Reimbursement of parental fees for kindergarten. It is useful to know: what documents are needed to compensate for kindergarten. How compensation is calculated

If the baby goes to a preschool institution, parents must pay money for such a service. But in some cases they are supposed to parental fee compensation for kindergarten. Not all parents are eligible for reimbursement. Yes, and the size can also be different. Let's deal with this issue in more detail.

The right to reimburse part of the money spent on paying for kindergarten is described in FZ-273.

Here, the smallest amount of compensation is set and situations are described in which the amount of compensation will be different.

Who Can Claim Childcare Compensation?

In our country, it is allowed to reimburse part of the money transferred for the month of the child's stay in the garden. This right is given to needy families.

The Federal legislation notes that the factors under which the need arises are established by law 388.

It says that every municipality has such a right.

In addition, the amount of compensation is not fixed. It may change. It depends on the number of children in a needy family.

Presented below, what is the compensation for kindergarten relies on today.

  • 20% refund per child
  • On two - 50%,
  • Three or more - 70%.

At the level of municipalities, their own benefits regarding compensation may be provided.

The order of the Ministry of Education No. 862 notes that the children of military personnel are also entitled to additional benefits.

The same law contains a list of parents who are also entitled to receive compensation, regardless of how many children they have.

In 2019, the following categories will receive increased reimbursement of fees for preschool educational institutions:

  • disabled people,
  • the military, who came on conscription,
  • Chernobyl liquidators,
  • kindergarten staff.

Note! You can find out the exact list of persons who are entitled to reimbursement of kindergarten fees from the local administration.

Documents for reimbursement of payment for kindergarten.

To receive compensation for, parents need to submit documents confirming their right to compensation.

The payment is due to only one parent. Which one - this question is solved within the family.

Before you apply for a payment, you need to prepare:

  1. a statement informing you that you want to receive money,
  2. applicant's passport
  3. documents about the place of residence,
  4. birth certificate,
  5. paid receipt for kindergarten,
  6. information about the composition of the family,
  7. a copy of the applicant's personal account, to which payments will be credited.

This list of documents may change, so for clarification, it is better to contact the authorized institution.

Compensation claim.

The application is the main document on the basis of which the service is provided. Therefore, it must be properly formatted. Otherwise, the application will be rejected.

Usually, a government agency provides its own form to fill out. The applicant only needs to enter information about himself and the child.

The document must contain the following information:

  • Name of applicant (parent or guardian applying for compensation),
  • location,
  • please return the money and the reason,
  • account number for money transfer,
  • information that the applicant will inform about changes in his life that may affect the presentation of the payment.

It also happens that the preschool educational institution does not give a ready-made form. Then the applicant must fill it out on their own. To this end, it is better to use a ready-made example and act by analogy.

Head of preschool educational institution No. 5


Eliseeva Svetlana Petrovna

from Bykova Elena Gennadievna,

residing at

Mezhdurechensk, st. Field, 7,

tel. 8-888-888-88-88


I ask you to provide a compensation payment of a part of the parental fee for the maintenance of my third child Maxim Evgenievich Bykov, born in 2016, in a preschool educational institution.

Passport data: 4609 384928 issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of Mezhdurechensk on August 17, 2000.


  • copies of birth documents for each child - 3 pcs.,
  • a copy of the document indicating the current account,
  • marriage certificate (if any),
  • copy of the passport.

I undertake to inform you about any changes in connection with which the compensation payment may be changed within 5 days.

/________________/Bykova Elena Gennadievna/

Registration procedure.

  1. The applicant collects all necessary papers.
  2. He transfers the full package of documents to the accounting department of the preschool educational institution. Most often, it is located in the city administration and is a single financial department for all gardens. The applicant needs to check that the application is registered in accordance with all the rules. That is, you should be given a copy with a mark on the acceptance of documents.
  3. Specialists of the financial department check the documents, after which they transfer the papers to higher authorities.
  4. There, in turn, the papers are checked again and a decision is made to refuse or charge compensation.
  5. In the case of a positive decision, the need is fixed cash payments, after which a specific amount is calculated and charged to the current account.

