Treatment by hands consequences for the healer. Ufa folk healer: "I'm treating Parkinson's and I see you like an x-ray" & nbsp. Concentrate your attention

An attack can overtake even while watching TV! Also, a seizure provokes lack of sleep, stress and any deviations in the functioning of the nervous system.

For this reason, epilepsy is tried to be cured at the earliest stages. There are many ways to treat with the help of official medicine, but this disease was known long before the invention of pills and sophisticated medical equipment. In the old days, people called epilepsy "epilepsy", due to the fact that the patient fell to the ground in a fit and could not get up.

Folk methods of treatment

The feasibility of treating epilepsy with folk remedies largely depends on the mood of the patient himself and faith in success. No, we are not talking about the placebo effect, but it is reliably known that a positive attitude can speed up recovery several times over.

Infusion recipes:

  1. 1 tsp dried herbs and lavender flowers pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and then simmer for a couple of minutes, then turn off the heat, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Treatment takes 1-2 months. Take an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. after lunch and after dinner. At the end of the course, you should take a two-week break and repeat the treatment.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. crushed peony root pour 3 cups hot water, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and leave for 30 minutes. Under cover. Take 15 min. Before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  3. 2 tbsp. l. crushed wormwood root pour 0.5 l of kvass, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Then strain and drink hot before going to bed until sweat comes out. Wormwood should be handled with extreme care as the plant is poisonous.
  4. Valerian is also effective in the treatment of epilepsy. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tbsp. l. crushed valerian root with a glass of warm boiled water, leave overnight, strain in the morning and drink during the day. To prepare a decoction, 1 tbsp. l. valerian root pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, then strain and take a tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals. After a month of treatment, take a week break and repeat the course.
  5. 10 flower baskets of tansy pour 120 ml of boiling water and leave under the lid for 20 minutes, then squeeze and take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.
  6. 8 art. l. mix sage juice with apple cider vinegar, add 16 tbsp. l. sour beet kvass, 1 tsp. powdered valerian root, 1 tsp. cherry wood glue powder. Take 4 tbsp. l. every 3 hours.

Not limited to taking decoctions and infusions. Natural juices, such as cherry, spinach, beetroot, etc., also help a lot.

How were treated in the villages

In nature, there are always cures for any disease. So, being on fresh air contributes to a speedy recovery. In the villages, epilepsy was treated with improvised means, for example, bathing in a decoction of hay collected at the edge of the forest.

Proper nutrition

The course of any disease is closely related to human nutrition. What the patient eats can either aggravate the situation or contribute to a speedy recovery.

With limited use liquids.

Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies

Epilepsy is a severe, often incurable disease of the central nervous system, which is characterized by the formation of foci of increased nervous activity in the brain. According to medical statistics, in about 30% of cases, the manifestation and frequency of epileptic seizures are not amenable to medical correction. However, folk methods for the treatment of epilepsy, according to numerous reviews, are quite effective for relieving the symptoms of this serious illness.

Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies

Principles of drug therapy

Epilepsy can manifest itself at any age, but in most cases such a diagnosis is made in the first 10 years of a child's life. There are a lot of reasons for the development of the disease: from intrauterine pathologies to severe injuries and infections.

The main symptom of this pathology are epileptic seizures. Their course and clinical picture differ depending on the localization of the focus of increased nervous activity in the brain. Usually, seizures are accompanied by unconscious actions, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

To date, there is no drug that can permanently heal this disease. For the treatment of all forms of epilepsy, certain medications are used that have quite strong side effects. The dosage of the drug is selected individually for each patient, taking into account his age. The course of therapy can last for years.

It is not necessary to completely abandon drug treatments, however, it is quite possible to “help” pills with folk remedies for epilepsy. However, it is worth considering that some herbs can aggravate the side effects of drugs, so before using traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Aromatherapy treatments

The smell of myrrh resin, better known as frankincense, helps to cure epilepsy very effectively. Getting it is quite simple - just go to the store at any church. For use, a regular aroma lamp is suitable. But it must be remembered that the smell should not be too intense and sharp. If the condition worsens, the appearance of a headache, it is recommended to immediately ventilate the room.

The methods of aromatherapy of epilepsy include a pillow specially prepared for the patient. It is recommended to add a mixture of plants such as:

  • Peppermint leaves.
  • Hop cones.
  • Creeping thyme herb.
  • Sweet clover grass.
  • Marigold flowers.
  • Grass lovage.
  • Rose pyrethrum flowers.

On such a pillow, a person suffering from epilepsy can sleep constantly.

Treatment of epilepsy with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs and minerals

The course of mild forms of epilepsy can be alleviated by the regular use of infusion from the root of valerian. You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it yourself. It is necessary to wash, peel and grind the root of this medicinal plant in a coffee grinder or blender. Then take 10 g of raw materials, pour 200 ml of cold water and leave overnight. The main advantage of this infusion is that it does not contain alcohol, so it can be used to treat both adults and children. You need to drink it 3 times a day, adults 1 tablespoon, children - a teaspoon.

Also, with a similar type of disease, a decoction of grass and lavender flowers is recommended. 5 g of dried crushed raw materials must be poured with a glass of water and boiled for several minutes, left for 1 - 2 hours and strained. You need to drink it 2 times in the afternoon (for example, after dinner and before bedtime), 20 ml each.

Wide popularity among folk remedies from epilepsy received the so-called stone oil. This mineral can be found in the highlands. It contains a complex of magnesium salts and other minerals. Stone oil has long been used to treat epilepsy (in those days the disease was called "falling") in oriental medicine. To prepare a drinking solution, you need to take 2 g of this stone and pour 2 liters of water. The drink is recommended to drink one glass on an empty stomach three times a day. The course of treatment with stone oil is a month.

Sufficiently effective for stopping and getting rid of epileptic seizures, a decoction of Siberian shiksha grass. You need to prepare it this way:

  1. 10 g of dried herb pour 200 ml of hot water and simmer in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then insist the broth for about half an hour.
  2. Strain the drink, squeeze the grass, and put it in the refrigerator. In the future, it is used to prepare an additional portion of the drink.
  3. Take a decoction of 50 ml 4-5 times a day before meals.
  4. After the drink runs out, you need to make a new one. To do this, the grass stored in the refrigerator must again be poured with the same amount of water. But it is recommended to boil it a little longer (6 - 7 minutes), the infusion time should also be increased.
  5. It is necessary to continue taking a decoction of shiksha grass in the same way. You can reuse raw materials as long as the drink remains yellow-green. But the boiling time should not exceed 10 minutes, and it is advised to insist no longer than an hour.
  6. The course of admission is 30 days

According to reviews of people who used Siberian shiksha to get rid of epilepsy, the attacks stopped shortly after the start of treatment. However, to consolidate the effect, it is required to repeat the intake of the decoction for one month 4 times a year.

A beneficial effect on the patient's body has an infusion of peony roots. They must be thoroughly washed, cleaned, dried and crushed. 20 g of roots should be poured with 600 ml of hot water and left for half an hour. The decoction is best prepared in a thermos. You need to drink a drink of 10 ml immediately before meals three times a day.

Also, for the treatment of epilepsy, traditional medicine advises such medicinal plants:

  • Calamus roots.
  • St. John's wort grass.
  • Water hyssop herb.
  • Melissa officinalis herb.
  • Plantain leaves.
  • Viburnum berries.
  • Linden flowers.
  • Yarrow herb.
  • Dill or fennel seeds.
  • Hawthorn flowers.
  • Birch buds.
  • Sorrel leaves.
  • Dog-rose fruit.

For the treatment of epilepsy caused by long-term use of alcohol, powdered angelica rhizome and take a small pinch three times a day. You can also make a kind of coffee drink from crushed chicory, acorns, dandelion root, barley grains and oats. You need to brew "coffee" with boiling water and drink it three times a day.

Recipes from traditional healers

You can also use folk remedies from famous doctors. So, Vanga recommended baths for epilepsy with the addition of a decoction of mowed meadow grass. She also offered this recipe: take a piece of cloth, mix olive oil, melted wax and foundation. Soak the cloth with this mixture and apply it to the spine.

The healer Ivan Prokhorov advised using an infusion of violets or wolf's bast. A decoction of violets is prepared from a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water and take half a glass three times a day for at least 2 years. To make an infusion of wolf's bast, you need 4 - 5 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for a few minutes. You need to drink a drink for 1 tsp. before bedtime.

What to do with frequent seizures

For the treatment of epileptic syndrome, which is accompanied by frequent seizures, you need to prepare the following mixture:

  • 80 ml of sage juice.
  • 20 ml apple cider vinegar.
  • 5 g chopped valerian root.
  • 5 g crushed cherry gum.
  • 160 ml beet kvass.

You need to drink it 40 ml every one and a half to two hours.

You can also make alcohol tinctures of mistletoe, Rhodiola rosea or Mary root. It is recommended to insist them for at least three weeks. Drinks with mistletoe or radiola should be drunk for 10 days, 4 drops daily on an empty stomach. Mary root tincture must be used according to the scheme:

  • 20 drops before breakfast.
  • 25 drops at lunch time.
  • 30 drops before dinner.

In addition, in addition to medicines and folk remedies for epilepsy, it is very important to follow a proper diet. Doctors strongly recommend eliminating alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated drinks from the diet, and quit smoking. The main part of the diet should be given to vegetables and fruits.

People diagnosed with epilepsy need constant physical activity. Since many sports can provoke an attack, it is better to give preference to swimming, yoga, and relaxing breathing exercises.

Psychology of Disease: Epilepsy

1. EPILEPSY - (Louise Hay)

Possible Healing Solution

Possible Healing Solution

Epilepsy can be cured once and for all

In ancient times, this disease was called sacred and was considered God's punishment. Nowadays, epilepsy is also perceived, if not how.

The Chairman of the Antiepileptic League of Russia, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gagik Avakyan answers exciting questions about the disease.

Will we fix everything?

I have always believed that epilepsy cannot be cured, but recently I heard that it can be cured. Is it so?

Irina Semyonovna, Korolyov

- To date, there are drugs that can achieve a cure in 65-75% of patients. Therapy is long - 3-5 years. If during this time there are no seizures, the diagnosis is removed.

Unfortunately, in many regions of our country there are not enough epileptologists; there is not always the equipment necessary for diagnosis (and, therefore, for the correct selection of treatment). This complicates the situation.

Will be like everyone else

My son is 22 years old, recently had an attack, suspected epilepsy. The boy just graduated from the institute, can he really not be able to work now, will he not start a family? We are just shocked!

- You need not to panic, but to accurately establish the diagnosis. According to the World Health Organization, between 20 and 40% of the young population suffers seizures of a non-epileptic nature, which can be confused with epilepsy.

To do this, you need to go through the procedure of video-EEG monitoring. For 12–24 hours, electrodes are fixed on a person’s head with a special rubber cap, which are connected to an electroencephalograph. The patient goes about his daily activities, and the device records all the excitation processes in his brain. Be sure to cover the time of sleep - epileptic changes often occur during this period. Such a study with an efficiency of 95% allows you to determine the nature of seizures, including the “type” of epilepsy, because this is not one, but 44 different conditions.

Even if the diagnosis is confirmed, do not give up. If the therapy is chosen correctly, seizures do not occur. So your son's chances of getting a job and starting a family will be the same as anyone else's. young man.

But he still has to give up some things. Computer games and nightclub visits are on the forbidden list due to the flickering of light inherent in such entertainment, which can provoke an attack. Under no circumstances should alcohol be taken.

It reduces the concentration of the drug in the blood, and this can lead to an exacerbation. And finally, you should strictly observe the rest regimen and avoid lack of sleep. If the patient sleeps little, the protective mechanisms that ensure the processes of inhibition in the brain are violated, and this is a direct path to seizures.

Both old and young

Is it true that the risk of getting epilepsy is highest in childhood, and then it decreases, and adults get sick much less often?

- Most often, the disease debuts in two groups: in children and adolescence up to 15 years of age and in people over 65 years of age. However, seizures can occur at any age.

A variety of events can provoke the onset of the disease. These are birth injuries, infections, toxic effects on the body, vitamin deficiency, disruptions in electrolyte, amino acid, fat metabolism, disorders cerebral circulation and other reasons. Febrile convulsions that occur in children against the background high temperature, for example, during acute respiratory viral infections, are not classified as epilepsy, but they are the basis on which it can develop in the future. Men get sick slightly more than women because they are more likely to abuse alcohol and are at risk of injury, which are also important precipitating factors.

However, even under the most adverse circumstances and events, not everyone experiences epilepsy. For example, after a stroke, it develops not in 100%, but only in 7–8% of patients. The reason is that the disease has a hereditary predisposition. Genes, mutations in which lead to the disease, are known today. But, unfortunately, genetic tests are expensive, so it's very difficult to know for sure if you're at risk. The main thing that each of us should do for prevention is to try to lead healthy lifestyle life.

From epilepsy

Do not tell a sick person that you are going to treat him, otherwise the conspiracy will not work. Whisper 3 times before sunset and blow on the patient:

Lord, for the first time, at the Lord's hour, I will pray to the Lord God, I will bow to the Most Pure Mother, to all the holy apostles. Stand, Lord, for help, Most Pure One, on the rack.

The Most Pure Mother walked across a clean field, carried Jesus Christ into the open countryside, covered her with an Annunciation silk robe. From the Annunciation silk robe, a droplet fell, from the servant of God (name) erased the black disease, washed away, and celebrated in the blue sea.

Lie down, black disease, in the sea, at the bottom, don’t be with the servant of God (name), don’t break blood, don’t break bones, get away, don’t burp as a young man, not my spirit, the Lord. Amen.

It has power on the descent of the moon (skhodik), on the young month (young) and on the full moon.

Conspiracy from epilepsy

Epilepsy conspiracy This conspiracy begins to be read as soon as a person begins to have a seizure. The words of the conspiracy are: Beats, rushes, breaks into blood, sent by Satan, to hell with joy. True Christ, help me, Help me so that Your servant (name) does not fight, do not

Epilepsy conspiracy (option 1)

Epilepsy conspiracy (option 1) For this conspiracy, you need to collect snow in a basin in the evening, and put this basin with snow in a room in which there is no mirror. When the snow melts, you will need to read the plot on the water. And in the morning you will need to tilt the patient over the melt water and read

Epilepsy conspiracy (option 2)

Epilepsy conspiracy (option 2) “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. A new man was born, the life-giving Cross was hoisted up, the demon was bound, the Lord our God was glorified. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever, amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracy from epilepsy and fever (option 1)

A conspiracy for epilepsy and fever (option 1) For this conspiracy, you will need to tie an aspen with a belt from a dress or a trouser belt, after which, stand next to the tree and read the plot in a whisper. aspen tree,

Epilepsy and fever conspiracy (option 2)

Conspiracy for epilepsy and fever (option 2) This conspiracy is read three times in the evening. “You are my mother, evening star! I complain to you, my mother, about the intrigues of the twelve daughters of Herod. "After that, you will need to spit over your left shoulder and say the following words:" Where am I

From epilepsy

From epilepsy To read on water, to drink and wash one's head. I beg and persuade, I pronounce and speak an epilepsy, heavy disease. With me are the apostles, and angels, and forty saints, and Christ himself.

From epilepsy

From epilepsy Find a bone in the pig's head that would look like a pig's head in appearance (it is located in the temple area on the pig's head). Speak on this bone and give it to the dog. You need to slander like this: I am speaking the servant of God (name). Archangel Michael,

Conspiracy from epilepsy

Conspiracy from epilepsy Take a piece of charred wood, which was struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, draw a cross on the front doors with this charcoal and say: Lightning did not enter these doors, so that the servant of God (name) had epilepsy. Just as lightning does not enter these doors, so does the servant of God

38. Treatment for epilepsy

38. Treatment for epilepsy Pour into a cup of water. Red-hot three small embers. Blow the ashes off them into a cup of water and immediately pour hot coals into this water. Above all this, read the prayer “Our Father”, give the patient three sips from a cup. Sprinkle your face

Conspiracy from epilepsy

Conspiracy from epilepsy Conspiracy words are pronounced over water, half of which the patient must drink, and the rest to wash his hair. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: I walk along the path, On the untrodden paths, On Christ's footsteps, On Christ's tears. I beg and

From epilepsy

From epilepsy Do not tell a sick person that you are going to treat him, otherwise the conspiracy will not work. Whisper 3 times before sunset and blow on the patient: Lord, for the first time, the Lord's hour, I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Most Pure Mother, all the holy apostles.

With epilepsy in a child

In case of epilepsy in a child, after heating the bath, they will go into the first heat. And you need to open the doors and say: “Let me go, bathhouse, wash, take a steam bath, the servant of God (name) will get on well with health.” Then we will wash the child and put the mother between the legs, run it in and say: “I gave birth to you, child, I gave birth to you and

Causes of epilepsy

Causes of epilepsy At the reception, a mother with a nine-year-old child. The boy has epilepsy attacks every day since birth. They are being treated by the most prominent luminaries of our valiant medicine and there is no improvement, except for the planted liver and kidneys in a child from taking

People suffering from epilepsy

People suffering from epilepsy Once I asked Galina what to do for people who suffer from epilepsy? Then I told this story. When I was in school, there was a boy in our class who suffered from this disease. Once he fell during a lesson, hit his head on

Healing from epilepsy

Epilepsy Healing New healthy newborn life is pouring into my head. New healthy newborn life is pouring into my head. A healthy newborn life force is pouring into my head. A new healthy newborn life force is pouring into my head. Inside of me



18 messages

The onset of the disease is facilitated by brain injuries, infections, fear, excitement, overwork, weakening of the body. Manifested by paroxysmal convulsions no more than 5 minutes, sometimes disorders of consciousness.

For successful treatment, limit salt and fluid intake. Avoid loud visual, auditory, rhythmic stimuli, incl. jazz and rock music. Start healing with prayer and fasting. Fasting cleanses the entire body, treats the gastrointestinal tract.

Epileptics are by nature extraordinarily talented. If the seizures are not severe, do not treat them. Medicines make a talented person disabled.

Medicines brought me to paralysis. Cured by urine. I cleaned the intestines with salted urine: for 1 liter of urine - 1 tbsp. salt. Do 2 enemas a day for 2 weeks. Do a full body massage with 4 times less urine, + inspiring music in the bath during the procedure. Or make compresses at night with heated, evaporated urine.

Buy herbs: herb plantain, horse sorrel, buckwheat, knotweed, flowers, leaves and fruits of blood-red hawthorn. You can use one of the herbs or a mixture of them in any proportion. Put 10 tbsp in an enamel bowl. raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. While boiling, place an object of red copper into the balm. Pour the hot broth along with the grass into a glass jar (carefully so as not to burst) and immediately add 1.5 cups of vodka. Seal the jar tightly, shake it up and put it in a dark place for 3 days. After 3 days, strain the balm and bottle it. Keep refrigerated.

Take 1st.l. 3 times a day with meals. Course - 5 weeks of admission, 3 months break, conduct 3 courses per year. There are no contraindications. Promotes blood clotting during bleeding.

1. 2001 No. 8, 16. Healer Zaitseva E. Epilepsy. For successful treatment, limit salt and fluid intake. Avoid loud visual, auditory, rhythmic stimuli, incl. jazz and rock music. Start healing with prayer and fasting. Fasting cleanses the entire body, treats the gastrointestinal tract.

Drink raw onion juice for 1 tbsp. before eating. Eat as many raw onions as possible.

Drink valerian tincture drop by drop, diluted with water, 3 times a day.

Take an infusion of the roots that are available: valerian, chicory, evasive peony,

cyanosis azure, Chernobyl, angelica. Pour 1 tsp. dry crushed roots with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 1 hour in a tightly sealed container. Drink 1 tbsp. 3-5 times a day before meals. Don't overdose!!

Drink white mistletoe tincture 25 drops 3 times a day.

Drink tincture of lily of the valley 5 drops with water 2-3 times a day.

Drink as tea throughout the year dry lilac flowers. Pour 1st.l. 1 cup boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.

