Air Force Day. Congratulations on the day of the Air Force (Air Force) Congratulations on the day of the Air Force

Air Force Day - congratulations

Winged guardians of heaven
Air Defenders of Russia,
We are not sorry for you on this day of words
And poetic festive efforts.

The fate of the desired sky has become you
Protect him from attacks
It is purgatory and temple for you,
You serve in it daily.

May your departures be easy,
And the sky over the Fatherland will be clear,
Russian military moths,
Reliable, proven people!

Air Force Day - congratulations

I raise my glass
For those who do not spare life,
Defended Russia from heaven
In the war, saving the honor of the Fatherland.

He went stubbornly to the ram
Risking your head
He gave his life, gave his love
In the name of life, you and me.

He is a pilot and fate is different
He, alas, does not see for himself.
The helm is a fiery hero!
And for him it’s a sin for us not to drink!

The spirit of those looking at the sky freezes,
The heart of those waiting beats in unison,
To our sighs your ears are dumb,
Reality is a flight, and we are a favorite dream.

We will love you like this
And secretly blow the dust off the wings.
Just come back safe.
Happy holiday! Winged and loved!

Air Force -
Glory and pride of Russia!
Gifts, flowers and applause
Today to you, aviation!

On guard of wide open spaces
Dashing patrols are on duty.
Well, what to wish them, who knows?
Let them just take off successfully!

And a soft landing for you!
Happy holiday! You are my aviation!

Air forces of the country!
We always need you everywhere.
To protect our sky
You brothers will fly

Keeping our peace!
And with a firm hand
You can fight back against your enemies!
Congratulations, good luck to you!

Russian Air Force Day - congratulations

Air Force Day
Glorious holiday of a great country.
We have their reliable wings
Much needed for peace of mind.

We need their strength and power
And confidence in the future.
Since the Air Force is on guard,
It means peace in the country.

Congratulations on Air Force Day

Air Force,
Today is truly your day!
Soul young and obstinate,
There is no laziness in work!

Thank you very much for your service
In which they have surpassed themselves!
Appreciate worthy friendship,
In which they have found success!

Air force, we haven't forgotten them
Great guys always served there,
And they serve now, and they will serve,
After all, someone needs to be in the military.

Radars, locators and aircraft,
The soldiers have enough work today.
Air cordons are protected here,
Soldiers have a difficult service.

We congratulate you on your holiday now,
And we are doing a clear sky today,
Let your rockets sleep like princesses
And now they don’t fly into a peaceful sky.

Holiday Air Force Day - congratulations

Russian Air Force - strength, glory, honor.
Russia has strong protection.
Here the steel birds keep their peace
Beautiful homeland - mother's own.
And today is a holiday, honors the country
The Russian Air Force ... will not sleep.


Being a pilot is a calling
You can't call it otherwise.
There is little patience, efforts
If you miss the moment, you will be lost.

From birth in the blood, love for the sky,
And the desire for freedom is strong.
The pilot, wherever he is,
Life has its own depth.

So let there be days, like in a fairy tale,
Full of magic and wonder.
And in the ladies - only bright colors,
Capable of soaring to the skies!

Funny congratulations on Air Force Day

Can't hold back the applause
On the holiday of aviation,
On the day of the brave pilots -
Navigators of heights.

Congratulations dear
You silver-winged
Conquering the sky -
Golden people.

May you love brightly
Everything in the world will come true
And the cherished ways
They will go through life.

Heaven is high for you
Dear falcons,
And thank you kind
For hard work!

Air Force Day - verses of congratulations and wishes

Let the thunder rumble from heaven
Like holiday fireworks!
For the Air Force holiday
People are drinking today!

With or without a gift
Congratulate them today
We drink to the Air Force
Favorite, golden!

Air Force Day in our country is celebrated very actively. Pilots and all employees of the forces receive a lot of congratulations on this day from relatives, friends and loved ones. But, as soon as it comes to wishes, we begin to understand how difficult it is to express everything that we so wanted to say. It's a good thing that today there is a great opportunity to find thousands of ready-made options. Congratulations on Air Force Day- an excellent solution that combines not only beautifully complex words, but also a deep meaning. Someone thinks that they are created only for tender girls, but believe me, beautiful and sincere poems that endow a person with a mass of beautiful phrases will not leave anyone indifferent.

