Pension at work for combination. The impact of part-time employment on the size of the pension. How does part-time employment affect the amount of pension

If the name of the position or educational institution does not match the one indicated in the list, then it will not be possible to take a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule. Be sure to check the entries in your work book with the positions and institutions indicated in the lists. If there are discrepancies in the current period, the personnel department can make corrections. If inaccuracies arose in an earlier period, then all arising conflicts are resolved by going to court. Registration procedure early retirement teachers general order, therefore, it is necessary to submit documents in advance, at least a month before the deadline for entering a well-deserved rest. To assign a payment, you must contact the PF authorities with an application. Before submitting an application, it is advisable to study all the regulations that were in force during the period taken into account in the teaching experience.

Rules for registration and calculation of a preferential pension for teachers by length of service

Its size depends on the ratio of funded and insurance pensions.

A prerequisite for the appointment of an early pension is the availability of an individual pension coefficient(pension points).
In 2016, its value was at least 9, in 2017 - 11.4; in 2018, 13.8, and so on, followed by an annual increase of 2.4 to reach 30 in 2025.

All calculations are carried out by employees of the PF. Therefore, for all clarifications, you should contact the PF authorities at the place of residence.

On the official website of the PF there is pension calculator, with which you can calculate the approximate size of the future pedagogical pension.

In addition to the principal future pensioner may receive additional benefits.

To do this, take into account the presence of a scientific degree, work on Far North or close conditions.

Part-time and combining teaching staff


But besides this, a teacher can also work in a college and teach 12 hours a week.

If there is a need and the teacher is ready to work more, then he has the right to work in the main place 36 hours a week and in an additional one for 20 hours or more.


In any case, this is the right of a teacher and it cannot be limited.

After all, the law does not contain any restrictions on hours of work. How is a part-time employment contract with a teacher drawn up? When documenting an agreement between a teacher and an employer, there are two main options.


They should be considered in more detail:

  • When performing duties in one organization, it is not necessary to draw up a separate contract.

It is enough just to issue an additional agreement.

The impact of part-time work on the amount of pension payments

Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No.

N 225). But when working on two work books, you need to understand that by such actions you yourself create a lot of problems for yourself before retirement, including with the calculation of the length of service for assigning a pension.

This means that you will have to choose which work book to give for a pension.

For the rest of your labor activity you will have to collect certificates from places of work or from archives and bring them to the Pension Fund.

Preferential pension for teachers based on years of service

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Seniority pension for teachers working part-time

This document will consolidate the change and performance of several functional duties by the teacher;

  • When a teacher works in two or more organizations, then an agreement must be drawn up with each employer.

The main conditions and procedure for registration remain the same.
In this case, it is necessary to describe in detail the duties of the employee and the duration of the working day.

After all, the duration in one place should not contradict the duration in another.

A part-time employment contract with a teacher - a sample An employment agreement should include several key sections.

These are the rights and obligations of the parties, the functions of the employee and the payment procedure.
For example, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with decent working conditions.
And the employee is obliged to perform his functions and not violate the provisions of labor legislation, as well as internal regulations.

Can a teacher work part-time?

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Law No. 165-FZ, relations on compulsory social insurance arise for the insured (employer) for all types of compulsory social insurance from the moment an employment contract is concluded with the employee.

Consequently, the obligation of the employer to pay insurance premiums for employees, including pension insurance, arises for the employer from the moment the employment contract is concluded with the employees. Paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions V Russian Federation» it is stipulated that all periods of work are counted in the insurance period.

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The concept of the term "part-time job" is disclosed in article 282 of the Labor Code.

This is the performance by an employee of other regular paid work on the terms of an employment contract in his spare time from his main job, which can be performed both at the place of the main job and with other employers.

In case of part-time work, a limitation on the duration of working time is provided - no more than four hours a day or half of the norm of working hours for the accounting period established for the corresponding category of workers.

The rules for calculating the periods of work giving the right to early retirement, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2002 No. 516, provide that the length of service giving the right to early retirement includes periods of relevant work performed constantly during the full working day.

    Who is eligible for retirement benefits

  • The procedure for issuing early retirement for teachers
  • Documents for registration of a pedagogical pension
  • Periods taken into account in the length of service
  • The procedure for calculating early pension

Employees of the pedagogical sphere carry out their activities in special working conditions.

Therefore, a number of state privileges are provided for them.

The state guarantees teachers the opportunity to take a well-deserved rest before the majority of working citizens.

In order to receive a teacher's seniority pension, a number of requirements must be met. What are the conditions for calculating early retirement for teachers, who has the right to early rest and what nuances should be taken into account, we will consider in this article.

If part-time work continues after dismissal from the main place of work, then part-time work is taken into account in the length of service.

The periods counted in the insurance period for establishing labor pensions are listed in clause 2 of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing labor pensions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2002 No. 555 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) and in Art. 10, 11 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation". Among them, periods of work and (or) other activities carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation by persons insured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory pension insurance.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of the Rules, the main document confirming the periods of work under an employment contract is a work book of the established form. In Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is determined that information in the work book about part-time work has the right to enter, at the request of the employee, only the employer at the main place of work. If information about part-time work has not been entered in the work book, then written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with the labor legislation in force on the day the relevant legal relationship arises, extracts from orders, personal accounts and statements for issuance are accepted to confirm the periods of work wages.

Does part-time work count towards seniority?

Interested in this question:

For example, a person worked at one job, then got another part-time job. He quit his main job, and part-time job remained for a long period only there and worked until he got a job again. All pension contributions were. Does this part-time job count towards the length of service and does it somehow affect the pension?

Work as a part-time job according to the law is included in the total length of service.

The periods included in the total length of service for calculating pensions are listed in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

If the employer transferred deductions at the approved rates and made all reports on this employee to the Pension Fund (provided individual information in the approved form), then this period should be included in the length of service for calculating the pension. The employee has the right to check the information "on its own" in Pension Fund by applying with a passport and SNILS.

Actually, this period (when the employee worked only at this place of work) actually becomes the main one, but, apparently, this was not documented.

The amount of the calculated pension (upon reaching it) is influenced by the amount of insurance payments for periods of work after January 1, 2002, while insurance premiums from different places of work are summed up.

As for supporting documents (if the need for confirmation arises), the main document in the Russian Federation confirming the period of work under an employment contract is a work book. Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines that information in the work book about part-time work has the right to enter, if the employee wishes, the employer at the main place of work. If information about part-time work was not entered in the book, then written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with the law can be accepted to confirm these periods of work. as well as extracts from orders and personal accounts (transfers of salary).

Does the length of service affect when calculating a pension when working part-time?

Hello! Please tell me, does the length of service affect when calculating a pension when working part-time (I understand that it is taken into account), or does the length of service only go to the main job, and when working part-time, only the listed insurance premiums affect the calculation of pensions? Just one employee quit his main job, and he still works part-time. And now he believes that he still has seniority for retirement, since he is still working part-time somewhere. Does he think correctly?

The employee is right, he has seniority.

The period of work under an employment contract is included in the length of service for the appointment of a pension. The insurance period is calculated in calendar order. In this case, if several periods coincide in time (including if there is a main job and part-time work), when calculating the insurance period, one of such periods is taken into account at the choice of the person who applied for the establishment of a pension (Article 12 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ).

Therefore, when working at the main place and part-time, the length of service in one of the places of work (at the choice of the employee) will be taken into account. After dismissal from the main job, the length of service for assigning a pension will include the period of work at the remaining place of work.

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It should be noted that part-time work is the performance of other regular paid work under a separate employment contract in free time from the main job. Accordingly, part-time work takes place only if there is a main place of work. Upon dismissal from the main job, part-time work becomes the main job. Unfortunately, the conversion of a part-time job into a main job does not happen automatically. This must be done in order to avoid problems with the Pension Fund in the future.

The transition of an employee from part-time to the main job within the same organization can be arranged in several ways.

For example, such a transfer can be arranged through dismissal and employment. To do this, first formalize the dismissal from a part-time job (for example, by agreement of the parties), and then the admission of this employee to the main place of work.

At the same time, the working period is interrupted to provide the employee with annual leave, but compensation is paid for unused vacation.

Another option for an employee to transfer from a part-time job to the main job is to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the terms of the contract (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In it, indicate that the work becomes the main one for the employee, change the conditions for payment and working hours of the employee who becomes the main one. Next, issue an order in any form and also reflect this information in it.

Moreover, if a part-time job was not entered in the employee’s work book, then in column 3 of the “Information about work” section, you must indicate: “Employed (position name and, if necessary, structural unit) from (start date of part-time work). From (date of commencement of part-time work) to (date of completion of part-time work) he performed the labor function as a part-time worker. As a basis for making an entry in column 4 of the same section, indicate the details of the order for hiring part-time.

Details in the materials of the System:

1. Answer: How to calculate the length of service for a pension

Valentina Andreeva, Ph.D. PhD, Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Law social security Russian Academy of Justice

The length of service for the appointment of a labor pension is the total duration: *

periods of work and (or) other activities during which contributions to pension insurance were subject to transfer;

other periods counted in the length of service in accordance with Article 11 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ.

Other periods include:

the period of military service, as well as other service equivalent to it, provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1;

the period of receipt of benefits for compulsory social insurance during the period of temporary disability;

the period of care of one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of 1.5 years, but not more than 4.5 years in total;

the period of receiving unemployment benefits, the period of participation in paid public works and the period of moving or resettlement in the direction of the state employment service to another locality for employment;

the period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years;

the period of residence of the spouses of military personnel serving under a contract, together with their spouses, in areas where they could not work due to the lack of employment opportunities, but not more than five years in total;

the period of residence abroad of the spouses of employees sent to diplomatic missions and consular offices of Russia, permanent missions of Russia to international organizations, trade missions of Russia in foreign states, representative offices of federal executive bodies, state bodies under federal executive bodies or as representatives of these bodies for abroad, as well as to representative offices of state institutions of Russia (state bodies and state institutions of the USSR) abroad and international organizations, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, but not more than five years in total.

The specified periods are counted in the length of service if they were preceded and (or) followed by periods of work and (or) other activities (regardless of their duration) specified in Article 10 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ .

The specified procedure for calculating the length of service follows from the provisions of paragraph 3 of article 2, articles 10, 11 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, paragraph 2 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2002 No. 555, paragraph 3 of paragraph 2 of the resolution Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2007 No. 9-P and paragraph 3 of clause 2.1 of the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2007 No. 798-O-O.

The length of service for assigning a pension is determined on the basis of information from an individual (personalized) account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and (or) employment contracts, certificates issued to employees at previous places of work, military ID cards and other documents, testimonies of witnesses. This follows from Article 13 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ and sections II-VI of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2002 No. 555.

An old-age pension is prescribed if there is at least five years of insurance experience. Men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55 have the right to an old-age labor pension. This is stated in Article 7 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ.

The calculation of the insurance period required for acquiring the right to a labor pension is carried out in a calendar order.

If several periods coincide in time, provided for in Articles 10 and 11 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, when calculating the insurance period, one of such periods is taken into account at the choice of the person who applied for the establishment of a pension (Article 12 of the Law of December 17 2001 No. 173-FZ).

When calculating the insurance period before registering a citizen as an insured person in accordance with the Law of April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ, the periods of work and other activities are confirmed by employees with documents that are drawn up and issued in the prescribed manner by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies. Such documents, in particular, include work books, and in their absence - written employment contracts, certificates issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies, extracts from orders, personal accounts and payroll statements, certificates from archival institutions, witness certificates indications.

The periods of work on the territory of Russia, provided for by Article 10 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, before the registration of a citizen as an insured person, can be confirmed by the testimony of two or more witnesses if the work documents are lost due to a natural disaster (earthquake, flood, hurricane, fire, etc.) and cannot be restored. In some cases, it is allowed to establish the length of service on the basis of the testimony of two or more witnesses in case of loss of documents and for other reasons (due to their careless storage, deliberate destruction, etc.) through no fault of the employee. At the same time, the testimony of witnesses does not confirm the nature of the work, but only proves the period of activity.

When calculating the insurance experience after registering a citizen as an insured person, the periods of work and other activities are confirmed on the basis of information from an individual (personalized) record.

For more information on what other periods are included in the length of service for assigning a pension, see How to issue an employee's retirement.

2. Answer: What are the features of part-time work

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of Russia

In case of a combination of jobs, an employee, in his spare time from his main job, performs other regular paid work under a separate employment contract (part 1 of article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Part-time work can be done both at the place of the main job (internal part-time worker), and in other organizations (external part-time worker) (part 3 of article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3. Answer: How to formalize the transition of an employee from a part-time job to the main job within the same organization. Part-time employee becomes the main employee

Ivan Shklovets, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

For example, such a transfer can be arranged through dismissal and employment. To do this, first issue a dismissal from a part-time job, and then the admission of this employee to the main place of work. In this case, the part-time job must also resign from the previous main place of work. The legitimacy of this order is explained as follows.

Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation calls part-time work "other regularly paid work on the terms of an employment contract." Since the work is different and the employment contract is also different, the employment of an employee for the main job is possible by terminating his previous employment contract and concluding a new one.

The transition from part-time to the main place of work is possible only by mutual agreement of the employee and the organization. Therefore, in the situation under consideration, the optimal basis for dismissal from part-time work will be paragraph 1 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the termination of an employment contract by agreement of the parties. In such an agreement, it is possible to fix the condition that after the employee is dismissed from a part-time job, he will definitely be accepted into the organization for the main job.

In addition, clause 3 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (termination of an employment contract at the initiative of an employee) can be used as a basis for dismissal.

With this method of registering the transition of an employee from a part-time job to the main job, the working period is interrupted to provide him with annual leave, but compensation is paid for unused leave.

Another option for an employee to transfer from a part-time job to the main job is to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the terms of the contract (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In it, indicate that the work becomes the main one for the employee, change the conditions for payment and working hours of the employee who becomes the main one. Next, issue an order in any form and also reflect this information in it. This conclusion follows from articles 72, 282, 284, 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If in the employee’s work book there is an entry about part-time work (introduced at the time at the main place of work), then after the record of dismissal from the main place of work, you must indicate the full and abbreviated (if any) name of the organization. In column 3 of the next line of the section, make an entry with the following content: “Work in the position (position name) becomes the main one from (date of the employee’s transfer from part-time to the main job)”. In column 4 of the same line, enter the details of the corresponding order (instruction).

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  • Part-time sick leave: clarifications of the FSS 2013.

    Many questions arise when we start counting sick leave when working collaboratively. How to calculate the correct allowance for a non-main job? And in general, is the employee entitled to such benefits?

    This question was asked by an accountant after he applied for benefits from the FSS to an employee who was paid sick leave at his main place of work and 50% for one of the part-time jobs. In another part-time job, the employee was denied. Did the employees of the Social Insurance Fund do the right thing by partially refusing to pay a part-time employee?

    FSS reviewed this question in letter No. 15-03-14/12-13959 dated November 14, 2013. And the accountant was given a detailed answer.

    Based on Part 1 of Art. 2 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 establishes a specific list of persons who are entitled to benefits in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood. This also includes employees working on the basis of employment contracts. Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that an employee has the right to conclude employment contracts in combination with other employers. These external part-time workers are insured persons, and, accordingly, are entitled to benefits.

    We start calculating the allowance by determining the billing period - two years preceding the onset insured event. For this period, we consider the average earnings (part 1 of article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ). Moreover, the average earnings include the entire amount of payments in favor of the employee, on which insurance premiums are charged, including from part-time work (part 2 of the same article).

    Based on Part 3.2 of Art. 14 of Law No. 255-FZ on the amount of average earnings, a limit is set for each year, which cannot be exceeded.

    How to determine the average daily earnings for calculating benefits?

    To do this, we take the earnings accrued for the billing period and divide by 730 (part 3 of article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ).

    The allowance is paid to the employee on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 6 of Law No. 255-FZ for the entire period of temporary disability until the moment of full restoration of working capacity (with the exception of cases in parts 3 and 4 of this article).

    At the same time, the first three days of sick leave are paid at the expense of the employer, the rest (starting from the fourth) - at the expense of the FSS (clause 1, part 2, article 3 of Law No. 255-FZ).

    How are things going with partners?

    If the employee - the recipient of the allowance - at the time of the insured event works for several employers, and during the years of the billing period he worked there, then the allowance is accrued and paid for each place of work (part 2 of article 13 of Law No. 255-FZ).

    At the same time, the employee is obliged to take sick leaves for each employer separately (clause 4 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 624n dated 06/29/2011).

    If the employee - the recipient of the allowance - at the time of the insured event works for several employers, and during the years of the billing period he worked for other employers, then the allowance is accrued and paid to him at any of the last places of work (clause 2.1, part 2, article 13 of the Law No. 255-FZ). The employee can choose at which place of work to receive benefits.

    At the same time, for the billing period, to determine the average earnings, data on payments from those places of work in which the employee worked (part 1 of article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ) are taken.

    Payment of benefits on the basis of Art. 13 of Law No. 255-FZ is carried out through the employer, who is responsible for their non-payment.

    Thus, the sick leave when working part-time, according to the explanations of the FSS 2013, is calculated as follows.

    If the recipient of the benefit worked for all three employers in the year of the insured event, and worked for them in the billing period (two previous years), then he is entitled to receive benefits from each of them, taking into account the limit also from each of them.

    If the recipient of the benefit worked for three employers in the year of the insured event, and in the previous two years he worked for other employers, then he is entitled to receive benefits at any of the last employers of his choice, but in this case, the limit of benefit accrual is taken into account only at one place work.

    Calculation of sick leave allowance for examples, see here.

    Calculation of benefits if there is no certificate from the previous place of work here.

    In order to get a free book, enter the data in the form below and click the "Get the book" button.

    Is part-time work experience included in work experience?

    Whether part-time work experience is included in the length of service or not, labor legislation does not directly determine. In order to understand all the nuances and find the answer to this question, we suggest that you read our article.

    Does part-time work count as work experience?

    As indicated in Part 1 of Art. 11 of the law "On insurance pensions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, in the insurance period (up to pension reform 2002, it was called labor) includes all periods of work performed on the territory of the Russian Federation, during which insurance premiums were paid to the FIU. At the same time, employees working on a part-time basis, in accordance with Art. 287 of the Labor Code of Russia, have equal rights with those who work in a single (or main) place of work. Also, part-time workers can count on all labor guarantees and compensation in full.

    Important: an employee can confirm the fact of working as a part-time job when applying for a pension, including by submitting an employment contract drawn up in accordance with Art. 60.1 TK.

    The employer has a relationship with the employee's social insurance, in accordance with subpara. 1 p. 1 art. 9 of the Law "On the Fundamentals of Compulsory Social Insurance" dated July 16, 1999 No. 165-FZ, arise from the moment an employment contract is concluded. Therefore, the obligation to pay insurance premiums for an employee arises immediately after the conclusion of an employment contract. Thus, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that a part-time employee who has concluded an employment contract, the time of performing his labor activity will be fully credited to the length of service.

    What goes into experience when working part-time during maternity leave?

    According to paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ, the period when the employee is in maternity leave at the main place of work, is counted in his insurance experience. At the same time, in part 5 of Art. 256 of the Labor Code states that this period is counted in the total continuous labor and professional experience.

    Maternity leave while on parental leave at their main place of work can be employed part-time on conditions that do not contradict Art. 282 TK. As mentioned above, for the period of part-time work, the length of service continues to be calculated, but it does not add up to the same calendar periods of being on maternity leave (that is, the length of service is considered simply for the total period). In addition, part-time work while on maternity leave does not provide the employee with any privileges for early retirement.

    As for the insurance period, in this case, the subsequent calculation of the pension and the determination of the amount of sick leave is influenced by the fact that insurance premiums for a part-time employee continue to be paid by the employer from an additional place of work.

    Thus, although labor legislation does not directly determine whether part-time work is included in the total length of service, an analysis of the norms of the Labor Code regulating the working conditions of part-time workers and the guarantees provided to them, as well as the norms of Law No. 400-FZ, allows us to conclude that this the period of work is included in the length of service.

    Calculation and payment of sick leave in combination

    Part-time employees – that is, employees who regularly perform additional duties in their spare time – are paid based on the hours worked. Of course, sooner or later they face the question of whether sick leave is paid part-time. The employer, in addition, needs to know how to fill out and calculate the sick leave for a part-time worker. In this article, we will try to answer these questions.

    Sick leave and its form

    A sick leave is a document on the basis of which an enterprise pays employees money for a period of temporary disability (illness, pregnancy and childbirth). A part-time sick leave is issued in the same way as at the main place of work.

    In 2018, the form and procedure for filling out the sick leave did not change. The document is filled out in block capital letters, usually in black ink. If an error is made by the employer when issuing a sick leave certificate, it is corrected by reverse side form, certified by the signature and seal of the enterprise.

    The medical institution, as a rule, issues one sick leave to each patient for each case of temporary disability. According to the law, a part-time worker is issued a document according to the number of employers - so that he is not put on absenteeism and paid for the non-working period in full.

    The law on social insurance provides for the right of an employee to receive disability benefits when he concludes an employment contract, therefore, part-time sick leave must be paid. However, it is not clearly indicated which place of work is in question, so insurance payments produced by both the main employer and the management of the enterprise, where the employee is listed as a part-time job.

    But since 2012, according to changes in the requirements of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, payments at the place of combination are made only if the person has two years of experience (for the same reason, medical institutions refuse to issue a second sick leave). In other cases, you can receive compensation at the main place of work. At the same time, sick leave will be paid only if there is two years of experience at this particular enterprise.

    If a person has changed part-time jobs over the past two years, he must apply for payments at his main place of work. At the same time, he must provide certificates of earnings at other places of work for the last 24 months. This is due to the fact that since 2012, the calculation of average earnings has been carried out not for one calendar year, but for two.

    Filling out a sick leave

    A part-time sick leave is filled out in the same way as a regular one, the difference is only in one column. One third of the form must be completed by the employer: manually or using a computer.

    Mistakes and corrections are desirable to avoid; if a word needs to be crossed out, this can be done with only one line, and the correct version will need to be written on the back, certified with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the head. All entries must be made in printed legible letters in the cells printed on the sheet, without going beyond their borders.

    In the document itself, the head of the enterprise writes the following:

  • Indicates the full name of the enterprise (if necessary, gives an abbreviation) or the surname, name and patronymic of an individual entrepreneur.
  • Puts a mark in the column "Part-time" or "Main place of work". The part-time worker must be issued two sick leave in order for the sick leave to be paid part-time.
  • Indicates the registration number in the Social Security Fund.
  • Enters the identification code of the employee and the insurance number of his individual personal account.
  • Puts down codes in the columns "Calculation conditions".
  • It is on the basis of this information that the sick leave is calculated in combination.

    On the reverse side of the document (and it - according to the new standards - is filled out only on front side) contains explanations for filling it out and the necessary codes with decryption. In addition, the sick leave must be signed by the chief accountant of the enterprise (or the person acting in his capacity).

    The details of filling out the sick leave are described in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 624n dated June 29, 2011 (as amended on January 24, 2012 No. 31n).

    Payments of benefits for temporary disability are made on the basis of calculations made by the accounting department of the enterprise. In order to pay a sick leave to a part-time worker, you need to know how to calculate it.

    Temporary disability benefits are calculated based on the average earnings for two recent years(according to the old rules, only one calendar year was taken into account). That is, if sick leave is calculated for part-time workers for 2018, you need to know their earnings for 2017 and 2016. If during this period a person worked at another enterprise, he must provide a salary certificate so that the correct amount of average daily earnings can be calculated, from which the accrual is made.

    Amount of earnings for two calendar years is divided by the number of days for this period (in calculations it is customary to take the number 730) and compared with the minimum average earnings per day. If the number is less, the benefit is calculated according to the minimum wage, if more, it is calculated according to the figure received.

    The part-time worker must take into account that the first three days of sick leave are paid at the expense of the employer, the rest - based on the calculated amount of average daily earnings, which is multiplied by each day of disability. This also takes into account the total insurance experience of the employee. If it is more than eight years, one hundred percent of the average daily wage is paid, if from three to eight years - eighty, if less than three years - only sixty percent. If experience less than a year are paid according to the minimum wage.

    Personal income tax is also withheld. Payment for sick leave to a part-time worker is made according to separate calculations that are made by the accounting department of the enterprise where the employee is a part-time worker, but according to the same principle by which the main disability sheet is calculated.

    Basic rules for calculating part-time sick leave

    Each company solves the problem of finding qualified employees in its own way. The staff can be formed with the involvement of specialists working part-time. The result is important for the employer. For this reason, preference is given to people who are most qualified to fulfill functional duties in vacant positions.

    Good professionals are hard to find. There are frequent cases of inviting part-time workers from other related enterprises. But for various reasons, it is not always possible to organize a part-time job for an employee of interest. The way out can be the combination of several positions within the organization for an employee already performing his duties. So the need to select personnel and determine professional skills fades into the background. Therefore, the combination can be both external and internal.

    If an employee falls ill, there is a specific procedure to follow. In particular, this applies to registration and mandatory payments. Part-time employees, along with ordinary employees, are entitled to compensation for the period of illness. Let us consider in more detail how a sick leave is issued and how part-time sick leave is paid. The procedure for payments and settlements is determined by Federal Law No. 255 of December 29, 2006-FZ (hereinafter - Law 255).

    Payment of sick leave on an external part-time job

    The performance of official duties in accordance with an employment contract in several enterprises is called external part-time work. Law 255 defines the procedure for calculating hospital benefits. If an employee carries out his labor activity part-time, then he can claim a certain percentage of compensation. The Law (article number 13) specifies the methods for calculating disability benefits. In total, three cases can be noted for determining the process of payment of benefits.

    First case. An employee at the time of illness may be employed in the same firms where he has worked for the past two years. Then the allowance should be paid by all firms that have issued a part-time job for this employee.

    Second case. An employee can fall ill while working in several companies, and work in other organizations for two years before that. In this case, the calculation of the sickness benefit is made by the company in which he currently works. For the calculation, two years of the previous illness, worked out by other insurers, are taken. The company authorized to issue a sick leave is chosen by the employee at his own discretion from among the employers where he currently works.

    Third case. A situation may arise when an employee falls ill while working in several companies. Moreover, two years before the onset of the disease, the insured were the employers with whom he is currently employed and those with whom the employment agreements were terminated. In this case, the employee himself must choose the method of calculating benefits. Sick leave can be paid by all enterprises in which he worked and is currently working. And it is also possible to choose any of the real employers to receive benefits only from him.

    It should be noted that upon presentation of a certificate of incapacity for work at the place of work, the employee is obliged to submit certificates from previous places of activity. This is necessary to confirm that he does not apply for benefits in these companies too. To ensure the right of an employee to receive disability benefits from several employers in medical institution he is issued sick leave certificates for presentation at each place of work. This procedure is provided for by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 29, 2011 under number 624n, but only if the length of service at the enterprise in combination exceeds two years.

    Payment for sick leave on an internal part-time job

    If an employee holds two positions within the same organization, he is considered an internal part-time job. In this case, there are no difficulties in calculating disability benefits. The sick leave is issued in a single copy. Income for two years is calculated by the sum of all payments in positions held within the same enterprise. When calculating benefits, special attention must be paid to the fact that the average earnings limit should not exceed the maximum established for the billing year.

    Basic calculation rules in 2015

    The calculation procedure in 2015 changed little compared to the previous year. The amount of the allowance depends on the average earnings and insurance experience of the employee. The interest rate for the payout is as follows:

  • 100% of average earnings - experience must be eight years or more;
  • 80% of average earnings - experience from five to eight years;
  • 60% of average earnings - less than five years of experience.
  • The limit of the maximum average earnings in the billing year is another factor affecting the amount of sick leave payments. In 2014 it is 624 thousand rubles, and in 2013 it is 568 thousand rubles. It should be borne in mind that insurance premiums are not paid to the social insurance fund from amounts exceeding the maximum value. Therefore, during the time of combining positions within the same company, sick leave cannot be calculated on incomes that are more than the allowed average earnings ceiling. If the total income of the employee for all combined positions is exceeded, the employer is obliged to limit the calculation of benefits within the established limit. The sick leave is issued in a single copy, and does not depend on the number of positions held within the company.

    A different situation develops with external combination. Restrictions on income apply to wages issued by each employer individually. For this reason, it is quite likely and often occurs that the amount of benefits from all places of work exceeds the limit set for one employer.

    Part-time sick leave is calculated in four stages:

  1. The average earnings for the last two years preceding the illness are calculated. Each employer is obliged to issue a certificate of the amount of wages and other cash payments during employment. This greatly facilitates the calculation when working part-time with several employers.
  2. The average daily earnings are calculated. To do this, you need to divide the average earnings for two years by 730;
  3. The value of the daily allowance is determined. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a calculation depending on the length of service of the employee.
  4. The final value of the disability benefit is displayed. The calculation is made by multiplying the number of sick days of the employee by the value of the daily allowance.
  5. In the case of an insurance period of less than six months, for each month of illness in 2015, the employee will receive one minimum wage, which is equal to 5965 rubles.

    A brief memo to the employee on the procedure for issuing and paying sick leave

    It should be remembered that part-time sick leave is paid according to general rules. Every worker should know:

  • sick leave is considered a supporting document in case of absence from the workplace. It must be submitted to the employer within six months after recovery. Delay in filing sick leave may result in denial of its payment;
  • sick leave payment will be calculated according to the minimum wage equal to 5965 rubles in the absence of official income over the past two years;
  • after dismissal, the employee retains the right to pay sick leave from former employer within thirty days after the termination of the employment contract. For this case, the payment of a hospital benefit equal to 60% of the average earnings is provided.

A brief memo to the employer on the procedure for issuing and paying sick leave

Sick leave when working part-time is paid according to the same rules as for employees working in the same position. Every employer needs to know:

  • when an employee cannot submit a salary certificate from a previous place of work, it is necessary to request the required information from the territorial body of the pension fund;
  • the first three days of sick leave are paid by the employer from their own funds, and from the fourth day, payments are made by means of the social insurance fund;
  • disability benefits are paid together with the next salary;
  • The law provides for cases that allow you not to pay hospital benefits. The employer is not obliged to pay for the time of illness to an employee who is under arrest or on vacation taken at his own expense;
  • sick leave when working part-time is a mandatory document for the calculation of hospital benefits. The employer is obliged to make calculation and payment on a general basis.
  • It is important for the employer to document the employment of the employee at other enterprises, since the sick leave is paid part-time from his funds. Therefore, the positive decision of the FSS on the reimbursement of the enterprise's spent finances for the payment of hospital benefits depends on how reliable the information will be. All cases of interaction between the employee and the employer are regulated by regulatory legal acts. Properly organized work of the personnel department (if any) will save you from many troubles. If there is no personnel specialist, the head himself must know which laws must be applied in a particular case.

    Problems of qualification of illegal behavior are always debatable and actively discussed in the context of the development of civil society. Does part-time work experience affect the amount of pension At my main job, the salary is small, so for about 20 years I have been working part-time in various organizations. Yes, it is quite possible. pension legislation there is no such restriction when choosing a salary option for a pension, as earnings from only one place of work. Therefore, in addition to a certificate for any 60 consecutive months on the main job for the period up to 01/01/2002, you can take certificates for part-time work for the same period (including for a smaller number of months).

    The impact of part-time work on the amount of pension payments

    For example, pedagogical. Continuity of experience Continuous experience is the time a citizen works at one or more enterprises, provided that the interval between dismissal and employment did not exceed 30 to 90 calendar days. For each specific case given term differs depending on the circumstances.


    Previously, with continuous work at one or more enterprises, one could count on a higher pension, but today, with the introduction of new laws, only the amount of contributions made during work is taken into account. Pension if there is no length of service The complete absence of a length of service or a minimum established by law leads to the fact that a person is deprived of the right to receive an insurance pension.

    But this does not mean that a citizen in this case will be left without state support. Such persons are assigned a social pension.

    Part-time work does not affect the length of service

    It is much lower than the insurance one and you can get it only after reaching a certain age. So, men can count on receiving benefits only after reaching the age of 65, but women can apply for a pension a little earlier - at 60 years old.


    Video: Pensions will not be without experience? You can learn more about the impact of length of service and other nuances on applying for a pension in the following video, which also lists the main requirements for persons to apply for a pension: RF. Continuous and total experience is not taken into account today in the calculations.

    In addition, by 2024 minimum size the insurance period required for retirement will reach 15 years.

    Does part-time work count towards seniority?

    Thus, the higher your seniority and the later you retire, the higher will be the coefficient that affects the size of your salary. Periods of incapacity for work taken into account when calculating pensions As mentioned earlier, the length of service includes a number of periods that are not considered labor.
    Therefore, they affect the pension. But it is important to note that such periods are taken into account only if two conditions are met:

    • The person additionally carried out labor activity before or after the specified period.
    • The corresponding contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were paid to the state.

    The periods included in the length of service include: 1. The period of service in the army. 2. Care:

    • adults with the first group of disability;
    • a minor child who has the status of a disabled person;
    • elderly person over 80 years of age.

    How does the size of the pension depend on the length of service?

    What length of service is taken into account when calculating a pension? From the time of the USSR and until 2002, the total length of service was taken into account when retiring. Then it was accepted new law, which provided for the calculation of payments based on insurance contributions.
    The latest was the new law FZ No. 400 “On insurance pensions”, adopted in 2015, which significantly changed the calculation mechanisms. What is the difference between the general experience and the insurance, we will understand further:

    • Under general experience citizen means the total time of labor activity, which was accompanied by deductions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by the employer.
    • Under the insurance experience, they mean the total time a person has worked on the territory of the Russian Federation.
      At the same time, not only the time the person worked at the enterprise is taken into account, but also the so-called non-working periods during which deductions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In the future, the time received is taken into account when calculating the insurance pension of a citizen.

    Asked 2013-06-15 09:51:44 +0400 in the topic "Pensions and social protection"

    • 0 replies. Moscow Viewed 42 times. Asked 2013-02-27 21:04:15 +0400 in the topic "Labor law"
    • 1 answer.

      Moscow Viewed 302 times. Asked 2013-08-03 09:45:03 +0400 in the topic "Pensions and social protection"

    • Inclusion in part-time work experience How will the length of service be calculated for the main job and part-time work? Will it be summed up, or will it be counted only for the main work? We note right away that the periods of work performed by Russian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation are included in the insurance period, provided that for these periods the employer calculated and paid insurance premiums to the Pension Fund. At the same time, the insurance period is calculated in calendar order.

    How does part-time employment affect the amount of pension

    Thus, for the purpose of assigning a pension and establishing its amount, from January 1, 2002, the work book and other documents maintained and issued by the employer lose their significance. When resolving these issues, the pension authorities will proceed from the information they have about the number of paid insurance years, the amount of payments received on the account of the insured person, the growth of pension capital, etc. In addition, when calculating the insurance period, periods of work and (or) other activities and other periods prior to the registration of a citizen as an insured person in accordance with the Federal Law "On individual (personalized) registration in the system of state pension insurance". At the same time, the main document confirming the periods of work under an employment contract is a work book of the established form.

    For example, teaching experience allows you to retire before the onset of retirement age. Requirements for the length of service when calculating a pension Until 2015, persons wishing to receive a pension were required to work for at least five years. With the adoption of a new law, new rules begin to operate in the country, and the minimum length of service increases every year. So, in 2015, a new minimum of 6 years of experience was set.
    Further, this figure increases by 1 year annually. So, in 2016 it was necessary to have already 7 years of experience, and in 2018 - 8. The growth of the required minimum will stop only in 2025 at around 15 years. Today, if you have a service of 35 years and provided that your salary corresponded to the average level of earnings in the country, you have the right to apply for a labor pension. At the same time, its size will be at least 40% of your average earnings. This ratio depends on your experience.

    Does part-time employment affect the amount of pension

    Work as a part-time job according to the law is included in the total length of service. The periods included in the total length of service for calculating pensions are listed in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

    If the employer transferred deductions at the approved rates and made all reports on this employee to the Pension Fund (provided individual information in the approved form), then this period should be included in the length of service for calculating the pension. The employee has the right to check the information “by itself” at the Pension Fund by applying with a passport and SNILS.

    Actually, this period (when the employee worked only at this place of work) actually becomes the main one, but, apparently, this was not documented.

    Does part-time work affect the amount of pension

    Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the longer his length of service. The length of service also includes the time when a person worked outside of Russia, but only if the relevant contributions were made during this period. So, now when calculating the amount of pension, the insurance period is taken into account.

    The general one is taken into account only for persons who worked before the 2002 reform. The calculation of the length of service, which will then be used when calculating the amount of the pension, is carried out according to the following scheme:

    • At the first stage, data on the employment of a person until 2015 are taken, and on the basis of previously existing rules, the length of service for a given period is calculated, taking into account the preferential procedure.
    • At the second stage, the duration of labor activity after 2015 is calculated on the basis of the Federal Law No. 400.

    There are also special types of experience that give benefits to employees of a particular area.

    Legal center "ZASCHITA" order a call back around the clock, seven days a week, our experienced lawyers advise you, helping to solve the most difficult issues Get free legal advice now Solving problems in such areas as: You can ask your questions to a lawyer, get free legal advice or make an appointment with a lawyer by phone: Question from A.N. (Saint-Petersburg): I am formalized and work officially in my specialty at the enterprise, but I also provide services at several other companies. Payment for work and all social contributions at all enterprises are made officially and in a timely manner.

    Will part-time work affect the amount of your future pension? Answer: All your earnings and deductions will be taken into account when calculating and accruing a pension.
    A year ago I retired. When I submitted documents for its execution, the employee of the Pension Fund took only a certificate from the main place of work, but did not take a certificate of part-time work, explaining that my coefficient for the main salary is 1.2, so part-time work does not matter . Is it really so? - asks our reader E. Klimov. Victoria Ishutina, Deputy Head of the UPFR in Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk District He is answered by the Deputy Head of the Pension Fund Department in Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk District, Victoria Ishutina. In accordance with the norms of the current pension legislation, one of the main parameters affecting the establishment of a pension is the length of service and the ratio of a citizen's salary to the salary in the country for the same period.

    1. Does the entry in the work book about part-time work affect the amount of the old-age pension?

    1.1. Hello dear visitor.
    It does not affect the length of service, but it affects the amount of insurance payments, respectively, part-time work increases the insurance and funded parts of the pension.
    Thank you for visiting our website and we wish you all the best.

    1.2. When calculating and accruing a pension, all your earnings and deductions will be taken into account. The pension will be calculated according to the following principle: until 2002, only one salary will be taken into account for accruals, after 2002 the pension will be calculated taking into account all available deductions received on your personal account in the Pension Fund. Limitation on the amount of insurance premiums - deductions should not exceed 56,800 rubles. in year.

    2. Do insurance premiums paid from part-time work affect the size of the old-age pension? Year of birth 01/01/1958

    2.1. Of course they do. They, as well as insurance premiums for the main place of work, are taken into account on the personal account of the future pensioner. The amount of contributions can be viewed in personal account on the FIU website.

    3. I work part-time for 0.5 rates, there is no main job. Does it affect the size of the pension?

    3.1. Affects - the size of the pension depends on the salary and pension savings.

    4. Does part-time work affect the size of the pension 7

    4.1. The size of the pension is affected by the amount of contributions that your employer transfers to the budget for you

    5. Does part-time work affect the amount of your pension? Thank you.

    5.1. Dear Lily! An entry in the work book about periods of part-time work does not affect the length of service and the amount of the pension.

    6. Do insurance contributions paid from part-time work affect the amount of the old-age pension? Consider 2 situations: an employee born before 1967 (specifically born in 1956), and an employee younger than born in 1967?

    6.1. Igor Viktorovich, hello, regardless of age, employers transfer insurance premiums for the employee (in total they amount to 14% of the salary). each employee has an individual personal account in the Pension Fund (the number is indicated on the insurance certificate) for all employers, regardless of whether the main job or part-time contributions flow to this personal account. The more money you receive, the higher your pension will be. The only difference in age is that for persons younger than 1967 and younger (in 2002-2003 men younger than 1953) contributions are divided into two parts, insurance and funded, and for persons 1966 and older (in 2002-2003 men older than born in 1952) all contributions are transferred to the insurance part, except if these persons do not participate in the program for co-financing the funded part. Although persons born in 1967 and younger, in addition to the basic part, will receive two parts as part of the pension, and the insurance and funded parts for the insurance part will be transferred to them somewhat less than for persons born in 1966 and older, and for persons born in 1966 all funds will be transferred to the insurance part .... done this is so that the payment of the funded part will be made only from 2014, and persons aged 1952 and older (this age was determined in 2002) would not have time to form funded part therefore, all funds were directed only to the insurance part ...
    Sincerely, D. Lebedev.


    • Is part-time work taken into account when calculating a pension - Is part-time work taken into account when calculating. Further

    0 replies. Vladimir Viewed 402 times. Asked 2014-02-11 14:53:11 +0400 in the topic "Pensions and social protection"

    • 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 145 times. Asked 2011-04-17 10:48:26 +0400 in the subject "Labor law"
    • 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 318 times. Asked 2013-06-15 09:51:44 +0400 in the topic "and social protection"
    • 0 replies. Moscow Viewed 42 times. Asked 2013-02-27 21:04:15 +0400 in the topic "Labor law"
    • 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 302 times. Asked 2013-08-03 09:45:03 +0400 in the topic "Pensions and social protection"
    • At my main job, the salary is small, so for about 20 years I have been working part-time in various organizations.

    Problems of qualification of illegal behavior are always debatable and actively discussed in the context of the development of civil society. Does part-time work experience affect the amount of pension At my main job, the salary is small, so for about 20 years I have been working part-time in various organizations.
    Yes, it is quite possible. The pension legislation does not provide for such a restriction when choosing a salary option for a pension, as earnings from only one place of work. Therefore, in addition to a certificate for any 60 consecutive months on the main job for the period up to 01/01/2002, you can take certificates for part-time work for the same period (including for a smaller number of months).

    Does part-time work count towards seniority?

    Is it really just 1 year? According to my estimate, it turns out 10 years for a man and 5 years for a woman. The fact is that in order to calculate the second pension (civilian), you really need a salary certificate for 60 months (5 years) in a row. Apparently you made a mistake when you wrote that they require a certificate for the last 60 months.


    They require a certificate for 5 consecutive years from the period up to 01/01/2000. They have the rest of the data in our personal accounts, if employers transferred our contributions.

    Does the pension fund reflect part-time work

    The amount of the calculated pension (upon reaching it) is influenced by the amount of insurance payments for periods of work after January 1, 2002, while insurance premiums from different places of work are summed up. As for supporting documents (if the need for confirmation arises), the main document in the Russian Federation confirming the period of work under an employment contract is a work book.

    Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines that information in the work book about part-time work has the right to enter, if the employee wishes, the employer at the main place of work. If information about part-time work was not entered in the book, then written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with the law can be accepted to confirm these periods of work.

    Anya, with the advent of some specific data, probably no longer needed a certificate of combination. Why probably? Because again the data is not complete.

    All the same notorious nuances. The fact is that the periods taken into account when establishing a pension for long service are not included in the length of service again. When the “military” pension was calculated, most likely the year when there was a combination was used.

    (you need to see "that" accrual). This means that when calculating a “civilian” pension, this year will not be applied at all and taking into account part-time jobs, in particular. But it turned out that the total length of service after dismissal from the explosives is 4 years, and the fifth before the army. It is important here how many “civilian” years before service.

    Does part-time work affect the amount of pension

    Already in the era of the Stone Age, skins and stones had not only applied [. ] Currently, our country has administrative and legal norms that regulate the arrival of foreign citizens and stateless persons. These norms [. ] The falsification of medicines has always been a problem that is firmly rooted in the field of health, economics, and also directly affects [.

    ] Effect of part-time work on size pension payments Sergonov Vasily Petrovich General lawyer, 21 years of experience. Veskin Oleg Nikolaevich Versina Natalia Alekseevna Lawyer in labor law and consumer protection, 15 years of experience.

    The impact of part-time employment on the size of the pension

    • Does part-time work experience affect the size of the pension?
    • Does part-time work experience affect the size of the pension?
    • Answers to questions about insurance experience and retirement
    • To whom they give big pensions and how to earn a decent salary in old age
    • The impact of part-time work on the amount of pension payments
    • Inclusion in part-time work experience

    How is the pension for part-time workers calculated? Therefore, when calculating and accruing your pension, all your earnings and deductions will be taken into account, including when you work part-time, and this will affect the amount of your pension. Last news, analytics The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that in 2015 the Russian Federation faced a big sports scandal.

    World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) [.
    Legal center "ZASCHITA" order a call back around the clock, seven days a week, our experienced lawyers advise you, helping to solve the most difficult issues Get free legal advice now Solving problems in such areas as: You can ask your questions to a lawyer, get free legal advice or make an appointment with a lawyer by phone: Question from A.N. (Saint-Petersburg): I am formalized and work officially in my specialty at the enterprise, but I also provide services at several other companies. Payment for work and all social contributions at all enterprises are made officially and in a timely manner.
    Will part-time work affect the amount of your future pension? Answer: All your earnings and deductions will be taken into account when calculating and accruing a pension.
    DO NOT CONFUSE these 5 years. To better understand: In calculating an old-age pension (not for the military), 2 main factors are used - salary and length of service (we, ordinary pensioners, have little 5 years of experience, if we don’t talk about social programs). For the military who worked and in civilian life - the concept of insurance experience is somewhat different: it is enough to have 5 years of insurance experience in total amount, both before the service and after it. And, here is the salary needed for 5 years in a row. Moreover, until the year 2000. Give information about the salary for the missing year in combination or get pre-army? They have data for four post-army years. you need to take care of one pre-army year.! But, if there is a salary certificate for 5 pre-army civilian years, then it (this certificate) will be information about the required five-year experience.
    Work as a part-time job according to the law is included in the total length of service. The periods included in the total length of service for calculating pensions are listed in paragraph 3 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”. If the employer transferred deductions at the approved rates and made all reports on this employee to the Pension Fund (provided individual information in the approved form), then this period should be included in the length of service for calculating the pension. The employee has the right to check the information “by itself” at the Pension Fund by applying with a passport and SNILS. Actually, this period (when the employee worked only at this place of work) actually becomes the main one, but, apparently, this was not documented.