In the form of a decoction, use: motherwort, Chernobyl, thyme, cudweed, lemon balm, bedstraw, white lamb, fragrant woodruff, wild rosemary, oregano, 3-color violet, tansy, dill, goose cinquefoil, knotweed, linden blossom, horsetail, white mistletoe, mountain arnica, initial letter. Make a collection of 7-10 herbs, taking 30-40g each. Put in a porcelain teapot ≈2st.l. with the top of the collection and pour 2 cups boiling water. Wrap the teapot and leave for 30 minutes. Strain through a 2-layer cheesecloth. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals. Brew fresh infusion daily. The course of treatment is 1-3 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

Grind into gruel 3 tbsp. topped with fresh leaves and flowers of room geranium. Pour them with 1 glass of cold whey, add 1 bottle of pharmacy tincture of motherwort (or valerian) and insist from 8.00 to 22.00. Then add flour and make a cake by adding a few liters. vegetable oil. Roll out the cake well and put it on the solar plexus at night.

In parallel, drink alcohol tincture of geranium drops 3 times a day before meals (or 1 hour after meals). Pour 3 tbsp. with the top of gruel from fresh leaves and flowers of room geranium 100 g of medical alcohol. Insist in a well-closed container in a dark, warm place for 3 days. Pour in a tablespoon of drops of tincture and add water so that the tablespoon. became complete.

one). Collect and properly dry the roots of couch grass. It is convenient to dry under the bed, lowering the blanket to the floor and stirring occasionally, like hay. Put the dried raw materials in a bag as a reserve for the winter. You can also cook fresh wheatgrass roots. Wash them just before cooking. Pour 1 good full handful of roots with 10 cups of cold water. Cook in an enamel saucepan over low heat. Bring to a boil, simmer gently for 1 minute and remove from heat. Immediately wrap with newspaper (or thick paper), put on a pillow, wrap with a blanket or coat so that air does not pass. Should languish 4-5 hours. Then strain. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator. Drink 2-3 sips (no more), drinking 3 glasses during the day.

2). Burnt alum. Put alum on the tip of a knife into a glass and pour boiling water to the top. Insist. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The taste should be slightly astringent and slightly sour. If a little bitter - nothing. If it is bitter, add boiling water.

3). Drink baby urine 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals. Take urine from children: if a boy has a flight; if the girl - up to 8 years. It is better to take fresh every time. Or store in the refrigerator.

To be treated daily for 3 months, then take a break for 1 month and drink again until a complete cure. This medicine treats epilepsy, gastric ulcer and 12-finger

Epilepsy is a black disease. How to get rid of "falling sickness"?

Epilepsy is a disease that brings grief not only to the patient himself, his family, his relatives also feel all the sorrows that arise with the advent of this disease. Near a person with epilepsy, you should always be prepared for an unexpected attack, during which you need to be able to quickly and correctly provide all possible assistance.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of "beast" this is called epilepsy, due to what reasons this "animal" can come to you and what harm can it bring to the human body?

Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease. It can be recognized by predominantly convulsive seizures. During seizures, a person loses consciousness, he has a "viscosity" of thinking, rancor, anger.

This disease can visit you on its own or occur after inflammatory diseases, brain injuries, tumors, etc.

The people call epilepsy in different ways, some are “black sickness”, some are “falling sickness”. But no matter how they call it, the symptoms are the same, they must and can be successfully dealt with, resorting to the advice and many years of experience of traditional healers.

The very famous American doctor Walker advises in the treatment of epilepsy to “feed” the human nervous system with the help of fresh juices, since this disease usually occurs due to the “starvation” of the nervous system. It is not at all difficult to follow this advice and there will be no harm, but only benefit. So let's make sure that the nervous system does not "starve".

  1. Carrot juice - 280g, spinach juice - 170g.
  2. Spinach juice - 250g.
  3. Carrot juice - 198g, parsley juice - 57g, spinach juice - 80g, celery juice - 113g.
  4. Carrot juice - 280g, fresh cucumber juice - 80g, red beet juice - 80g.
  5. Carrot juice - 255g, parsley juice - 57g, celery juice - 140g.

Drink a mixture of juices every day in the indicated order.

Take four times a day half an hour before meals. Each day you need to use one recipe, followed by alternating recipes.

To treat epilepsy with medicinal herbs, you need to select plants that have a sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant effect.

Four effective traditional medicine recipes for treating epilepsy:

  1. Prepare the following collection of herbs: fragrant rue - 1 tbsp, mullein scepter - 2 tbsp. l., Chernobyl root - 1st. l., prickly tartar - 3st. l., chamomile pharmacy - 1st. l., common lilac buds - 2 tbsp. l., cyanosis blue - 2st. l. Take three tablespoons of cooked raw materials per liter of boiling water. It is recommended to take six times a day for 30g.
  2. Motherwort five-lobed - 2 tbsp. l., medicinal asparagus - 2 tbsp. l., white birch buds - 1st. l., tricolor violet - 4 tbsp. Take three tablespoons of raw materials and pour a liter of boiling water and insist. It is recommended to take it for epilepsy with pain in the heart, 50g each. six times a day.
  3. Lemon balm herb - 40g, sweet clover herb - 40g, woodruff herb - 40g, peppermint leaves - 40g, common hop fruit - 40g, elecampane root - 40g. In the evening, take one heaping tablespoon of cooked raw materials and pour 0.5l. boiling water. Let it infuse until the morning, about eight hours. Then strain and drink throughout the day for three times. This infusion should be taken twenty minutes before meals.
  4. Valerian root - 40g, white mistletoe branches - 40g, mother-and-stepmother leaves - 40g, Chernobyl herb - 40g, Veronica officinalis herb - 40g, lemon balm herb - 40g. Pour 0.5 l of the mixture with one heaping tablespoon. water and boil fifteen minutes. Then leave to brew for 25 minutes and strain. The infusion should be drunk three times a day. Drink half an hour before meals.

Epilepsy, of course, is a serious illness, but this “animal” is not so scary, you just don’t need to let it take over in your body. Epilepsy is successfully treated, it just needs long-term treatment. Herbal infusions should be treated for at least three years. The composition of the healing fees must be changed every month, taking a break of two weeks.

Remember the most important thing - epilepsy requires you to completely exclude alcohol from your life, even beer is strictly prohibited! Even when the attacks disappear, forget about the existence of alcoholic beverages anyway, otherwise the disease will return.

All the best! Tell me a healer who treats epilepsy. Doctors are powerless, they themselves advise looking for a healer or shaman.

In 75% of cases, adequate and timely treatment leads to the cessation of epileptic seizures.

Before prescribing antiepileptic drugs, it is necessary to conduct a detailed clinical examination, analyze the results of MRI and EEG

There are many drugs now, both traditional (carbamazepine and valproic acid) and new ones (topiramate, oxcarbazepine, levetiracetam).

selective surgery (amygdalo-hippocampectomy for temporal lobe epilepsy);

callosotomy and functional stereotaxic intervention; vagus stimulation. there are so many things now

Look for a competent neurologist-epileptologist. Only this specialist can help.

But your main doctor is an epileptologist. And regardless of the recommendation and rituals of the healer, the most important thing is to take the prescribed drugs by the epileptologist in a very disciplined manner, according to a strict regimen. (exactly by the clock, without missing a single appointment) If it doesn’t help, then go back to the epileptologist for another drug. And so it can be repeated many times. There are more than 100 drugs. Good luck in finding your drug! -

How and how to cure epilepsy forever

Many people ask how to cure epilepsy and whether it needs to be treated. For many decades, this disease has been a problem for many people. This disease is associated with sudden excessive excitations of neurons in the human cerebral cortex. However, some species of animals are also known to suffer from epilepsy.

Principles of epilepsy treatment

Many famous people suffered from epilepsy. The attacks of this disease are compared with a charge of electricity. If we talk about the principles of treatment of the disease, we can distinguish the following:

  • One preferred anticonvulsant is prescribed;
  • It is taken for about 3 years;
  • Anticonvulsant monotherapy is carried out;
  • The drug is selected individually.

Features of monotherapy and polytherapy

There has long been a "miraculous mixture", which has been used to treat this disease for a long time. In Russia, clinics offer medicinal mixtures. Popular are mixtures of Sereysky, Vorobyov. They are created on the basis of empirically combined drugs with a wide spectrum of action. Often, treatment begins with taking several anticonvulsants at once.

But it was possible to confirm that monotherapy is much better. It has many advantages over polytherapy. It also has fewer side effects.

What is the risk of someone who decides to be treated with several drugs? The toxicity of the medicinal type is increasing. The effectiveness of treatment is reduced due to the interaction of anticonvulsants.

The choice of the drug according to the form of epilepsy and the type of seizures

The course and prognosis of the disease depend on the form of epilepsy. Accordingly, the goals of treatment of various forms of epilepsy also differ.

It should be noted that there is no universal anticonvulsant drug that would give a good effect in various types of seizures and different forms of the disease. A drug that works for one patient may not work for another.

For the doctor to choose an effective drug, a correct diagnosis must be made with the definition of the form of epilepsy. Otherwise, you can harm your health, because if the drug does not match the nature of the attacks, they can become more frequent and provoke an increase in the manifestations of the disease.

In no case should you self-medicate. In case of an unexpected attack, the patient should not be left alone. All items must be removed. After an attack, the patient may fall asleep, you need to let him sleep.

Alternative therapy in the treatment of epilepsy

In resistant (anticonvulsant drug resistant) forms of the disease, alternative (non-anticonvulsant) therapy may be effective, which should be prescribed by a doctor. The most effective may be hormone therapy, a ketogenic diet, immunotherapy. Alternative therapies can only be used in some cases and subject to severe restrictions.

With a ketogenic diet, you must strictly follow the diet and be observed by a doctor. As a result of following such a diet, epileptic seizures are limited or completely disappear.

  • The first 3 days it is necessary to completely refuse food, limited only to drinking ordinary boiled or purified water.
  • Motor activity should be reduced as much as possible, and in some cases bed rest is required.
  • For the next three days, food containing a large amount of fat and poor in proteins and carbohydrates should be slowly introduced. Fruits, cereals, pasta, bread should be excluded; from vegetables - carrots, potatoes, beets. Such a diet is contraindicated for people who have abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. People suffering from atherosclerosis and having problems in the work of the heart, the ketogenic diet is also not recommended.

Treatment of epilepsy with surgery

The surgical treatment of the disease includes an operation during which the part of the brain that causes epileptic seizures is removed. In this case, the chance of a complete recovery from seizures is high. The operation is performed for partial seizures that cannot be treated with medications. Currently, not only adults, but also children undergo such surgical treatment. The child's brain has great compensatory capabilities, so even if a significant part of the brain hemisphere is removed, children develop normally. Surgical treatment of epilepsy gives encouraging results, but it is too early to give long-term prognosis.

Thus, the chances of a complete cure for epilepsy increase with the selection of optimal therapy and early relief from seizures. More likely to be completely cured in childhood rolandic epilepsy and epilepsy with generalized seizures. Deciding how to cure epilepsy is only under the supervision of a doctor.

Approximately half of the patients who receive treatment do not recur in the future, 30% have a decrease in the frequency and intensity of attacks, the remaining patients have a chance to be cured by surgery or vagus nerve stimulation.

Positive Thought Form - Epilepsy

An overview of negative and positive thought forms for healing.

1. EPILEPSY - (Louise Hay)

Persecution mania. Rejection of life. Feeling of intense struggle. Self abuse.

From now on, I consider life eternal and joyful.

2. EPILEPSY - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Feeling of persecution. Denial of life. The feeling of a huge struggle. Violence against oneself.

Possible positive thought form

I choose to view life as eternal and joyful. I am eternal (eternal), I am filled with joy and peace.

3. EPILEPSY - (Valery Sinelnikov)

This is a consequence of strong mental stress. Such tension can be generated by panic subconscious fear, persecution mania, a feeling of strong internal struggle, a desire to commit violence. A person inflates himself so much with his thoughts that the body at times refuses to listen to him and makes erratic movements. During a seizure, consciousness is completely or partially switched off. This once again emphasizes that the causes of the disease are hidden in the subconscious.

I have found that those people who are prone to seizures have a high level of subconscious aggression towards the world around them and towards people. This aggression can be expressed in hatred, contempt, jealousy.

I had a 17-year-old girl treated for epilepsy. Her seizures started some time after her period. Doctors, of course, did not try to find out the reasons and attributed everything to adolescence. The girl’s consciousness was turned off for a short time, the convulsive syndrome was not very pronounced, but this scared her and her parents very much. She tried to take the pills that the neurologist prescribed, but after a while she refused them. As she said: “After taking them, some strange, obviously abnormal changes with the psyche began to occur to me.”

We began to find out the subconscious causes of the disease, and it turned out that this is a very strong aggression towards parents and men. These programs were "silent" while she was a child, and actively earned during her puberty. I spent two sessions with her, and the attacks stopped.

A year and a half later, she came to me again.

Doctor, you know, there were no seizures for a year and a half and I felt great, I graduated from school with excellent marks. But recently, I felt that my consciousness seemed to turn off. It was only once. There are no seizures. But I was wary and decided to come to you right away.

Maybe you can tell me the reasons yourself,” I suggested to her. - After all, during our joint work you have learned a lot.

Yes, I can guess what the reason is, - the girl said slowly. - This year I decided to go to college in another city, and my parents insist that I study next to them. And on this basis, we had a conflict with them. Yes, now I understand, I have the old thoughts again.

Once, when I was just starting my medical career, I witnessed how a traditional healer treated epilepsy in a young guy. He put him in a circle and began to read certain prayers. The guy began to twist, turn inside out. The male healer walked in a circle and said prayers, and the guy sat in a circle and writhed. The spectacle was truly dramatic. Finally, the healer stopped, raised his hands up and shouted: “Get out, Satan!” The guy, twisting his lips and obviously obeying not his will, groaned: “I won’t go out.” The man again began to read prayers and walk in a circle with a candle. At the end of the ritual, he shouted the same words again. The guy groaned again, but quieter. Everything happened again. And after the third time, the guy sank to the floor exhausted and fell asleep. He slept for a very long time, and then went home. The episodes didn't recur. I was amazed. A strong healer, I thought. - I want to learn that too. Just like in the New Testament when Jesus cast out demons!”

I decided to watch this guy. For six months he was feeling well, there were no seizures. But then one day he came again. The attacks began and became even stronger than before the treatment. The healer performed the same healing ritual. Improvement came again, but not for a long time, but only for one day, after which the attacks recurred. In the future, the same prayers no longer helped, and the young man's parents were forced to turn to official medicine for help, although they already knew from experience that it was impossible to cure this disease with pills.

After this incident, I realized that it is impossible to cast out a demon or Satan, that is, a disease, from the soul. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. Jesus Christ warned about this. He spoke of the fact that the demon that was cast out would return again and bring with him seven more, more terrible than the first. A few years later, I came to the conclusion that there are no dark or light forces at all. Any power can be turned to the benefit of oneself and others.

What about this guy? I have had several sessions with him. With the help of homeopathic medicines and hypnosis, I managed to significantly alleviate his condition. Then I lost sight of him. Later, I investigated his subconscious programs and found out that the cause of his convulsions is the strongest subconscious aggression towards the outside world.

Often, epilepsy is detected during adolescence, just at the time when puberty begins. This activates certain negative subconscious programs. The inner tension grows.

Recently, a mother with a 15-year-old daughter came to the reception from the district. Three years ago, the girl had an attack at night, which was accompanied by loss of consciousness and convulsions. Subsequently, these attacks were repeated. The doctors diagnosed him with epilepsy and prescribed chemicals.

Tell me, - I turned to her mother, - did the girl have her period?

She still doesn't have them, she replied. - In addition, the ultrasound showed that she has a very small, underdeveloped uterus.

I will now give you special homeopathic remedies, - I said, - which you will take strictly according to the scheme. Initially, there will be a deterioration in the condition, attacks may intensify and be more frequent. But then her period will begin and the disease will disappear. Irina, - I turned to the girl, - did your mother tell you anything about menstruation, about sexual development?

No, she replied sheepishly.

Then I will tell you, and at the same time my mother will listen.

After that, I gave the girl a whole lecture about sexual development, about the function of a woman in this world, about the joy of motherhood and marriage.

A month later, they came to the reception again.

How are you? I asked.

Doctor, - the girl's mother began her story, - everything was as you said. First there was an exacerbation. It lasted three days, or rather, three nights, and then everything stopped and a week later menstruation began. Now she feels great. There were no attacks during this time. Urination returned to normal, and swelling subsided. And we would like to build on this success.

This is not the first case in my practice when, after properly selected treatment, this terrible disease disappears. But in official medicine, it is considered incurable. Why? Because the approach to the disease is wrong.

Let's look at the concept of epilepsy. If we take the electrical component as a basis, it turns out that with this disease there is a pathological focus in the cerebral cortex. Electrochemical pulses cannot freely pass through it. The charge gradually accumulates, and at some point there is a "breakdown" of the entire system. A powerful impulse goes to the membranes of the brain and to the whole body. This is manifested by convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Chemical drugs suppress not only the painful focus, but the entire cerebral cortex with all the ensuing consequences.

I have developed a fundamentally new approach to the treatment of this disease. Why suppress the pathological focus? It is necessary to create new direct and feedback connections in the cerebral cortex, and electrical impulses will bypass this focus. And gradually this part of the brain will fully recover and will be able to take over its functions again. I have tried this model on several patients with excellent results.

4. Epilepsy - (Baginski Bodo J, Sharamon Shalila)

An epileptic seizure is an experience and release from previously suppressed forces and aggression. A seizure forces you to stop holding yourself in control, and thus free yourself from memories and your consciousness.

Possible positive thought form

Respect the energies within you, don't judge them, and don't try to force them into your subconscious. Look at yourself consciously. Try to be conscious in your sleep too. Experience and accept whatever comes into your mind during the process of falling asleep, and let it happen. In this way you will learn to give and leave behind, and you will not need to be forced to do so by seizures.

Healing is one of the most ancient types of magic. Its name comes from the words "whole" and "wholeness" and very accurately conveys the content of this concept: healing eliminates health problems both on the physical and energy levels. People who are called healers are called to give health to the soul and body. But who are they, are there certain types of them, and can anyone become a healer?

Why does healing help?

Each of us was created in order to be healthy and happy - this is programmed in every person from birth. Initially, our energy and physical body are in harmony and balance. But all life is like a chess game: there are such acute situations that one wrong step, and now traces of wrong decisions or actions appear on the energy level. Generic problems, mistakes and sins of ancestors, someone's unkind thoughts or even curses in your direction also affect general health. Accumulating, all this negative energy turns into a lump and weakens the body. If you catch a cold, the doctor will probably say that this is the cause of hypothermia. But in fact, this was just an excuse for the disease to move from the mental to the physical level.

Instead of looking for problems in the body, healers will help to understand what leads to the disease - in energy. People who are able to work with energy channels get rid of the root cause of the disease and help to understand what actions and decisions led to the current state. After visiting a healer, the patient not only recovers physically, but also becomes much stronger spiritually.

Types of healers

How healers treat the body? Sessions can be both face-to-face and remote - if the specialist is good, this does not affect the quality of the meeting. Healers differ among themselves in the type of impact on energy, and not in the nature of the sessions.

"Mental doctors" can use the following methods:

Healers who work with magical effects, external forces in the form of spirits. The entire subtle world (energy) is inhabited by creatures that can influence a person's aura. Turning to such spirits, the healer asks them to influence the patient's energy in a certain way: they can block certain influences, or vice versa, compensate for the missing elements. This group also includes ritual healers who exchange your illness for the health of another person or even an animal. You should be especially careful, because in the case of turning to evil spirits, the retribution for health can be very high.

Healers who own psychic abilities can affect the energetic health of the patient. Some people are able to transform the energy of the subtle world and transfer it to others through own hands. Such healers usually do not need additional attributes or rituals. They can independently analyze the current state of the body, examine the karmic level of a person, and even determine those actions and decisions that in the past led to current health problems. In fact, such people give their energy to another person, compensating for the lack. However, after such sessions, the healers themselves may get sick and feel weakened.