When choosing verses, you certainly need to read more than one in order to find the best words that would clearly reflect your state of mind and expressed everything that you would like to say to your friend, acquaintance or close person. A wish can be strict and specific, or it can be comic and funny. So, as you understand, the choice is very serious. Nothing lifts your mood better than a congratulatory SMS in the morning. Note that it is better to make holiday SMS short, but essential. They should initially have a deep meaning, they should reflect your thoughts and desires. In general, here a serious choice awaits you, but the most important thing is that there are a lot of proposed options, which allows you to quickly find congratulatory lines on Air Force Day, which could become the basis good mood, fun, joy and positive.

All who serve and fly,
The sky conquers
Congratulations on the day of heaven
All air force pilots.
Behind your back is Russia,
All mighty country
On the protection of the whole world,
The Air Force is always standing.
Let luck not fail
And the plane takes off
Somewhere under the sky
Our pilot is watching.

Soar over the cities
Fly over the country
Wrapped in heaven
Your own plane.
A bird soaring in the sky
You ram the face of heaven
I wish to return
For the Air Force holiday.
Letting the sun pass
You on a wonderful journey
And look out the window
All those who are waiting at home.

In the abyss of bright, bluish waves of heaven,
The Air Force warrior soars near the sun,
The helm is squeezed by your strong hand,
The steel bird breaks the clouds.
I want to find myself in heaven
May the sun shine on your path
And only luck awaits ahead
You are the main thing always, my friend, fly.

Air Force,
On guard of mighty Russia,
Flying forward,
They take the plane into the sky.
And the clouds tear the turbines again,
Air Force,
And the pilot is precisely aimed,
He confidently beats the enemy.
Victory is inevitable
Russia is powerful, successful,
Thank you, sons of the Fatherland,
For the peace of an immense country.

The motor in the chest beats with happiness,
And winged hands in the sky
Fly where the sun shines
Where is happiness and insidious fear.
An order in the soul, and a moment of hope,
Fly to where the world of wonders
Let your life be as before
And there will be an eternal holiday of the Air Force.

You soar in the sky, like a wonderful Icarus,
And steel wings again caress the sun,
You have a divine gift from birth,
Friends are with you, like birds fly.
And there, in the height, on the border of the country,
You hold the helm, you direct the plane,
Thank you for your service, sons of Russia,
Thank you for doing your duty.

Poems sound and songs flow,
And somewhere there is a pilot flying
We will meet you again, loved ones,
Hold to native land flight.
After all, the native country is waiting at home,
Just come back to us soon
We are waiting, the family is bored,
Without you - beloved sons.

Happy Air Force Day
I congratulate you on this date,
And I want to proudly serve
Be a comrade and a blood brother.
May there always be love in the heart
And fate will bring only good luck
Your blood will not be shed in battle,
And the task will pass without errors.

Congratulations on Air Force Day today,
We wish you good luck on your flight.
So that the sky accepts you with a smile,
And the sun gently caressed with a ray.
Let the work be light and airy,
And the plane is always on guard with a gun,
And those missiles will be waiting for orders
Who want to fly around the world.
I wish you wonderful, wonderful days,
And we are looking forward to the holidays.

Happy holiday friend, conqueror of heaven,
With a great date, Air Force Day,
So that the plane flew into the blue,
You direct it only forward.
Sunbeam lights your way
As long as you don't turn off the road,
Pride and glory, courage and honor,
I know you have these qualities.
Peaceful sky, over our country,
This is your work, it is not the easiest,
The sky loves you, the Fatherland is waiting again,
Waiting for an airplane to fly in the sky.

For the engine to work perfectly,
And the plane was faithful to the pilot,
You always felt familiar
And the steel side did not creak under your side.
Squeeze the steering wheel, point the bird to the ground,
And don't let the chassis let you down
I wish that I could return soon
And cross the threshold of your home again.

There is nothing closer than heaven
When you soar into the clouds, counting the stars,
From the sun, eyes close again,
And my heart beats faster to the beat.
Like you're in God's arms
And angels hover around you
Here is honor and glory, and fear is unknown,
Saints are watching the flight.
Don't let the clouds fill your eyes
And the sky will be pure and submissive,
You conquer the skies again
And Russia will still remember your feat.

The air force in Russia has existed for more than a hundred years, however, before the October Revolution, Russian military aviation was called differently - the Imperial Air Force. At the dawn of the existence of the domestic Air Force, our aircraft took part in the First World War. It was then, in 1915, that the outstanding designer Sikorsky created the powerful Ilya Muromets bomber. During the Second World War, already Soviet military aircraft defended our homeland from fascism. By the end of World War II, their number exceeded the number of enemy fighters. The domestic air force was renamed the Russian Air Force in 1997, and in 2006 a fixed date dedicated to Russian aviation was set - August 12. On Air Force Day 2016, many Russian cities will host events and air shows in honor of the event, and Russian aviators and pilots will accept congratulations on professional holiday. Friends will exchange short SMS and even with poems, wives will congratulate their husbands by preparing a family dinner, children will give pictures of airplanes to dads, brothers and relatives.

Sincere congratulations on Air Force Day 2016 in verse

The Russian Air Force has become one of the strongest in the world. In 2015, the Air Force became part of the Russian Aerospace Forces. In 2016, our air defenders will be congratulated again. About traditions, new verses will be devoted to them, already known lines of poems will be remembered. During holiday concerts in honor of the Air Force, songs based on the words of the poets of the Great Patriotic War and modern compositions about the Russian air fleet will be performed. On August 12, you will also read the verse, addressing it to a friend or relative-pilot.

Congratulations on Air Force Day,

We sincerely wish you good luck

May you be lucky in any business,

Never know worries

You have no reason to be sad

Let happiness not let you go

We wish you peace and luck

Do not know sorrows and doubts!

clear peaceful sky

You guard steadfastly.

Be happy wherever

You have served - with dignity!

Congratulations on Air Force Day

Happy Sky Conquerors Day

We wish you easy flights

With you - good luck and courage!

Ah, those Air Forces!

Only the elite serve in them,

They are harsh but sweet

They are our protection!

We want to wish the servants

Less sad, tense,

Let every day be happy

Something to smile about!

Official congratulations to colleagues and colleagues on Air Force Day 2016 in prose

The significance of Russian military aviation for our country is so significant that many of us simply do not realize what complex, responsible and dangerous work the best of Russian pilots do every day. Today, the Russian Air Force is helping Syria fight terrorists and destroy their military facilities. Russian military aircraft are constantly being modernized, and our aircraft designers and engineers are actively involved in this. On August 12, all of them will be congratulated by the President of the Russian Federation, the top leadership of the country, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Space Forces, and colleagues. From TV screens, on the radio for pilots, congratulations in prose from Air Force veterans will be heard.

The Russian Air Force is our pride! Dear guys, courageous and purposeful, may the sky always meet you kindly and affectionately, and may your strength and patience be inexhaustible. Sometimes it is very difficult to maintain self-control, courage and endurance you do not have to take. The country is proud of you, our heroes, every day you put yourself in danger, guarding our peace! Be always in good health, good mood. We wish peace and tranquility always reign in your sky and heart, and peace flowers bloom in your soul! Congratulations in prose on Air Force Day to all aviators !!!

Even being far from home, in your hearts there is always a home and a sense of duty. Congratulations on the bright holiday, dear pilots - heroes of the sky, on the day of the Air Force!

We wish you only educational and peaceful ups without falls, conquering heights, incredible expanses, so that life flows easily and beautifully. When you fly in the sky, so that the angels of good luck soar nearby, protecting you from danger in any situation. You are very dear to us!

Good SMS congratulations to a friend on Air Force Day

There are legends about true friendship and mutual assistance in the Air Force. The profession of a pilot is both honorable and dangerous, and remarkably interesting. Having once become friends, pilots remain friends all their lives. Even after leaving for different cities or countries, they keep in touch, not forgetting to congratulate each other with kind, sometimes humorous, SMS. August 12, Air Force Day short phone messages Thousands of air force aviators and engineers will also receive congratulations.

You take off into the sky so boldly

And you look at us from above

With an iron bird skillfully

You are always in control.

Congratulations, my friend

Always be lucky in life

After all, as they say, who is looking for,

That happiness, of course, will find!

Thank you, slave, my faithful friend,

I know that you are behind

We flew in pairs, merged into one,

You are my fighting comrade!

You died a long time ago in an air battle,

When they covered Hanoi!

But I feel you always cover my back,

You keep anyone from trouble.

You are drawn to the stars, up, to heaven,

You are doing a great service there!

You are carried away into the distance, beyond the clouds.

Treasure the holy friendship of men!

So let many more years attract

Native blue over your head!

And each new let your flight

It will be successful, peaceful and calm!

Short and funny congratulations on Air Force Day 2016

Someone who, but the pilots know how to joke. So on August 12, having gathered in honor of Air Force Day for festive table, they will exchange kind, short and funny jokes and humorous congratulations. Someone, perhaps, will arrange a prank for a friend, sing ditties about aviators, recall comical stories.

Who is the real man?

Interest for girls!

We tell you not without reason -

The one who serves in the Air Force!

We wish you prosperity

Air force of the country!

Women's admiration for you!

Be true to the Motherland!

You took off under the sun a ray, broke the cloud with your wing,

I wish that you calmly put your “friend”,

The Air Force today will celebrate the holiday of the body and soul,

Hurry up to congratulate those who serve in retirement.

The flight path is the same everywhere,

And therefore I wish to live with luck on earth,

So that in the family and at work, there was order in heaven,

Fly another comrade and forget what fear means

Hooray, cheers for the pilots,

military aircraft,

Who all day long

Our air guards.

Let them not pop into the sky

Enemies from afar.

And so that you are not bored,

Drive the clouds!

Children's congratulations to dad in pictures for Air Force Day

Most Russian pilots have children growing up. Some of them have already decided that they will follow in their father's footsteps and work in military aviation. Kids who already know how to draw pictures will draw on paper how they see the work of their dad or brother and present it on Air Force Day. Children's congratulations are always dear to the heart ─ they are kept all their lives.

Congratulations to your beloved husband on Air Force Day

Women whose husbands serve in military aviation always support their beloved spouses. They know how serious and responsible work in the Air Force is. Each of them always congratulates her soulmate on August 12 on Air Force Day. It can be a personal gift, a generously set table, or a verse of your own composition.

Beloved husband, storm of heaven,

You protect our peace again.

You've been serving in the Air Force for a long time,

You are my fighter and my hero!

I wish you a good life

Yes, and whatever you want.

Let it be a joy to serve

For the benefit of the Motherland and us.

Happy Air Force Day to congratulate you

I hurry again at all times!

Today you can leave

About the service of thought, about deeds.

After all, this holiday, without a doubt,

Designed for relaxation.

So accept congratulations

And forget about everyone's problems!

Happy Air Force Day, I congratulate you,

And I wish you a clear, peaceful sky.

Let the motor never fail

And there will always be a soft landing.

I look forward to seeing you at home

You are my pilot, I love you.

On August 12, Air Force Day 2016, congratulate all your friends and relatives associated with the country's aerospace forces. If you are embarrassed to read poetry to your relatives, do it in prose. Children can draw pictures for dads, wives can prepare a candlelit evening for their husbands, friends can exchange short and funny SMS.

Congratulations! Congratulations!
On the bright holiday of the Air Force
We sincerely wish
Clean, peaceful skies to you!

And smiles and good luck
And the absence of enemies
Happiness to you, our heroes,
Endless shores!

Achievements and success
And significant awards
To carry out such a service
Everyone was overjoyed!

Air force -
Warriors of our country!
Glorious and good-natured,
You are so brave and strong!

You will cover our sky
From all enemies and threats.
Open the way for us to happiness -
We know this for real!

Happy Air Force Day congratulations
Our hearts will speak!
We believe without a shadow of a doubt
Your heroism - to the end!

We warmly congratulate the entire Air Force on a professional solemn day! We wish the conquerors of the air and the brave defenders only a peaceful sky above their heads, loving halves and lasting happiness on earth! We will not forget your heroic deeds in the service of the Motherland and will bear their memory for many years to come! Happy Air Force Day guys!

This is a miracle of miracles -
Holy holiday Air force!
Those who are intoxicated by the sky
Congratulations on this day!

To all the defenders in the world
We address these lines:
Happiness and inspiration to you!
Strength, good luck, mood,

And sincerity, and peace,
Live well, live beautifully
Protect our sky
Don't let us offend!

Navigators, mechanics, pilots -
Heavenly conquerors of roads,
You are always subject to aircraft,
For you, the first word is duty.

Do the job skillfully
Accurate calculations and your hand is firm,
On silver wings boldly into the sky,
Like birds you always rise.

Let the flights always be successful,
With love and a smile, they are waiting at home,
And let life be personal and hard work
They will bring many happy moments.

Happy Air Force Day, dear! Happy holiday of the confident, strong and brave. Every day you rise into the sky, so let it always be clear for you. You protect the tranquility of our air spaces, so let your every day be calm and confident. Let the wind of good luck always sing in the air under the wing of your plane, and happiness and love await you on earth.