Conspiracy from a toothache to a child. A strong conspiracy from toothache forever is to read to yourself (to yourself). Prayer for toothache to Saint Antipas

A conspiracy for toothache will help if painkillers are powerless. If the pain is taken by surprise and there is no way to visit a doctor, you can perform a magical ritual.

In order to achieve a positive result in a conspiracy for a toothache, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for the ritual:

  1. Positive attitude. Do not perform the ceremony in a bad mood. The same goes for pessimistic thoughts. In order for the pain to recede, you need to tune in to a positive wave.
  2. Purity of thought. Magic rituals cannot be performed by negatively minded people. If you are in a bad mood or someone offended, it is better not to perform the ceremony.
  3. Room cleaning. The room in which the ceremony will be held should be spacious, bright and clean. Do a thorough cleaning, imagining how you get rid of not only garbage, but also negativity.
  4. Physical training. The ceremony can be performed only after taking a bath with aromatic oils. A suitable option is lavender or rosemary. Hair should be loosened, and all jewelry should be removed from the body.
  5. Silence. The room must be quiet. Close windows to block out extraneous sounds. Conspiracies must be read in a whisper.
  6. Absence of strangers. Only the performer should be in the room. Telling other people about the rituals that you perform is also not worth it.

Video "Hex from a toothache"

This video presents an effective slander that helps relieve an acute attack of toothache.


In order to cure a tooth, you can turn to the Matrona of Moscow. This healer during her lifetime saved people from misfortunes. Now the suffering can pray at her icon and get help. You need to read a prayer in a church or at home at the icon of the holy martyr:

“Blessed old woman, Matrona of Moscow. In acute need, I turn to you, calm my sudden toothache, and help me endure it to the doctor. As you heal people from terrible diseases, so help me relieve my toothache. Just as the Lord God forgives sinners, so toothache retreat hastily. May your will be done. Amen".

You can also turn to the healer Panteleimon for help:

“Healer and miracle worker Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinner, hear my request, ask our Lord, Jesus Christ, to grant me deliverance from the unbearable pain that oppresses me so much! Visit me with your mercy, heal all my ailments, do not deprive me of your help, and your intercession for me with our God, Jesus Christ. And I will keep devotion and gratitude to you forever and ever. In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

While reading prayers in the church, it is necessary to light candles for health. At home, it is also recommended to light a lamp or a candle from the temple.


You can talk about a toothache with the help of instant slander that does not require special preparations. If you have overcome a sudden pain, you need to read “Our Father” 30 times, and then say:

“A moon in the sky, a worm in the ground, a fish in the water. When the named brothers converge, then the servant of God (name) will have a toothache. Amen, amen, amen."

For the next ritual, it is necessary to wash the door handle with consecrated water. After that, cross the tooth and read the slander:

“Dawn-lightning, a red maiden, a midnight woman, a hare in the field, a pebble in the sea, a limar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, with your veil my mournful teeth from the damned limar, under your cover they will remain intact. Enemy Limar, get away from me, and if you continue to gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of hell. My word is strong!

If a relative suffers from pain, you can help with the help of wine. To do this, they slander the liquid and lubricate the diseased tooth with it. The spell goes like this:

“I am not walking along the street, not along the road, but along empty lanes, along ravines, along canals. Meet me a hare. You hare, hare, where are your teeth? Give me yours, take mine. I am not going along the road, but in a damp forest, in a dark forest. Meet the gray wolf. You wolf, gray wolf, where are your teeth? Here are my teeth, give me yours. I go not by land, not by water, but by a clear field, a colored meadow. Meet me an old woman. You old woman, where are your teeth? Take your wolf's teeth, give back your fallen ones. I speak my teeth firmly and firmly with the slave (name) to this day, to this hour, forever and ever.

After the pain subsides, the mouth is rinsed with consecrated water.


If the discomfort is so strong that there is no urine to endure, an instant conspiracy will help. To do this, go to the nettle bush, grab it with your hand and say:

“Holy tree, mother nettle! The servant of God (name) has worms, take them out, and if you don’t take them out, then I will take you out, and if you take them out, then I’ll let you go in three days!

After that, tear off the leaf and attach it to the tooth. After the pain subsides, the nettle should be dug up by the roots and discarded.

The old way

In the old days, pain was spoken at dawn, sending a request to the lightning. To do this, put on a white nightgown in the morning, loosen your hair and go out the door. You can conduct a ritual at an open window if you live in a multi-storey building. Take holy water with you. Read the prayer and rinse the aching tooth with charmed water:

“Zoryushka-lightning, you are a red girl, a stone in the sea, a hare in the field, Lymar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, my sick teeth with your veil from Lymar; they will survive behind a white veil. Lymar, retreat; if you begin to gnaw my white teeth, I will overthrow you, Herod, into the abyss-underworld. This word is strong!

Ritual for the full moon

This ritual is performed only on the full moon. Wait for the moon to shine brightly, go outside, look at the month and say:

“The old month came to the young one and said: take the tooth from the slave (name), and give him a bone tooth. Amen".

Put your right hand on the sore spot while casting the spell.

With wax

You can get rid of unpleasant sensations in the mouth with a piece of wax. To do this, you will need wax from a melted church candle. Light a candle and read the Our Father. After that, take a piece of melted wax, put it to your mouth and whisper:

“On the sea-okiya, on the island of Buyan, thirty-three dead lie. Their teeth do not ache, do not rot. So even the servant of God (name) would not have ached and ached teeth.

With water

Consecrated water will help from severe pain. Take a glass of water and go out into the yard at midnight. Look at the moon and read the following slander:

“The moon is the guardian of heaven, the water is the protector of the earth. As the moon rose into the sky, so my pain immediately left. As I drink holy water, I will forget about toothache. I drink holy water, a savior from all ailments. Thank you, sister moon, deliverer from toothache.

After that, drink water and thank the month for helping.

from Natalia Stepanova

“On the sea-okian, on the island of Buyan, lies a white-flammable stone, on a white-flammable stone a great-old man lies, this old man does not have a single tooth, his cheeks do not blow, his heart does not ache. So I would have (name) from now on and forever, like that old man, not a single tooth ached, did not hurt, nor mourned. In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let it be so. Amen".

For this ritual, you will need a piece of black bread sprinkled with salt. The above conspiracy is superimposed on food, after which it must be applied to the damaged area.

Magic rituals have great power. In many ways, their effectiveness depends on the mood of the performer. Only a strong belief in the success of the ritual will help get rid of discomfort in the mouth. However, it is important to understand that magic alone is not enough. In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations that do not stop long time it is important to make an appointment with the doctor.

Although the 21st century has long been in the yard, but conspiracies for toothache, oddly enough, are still quite popular among the people. They are a kind of relic of those times when they still did not know how to properly treat teeth, and it was not available to everyone. As a rule, all kinds of conspiracies are especially actively used in areas remote from large cities (villages, towns), as well as people of the "old school", when it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, and a person suffering from toothache is ready to try anything, just to ease the pain a little.