Amount of compensation for kindergarten.

When all kindergartens were state-owned, people understood that they were entitled to compensation. But now there are also private kindergartens. In this regard, parents often have questions about whether compensation is due in this case.

Every kindergarten must have a license. What amount payable is set at the state level. It is this value that is the basis for calculating the amount of compensation.

Funds are credited at the end of each month following the month of receipt of payment to the settlement account of the DOW.

For example, if a parent is interested in compensation for November, it will be credited at the end of December.

Consider, using the example of regions, which is supposed child care allowance. Moscow region and Moscow- regions in which changes occur most often. Therefore, they will be considered.

The payout amount is calculated by the formula:

RKV \u003d ATS: KRD * KDP * KKD,

where RKV is the amount of the compensation payment,

ATS - the total amount of money contributed towards the payment of a month of stay in the garden,

KRD - the number of working days in a month,

KDP - the number in the month when the child went to the garden,

KKD - coefficient of the number of children.


Compensation is provided to certain categories of the population, and is calculated according to a certain formula.

Parents should not forget to inform the preschool educational institution about changes in their lives in a timely manner.

Kindergarten fee reimbursement

Many parents wait years to be able to send their child to kindergarten. Compensation for not providing a place in a kindergarten is not provided throughout the Russian Federation, but only in some regions of the country.

Features of compensation for not providing a place

Many women are forced to continue to "sit" at home with the childbecause the baby is not accepted into the kindergarten. The problem for some cities is very acute.

At the moment, the issue of compensation is being decided by the local authorities. To receive benefits, you must contact the specialists of the department of social protection of the population with documents.

There is currently no unified legal act regulating the procedure for granting benefits.

The amount of payments is determined by local acts.

For consideration State Duma bill No. 556611-5 was introduced. According to this bill, it was planned to introduce art. 53.2 of the Law "On Education".

Fact! It was planned that parents would be able to receive compensation in the amount of five thousand rubles for each baby if there was no possibility of enrollment in a preschool institution. But the bill, which was supposed to provide benefits to parents, was never adopted.

The State Duma rejected amendments to the Law "On Education".

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Who can expect to receive compensation

The issue of payment is decided by specialists of the department of education or social protection of the population.

The main regions that compensate for material damage for the lack of space in the preschool educational institution for preschoolers:

Attention! For more information on benefits, contact the Social Security Specialist. You should contact the branch at the place of registration.

Region of the Russian Federation Payment for children aged from one and a half to three years (rub.) Payment from three to six years (rub.) Nuances
Kirov2000 absentFor children from 3 to 4 years old to parents whose income does not exceed 1.5 RM per person
Krasnoyarsk3709,10 absent
Samara1000 absentThe amount of the payment is increased by 500 rubles. for the next child
Tomsk4000 4000 Transfers are made up to 5, 5 years
Yaroslavl591 5000
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 3921 5142 The money is paid up to five years
Smolensk region 4000 5000 The right to the benefit is lost when the child turns seven years old.
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 7547 3774 Payments are made up to four years

Do you need on the subject? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Required documents to receive compensation

Each region sets its own package of documents that must be collected in order to receive payments.

The basic set of documentation in 2020 includes:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Certificate of marriage (or divorce - if available).
  3. Bank account information (where funds will be transferred).
  4. Documents on the birth of children (minors).
  5. Document stating that the mother is on maternity leave (if mother works) or workbook ().
Attention! Payment of compensation is a voluntary initiative of the regions. If such payments are not provided, it is impossible to demand their appointment.

Which children are considered beneficiaries

Sometimes you can notice that the queue is in one place or vice versa, other citizens are put forward. Sometimes such inclusion in the queue is quite legal.