Healers who influence the spiritual level of the patient by his own powers. The most difficult level of healing is spiritual. It lies in the fact that initially the healer determines the root cause of problems at the energy level - why and when a person did something wrong. After that, that sphere of the subtle world is determined, which directly negatively affects the physical health of the body. The healer talks with the patient and determines whether he is ready to believe in the power of his own energy, correct his mistakes and henceforth not violate karmic laws. Then the healer restores energy health on his own. The root cause disappears, and the disease recedes. In spiritual healing, the resources for recovery are taken from the patient himself, the disease is completely eliminated.


Do you know that human capabilities allow you to get rid of most diseases without drugs and doctors? It really is. A person consists not only of the physical body, there is also the so-called “thin plane” - a subtle body “woven” from energy that affects the physical body and manifests itself in diseases. This is no longer a secret to anyone.
Studying diseases, doctors came to the conclusion that from 80 to 98 percent of all health problems are associated with the psychological and emotional states of a person. However, doctors have not been able to fully understand that thoughts and emotions are the same energy that affects well-being and physical health. Alas, traditional medicine, studying human physiology, does not take into account its energy essence and does not connect bodily diseases with the state of the Soul. That is why there is still no breakthrough in the treatment of serious ailments and one should not expect from traditional medicine the invention of a panacea for all diseases.
Only awareness of your essence through understanding the energy structure of your subtle body, knowing who you are in this world and why you live is the key to health and longevity.
The structure of the subtle body
Among the many different versions about the structure of the human subtle body, the system of meridians (they are also called channels) and chakras are the most widely used. But, if we consider them separately, in isolation from the Soul, then a complete understanding of the structure of the subtle body cannot be achieved, because it is not clear what fills the channels with energy and what is the source of this energy?
Full understanding is possible if you connect the chakras and the meridian system with the Human Soul, uniting the entire structure with energy distributors. Only when all the components of the subtle body are assembled into a single whole, you begin to clearly see not fragments of the mosaic, but a complete picture, giving some understanding of your inner essence.

If you look at the diagram, which reflects the principle of energy movement, you will see that your entire body is fed by energy, the source of which is the Soul. Human health depends on the quality of this energy.
Understanding this is extremely important in order to realize the connection between illnesses and your thoughts and emotions, which are different energy vibrations.
These energy vibrations of different density and strength affect your body, leading it to diseases or taking them away. Take, for example, negative thoughts and emotions of anger and anger. When a person manifests them, he generates low-density energies that feed the structure of the subtle body. Rough energy fills the channels and chakras, polluting and blocking them with “plugs”, which causes diseases.
In Eastern medicine, such blockages are removed by acupuncture, when negative energy is removed from the channels with the help of needles, thereby normalizing the movement of vital energy.
In Eastern medicine, it is believed that about 5,000 diseases can be cured with acupuncture. And this is close to the truth, since contamination of the structure of the human subtle body leads to an overwhelming number of diseases.
Negative energy is the root cause of disease.
The habit of negative thinking is the most damaging to health. It is not only about anger and anger, but also about fears, worries, stresses and other negative states. And although diseases do not appear immediately, sometimes even after many years, you can get rid of ailments only by clearing your energy structure. But, when everything is already running and polluted, it is many times more difficult to do this.
Being long time in a depressed state of the Spirit, a person cannot get rid of negative energies, which leads to diseases.
It is much more correct not to pollute the structure of your subtle body from the very beginning. This will then allow you not to spend months, or even years, on cleansing your energy.
Correctly they say: "Purely not where they clean, but where they do not litter."
You can determine on your own whether the structure of the subtle body is contaminated or not, according to a number of signs:
Lower body temperature
Muscle spasms
If the structure is contaminated with negative energy, then when probing the channels with your hands, you can feel cold areas under the skin.
A sign of contamination of the lower energy distributor is pain that appears when pressure is applied to the abdomen. And cold hands are a sign of contamination of the upper energy distributor.
However, the physical disease itself is a clear sign that the structure of the subtle body is polluted. And in almost all cases, after complete cleansing recovery comes from negative energies, although sometimes you need to be patient for this.
Energy distributors are the hardest to clean. Due to the complex structure with a huge number of channels and chakras, it can take a long time to release negative energies.
Most people do not perceive the relationship between their health and thoughts, emotions. But every person, including you, is able to learn to feel energy, you just need to activate and develop the sensitivity of your hands. This can be achieved in a few days with simple exercises.

Let's return to the conversation about the violation of the energy structure, or, as they say, the energy of a person. All pollution and problem areas are visible on the pictures of the aura. Gaps and irregularities of the biofield occur precisely in places of pollution by negative energy. It is for these violations that healers who “heal” with their hands determine diseases and treat ailments. In fairness, I will say that the treatment is effective, but sometimes it is ineffective. The fact is that the peak in healing people is Spiritual healing, which can be reached only by knowing God in oneself through Love. There are very few such healers who have a special spiritual energy that simply neutralizes any causes of human diseases. They differ from ordinary people in the level of Spirituality - the high energy of Spirit and Love emitted by them.
You can protect yourself from diseases and get rid of already acquired ailments. But for this it is necessary to fully realize, understand and believe that negative thinking is harmful to physical health. And then, step by step, go to healing.
Take the first step - analyze your thoughts and emotions.
Remember what you thought today, what you experienced during the day.
Think about what kind of energy it is: nourishing and giving health, or polluting the structure of the subtle body and leading to diseases?
Realize that negative thinking will not change the situation. But you can change your attitude to what is happening.
Understand that no one will save you from negative thinking and state, only you can do it yourself, working on yourself and disciplining yourself every day.
In contrast to negative states, positive ones give positive energies. These are high and subtle energies that do not harm the structure of the subtle body and purify it. According to the laws of energies, the higher and subtler one is always stronger than the negative one, therefore, when they interact, the negative is gradually “erased”.
As evidence, I will cite a case where a person fell ill with cancer four times, but each time he cured himself with laughter therapy, watching comedies and cartoons. This example shows the invaluable benefit positive thinking for good health.
The man himself is, in fact, the Soul, clothed in a corporeal shell. Soul and Spirit, without which a person cannot exist, energize the body. At the same time, the Soul is always connected with God and the Universe, therefore it both radiates and receives energy at the same time. You give your energy and receive from God the energy of Love every second, every moment.
The soul of a living being energetically connects him with the Universe and God. And this was proved during the experiment, when scientists placed the animal in a normal habitat, but with the help of special screens they blocked access to the premises of any impulses and energy signals. After a few days of being in a "deaf" room for energy, the tissues of the animal began to disintegrate and it died.
Understand that it is the spiritual essence that nourishes the structure of the subtle body, that is, it fills the person himself, all cells and organs with life. And your health depends on this food.
Negative thinking not only leads to illness, but also alienates a person from God, from his divine essence. Of course, going down is easier than climbing up, but this is the only correct path, the path of spiritual development of one's eternal essence - Soul and Spirit.
And this is not just a path to health and happiness. This is the meaning of life. Self-improvement and development of your spiritual essence - that's what matters! To fill the cells of Co-Knowledge with energy-knowledge and to increase the level of Spirit's energies - that's what one should strive for.
If you raise the vibrations of the Spirit to the level of Love, all illnesses will remain in the past. As the saying goes, "a healthy mind in a healthy body".
When the high energy of Love lives in you, all negative vibrations simply cannot appear, which means that all ailments and illnesses will bypass you.
But how to rise to the level of vibration of Love? Only sincerely striving for Love, for example, for another person or God. The very desire for Love is the desire for God, and it does not go unnoticed.
Prayer is one of the important and effective ways to increase the vibrations of the Spirit. Many cases of healing through prayer are known, although this sometimes takes months, and sometimes years.
Of course, it is impossible to fully understand the complexity of energy exchange. But the Great Revelations given by the Creator bring closer to understanding this, where for the first time the features of the energy exchange between man and God are revealed.
They give the most accurate causes of diseases and other hardships in human life. They give the most accurate reasons for the occurrence of diseases and other hardships in human life (see Dictation for 06.02.05 - Spirituality and Human Diseases).
In these Revelations you will find a special prayer-appeal to God, which raises the vibrations of a person and purifies the structure of the subtle body, freeing the Soul from dark cells, and Co-Knowledge from the negative energies accumulated during life.
In ancient times they said: "Know yourself and you will become like God." What does "know" mean? It means realizing that you are a human, not a servant of God, but a spiritual being - a child of God. This means to understand that the meaning of life is in the development of the spiritual essence - the Soul.
Only by accepting that a person's life is the eternal and endless development of his spiritual essence, you will be able to realize that death, as such, simply does not exist. Behind it opens another stage of eternal life. Therefore, spending time pleasing your body without caring about the Spiritual essence is unreasonable and unworthy of the children of God.
We are given the opportunity of eternal development and self-improvement to the level of God. Yes! Exactly!
After all, even Jesus Christ said: "Well, how can you not understand that you are all Gods."
The essence of miraculous healings.
History knows many examples when a terminally ill person who could not find health with the help of traditional medicine suddenly recovered.
Such inexplicable and understandable cases make an indelible impression on a simple layman. And although the ways of recovery are different for everyone: one turned to a healer who could help him, the other came to God and began to pray fervently, having managed to get rid of the disease, the reason for miraculous healings is the same.
All healings are explained by the purification of the subtle body of a person, or, in other words, by the liberation from the negative energies that led to diseases. Underneath them, negative thinking can be hidden, which has polluted the structure of the subtle body, blocking the path of life-giving energy to parts of the body or organs. But, perhaps, the influence of the so-called black magic. In any case, the disease cannot be cured as long as these negative energies are in the structure of the subtle body. Medicines can reduce pain, make life easier, but, alas, they cannot heal.
The key to all miraculous healings is the cleansing of the subtle body from negative energies, which are the cause of diseases. As long as a person tries to influence the physical body with the help of drugs, the result will be weak.
It is with the pollution of the structure of the subtle body that the main number of diseases is associated.
You can come to a solution to health problems if you take as a basis the fact that the Soul and the structure of the subtle body are primary, and the body is secondary, if you understand that ailments appear due to energy disturbances.
For those who have realized this, the road to understanding the essence of miraculous healings is open. And this essence is that in order to cure an illness, it is necessary to clean the structure of the subtle body using the influence of positive energies. Such energies that he receives through the Prayer given in Revelations.
High positive vibrations are always stronger than negative ones, so when they collide, low energy loses, which leads to purification and healing.
Moreover, the higher vibrations a person produces, the faster the purification from negative energies takes place, and the earlier a person gets rid of ailments.
Of course, the path to health is sometimes not close, but knowing our inner essence and the mechanism of recovery, we can follow it step by step, realizing that protection against all diseases lies within ourselves, and not in a miraculous pill.
Self-healing through prayer.
What is Prayer: an empty set of words or a key to the Human Soul? Prayer is a special code that opens paths unknown to us. The essence of Prayer is in the exaltation of the Spirit and the strengthening of positive energies, in the increase of vibrations that free the body from ailments.
Prayer is a unique appeal of the Divine essence of a person to God, as to the Father. Therefore, turning to God in prayer, it is important to realize the meaning of each word and strive for God with all the feelings of your Soul.
Prayer needs peace and quiet, vanity and noise disturb a special state of prayer, which is easily lost. It is best to pray mentally, so as not to be distracted by the pronunciation of words and focus on the essence.
Over time, you can learn to maintain a prayerful state for a long time. And although it does not come immediately, if you want it, you will get better and better every time.
But you should not expect that immediately after the first prayer, all illnesses will be “taken away by hand”. Everything that has been accumulated over the years goes away with difficulty and requires a long purification, and for this, sometimes you need to be patient and turn to God many times.

An excerpt from the Revelations of the Creator.

Watch your words, but especially your thoughts and mental images. Try to think only positively, because thought has a continuation and returns in the form of grace or in the form of problems. All diseases, disasters, etc. - this is the result of an overabundance of negative energy on the organ (object), generated by the thoughts and words of the person himself. Nothing is random!
Not a single doctor, even the most titled, can cure diseases or prolong life, because he treats only the result of a person's life!
"The cause of illnesses, illnesses and the way to overcome them, in other words, the Key of longevity, is within yourself! You can remove illnesses and illnesses yourself not only by prayers, but also by your deeds, and true Prayer, true Repentance and righteous deeds are the purification of communication channels, there is My Grace to anyone who turns to Me, because My Love carries energy, without which recovery is impossible.
Consciousness determines life, and not vice versa, as materialists declare!

Everyone knows that diseases only increase with age. Many people take it for granted, as the essence of life. But ailments are actually an anomaly that people pass off as the norm.
But what is the norm if one drinks and smokes, but does not get sick, while the other leads a healthy lifestyle, and ailments “mow down” him one after another. Ailments, according to some incomprehensible laws, come to one and bypass the other. Why? It is impossible not to notice the connection of diseases with negative states, although many people do not allow the idea that the cause of most health problems is bad emotions, bad thoughts. But that's just the way it is. During prolonged negative states, all the negative messages of a person are rejected by the Universe and return to him through those chakras of the subtle body in which the distortion occurred.
What happens? The structure of the subtle body is “choking” with negative energies, drowning in them. Clogging occurs, which leads to the fact that certain organs do not receive the necessary energy. But most importantly, negativity begins to affect our health. To counter this, it is important to understand the impact of energy on health. Since the properties of negative energies can be different, they cause a variety of disorders in the body.
For example, spasm of blood vessels supplying the heart leads to a heart attack. It is possible to cite the consequences of the influence of negative energies on health further, but it is much more important to eliminate this factor of influence.
This is known to healers who only need to hold their hand over a person’s heart for a few minutes to remove a stuck charge of negative energy and, thus, to the surprise of the patient, relieve both spasm and pain. In this case, nothing supernatural happens, the impact of the energy plan is simply performed. The growth of diseases of cardio-vascular system due to the increasingly stressful and intense life of people, which leads to accelerated pollution of the structure of the subtle body.
Traditional medicine is now at an impasse, although it is in no hurry to admit it, from time to time loudly declaring the invention of this or that panacea, which turns out to be just another fiction. She was led to a dead end by the approach of doctors to diseases as to exclusively physical ailments. They relieve pain or spasms with medicines only for a while, but do not cure the disease. This approach does not work with serious diseases, which confirm the impotence of traditional medicine and justify people turning to healers in the hope of a cure.
When people can finally understand the importance of the discipline of thoughts and emotions, then they will not need medicines.
The key to good health is high energies of the spirit and the absence of negative thinking.
Sickness is a direct consequence of sins.
What is sin? Few people know about this. Most people believe that sin is a wrong act. But is it?
Sin in the Spiritual world is, first of all, a negative way of thinking. These are “black” thoughts reinforced by negative emotions.
The strongest messages of negative energy return to us, manifesting themselves in diseases. Yes. Most of all, we harm our health with our negative thinking. Illness is an excess of negative and a lack of high energies.
"An evil person would rather harm himself than another"
Augustine the Blessed.
If you can understand how easy it is to pollute the structure of the subtle body with negative emotions and how difficult it is to cleanse it, you will give your body the greatest gift. New diseases will begin to bypass you, and those that already exist will eventually go away. This will definitely happen if you rush to change your negative thinking and make an effort to do so. Everyone has the opportunity to do so.
Of course, based on your life experience, it is difficult to immediately believe that diseases appear from thoughts and are healed by prayer. This is so contrary to established views (especially atheistic ones) that it is easier to deny everything than to change your worldview.
However, recently more and more people began to understand the laws of energies and adopt laws spiritual world.
Try it too. Ask yourself questions:
Where is our essence?
In what part of the body is our Co-Knowledge and individual personality hiding?
If your answer is Soul - you are ready to go further in understanding yourself, accepting as a fact that we are spiritual beings who are only temporarily in a body shell.
If you understand this, it will become obvious that the Spiritual laws must be observed by everyone, because for their non-observance, diseases come to us.
When some diseases go away on their own, people, not knowing the true cause, attribute everything to the effects of drugs. When the pollution is stronger and causes permanent health problems, it is defined as a chronic disease.
Among the huge number of methods of cleansing from negative energies, two areas are in the lead: technical and energy.
The first one includes:
electrical stimulation;
exposure to pulsed light;
To energy - different methods of meditation, and some other methods that are much stronger in impact than technical methods of purification.
The most effective is the impact of energies on energies. And the Elevation of the Spirit is the most effective way of purification of all. Therefore, the prayer given in the Revelations of the Creator is an opportunity to free yourself, to purify yourself, this is the path to your health through observing the laws of the Spiritual World.
What is the principle of the impact of high energies on negative ones?
High energy raises the vibration of low energy, while partially losing the power of its charge itself. Raising the vibrations of the Spirit, do not expect instant healing, especially if the disease is chronic. When the pollution is serious, purification comes from the Soul gradually, freeing the body from the accumulated step by step.
And although it is quite difficult to feel the high energies on your own, you can feel how negative energies leave the body, manifesting as headaches and malaise. Most intensively negative energies come out through the parietal chakra.
Activation of the sensitivity of hands to energies will help to control the cleansing. With the help of simple exercises, you will “wake up” your sensitivity and be able to monitor your cleansing, focusing on your own feelings.
Everyone decides which way to go. Some follow the laws of the Spiritual World and are healed, while others think negatively and try to treat diseases with medicines.
Your every thought is an energy sent to the Universe. She will return to you. Each disease is a consequence of your sins - negative thoughts and mental images - thoughts reinforced by emotions.
Each negative mental image is rejected by the Universe and returned by diseases.
Only the Elevation of the Spirit, or rather the increase in its vibrations or energies, will help to heal.
For cleansing, high energies are needed in a large volume, because when exposed to pollution, they lose part of their charge. And if you remember how huge your negative energy reserves can be, it becomes clear that the best way to cleanse and heal is the elevation of the Spirit, which is also called Spiritual growth. The peak of Spiritual growth is the achievement of the energy of Love - a special fiery energy that is felt as warmth or even heat in the chest. It is inaccessible to most people, despite the fact that everyone is given equal opportunities to achieve it. The fact is that each of us has our own energy capabilities of the Spirit. So, for saints, the power of the Spirit and the power of energy messages are many times stronger than for an ordinary person, and the healing power of the prayers of saints is many times greater.
The spirit can be both elevated and belittled. During the humiliation of the Spirit (for example, from watching television), negative energies are not cleared, but accumulated. In addition, television pollutes Co-Knowledge, which is clearly seen in the change in children's behavior.
With a higher energy of the Spirit, negative energies are neutralized and do not accumulate in the complex structures of the subtle body.
What to do to uplift the Spirit? This is within the power of every person, and there are plenty of opportunities for this. For example, you can listen to the songs of Valentina Tolkunova and Anna German, or repeatedly mentally scroll through the most pleasant memories, or be close to a person who evokes special feelings.
During trips to nature, where we subconsciously reach out to enjoy every creation of the Creator and give rest to our Soul, we shed some of the accumulated negativity. Therefore, we do not want to return to stone houses, to an environment of stress and nervous tension.
But nature trips and positive thinking alone are not enough for active cleansing. To maximize the Spirit, it is possible through the elevation of the Spirit to fiery energy. But since for many this is only a distant prospect, the best way is prayer and Attunement with the Creator, which were given by the Creator for purification and salvation.
Salvation should be understood precisely as the salvation of the Soul and the eternal essence, and not the body - the temporary storage of our Soul.
It is our eternal essence that should be remembered, since physical death cannot be compared with the death of the Soul.
In addition to prayer for Attunement, the reading of the Revelations of the Creator maximizes the vibrations of the Spirit. Each word of the Revelations is very high energies.
For many people who are focused on their material problems, a unique event passes unnoticed - the Appeal of the Creator to the people of Russia.
In his Revelations, the Creator gives answers to questions about the coming changes that will affect everyone and how to prepare for them.
Only correct knowledge about yourself, your essence and God allows you to go without mistakes. The very knowledge that is collected in the Revelations of the Creator.
How absurd it is to assert that man is a rational animal and deny the divine origin because of misunderstanding and lack of knowledge!
It is difficult for people to realize that God manifests itself in every person, in every Soul. Therefore, there is no need for intermediaries to turn to God. You can communicate directly because God is within us and we, as his children, only need to find the Heavenly Father.
Do not look for miracles in the material world, the biggest miracle is hidden inside you - this is a piece of God, which every Soul is endowed with.
The path of a person is, first of all, the path of the Soul. She has the right to choose to go to God, or to the devil, or not to go anywhere at all.
The ascent of the Spirit is fraught with difficulties, since a person has not yet cleared himself of the so-called hooks through which dark forces influence, throwing negative memories and thoughts into the Consciousness. All this is done in order to receive negative energy from a person and strengthen dark structures.
You can fight such influences only with the understanding that this influence is external, and its purpose is to evoke and receive negative energies. If you notice this, you should generate positive energies through sincere Prayer or bright memories that the dark forces will not like. Their impact will not stop until the last hold subsides. But as soon as this happens, the influence of dark entities will stop. But there is another protection - when the Spirit radiates high energies, none of the dark entities can approach. The struggle between positive and negative energies goes on daily. Nicholas Roerich wrote well about her in The Struggle for Souls.
Forbid yourself to think negatively so that the potential of divine energy does not feed and strengthen dark structures, which is unnatural to human nature and is completely wrong.
As in a particle of God, a person has a huge potential for development, but only in Spiritual elevation are hidden those miraculous abilities that were within the power of the saints.
The instructions for this development and spiritual growth were given in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Despite the distortions and corrections for the sake of different religions over the centuries, there are still grains of truth.
Much is written in the teachings about Love, and this is the shortest path for the ascent of the Soul and Spirit. Today, the most complete and correct knowledge is given in the Revelations by the Creator himself. Descendants will remember this epoch-making event for thousands of years, regret that they did not live at this special time, when the Creator himself directly addressed the people of Russia.
The beginning of the disease.
Like the alphabet, you need to know that the disease begins with a negative message that we ourselves make. Then this message is reflected and returned to us. Moreover, it returns to that subtle body from where it was sent. In the future, the message penetrates through the chakras into the physical body and can either be processed and transformed, or it forms a blockage.
The blockage negatively affects the organs. Instead of feeding on the vital energy necessary for the normal functioning of the body, they receive nutrition from negative energy. Various negative properties of negative energies cause a variety of health disorders and diseases.
Any researcher who deeply studies diseases comes to the conclusion that the vast majority of bodily ailments are based on the energy root cause.
The disease itself often serves as a stopping factor in the destruction of the Soul. Complex ailments are an excellent motivation for revising the worldview and bringing yourself into harmony with the outside world. At the same time, no one punishes a person, he just gets back what he himself sent. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. By generating negative messages and maintaining negative thinking, you harm, first of all, yourself. And traditional medicine, which has already stopped in its development, will not help you, because its approach is to influence the physical body without looking for the root cause of the disease. At the same time, with the help of diagnostics based on aura images, it is possible to predict in advance what health problems await you in the future. If traditional medicine begins to take into account the energy component of a person, it will make the breakthrough that patients expect from it.
The medicine of the future will use aurodiagnostics and other diagnostics of a person's energy state, preventing diseases in advance, and a person who has appeared ailments will be treated not with medicines, but by bringing his Soul into harmony.
This is proved by the same pictures of the aura, which clearly show changes and improvements in the energy cocoon after prayer, when the gaps and distortions of the field are reduced. Therefore, prayer is the key to health, but many do not know how to use this key correctly.
Doctors often explain all the incredible healings of patients with anything, just not to recognize the result of the healer's work. And all because such treatment contradicts their knowledge and understanding of the problem. But as soon as doctors get really seriously ill, the weakness of traditional medicine becomes obvious to them, which is not able to heal from serious illnesses.
Medicine is too conservative and is not able to unite with non-traditional trends, which in turn does not bring people closer to getting rid of serious illnesses.
But facts are stubborn things. Without knowing the cause of a bodily ailment, it is impossible to influence it, it is possible to treat it, but it is impossible to cure it.
Most of the diseases that go away on their own are attributed by traditional medicine to doctors, although the body itself is able to recover normally without outside help. For example, complications after a stroke go away in some people, and not in others. What is the influence of doctors or traditional medicine here? The cause of movement disorders is in the formed and stagnant negative energy, which has a constant harmful effect on the nerve endings and muscle structure. Improvements and successful rehabilitation after a stroke in some patients is the result of the dissipation of all negative energies. Alas, not everyone is able to do this, so many remain with the consequences of a stroke for the rest of their lives. In addition to the person himself, a healer who knows how to clean up and dissipate negative energy can cope with the consequences of a stroke.
It looks like a miracle to the sick, but there are no miracles. There is only knowledge and possession of energies.
"Miracles do not contradict the laws of nature. They only contradict our ideas about these laws"
Augustine the Blessed.

Low energies can only be affected by higher vibrations. This approach is both the most effective and, in fact, the only one.
A special prayer given by the Creator in the Revelations will help purify and increase the energies of the Spirit, free the structure of the subtle body and get rid of diseases, and then help purify Co-Knowledge from all negative traits and vices.
This state is called enlightenment, which is possible with the constant radiation of high energies by the Spirit.
Previously, enlightenment was achieved through decades of prayer and fasting. Now, with a special prayer for Attunement with the Creator, this is achieved in a shorter period of time.
With all the evidence of the fall of human spirituality, even the biggest optimist cannot give a positive forecast for the development of mankind. Many understand that the way it is now cannot continue forever. Understand, too: the Creator's appeal to the people of Russia is a saving hand of help.
Instructions for action are given to change the situation. First of all, the person must change main reason disharmony. A person must bring himself into harmony with the Universe, purify his Co-Knowledge and get rid of his duality. In any of us, both good and bad live in different proportions, this is the duality that needs to be avoided. After all, 20 centuries ago it was said that one cannot serve two masters at the same time - God and the devil.
It's time to decide who are you with? Duality is not allowed. With the right to choose, everyone will have to decide.
Those who wish to be with God need purification. It will go through the pain that the outgoing negativity will give. But this is the sacred pain of cleansing.
For purification, a special prayer of Attunement, a prayer of repentance, a text of a spiritual message and an oath to the Creator were given.
All negative actions of a person are a consequence of his polluted Co-Knowledge. Internal negativity is manifested in deeds, therefore, you can change your life only if you clear Co-Knowledge and get rid of duality by choosing the path to God.
Increasing spirituality will lead to an increase in morality. A truly spiritual person ennobles everything around, he not only does not wrong actions but doesn't even think about them.
To establish Divine regularity, the Creator's movement, the All-Russian Public Movement "For Statehood and the Spiritual Revival of Russia", was created.
The goals of this movement are the goals of the Creator himself. And the desire of each participant is to achieve the common good for all and explain to people the importance of the Revelations of the Creator.
Of course, one's own change and purification of one's Co-Knowledge is the free choice of everyone, for which there is less and less time left. You begin to understand what is happening now only by delving into the words of the Creator's Revelations, which are given from 2004 to the present day.
Every word of the Creator is a treasure. And if you understand their importance, then you can find answers to all questions and discover the only right way.
For most people, Love is just a word, the meaning of which is different for everyone and often incorrect.
Think about why the prophets and saints constantly talked about Love?
The answer to this question brings you closer to the treasury that is hidden within each of us. The key to this box is Love. Understand that both the prophets and the saints knew much more than all people and, wishing well, gave the keys to good.
For a material person, this does not make sense, since he lives only by the needs of his body. The pursuit of Love for such men and women does not become the meaning of life, because they do not understand what benefits they will receive.
A prudent mind is not able to understand that the greatest treasure cannot be material, that this great treasure is hidden in the human Soul and you just need to find a way to it.
In the teaching of Jesus Christ, every word of which is full of wisdom, there is also a lot to be said about Love.
To understand the meaning of this word with the mind and logic is an empty work. Cognition is possible only by Soul and Spirit. And everyone should do it.
What gives a person love? And what is Love? Polluted and distorted Co-Knowledge interferes with understanding the meaning of this word. A person does not strive for his spiritual growth and, therefore, does not purify Co-Knowledge, and this happens just because of the polluted and distorted Co-Knowledge. What comes out? Vicious circle? Few manage to break it, but if it works out, these people become somewhat different.
Outwardly, they are not much different from the rest, all the main changes occur in the Soul, and something changes in the look. The eyes are a mirror of the Soul and, if you look closely, the eyes of such people seem bottomless, they radiate wisdom and kindness.
Changes inside do not happen immediately, even with the burning Spirit, it is still necessary to purify one's Co-Knowledge. Only with complete liberation from negativity, in complete purity, the Spirit can shine.
In the meantime, there is at least a drop of negative energy that suppresses the Spirit, its radiations will be fickle and unstable.
Ordinary people do not attach importance to the value of purification of Co-Knowledge. Everyone sees himself as quite normal, while his shortcomings are obvious to other people.
Like viruses on a computer, negative events and thoughts are also deposited in subtle bodies by energy and karmic accumulations, affecting the Co-Knowledge of a person. Each person has their own set of negativity and manifests itself individually. But anyone can get rid of this burden by purifying their Co-Knowledge with high energies. It is difficult to imagine what life will be like if only people with pure Co-Knowledge remain, without greed and malice, without fears and vices.
Getting used to their state, people cannot understand and do not know how easy it is to live with pure Co-Knowledge. When in the Soul Love is happiness!
The meaning of the word Love in the Vedic faith, which existed even before Christianity, means nothing more than - People Know God. That is why the word consists of three syllables - three parts: Lu-Bo-V, which means Liu-People, Bo-God, V-know.
Over time, there was a substitution of meaning and the important essence of the teachings of Jesus Christ was lost.
The editing of such teachings, the substitution of words and concepts by people who have a low spiritual level, who do not fully understand the teachings of Jesus Christ, distort this great teaching. But the closer to the original source, the more truth. Therefore, the Revelations of the Creator today are the most reliable source of knowledge.
A person, due to his limitations, can only present his own version of understanding.
And the words of the Creator are the truth for all who seek it.
True Faith is knowledge, pure Co-Knowledge, high spirituality and Love.
An objective indicator of a person's spirituality is his unusual abilities. For example, the gift of healing. Although today there are few such people (who really have special abilities). Among the ministers of the church there are few who could heal spiritually. And the reason for this is the lack of true Love.
As it was said: by their fruits you will know them, for if the fruits are bad, then the tree is bad, but if the fruits are good, then the tree is good.
The principle of spiritual healing is such that a person produces a huge amount of the energy of Love, and if it is not there, then there are no opportunities for treatment.
All miracles are possible only if you follow the spiritual path, by revealing in a person what is laid down by the Creator. Revealing the potential of the Creator that God and his children have.
Spiritual healing is an amazing impact of high energies that purify any negativity - the source of the disease. And in order for spiritual healing to happen, distances do not matter, because distances do not exist for energy.
In spiritual treatment, the most important thing is the powerful message of the energy of Love, which is radiated in large quantities by spiritually developed people.
The purifying possibilities of high energies in the real and strong in Spirit are so great that they are already called miracles.
Wherever thought goes, energy goes there. Such people, acting by the power of the Spirit through the Human Soul on the entire structure of the subtle body, purify it from negative energies, and the disease quickly disappears.
Prayers - messages from ordinary people - are distinguished by weak capabilities, just as little use is made from the prayers of priests, who sometimes pray at the same time for 30-40 people.
Prayer is the message of the Soul, but the strength of these messages is determined by the Spirit of a person - his energy capabilities.
Each of us has a huge potential, but in order to open it, efforts and opposition to our duality are required.
Thinking and taking care of your Soul, you take care of yourself, because you are the Soul in the body shell.
The soul is the most valuable thing you have. And the most valuable thing for the Soul is to learn about its Divine origin and its relationship with God.
Ultimately, all that we have is the Soul and the Divine potential inherent in it, which is given with Love by the Creator himself.
The Creator is waiting for you to reveal your abilities and cognize Love in yourself, which means you will cognize God in yourself.
Only by passing all the exams of the dense world, you can return to our Heavenly Father as children worthy of your Father.

Hygiene of the Soul is the basis of your health.

No matter how rapidly technological progress develops, the search for the cause of the disease exclusively in the physical plane leads traditional medicine further and further into a dead end. Influencing only the physical body of a person, medicine is not able to heal people from many diseases.
To gain real health and heal from ailments will allow understanding how negative energies affect a person.

All our illnesses and psychological states are interconnected. And this connection is the negative energies that the person himself generates.
It is no coincidence that they say that all diseases from the nerves are negative energies born by a person, and are the cause of most diseases.
We do not see the negative, but just as invisible radiation harms the health of people, negative energy affects us, causing illness.
How to resist this and get rid of ailments? Only by perceiving a person as a combination of the physical body, subtle body and Soul. That is, if we accept that there is an interaction between the structure of the subtle body and the physical body of a person, one can find the root cause of the disease.

Many people find it difficult to accept what cannot be seen and touched, so they simply do not think about the negative impact of negative emotions on health. And this is their mistake. On the path of healing, it is important not to forget about the energy component and take into account that a person is endowed with a Soul, if, of course, you want to get a result and heal.

A person is not only hands, feet, internal organs… It is a complex organism, which consists of: a physical body, a subtle body and, most importantly, a Soul.
By understanding and accepting this, you will be able to avoid most diseases and get rid of the ailments that you have already acquired.

How do negative energies affect our health?
To understand this, you need to know: any psychological state is a manifestation of energies that are endowed with various properties. Any energy is endowed with its own density: positive - small, and negative - huge. Dense negative energy causes contamination of the structure of your subtle body.

Negative emotions and experiences block the movement of vital energy, which is so necessary for a person - hence many problems arise. And the longer and stronger you experience negativity, the more intensively your channels and chakras become clogged. In places of these energy blockages, physiological disturbances occur. Most often, the impact manifests itself in the form of spasms.

Everyone knows that at the time of strong emotional experiences, a person’s pressure rises. But not everyone knows what is the reason. In fact, everything is simple: the negative energies that a person himself gives rise to in moments of unrest cause spasms of blood vessels. If negative psychological states are of a long-term nature, then the structure of the subtle body will be polluted with negativity, and this will cause hypertension. And various degrees arterial hypertension- this is neither more nor less - certain stages (or, if you like, levels) of the energy contamination of your body.

The ability of negativity to cause various spasms causes blood supply to be disturbed in places of blockages, and without enough oxygen and nutrition brought by the blood, your tissues and organs are not able to function normally. The result is disease.

Of course, diseases do not come to a person in one day. Initially, signals follow that people, as a rule, pass by themselves, leaving them without due attention. The primary signals may be a feeling of heaviness, the appearance, albeit slightly, but of pain. Do not underestimate these “balls” of your condition and postpone treatment until later, when the disease is already at an advanced stage.
That's right - to prevent disease, striving for the harmony of the Soul and the purity of the structure of the subtle body.
How does negative pollution happen?
To understand the principle by which negative emotions clog you, you need to accept that any negative thoughts are energy sent into space. And this energy will certainly return back to the one who created it.

How does it happen? The negative charge penetrates into the physical body through the chakras and blocks, first of all, those places through which energy enters you.
See how a long stay in a negative state has caused the inguinal chakra to become clogged. The picture shows the area of ​​contamination (it is black), it is here that various health disorders appear, which means that diseases of the genitourinary system will appear, infertility and other ailments are possible.

In fairness, we note that the person himself and his negative thinking are not always to blame for their diseases. The state of a person is also influenced by the negative impact of other people. It is commonly called black magic, it is a purposeful negative energy effect on a person, which leads to diseases, physical disorders and even death. And it is extremely difficult to cleanse the structure of a person from the negative manifestations of black magic.

Maintaining health.

Remember the hygiene of the Soul. With bad thoughts, negative states, you harm yourself first of all. Therefore, if negative thinking is “in the order of things” for you, then do not be surprised that your health will suddenly become weaker and diseases stronger. Maintain your physical condition, but do not forget about energy purity, which is the basis of bodily health.

Remember that everything in this world has a root cause, and diseases are no exception. Your ailments do not come “just like that without a reason” and only by understanding this you will be able to find true health. Otherwise, acceptance medicines will only relieve the symptoms for a while. As, for example, with hypertension, traditional medicine temporarily relieves spasms of blood vessels, but does not relieve the disease.
Negative energy is the cause of any pain, spasms, paralysis, low body temperature in those places where pollution occurs. But as long as traditional medicine is looking for the cause of spasms, forgetting about the energy essence of a person, all attempts to get rid of them are in vain. If doctors began to study diseases more deeply, they would come to the conclusion that the root cause is of an energetic nature and it is necessary to treat the disease by turning to the Soul and God. The exclusively materialistic approach of physicians denies even the idea that the cause of diseases is in the structure of the human subtle body.

Hygiene of your Soul.

By negative thinking and negative emotions, a person harms himself, but it is not immediately possible to realize the scale of this harm, since diseases come over time. Precisely because a person does not fall ill immediately after the generation of negativity, it is difficult for him to associate the appearance of bodily ailments with a negative psychological state that once took place, bad thoughts, and emotions that oppress the Soul.
But whether you like it or not, diseases and negative thoughts and desires are directly related. Of course, it is important for someone who is sick to know the cause of their illness, but it is much more important to understand how to be healed. And this is possible only through the maximum cleansing of the negative energies that caused the disease.
As soon as a person removes the "dirt of negativity", as diseases melt before our eyes. It is after the cleansing of negative energies that miraculous healings from seemingly completely incurable diseases occur.
The main condition for recovery is to get rid of the negative. It is a pity that there are very few people who purposefully work on this. The majority does not accept and does not seek to understand the essence of the energy processes taking place in us. Many are impatient and wait for the result momentarily, but getting rid of the negativity accumulated over the years is not so easy and this is not a one-day job.

The key to good health is inner purity

In order to be cleansed of negative energies, it takes not only time, but also self-discipline and the right actions. You need to understand that purification is possible through the impact of high positive energies. It is they who heal, therefore the amazing healings and miracles of the saints are nothing more than the action of cleansing high energies. But each of us chooses his own path to healing. This may be a special prayer for Alignment with the Creator or purification with the help of true love, or by using positive thinking and eliminating any negative thoughts, although this path is longer.

Do not forget that it is within the power of patient people to restore lost health, because cleansing from negativity requires self-discipline from a person. But this is the only way to health. Let this one be open to everyone, and to you, because your Soul is already endowed with all the possibilities of healing. Believe me, what is impossible for traditional medicine is within the power of your Soul.

Healer's alphabet.

In the case of a serious illness, people have a desire to find a solution to the problem and an alternative to traditional medicine. In the hope of healing, the eyes and attention of the sick turn to healers. People have to deal with a variety of areas in healing and it is sometimes not easy to evaluate them. It is difficult for a non-specialist in this field to understand the variety of healing methods. In order not to waste valuable time for patients, you need to find the path that will lead to the right result. Most of the directions in healing can be immediately weeded out and only the energy impact can be left, and attention can be focused on eliminating the very root cause of diseases.
Sometimes, rather than looking for the right healer for a long time, who can get rid of the disease, it is easier to master the methods of healing yourself. The first step in energy healing and hand healing is developing sensitivity to the energies. This is achieved by developing the sensitivity of the hands to energies by simple exercises, such as “ball and rubber band”. This is done in the following way: the palms of the boat are reduced to each other, listening to the sensations in the hands, you need to feel the energy and the border of the biofield. After such exercises, in a few days it will be possible to diagnose the patient energetically and find places of contamination. Diagnostics will allow to determine the centers of pollution with negative energies, which are the root cause of most diseases.
Diagnosis is not yet a cure, but is an important step towards the beginning of healing. It is the energy impact that allows you to heal from most diseases, and especially from incurable diseases.
Mastering energy cleansing will open up tremendous opportunities for self-healing of the body and gives the keys to true health. Other ways of healing will be like constantly patching up holes in health, instead of internal self-healing of the body. The principle of health is that by eliminating the root cause of the disease, and this is in most cases negative energy, the disease itself goes away forever.
It should be taken into account here that negative energy has a negative effect on the physical body and causes diseases. The connection of negative energies with diseases goes through their properties. The main properties of negative energies are to cause spasms and pain, but this is only part of their negative impact.
Working with the energy of a person and doing his cleansing, the healer needs to know how the structure of the subtle body. The structure of the human subtle body is divided into two parts exactly in the middle, into the left and right parts. It may turn out that the patient will have pollution only on one half of the energy. When diagnosing a person, it is also necessary to determine the source of pollution and clogged chakras.
Illnesses do not come without a reason, and very often, our own bad thoughts are to blame. Many frivolously believe that negative thinking will not affect their health in any way. Our negative thoughts are energy that, like a boomerang, returns to us with illnesses. Returning to us, this energy penetrates through the chakras into the structure of the subtle body and causes physical disorders and diseases. Every healer needs to know like an ABC that a disease is only a consequence, while the cause of ailments is negative energies.
Energy cleansing itself is fraught with its complexities and subtleties, and also carries some danger for the healer. Therefore, it is necessary for the healer to know some principles and techniques of self-purification of the healer.
Features and properties of negative energies.
1. Negative energy has more dense properties, due to which pollution of the structure of the subtle body and disease occur. At the same time, the negative blocks the passage of vital energy that feeds all organs and tissues.
2. Diseases arise due to the properties and characteristics of negative energies, which can cause various physical disorders in a person, such as spasms, pain, paralysis and psychological disorders.
3. Negative energy can be in the structure of the subtle body all life, or only for some time, it all depends on the strength of the charge and the person himself.
4. The negative is cleared and dissolved only when exposed to higher energies.
5. Negative energy is best cleared through exit points and chakras.
6. When treating with hands and cleansing from negative energies, the healer often draws on himself some of someone else's negativity. To prevent this from happening, you need to work carefully and be able to clean yourself. After each session, the healer should be cleansed of negative energies in the ways available to him.
7. Negativity, like any energy, does not disappear anywhere, but it can be transformed and changed by higher ones.
8. The place of pollution sometimes shows little on the external distortions of the aura, and this sometimes complicates the definition of energy blockage.
9. A special increased density of negative energy allows you to extract the entire charge when it is captured by your hands.
10. Cleansing from the negativity attracted to yourself, perhaps the most different ways such as prayer or fire. The best way to cleanse yourself of negative energies is to increase your spirituality.
11. Increasing spirituality allows you to transform negative energy with your power of the Spirit and does not allow energy pollution of the healer. However, such opportunities are still available to a few, and with an average level of energy and negligence, the healer can even get sick.
12. With the practice of a healer, an experience arises that allows you to distinguish a variety of negative energies and understand their various properties. So, for example, damage and the evil eye are felt by the hands as cold lumps adjacent to the body, where the difference is only in their size.
13. Negative energies are felt by the hands as coldness, tingling, numbness, and other sensations as well.
14. Pollution by negative energies can be both internal and external.
A. Internal pollution includes pollution of channels, chakras and other internal structures of the subtle body.
B. External manifestations of pollution (in the aura) are most often the release of energy from places of internal pollution in the channels and from the structure of the human subtle body.
15. The main sources of pollution are the lower three chakras and their corresponding subtle bodies. Further, negative energy spreads through the body, creating blockages and causing various diseases.

The basic principles of energies described above already allow mastering the science of healing at the initial level. In the treatment with the hands, only the living field of the hands can capture the negative. For practice, it is also required to master the techniques of working with negative energies and security measures.
Methods and techniques for influencing negative energies.
1. Weakening and dissolution of the negative by higher energies.
A. Dissolution of the negative with high energies from the healer to the patient. Spiritual healing is the transfer of energy from Soul to Soul, where the entry point is the chest chakra.
B. The transfer of energy from the hands of the healer to sore spot in order to dissolve and loosen the negative blockage. Increasing the spirituality of the healer is important here, otherwise it can lead to overcharging the patient and cause him discomfort.
2. Capture and pulling of negative energy with hands “rotational and other hand movements”. When finding the place of pollution and contact of the palms with the center of the negative, it is removed from the body by hand movements. In each case, the time of the sessions will be different depending on the situation and the strength of the negative energy.
3. Squeezing out the negative by laying hands on the sore spot (acts on a limited penetration depth).
4. Impact on negative energy with technical means, such as pulsed light and magnetotherapy. The most promising technical method is magnetotherapy. Strong neodymium magnets, directed towards each other with the same poles, or set at an angle of 90 degrees, show themselves quite effectively. When the poles of the same name are established, a strong magnetic disturbance comes to the place of pollution, which, penetrating through the body, sets the negative in motion and removes it.
5. Body massage with hands. Promotes the release of negative energy from polluted channels. Abdominal massage is especially effective in the abdominal cavity, which is one of the main places of energy pollution.
6. Getting rid of negative energies through prayer is the best way because a person can be completely cleansed only from the inside. Strengthening the connection with God through prayer gives a channel and cleansing fiery energy, which clears any negativity over time. Illness is a punishment for lack of spirituality, and before that, a person himself weakens the connection with God with his negative thinking. It is important for the healer to increase his spirituality, as this will allow him to practice healing without consequences for himself. Although prayers are different, their power is often underestimated, and it gives inner purity and increases the spirituality of a person. With the growth of spirituality, both the energy and healing capabilities of a person gradually increase.
Increasing the spirituality of a person ultimately leads to the cleansing of any negativity and healing. A healthy Spirit of a person leads to health.
With the accumulation of practice and personal experience of the healer, the great potential of healing with hands will gradually be revealed. Energy cleansing of the structure of the subtle body gives healing, but first you need to solve this sometimes difficult task. Having mastered the techniques of working with energies, one can improve health at least within the family, and this is important, given the weakness of traditional medicine. The knowledge by the healer of the structure of the subtle body and the direction of energy movement helps to understand and determine the places of pollution.
It is so important to know that the chakras connect the subtle bodies of a person and the physical body, where energy flows as in communicating vessels. Particular attention should be paid to the system of channels (meridians), taking into account the movement of energy from the Soul. Human energy channels are like a circulatory system that feeds the entire body, but instead of blood, they carry vital energy. So, for example, energy moves up the channels to the head and exits through the ears and the crown chakra. Knowing this, you can work with exit points and clear them of blockages.
Treatment with hands, for example, can quickly relieve a spasm from the heart or a headache after a traumatic brain injury. The treatment of some diseases is sometimes delayed for a long time, since it is impossible to quickly clear all the accumulated negativity. In energy healing, there is a so-called cleansing crisis, when illnesses and pains in a patient can become aggravated. Some patients, not realizing that such a crisis means cleansing and healing, sometimes stop treatment ahead of schedule.
When treating with hands, the patient in most cases feels the energy impact and even movement inside the negative energy. It is necessary to take into account the patient's feelings, because this is valuable information that gives an understanding of the situation. Therefore, it is better if the patient constantly talks about his new sensations, and in case of a bad condition, you should immediately stop the session. In healing, an important condition for the patient is a change in his negative thinking, because otherwise the result of the treatment will be only short-term. For the patient, you need to know the three pillars of health - this is prayer (strengthening the channel of communication with God), righteous deeds and pure thoughts.
When working with negative energies, the healer needs to be careful not to allow his strong contamination.
Healing is a constant study, where only on personal experience there are more and more new possibilities in the treatment of diseases.

Healer practice.

Any healer who seeks to develop and master new methods is always looking for new knowledge. It turned out that many healing practices sometimes simply confuse those who want to find understandable and working methods. As always, the criterion of truth here can only be a practical healing result. In energy healing, there are many subtleties and points that you should know. There are also some persistent errors that somewhat complicate the understanding of the problem.
For example, it is incorrectly believed that two channels run along the spine from the crown of the head to the coccyx and they feed the entire body with energy. The inaccuracy is that the channels are arranged differently. The channels are not continuous at all, but break off at the level of the shoulder blades and enter the Soul. Paired channels diverge from the Soul, where one pair goes down to the coccygeal chakra, and the other goes up to the parietal. It seems that this is not significant, but a misunderstanding immediately leads to subsequent errors in diagnosis and treatment. To understand your actions, you should know many things, such as the structure of the human subtle body, properties, as well as methods of influencing them. Starting to treat a person, at first it will be quite difficult to understand his special individual case. This understanding gradually comes with personal practice.
Starting the energy treatment of a person, first of all, you should start clearing the parietal chakra. She, as a receiver, connects a person with God, and through her he receives high energies. The same chakra serves as the main outlet for negative energy, which causes its pollution. It is after contamination of the parietal chakra that a person finds himself face to face with his negativity. Illness will then be only a consequence. That is why the connection with God is so important, because a person, without even thinking, receives constant support from Him in the form of high energies. It is the broken connection with God due to his polluted parietal chakra that makes a person energetically defenseless.
Sometimes a person has accumulated so much negativity throughout his life that it is simply impossible to clear it quickly. Even the energetically strongest healer will not be able to immediately clean up all the “Augean stables” of a person. Therefore, having cleared the parietal chakra of the patient, the healer opens two doors at once, one for the entry of high cleansing energy, and the second for the exit of weakened negativity from the person. Such cleansing will remove bad energy from a person for 24 hours, gradually leading him to health. Many people need a clearing of the crown chakra and need to reconnect with God.
The healer himself is not able to work so much, but by creating such conditions for purification, he significantly accelerates the recovery of a person. At the same time, one should ensure that the parietal chakra is not again polluted by dense negative energies. Here again, the blockage in the chakra and channels should be cleared. It is necessary to clear the parietal chakra with hand movements until a stream of negative energy comes out of it. It feels like a jet of negativity coming out of the head. So, starting to clear from the head, you can eventually approach the very charge of negativity that caused the disease. At the same time, you should not be passive and you need to set the negative energy in motion, weakening it and removing it with hand movements. For the layman, the movements of the healer's hands look somewhat strange, but, feeling the movement of negativity inside them, they feel changes in health for the better. By developing the sensitivity of the palms to the energies, then it is not difficult for any person to master the very work of the hands. Everyone can work individually, but usually these are rotational movements of the palms in a boat, coming from the place of contamination. Thus, by catching the charge of the negative with the field of hands, it is taken out of the energetics. Each person can master healing independently and for this, only his aspirations for this are needed.
Correct diagnosis is very important in energy healing itself. For example, if tension and slight pain are felt when pressing the inguinal region, then this sure sign pollution of the inguinal chakra. There can be many causes of diseases, but the main principle is that they appear where there is negative energy. The healer himself must figure out what kind of energy this is and also find the right antidote against it. That is why it is necessary to feel what kind of energies it is, whether it be damage, bad thoughts of a person or a curse. After all, only by identifying the exact problem, it can be successfully eliminated.
Sometimes the difficulty for the healer lies in the fact that the patient has a lot of problems. It happens that the negative is like a layer cake, where only by clearing away layer after layer, you can get to the one that causes the disease. In such cases, patients who have inflated expectations are even dissatisfied, not realizing that they are clearing all their huge accumulated blockages of negativity. Some people are happy to dump their problems on the healer, and after being healed, they continue to sin further. It is unproductive to treat such people, because a person again gives birth to negative energies. The main purpose of a healer is to strengthen people's connection with God and lead them to purification.
If the sick person solved his problem with the help of money and then continues to serve the evil one, then such treatment does not fulfill its main mission. It is simply inappropriate to send messages of Love to such a person. The Energy of Love is a valuable resource and it must be distributed very wisely. There will always be those healed people who will not only be grateful to the healer for his help, but also consciously come to God. Making a choice about treatment should rather be in favor of such people. The main mission of healers is to help people find the way to God through purification and restore their connection with Him.
It is very important for a healer to see in the treatment of diseases not a diagnosis, but the very deep energy root cause of the disease. Behind physical disorders and the diagnosis of doctors is always hidden the hidden essence of the disease. Having opened it, it is already possible to take up the elimination of the disease itself.
In practical energy impact, the healer needs a three-dimensional vision and a sequence of actions. It also becomes possible to see and understand the whole picture over time. So, taking into account the properties of negative energy and knowing the structure of the subtle body, it is only possible to understand the energy essence of the disease based on a person’s diagnosis. In this case, it is not so difficult to understand how to proceed further.
The most important condition for recovery is the clearing of the parietal chakra, because it is through it that a person receives purification. The healer must know the basic principle of healing. It lies in the fact that a person receives high energies from God from top to bottom, and the accumulated negative goes from bottom to top. There is an exception only in the case when a person himself generates energy. In the case when a person himself generates high energy, it moves from his Soul.
Only by clearing the parietal chakra alone, it is possible to heal from many diseases. If it is blocked, then the person does not have the high cleansing energies he needs, and in this case, he begins to quickly accumulate negativity. Numerous diseases will not keep you waiting long. Diseases of the heart often arise first from contamination of such a relationship with God. After that, congestion of negative energy occurs and such charges begin to negatively affect the heart.
Many do not even understand what kind of help and energy support they constantly receive from God. Receiving constant gifts of Love from God, a person breaks this connection with his negative thinking. Both long-term negative thinking and one very acute negative situation can block the connection with God. In this case, the person's channels will be polluted with dense negative energies and the parietal chakra will be completely blocked. However, clearing contaminated energy with the help of hands completely solves this problem. But one should not particularly expect that only one cleansing of the parietal chakra will be enough. Although this is possible, but the dense accumulated negativity sometimes again blocks the exit of the negative and the connection with God.
It is easy to feel the release of negative energy with your hands and it is felt as a stream coming from the crown of the head. During this period of purification, it is desirable for the patient to increase the frequency of his energies with the help of a prayer from the Revelations of the Creator. If a person from within himself weakens the negative, then it is much easier to get out of the energy. The sequence of the healer's actions is just as important. If, for example, a person has a curse, but the parietal chakra is polluted, then cleansing should begin with it. Until the channel with God is cleared, a person will not be able to receive high cleansing energy through prayer from curses. Many diseases begin precisely with a weakening of the connection between man and God.
When the connecting thread with the Creator weakens, a person is left alone with his negativity. From this, a person's energy protection against black magic is weakened. Often a person has a lot of all sorts of energy disorders, but cleansing should begin with the parietal chakra. After the energy impact on a person, a cleansing crisis begins in him.

Energy crisis of cleansing.

When the energy is cleared, the negative begins to weaken and begin to move, trying to get out. All this is sometimes manifested by pain in the head and body. This happens because the negative is still quite thick and is still stuck in the channels and chakras. Like thick oil through thin tubes, it moves reluctantly, sometimes again polluting the parietal chakra. In this case, measures should be taken again to clear and normalize the movement of energy. At the same time, a person has pain in places of blockages from the fact that the negative from a decrease in its density begins to penetrate into the tissues. In places of such congestion, you can feel the cap of the outgoing negative. To reduce such consequences, a person needs to increase his internal energies. With more subtle energies of a person, the outgoing negative will not cause another blockage.

Physical crisis of purification.

Immediately after the cleansing of negative energy from the place where he caused the disease, a physical cleansing crisis begins. It is due to the fact that in the places where the negative is located, there are different consequences from its location. As already noted, spasms and even cell death are a consequence of such a harmful effect. Therefore, in such places, a considerable amount of toxins, dead cells and other harmful substances have been accumulated from blood supply disorders. As soon as the spasms go away, the movement of blood normalizes and it immediately begins its cleansing work. Sometimes there are so many lesions in the body that it causes intoxication in a person. It all comes from the fact that waste from the affected areas immediately enters the bloodstream. You can self-diagnose intoxication in yourself by inflamed and painful lymph nodes. The consequences of intoxication themselves will be stronger in the case of serious illnesses. To reduce such effects during this period, you should drink plenty of water. Bath and sweating also helps to reduce the effects of intoxication. Usually, immediately after intoxication, the patient experiences a sharp relief and recovery.

Clearing chakras with the help of hands.

Often, a person has several chakras contaminated at once, and a lot of negative energy has been accumulated in their corresponding subtle bodies. In a certain period of life, a person experiences a blockage in the movement of energy. The task of the healer is to weaken and set in motion the negative, up to the complete removal from the structure of the subtle body. The disease manifests itself only when the negative is in the energy of the physical body.
When the chakras are contaminated, the healer is faced with the difficult task of cleansing them. There are different approaches here, but it is most correct to clear all chakras through the parietal. The cleansing sequence from above gives a good cleansing result. Since the crown chakra is the main gate for the entry of high energy, but weakened negative energy also exits through it. Thus, by strengthening the connection of a person with God, the healer, by his assistance in clearing the chakras, strengthens this connecting thread. It is very important in the treatment of a person to first restore the connection of the Soul of a person with God.
If, for example, you start clearing the inguinal chakra, but without first clearing the parietal chakra, then there will be no way out for negativity. The peculiarity of negative energy is that it has an integral structure. When the healer begins to remove the negative through the crown of the head with the movements of the hands, it is pulled out of the whole energy in one big charge. Therefore, when it is pulled up and unwound by the movements of the healer's hands, it begins to be gradually removed from the patient's energy.
It is absolutely necessary for a healer to take into account the energy structure, because otherwise the result will be far from expected. With the right actions of the healer, a faster healing of the patient always comes. At the same time, we should not forget about our energy security. With the accumulation of experience and practice with the use of such treatment, each patient will be applied individual approach. For example, it is better not to touch damage with your hands at all, since it can seriously pollute your fingers and suppress the sensitivity of your hands to energies. Healing is knowledge, mastery of energies and improvisation in each case, but the general principles still remain the same. In order to more easily cope with the negativity penetrating the healer's energy, it is absolutely necessary for him to raise his internal vibrations with the help of prayer. All this helps to strengthen the energy capabilities of the healer. Also, when the healer switches to the energy of Love, the negative already burns right in the hands, and only in severe cases does it penetrate into his energy. In this case, the healer takes on someone else's problem, but by the power of the Spirit he can quickly process it. Any negativity can always be cleared and the main thing here is to have your own arsenal of means for this.

Photo treatment.

Despite the fact that the treatment of a person with personal participation is preferable, sometimes for various reasons this is not possible. Then the healer has an energy impact on the patient according to his photograph. Having a photograph of a person, it is also possible to create conditions for his recovery. It is more difficult to work in this way, since the diagnosis of the patient is somewhat more difficult. In any case, in a photograph of a person, as well as in a personal meeting, you can feel with your hands all his problematic and polluted places. As in a personal meeting, the energy of a person should be cleansed primarily through his parietal chakra. Of the moments that complicate treatment at a distance, it can be noted that the healer does not immediately see all the changes in the patient's condition. Therefore, in this case, communication and constant exchange of data on the patient's condition is necessary.
Every healer needs to be fully aware of his real possibilities, neither overestimating nor underestimating them. At the same time, if the healer develops and practices treatment, his abilities gradually increase. In any case, practice is the criterion of truth, and this statement fully applies to healing.

Treatment of heart disease.

For a person who is faced with heart disease, this often sounds like a sentence. Knowing well the limited possibilities of traditional medicine in the treatment of heart disease, a person immediately becomes confused and concerned. Wanting to be healed, a person is looking for a solution, often not finding the right way to heal. It is obvious to everyone that traditional medicine shows its weakness here. It would seem that the growth of technological progress should lead to a decrease in sick people. Only there is no decrease in the number of cases and there is only an increase in patients with heart disease, where more and more young people fall into the risk zone.
But if there is a problem - a disease, then there must be a solution, and it really is. It is clear that masking the symptoms of heart disease and mitigating the effects of the disease with medicines is not at all a solution to the problem. This approach does not give a complete cure for heart disease. Healing and complete healing are not the same thing. Many people want exactly complete healing and this is really possible. Finding the right path will allow a person to understand the root causes of these diseases. The main thing here is that physical disorders of the heart always have their cause. When exposed to the root cause of these disorders, the disease itself disappears forever.
In an effort to get rid of heart disease, you must take into account your energy essence. Here lies the solution to many heart diseases. It is especially important to know the properties of negative energies and understand the structure of the human subtle body.
The cause of heart diseases is spasms, but the root cause of heart disorders lies in the properties of negative energies. It is negative energy that tends to cause spasms and many other physical disorders. Understanding the properties of negative energies is the key to understanding the root cause of many diseases. There are many properties of negative energies and they are not limited to spasms and pain. Strong negative energy can even lead to cell death at the site of its harmful influence.
What is the root cause of many heart diseases?
Any doctor knows that spasms of large and small vessels cause numerous heart diseases. In other words, the main cause of heart disease is spasms. It is the contamination of the structure of the human subtle body with negative energies that causes spasms and then numerous heart diseases. Each person can check this statement, having mastered the treatment with his hands. So, for some healers who heal with their hands, it is not a difficult task to relieve pain and spasm from the heart with one movement of the palms. Each person can independently master the methods of energy impact and treatment with his hands, only after getting acquainted with the article “The ABC of the Healer”.
Examples of the impact of negative energies on heart health.
Arrhythmia is a partial spasm in the heart muscle due to a charge of negative energy stuck in it.
A heart attack is the death of a part of the heart from a lack of blood supply to the organ. It is caused by spasms of blood vessels that supply the heart with blood. Here the influence of negative energies on the vessels is manifested.
Hypertension - high blood pressure is caused by spasms of the large vessels of the heart and brain. Influence of negative energies on blood vessels. The degree of energy pollution of the body determines the stages of arterial hypertension.
Hypertrophy of the heart - an increase in the ventricles of the heart and the organ itself from a constant load on it during hypertension.
So pain in the heart arises from the constant tension of the heart muscle and the properties of negative energies. Periodically occurring pain in the heart is a consequence of passing charges of negative energy. They are not as bad for heart health. Much more harm is caused by charges stuck for a long time in the structure of the subtle body. In this case, in addition to pain and spasms, permanent physical disorders will already appear.
Doctors themselves talk about the huge impact of stress on heart health. But this understanding is not entirely complete. Negative thinking does cause numerous heart diseases. The main connection between negative thinking and illness is that a person creates negative energies within himself. From an energetic point of view, stress is a long-term birth of negative energies that pollute the structures of the human subtle body. Man himself is to blame for many heart diseases. Giving birth to strong negative charges, a person pollutes himself. Man, in fact, throws dirt at himself. Here one should not be surprised at the appearance of numerous diseases.
External influences on people should not be discounted either. After all, there is also a harmful energy effect on a person, the so-called black magic. Influencing the energy of a person, it is quite possible to cause real physical harm to health. Producing violations and pollution in the subtle plane, they then pass to the physical level.
There are many reasons for human pollution with negative energies. The main thing is that a person turns out to be unprotected as a result of his low spiritual level. The initial cause of diseases is that a person has weakened his connection with God and he repeatedly violates spiritual laws.
Love heals sickness.
Love should be understood as a special energy that purifies and heals. The Energy of Love is produced by the high Spirit of a person, and it was with this power that the saints could heal. The source of this energy can be the person himself, and another source of Love is God. Every person can heal himself. Giving birth to the high energy of Love in the Soul (which is felt as warmth in the chest), everyone is able to cleanse themselves of negative charges. The fiery energy is the strongest of all, it cleanses any negativity, the root cause of the disease.
You need to know well that the greatest harm is done by a person to himself. It consists in the birth of negative energies. These negative charges then exert their harmful effects on human health. So, for example, negative energy flows from the coccygeal chakra of a person up the channels of the back. At the level of the shoulder blades, this negative charge enters the chest. Here, the charge will either get stuck in the chest or come out, it all depends on its strength and the frequency level of the energies of the person himself. Pain and tension in the lower back speak of just such pollution by negative energies. Drug treatment can only mitigate the effects of heart disease. It is possible to be completely healed only by deep energy cleansing.
Diseases and energy pollution of a person are always preceded by discord in the Soul. If stable negative programs have appeared in the Soul, then there will be the birth of negative energies. As a result, this leads to energy pollution of a person. Diseases in this case will not keep you waiting long. That is why it is so important to monitor the purity of your Soul and purify it from negative programs with high energies.
In this aspiration, one can turn directly to God and receive from Him this cleansing energy of Love. There are now many opportunities for this and appeals to God are given. Special prayers-appeals to God that purify the Soul are given by the Creator Himself in the Revelations of the Creator.
If a person turns to God correctly, one can even feel the ray of the Creator softly touching the crown of the person. Correct treatment strengthens the channel with God, and high energies heal the body and purify the Soul. With sincere conversion, you can even feel the warm energy of Love inside. This power always heals and brings everything, including health, back to normal.
The pure structure of the subtle body is true health for life. It is the energy impact on the disease that allows you to completely get rid of the disease.
Real health really can't be bought. Only complete inner purity allows avoiding many diseases. Energy purity is the foundation and foundation of good human health.


The healer is the same person as others, with the only difference that he is endowed by God with some properties that are clearly manifested.

The qualities that a healer possesses in addition to unusual abilities are patience, good nature, mercy, attentiveness, responsiveness to someone else's grief, the ability to empathize, determination, sincerity instead of self-interest.
A healer is a person who not only has certain character traits and special knowledge, but is a person of high spirituality.
Such people are characterized by a high degree of sensitivity (sensitivity), they are able to see, hear and feel what others do not hear or see.
Hand treatment has existed since ancient times, the most famous healers are Jesus Christ, Saint Matrona, Juna. In the 21st century, hand treatment began to be called Bioenergetics.
Treatment with hands sometimes works wonders, because all healings are healing with energies, cleansing from internal negativity and removing the negative influences of other people. We are talking about a negative - energy-informational impact - the evil eye and damage, removing breakdowns in the biofield, that is, eliminating the leakage of bioenergy, saturating and pumping the organs with energy, aligning the biofield, clearing the chakras, restoring the patient's energy, charging water, and so on.
Words of Jesus Christ -
A healer is someone who can inspire faith. The tongue pronounces words for human ears, but the Soul will hear only the Soul that speaks to it.
Jesus' message to healers
All people are brothers and sons of God. The possibility of appeasement is also in your hands. Healers! Invest in the healed the foundations of spirituality, give him a future, do not forget about him, do not leave one walking in the desert in a world of temptations and mirages. If not you, then others will take you away, make you a destroyer of your own life, the lives of other peoples, nations, states. Those who, in their recklessness, in a frenzy of greatness, will blow up the Earth, taking away from it the best - Nature and Humanity.
From the apostolic service of God to the healer came the ability to heal, but this gift should be increased in order to heal, and not cripple one's soul with wealth, robbing the orphans, the poor, the poor, suffering in longing for God.
Treat the poor for free, those who only have money for money, and donate the wealth you receive to the improvement of the nature of a person’s spiritual life. (Jesus) Healers! be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Healers, help your brothers and sisters who are on the road to God, but avoid others. Jesus - my true followers will equal me in their deeds, some will even surpass me.
About diseases, Jesus Christ said that God sends all human ailments as a punishment, therefore, in order to get rid of them, first of all, you need to understand yourself.
Illness is a signal of trouble in life and a visible proof of the violation of the Laws of Being established by the Creator from the beginning.
Harmony is health. Discord is a disease.
Deterioration of health and ailments are clear signals that a person is going the wrong way.
We treat diseases like disasters, we try to be treated to eliminate them, while diseases are a warning given to us about our mistakes. Illness and suffering are a necessary condition for the perfection of our Soul.
Understanding the causes of one's suffering and illness is the main condition for purification and recovery. This is a lesson that is given for the man himself to overcome his vices and shortcomings.
The suffering of the Soul and Spirit is the only and shortest way to God. The ability to heal suffering is nothing but a spiritual gift. When treating with hands, the healer restores the deficiency of vital energy, the lack of which leads to disruption of biological processes in cells and the accumulation of toxins, as well as to insufficient activity of organs and, as a result, to illness. The healer, eliminating the cause of the disease, thereby removes the disease itself. While traditional medicine treats the consequences of the disease, and not its cause, using mainly chemical effects or surgery for treatment.
Chemistry affects the entire body, and the effect of such treatment is only short-term as long as the drug works. In addition, all drugs have side effect, and getting rid of one disease can easily get a new disease. Therefore, treatment by hands of the underlying causes of the disease, and not its external manifestations and consequences, is more effective. However, the result depends on the professional qualities of the healer.
Any person can determine the ability of a healer. Usually the patient feels warmth emanating from the hands of the healer, or tingling, cold, “buzzing” on the skin, or clearly experiences other sensations in the body.
The level of the healer is also indicated by his reputation. It happens that a healer is approached with a disease of extreme severity, when the healer can no longer help the patient, a true healer will not charge for the lack of results.
The results of treatment may be different, but the complete healing of a person is possible only after he himself changes his worldview and attitude towards God.
There are many diseases, and the degree of their neglect is individual, which requires certain forces, energy and time from the healer.
As for the payment for treatment, everything here is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the situation. Why? Because it is impossible to evaluate the health and life of a person in money. Health and money are incommensurable. And what is wealth worth if there is no health - the second basis for happiness? The healer must also soberly assess his abilities and, if he understands that he cannot cure, he must honestly say about it and refuse treatment.
For a healer who heals with his hands, it is important that the energy received is absorbed from the outside, because the healer acts as a conductor, and not an emitter of his own energy. The transfer of one's own energy is an extremely dangerous practice, as it can lead to loss of health.
In addition to knowledge about treatment, you need to have a high level of energy, because it is the energy capabilities that determine the healer. It is necessary to manage energy, and this is available only to a small number of people.
Keep in mind that a high level of Spirituality (the ability to generate high energies with your Spirit, such as the energies of Love) is the main condition for a true healer.
Unusual abilities of the healer are not placed by special knowledge and moral and volitional qualities. But still the main thing is high Spirituality.
It rarely happens that all the qualities described above are concentrated in one person. And this explains why there are only a small number of good healers.
There are few real healers today. Time has shown that healing people is not an easy task, and often simply ungrateful. But real healers continue to heal.
As in any business, experience and practice matter here, because in order to cure a patient, you must first find the cause of the disease, understand what caused the disease: stress or feelings, or negative thinking.
For example, the heart suffers from malice, and the stomach from constant anxiety, the kidneys from fear, the liver from anger. Strong emotional experiences that you experienced years ago can manifest themselves in the form of pain over time and turn into an illness.
Strong resentment, grief for the departed, unbearable longing or all-consuming anger can lead to cancer.
In his activity, the healer faces a problem - people do not like to work with the Soul and do not engage in their Spiritual development. They do not want to change the character traits that caused the disease. As a result, the disease can return back and the effect of the treatment will be only temporary.
All illnesses are the result of sins that cannot be forgiven. They must be redeemed by beginning to act in accordance with the laws of Nature. Illness and suffering are the exact proof that a person has not developed the ability to bring his condition, his life into harmony with the outside world.
All the illnesses and sufferings that people endure make you think and realize yourself, your actions and the reasons that led to ailments. But the main reason for the deterioration of health is the rejection or ignorance of the laws of the Spiritual World, which, like ignorance of criminal laws, does not exempt from punishment.
Sickness and pain can have one cause. The word "Pain" in translation from Greek means - punishment.
But many decide to dump their problems on the healer, not wanting to change, change their thinking, lifestyle and outlook on themselves. Such people would rather die than change their lives.
But there are other causes of the disease - the negative impact of one person on another in order to harm health. Scientists have only recently recognized such phenomena as damage, evil eye, curse, and so on. All of them received a common name - negative-energy-informational impact. Such negative impacts lead to illness and even death. And traditional medicine in these cases will not help!
The main healer is God, having felt the Love of God on himself and in himself, a person will be able to become a healer for himself, because a spark kindles a flame.
The healer is only a conductor of vital energy, and that is God's will, without his will the healer would not be able to heal and would not be endowed with unusual abilities. For it is said by God: What is good and good in you is from me, but what is bad in you is from Satan. And this is true, we either let God into our hearts, or listen to the instigations of the devil.

Purification of the Soul.

The most important essence of a person is the Soul, and it is she who determines his special individuality. During life, under the influence of circumstances and negative thinking, a person changes for the worse and, much less often, for the better. Psychologists are working on this problem, but they have not achieved much success. It is necessary to take into account the energy component of a person, since it is in the Soul that all his negative and positive qualities are hidden.
Creator's words:
What is the Soul, such is the Man!
(Dictation dated 01.11.04, verse 41)

During life, a person can give birth to strong negative energies, accumulating them in subtle bodies, which then already affect him negatively. A person, as it were, accumulates his negative experience, which becomes part of his essence. The human mind absorbs all of its emotions and thoughts, like a sponge. An example can be the negative influence of television, which, by programming the minds of young people, pollutes their Souls. So it turns out that a person then brings his negative experience for the rest of his life. If you wish, you can find an example of such negative programs in other people that act destructively on them.
How stronger man polluted by such negative accumulations, the weaker is his connection with God. A person begins to make more and more mistakes in his life. In this case, due to the pollution of a person’s energy, he will have numerous diseases.
The state of the Human Soul is a variable value and, quite possibly, its change, both for the better and for the worse. Changing the essence of a person for the better is quite possible - this is the path of energetic purification of the Soul and subtle bodies.
The structure of human subtle bodies is very complex and it is not at all easy to clear it of accumulated negativity. To cleanse the consciousness of a person, a long exposure to high energies is necessary, and this explains why only a few have managed to succeed in this. When purifying the Soul of a person, only positive thinking will not be enough. To dissolve dense negative accumulations, high and highest energies are needed.
It is very important here that a person strives to purify the Soul and separate everything negative from its essence. It is difficult for many people to understand the value of purification of the Soul. A person sometimes grows so close to vices and sins that sometimes he cannot see them in himself.

Purification of consciousness is a way of life of a person, where the result does not come immediately. The assertion that it is possible to cast off all sins at once and quickly purify one's Soul is a self-deception. Even with the fire of Love in the Soul, purification will take months, and possibly several years.

The main means of purification of the Soul is high energies. Prayer in the purification of the Soul is the most important condition, since it is the channel with God that gives the cleansing energy. It is for this that special prayers of purification and strengthening of the connection with God are given in the Revelations of the Creator. To whom the thought rushes, a connecting energy thread is established with Him. If a person sincerely and with his Soul aspires to God, then an energy channel is formed between the person and the Creator, through which the purifying fiery energy flows. But a person, giving birth to the energy of Love in the Soul, can also gradually purify his consciousness. The best way to purify the Soul is to receive the Fire of Eternity from God.

Creator's words:
I offer you a New World!
I propose a new stage of development
your evolution, but requiring
from you not contemplation, but difficult and
at the same time great work on
yourself, over your consciousness and Soul!
(Dictation dated 24.09.06, verse 23)

Cleansing is a constant discipline of thoughts and breaking off one's negative states. This is absolutely necessary, since bad thoughts, being negative energy, will hinder the purification of the Soul.
Surprising as it may seem, but every person, with his striving for the purification of the Soul, is quite possible to get rid of all his vices and negative traits. But to purify a person's consciousness, a lot of high energy is needed, which, like a solvent, purifies any negative, including karmic energy.
Separating the wheat from the chaff.
Starting the purification of the Soul, it is necessary to know some of the difficulties of this path. The principle of purification lies in the fact that the energies inside a person flow from the Soul into subtle bodies, according to the principle of communicating vessels. High energy, entering the subtle bodies of a person, begins to gradually dissolve negative accumulations in them.
Purification of human consciousness is complicated by the fact that the dissolved negative comes out only in the opposite way. The path of negative energy follows from the subtle bodies, through the chakras, into the human body, and sometimes the negative comes out somewhat painfully. You can track the release of negative energy by pain in the chakras. Pain and tension in the groin area means the exit and purification of negative energies from the corresponding subtle body. The final exit of processed negative energies from the body goes mainly through the parietal chakra, which sometimes causes headaches in a person.
A person is like a piggy bank, where a certain amount of negative energies has been accumulated. After cleansing and the release of another negative program, a person feels an unusual relief and lightness, as if he had been cured of an illness. With the purification of a person's consciousness, his energy capabilities will also increase greatly. Following the path of purification of the Soul, a person's life will gradually become brighter and easier.
It is quite possible for each person to purify his Soul from all his vices and negative traits, which is called enlightenment. How easy it is to live without your negative essence, only a person who has passed this path to the end can say. Happiness is, first of all, a state of mind.
Everything negative that is in a person, one way or another, comes out and is manifested by negative actions. How not to hide, and what is inside a person, then outside, in his affairs. If there is a dark clue inside, then in a certain situation there will be a negative energy response, manifesting itself in bad thoughts and then in actions. Dirt always breeds only dirt. If, however, there is Love in the Soul of a person, then the deeds of a person will be bright and righteous. By separating the bad and dark from its essence, a person becomes purer, and therefore better.
It is not easy for a person to change, it is possible only with the desire for internal purification with high energies.
The discipline of thoughts and the quality of emotions are very important here, but the main guarantee of success in the purification of human consciousness is a long-term exposure to high energies.
Many people are in a state of uncertainty when they have good and bad at the same time. Only you can not serve two masters at the same time: God and the devil. From the duality of a person and the lack of a clear position in him, many troubles occur in his life. It is difficult to go two ways, and therefore a constant internal struggle will go on in a person, when the mind wants one thing, and the Soul wants a completely different one. It is not easy to tear off a negative scab from one's essence, and only a person who has chosen such a path can do this. The result of the purification of consciousness will be the improvement of the psychological state of a person and the strengthening of his health.
Surprisingly, but having cleansed, a person cannot do evil at all, and everything negative inside is discarded like a husk and unnecessary garbage.

Man's main choice.

Purification of the Soul does not happen in one day, it takes months and years of deep purification. During this period, a person will have a discrepancy between the high energies of the Spirit and the low vibrations of his polluted subtle bodies. Therefore, during the purification of consciousness, the Spirit of a person will either flare up, or be suppressed by negative energies coming out of subtle bodies. Only in the complete inner purity of a person, the highest energies are born.
A person is a generator of energies and only he himself determines what kind of energy contribution he makes: for destruction or for creation. And high energies are the most valuable contribution of man in the construction of the Universe.
Cleansing is the path for those who aspire to God with their Soul and stubbornly strive to get rid of everything negative inside. Each person is endowed by God with the right of free will, and only he himself can start a general cleaning in his Soul. The soul is a diamond in the frame of a person, and only in complete purity will it shine like a bright sun.

Pollution of the Soul.

Oddly enough, but many people do not even think about their main essence, the Soul. Without following the purity of his Soul, a person acquires most of life's troubles and numerous health problems. Internal negative programs in the Soul of a person are the cause of many vices, phobias and fears. It is these negative programs that complicate the life of both the person himself and those around him. The same programs cause various negative psychological states in a person and the birth of negative energies leading to illnesses. The human soul is a generator of energies. If a person develops negative vibrations, then they destroy him. In other words, the state of a person's Soul determines his entire life, from personal well-being to health and family happiness. That is why it is so important to monitor the purity of your Soul.
Everyone knows that small children are angels in the flesh, but over time, all these qualities go somewhere. The sparkle of the child's eyes and the purity of his thinking are irretrievably gone. In the formation of a new personality environment has a big impact. Therefore, it is so important to write information on the child's consciousness without viruses and negative programs. Otherwise, a person will act under their influence. The person himself is a set of different positive and negative programs, and together they determine his individual personality. A person cannot act contrary to them. In this case, there is only one solution - cleansing from all negative human programs. (See the article ''Purification of the Soul'' and the book ''Freeing the Mind from its own vices'' by Arastoum).
It is extremely important to monitor the purity of your Soul and protect it from pollution. After all, it is much easier to prevent the contamination of the Soul than to purify it later with great difficulty.

Human programming.

Many programs for the child are installed by the parents themselves. Parents of a child themselves are sometimes carriers of such negative programs. That is why it is so important that the record per person is from a clean medium. Otherwise, parents will give their child the wrong program of life.
Other programming means of influencing a person should not be discounted. So no one will deny the enormous power of the impact of television on human consciousness. Many people feel the negative impact of television, but they often underestimate this harm. This is due to the fact that sometimes there is not enough knowledge.
The principle of pollution of the Soul and consciousness is that the same type of thoughts and states of a person are combined together. According to the law of similarity, one large formation is formed - this is the birth of an energy essence, which begins to influence the character and essence of a person.
Through his words, emotions and thoughts, a person records his experience, which becomes his essence. This experience is acquired and programmed especially effectively in strong emotional states. That is why the influence of television on the minds of children is so harmful. Television is a huge force of influence and programming. Like any force, it can be directed both to creation and destruction. At the moment, this force is aimed at destruction. Fortunately, more and more people understand that the TV is a window of evil into their home and refuse it completely.
Television should be treated with great care, not letting any dirt into your Soul. In order not to be led by all sorts of manipulators and programmers, you need to put a filter on your consciousness. Each time, you should think about the main message and what remains in the balance. By revealing the root program that they want to install on a person, he becomes more free. Television is only a tool, but you need to evaluate it by its fruits. Seeing these fruits, you involuntarily come to a disappointing conclusion.
Horror films are programming in a person of various fears.
The main message of many films, that money is the main thing, is the installation on the mind of a person of a program of greed at any cost.
Scenes of sex and violence are programs of permissiveness and lust.
The militants are programming malice and aggression.
The installation of these negative programs on a person is massive and persistent. Thus, there is an installation of vices and sins on the consciousness of man. All this is a single set of measures for the formation of a slave psychology in a person. Nothing here is by chance. Television thus became an instrument of the dark forces in the service of Satan. All this leads to the suppression of the human Spirit, which ceases to generate high energies. The more negative programs in a person, the lower the frequency of his energies. The human spirit in a negative environment ceases to produce the energy of Love. This is how a person is led away from God.
Programs of submission and fear begin to be established in childhood. By instilling a herd program in a child from childhood, they seek to deprive him of his special individuality. All these are the same activities for the formation of obedient and shy sheep from the children of God. The same arbitrariness of the police serves the purpose of programming people's fear of it.
Contamination of people with negative programs affects their personal lives. When two halves have a polluted consciousness, this internal dirt easily ruins their relationship. It is difficult to expect strong relationships in people with their imperfection. As a result, many people never find their soul mate. Just as stubbornly, real Spiritual Love is substituted for the definition of carnal actions.
Many people have a growing feeling that they are not being led down the right path. And this thought never goes away. Can the path that leads to the contamination of the human Soul be correct? As a result, negative programs block a person's connection with God, making him unhappy. It is the state of the Soul of a person that determines: with whom he is, with God or with the devil.
Every person needs to clearly understand that God is as real as he is. There is also a devil. Regarding understanding the essence of the devil, there are many false television versions. The Devil is an energy entity of great negative power. But even the devil cannot do anything with a person if he does not have dark clues. With complete purity of the Soul and consciousness, even the devil will not be able to influence a person. In essence, these negative programs will have an impact on him. Sometimes a person's dependence on the devil becomes so strong that he completely acts on his lead. In this case, the person himself becomes only a generator of negative energies, becoming an assistant to the devil. As a result, from the son of God, a person turns into a servant of the devil.
God works only by Love.
So that humanity does not repeat the fate of past lost civilizations, God directly addressed his children in the Revelations of the Creator. In them He gives people the only way to save them. The essence of salvation is to purify the Soul and change their energy essence, this is a mandatory pass to new world. The Creator Himself offers people a completely different world - Divine control on Earth. For the accomplishment of God's administration on Earth, the participation of man himself is also necessary. If people do not take the outstretched hand of the Creator, then this world may suffer the fate of past civilizations. So far, people walking with God are still not enough. There are even quite a few people who consider the words of the Creator himself unworthy of their attention. But without a person's desire to cleanse the Soul from darkness, it will be difficult for him to expect a bright future.
A person's life passes rapidly and inevitably the time comes for summing up. Usually people think about this only before the court itself, at the end of their lives. Few people think about the purity of their eternal essence - the Soul. Many people do not even realize that any of their crimes is clearly seen by God. Not only the deeds of a person, but even all his thoughts do not escape the attention of the Creator. Many people do not understand at all the tremendous destructive power of their words and thoughts. It is quite possible for a person to avoid judgment on Earth, but it is impossible to escape from the Supreme Court.

The curse is what it is.

The mere word curse immediately frightens someone, since this is a common reaction to everything unknown. It seems that, like bad luck, it is inevitable and there is absolutely no salvation from it, although this is not at all the case. Any problem can be studied in detail and go step by step until it is completely resolved. It is the same with the curse, where, armed with an understanding of its essence, it no longer turns out to be so frightening. There is an opinion that the curse is a very rare phenomenon and there is very little chance that it will affect me. It is also believed that it is impossible or almost impossible to get rid of the curse. Both statements are not entirely true, since curses are quite common and can be removed. To do this, you need to sort out the problem on the shelves and understand what a curse is.
The essence of the curse.
The curse is an energy formation, a clot of especially stable negative energy. Its location is in the subtle bodies of a person, with penetration into the energy of the physical plane. According to some observations, it is found only in the two lower subtle bodies. Since the subtle bodies are divided into the left and right manifestations of a person, the curse can only be in one of them.
This negative formation completely blocks the movement of energy in the channels and chakras, and causes severe spasms in the places where it is located. With the development of the sensitivity of the hands, the energy of the curse is felt as sharp and numbing the first phalanges of the fingers. This energy formation is weakly susceptible to extraction and dissolution even by high energies, which also complicates its purification.
The curse is created not only by black magic specialists, but also by ordinary people with their strong negative states. During a strong anger, a person’s message with a dark plan is strengthened and a curse charge is created. Many people don't even think about how easily they create curses. Some have gotten into the bad habit of constantly producing curses, but they know little of the consequences of such thinking. The destiny of such people is incurable diseases and many misfortunes in life.
So it seems that there are no consequences for them from bad words and strong negative emotions. But here the reverse mechanism for a person is turned on. Having generated a curse, it first penetrates into its structure of subtle bodies and then begins its destructive action. As you sow, so shall you reap, these words are quite suitable for a curse. Negative consequences like a boomerang hit first of all the person who cursed himself. Not realizing that thoughts and words are a great power, many use their right to create with a destructive purpose. When communicating with each other, energy exchange occurs between people. Sometimes it is unpleasant to be with a person, but at the same time the reason itself is not realized. This happens when a negative comes from another person, because of his energy pollution or with vampirism. Having created a curse, it is sent from Soul to Soul by the power of thought and penetrates into the essence of a person. The consequences do not come immediately, but this is precisely the time when the harvest of human messages is ripening. A curse is always a negative influence that affects all areas of a person. For example, a charge of a curse causes spasms, and this is how many incurable diseases appear. The high density of this negative formation very steadily pollutes the energy of the physical plane. The energy of the curse can completely block the channels of the legs, and in this case there will be various problems with them. With such pollution, it is quite possible to expect the appearance of hypertension in a person, because one of the properties of this energy is to cause spasms. Treatment with drugs in this case will only mitigate the consequences of the disease. Psychological problems also occur, from emotional instability to more serious consequences. All the destructive consequences of the influence of the curse can be listed for a very long time.
So, it may seem unfair that the thoughts and words of one have their negative impact on another, but this is reality. To protect against such negative impact , you must strive to be internally clean yourself, since dirt sticks only to dirt. As an example, we can cite a person who sent curses. In this case, his structure of subtle bodies will be clogged with such negative formations. The consequence of such pollution will be the penetration of part of the charges into the human body, which will cause incurable diseases. They will be incurable because until the curse is lifted and cleansed, the disease will not go away. For example, the curse energy stuck in the pancreas causes diabetes. Because the pancreas has muscular pores that produce insulin, which act as pumps, when exposed to the sharp, spasm-inducing curse energy, they stop working. In this case, the pancreas stops producing insulin. So, bad emotions and words of a person turn into a real serious illness. That is why it is so necessary to understand that human thoughts and emotions are energies that cause both illness and other misfortunes. At the same time, it takes very little time for a person to create a curse, and getting rid of it is much more difficult. It's always easier to destroy than to fix it later. It is not necessary to assume that curses are only a problem for other people and this does not concern me at all. Only a saint is completely protected from this problem, and therefore illusions about his purity here will only be harmful. Often people have curses of little power, but in large numbers due to their constant negative thinking. Human life does not always go smoothly and therefore anyone can have such a negative load. In a person's life, there can be unwanted meetings, as well as one's own mistakes. Perhaps these will not be the strongest charges, but they can also cause harm. A collection of such garbage will cause illness, both for him and his entire family. Often the curses of parents against completely strangers come to their own children, who then become seriously ill. That's why it's so important to watch your emotions and words. You should know that all born emotions and thoughts of a person are his native creation, which always returns to its creator. Any thought born by a person and all his energy messages tend back to the creator. That is why you should not grumble at God for your serious illnesses and be dissatisfied with the fruits of your harvest. Cursing others, a person curses himself and his relatives. Failure to understand this is not an excuse, because ignorance of the laws does not exempt a person from punishment.
The consequences of the negative influence of the curse are by no means limited to diseases. Often such a destructive influence affects personal life, from the inability to earn a living, to the difficulty of starting a family. Thus, the hidden negative influence of the curse everywhere brings only discord and illness to a person. You can diagnose the presence of a curse by feeling the energy itself with your hands. In the physical plane, it is not so difficult to determine it, but it is much more difficult in subtle bodies, which sometimes complicates the diagnosis. Indirect signs of a curse are apathy, drowsiness and fatigue. Recurring troubles in a person's life can also be the result of such an influence. Obviously, a curse is not the best companion in a person's life, and therefore anyone has a desire to get rid of it.


Getting rid of curses is perhaps the most important part of energy cleansing. Without purification from them, the frequency of a person's energies decreases, which will be a constant obstacle in his development. Curses with energy plugs block the purification of the Human Soul and almost completely block the radiation of Love. There is only one remedy against the curse - these are the highest energies, where the right actions are the key to success.
The first step is to diagnose and determine if you have a curse.
The second step is to realize the cause of this problem, which can be both external influence and self-creation of curses.
The third step is repentance and regret for your mistake, expressed to the Higher Forces.
The fourth step is purification with the help of one's own or external energies, through the help of the Higher Forces.
In striving and preparing for the cleansing of curses, it is advisable to monitor the purity of your thoughts and words. This way it will be much easier to purify, since all the possibilities of high energies will be directed exclusively to dissolving the curse, and not to clearing away the garbage of thoughts. Unlike spoilage, which can only be removed by running around in a chicken egg, it is more difficult to cleanse itself of such a formation. Cursing itself is difficult for several reasons. Firstly, the energy of the curse is quite resistant to being dissolved even by high energies. Secondly, the main charge of this negative formation is located in subtle bodies, where it must be neutralized. Of the means of purification, a person has the energy of Love and Divine Fire. Of the two possibilities, the second variant of purification should rather be chosen. For many, it is simply impossible yet to generate the energy of Love on their own, and often just because of curses. Even the great power of the energy of Love copes with the cleansing of the curse not so quickly. Many people simply do not have such opportunities yet, and therefore, purification by the Divine Fire remains. It is possible to make an appeal to the Higher Forces yourself, but it is better to use a ready-made prayer. See Prayer that delivers from all curses (Mikhailov E. September 20, 2004)
When neutralizing any stable negative formations, the main thing is to dissolve them to such a state that they will be able to leave the human energy. The principle of high-energy pressure works most effectively here. It is a large flow of high energies, like a pressure washer, that quickly blurs even curses. A stream of such great power could be created by the saints, and it was not difficult for them to save a person from illness by the power of the Spirit alone. Since negative energies always have a high density, in order to extract them from the structure of subtle bodies, the curse must first be dissolved and weakened.
When turning to the Higher Forces, the curse first breaks into parts, and then the final neutralization of the charge occurs. In this case, it is possible to feel how the weakened energy of the curse comes out of the subtle bodies. Penetrating into the human body, this residual charge sometimes creates some discomfort, but this is a normal cleansing crisis. Listening to your inner feelings, it is quite possible to even feel the movement inside the negative in the energy. Sometimes after the release of the remnants of the curse, you can even smell a bad smell.

When receiving purification by the Divine Fire, one should be grateful for such help, since the energy of the Higher Forces is spent to help a person. Such gratitude can be expressed by him in grateful messages of Love.
The result of this cleansing will be a feeling of lightness and cheerfulness. So each person can get rid of energy formations that destroy his life. Armed with an understanding of the essence of the curse and the principles of purification, this problem becomes less frightening and completely solvable.

The most important question of the origin of man has not yet found its unanimous and clear opinion. The most important knowledge about the essence of man turned out to be quite blurry for many people. And without a clear understanding by a person of his roots, it is impossible to move on correctly. Without knowing his true essence and place in life, a person cannot find the right vector of development. On this important issue, there has been a division into several opposing camps, where everyone is completely convinced that they are right. At the same time, some firmly speak about their Divine origin, while others, confidently relying on Darwin's theory, assert that man descended from apes. Here it can only be noted that at least one camp of opinions is completely mistaken.
In other words, in the most important knowledge of the essence of man, there is a mass delusion. Let's start with Darwin's theory. It is already noted in the title itself that this is only a theory and version of only one person. The fact that this theory was massively introduced into the minds of people does not at all speak of its truth and veracity. After all, until recently, all people were sure that the Earth was flat, and a person with a different point of view was simply burned at the stake.
But for many people, their own Divine origin is just as difficult to perceive. It so happened that the most important knowledge about its origin does not have its clear and precise understanding. Disagreements about the origin of man do not find common ground. Supporters of Darwin's theory would even like God to appear to each of them and personally prove to them his existence. But now even science in its deep research is already finding evidence of the existence of the Higher Mind. Therefore, atheism is not at all a sign of progressiveness, since it limits the understanding of the true essence of man. And the biggest mistake would be to say that man descended from apes. The question is quite acute. Is man descended from a monkey, or does he still have a divine origin? The answer to this question will give that fulcrum, starting from which, a person can find the right path in life.
The frequency of God is Love.
At all times different prophets and saints constantly spoke about the Soul, Love and God. At different times, these special people often spoke of the Soul as the main essence of man. Not perceiving the existence of his Soul, a person signs in indifference to himself. A person who has recognized the existence of his Soul immediately raises the question: who created his own Soul? Here everything begins to converge on God as the Creator of the Human Soul. But, recognizing that the Soul of man was created by God, one should also recognize one's own Divine origin. Recognizing the existence of your Soul, you need to perceive its path in Eternity, understanding the life of a person as development in school. Some come to Earth for development, others with their own special task. However, the environment created for people does not at all contribute to the development of the Soul. Everything is arranged in such a way that only a negative environment has been created for a person to suppress his Spirit and pollute his Soul. As a result, a person is led away from God and his true Divine essence.
The question of the origin of man was not at all for the prophets and saints, since they knew exactly about their relationship with God. All these people were on the same frequency with God, and this frequency is Love. By analogy with the receiver, the Soul of each person can also be tuned to a different frequency. Here lies the important thing that the prophets of the past tried to convey. It is the transition of the human Spirit to the energies of Love that connects it with God.
Religion, on the other hand, forms its position on this issue quite vaguely, sometimes defining a person simply as a servant of God. And a huge number of religions and spiritual practices also do not give here a clear understanding of the origin of man.
Fortunately, true knowledge about the essence of man has come today in the dictations of the Creator himself, in the Revelations to the people of the new age.
Even numerous spiritual practices are too vague and often replace genuine spirituality. Spiritual practices and the increase of spirituality should be based in their essence on the word Spirit. Many of the spiritual practices have nothing to do with true spiritual growth. Spirituality means raising the frequencies of the energies of the Spirit to the height of the vibration of Love (fiery energy). It is called fiery energy because during the transition of the Spirit to this vibration, warmth and even heat are felt in the chest. Love is the state of the human spirit. This energy first cleanses the Soul of a person from everything negative, ridding him of duality. In the future, in a person, the enormous inner potential laid down by the Creator is revealed. Only one - the only key - Love can reveal the potential of God in a person.
God is Love and Wisdom, and He can act only with these qualities. Every Father wants his children to be like Him and have the same qualities. Therefore, the accumulation of wisdom by a person and the transition to the frequency of God is the path to God. In this true aspiration of man, he will be given lessons and clues, whether it be, as it were, a chance meeting or a book. Help a person spiritual development always goes constantly, but from the misunderstanding of these lessons by people, numerous mistakes occur.
Various religious delusions and conscious lies about the origin of man contribute to this misunderstanding. Controlling intelligent animals is not difficult at all. Some can be confused, others can be bought, and others can be simply intimidated. It is only necessary to convince people of their animal origin. Dominion over the children of God is impossible. That is why people are convinced of their animal origin, deceiving deliberately and thoughtfully. If people learn about their Divine origin, then they will immediately have to revise the entire system of control over people. Therefore, people's understanding of their Divine essence will be limited in every possible way.
The main secret lies in the fact that a person is a part of God, he has all the potential of the Creator and all his great possibilities. But only the transition to higher energies allows us to unleash this potential. The frequency of God is Love, and it makes a person free and similar to God, revealing the enormous inner possibilities laid down by the Creator. This Divine potential was revealed to varying degrees by saints and prophets. They showed people numerous miracles and the possibilities of God inherent in each person. This potential of God in a person can be manifested only by the frequency of God - Love. The prophets and saints of the past constantly spoke about this, calling on people to discover the enormous possibilities inherent in them by God.

Appeal to the Creator.
A man once, in great emotional agitation, turned to God:
- Lord, what to do? There is so much evil in the world.
Suddenly, unexpectedly and distinctly, he hears in response, only one word - Love.
After recovering from surprise, the man asked again:
- Lord, but how is this possible?
Again sounded the same answer - Love.
- Yes, but ... - the man tried to object, and was firmly and at the same time affectionately stopped by a voice from above - To love.

Over time, a person was able to realize the simplicity and wisdom of what was said, realizing that to love does not at all mean to love evil, that evil cannot be defeated and reduced by sowing evil.
Evil always only multiplies evil, and it can only be reduced by sowing Love, Love, which multiplies Love, reducing evil in this world.

Love is harmony and balance.
Love is the language of the universe and the energy of creation.
Love is the energy of Eternity.
To love, first of all, means to radiate with your Spirit the energy of Love, the most powerful energy in the Universe.
Love is the way to God.
Yes. The only way to God is the pursuit of Love, for God is Love.
Strive for Love without attachment and dependence, without expecting anything in return, pure feelings for the other. True Love is only Spiritual.
Only by learning to Love the way God Loves does a person receive the Fire of Eternity.
The Fire of Eternity is the Spirit burning in Love.
The Fire of Eternity is the most precious gift of all, and whoever receives it from God will never exchange the Fire of Eternity for all the gold in the world. For the real treasure is hidden within each person.
Having learned to Love as God Loves, a person receives from God the Fire of Eternity, which ignites the Spark of God in him.
The Spirit of God is fire. Fire in the chest (in the Soul) is a sign of fiery energy - Love.

It was like a burning fire in my heart.
Prophet Jeremiah

The most important test for a person is to know God in himself and accept his Divine origin, and this is possible only through Love. Love is the truest desire and aspiration of the human Soul.

With Love and the connection of two signs (Yin and Yang), an energy phantom is created, the Essence of a high vibration frequency (Man - the Creator).

Revelations of the Creator

A whirlwind of sensual Love elevates to God and happiness, Love is the greatest gift of God and your Lifebuoy. Only those who have received the Fire of Eternity and the opportunity to radiate the energy of Love with their Spirit can realize this happiness.
The Fire of Eternity is a gift from God and receiving it is the most important thing for a person.

The main thing for a person is the perfection of the Spirit to the heights of the Creator!
Revelations of the Creator

Only for perfection of Soul and Spirit the person on the Earth.
To know God in man is the essence of being. And you can know God only through Love, finding in yourself a similarity with God. This is the highest gift and a person with a burning Spirit, a person radiating Love becomes God's helper on Earth and in the Universe.

For Love - Harmony, a person needs to ensure energy neutrality with himself, with the world around him, including nature and the people around him!
Revelations of the Creator

Neutrality in energy exchange allows you to achieve Perfection in the Harmony of the two Great Laws of Eternity.
Revelations of the Creator

The pinnacle of the evolution of Co-Knowledge is energy neutrality.
Revelations of the Creator

Only in Unity with each other, while synchronizing feelings and aspirations, a person can reach the level of a high Order and become a Whole.
Revelations of the Creator

LOVE is the only feeling given to you by me as a pledge of your return to me.
Revelations of the Creator
Love is the harmony of the Higher Self.
Love your neighbor as yourself - this is the key to the Kingdom of Heaven.
More mature Souls are given the main exam - Love.
When sending true Love, it reaches the Creator himself and returns to the person already repeatedly strengthened back. The spirit of such a person ignites from the Love of the Creator.
Warmth and heat in the chest (in the Soul), as well as a state of happiness, a sign of the Spirit being ignited by descending energies.
The spirit, rising higher, becomes lighter and more enlightened.
Only by seeing an ideal in another person and truly striving for Love, one can receive the Fire of Eternity.
To ignite the Spirit, the feeling of Love must be pure and stable.
A person needs to prove that he knows how to love and is worthy of the attention of the Creator.
Only in sensual and pure Love with trembling in the Soul, one gains a direct connection with God - the primary source of Love.

Fulfilling the destiny of God, a person receives the Fire of Eternity in the Soul, when I ignite the Divine Fire of Love and Harmony.
Revelations of the Creator

The soul of such a person is gradually cleansed of everything negative by the energy of Love and gradually begins to shine.
Having cognized Love, a person in his Spirit cognizes God and this becomes his new essence.
Love is the resonance of the frequencies of man and the Creator.

Finding such a resonance with the Creator is possible only through Love.
Like attracts like. The love of man and the Love of the Creator rush to each other, gaining a constant connection.

Constantly having a connecting thread with the Creator, a person receives Love and the Light of Truth (wisdom).
A person who has a Spirit in Love is always an assistant to the Creator.

The transmission by a person of Love coming from the Creator to his neighbor is the main condition in this World and the main condition for the possibility of the next incarnation along the path of evolution.
Revelations of the Creator

After the purification of the Soul, the Spirit in Love has a completely different future next to the Creator.
Such a Soul can never be subject to decay.
Only those who opposed themselves to the laws of the Universe are swept away.
Only those who developed in obedience to the Divine Will survive.
The soul aspiring to Love goes to the Creator.
Soul and Spirit in Love is the path to Eternity next to the Creator.
According to the law of gravity, the Soul cleansed of all sins rushes up.
The law of similarity (like attracts like) guarantees the Spirit in Love a place near the Creator.

Be pure as children and you will gain the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus Christ

My dream is to see children nearby.
Revelations of the Creator

Love is harmony of the highest standard and it happens only when a man and a woman complement each other and create a cell of the highest Harmony of the Universe.
Revelations of the Creator

Love on Earth, testing and comprehension of balance, balance of forces, comprehension of Truth and Faith, is the first test or trial step of a person towards harmony with Eternity.
Revelations of the Creator

The main test is the achievement of Love.
Revelations of the Creator

Energy health of a person.
Hygiene of the Soul is the foundation of your health.
Healer's alphabet.
Healer practice.
Treatment of heart disease.
Purification of the Soul.
Pollution of the Soul.
Damn, as it is.
divine origin of man.
The Fire of Eternity is the Gift of the Creator.

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There is a special category of folk healers who use church paraphernalia, Christian symbols and prayers from the Orthodox prayer book in their practice. It is known that a practicing occultist is indifferent to God, he is not interested in communion with God, but in earthly self-interest, achieved by correctly performed magical actions. These same healers will tell you that they have no self-interest and that they treat only by turning to God. Indeed, not spells from magic books, not frightening rituals, but prayer, the cross and the Gospel are demonstrated before the astonished gaze of a gullible client. This phenomenon used to occur mainly in villages, but now, distributed through the Internet and advertising in the media, it has become almost ubiquitous. If people are still intuitively afraid of sorcerers, then such healers inspire confidence with Christian symbols, more dear and close to the soul.

What is this phenomenon?

It seems that this type of healing is irrefutable from the point of view of the Orthodox spiritual life. However, let's remember a good Russian proverb: "Not all that glitters is gold." If someone says about himself: “I am healing by prayer,” then this should already be taken with caution (of course, he may not utter this phrase, but simply act as a healer, for whom church prayer is one of the forms of treatment ).

Strictly speaking, no one can heal by actually reading prayers. After all, in genuine prayer we turn to God, and therefore prayer assumes that God will act on the person who is praying and on the one for whom he asks, therefore in genuine prayer we entrust ourselves and the one for whom we are praying into the hands of God. This means that the very expression (or idea) is not appropriate: "I heal with prayer." In prayer, we can only turn to God, Who, if it is useful, will give us what we ask for, and if not, He will not give it, even if you beat your head on the floor. Prayer is not a tool for manipulating other people, but only a humble request that brings to the fore the will of God for this person, and not your proud desire. Therefore, in the temple at the divine service, each litany (that is, a petition) ends with the exclamation: "Let us commit ourselves and each other and our whole life to Christ our God." So it is impossible by itself to read the prayers to change the physiology of another person. Only God can act healing by His grace, and we can humbly ask Him to give, if He pleases, healing. God helps those whom He Himself considers useful, and therefore reading the prayer rule is not yet a guarantee of receiving what is asked for.

It is important to feel the fine line here. It is one thing when, in the event of a dangerous illness of a neighbor, Orthodox Christians decide to pray for him - they gather together or pray separately. After all, there are special prayers in the Church in which we ask God for health. “Pray for one another that you may be healed” (James 5:16), says the Holy Scripture. Prayers are served in the temple for the health of the soul and body, there is the sacrament of unction (unction), thanks to which many have risen from the bed of the most serious illnesses. Of great importance is personal prayer, the adoption of a special prayer rule with the Lord's request for healing. Everything is clear here: we pray to God for the recovery of the sick person, and if this does not contradict the will of God and serves the benefit of the sick person, the Lord heals or alleviates his condition. “Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his handmaids, and they began to give birth” (Gen. 20: 17), - an example of such a prayer is given in Holy Scripture. And although in this case a holy person is mentioned, there is no need to scrupulously look for someone who is “closer” to God, so that he would pray for us. Using rumors about holiness, you can get on a scammer, mentally ill or in delusion. The Lord blesses the obvious service to people only to some ascetics, and then after a long feat. Therefore, it is better to turn to the priest, for prayer is his ministry, as well as to a close, loving person who will pray to God with purity and sincerity for recovery. “And the prayer of faith will heal the sick” (James 5: 15).

Another thing is when a person is encountered who expresses, as it were, his special position - “I am healing by prayer,” and church prayers are used as a kind of mysterious device that switches a person’s state from illness to health. Let's say a person comes to such a healer with a headache, and he says: "Nothing, now we subtract the prayer rule, I will put my hands on your head - and it will pass." It only means that this person there is still the same mysterious, that is, occult, ability to influence another person, but not with the help of extrasensory passes or witchcraft spells, but under the guise of Orthodox prayers. A certain prayer rule is perceived as a formula that helps, provided that the patient entrusts himself to this healer. It is in this case that the words of the psalmist David are appropriate: “Let his prayer be unto sin” (Ps. 109: 7), or the words of God Himself, spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “When you stretch out your hands, I close My eyes from you ; and when you multiply your supplications, I do not hear” (Isaiah 1:15). The effect of healing does not occur due to witchcraft rituals and conspiracies, but due to the special extrasensory mood of the healer, who conveniently uses the textual structure of prayer as a conspiracy suitable for him personally.

Indicative in this case is the general rule that such healers never had a church blessing for such activities (although sometimes they assure that they have it). They do not differ in diligent church life, but they are especially not inclined to participate regularly in the sacraments of confession and communion. And what exactly such people never have is a serious spiritual guidance, a confessor, with whom they would consult about their own lives. The Lord Jesus Christ, addressing the apostles, and in their person to all the priests, said: “He who listens to you listens to me, and he who rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me” (Luke 10:16). These people, it seems, are not against the Church, they use items sold in the church shop, but at the same time they themselves turn out to be somewhat isolated from the Church.

Here is how a modern pastor describes the experience of his meeting with such a healer: “At the very beginning of perestroika, a middle-aged woman from the Komi Republic came to me for confession, about a year ago she visited a church for the first time in her life, where she bought several icons and a prayer book. At home, she hung the icons in a corner and was just about to pray, when suddenly her neighbors, elderly spouses, came to her. Seeing an icon in the corner, they began to wonder what it was. As the woman explained, no one from their village has ever been to the church, because the nearest one is at least 300 kilometers away. She answered their questions as best she could and offered to pray together according to the prayer book she had just bought. The neighbors stood nearby, and for the first time in her life she began to read prayers for him. The next day they came again and said that both of them had had pains after her yesterday's prayers: in the husband - in the ear, and in the wife - in the lower back. Of course, God's mercy is immeasurable. In a situation where the inhabitants of a remote village had no one to hear about God from, He could at some point send His help through a completely non-church woman in order to call people to Himself in this way. But the trouble is that after this incident, the villagers began to turn not to God, but to this woman, about whom the fame of a “healer” went: the neighbors began to send all their friends to her for help. And it never occurred to her that the evil one could build his intrigues here. Moreover, she did not know either the commandments of God, or the essence of Christian teaching, or the purpose of the Christian life. Up to the age of 47, she lived the life of the most ordinary Soviet person, with all the features of his thinking, culture, worldview and lifestyle. It is quite understandable that over the years this woman has accumulated many sins, including mortal ones, but she never repented of them and did not even know about the need for confession, as well as many years of work to eradicate sinful habits and attachments. This helped the demons to inspire the woman that it was the Lord Himself who had chosen her to heal people through her. The thought that she, with all her sins, was unworthy of this, never entered her head ... However, the Lord did not leave her without admonishment, giving her the opportunity of a voluntary choice. She suddenly “accidentally” ended up in our church on the very day when, in a conversation before confession, I spoke about such tricks of demons. After the service, she came up to me and told me her story, trying to find out if her suddenly manifested “powers” ​​belonged to the same series of demonic phenomena that I spoke about. This woman believed that the purity of her case was guaranteed by the fact that she did not read anything but prayers from the Orthodox prayer book and did not take any other actions. Naturally, she thought she had the power to heal from God, and unexpectedly and for free. It was not easy to talk to her. She really didn’t want to part with the role of a “healer” in order to turn back into an ordinary, unremarkable woman.

The Monk John Cassian the Roman wrote about it this way: “Whoever wishes to command unclean spirits, or miraculously give health to the sick, or show before the people any of the wondrous signs, even though he calls on the name of Christ, he is a stranger to Christ, because, arrogant with pride, he does not follows the Teacher of humility." So this is a question about very subtle substitutions. If everything in our world were immediately presented in its true light, then people would not know temptations, temptations, but would immediately see the essence of the phenomenon and draw appropriate conclusions. Unfortunately, throughout the history of sinful mankind, people are mistaken, and what seems to them at first one, then, with a closer acquaintance, appears in a completely different light.

Somehow the author of these lines met with a man who claimed that Christ appeared to him and was talking to him. This man was a tractor driver. He bought a candlestick for the temple in Sofrino - according to the will, as he said, of Jesus Christ. “Yes, yes,” the worker repeated, “He Himself told me to buy for the temple, in fact.” When we asked the “seer-witness” whether he was sure of the truth of his revelations, he answered with deep conviction, complained that the priests did not believe him. He warmly recalled hearing “higher” truths: “I’m driving across the field, my eyesight is weak, and he (that is, that invisible creature who pretended to be Christ. – V.D.) laughs, says: “What, blind fool, don’t you see?” ”In this situation, everything is obvious. Where in the Gospel does it say that the Lord laughed, that He used stupid earthly remarks? However, this strange invisible being recommended to his contactee to go to the temple and even donate to the church. This means that the apparent integrity of something: behavior, moral instructions, doing good to others - can be completely alien to the grace of the Holy Spirit, alien to the Lord Jesus Christ. “Your piety is like the morning mist and like the dew that soon disappears” (Hosea 6:4), let’s say in the words of the prophet Hosea. Indefinitely, it can offer something “good”, because this ancient, cunning creature has distant plans that stretch beyond the limits of earthly life. Naturally, if it occurred to the seduced person to heal others and perform miracles (at that time this was not noticed), he would make such requests to an invisible companion, who would immediately play to his advantage in his “prayer to Christ”.

Now let's look at the problem we are considering from another angle. Many people do not distinguish between the main and the secondary in their lives. Since in the first place they have physical health, material well-being and family happiness, then all attention is devoted to gaining this. Even when they come to the temple, such people think not about saving their immortal soul, freeing it from the networks of sin and communion with God, but first of all about earthly prosperity, for which candles are lit, change is donated to a church mug and rare prayers are said. It is clear that with such an attitude to life, healing received in a near-church way is already considered as a criterion of truth.

The consciousness of the majority of people does not allow visible health to be given by a person leading a life that is not pleasing to God. Since the disease recedes, and the healer acts with prayers and Christian symbols, it means that he is undoubtedly pleasing to God. On this occasion, St. John Cassian the Roman, in conversations “On Divine Gifts,” said: “A person betrayed by obvious vices can sometimes perform amazing actions and therefore be revered as a saint and a servant of God ... and the one who is confident in himself that he has the gift of healing, haughty with the pride of the heart, he experiences the most grievous fall. From this it happens that the demons, with a cry calling people who do not have any properties of holiness and no spiritual fruits, show the appearance that their holiness burns them and they are forced to flee from those possessed by them.

However, the occultists themselves like to refer to the well-known fragment of the Gospel, in which the apostles inform the Lord: “Teacher! we have seen a man who casts out demons in your name, and does not follow us; and forbade him, because he does not follow us. Jesus said: Do not forbid him, for no one who has done a miracle in My name can soon revile Me. For whoever is not against you is for you” (Mark 9:38-40). By mentioning this quotation, occultists are setting a trap for themselves, because they openly testify that they do not follow the Church, although they do not seem to be against it.

The well-known interpreter of the Gospel, Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, explained the quoted text as follows: “At the beginning of the (Gospel) sermon, it happened that some, prompted by the passion of love of glory, wanted to perform signs, but seeing how powerful the name of Jesus was, they called on him and thus performed signs, although they were strangers and unworthy of the grace of God. For it was pleasing to the Lord that the sermon be spread even through the unworthy.” Before Pentecost, the mere mention of the name of Christ already performed miracles. So it was at first (signs were performed even through “those who were inspired by the passion of love of glory”, “alien and unworthy of the grace of God”), until the council of the apostles received the Holy Spirit sent down by the Savior, thereby becoming a holy Church and having received the power to perform more significant signs and miracles.

When the Church triumphantly marched through the world preaching the Gospel, we encounter a different situation. In the book of Acts it is written: “Even some of the wandering Jewish exorcists began to use the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying: We conjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches. This was done by some seven sons of the Jewish high priest Skeva. But the evil spirit answered and said: I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you? And a man in whom there was an evil spirit rushed at them, and having overcome them, took such power over them that they, naked and beaten, ran out of that house ”(Acts 19: 13-16). It follows from this that evil spirits are afraid not of those who only call on the name of the Lord, but of those who are in communion with the Church and participate in its sacraments.

It is important to understand that in true prayer it is not the words themselves that work, but the power of the One to whom a person addresses through prayer. A Christian believes in God and turns to Him through church prayer; in response to prayer, God overshadows the Christian with His grace-filled power. If a Christian creates in his soul a distorted image of the spiritual world, a distorted idea of ​​himself or of God (for example, a high opinion of himself as a special chosen one and healer or a heretical idea of ​​the spiritual world as a faceless energy source), his prayer, while in the very words, it does not reach God and is therefore fruitless. On the contrary, next to such a person are fallen angels who surround him with their demonic energy and can imitate good deeds, healings and the fulfillment of prayers.

That is why one of the stern warnings of Jesus Christ concerned illegal miracles under the guise of invoking His name: “Many will say to Me in that day: Lord! God! Have we not prophesied in Your name? and did they not cast out demons in your name? and did not many miracles work in your name? And then I will declare to them: I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of iniquity” (Matthew 7:22-23). Yes, they prophesied, and cast out demons, and performed many miracles, calling on the name of the Savior, but they find themselves without Him, because the very essence of the service remained extrasensory, and not grace-spiritual. The words of Jesus Christ Himself should be enough to understand the essence of the mentioned phenomenon.

Hand therapy works very effectively. It can be carried out contact and non-contact. Hand healing is practiced in many esoteric directions. Jesus also healed people through the laying on of hands.

With the help of hands, you can remove pain, treat internal organs, work with human energies. The information that will be below is intended to help yourself and in emergency cases to loved ones.

Every pain has its own cause and you need to work with the cause, not the effect. If the cause is not removed, the pain after treatment will return after a while. And so it will be until the cause is eliminated.
The disease is translated as: GOD-Heals-Knowledge. When treating a disease without understanding its cause, there is a violation of the law of the Universe and for this there is a karmic retribution. I write about the causes of diseases.
If you try to heal a person, then you prevent God from helping a person realize his sins through illness, and thus you take on heavy karma. At the same time, no safety precautions and magical techniques will help to avoid punishment.
However, hand therapy can be used for self-healing and it works well, but only for yourself and close relatives and only if.

Preparatory practice

There are energy centers in the palms of the hands. It is from these centers of the palms that the healing energy comes. You know this on a subconscious level. Remember, when you had a toothache or something else, you put your palm on the sore spot. So at the subconscious level, the body tries to remove the pain.

Therefore, everyone has the skill of treating with the palms. By learning to consciously heal with your hands once, you will be able to do it forever. This skill will stay with you and will not disappear anywhere.

Hands can both give energy and take it away.

First, we will learn to feel with our hands and prepare them for work. For the first practice, feel the living energies. To do this, you need to go to a tree or flower and put your palms on them. Try to feel what sensations are coming. It is difficult to describe here, you need to feel the energy of the living. Perhaps you will feel with your whole body, perhaps only with your palms.

Take a slow breath and mentally imagine that the energy from the tree or flower is moving to you. Pay attention to what feelings and sensations you have? They can be both in the palms, and in the body or around the body. Now you need to catch the subtle difference between your normal state and the state when you put your hands on the tree, take a breath and mentally imagine that the energy of the tree is transferred to you.

Do the same with minerals and icons. A raw egg may also work. Learn to catch at least some sensations and try to understand the difference between them.

People feel the energy of the Sun very well. Open your palms to the Sun and feel it. And if you can’t feel any of the above from the first time, bring your palms to each other and then spread them 20-30 cm, then bring them closer and you will feel how energies move between the palms. Once you get the feel of the energies, go back to the practice of feeling the energy from the wood and then the minerals or icons.

Practice so that you have the skill to feel the energies with your palms. Only then can you move on to the next practice.

Practice Adjusting Energy Centers

For all people, of course, if they are not saints, energy centers () work not 100% and it affects health. Now we will restore the chakras with the help of the palms. If you do not know where the chakras are located, the principles for opening them, go to the "" section and you will find all the necessary information there.

For practice, you need a candle. If you have any disease, start with the chakra that is causing you problems. If you do not know which problem corresponds to which chakra, ask questions in the comments.

Put your palms on the area on the area of ​​​​the energy center and sit like this for a few minutes. Pay attention to what sensations will begin in the body in the chakra area after you put your palms on.

Now light a candle and remember the rule "Inhale - draw in energy, exhale - release energy."

We take a slow breath and while inhaling mentally imagine how the negative, sticky and dirty energy from the chakra is drawn into the palms. Then we transfer the palms to the candle, make a slow exhalation and mentally imagine how this negative energy, which entered the palms from the chakra, now comes out of the palms and burns in the fire of the candle. At the same time, lightness appears in the palms.

If you have serious illnesses no, it is enough to do such pumping about 3-5 times for each chakra. It is not necessary to do the cleansing of the chakras in one go. The state of the energy centers depends more on our emotions, and not on cleansing.

How to remove pain?

Working with pain follows the same principle. We put our hands on the sore spot and hold them there for 1-3 minutes. Then, also with a candle, we draw out the pain and burn it in the fire of a candle. For some time, a short-term increase in pain is possible, but this may not be. Practice until the pain is gone.

Let me remind you once again that there is a reason for pain and you need to remove the reason, not the pain., but you can use hand treatment as an anesthetic.

Also, a good help in treatment can be provided by the right one. Download this practical guide and use it.

If you want to learn how to better feel this world, people, understand the true causes of the disease, become a healthy and happy person, I recommend going through charitable training « » , which will help you reach a new vibrational level and help you discover your abilities and talents.

Dear friends, I have prepared for you a practical guide, which includes dozens of the most effective techniques and practices for:

development of the brain, sensitivity to energies, solving problems related to health, gaining the skill of working with the energy of love, relieving psychological problems and mastering methods for changing fate.

All practices are personally tested, and they all showed high efficiency!

Go to the practical guide page >>>

I wish you sensitivity to energies and understanding the essence of the practice of treating diseases with your hands!


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