To the surprise of many doctors, in some cases, conspiracies really help with toothache. But practice shows that even the most powerful conspiracies never replace treatment, that is, the problem does not disappear by itself. The habit of constantly speaking a tooth, just not to go to the doctor, is a direct path to serious complications, early loss of teeth and even more terrible consequences, such as phlegmon and sepsis.

The main thing that is important to understand in this situation is that even if you manage to speak a toothache and not feel it for a while, the tooth tissues destroyed by caries will not grow back from this, and the bacteria that caused purulent inflammation at the root will not suddenly die all at once. So, even if you firmly believe in the power of conspiracies, consider them only as a way to temporarily alleviate the condition.

There are various attempts at scientific and pseudo-scientific explanations of the impact of conspiracies on an aching tooth. For example, some researchers believe that a strong conspiracy is one of the methods of self-hypnosis, which allows you to temporarily force the brain not to respond to certain unwanted signals.

Others are sure that spoken words have a physical and biological effect on the body with their special vibration. And since the texts of many conspiracies were selected and crystallized over the years and even centuries, as a result, such a melody and sound wave length were selected, which has an active effect on tissues and relieves pain.

Below are some methods and texts that are used by the people to deal with severe toothache. Note that their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven, and, accordingly, they do not guarantee any result. However, to consider how conspiracies are built, what they are and how they differ in strength is quite curious ...

The structure of a good plot and the rules for identifying empty plots

It is not easy to find a good strong conspiracy for a toothache, sometimes you have to go through dozens of options in order to find one that, so to speak, corresponds to all the canons of a strong conspiracy. To reduce the time it takes to sort through texts, you should first familiarize yourself with the structure of a good conspiracy. As a rule, they are compiled according to a pattern verified over the centuries, which is easy to recognize.

The structure of a strong conspiracy for toothache will always be something like this:

  • touched (prayer introduction and beginning);
  • the main part ("narrowing of space" and spell);
  • setting (spell completion and prayer ending).

A conspiracy from a sick tooth should begin with an appeal to some forces: patrons, spirits. Since conspiracies appeared in the era before the advent of Christianity, they often turn to the Sun, the Moon, the spirits of nature. Christianization has produced the substitution of various spirits for saints and divine characters. However, for people practicing conspiracies, this is not so important - both those and other options are considered quite effective when used correctly.

Now a few words about the structure of the conspiracy. It is believed that at the beginning of the conspiracy, the subject moves to the other world through obstacles: thresholds, paths, doors, gates, mountains, fields, and so on.

In the main part of the plot, space is narrowed due to the mention of the central character (defender, assistant), here the mention of the name is obligatory. The pronunciation of the name gives power over the character. This is followed by the spell itself - an order or wish indicating the name of the person who should be influenced.

The final part of the spell comes with the mention of strong objects / persons that emphasize the power of the conspiracy (strong as a stone or Christ will strengthen the words). Then comes the prayer ending (Amen). If the text is pre-Christian, then the prayer ending may be absent.

On a note

There are shortened versions of conspiracies, which, rather, resemble parables-addresses. They necessarily turn to certain forces, ask or order to remove the pain. One of the most famous sayings that crystallized from the conspiracy is known even to children: “Hiccups, hiccups, go to Fedot, and from Fedot to Yakov, and from Yakov to everyone.” But since it is most often pronounced simply with humor and without concentration, it has no effect.

Knowing the structure of the plot from a toothache, you can always distinguish a more or less working text from a useless one. But once again, we note that this is not a replacement for treatment, but only a momentary way to deal with painful sensations– even if you strongly believe in such methods.

The most famous folk conspiracies for toothache

It is believed that only a text whose strength has been proven in practice can effectively speak a bad tooth. Usually such words pass from mouth to mouth in the generations of the same family. But there are also texts that have become public without losing their power.

In addition to verbal forms, there are also rituals: a conspiracy for toothache with water, wax, a wooden stick, stars, etc. People who use these techniques say that the ritual helps them focus and get rid of extraneous thoughts. But still the main force lies precisely in the words.

Since the conspiracy "so that the tooth does not hurt" refers to the secret folk healing practices, it is usually pronounced in a whisper. But if a person is familiar with the technique of throat singing, you can read the text in a singsong voice.

Often there are no items at hand that are convenient to conspire on. Therefore, texts that are quite simple to pronounce, that is, without a full ritual, are especially popular.

Conspiracy 1. Read at an open window or on the street.

Zoryushka-lightning, you are a red girl, a stone in the sea, a hare in the field, Lymar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, my sick teeth with your veil from Lymar; they will survive behind a white veil. Lymar, retreat; if you begin to gnaw my white teeth, I will overthrow you, Herod, into the abyss-underworld. This word is strong!

Conspiracy 2. Press the gum near the hearth with the right index finger pain and say the text 7 times.

As the red sun falls beyond the horizon and it is no longer visible, as the fair-faced month disappears in the sky, so the pain would go away after the sun, after the month and not return.

Conspiracy 3. Read on the water. Spring or melt water (or simply defrosted) is poured into a glass or crystal glass. The words are pronounced in a whisper 3 times, so that the water sways with exhalation.

four sisters,

Zachary and Macarius

Sisters Daria and Maria,

Yes sister Ulyana,

They spoke,

So that the servant of God has a name

Cheeks are not swollen

Teeth didn't hurt

Now and forever.

With these words, the key and the lock,

The key is in the water, the lock is uphill.

At the end of the whispering, all the water is drunk in small sips, after which a gradual effect should be expected.

Conspiracies of the sorceress Natalia Stepanova

It is believed among the people that the conspiracies of Stepanova Natalia, a famous Siberian interpreter of dreams and healer, have great power from toothache. In her texts there is an appeal exclusively to biblical figures. This is a good example of the influences that arose during the Christian era.

A simple conspiracy of Stepanova Natalia from a toothache is remembered as a rhyme. Saying it many times in a singsong voice, some people, judging by the reviews, really manage to alleviate the discomfort:

The moon is in the sky, the sun is in the oak.

Freeze, worm, in the tooth.

(Perhaps at this point a professional dentist would roll his eyes and sigh heavily - if everything was so simple ...)

There is also a more meaningful text, it is pronounced for the young month (they look at it):

A month is young, you have a brother Filat,

His teeth don't ache and his gums don't hurt.

So that the servant of God has a Name

My teeth didn't ache and my gums didn't hurt.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Self-hypnosis methods for relieving toothache

Many modern educated people perceive a conspiracy against toothache as one of the ways of self-hypnosis. From this position, the result is seen as a consequence of working with one's own consciousness. The main thing is to concentrate on achieving the goal, and then, according to the adherents of such an explanation, owning their thoughts, the toothache can be significantly alleviated.

However, even in this case, you need to understand that the very appearance of pain indicates that there are problems with the teeth. Eliminating soreness, even with the power of your mighty thought, is not a cure, so you should make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible to eliminate the cause of the problem.

The relevant literature indicates that before you start reading the conspiracy to relieve toothache itself, you should perform a series of simple manipulations with your own consciousness.