The law establishes the following types of beneficiaries:

  • orphans;
  • children of judges and prosecutors;
  • children of firefighters,;
  • workers' children.

Among the total number of children entering preschool institutions, there are those who have the priority right to enroll. These include children of the disabled, as well as children of military and police officers.

Important! Preferential categories are credited faster than other applicants, even if the documents are accepted at the same time. Download for viewing and printing:

What to do if the child is refused admission to preschool

They may refuse to accept documents if there are no free places. Refusals on other grounds are not legal.

Nuance! Officials may receive a fine for illegal refusal. The fine for individuals is from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. The organization can be fined from 100 to 200 thousand rubles.

If they refuse, you should act according to the algorithm:

  1. Write a letter to the manager kindergarten. You can personally leave a statement with the secretary or send it by mail. The application is stamped. One copy is given to the applicant, the second copy remains with the secretary.
  2. Write a complaint to the Department of Education.
    • it is necessary to substantiate the claim: attach evidence, substantiate the essence of the requirements;
    • Also a written confirmation of the appeal to the head of the kindergarten is attached;
    • it is necessary to correctly state the essence of the matter. Do not insult or humiliate other persons;
    • anonymous insults and complaints are not accepted.

You can submit an online complaint to the Department of Education email.

Attention! The answer to the claim is given no later than thirty days.

When the answer does not suit, it remains to resolve the issue through the courts. The dispute is considered at the location of the defendant, i.e. department of education. The fee for consideration of the dispute is three hundred rubles.

Another body that protects the rights of citizens is the prosecutor's office. Therefore, it is also necessary to write a complaint that the child was not taken to a preschool institution.

What funds are allocated from the budget for the maintenance of children

Often, the heads of preschool educational institutions raise the issue of raising funds for parents. Either you need to buy beds, or you need to buy stationery and notebooks for classes with children. How legal are such requirements and should parents donate money?

Important! Demands to pay money do not comply with the law. The municipality allocates funds for preschool institutions.

The obligation to finance is set out in sub. 4 p. Art. 31 of the Law "On Education". Funds should be enough to pay all costs, both current and capital. If parents are extorted money, then this can be stopped. You must write a complaint addressed to the head of the department of education.

For accurate funding information, please contact your local government authority responsible for education.

Ensuring the activities of state institutions is within the competence of local authorities. Funds are allocated both for the maintenance of the building itself and the adjacent territory.

Funds allocated are not always sufficient. The exact data on financing are indicated in the budget estimate. Therefore, parents can provide financial assistance, but only if they wish.

Advice! You can provide voluntary assistance. To do this, a board of trustees is being created, a charter and other documentation are being developed. After that, everyone can officially provide sponsorship.

Handles all financial matters parental committee. It is wrong to transfer money "from hand to hand". Payments must be made to the bank account of the institution.

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

What share of the fee is reimbursed from the budget depends on what kind of child it is in birth order:

  • 20% if he is alone;
  • 50% for the second;
  • 70% for the third, fourth, etc.

Children younger than:

  • 18 years;
  • 23 years old if they are a full-time student.

Compensations of 50% are given in departmental kindergartens of the Ministry of Defense:

  • disabled parents;
  • conscript soldiers;
  • employees of kindergartens;
  • and liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

If there is a right to compensation for several reasons at once, only one of them is paid. The one with the larger size is chosen.

Compensation is charged only if the educational institution has received a state license.

Governing Laws

  1. No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012, part 5 of article 65.
  2. No. 124-FZ "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" dated 07/24/1998.
  3. Federal Law No. 76-FZ, also Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 555. The Ministry of Defense reduced the payment by Order No. 862, which was issued on November 24, 2014.
  4. No. 388-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Accounting for and Improving the Provision of Social Support Measures Based on the Obligation to Comply with the Targeting Principle and Apply Need Criteria” dated 12/29/2015.

The amount of the full payment is determined by the regional authorities. They also establish additional criteria for families that determine eligibility for compensation.

What documents are needed to make a payment

Compensation is received by a parent who has signed an agreement with a preschool institution. He needs to write an application addressed to the head of the preschool educational institution. And he already sends this information to the educational and social protection authorities. You can also make a payment on the State Services Portal.

There is no strict application form, they differ in different kindergartens.

Such information is required:

  • full name of the institution;
  • Full name of the parent;
  • and child;
  • their address;
  • request for reimbursement of part of the parental fee;
  • the number of children in the family;
  • account number and bank details for transfer.

A list of documents is attached to the application.:

  • passport;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • marriage certificate (if the surnames are different);
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • other documents giving the right to compensation;
  • bank statement with details.

Money is not issued in cash. Therefore, if there is no bank account, it must be opened.

In some regions, compensation is given only to needy families. Thus, the number of applicants for payment is reduced.

The level of income that you need to confirm varies in different regions of the Russian Federation.

But if this requirement is present, you must submit a certificate of family income for the last three months to receive compensation for kindergarten.

If the right to compensation arises not because of the number of children, another list of documents will also be needed, for example:

  • serviceman's certificate;
  • disabled person;
  • liquidator, etc.

A certificate of family composition is issued on the form 9. This is an extract from the house book, which shows:

  • to whom it was issued;
  • who else is registered in the apartment;
  • and what are the relationships between them.

Form 9 is issued in several places:

  • in the passport office of the ZhEK, HOA, etc.;
  • in the department of the migration service;
  • at BTI;
  • or local government.

If the work schedule of these organizations is inconvenient, you can contact any office of the MFC. You can also order the form through the public services portal.

Help is provided free of charge. You need to have a passport and a certificate (or an extract from the USRN) on the ownership of housing with you.

Features: when applying to the passport office of the HOA, housing office, etc. You do not need to confirm ownership, since they have this information.

The document does not have a specific validity period, but over time, the composition of the family may change. As a rule, Form 9, which was issued no more than a month ago, is suitable for compensation. A copy is not taken from this certificate, the original is given.

Copies are made of all documents. The manager compares them with the originals and stamps the kindergarten. The originals are returned and copies are attached to the application.

The state compensates parents for part of the cost of kindergarten in order to reduce the financial burden. The amount of compensation is determined by the number of children and criteria for family income, which are different in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

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Hello dear readers We are glad to welcome you on the pages of this portal. Are you interested in compensation for a private kindergarten? We will try to submit the most detailed material regarding the use of this kind of benefit. And we hope you will find answers to all your questions in this thread.

Is relief granted, in principle, at commercial costs and not municipal institution? How is the design done? Who can become a recipient, and what documents are needed for registration? All these questions will be analyzed sequentially, but for now let's start with general concepts and legal list.

Normative base

Compensation for a private kindergarten in 2020 is provided. It is guaranteed by the same Federal Law No. 273 on education, which is dated December 29, 2012. Article 65 in part 5 defines the right of parents whose children attend preschool educational institutions to benefits in the form of compensation.

The following bills should also be taken into account:

  • Government Decree of the city of Moscow No. 62, which predetermines the procedure for the formation of payment, which is dated 31.01.2006.
  • Decree of the Moscow government No. 656 on the amount of payments, dated 10/18/2006.
  • Decree of the Government of Dagestan No. 142, dated May 17, 2009.
  • Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 478, dated 12.06.2009.

Important! In 2020 compensation for private garden provided. But it is not the actual amount of spending that is taken into account, but the average indicators for municipal institutions.

There are no fundamental differences between the issuance of reimbursement for public and private kindergartens. The procedure is standard. But in the second case, only a minimal part of the expenses can be covered by this payment.

So, when a child visits a private institution, parents can be provided with:

  • partial (insignificant) coverage of the monthly fee, only at the level of prices for public kindergartens, since compensation is calculated from the average in a particular region;
  • allowance for not providing the opportunity to attend a kindergarten - depends on the region.

Attention! Availability of a license for the provision of educational services from a particular institution - required condition to cover part of the expenses for the stay of pupils in it.

Innovations 2020

At the regional level, in 2020, significant changes have been made at the federal and regional levels, for example, in the Leningrad Region, families with an income per person per month of less than 22,330 rubles will be able to apply for compensation for a private kindergarten. The amount of compensation is about 9.5 thousand rubles. On the issue of providing parental benefits in your region, we recommend that you contact the local authorities or the duty lawyer of our project. In accordance with Federal Law No. 273, which is dated December 29, 2012, the following standards were put into effect:

  1. The minimum compensation threshold has been set:
  • 20% - for the first child,
  • 50% - for the second,
  • 70% for the third
  • 70% for the fourth and subsequent children.
  1. The benefit does not apply to everyone, but only to those in need.
  2. The accrual base is determined -.
  3. Powers have been transferred to local authorities to make decisions regarding the amount of the average monthly payment, the procedure for payments and the compensated interest.
  4. The obligation to partially reimburse the parental fee is financed from the local budget.

Important! When determining the percentage to be taken into account, all minor children in the family are taken into account, and not just those who go to kindergarten. Should also take into account persons under 23 years of age if they are studying at the hospital.

Who can pay less with benefits

Compensation of parental fees for a private, however, like a state kindergarten, is made to limited categories of people. But local authorities can expand the circle of recipients and simplify the conditions for receiving.

In most cases, the following are eligible for the benefit:

  • large families;
  • parents are disabled;

In some regions, relief is also guaranteed for families with children. It can be received by persons who have taken custody of orphans and persons without parental care. For certain categories of employees, the employer may issue appropriate compensation. The right to 50% of expenses, regardless of the number of children, can be used by:

  • military;
  • Chernobyl liquidators;
  • employees of preschool municipal institutions;

Both parent and legal guardian are eligible to apply. Who is the applicant, mom or dad, does not matter.

How to claim child care allowance

Regional features of compensation payments

In 2017, not everyone is reimbursed for parental fees. At the regional level, payment features and the amount of compensation are established. To clarify information in a particular subject of the federation, you need to contact the social security authorities or the education department under the administration. You need to pay attention to such points:

  • whether mandatory compensation payments are provided in a particular region;
  • what category of recipients they are designed for;
  • what is the minimum percentage relies on each minor applicant;
  • does it matter what kind of child it is;
  • what is the average threshold for the cost of services to be reimbursed.


Private kindergarten fees are partially refundable. The parent can return part of the money spent, but within the framework of regional regulations. The amount will not exceed the amount of compensation for the public garden. Conditions for the appointment of compensation must be clarified locally. They differ depending on the policy of the region.

Not all families have the time and resources to raise a child at home, but quite the contrary, in connection with which many children start attending kindergarten after a year and a half, as parents need to go to work and find additional funds to support the crumbs.

However, there are not enough places in kindergartens for all children, so parents have to solve the issue of caring for the baby with the help of grandmothers and the norms of the law.

Who is eligible for a place in kindergarten?

In accordance with Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every resident of the Russian Federation is guaranteed access to preschool education, and from a very early age, because on the basis of Article 67 of Federal Law No. 273, a child can be placed in a kindergarten from the age of 2 months, of course, if this rule enshrined in the Charter of the preschool educational institution, although many kindergartens prefer to accept children no earlier than two years of age.

Also, given that children are the future of the state, at the legislative level, a procedure has been developed for enrolling children in preschool educational institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 293, according to which all children from the moment of birth subject to registration to the department of education at the place of residence in order to rationally allocate places in kindergartens.

The stipulated Order says that for starters, children are only registered, and when they reach the required age and submit an application from parents asking for a place, a referral is issued to a preschool educational institution, which has a free place and is located at the place of residence of the child.

Of course, taking into account the norms of Article 6 of the Federal Law No. 124, a place in kindergarten should be provided to everyone, but first of all, in the lists of preschoolers beneficiaries are included, in particular:

But the rest of the children are given a place in the garden only if it is free, as stated in clause 7 of Order No. 293, and even then during the year. But if 2 summer child and it can wait another year, but parents cannot afford this, because the child needs to be fed, and starting from the age of one and a half years, the allowance for caring for the baby is no longer paid.

For those children who are nevertheless enrolled in kindergarten, as an additional social guarantee, compensation for payment for kindergarten is also provided on the basis of Article 65 of the Federal Law No. 273, because the fee for preschool education can become a significant expense in family budget, respectively, for parents, compensation of part of the costs at the state level is provided.

As a rule, earlier pre-school education was provided only at the state level, now educational activities commercial institutions can also, but only if they have a license in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law No. 99, which means that payment for the services provided may vary. It is for this purpose that the child care allowance and set the amount of payment for services, which, in accordance with Article 65 of the Federal Law No. 273, is considered the maximum.

In particular, in Order No. 862 maximum size set payment for kindergarten, namely:

  • with a reduced shift from 70 to 80 rubles for children from 2 months to 7 years;
  • with a full shift from 90 to 100 rubles for children of the same age.

Based on Article 65 of Federal Law No. 273 at the regional level, local governments have the right to set their own amount of payment for the services of an educational organization in the region, but not more than the maximum established by the state. That is, parents will not pay more than 100 rubles a day even in a private kindergarten.

Also, in accordance with part 5 of article 65 of the Federal Law No. 273, parents or legal representatives of the child are also provided entitlement to reimbursement of part of the costs for payment of educational services:

  • in the presence of one child in the amount of 20%;
  • in the presence of 2 children in the amount of 50%;
  • 70% if there are 3 children or more.

And the stipulated norm states that this compensation is paid to all parents without exception, however at the local level self-government bodies have the right to establish additional benefits to increase the amount of compensation, that is, for privileged categories, the amount of compensation can be increased at the expense of local budgets, which more needy families can already determine on the spot.

They also have this right individual industries on the balance sheet of which are educational institutions. In particular, Order No. 862 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation establishes a list of additional benefits for children of military personnel, and also defines a privileged category of parents who are entitled to compensation of 50%, regardless of the number of children.

In particular, receive compensation in the amount of 50% parents:

  • disabled people;
  • Chernobyl liquidators;
  • conscription servicemen;
  • kindergarten workers.

Package of documents

Article 65 of the Federal Law No. 273 states that only one of the parents who entered into an agreement with the Educational Institution can receive compensation, providing the following package of documents:

Registration procedure

To apply for compensation, one of the parents submits the above package of documents along with the originals, so that the employees of the preschool educational institution verify the authenticity of the data provided and certify the received copies with the seal of the preschool educational institution.

Then the documents received from several parents are drawn up in a list, attached to the cover letter and sent to the Department of Education and the Office of Social Protection. And quarterly, the Educational Institution makes adjustments, updates the lists and reports on the transferred funds in relation to all persons who received compensation.

Payments for lack of places in kindergartens

However, not all children can be admitted to kindergarten, despite the guarantees of public access to education, many of them may simply not have enough places, which is actually happening at the present time. And although the draft law on amending Federal Law No. 273 on providing compensation to parents who are forced to renew maternity leave In view of the lack of free space, it was created back in 2011, it was never approved at the federal level. Although the subjects of the Russian Federation were given the right to establish this type of compensation at the regional level.

In particular, this type of compensation was established in many districts for mothers who are raising children from a year and a half to 6 years old in the amount of 1,000 to 6,000 rubles. But after several years and a significant amount spent, legislators at the local level decided that it was more expedient to raise age limit in kindergartens and not pay compensation, thus solving the problem of lack of places. Although in some regions of the Russian Federation compensation is still paid at the moment.

Features in the regions

In particular, compensation for the lack of places in kindergarten in 2019 is paid in following cities:

But in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, this compensation was canceled, as in Kirov for benefits from 5 to 7 years.

Taking into account the economic situation of the regions, in order to obtain more accurate information on the payment of compensation in a particular region of the Russian Federation, it would be more expedient for parents to apply with an official letter to the Department of Education of the region, since local governments are obliged to respond only to an officially sent letter, and provide reliable information within 10 days from the date of receipt of the letter in accordance with the legislation "On the appeal of citizens".

To whom is it due

As a rule, when this type of compensation is established, it is paid to parents who have children registered with the education department and who have not received a free place in kindergarten. That is, as such, preferential categories are not provided, given that the beneficiaries have the primary right to receive places in the preschool educational institution.

But the fact is that even beneficiaries in kindergartens are divided into three categories, that is, the same children with disabilities, orphans or wards will receive places in the first place, but the children of single mothers or non-working students, from low-income and large families, and kindergarten workers will be assigned to the second stage.

And, accordingly, children whose older brothers are already enrolled in this Educational Institution will belong to the third stage, not to mention all other children whose parents do not belong to any preferential category, except that they are parents on parental leave . That is, in fact, all parents who were officially denied due to lack of vacant places can apply for compensation.

List of required documents

Naturally, compensation will not be provided just like that, you need to confirm your right with documents, namely by providing the following package of documents:

As well as documents confirming belonging to a privileged category, if necessary, for example, a certificate of disability or documents recognizing a family as low-income.

Registration procedure

In order to receive compensation, you must first contact the Department of Education with an official letter about the existence of a program under which compensation is provided. If the program works, the above package of documents must be submitted to the same Department in order to receive compensation. However, if compensation is denied, another option should be considered.

In particular, on the basis of Article 6 of the Federal Law No. 124, a place in kindergarten should be provided to everyone, and parents, as the legal representatives of the child, have the right to choose the educational institution themselves. That is, if in preschool there are no vacant places at the place of residence, the parent has the right to apply on the basis of clause 5 of Order No. 293 with a request for a place in another kindergarten, but in the same locality. That is, it is possible to enroll a child in another kindergarten temporarily until a place for the child is vacated at the place of residence, and then, on the basis of an application, make a transfer.

Types of compensation

As follows from the above, at the moment, parents of preschoolers are provided two types of compensation:

On the basis of Article 65 of the Federal Law No. 273, compensation for babysitting applies to all parents, and all educational institutions are required to pay it, regardless of the form of ownership, that is, private kindergartens are required to return part of the money from the parental fee in the same way as public ones.

But the conditions for paying compensation for the lack of vacancies in educational institutions provides for the payment of this compensation only in respect of those children who were registered and applied for a place in a preschool educational institution that is state or budgetary institutions. By the way, if parents doubt the legitimacy of refusing a free place, they have every right to apply for legal protection to the prosecutor's office.

Possible changes and news in this issue

Of course, the educational system is not perfect, especially in light of the population explosion after a long recession, which actually provoked real problems of lack of vacancies.

A bill is also being developed under the patronage of the President to provide educational services at home, as well as the organization of small groups of pre-school education at schools, thus increasing the potential to provide pre-school education to more children.

I would like to note one more benefit established at the legislative level, in particular, compensation received for kindergarten from 2016 will no longer be taxed, which previously provided for 13% deductions from all amounts received. Of course, this is a small amount, especially with 20% of the parental fee, but still.

And despite the fact that the bill on the payment of compensation in the absence of vacancies has been frozen since 2012 and, as of 2019, they do not plan to process it, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to determine the amount of benefits, and the category of citizens in need, and the amount of compensation, which many and do.

The procedure for paying compensation for kindergarten is discussed in the following video: