Who will increase the pension for children. What is the pension increase for pensioners with two children. Documents for receiving additional payment for dependents and minor children


The economic crisis, ever-increasing inflation are forcing older citizens who receive state benefits by age, closely follow the innovations of the legislation. An increase in the pension for children can be of help family budget pensioners. How to calculate and receive a surcharge is a question that worries non-working recipients of subsidies. The pension supplement for children in 2018 is not automatically calculated and paid to pensioners, payments are made according to the applications submitted, and not all categories of citizens will receive an increase in the amount of the allowance.

What is Child Benefit Supplement?

Regular changes in the legislative basis for accrual and calculation cash payments on pension benefits lead to the fact that pensioners are confused, not knowing how the accruals are carried out. The supplement to the pension for children born after and before 1990 is not an automatic supplement to the monthly allowance, but a different calculation procedure that has arisen as a result of the replacement of the length of service with additional points. Some pensioners, when recalculated, receive a significant supplement to the pension for children in 2018.

According to the old procedure for registering a pension, the decree was not included in the length of service of a woman, and was deducted from it. When recalculating by points, maternity time is a non-insurance period, points are awarded for it, and the final amount of the pension is calculated taking them into account. Each recalculation is made by the employees of the Pension Fund individually - if they see that, when making an additional payment, the pension will decrease rather than increase, the accrual option remains the same, since the financial situation of the pensioner cannot be worsened.

Pension supplement for children born before 1990 and later

Elderly citizens are delusional, believing that additional payment to pensioners for children is possible if the baby was born before 1990, in Soviet time. However, supplements can be received for dependent adults and minors - the main thing is that the parent applying for the supplement should retire after 01/01/2015, since during this period there was a revision of pension legislation and pension points were introduced that affect the amount pensions.

Terms of receipt

The supplement to the pension for children in 2018 is possible for working pensioners and non-working elderly people. Recalculation is not made for persons receiving an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner or victims of the Chernobyl accident. The FIU puts forward the conditions necessary for a valid application for the recalculation of pensions by points, and not by length of service. These include the following provisions:

  • The applicant went on a well-deserved rest earlier than 01/01/2015.
  • The petitioner retired after this period, but did not provide the PF with information about the descendants he had.

Ratio of individual retirement points

You can determine how much the supplement to pension benefits for children in 2018 will be in the following table:

Amount of children

Points for a decree lasting 1 year

Points for a decree lasting one and a half years

Maximum increase in 2018, rubles

Third fourth

Total points for all offspring

To decide which of the pensioners should apply for a supplement to the pension for children in 2018, and who will not benefit from the recalculation taking into account pension coefficients, you can refer to the table below:

It is useful to apply for a surcharge

It's pointless to contact

Number of children 2 or more maternity leave three years

one child

Twins or triplets

Long experience, excluding decree

Little experience

The salary included in the calculation of pensions is higher by 20 percent or more than the average Russian indicators

Lack of work and salary on maternity leave

Early retirement

Low salary when calculating pension benefits

Current payments are equal to the living wage

List of documents for registration

A person applying for a federal social increase must have a package of papers. The following documents are required:

  • identity card (passport);
  • SNILS;
  • birth certificates of all offspring;
  • documents confirming that the children are one and a half years old (any official data - certificates, a certified copy of the passport, certificates, certificates issued in the name of a son, daughter);
  • information that the spouse did not claim the surcharge;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • other data.

Federal supplement to women's pensions for children in 2018

The situation when a man or woman of older years brings up a minor or an adult incapacitated individual is not uncommon. It is impossible to support a minor on the standard provision of a pensioner, because full-fledged care and upbringing is required. A lot of money is also spent on the maintenance of a disabled child or adult. The state provides assistance to pensioners who have dependents who are incapacitated due to age or other circumstances.

For a minor child

Persons who have reached retirement age, a supplement to the insurance part of the pension assistance is provided in the presence of dependents. Elderly Russians receive an increase for the following categories of minor or incapacitated daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, grandchildren;

  • until they reach the age of 18;
  • up to 23 years of age, subject to training in secondary special or higher educational institutions;
  • for any dependents, if the recipient is a pensioner with a disability group.

For a disabled child

If a citizen receiving state benefits by age has a disabled child of groups 3, 2, 1, then allowances are paid regardless of the age of the latter. The guardian is entitled to a fixed pension payment before and after the disabled person comes of age, upon confirmation of disability by a certificate from the commission establishing disability by assigning a disability group.

For a student child up to the age of 23

In order to receive an additional payment for a full-time student of a higher or secondary specialized institution, the applicant must annually provide a certificate from the place of study of his son or daughter about his ongoing studies. Information is issued through the dean's office of the institution. The student receives a certificate on his own, transferring the data to the guardian to receive a fixed surcharge.

How much do you pay for a minor child

The 2018 Children's Pension Supplement for a Senior Citizen in Custody of Minors varies depending on various factors. You can see the run-up of the required additional payments to insurance pension payments in the table below:

Number of persons in care

Surcharge from pension,%

Surcharge, rubles

Dependent on minors (under 18 years of age)

3 or more

Guardian of students under 23 years old

Guardian over 80 years of age

3 or more

Payouts are fixed

Guardian over 80 years of age with a disability group

3 or more

The gradation of the amount of the allowance depends on the disability group

6 500 – 12 800

7 200 – 14 500

What determines the amount of the fixed allowance

The provision of the allowance is made individually, depending on the data provided to the employees of the municipal Pension Fund. The amount of additional payments depends on a number of factors:

  • Region of residence. The subjects of the federation provide for the appointment of regional surcharges, the amount of which is determined by local legislation.
  • The number of dependents under guardianship, the presence of a disability group.
  • The number of years of the recipient and his legal capacity.

Indexation of social payments in 2018

The legislation provides for an annual increase in the age allowance. The indicators are calculated every year, depending on the inflation rate of the previous calculation period. In 2018, it amounted to 3.2%. Starting from February 1, 2018, compensation payments intended for the Heroes of Russia, the Soviet Union, labor, war veterans, persons affected by the Chernobyl accident, pregnant wives of conscripts, and other categories of socially unprotected Russians will be indexed for this amount from February 1, 2018.

From April 1, 2018, social payments to citizens receiving state benefits will increase by 4.1%. If the social benefit is less living wage established for this region, the PFR makes automatic additional payments up to the level of this indicator. The following categories of citizens will receive an indexed allowance:

  • disabled people;
  • persons receiving pensions for the loss of a breadwinner;
  • war veterans;
  • other Russians enjoying benefits.

Regional allowances

Social compensations in Moscow are tied to the subsistence minimum (PM) set for the capital and the social standard, which in 2017 is 14 500 rubles. From January 1, the last figure increases, reaching 17,500 rubles. Other allowances are also increasing, the size of which can be seen in the table below:

The amount of the allowance in 2017, rubles

The amount of additional payments in 2018, rubles

Subsidies for sons, daughters to families whose income level is below the minimum wage

Families with many children,

3-4 children

5 or more children

Grants for a guardian for a disabled child up to 23 years of age

Subsidies to disabled parents supporting persons under 18 years of age

Payments to repressed and rehabilitated Muscovites

Compensation for free travel

on suburban transport

on public transport

Grant to pay the cost of a landline phone

Features of calculating additional payments to pensioners for children in 2018

For certain groups of citizens, the supplement to the pension for children in 2018 is calculated individually, taking into account social status. These Russians receive early severance pay until they reach legal age and can qualify for social subsidies to support underage family members. These include the following categories of citizens:

  • who have completed their insurance experience or lived permanently in the harsh climatic conditions of the Far North or regions equivalent to it;
  • military pensioners;
  • citizens receiving pension payments from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • mothers of many children.

Living in the regions of the Far North and equated to them

The allowance for children, due to pensioners of the Far North (KS) or regions with the same climate, is determined by the regional legislative authorities. In order to qualify for payments, the applicant must show employees FIU information on registration in the area related to the CC. If a citizen left, changed his place of residence to another region that is not related to the CC, then additional payments for children, taking into account northern benefits and compensation, will not be made.

Receiving early provision in another region, it will be unprofitable for a pensioner using the benefits of the Constitutional Court to receive payments calculated on individual pension points, since the length of service will not be taken into account. The regional branches of the Pension Fund carry out the calculation of payments for descendants, taking into account the allowances received according to the established coefficients, the overall level of the applicant's income.

Military pensioners

Persons in this group of beneficiaries may qualify for payments if they do not receive social benefit. The amount of the increase is influenced by regional benefits established by the subjects of the federation. Having collected the necessary papers, military pensioners, burdened with children, can apply for social allowances. The amount of aid is as follows:

  • for 1 child - 32% of the benefit received;
  • two – 64%;
  • for three or more children - 100%.

Pensioners under the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Citizens receiving pension subsidies from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can apply for a pension supplement for children in 2018. It is charged on general terms, ranging from 32-100% depending on the number of heirs. The applicant is required to comply with the following conditions:

  • The applicant must not be working;
  • Dependents are persons under 18 years of age or full-time students in secondary specialized and higher institutions that are not related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or other military schools.

Mothers of many children

Women who have raised more than 4 offspring go on a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule. They do not have to apply for federal subsidies - the issue of an increase in pensions is decided by the regional authorities. This category of beneficiaries may apply for additions to the payments received if maternity time was not included in the total length of service. The calculation of pension points assigned to all offspring takes place in a general manner, employees consider the resulting changes from replacing seniority with points and indicate whether it makes sense to recalculate the benefits received or not.

How to issue

The excitement caused by the opportunity to receive additional payments to the elderly led to a massive influx of Russians to local branches of the Pension Fund and the formation of large queues. So that the elderly do not lose time, nerves, health, the PFR proposes to issue an additional payment later, using a time convenient for the pensioner. The application period is not limited. You can make an allowance in the following ways:

  • By personal appeal to the nearest branch of the FIU. Employees recommend making an appointment remotely so as not to languish in a long queue.
  • Using the functions of the local MFC, if the services of recalculation of pension subsidies are provided by this body.
  • Via the Internet, registering on the website of public services, sending scans of documentation.
  • Sending by mail the application and the attached papers by registered mail, indicating the need for notification of receipt.

What documents need to be provided

When applying for grants, the following official papers are required:

  • Applications of the established form, separately for citizens under 18, 23 years old.
  • Original birth certificates for descendants.
  • Original or certified copy of the work book.
  • Information that the spouse (wife) did not claim compensatory payments.
  • Certificates from the FMS that the pensioner is not an individual entrepreneur.
  • Document on the composition of the family indicating the minor dependent.
  • References of the educational institution.
  • Absence Information social payments offspring.
  • Details of the account where the pension supplement will go.

In order to receive a regular increase, an annual renewal is required. The Russian will have to provide the following documents:

  • information from the student's place of study;
  • a certificate from the Federal Migration Service on the absence of entrepreneurial activity;
  • information about the composition of the family.


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Pensioners whose children study at universities on a full-time basis have the right to assign an additional payment to their pension. In the article, we will analyze how the supplement to the pension for student children is calculated, who can apply for the supplement, what is the registration procedure and what documents will be required for this.

Entitlement to a dependent pension supplement

The procedure for calculating a pension and establishing the size of the allowance for it is fixed in the provisions of the Federal Law-400. According to the law, pensioners who are dependent on disabled relatives are entitled to receive an additional payment to their pension in the prescribed amount. This right is established by paragraph 3 of Art. 17 FZ-400.

Who is recognized as a dependent and how to determine the right of a pensioner to receive an additional payment? The answer to this question is also contained in Art. 10 federal law. Based on the provisions of the article, it can be concluded that disabled relatives, namely children, brothers, sisters, spouse, grandfather / grandmother, can act as dependents in relation to a pensioner. The definition of the fact of disability and the need for maintenance is determined in the following order:

  1. Retired children under the age of 18 are considered disabled by age, and, accordingly, are recognized as dependents in the general order.
  2. Brothers, sisters of the pensioner under the age of 18 are dependents, provided that they do not have their own able-bodied parents (died, deprived of parental rights).
  3. Parents, spouse/wife, grandfather/grandmother are considered to be on the content if they are recognized as disabled by age (disability), and the amount of their pension is below the subsistence level.

Who can apply for a pension supplement for student children

Based on Art. 17 FZ-400, recipients of an insurance pension are entitled to receive additional payments for student children. The conditions for assigning a surcharge are as follows:

  1. The age of the pensioner's child is up to 23 years.
  2. The child is studying full-time at a university, vocational school, college, or other educational institution.
  3. The fact of full-time education is documented.

The fact that a pensioner and a child live together does not affect the appointment of an additional payment. A pensioner has the right to issue an additional payment for both a native and a foster child. The right to a surcharge is retained if a brother / sister, grandson / granddaughter of a pensioner is studying on a full-time basis, subject to the main condition - the dependent does not have able-bodied parents.

Registration of a supplement to a pension for a dependent student is carried out in a general manner, by applying to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration. The procedure for calculating the amount of the surcharge is approved in clause 3 of Art. 17 FZ-400.

How to calculate the amount of the surcharge

Consider an example . Zhirov is a recipient of a disability insurance pension in the amount of 7,612 rubles per month. (including 4,805.11 rubles - the insurance part of the pension).

Zhirov's son (22 years old) is studying full-time at the magistracy of the university. In addition, Zhirov has 2 adopted children (8 and 12 years old). Zhirov also supports a mother who is unable to work (80 years old, a disabled person of the II group). Thus, there are 4 disabled family members on the maintenance of Zhirov. At the same time, a pensioner can receive an additional payment only for three of them: 1,601.70 rubles each. for each, total 4,805.11 rubles.

Based on the documents submitted to the FIU, Zhirov was assigned an additional payment in the amount of 4,805.11 rubles. The total amount of Zhirov's pension has been increased to 12,417.11 rubles. (7.612 rubles + 4.805.11 rubles).

Documents for registration of additional payment

Before applying to the FIU for a surcharge, a pensioner should prepare the following documents :

  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • birth certificate of the child / children (for adopted - adoption certificate);
  • a document confirming the right to an additional payment (an agreement with an educational institution, indicating the fact of full-time education, if necessary, a certificate from the educational institution).

Together with the specified documents, the pensioner must fill out surcharge application , the form of which can be downloaded on the PFR website or received at the Pension Fund branch directly upon application.

Registration procedure

When applying for a supplement, a pensioner should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

Step 1. Appeal to the FIU with documents.

A pensioner whose child is studying full-time can apply to the FIU for an additional payment upon the occurrence of such a right. If previously the pensioner did not receive an additional payment for a dependent, then he can submit documents to the FIU immediately after the child enters the university. If the supplement was assigned to the pensioner earlier (before the child turns 18), then the citizen can extend the period for receiving the supplement on the basis of an agreement with an educational institution confirming the child's full-time education.

A pensioner can submit documents on the appointment or extension of an additional payment for a student child to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • personally;
  • by mail (letter with notification and description of attachments);
  • through a representative
  • in the form of an electronic application on the PFR website (through the "Personal Account").

Step-2. Waiting for the results of document verification.

PFR specialists check the documents received from the pensioner within 10 working days. After the expiration of the established period, notifications of the results of the verification are sent to the pensioner:

  • if all documents are completed correctly and provided in full, the pensioner will receive a notification on the appointment (extension) of additional payments ;
  • if the documents contain errors, inaccuracies, inconsistencies, or some of the documents are missing, the text of the notification will indicate about the need to finalize the papers ;
  • notification for refusal to pay will be sent to the pensioner if there are no grounds for assigning a payment (a child over 23 years old or studying in absentia).

The deadline for sending a notification to the pensioner is before the expiration of 15 working days from the date of application (based on the date indicated in the application).

Step-3. Getting a surcharge.

If agreed, the additional payment to the pension for student children is assigned to the recipient from the month following the month of application, but not earlier than the right to the additional payment arises.

Consider an example . Gubarev (62 years old) is a recipient of an old-age insurance pension. Gubarev has an adopted son (19 years old), who entered the university for part-time education. In September 2017, Gubarev's son transferred from part-time to full-time education, thus, in September 2017, pensioner Gubarev became entitled to receive an additional payment to his pension.

On September 12, 2017, the pensioner applied to the FIU with documents on the purpose of the payment. Since October 2017, Gubarev received a pension, taking into account the additional payment - 1,601.70 rubles.

The pension supplement for student children is paid to the recipient simultaneously with the pension, using the same delivery method. For example, if a pensioner receives a pension at home from the postman, then after assigning an additional payment, on the day of payment according to the schedule approved at the post office, he will receive an increased pension ( insurance pension+ additional payment for a dependent).

Citizens who have already taken a well-deserved rest have the right to apply for a recalculation of the accrual if their child was born before 1990 or they are still raising young children. This article discusses: what you need to know on this issue and who is entitled to receive surcharges and recalculation of payments.

Women who gave birth to children before 1990 know that the decree is not included in the length of service. Because of this, the government decided to recalculate and add this time as additional pension points.

Such a picture is drawn by the state, but in fact, it turns out that for those who have given birth to only one child, such a program is unprofitable. In each case, the situation is considered individually, depending on the circumstances.

Additional points for children are awarded to only one of the parents. Who can apply for recalculation?

  • Mother or father of 2 or more children born before the 90th year.
  • Women who were on parental leave during the Soviet period.
  • Citizens who can document the right to recalculation.
  • Persons who retired no later than 2015

Refunds will be denied in the following cases:

  • if the funding received has a fixed rate;
  • early retirement (regardless of circumstances);
  • a survivor's benefit has been awarded.

Unfavorable recalculation conditions are for the following citizens:

  • who raised only one child;
  • who have a long work history;
  • having a large salary for the entire working period;
  • receiving a social allowance payable.

Recalculation rules

The pension payment is calculated based on the data when the citizen received the maximum income. The person himself has the right to necessary periods labor activity. In accordance with these rules, a pensioner does not always have the right to apply for additional funding.

The citizen has the right to replace one of the labor periods with points for the time to care for the baby. It should be borne in mind that in this case, you can lose money in the payment. For this reason, the final calculation by the employees of the Pension Fund is done individually.

The amount of additional funding is affected by the following:

  • Number of children raised in the family;
  • Has any of the teenagers been assigned a disability;
  • The region in which the citizen is located.

More detailed calculation options for 2019 are presented in the table:

Amount of children Points for care until age 1 Points for care up to 1 year and 6 months Payment amount in rubles
1 1,8 2,7 144-219
2 3,6 5,4 238-439
3 5,4 8,1 439-659
4 5,4 8,1 439-659
Maximum accrual 16,2 24,3 1266-1979

Parents or legal guardians for young children are entitled to fixed additional funding. In this case, the official degree of kinship is not so important. Brothers, sisters, grandparents can apply for the receipt. The allowance is paid until the age of full legal capacity is reached.

The payout amount is calculated based on the following:

  • the total number of dependents;
  • the age of the citizen receiving the pension payment;
  • the presence of a disability group;
  • places of permanent residence and registration.

The amount of funding is calculated as a percentage based on a fixed pension supplement. For 2019, the size of the fixed part is 5333 rubles.

The amount of funding depending on additional factors:

Conditions for payment Total number of dependents The rules for calculating the surcharge Payment amount in rubles
Content up to 18 or 23 years old 1 1777
2 3555
3 or more 5333
Guardianship is carried out by a person over 80 years of age 1 Plus 4/3 of the fixed amount 7110
2 Plus 5/3 8888
3 or more Plus 2 10666
Guardianship is carried out by a person over 80 years of age and with a disability 1 Depending on the degree of disability assigned 4444-12445
2 6222-14223
3 or more 8000-16003

For a student child

In established cases, funding is made up to 23 years old, if a citizen (who has reached 18 years old) is on full-time study at the institute. The total amount is also affected by additional indicators (number of dependents, region of residence, etc.).

The average allowance for a student for 2019 is 1545 rubles. The main point is that the student must take a full-time full-time study. The amount of the payment increases depending on how many students (or minors) are under the guardianship of a pensioner.

To extend the payment, the pensioner should contact the Pension Fund branch with the established package of documents confirming the fact of study.

A payment intended for both the father and mother of children born before 1990. The main condition for receiving the supplement is retirement no later than 2015.

This measure social assistance was installed in 2017. The recalculation is carried out by replacing the length of service with pension points.

This procedure will be most beneficial for those who have 2 or more children, and at the time of exiting the decree were not employed or had informal employment.

Persons with official income for the period of caring for a child are given the opportunity to include wages for the period of maternity leave in the calculation of the amount or also replace the insurance experience with points.

The amount of pension supplements

Given that the final calculation is based on individual testimony, it is impossible to name a single amount of additional payment. Parameters that affect the final amount:

  • Length of work experience;
  • The duration of the period not included in the insurance;
  • Correlation and differentiation of two periods;
  • The highest income that a citizen received.

If the working period and the time of caring for the child coincide, the recalculation will be unprofitable for the citizen and the final amount will decrease.

For a disabled child

Additional material support for retirement, in the presence of a disabled child, is accrued under the following conditions:

  • If the recipient of the state payment has only one minor who has the status of a disabled person;
  • There is a long work experience available;
  • When calculating the pension payment, the highest income was taken into account;
  • The recalculation will be beneficial for the citizen.

The amount of the accrual depends on the following circumstances:

  • The disabled person has not reached the age of 18 years, lives together with parents, guardians. The payment amount is 1661 rubles.
  • The status of a disabled person has been assigned since childhood and one of the parents cannot work due to care. Additional compensation is 5540 rubles.

For two children

If a citizen, being retired, is engaged in raising minors, additional funding is 3,555 rubles (a pensioner is less than 80 years old).

If both parents are pensioners, then the allowances are made in full for each. After the onset of 18 (or 23 years), material assistance is automatically canceled.

For three children

If a pensioner is raising more than 2 children, he is also entitled to a pension supplement. For 2019, its size is 5333 rubles.

The allowance is accrued until the dependents reach the age of 18. After that it is automatically removed.

dependent child

For retired citizens (with official employment) who have a dependent who has not reached the age of full legal capacity, a state allowance of 1,777 rubles is due if the citizen is less than 80 years old.

If a person has already reached the age of eighty, the amount of payment will be 7110 rubles.

To receive the required material assistance, a citizen must contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration. It is advisable to pre-calculate in order to clarify how much is due.

The pensioner has the right to refuse recalculation if the final amount does not suit him. In this case, accruals will be made according to the old version.

PFR employees make calculations based on individual data of a person (about work experience, wages, disability). If the new conditions are more favorable, the citizen should apply for a recalculation of the pension payment.

An application can be submitted in the following ways:

  • Directly at the branch of the Pension Fund. The original application with copies of the required extracts is transferred to the FIU officer. It is easy to make an appointment in advance by phone.
  • Through the multifunctional center. The MFC does not accept applications for recalculation in all cities of Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the official website in advance and check whether this service is available in the specific city of residence of the pensioner.
  • Through the portal of public services. A citizen needs to register, go through account activation and make an electronic application by attaching scanned copies of statements and certificates.
  • The documentation package and the application are sent by registered mail to the Pension Fund office.

Required documents

To receive the required allowance, a citizen will need to draw up an application and submit it along with the established package of documents. These include:

  • Passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • SNILS;
  • Birth certificate of the child;
  • Adoption statement (if any);
  • Certificate confirming the change of surname, name, patronymic of the child (if the specified fact was present);
  • An extract stating that the ward is on full-time study at the institute.

A citizen applying for an additional payment must confirm the circumstances to which he refers.

If a person has already submitted these statements before, he needs to request them at the Pension Fund branch.

The PFR does not set a deadline for filing a request for recalculation. A citizen has the right to apply at any time if he has legal grounds for recalculation.

The application is considered within 5 working days. If everything is in order with the documentation and the application, the recalculation is made from the next month.

Question answer

For a better understanding of the situation, the most frequently asked questions and answers to them will be considered below.

Can fathers receive child support?

Yes, for legal reasons. Such moments include the fact that the mother should not have applied for the said allowance. Retirement no later than 2015.

How many points are given for a child when recalculating?

The number of points directly depends on how many children are brought up in the family and how long the care has been. On average, a citizen can get 1.8–2.7 points for one child.

On what law is the surcharge based?

These moments are regulated by Federal Legislation No. 213 of 01/01/2015.

Government programs do not always benefit the population. Therefore, before applying for a recalculation or surcharge, you should clarify how much the citizen will eventually receive.

There are cases when the pension is reduced. In this matter, you should be careful and first consult with the employees of the FIU.

Legislation Russian Federation annually provides certain benefits for needy categories of citizens. In Russia, there is a law that regulates benefits for citizens who have reached retirement age and have underage children under guardianship.

The basic concept of pension supplements

A pension supplement for a citizen who has reached retirement age is a certain amount of money that is reimbursed to a pensioner under certain conditions. In most cases, a pensioner's allowance is carried out if he has minor children or children with disabilities.

Important!!! The supplement to the pension for children born after and before 1990 is not an automatic addition to the monthly pension amount, but is calculated based on certain conditions.

Basic conditions for receiving an allowance for minor children

Pension supplements are available for both working and non-working pensioners. An important condition remains that the pensioner be a citizen of the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation puts forward the main requirements for receiving a pension supplement:

  • The pensioner must retire no earlier than 01/01/2015;
  • The pensioner retired after this date, but did not report any children to the Pension Fund.

According to the old procedure for calculating pensions, maternity leave was not included in the total experience of a woman, but was deducted from it. Today, pensioners can recalculate their length of service, taking into account points for maternity leave, this will also be a certain bonus to their pension.

The main points in obtaining a pension supplement for minor children.

  • Those pensioners who retired after January 1, 2015 do not need to apply for recalculation, since the most profitable option has already been calculated and assigned to them for payment. Recalculation is required only if a woman has non-insurance periods that are not taken into account when assigning a pension before January 1, 2015 or taken into account according to the old rules, for which pension points are now accrued in accordance with the new law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.
  • The deadline for applying for the recalculation of women's pensions for children is not limited in time.
  • The child pension supplement resulting from the recalculation is individual and is not guaranteed for all pensioners, since replacing seniority with a child care period will not always be beneficial.

According to statistics, only in 20-30% of cases can the amount of pensions paid be increased, and the amount of the increase can range from several rubles to several hundred, or, in some cases, even exceed a thousand rubles.

Important!!! If the recalculation is obtained “with a minus sign”, then the current amount of the pension will not decrease (since the deterioration of pension provision is not allowed by the current law), and the Pension Fund employees will make a decision to refuse.

Who is entitled to pension supplements for minor children

According to Russian legislation, women of retirement age who have two or more children, children born after 1990, can receive a pension supplement. The earnings of these women were minimal and the work experience was not great. Also, women who are dependent on minor children or children who are studying full-time. In order to receive a pension supplement, a woman needs to apply to the pension fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration with an application and a certain package of documents. This package of documents includes the following documents:

  • Application for accrual of a supplement to a pension for minor children;
  • A document that confirms the presence of minor children;
  • A copy of the work book, certified by a notary;
  • Certificates confirming the absence of allowances;

All allowances and the calculation of pensions are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore, in order to receive an allowance, it is necessary to follow a certain procedure.

Applying An application can be submitted in two ways:

· Through the PF, by contacting the PF employees with a package of documents and a written application;

· Through the website of public services, which requires registration, then you need to go to the menu "Pension accrual" and follow all the prompts.

Consideration of submitted documents. Employees of the pension fund accept a package of documents and an application, a period of no more than 10 days is allocated for consideration.
Decision making by PF employees. After 10 days after the submission of the application, the PF employees are obliged to notify the applicant of the decision, positive - the amount of the allowance is calculated or negative - the allowance is denied.

By following this procedure, and having all Required documents, the pensioner is obliged to provide a supplement to the pension.

  • Maintenance of minor children;
  • If the child is studying at an educational institution on a full-time basis;
  • Caring for a disabled child.

That is, if a woman who retired upon reaching retirement age and at the same time she has minor children in her support, she has every right to apply to the Pension Fund to receive a supplement to the existing amount of pension payment.

Supplement for minor children

Russian legislation provides for a supplement to the basic pension for pensioners who retired after reaching retirement age and do not have other benefits, dependent on which there are minor children.

Basic sums of the premium.

Important!!! If a pensioner is officially employed, under Russian law he is entitled to a supplement to the basic pension in the amount of one third of the fixed amount of the pension.

Based on this article, we can conclude that the state provides material support in every possible way to citizens who need it, the main condition for receiving a pension supplement for a minor child in 2020 is the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Who is entitled to the additional payment to the pension for children? About the conditions, procedure for calculation and payment this kind allowances can be found in this article. We also recommend reading up-to-date information on:

Which of the pensioners is entitled to an increase for minors and adult children?

The current legislation of the country provides for cases when the amount received pension payments may be increased. So, the provisions of the Federal Law No. 400 say that A supplement to a pension for children can be accrued if:

  • periods of care for infants born in the Soviet era were not taken into account when applying for insurance benefits (until 2015);
  • dependents of a citizen are minor or disabled family members. In other words, in cases where a pensioner is engaged in the upbringing and maintenance of children who have not reached the age of majority (or in other situations provided for by law), he is entitled to a subsidy to the main amount of the allowance.

It is also worth noting that for persons who have received pensions through the Ministry of Defense, the procedure for assigning and calculating additional payments for dependents is regulated by Federal Law No. 4468-1.

Types of pension supplements for women

An increase to the basic amount of insurance payments can be accrued to only one of the parents, most often the recipient is a woman. The law defines the following basic conditions for calculating an increase in pension for children born in the Soviet era:

  • these periods were not taken into account when assigning benefits, respectively, a certain number of pension points was not taken into account when calculating insurance payments;
  • registration of pension until 2015;
  • taking care of a child up to one and a half years of age. When submitting documents for the calculation of the allowance, it is very important for a citizen to prove this fact.

It is worth saying that the recalculation of benefits for calculating the increase is not always beneficial for women (except for mothers with many children). Citizens can also apply for a surcharge in cases where they have minor children as their dependents.

How much do they pay?

Article 17 of Federal Law No. 400 establishes that an increase in a fixed payment is possible for each disabled family member by 30% from the amount established by law, but not more than three persons. For 2018, this amount is 4982.90 rubles.

The law refers to disabled family members:

  • persons under the age of 18;
  • disabled people;
  • pensioners;
  • adult citizens who have not reached the age of 23, provided that they study at the full-time department of an educational institution.

How much is added for adult children born before 1991? The allowance is charged in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The calculation looks like this (for a year and a half):

  • one child - 2.7 individual coefficients;
  • two children - 5.4 points;
  • three or more - 8.1 coefficients.

For the current year 1 retirement score equal to 81.49 rubles.

Calculation of the supplement to the pension for children

What help do women get? When calculating the increase in the basic amount of the pension, many factors are taken into account: the number of children, their age, the time of registration pension benefit etc.
In each case, the amount of accruals will be different. In order to find out in advance about the amount of a possible increase, you should contact the FIU for advice.

Accrual example

Example: a woman with 3 children retired from work. After 2015, she learned that for the birth of a child before 1991, pensioners can claim compensation from the state. The calculation of the amount of such a surcharge will be as follows:
81.49 * 8.1 \u003d 660.07 rubles.

Is there a surcharge for minor children and in what amount? The following will help you understand this issue. example: Citizen Sergeeva, who has the right to apply for disability insurance benefits, when drawing up an application for a pension at the local division of the PFR, indicated information about the presence of 2 kids (10 and 12 years old). This means that she has the right to receive additional payments in the amount of 30 percent of the fixed payment (4982.90 rubles) for each child. The amount of the increase for citizen Sergeyeva will be 2,989.74 rubles.

The documents

Possibility of applying for an allowance allowance for adult children is implemented by filing an application for recalculation of the received amount of the established form to the state authorities. Along with the notice Collect and submit the following documents:

  • citizen's passport;
  • work book;
  • insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • documents proving the birth of children;
  • certificates that confirm that the child has reached the age of one and a half years. Such proof can be his identity card, high school diploma, diploma of an educational institution and other information.

It is worth noting that in current legislation The Russian Federation is liable for providing false information in advance.

The application form for the recalculation of payments is freely available on the official page of the PRF. This notice is also available from your local Pension Fund office.

Allowances for pensioners for minors can be issued when assigning a pension. So, when filling out an application for the accrual of insurance benefits, a citizen must indicate information about family members who are dependent on him. If this information is not in the pension file of a pensioner, he can apply to the FIU with an application for an increase in the amount of benefits.

In addition, the citizen should collect the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • birth certificate of minor family members;
  • a document that confirms the fact that there is no additional payment for persons dependent on the pensioner;
  • order for enrollment in the daytime form of employment. (If the son / daughter is studying full-time at an educational institution).

It is worth noting that the local divisions of the FIU may request other documents that confirm additional circumstances.

Where to apply?

The application and the necessary package of written information must be submitted to the Pension Fund of Russia (to its territorial structures). it can be done in several ways:

  • personally;
  • through a trustee of a citizen who is entitled to an addition to payments (in this case, legal grounds for such representation should be provided);
  • using the services of the Russian Post;
  • through the management of the Multifunctional Center (MFC).

It is worth noting that an application for the recalculation (or appointment) of a pension can be submitted online on the official portal of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the State Services.


Article 23 of the Federal Law No. 400 establishes the terms for consideration of the application and the calculation of this type of allowance. The specified regulatory legal act contains information that a notification of the established form and a package of documents necessary for the recalculation of benefits must be considered within 1 working week. The countdown starts from the day the full amount of information is provided. Employees of the FIU, in cases specified by law, may provide a person with additional time to collect documents.

A citizen has the right to receive payment in the first days of the next month.

Payment Methods

Having learned about who the amount of the benefit is being added to, you should consider the procedure for calculating payments. The supplement for adults and minors is paid together with the basic amount of the pension benefit. The legislation defines the following ways to receive an insurance pension:

  • through a trustee. (In cases where he legally represents the rights and interests of someone who can count on a bonus);
  • using banking services;
  • through post offices
  • with the help of courier organizations that cooperate with the FIU.

The list of these institutions can be found in the territorial division of the pension authority. Information is also available on the main web page of the FIU. The method of receiving payments is determined at the request of the pensioner. At any time, he can change his mind and apply to the local authorities of the FIU to change the procedure for receiving pension benefits.

Useful video

In the next video, you can not only get acquainted with information about who is credited with an increase in pension for adults and minor children. But also find out what surcharge awaits citizens in 2018: