recalculation of the pension of a working pensioner upon dismissal in 2017 occurs one month after the submission of reports to the Pension Fund by his employer. In a month, the citizen will begin to receive pension payments in full. Indexation is carried out taking into account the growth of the average salary and the minimum subsistence level. It is impossible to return the funds lost due to the lack of recalculation. Despite lump sum payments 5000 rubles, held in January of this year, members of the government promise to index pensions this year in accordance with the legislation of the country.

The annual indexation of pensions of working pensioners, canceled in 2016, resumes after the dismissal of a pensioner within three to four months. Approximately this period is required for the transfer by the employer to Pension Fund(PFR) information about the dismissal of the employee, after which the pension will be indexed without statements from the dismissed person.


Until 2016, the pension for working pensioners was increased twice a year. The first time - in February as part of the general indexation for inflation and the second time - in August, based on the insurance premiums paid by the employer for him in the previous year.

Federal Law No. 385-FZ of December 29, 2015, abolished the increase in pensions for working pensioners from 2016. The increase in payments that took place in August at the expense of insurance premiums paid by the employer has been limited to three pension points since 2016, which amounts to just over 200 rubles.

With the adoption of new laws and regular discussions in the press regarding pension legislation, many are confused about how pensions are recalculated for working pensioners.

The following questions are of interest:

  • recalculation in 2019;
  • indexation upon dismissal in 2019;
  • indexation upon dismissal in 2019

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019

In 2017, the allowance was not indexed, as in the previous one. In February 2017, the insurance pension was indexed only for non-working citizens receiving old-age benefits.

Pensioners for whom the employer paid insurance premiums in 2016 are eligible for recalculation in August.

The amount of the increase depends on the level of salary (last year's salary is taken into account), but is limited to three pension points. To earn them, a salary of 19,900 rubles is enough.

The cost of one point in 2016 is:

  • 71.41 rubles - if the allowance was assigned before 02/01/2016;
  • 74.27 rubles - if after 02/01/2016.

Accordingly, the maximum increase for those who worked in 2016 is:

  • 71.41 * 3 \u003d 214.23 rubles. - for the first case;
  • 74.27 * 3 = 222.81 rubles. - for the second case.

Recalculation of pension upon dismissal of a working pensioner in 2019

Many are interested in: if a working pensioner quit, when the pension will be recalculated and whether the dismissed person himself needs to notify the FIU.

It is the responsibility of the employer to inform the FIU about laid-off employees, so there is no need to apply to the FIU with an application. The employer will transfer the information to the FIU the next month after the termination of the contract with the employee, within a month the FIU will make a decision on indexation, and from the next month pension payments will be recalculated. Subject to the timely submission of reports by the employer, the process takes a little more than three months.

Compensation for the time elapsed between the date of termination of the contract and the month from which the recalculation decision comes into force is not provided for in 2019.

Recalculation of pension upon dismissal in 2019

Federal Law No. 134 dated July 1, 2017(the law entered into force on 01.01.2018), changes were made to the procedure for changing the amount of benefits for retired elderly employees, which provides that indexation is made from the 1st day of the month following the dismissal.

To enter data on the termination of the contract in the personalized accounting of the PFR and make a decision on PFR indexation it will also take 3 months, but a review of the amount of benefits will be made from the date of dismissal and compensation will be paid for all months during which the person did not work.

These rules are valid provided that the employer submitted reports to the FIU on time. If you are late, no compensation will be provided to the employee.

A pensioner can receive indexation if he quits for a while, and then gets a job again (if the employer does not object to such actions and is ready to take him back).

Many people, having reached retirement age, wish to remain in their previous positions. Reaching retirement age (for men 60 years old, for women 55, the exception is) is not at all a reason for dismissal at the initiative of the employer, reduction of salary or working day. In addition, dismissal on such a basis is a violation of the principles of labor law.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the same rights and obligations as any other employee. However, the employee may terminate the employment contract at his own request due to retirement. He must inform the director of the organization about this in a couple of weeks. The accrual of pensions will take place in accordance with the accepted rules for calculating pension benefits.

Pension increase

In connection with the growth of inflation, every year the government reviews the indexation of pension payments, increases cash subsidies to pensioners, taking into account the situation in the Russian economy. The basis for the conversion is the average wage rate in Russia.

The main indexation rules in the country have not changed:

  • Annually, insurance pensions are increased at the beginning of February;
  • In April, social pensions are adjusted based on the inflation rate.

At the same time, social payments increase to a greater extent than insurance payments, by an average of 3%. Over the past five years, the social block has increased by 10.3 - 14.1%, insurance - by 6.3 - 11.4%. A significant increase in pensions is not worth waiting for.

For the coming year Russian government planned in two phases. In early February, for disabled pensioners, insurance payments will be increased by 4%. Social payments will be indexed only at the beginning of April by the amount of actual inflation, for all pensioners without exception.

In 2016, indexation will not affect pensioners who have working status and are registered with the Pension Fund. They will receive only the insurance part of the pension without recalculation. Their pension will be fixed at the current level.

If a citizen of retirement age decides to quit, the amount of payments must certainly be revised. The April increase in pensions will still affect working pensioners.

Next year, the Government also plans to increase the pensions of disabled citizens by 400-600 rubles.

Indexation of pensions for pensioners after dismissal

As soon as a working pensioner wishes to leave for a long-awaited vacation from a permanent place of work, the entire pension will be accrued to him in full, taking into account all previous increases according to the general rules provided for by law Russian Federation. All missed indexations will be carried out immediately for pensioners, bringing payments to the required level. That is, the pension will immediately increase for all previously missed indexation.

For the coming year, it is planned to recalculate pensions twice:

The first stage is an increase of 7.5%. It will affect both blocks of pensions - social and insurance. The payment will be fixed at the level of 4386.59 rubles for age pensioners. For disabled people of group I and citizens who have reached the age of 80, the payment will be 8,767.19 rubles. That's why the average size insurance pension from February 1, 2016 will increase by almost five hundred rubles and will amount to 12.603 rubles.

The second stage of indexing will take place in early April. Usually it is lower than the first, the increase can only affect the insurance part of the pension. But this is only an assumption.

It all depends on the specific state of affairs in the domestic economy and the level of current inflation.

Pensions for working pensioners will be indexed only after leaving work. Indexations are "frozen" for the period of work of the pensioner. The new amount will be issued from the moment of termination of the employment contract. Compensation for previous years of work will not be paid.

How to deal with pension points? Pension points are reflected on the personal account in the Pension Fund of each working pensioner. Their limit is 10.

The increase in points for a working pensioner is due to the monthly deductions of the employer. In case of refusal to receive a pension for some time, the number of points increases to the maximum value. The number of these points is taken into account when a new pension is assigned.

Who should be classified as working pensioners:

  • All pensioners who work and for whom employers pay insurance premiums;
  • Elderly people registered with the FIU as entrepreneurs, legal service providers, lawyers, notaries, etc.

New pension legislation creates unrest in society. Numerous questions arise to which no one has yet been able to answer:

  • What about seasonal part-time jobs for retirees?
  • How to control self-declared income - royalties, patents?
  • What about retired entrepreneurs?

So far, there are conflicting answers to these questions.

How is sick leave paid after the end of a working career? What are the conditions for receiving payments?

  • Sick leave is paid only within a month from the date of termination of employment obligations;
  • The employer pays only the first three days of sick leave. The rest of the payment falls on the budget of the social insurance fund of the Russian Federation. It was there that the employer made monthly deductions;
  • You must apply for payment within six months after the date of dismissal;
  • A disability certificate is paid only to those pensioners who have not yet settled in a new job;
  • Only the disability certificate is paid, which is issued to the most dismissed employee. sick leave for the care of a child or an elderly relative are not paid;
  • An employee who has registered with the employment service can also expect to receive payments.

Indexation of pensions in 2018

Citizens stop working. After all, if you work even after the right to retire has appeared, then you can receive both wages and pension payments.

The financial situation is such that it is difficult for many citizens to live on their pension alone, some have to work even at the age of 70.

In addition to this, there is another important point- the longer the citizen worked, the higher his payments will be then. However, the recalculation of pensions while a person is working has become last years inconsistent - it is either canceled, then returned, then canceled again. Therefore, it is important to understand exactly how pensions are indexed to working pensioners after dismissal.

The cost of living in Russia changes every year. This is due to the fact that exchange rates are changing, prices are rising due to inflation, and so on: processes are constantly taking place in the country's economy, and their result, as a rule, is a gradual increase in the cost of living. In order for payments to correspond to prices, and for pensioners to meet their needs, it is necessary to recalculate them - indexation.

Determining how much the payment will increase is within the competence of the state. This coefficient has a certain value. For example, a coefficient of 1.051 means that they will increase by 5.1% to the current level. What exactly this coefficient should be is derived from various parameters, the basic ones are inflation and consumer prices.

It is worth noting here that pension payments can be different, but there are two main types into which they can be divided: insurance and social pensions. Insurance is assigned for, and its size will be determined by how large the employer made contributions for the employee. Social will be paid if a citizen does not have enough experience to be paid insurance. Size social pension determined by the living wage.

In 2016, indexation was not carried out.

Instead, each pensioner was given fixed payment at 5,000 rubles, and therefore many are worried about whether it will be carried out at all further. As a result, indexation was returned, but only to ordinary pensioners. But the question of working people hung in the air, until recently the government discussed whether to carry out indexation for working pensioners or not.

Indexation of pensions for retired employees

Since the number has been growing in recent years, reaching 36% of the total number of all pensioners, it was decided to cancel indexation. This was seen as a measure to combat the crisis - reducing budget costs. However, being initially a temporary measure, the abolition of the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, as it became known, will last at least until 2020 - and we can expect that even further. As the Minister of Economy Anton Siluanov explained on this occasion, the budget for 2017-2019 is “difficult, adaptive”, in connection with which it was decided to devote all efforts to supporting those pensioners who do not have any other income.

In order to recalculate for working pensioners again, it is necessary to find an additional 200 billion rubles in the budget, and the Ministry of Economy has not found acceptable ways to do this. At the same time, the minister is sure that after 2020 such an opportunity will appear, since the state revenues will increase.

Note important nuance: indexing is frozen only, but this does not apply to social ones. Their amount increases each time in proportion to the increase in the subsistence level.

And one more thing: despite the absence of a general recalculation, individual adjustments to the amount of pension payments for working pensioners will be provided. In particular, since August 1, 2017, there have been such individual increases. They are small - at most, payouts could be raised by 3 pension points, which is equivalent to 222 rubles.

The measures taken have really yielded results, not only in terms of reducing budget costs, but also in terms of the declared goal of reducing the share of working pensioners: it decreased at once to 22% - that is, by more than 13%. But how positive this result will be is a big question. After all, it is obvious that if they were left at work, then they benefited the country's economy, but now they have stopped doing this, which is unlikely to have a positive effect.

Recalculation of pension after dismissal

So we came directly to the main topic of the article - how is the indexation of pensions after dismissal. Its absence for working pensioners often gives rise to worries about whether indexation will be returned to working pensioners after they leave. You don’t have to worry about this - the law provides that after the pensioner, indexation returns. All the time when the recalculation was frozen will also be taken into account.

Let's imagine a situation. If a pensioner worked in 2017, then his pension for this year will not be raised as long as he works. At the same time, for all other pensioners, it will be raised by 3.7% from January 1 next year. If and in next years indexation will be carried out, then we already know that a working pensioner will not receive the same allowances.

Imagine that an ordinary pensioner and a working person received 10,000 per month in 2017. The usual in 2018 was increased by 3.7%, in 2019 (for example) by 3.5%, and in 2020 by 3%. This means that in 2020 a pensioner will receive 11,055 rubles. And the employee will continue to receive 10,000. However, if he retires in 2020, then all the changes that have occurred over these three years will be taken into account in payments to him, and they will also be raised to 11,055 rubles. In addition, do not forget that all the time while the citizen continued to work, insurance premiums continued to be paid for him. They will also be taken into account in the calculation, which means that in reality the pension will still grow.

As for dismissal, due to advanced age, a working pensioner can freely quit at any time, however, it is necessary to notify the employer about this in advance - two weeks before the day of dismissal.

Procedure and term of recalculation

The annual indexation of insurance pensions is carried out in early February, as for social pensions, their increase is carried out in April.

If earlier a retired citizen was obliged to notify the Pension Fund about this, now this is not necessary - the employer must submit monthly reports. To understand when indexation begins to operate after dismissal, and from what month payments in an increased volume will begin, you need to familiarize yourself with how exactly it is carried out.

By the tenth day of each month, the employer must provide information about the working pensioner. Accordingly, indexation will be performed next month, and he will start receiving payments in an increased amount from the next one. Let's illustrate this with an example: if a pensioner quit in August, then until September 10, information about this goes to the Pension Fund, October is set aside for recalculation, and from November the pension will be paid in a new amount.

Additional nuances

The indexation of a pension, which is carried out upon the dismissal of a working pensioner, also has interesting features that are worth highlighting.

If the citizen subsequently starts working again, then the reverse reduction of the pension will no longer be carried out. That is, if you quit and go through the indexation procedure, then you can work again, but receive already recalculated payments. At the moment, the discrepancy is small, but if ordinary pensions continue to be indexed, but not for working pensioners, then it can become large, and many will do just that - however, by that time, most likely, such a loophole will no longer exist.

There is a threat of suspension for working pensioners - this question already considered by the Government, but was postponed. However, they may return to it. First of all, it is planned to cancel for citizens with high incomes - from 1 million rubles a year.

You will be interested

The reindexation procedure, as before, will take more than 3 months, but this entire period is fully compensated. Let's look at the example again:

  1. In March 2018, the citizen quit;
  2. In April, the FIU will receive a report from the employer that the person is still among the employees of the organization;
  3. In May, the FIU will see in the report that the person is no longer working;
  4. In June, indexation of payments will be made;
  5. And only in July, the citizen will be paid an indexed pension, and in addition to it, compensation (cash difference between the past and current payments) for the previous 3 months - April, May, June.

At the moment, the State Duma is discussing a draft law on the refusal of pension payments to working pensioners whose annual income from work exceeds 1 million rubles. This is due to the lack of funds from the state.

Recalculation of pension after dismissal

According to this document, all employers, regardless of status, are required to provide the Pension Fund with complete data on all persons from the state, as well as those who quit. If the pensioner belongs to the category of self-employed (notary, lawyer, individual entrepreneurs), information that they have terminated their labor activity is transferred to the Pension Fund by the Federal Tax Service.

Legislatively, a citizen has the right to independently apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a statement. This will provide information on how many months after the dismissal the pension is indexed from reliable sources.

If a working pensioner quits his job, will his pension increase?

Errors during indexation If the recalculation of the pension after dismissal was not completed on time, and for the fourth month the person did not receive an increased amount of payments, he should contact the FIU. The reason for such an error is often missed indexation deadlines due to untimely reporting by representatives of the employer.
In this situation, the law is completely on the side of the pensioner, and the Pension Fund should review the amount of payments in the near future. As an example of how indexation works, consider the situation of dismissal information incorrectly submitted by the employer within 2 months.

For the fourth month, he continues to receive the same pension as before.

How is the pension indexed in 2018, after the dismissal of the pensioner


Having left work, he receives the right to use all the multiplying coefficients that were not taken into account earlier when recalculating his pension. You should be aware that only indices are returned, but not the lost amounts that the pensioner did not receive.

  • From what month is the recalculation after dismissal carried out? A pensioner who has submitted a full package of documents to the Pension Fund on time can expect to receive an increase by the fourth month from the date of termination of employment.

So, for example, an employee who quit on August 10, 2017 will receive indexed payments only from November 10.
  • How many months will be compensated after the start of payments? A retired employee who ends his employment relationship and begins to receive indexation only from the fourth month will be compensated for the entire three-month period - but only starting from January 1, 2018.
  • New rules for indexing pensions


    New indexation rules Changes in Russian legislation concern only one type of pension - insurance. And their principle is that pension payments for employees who continue to work (and military pensioners who remain in the service) do not increase either annually or monthly.

    The law provides that since 2016, an employee has only one option for receiving an increase - indexation of a pension after dismissal, that is, the completion of his labor activity. You should be aware that payments are recalculated annually in accordance with the coefficient approved by the Russian government. But not for those people who receive both a pension and an official salary (unofficially working pensioners new law does not apply).

    Indexation of pensions for working pensioners after dismissal in 2018

    Although the current situation does not give reason to believe that there will be no increase - it is simply due only after dismissal from work and should take into account all indexations of previous years. Principles for determining the new amount of payments Recalculations of pension payments in Russia are associated with changes in the size of the subsistence minimum, which, in turn, are affected by exchange rates, price increases and other processes taking place in the country's economy.

    Indexation of benefits aims to meet the basic needs of retired people. And it is performed annually for everyone who was insured in the state system pension provision having earned enough work experience. The determination of the new amount of payments is carried out taking into account the cost of consumer goods during the previous period. That is, when calculating the increase for pensioners in 2018, the prices of 2018 should be taken into account.

    Recalculation of pension after dismissal

    In order for the Pension Fund to begin the procedure for calculating the indexation, information from the Tax Service or the insured will be required. Accordingly, an independent version of the application does not make sense.

    Pension non-working pensioners Will indexation be restored to working pensioners Today, the government of the Russian Federation has confirmed that the economic situation in the country does not allow returning to the practice of paying indexation to working pensioners who decide to continue working and have not filed a letter of resignation. Perhaps, experts say, the practice of the current year will be repeated.

    Recall that in January, without exception, all pensioners received compensation in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

    How much will the pension increase after the dismissal of a working pensioner

    Today we will talk about how the pension for a working citizen will be indexed, about the timing of this procedure and the changes that will affect it in 2018. Table of contents:

    • Indexing order
    • Indexing terms
    • Law changes in 2018

    Indexation procedure In accordance with Russian legislation, each citizen, upon reaching retirement age, is considered employed when he is officially employed, that is, the employer pays monthly insurance and pension contributions for him. Recall that women over the age of 55 and men over the age of 60 are considered pensioners in Russia.

    From what month is the pension indexed after the dismissal of a pensioner

    But not before the "anti-crisis" measure came into force. The amount of the accrued pension payment, taking into account all the due indexations, can be found on the official website of the Pension Fund, in the "Personal Account" section.

    It should be noted that the insurance pension increased due to past indexations cannot be reduced even if the pensioner decides to resume employment. However, due to a change in status, a pensioner loses the right to subsequent indexation exactly until the moment he stops working again. Indexation procedure It is known that pensioners who managed to quit or are just planning to stop working before the end of the current year, 2017, will be able to apply for recalculation after a sufficiently long period of time. How long does it take for a pensioner to index his pension after retirement? On average, after three months.

    Recalculation of pension after the dismissal of a working pensioner

    This is explained by a number of facts. Namely:

    • mandatory monthly reporting by the employer. According to the rules in force for 2017, business leaders independently report on employed employees by the 15th day of the current month for the previous 30 days. Accordingly, if a pensioner quit in the month when the reporting was submitted, he will be listed as an employed person for another month. And this delays the process of calculating the indexation;
    • waiting for a response from the Pension Fund to the information received from the employer and making a final decision;
    • rules for the payment of monetary allowances.

    In the case shown in the example, from August 10 to November 9, 2017, no compensation occurs.

    • Is it worth switching from a social pension to an insurance one? The person receiving social assistance, can switch to regular pension payments if he has a seniority. Taking into account indexation, in most cases, such a transition is a more profitable option for a pensioner.
    • Nuances in accrual A retiring employee should know that employers are involved in recalculating a pension upon dismissal of a working pensioner in 2018.

      No action is required on the part of the workers themselves. Although those pensioners who left before 04/01/2017 still had to apply to the Pension Fund in person, submitting an application with information confirming the termination of the employment contract and expecting payments from the month following the visit to this organization.

    How much will the pension be indexed upon dismissal of pensioners

    Pensioners should also be aware of the following features of calculating payments:

    • indexation of the retirement pension occurs immediately after the termination of the employment relationship between the employee and the organization;
    • returning to work, the person continues to receive the same increased size;
    • the pension is not reduced, regardless of whether the employee finds a new job or takes another job.

    So there are two ways to get due increase to payments. The first is dismissal, recalculation and re-employment. This option is the most profitable - although it is not easy for a retired person to find a new place of employment. The second method involves dismissal after the employee has decided to complete his seniority and receive an indexed pension in the usual manner.