Crafts from fabric seals squares. DIY dog toy made from scraps of fabric. Master class with step by step photos. Needle bed from shreds of fabric is ready

Master class with step by step photos for the production of the symbol of 2018 "Dog Patchwork"

Efremova Yulia Vladimirovna, educator of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 2 "of the city of Tula

My master class is addressed to those who are going to make a dog for a gift or interior decoration. I think this work will be interesting and useful for teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools, leaders of circles, parents, and all those who love to craft Original gifts with your own hands.
Goal of the work: making a toy dog ​​using the patchwork technique.
Main goals solved by this work: to be able to find the source of creativity in the most ordinary, to develop fantasy, imagination and artistic taste.
Every year, according to Eastern calendar, takes place under the auspices of any of the 12 animals. And a cute souvenir in the form of this symbol of the year has long become traditional New Year's gift. If it is not bought in a hurry at a sale, but prepared in advance or made with your own hands, then its value is measured only by the joy that you delivered to the recipient of the gift. 2018 is the Year of the Dog. So let's make a dog.
Everyone knows that domestic dogs are one of the species of the canine (wolf) family. They have wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, arctic foxes in their family. And the variety of domestic dogs themselves is amazing, according to various sources, there are about 400 breeds. Many of them are not only similar to their ancestors, but even to each other.

Among them there are giants and dwarfs, good-natured pets and formidable fighters and guards, as well as hunters, rescuers, etc. And there are many who simply decorate our lives, i.e. indoor decorative representatives of the breed. So my dog ​​will become not just a gift, but an interior decoration.
A small lyrical digression.
A long time ago, when they did not yet know the fashionable word "patchwork", our grandmothers were fond of patchwork. In the case were scraps of fabric, which it was a pity to throw away. Thrifty housewives sewed blankets, rugs, capes for stools, and pillows from them. People with an artistic taste quickly realized that it was possible to create original and different things from patchwork, quilted vests and bags appeared. In 1981, we published a book by M.E. Green "Patchwork", but it was almost impossible to get it.

But in the magazine "Worker" they printed a fragment on how to sew a dog out of squares. Based on it, I created my first large thing from scraps. Its size is 70 by 50 cm, and it successfully replaced the pillow. That toy dog ​​was the favorite of all the children who came to our house and, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. But the article from the magazine is still stored.

When the book by M.E. Green, I sewed on it patchwork quilt, in it my son was brought from the hospital. I take care of my grandchildren as a memory.

Many years have passed, and now whole pieces of fabric are specially cut into small pieces in order to get panels of extraordinary beauty. Here, for example, how it is.

Everyone knows the names fashion technician patchwork "quilting" and "patchwork". Remembering all this, I decided to create another dog from scraps. So, let's begin.
First of all, we need multi-colored pieces of fabric and scissors.

To make the blanks the same size, we make a template from cardboard. This is a frame measuring 5 cm on the outer perimeter and 3 cm on the inner.

On the fabric we draw both the outer square (we cut along these lines) and the inner one (we sew along these lines).
In total, you need to cut 60 squares. But it’s better to make another heel in reserve, if somewhere you don’t like the color combination.

Here is a schematic image of the future dog. For the head 6+6, for the body 8+8, for the paws 1+1+1+1.

We begin to sew, armed with threads and a needle or, faster, a sewing machine. The combination of squares in color to the taste of the master. It is easier to work like this: first we sew the squares in pairs, then two pairs together.

Two rows of 4 squares are the torso.

For the head, two rows of 3 squares.

We sew 24 squares into a ribbon that will connect both halves. All the blanks for the future dog are ready.

We connect the head with the body and add a square to the paws (see diagram). Now we begin to sew the ribbon to one half, then to the other. In order to turn the work inside out, leave the side of one square unsewn. You can do this on one of the paws, or at the tail. Carefully turn out.

Almost done!
Now you need to fill the dog and make a muzzle, ears, tail. For the ears, you can use a plain fabric. I cut off pieces from old terry socks and made semicircular ears different colors, blue and yellow.

You can stuff it with padding polyester, and add something denser to the paws for stability: scraps of fabric, cotton wool. I used old terry socks. The eyes and nose can be decorated in different ways, I made them from buttons.

The tail was first crocheted from colored threads, but it did not look good. I had to redo.

I tried to make it from the same fabric as the dog itself. We sew 4 squares along the length and fold in half, stitch, we get a tube, turn it inside out.

The dog liked the new tail, there is something to wag, and with it he became much prettier.

Well, our dog named LOSKUTIK is ready.

Subject : Toy cat from a square of fabric.

Target : Sewing a cat toy from a square of fabric.


1.Teach pupils to use scraps of fabric to make crafts.

2. Encourage creativity in completing the task.

3. To educate students in thrift and accuracy, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

The planned result of training, including the formation of UUD.


Verbal (conversation, explanation);

Visual (demonstration of a sample, photographs of the product manufacturing sequence, diagrams);

Practical (game, exercise, practical task);

Partially - search (determining the sequence of sewing toys from photographs).

shreds of knitted fabric, a sewing needle, threads to match the fabric, padding polyester for stuffing, scissors, buttons for the eyes, dark yarn for the antennae.

Lesson stage

Org. moment

Knowledge update

Statements of the new


Sample analysis



Practical work

Lesson summary


Teacher activity

Hello guys. Nice to see you in class. My name is Evgenia Sergeevna today we will sew!

What we will make in class today, you will learn by listening to the poem.

New Year, New Year,

And under the tree there is a red cat.

Eyes like light bulbs

Paws like cotton wool.

Apparently the sly cat knows

What to him for the New Year

Good Santa Claus

Brought a mouse in a mitten

There are situations when you can’t keep a cat at home, then fabric and some free time will come to the rescue to sew a cat toy. Let's remember what qualities cats have - they are affectionate, fluffy, soft

Today, each of you will have the opportunity to make your own cat.

Let's look at a sample toy. What parts does it consist of? Correct ears, tail, mustache, eyes.

Guys, let's take a break and get to work. (a physical minute is displayed on the interactive whiteboard)

Do not stick a needle into clothing.

Keep the needle only in the needle bed.

Do not leave open scissors on the table.

You can not get up from your seats and walk with open scissor blades.

In the course of work, I pay attention to compliance with safety regulations and compliance with the sequence of the toy.

The fabric for a soft toy should not crumble and should not be very thick, size 15 * 15 cm.

We bend the corner to the wrong side. Fold in half and sew along the basting line. We turn it inside out and stuff it with a padding polyester a little. Where the seam is the front side of our craft. We connect the very edge of the seam and the middle of the back edge, fasten with a few stitches. Got ears. Tail. Sew from the beginning of the corner to the middle of the line, tucking the edges inward. We tuck the edges and with the same thread we fasten the place where we stopped with a seam on the front. We lay the tail on its side so that the kitten can sit, and grab it with a few stitches. Mustache. We wind threads of a contrasting color on two fingers, tie them in the middle, cut off the ends. Glue or sew eyes and nose.

Well, now each of you has your own pet cat. Thank you all goodbye.

Student activities

Shreds of fabric are quite practical material for crafts. From it you can make: a sachet, a pot holder, a needle bed, a cosmetic bag, a case, a wallet, a carpet, a bedspread and even a picture. If you are overwhelmed old thing Give her a second life. Just cut it into pieces and create a craft. In this article we will look at: how to make crafts from scraps of fabric with your own hands.

A sachet is a craft with a flavored filler. It can be of any shape. Cinnamon, vanilla, lavender, mint, lemon balm can be used as a fragrant filler ... If you want to get rid of moths, then you should make a sachet with wormwood and put the craft in the closet.

You will need: scraps of fabric, threads, scissors, a sewing machine, pins, a simple pencil, satin ribbon, flavored filler, sequins, beads…

Master Class

A sachet of scraps of fabric is ready!

You will need: scraps of fabric, plain fabric, interlining, scissors, pins, threads, sewing machine, iron, tape.

Master Class

  1. Cut out a circle from a plain fabric, step back half a centimeter for allowances.
  2. Cut out identical triangles from the scraps.

  3. Attach the triangles on the circle tightly to each other.
  4. Attach each triangle to the interlining and iron to make the fabric stick.
  5. Stitch two adjacent triangles and iron the seam.
  6. Make a circle of triangles in the same way. Be sure to iron the seams every time.

  7. Cut out a circle of interlining the same size as the triangle circle.
  8. Connect the circles and iron to make them stick together.
  9. Sew the edge of the circle on the sewing machine.

  10. Make a circle of interlining for the top of the future potholder.
  11. Decorate upper part potholders in this way: place the tape along the edge, fix with pins and sew on a typewriter.
  12. Make a loop from a piece of ribbon and stitch to the circle.
  13. Attach a circle of interlining (item No. 10) to the wrong side of the potholder.

  14. Sew the circles together, leaving an opening.
  15. Turn the tack inside out and stitch the hole.
  16. Give strength to the product by making circular stitches throughout the potholder.

You will need: scraps of fabric of two types, scissors, needle, thread, cardboard, cotton wool, sewing machine, pins, button, simple pencil, iron.

Master Class

  1. Cut out a square of cardboard of the desired size.
  2. Trace a square of cardboard on a piece thick fabric. Take a margin of 5 mm for allowances.

  3. Divide the cardboard square into 4 parts.
  4. Attach the square to a less dense fabric, then cut out.
  5. Fold in the seam allowances on the heavy fabric on each side of the square and iron them.

  6. Bend to the center each corner of the square, fixing with pins.
  7. Flip the square over to make it a diamond shape.
  8. In the center of the rhombus, place a square with a less dense fabric.
  9. Bend the corners of the rhombus to the center, fixing with pins.
  10. Sew the corners together in the center.

  11. Bend the edges of the corners, forming folds.
  12. Sew the edges of the thick fabric with a blind seam.
  13. One square is ready, make 3 more squares in the same way.
  14. Sew 4 squares together.

  15. Sew one large square of thick fabric to fit the size of 4 squares, then fill it with cotton.
  16. Sew a button in the center of the needle bar between 4 squares.

The needle bed of shreds of fabric is ready!

You will need: scraps of fabric of 2 types, washable lining fabric, zipper 34 cm long, zipper pendant, interlining, threads, scissors, iron, thick cardboard, ruler, pins.

Master Class

A cosmetic bag made of shreds of fabric is ready! In the same way, you can sew a wallet, a phone case, a handbag. I recommend watching the video master class!

If you have accumulated a large number of small shreds, then create an original fabric with your own hands.

You will need: shreds of fabric, base fabric, tulle or organza, threads, glue web, baking paper, iron, sewing machine, ruler, floss threads.

Master Class

  1. Decide on the fabric size.

  2. Apply the adhesive web to the fabric base.
  3. Lay out the fabric scraps on the glue cobweb in a chaotic manner.

  4. Lay out the floss threads as a decoration.
  5. Put the tulle on top.

  6. Cover with baking paper and iron well so that all pieces of fabric stick to the glue gossamer.
  7. Embellish the fabric with multiple stitches using your sewing machine.

  8. you can use various colors thread.

At the moment, there are a huge number of different fabrics. But such a fabric is unique, and you will not find anything like it in anyone. From it you can sew pillowcases, covers, tablecloths, rugs and whatever you want. I also recommend an interesting article

Nowadays, fabric is used not only for interior decoration, for its intended purpose, but also in the form of various home-made elements and crafts: soft toys, paintings, decorative items, flowers and decorations.

Dining table decoration

Do-it-yourself fabric crafts are suitable for decorating a dining table, for which you will need the following: skewers, colored fabric strips, threads to match the ribbons, needles, a glue gun, scissors with a wavy or zigzag blade, beautiful buttons or beads.

Now follow certain steps in sequence:

  • make a blank of strips of fabric measuring 25x5 cm, cut it around the perimeter with scissors with a wavy or zigzag blade so that the edge is not straight;
  • fold the prepared strip of fabric in half with the wrong side inward. Baste the resulting double folded edge of the fabric with a basting. Basting stitches should be made the same to make the flower symmetrical and neat. At the very end of the basting, pull the fabric together so that the ends of the fabric connect and form a circle. The ends of the fabric, in the places of their connection, be sure to sew.
  • insert the skewer inside the fabric circle, between their wrong sides, and fix with glue.
  • decorate the core beautifully with beads or shiny buttons with a glue gun, at the same time hiding the seam.

Women's fabric jewelry

For fabric decor, you will need: stretch or lycra in bright colors, a decorative chain, clasps or miniature clasps, a glue gun, wire cutters and scissors.

Now let's start the process.

Fabric preparation. Cut the fabric into strips 1-1.5 cm wide. Take them by the edges and stretch them in length so that the edge wraps up in the form of a cord.

Weaving process. You can weave different ways without restrictions and established rules. You can even use the technique of weaving baubles or use knitting needles (crochet), or simply weave braids.

The more confusing elements there are, the more spectacular and fashionable it will look. Remember to leave small ends for attaching them to the chain.

Chain attachment. Attach the woven creation to the chain, choosing the desired length of the necklace. Make a clasp or lock on the chain.

fabric toys

Fabric toys are still in fashion. For example, a couple of tilde bears, he and she. To do this, it is worth preparing: patches of white calico in the amount of 2 pcs. 30x30 cm, piece of calico with a small blue pattern, piece of calico with a fine pattern Pink colour, threads of appropriate colors, synthetic winterizer (silicone or holofiber), a simple pencil, scissors, needles, cutting paper, sewing machine(but you can also sew by hand).

Coarse calico of white color must be repainted in light beige. Darker for him, lighter for her. This mixture will help you: in 3 cups of boiling water you need to dissolve 3 tsp. coffee and 1 tsp. PVA glue and rock salt.

You need to immerse the fabric in it and hold it for dyeing until the mixture cools naturally. Then straighten the fabric, dry and iron.

For getting light tone instead of coffee, use tea bags in the amount of 2-3 bags.

Prepare patterns for the future product in advance, cut the fabric on them. Control the direction of the fabric during the pattern.

Sew identical paired elements on a typewriter or sew by hand. Hearts need to be stitched and twisted through the hole left for this.

It is enough to leave no more than 3 cm of fabric at the seams, it is better to cut off the excess.


We fill all the received elements with synthetic winterizer or similar material. For your convenience, you should do this in the process of stitching the elements.

Do not overstuff the arms and legs of the product so that it is easy to seat.

You need to sew the elements of the product from top to bottom. First the ears to the head, then the head to the body. The paws are fixed with hidden seams, threads to match the fabric to make them invisible.

The eyes and nose of the bears must be embroidered with threads in the form of knots. Highlight cheeks with ordinary decorative blush. Patches and hearts are attached to finished products, after stuffing them with synthetic winterizer.


Most flowers are made from used children's clothes of natural cotton fabrics, as children grow up quickly and the clothes remain.


Bright fabrics with floral or vegetable colors are ideal, a graphic pattern will also work.

You will need templates to cut the fabric. From these, cut out two large flowers, four smaller ones, and one of the felt fabric for the base of the flower, which will support the petals and shape the appearance.

Lay a couple of the largest petals on a felt base, then, as the size decreases, the remaining petals, fold the small ones four times.

Fix the petals together either manually or with a clipper. To decorate the center, cover the button with fabric and sew in the center. An ordinary button, beads or beads will do.

Fabric panel

In the form of crafts for the home, create a fabric panel. To do this is not difficult at all. Enough desire and imagination, and this can be realized with the help of improvised materials.

From denim you can create a lot of crafts with your own hands: jewelry, toys, bags, wallets, paintings and more.


Fabric crafts can be given to children, relatives, friends and acquaintances. A gift made with love and with my own hands- the best!

Photo of fabric crafts

Beautiful, bright and unusual toys can be sewn with your own hands from the remnants of fabric using the patchwork technique (from the words patch - a piece of fabric, work - work). The art of patchwork is popular all over the world. From small pieces of fabric, whole works of art are sometimes created. In every house you can see a bedspread, a cape or a rug sewn from pieces of fabric with your own hands by your mother or grandmother.

Recently, sewing toys from patchwork has become very popular. Children are very fond of playing with rag toys, especially if they are sewn by the good hands of their mother. Cheerful dolls and animals made of multi-colored pieces of fabric fill the house with warmth and comfort, delighting your loved ones with their sweet charm.

Any hostess in the house will always have a considerable number of multi-colored pieces of fabric left over from sewing any things. For the manufacture of a rag toy, trimmings of all types of fabrics of different sizes and colors are useful. The patchwork technique is not at all difficult to master if you have a sewing machine, a little free time and a great desire to create.

Tools and materials

The patchwork technique is good because it does not require special tools and large cash costs. To make a toy from the remnants of fabric, you will need tools and materials that every needlewoman always has at hand:

  • Scissors, sewing needle, sewing machine, safety pins, colored threads, thimble.
  • Cardboard, tailor's chalk, pencil, tailor's measuring tape, triangle ruler.
  • A few remnants of fabric, buttons, synthetic winterizer for stuffing, braid, beads and other decorative elements for decoration.

Sewing a toy from the remnants of fabric begins with a pattern. Schemes describing the work can be found in needlework magazines or on Internet sites. The algorithm for sewing patchwork toys with your own hands is almost always the same:

  • Having chosen a toy model, we make its pattern out of paper.
  • Using a crayon, transfer the details of the paper pattern to pieces of fabric.
  • We cut out the outlined parts from the fabric and sew them according to the scheme, leaving holes for stuffing.
  • Then we fill the toy with padding polyester, sew on eyes, nose, mouth and decorations.

Using your imagination and skill, you can create real miracles with your own hands from a few pieces of fabric. But we want to reveal to you a few secrets that will help your creations become even more beautiful:

  • Patterns are best done on cardboard, then they will lie tightly on the fabric.
  • It is advisable to draw on the fabric only with a tailor's chalk, pencil or bar of soap.
  • You need to cut out the details of the toy along the shared thread to avoid skewing the fabric.
  • It is undesirable to use cotton wool as a filler for toys, because when wet it can fall off and the toy will lose its appearance.
  • Instead of padding polyester, you can use small beads for stuffing, which will be useful for developing the motor skills of the child's hands.
  • If you have an old toy that has lost its appearance in your house, you can rip it open and get a great toy pattern. By applying imagination and slightly changing its details, you can sew your own unique masterpiece.

For a more detailed study of the patchwork technique, we bring to your attention several original lessons and ideas for making toys from shreds with your own hands.

Patchwork rainbow fish - master class

We need: a few bright remnants fabrics, a piece of felt, synthetic winterizer, safety pins, two buttons, a sewing machine.

Step one: print the pattern using a printer and cut out the details of the fish from paper. The pattern is already given with seam allowances.

Step two: attaching the details of the patterns to the shreds, circle them with chalk and cut them out. Draw a heart on a piece of felt and cut it out as well. Having folded the fabric in half, we cut out and cut out 4 parts of the fins, as shown in the diagram. In the same way, we cut out 5 scales, sew them along the contour, turn them inside out and stuff a little padding polyester into them.

Step three: we pin one pair of scales to the half of the body of the fish. On top of the scales we pin the detail of the fish as shown in the diagram, stitch it together with the scales and turn it off. Then we pin three more scales.

Step four: on top of the scales we put the head of the fish, stitch it and turn it off. In the same sequence, we sew the fins stuffed with padding polyester. We put the sewn half of the fish with the front side on the fabric. We sew all the details along the contour, leaving the tail not stitched, and cut it out. In rounded places, we make notches on the allowances for the seam so that the seams do not tighten.

Step five: we turn the sewn fish inside out and stuff it with padding polyester. We sew the sections of the tail by hand, as shown in the diagram. Sew a felt heart on the ponytail. Then we sew on buttons-eyes. Cheerful bright fish, made by hand, is ready.

Cheerful elephants in the technique of "patchwork" - a master class

We need: a few pieces of fabric, pattern paper, scissors, safety pins, a sewing machine.

Operating procedure:

  • We transfer the patterns to pieces of fabric, cut out the details.
  • Then we make ears and sew them to the body of the elephant.
  • Then we sew the rest of the parts, leaving a hole for stuffing, as shown in the diagram.
  • Then we fill the elephant with padding polyester, sew up the hole and sew on the eyes.

Fabric toy ideas

Cat in the technique of "patchwork"

We will need: several multi-colored pieces of any fabric, scissors, pattern paper, floss threads, a sewing machine.

The cat pillow is sewn easily and quickly: according to the scheme, cut out the details of the cat of the size you need on the fabric, sew them together, stuff them with filler and embroider the eyes, nose and mouth. It is not necessary to make the cat striped. You can make it spotty, plain or sew hearts on its back. In any case, he will turn out to be very charming. With such a cute toy, you can not only play with it, but also use it as a pillow.

Kitty with a flower

We will need: a few remnants of fabric in a box or polka dots, pattern paper, a sewing machine, floss threads, beads, buttons and ribbons for decoration.

The order of work: we cut out the details of the cat on the fabric according to the pattern, sew them together, stuff them with padding polyester, sew on the eyes, embroider the mouth and nose. Decorate the cat as you wish. Her neck can be decorated with cute flowers or pretty bows.

Fabric farm

By drawing your own sketches, you can make a whole collection of simple funny animals from colorful scraps.

From the remnants of felt fabric, using boundless imagination, you can sew a fun finger puppet theater.

Whole family of colorful parrots will settle in your house if you decide to sew such patchwork birds with your own hands.

So cute dog will make all your family happy.

After studying our lessons and gaining experience, you can also take a swing at sewing such colorful fun airplanes.

Making toys from scraps with your own hands is an unusually exciting process. We hope that after mastering a few lessons, using our advice and taking your rich imagination as an assistant, you will learn how to create unique toys using the patchwork technique.