  • Leave doubt. You need to believe that conspiracy and self-hypnosis will help, tune in to a cure.
  • Relive the pain. It is necessary to find and localize the focus, mentally imagine its shape, structure, color, density.
  • Think positively and transform pain. Talk to the pain, reduce its size, change the color to a favorable one, act gradually. Substitute concepts, replace “pain” with “tingling”, “heaviness”, “pulsation”, etc.
  • Pronounce settings correctly. At this stage, you can take the text of the conspiracy, preferably a short one, pronounce it at least 3 times, perceiving the words as the desires of your own subconscious.

It is believed that relaxation and self-confidence are very important in the process of self-hypnosis. Any doubts and skepticism nullify the result.

Conspiracies for dental diseases

Conspiracies for toothache help to remove discomfort, but pain is only a sign of illness. traditional healers went further, and the problem itself, that is, the disease that causes pain, also found ways to speak.

There are many narrow texts:

  • conspiracies from crumbling teeth;
  • conspiracies from bleeding gums;
  • conspiracies to strengthen teeth;
  • conspiracy to return the tooth to its place.

However, in most cases, such conspiracies of effect, of course, will not give. With severe problems with teeth and gums, it can be impossible to do without medical intervention.

Explanation for the doubters: why conspiracies work

There are several points of view on how exactly conspiracies work for various dental diseases, and indeed any conspiracy in general.

Psychology explains the effect of "purposeful whispering" like a placebo effect, that is, it is assumed that all the power of this lies in autosuggestion. In simple words, a person to a certain extent controls his sensations and the work of the brain, forcing him not to respond to pain signals coming from nerve endings. Such practices are very common among yogis, who in a certain state can pierce through their muscles with thin needles, including the heart, without experiencing pain, or perceiving it in a different way.

Another theory says that the most important thing in a conspiracy is the combination of sounds, vibration and rhythm. They influence the human energy field by performing certain tasks. There is no scientific evidence for this position.

There is also a religious interpretation. In Christianity, a conspiracy is perceived as a password for calling spirits from the other world, colluding with him to make certain changes in a person's life. Therefore, the attitude towards such treatment in Christianity is extremely negative.

At the moment, none of the points of view is recognized by science, however, there are a lot of cases when conspiracies for toothache and some other diseases really help. Actually, this is what makes people go to various "grandmothers" and witches. However, before asking for such controversial help, we recommend that you think again - or maybe it’s better to make an appointment with a dentist? ..

Interesting video: How spells and conspiracies work

About the causes of toothache and methods of getting rid of it

Toothache conspiracies are always very popular among the inhabitants of our country. This article will consider various options rituals that can be performed at home.

Initially, you need to understand how a toothache occurs. In any tooth there is a blood supply system and nerve endings. But when various diseases occur, they are damaged, and a person can feel pain.

Such sensations are a natural signal that there are problems with the teeth. The brain warns a person that it is urgent to take action and start treatment. Pain can vary in severity and frequency of occurrence, it depends on many concomitant factors.

It must be understood that before people were not very versed in medical intricacies and the causes of toothache. As a result, various ancient conspiracies appeared that were used to get rid of this problem.

Remember: discomfort is a clear sign of dental problems. Of course, you can read a conspiracy for a toothache on yourself, but it will not save you from the root cause of its appearance. In any case, in the future you will have to consult a doctor.

But if at an early stage it was possible to carry out treatment, now the specialist will offer only the removal of a destroyed tooth. Then implantation and serious financial expenses await you. Therefore, it is better not to make the mistakes of other people and resort to official medicine.

Various instant conspiracies are able to deal only with the symptoms, and not with the cause. Experts attribute their effectiveness to self-hypnosis. Pain is controlled by the brain, it is he who perceives signals from nerve endings.

A special ceremony allows you to suggest to a person that the pain will pass in the near future. In some cases, it actually subsides and dental problems do not bother you for some period. But we strongly recommend visiting a specialist, folk methods and powerful conspiracies will not be able to save you from the root cause!

Features of the

When performing the ritual, it is necessary to take into account a number of features:

  1. You need to be alone in the room so that no one disturbs you.
  2. Read the text confidently and loudly, but take your time. It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible during the ceremony.
  3. It is important to sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the conspiracy. Then a person will be able to inspire himself with the necessary thoughts and block the pain.
  4. Before the ritual, it is advisable to relax and take a bath.
  5. You must be confident in your abilities and persistent.
  6. When reading prayers, it is advisable to light church candles and put an icon of the saint to whom you are turning for help.

What to do if it doesn't help?

Even the strongest conspiracy for toothache can be ineffective. The effect of such rituals on people is individual. Efficiency depends on the correctness of the ritual and the degree of suggestibility of the person.

Pain can be temporarily relieved with analgesics. The simplest and most affordable drug in the pharmacy is Analgin. In a number of cases, it turns out to be very effective, it is subject to different kinds pain.

Be sure to book an appointment with your dentist. Before visiting a doctor, try not to disturb the aching tooth, as external influences can provoke the appearance of painful sensations. The main thing is not to overdo it with analgesics, carefully read the instructions for the drug and the permissible daily dosages.

Current conspiracies for toothache

What working conspiracies exist? At the moment, there are several dozen different options. But we will consider the most popular solutions:

  • Rite to the moon.
  • Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova.
  • Vintage options.
  • To the water.
  • For self-fulfillment.
  • Conspiracy for instant action.

Conspiracy to yourself

For this ritual, nettles are required. It is necessary to find a place where this plant grows. Bend and tie one of the bushes by reading the corresponding text:

After three days, you must return to the place and release the plant, keeping your word. Naturally, this should be done if the pain still passed in a given time.

Read the water plot

Need to talk toothache to yourself? Then let's look at one of the popular options that many people use.

You will need to pour into a glass of holy water. Take it in your hand and go outside after moonrise in the evening. Looking at the Earth's satellite, read the text of the spell twelve times:

Before you drink some water, you need to say one more slander:

Instant conspiracy

Ancient conspiracy

One of the old options is to read this text on the waning moon for three evenings:

Another solution is to read the plot on beeswax for three days before the sunset of the luminary and put it on the aching tooth. This bee product contains a huge amount of useful substances that can relieve pain. Text:

For the third rite, you will need to find an aspen knot in the forest or in the square. Take it in your hand and say the following text:

For the fourth old conspiracy, you need to retire to the room. Read this text clearly and aloud:

The last option is to go outside in the evening and read three times, looking at the Earth's satellite:

ritual to the moon

This rite is suitable for performing on the full moon. You can track the current cycle of the Earth satellite on meteorological sites on the Internet. You need to wait for the evening, leave the house and look at the moon. Say the following words:

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is a healer from Siberia. She became famous thanks to a series of books. Stepanova began writing them back in last years the existence of the USSR. Her books are popular not only in Russia, but also in a number of CIS countries.

Hex from Natalia Stepanova, which you need to read:

Folk ways to get rid of pain

In the people there are a huge number of conspiracies from toothache. All generations of people faced this problem, and the text of slander was transferred between family members. Let's look at the most popular folk options.

It is necessary to determine the diseased tooth and press the gum with your finger. It is not always easy to do this, since painful sensations can cover a large area. Then it is necessary to examine the teeth at the mirror, try to find incisors with visible damage.

Text to read seven times:

For this ceremony, melt or spring water is required. You can freeze it in a bowl and thaw it later. Pour the liquid into a glass, bring it to your lips and say the following words three times:

After reading, drink water in small sips.

Powerful prayers for toothache

Prayers can be used to deal with pain. It is advisable to retire in a room when performing the ritual. Purchase candles in the church shop in advance, it is additionally recommended to buy an icon of the saint you wish to turn to for support.

Healer Panteleimon

Panteleimon is a saint who was a doctor during his lifetime. He helped all those in need, used both available medicines and prayers in his medical practice. Believers can turn to him in case of health problems, including the appearance of a toothache.

Prayer text:

Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow during her lifetime aroused interest and awe among those around her. Her touch was considered healing, and with the support of the old woman, it was possible to get rid of various diseases. Now believers can turn to her with a prayer to get rid of a toothache:

Likely effect

Complete confidence in achieving desired result No. Conspiracies and prayers are a way to inspire yourself with some thought and block pain through your own consciousness. But the real effectiveness of various rites depends on individual psychological characteristics person.

The main thing is not to delay contacting a specialist. Sick teeth still need treatment. With the help of conspiracies and analgesics, you can postpone a visit to the dental office. But sooner or later you still have to visit it.

The most unpleasant feeling is if a tooth constantly hurts or aches. It overtakes a person quite suddenly. Sometimes this pain is not stopped even by pills. And the opportunity to get to the dentist in the near future is not provided. In this case, strong conspiracies for toothache will help. They have been resorted to since ancient times, and they were considered the most effective ways fight toothache.

Conspiracies and prayers will relieve toothache

Features of the execution of conspiracies

A conspiracy against toothache is read on a waning moon. With her departure, she takes away all the bad energy and pain.

All conspiracies and prayers are read with faith and confidence that words will help.

Prayers can be read both in the temple and at home. It is better to do this in front of the icon and with a lit candle. If the pain overtook on the road, then you can also resort to prayer. After reading it, be sure to cross yourself three times.

A conspiracy from teeth does not heal a tooth, but only temporarily eliminates pain. After eliminating the pain in the coming week, you need to go to the dentist.

You can talk about a severe toothache forever, only with the help of white magic.

An ancient conspiracy for a bad tooth

The conspiracy has been known for millennia and still has not lost its relevance. It is read on the waning moon at night.

Conspiracies are read on the waning moon

Stand in front of the window so that the moonlight falls on you and say the words:

Keeper of heaven and traditions, Lord and Owner of the Ezens, Zayans and Tengri. Favor me in performing my ritual! Help me and make your direct intervention in my affairs! Fill my body with vital energy. Feed my mind with the healing light of consciousness. Fill my soul with your invisible presence. Be sympathetic and noble to me, saving me from terrible pain. Now and forever, take the pain from my teeth.

You need to say the words to speak a toothache seven times. The conspiracy is suitable for those who periodically suffer from a toothache.

A quick way to conspire to relieve pain

If you know that you are periodically worried about toothache, then resort to this conspiracy. You need to prepare for it in advance. Buy propolis on the market or from a beekeeper. A small piece weighing 200-300 gr will be enough.

Let the wax lie down in your house for a couple of days, and then perform the ritual, read the plot on it. Wash down a church candle and hang propolis on it. It should melt slightly and become soft. Tear off a small piece of propolis and apply to the aching tooth and gum. Read the words at this moment:

As the sacred fire burned and burned out, So my pain was, but it passed. The pain left me, the wax took it for itself, It did not give it back to me. Amen!

This ritual helps to cope with acute toothache, but does not cure a bad tooth, so visit a dentist as soon as possible. The rite can be repeated and subsequent times.

Toothache conspiracy to read on water

A conspiracy from toothache to water helps to quickly cope with troubling pain. A conspiracy is made at home. Prepare a glass of melt water, it should warm up to room temperature.

For a conspiracy, melt water is needed

You can even heat it up a bit to speed up the process. Melt water should melt not the end. The middle of the frozen water must be discarded. Then pour into a crystal glass or goblet and read a whisper into the water. If there is holy water:

Three sisters of Lazar - Pelageya, Martha and Mary! Come to me, help me cope with the disease. Take away the heaviness and whining from my teeth, Give me peace of mind and strength of the flesh. Your brother Lazar's teeth don't itch, they don't ache. So it would be for me, (name), not to suffer, to get rid of pain forever. Amen.

Flux conspiracy

Flux, something that stands next to a toothache. It provides a lot of discomfort to a person. Flux not only hurts, but also makes breath not fresh. And this entails discomfort in communication. To get rid of the flux, read the salt water plot.

Prepare a glass of water and add a tablespoon of salt to it. Water should be at room temperature. Stir the solution well to dissolve the salt. Put a glass of water on the table and forgive the conspiracy on it:

My teeth, do not get sick, fight against the disease, listen to these words, away from the hellish circle. Calm the disease, expel pus, heal the gums, watch for health. God will help you, give you strength. In the name of the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit, on this day and at this hour. Amen.

With these words, you can speak a disturbing toothache. Then caress this charmed saline solution oral cavity, especially paying attention to the flux. Rinse your mouth for thirty seconds, then spit out the liquid.

Salt is added to water to make a rinse solution.

Keep doing this until the glass of water runs out. It is necessary to repeat the ceremony in the morning and in the evening for three to five days. The ritual can be performed both on the growing and on the waning moon.

Conspiracies of the sorceress Natalia Stepanova

Almost everyone, the well-known healer Natalya Stepanova, offers her strong plot for a toothache. Her way of treating pain is the simplest and does not require any special efforts. The main thing is your faith that the spoken words will help.

Everyone who has tried her plot claims that it is strong and helps to cope with pain, even under crowns. The rite is safe and does not harm anyone. It can be used if the sick tooth of the child is worried.

This plot can be read before going to dentistry for treatment or for teeth whitening. Natalya Stepanova composes a conspiracy to relieve toothache like poetry, so the child can learn them himself and, if necessary, read when he needs to.

The moon is in the sky, the sun is in the oak. Freeze, worm, in the tooth. Amen.

Natalya Stepanova offers us another conspiracy that will help to cope with the disease. It can be read during teething in children, as well as when a milk tooth hurts or new ones climb. The plot is read during the growing moon. Stepanova published her book, which contains all her conspiracies. Her conspiracies are as strong as a Russian word.

A month is young, you have a brother Filat, His teeth do not ache and the gums do not hurt. So that the servant of God, Name, does not have teeth aching and gums do not hurt. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Easy plot on a toothbrush

This conspiracy for a sore tooth is read on the outgoing moon. It helps to attract spirits to the toothbrush. It is strong and simple, read for a young month. The ritual is performed at night at an open window. The rite is aimed at ensuring that the teeth do not deteriorate, and are healthy for a long time, remove caries from the teeth and pain forever.

Take your toothbrush, stand at the window, open the window. Stick your hand with a toothbrush into it, so that the new moon illuminates it with its rays. Read the plot 40 times to speak a bad tooth.

As the red sun falls beyond the horizon and it is no longer visible, as the fair-faced month disappears in the sky, so the pain would go away after the sun, after the month and not return.

Love spell on a toothbrush

So that your man is only with you, read the love spell on the toothbrush of your beloved. Before the ceremony, put things in order in the house and begin to perform the ceremony. This rite is the most effective in love magic.

You will need two church candles, water, a toothbrush. Light candles in the bathroom and place them nearby. Before this, you need to file the candles from below with a nail file. It will be enough to cut off five mm. Then draw water into a glass and dip the brush into it. Hold a glass of water over the candles for a minute, and then read the words:

Tonight there's magic going on new love born in darkness. I will take other girls away from you (name), I will burn the bridges between you. Only next to me will you be. You touch a thing, at the same moment you stagger. From hopeless love you will get tired of me. With another girl, you will not know pleasure, You can only see happiness with me. Treason! Not for me, you can’t with another, leave peace! The temptation will go away, only then will your soul find peace, When your heart (name) finds me (your name) your beloved. You will suddenly cry, you will feel pain, We will share happiness with you forever, Another will never break it. As she said, so be it. Amen!.

On a toothbrush you can make a love spell

Prayer from Vanga to help with pain

Prayer from the Siberian clairvoyant Vanga is read in the first month of illness and during the next four. It is aimed at relieving pain and discomfort. It can be read every day if a tooth hurts, if a tooth has come out so that it does not hurt. You can read against another disease.

The red sun sank below the horizon, out of sight. As the pale moon disappears from heaven, so my pain will disappear, so as not to appear again. Go after the sun, after the clear month, don't come back. Amen.

Ritual from the evil eye on the teeth

The ritual helps to remove the evil eye and is directed against the offender. Everything he wanted for you will come back to him. If he wished you sickness, she will return to him. The spell is cast for four days.

During the ritual, you need to light 5 candles

For the spell, take the fallen tooth, put it on a clean plain handkerchief. Place five candles around it. You can take the teeth not only of your own, but also of your sisters. Then move your finger counterclockwise around the tooth and cast the spell:

I run my finger to remove all the damage. Show me your face foe. As the teeth of a baby are cut, as he cries from this, so you will cry from your evil eye that you inflicted on me. Do not mischief to another and you will not be tormented. I hold my finger and let the other know that you are dirtying.

Prayer for toothache

Prayer is read at any time, as soon as the tooth begins to bother. Before that, read the Our Father. Prayer will help to cope with a toothache.

Oh, glorious Hieromartyr Antipo and quick help to Christians in illness! I believe with all my heart and thought, as if the Lord had given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this sake to you, as a gracious doctor of diseases, as a weak (or: weak) I come running, and kissing your venerable image with reverence (or: kissing) , I pray: by your intercession with the King of Heaven, ask me for a sick (or: sick) healing from my depressing dental disease: even if it’s not worthy (or: unworthy) seven of you, my most blessed father and my ever-present intercessor: but you, having been an imitator of God’s philanthropy, make me worthy (or: worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life; heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, yes, having lived a quiet and silent life (or: having lived) in all piety and purity, I will be able to glorify the All-Holy Name with all the saints Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracies for folk remedies

To speak a severe toothache with folk remedies, you need to start preparing a decoction. It is made from pharmacy chamomile and sage leaves. Pour a tablespoon of chamomile and a tablespoon of sage with a liter of water. After that, put the water with herbs on the fire and when the water starts to boil, read the plot. You need to boil the broth at dawn.

Zoryushka-lightning, you are a red girl, a stone in the sea, a hare in the field, Lymar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, my sick teeth with your veil from Lymar; they will survive behind a white veil. Lymar, retreat; if you begin to gnaw my white teeth, I will overthrow you, Herod, into the abyss-underworld. This word is strong!

From a toothache, you can speak a decoction of chamomile and sage

Rite to keep your teeth always healthy

The ceremony is designed to ensure that your teeth are healthy for a long time. A conspiracy for healthy teeth is carried out on the full moon to fix the fact. The plot is read in the bathroom, before brushing your teeth. Apply paste to the brush and say the words: my teeth are shining, my teeth are sparkling. They do not know pain and are always healthy.

Signs related to teeth

Folk signs that help in life:

  1. You need to speak your teeth with faith and a positive attitude, then the pain will pass faster.
  2. According to gypsy beliefs, if you bury a wisdom tooth in a cemetery, you will become rich.
  3. If you dreamed that your teeth were falling out - wait for trouble.
  4. The first tooth needs to be stored, this will help protect all the other teeth of the child.
  5. The tooth broke by accident - to waste.
  6. When a baby's teeth are cut, it is possible to determine the future character by his cries.
  7. If you talk about excessive toothache in winter, it will not bother you for a year.

Probably, there is no person in the world who has not had a toothache at least once in his life. Everyone is familiar with this piercing, exhausting pain when you can’t think of anything else but a bad tooth.

Yes, you can drink a handful of painkillers and somehow make it to the dentist, but what if you can’t drink the pills or they simply weren’t at hand? take advantage folk methods, one of which is a conspiracy.

There are a dozen rituals for toothache, since the problem in past centuries was extremely acute, because it was not possible to turn to a specialist, as well as the specialists themselves. It is from this problem that the legs of the phrase “don’t talk my teeth into me” grow, which means “do not distract me” Do you want to escape from pain? Read the conspiracies!

This conspiracy is very strong, therefore it helps with no less severe pain. It is better to read it in the evening, facing the moon and holding a vessel with water (not boiled) in your hands. Repeat seven times, without interruption, these words:

“Keeper of heaven and traditions, Lord and Owner of the Ezens, Zayans and Tengri. Favor me in performing my ritual! Help me and make your direct intervention in my affairs! Fill my body with vital energy. Feed my mind with the healing light of consciousness. Fill my soul with your invisible presence. Be sympathetic and noble to me, saving me from terrible pain. Now and forever, take the pain out of my teeth."

Rite with a door

Wash your hands and the door bracket with water alone, and then pour it over the threshold. Drawing crosses on the cheek behind which the bad tooth is located, read the following plot:

“Dawn-lightning, a red maiden, a midnight woman, a hare in the field, a pebble in the sea, a limar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, with your veil my mournful teeth from the damned limar; under your cover they will remain intact. Enemy Limar, leave me alone; and if you continue to gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of hell. My word is strong!

Conspiracy for the young month

Read for a young month:

“Month-month, silver horns, golden legs. Come down, moon, from heaven and take away my toothache, taking it with you. My pain is neither small nor heavy, but your strength is great. I can not endure the pain, but your strength to endure. Here is my tooth, here are two teeth, three - they are all yours, and with them the pain. Month-month, hide the toothache from me.

Nettle Conspiracy

“Mother nettle, holy tree! I know a servant of God (name), who has worms on his teeth that you bring out; and if you do not bring out, I will dry you up; but if you take you out, on the third day I will let you go.”

After reading it, go outside, find a nettle, bend it to the ground and tie it. Release after three days.

Ritual with radish

This conspiracy against toothache is read on a radish, a twig of pine or spruce, which are then placed on the cheek opposite the diseased tooth.

“On the sea-ocean, on the quiet island of Buyan, there is a cathedral church, and in it is the Blessed Virgin Mary and the dental healer Antipius. They ask the saints of God for the servant of God (name): “How do you, the servants of God, do not hurt your teeth, even if the servant of God (name) does not hurt.” In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

A quick no-prep ritual

"Cain! Cain! Cain! Ask your own brother Abel: do his white teeth hurt? No. So let the servant of God (name) not hurt. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."

The second rite for the young month

At 24:00 on a clear cloudless night, seeing the new moon, say:

“Young, young, you have a golden horn. You are standing, and my servant of God (name) is in health. - Have you been in that world?

Did you see the dead?

Do they have toothache?

They don't hurt.

Give, God, that my, the servant of God (name), my teeth do not hurt.

Repeat the plot three times, after each time spitting three times, looking at the month.

Ritual with strawberries

Take three strawberry roots, dip them into the water and say three times:

“As this strawberry withers and withers, so may the teeth of the servant of God (name) be silent and numb sow this day and to this hour.”

After that, put the charmed roots on the aching tooth, and drink water.

Conspiracy on rowan

Go to the mountain ash, gnaw its bark, saying:

“Rowan, mountain ash, heal my teeth, if you don’t cure them, I’ll gnaw all of you.”

Repeat the plot three times, take a piece of paper with the words previously written on it and go to bed, putting the paper on your cheek with a bad tooth. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, do nothing, burn the paper first.

Conspiracy with 40 repetitions

Read the prayer "Our Father", and after it a conspiracy:

“A moon in the sky, a worm in the ground, a fish in the water. When the named brothers come together, then the servant of God (name) will have a toothache. Amen, amen, amen"

Read 40 times.

We remind you that ice should be applied with caution. Since in some cases, for example, an improperly growing wisdom tooth, it will only make things worse and increase inflammation.

The structure of a good plot and the rules for identifying empty plots

It is not easy to find a good strong conspiracy for a toothache, sometimes you have to go through dozens of options in order to find one that, so to speak, corresponds to all the canons of a strong conspiracy. To reduce the time it takes to sort through texts, you should first familiarize yourself with the structure of a good conspiracy. As a rule, they are compiled according to a pattern verified over the centuries, which is easy to recognize.

The structure of a strong conspiracy for toothache will always be something like this:

  • touched (prayer introduction and beginning);
  • the main part ("narrowing of space" and spell);
  • setting (spell completion and prayer ending).

A conspiracy from a sick tooth should begin with an appeal to some forces: patrons, spirits. Since conspiracies appeared in the era before the advent of Christianity, they often turn to the Sun, the Moon, the spirits of nature. Christianization has produced the substitution of various spirits for saints and divine characters. However, for people practicing conspiracies, this is not so important - both those and other options are considered quite effective when used correctly.

Now a few words about the structure of the conspiracy. It is believed that at the beginning of the conspiracy, the subject moves to the other world through obstacles: thresholds, paths, doors, gates, mountains, fields, and so on.

In the main part of the plot, space is narrowed due to the mention of the central character (defender, assistant), here the mention of the name is obligatory. The pronunciation of the name gives power over the character. This is followed by the spell itself - an order or wish indicating the name of the person who should be influenced.

The final part of the spell comes with the mention of strong objects / persons that emphasize the power of the conspiracy (strong as a stone or Christ will strengthen the words). Then comes the prayer ending (Amen). If the text is pre-Christian, then the prayer ending may be absent.

On a note

There are shortened versions of conspiracies, which, rather, resemble parables-addresses. They necessarily turn to certain forces, ask or order to remove the pain. One of the most famous sayings that crystallized from the conspiracy is known even to children: “Hiccups, hiccups, go to Fedot, and from Fedot to Yakov, and from Yakov to everyone.” But since it is most often pronounced simply with humor and without concentration, it has no effect.

Knowing the structure of the plot from a toothache, you can always distinguish a more or less working text from a useless one. But once again, we note that this is not a replacement for treatment, but only a momentary way to deal with pain - even if you strongly believe in such methods.

The most famous folk conspiracies for toothache

It is believed that only a text whose strength has been proven in practice can effectively speak a bad tooth. Usually such words pass from mouth to mouth in the generations of the same family. But there are also texts that have become public without losing their power.

In addition to verbal forms, there are also rituals: a conspiracy for toothache with water, wax, a wooden stick, stars, etc. People who use these techniques say that the ritual helps them focus and get rid of extraneous thoughts. But still the main force lies precisely in the words.

Since the conspiracy "so that the tooth does not hurt" refers to the secret folk healing practices, it is usually pronounced in a whisper. But if a person is familiar with the technique of throat singing, you can read the text in a singsong voice.

Often there are no items at hand that are convenient to conspire on. Therefore, texts that are quite simple to pronounce, that is, without a full ritual, are especially popular.

Conspiracy 1. Read at an open window or on the street

Zoryushka-lightning, you are a red girl, a stone in the sea, a hare in the field, Lymar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, my sick teeth with your veil from Lymar; they will survive behind a white veil. Lymar, retreat; if you begin to gnaw my white teeth, I will overthrow you, Herod, into the abyss-underworld. This word is strong!

Conspiracy 2. Press the gum with the right index finger at the focus of painful sensations and pronounce the text 7 times.

As the red sun falls beyond the horizon and it is no longer visible, as the fair-faced month disappears in the sky, so the pain would go away after the sun, after the month and not return.

Conspiracy 3. Read on the water. Spring or melt water (or simply defrosted) is poured into a glass or crystal glass. The words are pronounced in a whisper 3 times, so that the water sways with exhalation.

four sisters,

Zachary and Macarius

Sisters Daria and Maria,

Yes sister Ulyana,

They spoke,

So that the servant of God has a name

Cheeks are not swollen

Teeth didn't hurt

Now and forever.

With these words, the key and the lock,

The key is in the water, the lock is uphill.

At the end of the whispering, all the water is drunk in small sips, after which a gradual effect should be expected.

Conspiracies of the sorceress Natalia Stepanova

It is believed among the people that the conspiracies of Stepanova Natalia, a famous Siberian interpreter of dreams and healer, have great power from toothache. In her texts there is an appeal exclusively to biblical figures. This is a good example of the influences that arose during the Christian era.

A simple conspiracy of Stepanova Natalia from a toothache is remembered as a rhyme. Saying it many times in a singsong voice, some people, judging by the reviews, really manage to alleviate the discomfort:

The moon is in the sky, the sun is in the oak.

Freeze, worm, in the tooth.

(Perhaps at this point a professional dentist would roll his eyes and sigh heavily - if everything was so simple ...)

There is also a more meaningful text, it is pronounced for the young month (they look at it):

A month is young, you have a brother Filat,

His teeth don't ache and his gums don't hurt.

So that the servant of God has a Name

My teeth didn't ache and my gums didn't hurt.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Self-hypnosis methods for relieving toothache

Many modern educated people perceive a conspiracy against toothache as one of the ways of self-hypnosis. From this position, the result is seen as a consequence of working with one's own consciousness. The main thing is to concentrate on achieving the goal, and then, according to the adherents of such an explanation, owning their thoughts, the toothache can be significantly alleviated.

However, even in this case, you need to understand that the very appearance of pain indicates that there are problems with the teeth. Eliminating soreness, even with the power of your mighty thought, is not a cure, so you should make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible to eliminate the cause of the problem.

The relevant literature indicates that before you start reading the conspiracy to relieve toothache itself, you should perform a series of simple manipulations with your own consciousness.

  • Leave doubt. You need to believe that conspiracy and self-hypnosis will help, tune in to a cure.
  • Relive the pain. It is necessary to find and localize the focus, mentally imagine its shape, structure, color, density.
  • Think positively and transform pain. Talk to the pain, reduce its size, change the color to a favorable one, act gradually. Substitute concepts, replace “pain” with “tingling”, “heaviness”, “pulsation”, etc.
  • Pronounce settings correctly. At this stage, you can take the text of the conspiracy, preferably a short one, pronounce it at least 3 times, perceiving the words as the desires of your own subconscious.

It is believed that relaxation and self-confidence are very important in the process of self-hypnosis. Any doubts and skepticism nullify the result.

Conspiracies for dental diseases

Conspiracies for toothache help to remove discomfort, but pain is only a sign of illness. Traditional healers went further, and the problem itself, that is, the disease that causes pain, also found ways to speak.

There are many narrow texts:

  • conspiracies from crumbling teeth;
  • conspiracies from bleeding gums;
  • conspiracies to strengthen teeth;
  • conspiracy to return the tooth to its place.

However, in most cases, such conspiracies of effect, of course, will not give. With severe problems with teeth and gums, it can be impossible to do without medical intervention.

Explanation for the doubters: why conspiracies work

There are several points of view on how exactly conspiracies work for various dental diseases, and indeed any conspiracy in general.

Psychology explains the effect of "purposeful whispering" like a placebo effect, that is, it is assumed that all the power of this lies in autosuggestion. In simple words, a person to a certain extent controls his sensations and the work of the brain, forcing him not to respond to pain signals coming from nerve endings. Such practices are very common among yogis, who in a certain state can pierce through their muscles with thin needles, including the heart, without experiencing pain, or perceiving it in a different way.

Another theory says that the most important thing in a conspiracy is the combination of sounds, vibration and rhythm. They influence the human energy field by performing certain tasks. There is no scientific evidence for this position.

There is also a religious interpretation. In Christianity, a conspiracy is perceived as a password for calling spirits from the other world, colluding with him to make certain changes in a person's life. Therefore, the attitude towards such treatment in Christianity is extremely negative.

At the moment, none of the points of view is recognized by science, however, there are a lot of cases when conspiracies for toothache and some other diseases really help. Actually, this is what makes people go to various "grandmothers" and witches. However, before asking for such controversial help, we recommend that you think again - or maybe it’s better to make an appointment with a dentist? ..

Interesting video: what are conspiracies and why they sometimes work

Conspiracy for toothache for a young month

This conspiracy for toothache is done not when painful sensations have already appeared, but for their prevention. But he will also help get rid of pain, another thing is that for this you will have to wait for the new month. You need to repeat the reading of the conspiracy monthly on the growing moon, and then you will forget about problems with your teeth for a long time.

The holy month flies across the sky, watching Adam's children. Those children have neither lips, nor teeth, nor bones hurt. So would my servant of God, neither lips, nor teeth, nor bones would hurt. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Do this for three days in a row.

A slander from toothaches on a passerby

Go outside and wait until you see an old woman. You need to go towards her from the left side and read three times:

Not by water, not by land,
And a fragrant field, but a clean meadow.
The old woman is facing me
“Old old woman, where are your teeth?”
Give me your fallen ones,
Take the wolf.
I'm talking about toothache
With a strong word, but with a stucco deed.
And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy against toothache

If you have a toothache, and there is no way to go to the hospital, this conspiracy will help you soothe the pain. You still have to go to the dentist, because with a simple conspiracy for pain, you can’t return broken teeth and get rid of caries.

Just like the Mother of God, she treated people's teeth, and cooked herbs, so the servant of God (your name) will have pain and teeth will not rot.

Teeth sometimes hurt for other reasons, such as the evil eye or damage. Therefore, if conspiracies against painful sensations do not help you, try other methods.

Conspiracy from toothache to water and roots

You will need to dig up three strawberry roots. Put them in clean cool water and say three times:

As this strawberry wilts and dries, so let the teeth of the servant of God (name) grow numb and freeze. Amen.

The roots will have to be crushed a little, but do not make a powder out of them. Give water to drink to someone who suffers from a toothache. Pieces of roots are applied to diseased teeth.

Slavic conspiracy for toothache

Slavic conspiracies refer to the ancient pagan gods, and not to Christian saints. At the same time, the magic of ancestors is still strong in every Russian person. The following conspiracy was used in ancient times to get rid of aches in teeth and bones.

Take a small piece of bread. It is placed on an aching tooth, and if all teeth are broken at once or several of those that are nearby, then a piece of bread should be appropriate. After that, the conspiracy is read:

On the island of Buyan, in the blue sea-okian,
Alatyr stone is white and combustible,
A seasoned man is sitting on that stone.
Like an old man
Bones do not hurt, but teeth do not ache,
So it would be with Dazhdbozh's grandson (name)
Teeth did not ache, but the bones did not hurt!
From now on and forever! Goy!

A strong conspiracy for toothache on nettles

We need to find where the nettle grows. You only need one bush. Nettle should not be grown by you, finding a bush of this plant is not so difficult. It must be tied to something so that it bends to the ground, with these words:

Holy tree, mother nettle! The servant of God (name) has worms on his teeth, take them out, and if you don’t, then I’ll kill you! And if you bring them out, then on the third day I will let them go free!

On the third day, be sure to do what they promised by saying this conspiracy - return to the place where the nettle grows and untie the bush on which they read the words from the toothache.

Charm for healthy teeth

You need to find somewhere on the street a bone on which teeth have been preserved. Of course, the bone must belong to the animal. It must be brought home, cleaned of dirt and put in some dry and clean place. Where the bone-amulet is stored, it must be warm, you do not need to store it in the refrigerator or under furniture, where there is a lot of dust. The following words are read on the bone:

You are a bone, a tooth bone,
from the pain of the tooth protect yes deliver,
and I will rid you of dirt and sputum.

The bone can also be used as a decoration if varnished. Do not forget to sweep dust from her and store only in the place that you promised her in the conspiracy. The bone will not begin to act immediately, but as soon as you rid it of dirt and dry it, you can forget about problems with your teeth.

A conspiracy for strong teeth

For this plot, you need to bite into something hard. In the past, this was done with the porch, but for a modern person it is a little wild. Moreover, currently you can be arrested for disturbing the peace if you start biting buildings. So find any hard rock. Perhaps there is a marble figurine in your house. It makes sense to buy something durable made of stone or find a piece of granite on the coast. It will be your amulet, which should be kept at home or always be with you. If you are sure that you want to bite the church porch, you can try this option.

So, bite (not hard) on the hard stone you have chosen three times and say:

As this stone is strong and indestructible, so stone and strengthen my teeth, stone harder than that stone.

You can also bite the corner of your house. If you are concerned about the hygiene of this procedure, then no one forbids washing this corner. If the house is destroyed, you will have to speak again.

Dental rites for children

The time when the first milk teeth of a child begin to erupt is considered a very dangerous period in the life of a baby. During the appearance of teeth, personal energy becomes weaker, and it is at this time that the child is more susceptible to evil eye and other negative magical influences.

You can keep your child safe with a few simple steps. You need to create a talisman (you can have several, from each family member, for example). Good material for him, this is what is rich in calcium and created by nature. For example, sea and river shells, corals. String objects on a rope and charge them with your energy - hold them in your hands, imagining how they are filled with power. You can ask the talisman for help in your own words or read any prayer, for example, “Our Father”.

In order for the teeth to be cut without pain and other troubles, it is necessary that the child be presented with silverware. Usually relatives or friends of the parents are asked to do this; parents themselves cannot do this. Most often, a teaspoon serves as such a gift-amulet. Nowadays, you can buy a silver spoon engraved with the name of the child - and a good gift, and as a talisman can be used. A spoon or other object should be used by the child, or his parents, when preparing food for him.

It should be remembered that conspiracies can save you from pain or prevent problems with your teeth, but new teeth will not grow from them, and already destroyed ones will not be restored. Therefore, you should never neglect the treatment at the dentist.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Cain, Cain, damned Cain! Ask your only begotten brother if his teeth hurt. "No, they don't," Cain replies. So let the teeth of this man, the servant of God (name), do not hurt, from now on, and forever, and forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Dear mother, green nettle, prickly, sacred tree! Next to me, a servant of God (name), stands a servant of God (name), black worms sharpen his teeth; you, dear mother, green nettle, sacred tree, take those black worms out, kick them out of the tooth, and if you don’t take them out, you don’t kick them out, I’ll dry you in the hot sun; and if you lead out, drive out, I will let you out on the third day.

This conspiracy is read over young nettles, after pronouncing the text, the grass is tied with a ribbon and tilted low to the ground, and after 3 days it is untied.


Scarlet dawn, morning dawn, dawn dawn, red maiden, handsome face, night owl; in a wide field a galloping hare, in a spacious blue sea a stone stone, and at the bottom of the sea Limar Limariny. Cover with your golden cloak, the dawn of the dawn, my mournful teeth, hide with your silver veil from Limar Limariny, my teeth will be securely preserved under your cover. My insidious enemy, Limar Limariny, go away from me, the servant of God (name), and if you start to crush, break and gnaw my teeth, then I will push you into hellfire, into the flames of hell. My word is reliable and strong. This conspiracy has a lock and a key - heaven and earth.


A clear month, a silver month, golden horns and legs, you, month, descend from the azure skies and take my toothache with you, take it away under thick clouds, hide it among the shining stars; my grief-sorrow is heavy, and your strength and power are great; that grief and that sadness I cannot bear. Here is a tooth, here is the second, here is the third, all of them are yours, take it, silver month, golden horns and legs, sorrow and my sorrow with you and hide from me from now on and forever and ever.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, from the yard to a clean field.

I, the servant of God (name), will go not by the outskirts, not by the street, but by alleys, nooks and crannies, yes. paths.

A gray hare jumped out to meet me, and I said to him these words: “Oh, you hare, gray hare, where are your white teeth? Give me your teeth, hare, and I'll give you mine."

I’ll ask that gray wolf: “Wolf-top, gray barrel, but where are your white teeth? Give me, wolf, your teeth, and take mine for yourself.

I will ask that old woman: “Old woman, you are an old woman, where are your white teeth? Take you, old woman, wolf's sharp teeth and give me your fallen teeth.

With these words, I speak the toothache of the servant of God (name) from now on, and forever, and forever and ever, from his birth to his very death.


I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate into a clean field. And three sisters are coming towards me, the three sisters of the Lazorevs - Martha, Pelageya and Maria. You go, sisters Lazorev, to your dear brother and ask him if his teeth hurt, if his bones break. With this conspiracy, I speak the servant of God (name) from toothache, from bone ache for every minute, for every hour, for every day, for every month, for every year, from now on, and forever, and forever and ever, from his birth and until death, from this day and forever. Amen, amen, amen.


Miracle monster, watery watery, take away, watery, the tooth of a cart from this man, a servant of God (name). The teeth of the servant of God (name) do not hurt every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year. A dog's teeth hurt, a cat's teeth hurt, a wolf's teeth hurt, a hare's teeth hurt, a fox's teeth hurt, a sheep's teeth hurt, a ram's teeth hurt, a goat's teeth hurt. My conspiracy is strong and strong from now on, and forever, and forever and ever, amen, amen, amen.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I will get up, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the upper room to the door, from door to door, from gate to gate, from the courtyard to the east, far. Towards me, the servant of God (name), go holy Abraham, Jacob and Isaac. Against them stretched the blue sea-ocean, and in that blue sea-ocean a drowned man appeared; frisky falcons fly in the clear sky.

Then holy Abraham, Jacob and Isaac ask: “You drowned drowned man, do your teeth hurt, do you gnaw at the alak, do your cheeks itch?”

The drowned seaman answers them like this: “Holy Abraham, Jacob and Isaac, a dead man cannot have a toothache, gnaw alak and itch his cheeks.”

Just as a drowned man cannot have teeth ache, gnaw alak and itch his cheeks, like a clear falcon cannot move his lips, so let this man, the servant of God (name), not have a toothache every hour, every day, every year, from birth and until death, now, and forever, and forever and ever, amen, amen, amen. My conspiracy is strong and reliable, like stones, in water, in heaven and on earth, on salt and on bread. To my words, there is a key and a lock - the sky is blue and the earth is damp. Amen, amen, amen.


Buyan is an island, Buyan is full of people, vengeance with its simplicity. Arkhan boasted to go to Rus' with a sword. I will pray, servant of God (name), to the Most Pure Theotokos, Virgin Mary, that Arkhan that king does not go to Rus' with a war; so let my toothache subside, a servant of God (name), not to have a toothache, not to swell my cheeks, not to swell during the young month, at the closing of the month and at the old month. My plot is strong and indestructible. To my kind words, there is a key and a castle - heaven and earth. Amen, amen, amen.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the upper room to the door, from door to door, from gate to gate, from the yard beyond the outskirts. I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the wide street, look at the clear month, and in that bright, clear month - two brothers, Cain and Abel. Just as their teeth do not hurt and do not hurt, so let my servant of God (name), my teeth do not hurt and do not hurt.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. You are quiet, quiet; you are meek, pre-meek; I release the scarlet blood from you with my finger, I calm the toothache, I heal my teeth.

During the pronunciation of the above words, an antiseptic compress should be applied to the diseased tooth.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. In the blue sea-ocean there is a wide island of Buyan, on that wide island of Buyan a cathedral, apostolic church was built, and at its door sits the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, and next to her is the venerable elder Antipius, healer and deliverer from toothache.

He turns to the numerous saints, prays for the servant of God (name): “Just as you, holy saints, your teeth do not hurt, so let them not hurt this man, the servant of God (name).”

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen.